Abstracts by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
Целью данного исследования является изучение денежного обращения и введение в научный оборот нуми... more Целью данного исследования является изучение денежного обращения и введение в научный оборот нумизматических фактов и ценных сведений о кладовых комплексах, найденных в г. Дербенте и Дербентском районе Республики Дагестан.
В работе подробно разбирается недавно найденный кладовый комплекс монет династии Суламидов. Публикуемый комплекс найден в южной части г. Дербент в 2023 г.
Нумизматические сведения о начале мусульманского медного чекана в Дербенте (ал-Бабе)., 2023
Международная научная конференция «Исламское историкокультурное наследие Дербента: изучение, сохр... more Международная научная конференция «Исламское историкокультурное наследие Дербента: изучение, сохранение и популяризация» (к 1380-летию ислама в России) г. Москва, «Президент-Отель», 26 октября 2023 г.
В статье публикуются монетные находки из раскопок средневекового мусульманского культового компле... more В статье публикуются монетные находки из раскопок средневекового мусульманского культового комплекса и их анализ.
Papers by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
During rescue excavations in Derbent in 2014, a Muslim ritual complex connected with a water supp... more During rescue excavations in Derbent in 2014, a Muslim ritual complex connected with a water supply system and apparently serving for ritual washing and cleansing was revealed outside the medieval shahristan and near the north defensive wall of the city. In addition to numerous and diverse finds, 57 coins were found, which is obviously due to the nature of the place where coins were left as ‘offerings’ in fulfillment of the vow.
The absolute majority of identified coins (48 items) represent two chronological groups.
The early chronological group (12 items) consists of Umayyad and Abbasid fulus of the 8th century, including the mint of Bab al-abwab (Derbent) and the fulus of the type of the Arran governor Hassan b. Kakhtaba (770—775). Most coins of this group (10 items) were found in a small area (ca. 2 sq. m) in the same stratigraphic position fixing the level of the ancient day surface.
The late chronological group (36 items) includes copper dirhams of Bab al-abwab Sulamids mainly of the mid-12th c. — late 12th c. (13 items), Akhar malik Mahmud b. Pishkin (1211—1226) (7 items), Ildegizids during the reign of Caliph al-Nasir (1180—1225) (8 coins), and Aq Sunqurids (1189—1207) (8 items), including a coin with the name of Ildegizid atabek Kizil Arslan (1186—1191). Eighteen coins of this group were also found in a small area (ca. 4 sq. m) in the same stratigraphic position as those 10 coins of the early group mentioned above.
The whole archaeological assemblage, including coins, indicate that the religious object ceased its functioning in direct association with the invasion of the Mongols led by Jebe and Subutai, the subsequent invasion of Khwarazmshah Jalal ad-Din in the Caucasus, and the conquest of Derbent by Bukdai, a commander of Möngke Khan, in 1239.
This work is dedicated to the study and publication of coins of
Shirvan from the 11th century and... more This work is dedicated to the study and publication of coins of
Shirvan from the 11th century and acquaints readers with previously
unknown information on the coinage of Shirvanshah Ali b. Yazid. The
publication introduces into scientific circulation coins, Numismatic
carriers previously unknown to his chasing 424 AH/1032. In a published
article shows six coins identified type and its graphical reconstructions.
In autumn 2016 in several private collections, the authors identified
coins of Shirvanshah Ali b. Yazid, considered rare, and represent
historical and numismatic interest. For most of these coins is
characterized by weak safety circular legends bearing the indication of
the date and place of minting. In this case, the coins were coinage out the
good silver and carried fragments of good distinct legends. For part of the
coin was able to establish the same stamp issued earlier type, perform it's
fairly complete reconstruction and easily read the inscriptions published
by type: at its shirvanshah coins correctly pointed out the name of the
Abbasid Caliph al-Qa'im AH 422-467/1030-1074. In his reign, the coins
of Shirvan further go from classical kufic dirham. Coins of silver coinage
on the blanks rounded or oblong form. Grayish color and good thickness
marked circles suggest that silver alloy was used with a high degree of
impurity and low plasticity. Technique of minting coins that corresponds
to the neighboring emirate of Shaddadids. Have published a circular type
legend face unspecified place of coinage, only the date. This 424 AH
before, drawing on literary information, most researchers.
CULTURAL HERITAGE OF EURASIA (from the ancientry to our time) People in the flow of history., 2016
В данной работе анализируются серебряные монеты последнего хана Шеки, из которых 20 вводятся в на... more В данной работе анализируются серебряные монеты последнего хана Шеки, из которых 20 вводятся в научное обращение впервые. Обсуждаются общие и частные вопросы монетного чекана времени правления Исмаил-хана и в первые годы по упразднению ханства.
Весной 2015 г. была выявлена монета ширваншаха Кубада б. Йазида, ранее в нумизматической литерату... more Весной 2015 г. была выявлена монета ширваншаха Кубада б. Йазида, ранее в нумизматической литературе не описанная.
Type coins with Mongolian tamga and legend "Kaan al-Adil", Shirvanshah Akhsitan II was considered... more Type coins with Mongolian tamga and legend "Kaan al-Adil", Shirvanshah Akhsitan II was considered to be released, without specifying the date and place of minting. The author has identified three groups of coins bearing the inscription Verso field, specify the date of minting. This type began in legal tender 657 (9) A.H. Date of minting was hidden by staggering the words of hundreds, tens and units on several stamps. Way to conceal the release date is unique to the Shirvanshah dynasty coinage.
A hoard of billon dirhams struck by the rulers of the Shaddādid and Shirwānshāh dynasties and by ... more A hoard of billon dirhams struck by the rulers of the Shaddādid and Shirwānshāh dynasties and by Kwirike III king of Kakheti-Hereti in eastern Georgia was found in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the spring of 2013.
This article is dedicated to the description of a rare copper coin inscribed Shirvanshah Sheykh-I... more This article is dedicated to the description of a rare copper coin inscribed Shirvanshah Sheykh-Ibrahm II (908-930 Gg/1502-1524).
This article describes the political and economic events caused by the second wave of the Safavid... more This article describes the political and economic events caused by the second wave of the Safavid expansion in Shirvan and clarifies the typology of Safavid coins issued in this period in 945-55/1538-49 years.
Drafts by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
A new type of Malik of Derbent coins., 2021
В последнее время, из сетевых источников, стали доступны многие изображения монет, найденные в г.... more В последнее время, из сетевых источников, стали доступны многие изображения монет, найденные в г. Дербенте и Дербентском районе Республики Дагестан. Проводя работу по атрибуции и классификации ранее известных и вновь открытых сведений, удалось выделить новую группу монет, описание которой приводится ниже.
Names and Titles on Shirvanshahs Coins
Дербентский клад монет ширваншахов 2019 ., 2020
Эта публикация рассказывает о кладе, содержащем описание редких и ранее неопубликованных монет ши... more Эта публикация рассказывает о кладе, содержащем описание редких и ранее неопубликованных монет ширваншахов Йазида, б. Ахмада, Кубада б. Йазида, Абу Насра Али б. Ахмада, Салара б. Йазида и Фарибурза б. Салара.
This work is devoted to the study and theoretical justification of the allocation of a separate p... more This work is devoted to the study and theoretical justification of the allocation of a separate period in the numismatic history of Shirvan, named in the report post-Shirvanshah and the new classification of numismatic facts of the allocated period. The considered period is characterized by persistent struggle of representatives of Shirvanshahs dynasty-Derbendi and Safavids. These events have been vividly reflected in the numismatic monuments that have been actively identified recently. According to the author, the abundance of new numismatic facts and the objective difficulties of their interpretation require a revision of the previously widespread ideas about the numismatic and political history of the region.
This work is dedicated to the study and publication of coins of Shirvan from the 16th century. It... more This work is dedicated to the study and publication of coins of Shirvan from the 16th century. It acquaints readers with previously unknown information on coinage last Shirvanshah Burhan 'Ali. Identified by the numismatic facts confirm minting Burhan 'Ali at the mint in Baku (Bakuya) from 946 to 950 AH previously unknown types of coins. With 946 on 947 AH, his chasing was inscribed, and with 948 on 950 AH, his chasing was anonymous. In a published article describes the seven identified new types, their graphic reconstruction and 65 coins data used in this article. Identified by the numismatic facts allow to allow the existence of vassal relations between the Burhan 'Ali and the safavids administration. In addition, I was able to install the denomination described in the work of the coins, probably corresponding to the three accounting dinars to sefevid second and (or) the third western standard.
Данная работа посвящена изучению и публикации монет Ширвана XVI века. Она знакомит читателей с ранее неизвестными сведениями по чеканке последнего ширваншаха Бурхан ’Али. Выявленные нумизматические факты подтверждают чеканку Бурханом ’Али на монетном дворе Баку (Бакуйя) с 946 по 950 г.х. неизвестных ранее типов монет. С 946 по 947 г.х. его чеканка была именная, а с 948 по 950 г.х. его чеканка была уже анонимная. В публикуемой статье приводится описание семи выявленных новых типов, их графическая реконструкция и данные 65 монет, использованные в статье. Выявленные нумизматические факты, позволяют допустить существование вассальных отношений между Бурханом ’Али и сефевидским государством. Кроме того, удалось установить номинал описанных в работе монет, вероятно соответствующий трём счётным динарам сефевидского второго и (или) третьего западного стандарта.
Books by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
Монеты Ширвана и Ширваншахов династии Кесранидов (вторая династия). 330–784 г.х. / 941–1382 гг., 2020
This is the second book where all the historical and numismatic data on the coinage of Shirvan st... more This is the second book where all the historical and numismatic data on the coinage of Shirvan state and Shirvanshah coins of Kesranid dynasty for 454 years. It contains reconstructions of the 306 coins, drawings of 618 coins and 935 coin photos. All the coin types are described in details. Many coins are rare and unique.
This is the first book where all the historical and numismatic data on the coinage of Darband Ami... more This is the first book where all the historical and numismatic data on the coinage of Darband Amirate for seventy years, structured. It contains reconstructions of the forty nine coins, drawings of 184 coins and 181 coin photos. All the coin types are described in details. In the first chapter the history and geography of the Darband Amirate, the history of the Sulamid Amirs (listed on the coins as mailks), their genealogical chart and other supporting information are given. The second chapter is the catalogue of coins of the dynasty.
Abstracts by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
В работе подробно разбирается недавно найденный кладовый комплекс монет династии Суламидов. Публикуемый комплекс найден в южной части г. Дербент в 2023 г.
Papers by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
The absolute majority of identified coins (48 items) represent two chronological groups.
The early chronological group (12 items) consists of Umayyad and Abbasid fulus of the 8th century, including the mint of Bab al-abwab (Derbent) and the fulus of the type of the Arran governor Hassan b. Kakhtaba (770—775). Most coins of this group (10 items) were found in a small area (ca. 2 sq. m) in the same stratigraphic position fixing the level of the ancient day surface.
The late chronological group (36 items) includes copper dirhams of Bab al-abwab Sulamids mainly of the mid-12th c. — late 12th c. (13 items), Akhar malik Mahmud b. Pishkin (1211—1226) (7 items), Ildegizids during the reign of Caliph al-Nasir (1180—1225) (8 coins), and Aq Sunqurids (1189—1207) (8 items), including a coin with the name of Ildegizid atabek Kizil Arslan (1186—1191). Eighteen coins of this group were also found in a small area (ca. 4 sq. m) in the same stratigraphic position as those 10 coins of the early group mentioned above.
The whole archaeological assemblage, including coins, indicate that the religious object ceased its functioning in direct association with the invasion of the Mongols led by Jebe and Subutai, the subsequent invasion of Khwarazmshah Jalal ad-Din in the Caucasus, and the conquest of Derbent by Bukdai, a commander of Möngke Khan, in 1239.
Shirvan from the 11th century and acquaints readers with previously
unknown information on the coinage of Shirvanshah Ali b. Yazid. The
publication introduces into scientific circulation coins, Numismatic
carriers previously unknown to his chasing 424 AH/1032. In a published
article shows six coins identified type and its graphical reconstructions.
In autumn 2016 in several private collections, the authors identified
coins of Shirvanshah Ali b. Yazid, considered rare, and represent
historical and numismatic interest. For most of these coins is
characterized by weak safety circular legends bearing the indication of
the date and place of minting. In this case, the coins were coinage out the
good silver and carried fragments of good distinct legends. For part of the
coin was able to establish the same stamp issued earlier type, perform it's
fairly complete reconstruction and easily read the inscriptions published
by type: at its shirvanshah coins correctly pointed out the name of the
Abbasid Caliph al-Qa'im AH 422-467/1030-1074. In his reign, the coins
of Shirvan further go from classical kufic dirham. Coins of silver coinage
on the blanks rounded or oblong form. Grayish color and good thickness
marked circles suggest that silver alloy was used with a high degree of
impurity and low plasticity. Technique of minting coins that corresponds
to the neighboring emirate of Shaddadids. Have published a circular type
legend face unspecified place of coinage, only the date. This 424 AH
before, drawing on literary information, most researchers.
Drafts by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
Данная работа посвящена изучению и публикации монет Ширвана XVI века. Она знакомит читателей с ранее неизвестными сведениями по чеканке последнего ширваншаха Бурхан ’Али. Выявленные нумизматические факты подтверждают чеканку Бурханом ’Али на монетном дворе Баку (Бакуйя) с 946 по 950 г.х. неизвестных ранее типов монет. С 946 по 947 г.х. его чеканка была именная, а с 948 по 950 г.х. его чеканка была уже анонимная. В публикуемой статье приводится описание семи выявленных новых типов, их графическая реконструкция и данные 65 монет, использованные в статье. Выявленные нумизматические факты, позволяют допустить существование вассальных отношений между Бурханом ’Али и сефевидским государством. Кроме того, удалось установить номинал описанных в работе монет, вероятно соответствующий трём счётным динарам сефевидского второго и (или) третьего западного стандарта.
Books by Gennadiy Vyacheslavovich Zlobin
В работе подробно разбирается недавно найденный кладовый комплекс монет династии Суламидов. Публикуемый комплекс найден в южной части г. Дербент в 2023 г.
The absolute majority of identified coins (48 items) represent two chronological groups.
The early chronological group (12 items) consists of Umayyad and Abbasid fulus of the 8th century, including the mint of Bab al-abwab (Derbent) and the fulus of the type of the Arran governor Hassan b. Kakhtaba (770—775). Most coins of this group (10 items) were found in a small area (ca. 2 sq. m) in the same stratigraphic position fixing the level of the ancient day surface.
The late chronological group (36 items) includes copper dirhams of Bab al-abwab Sulamids mainly of the mid-12th c. — late 12th c. (13 items), Akhar malik Mahmud b. Pishkin (1211—1226) (7 items), Ildegizids during the reign of Caliph al-Nasir (1180—1225) (8 coins), and Aq Sunqurids (1189—1207) (8 items), including a coin with the name of Ildegizid atabek Kizil Arslan (1186—1191). Eighteen coins of this group were also found in a small area (ca. 4 sq. m) in the same stratigraphic position as those 10 coins of the early group mentioned above.
The whole archaeological assemblage, including coins, indicate that the religious object ceased its functioning in direct association with the invasion of the Mongols led by Jebe and Subutai, the subsequent invasion of Khwarazmshah Jalal ad-Din in the Caucasus, and the conquest of Derbent by Bukdai, a commander of Möngke Khan, in 1239.
Shirvan from the 11th century and acquaints readers with previously
unknown information on the coinage of Shirvanshah Ali b. Yazid. The
publication introduces into scientific circulation coins, Numismatic
carriers previously unknown to his chasing 424 AH/1032. In a published
article shows six coins identified type and its graphical reconstructions.
In autumn 2016 in several private collections, the authors identified
coins of Shirvanshah Ali b. Yazid, considered rare, and represent
historical and numismatic interest. For most of these coins is
characterized by weak safety circular legends bearing the indication of
the date and place of minting. In this case, the coins were coinage out the
good silver and carried fragments of good distinct legends. For part of the
coin was able to establish the same stamp issued earlier type, perform it's
fairly complete reconstruction and easily read the inscriptions published
by type: at its shirvanshah coins correctly pointed out the name of the
Abbasid Caliph al-Qa'im AH 422-467/1030-1074. In his reign, the coins
of Shirvan further go from classical kufic dirham. Coins of silver coinage
on the blanks rounded or oblong form. Grayish color and good thickness
marked circles suggest that silver alloy was used with a high degree of
impurity and low plasticity. Technique of minting coins that corresponds
to the neighboring emirate of Shaddadids. Have published a circular type
legend face unspecified place of coinage, only the date. This 424 AH
before, drawing on literary information, most researchers.
Данная работа посвящена изучению и публикации монет Ширвана XVI века. Она знакомит читателей с ранее неизвестными сведениями по чеканке последнего ширваншаха Бурхан ’Али. Выявленные нумизматические факты подтверждают чеканку Бурханом ’Али на монетном дворе Баку (Бакуйя) с 946 по 950 г.х. неизвестных ранее типов монет. С 946 по 947 г.х. его чеканка была именная, а с 948 по 950 г.х. его чеканка была уже анонимная. В публикуемой статье приводится описание семи выявленных новых типов, их графическая реконструкция и данные 65 монет, использованные в статье. Выявленные нумизматические факты, позволяют допустить существование вассальных отношений между Бурханом ’Али и сефевидским государством. Кроме того, удалось установить номинал описанных в работе монет, вероятно соответствующий трём счётным динарам сефевидского второго и (или) третьего западного стандарта.
Shirvan state for 172 years of its final existence stage have been put together,
structured and published. It contains the reconstructions of 151 coins, drawings of
284 coins and 254 coin photos. All the coin types are described in detail. Many coins
are rare and unique.