Phone: +351232480500 Address: Higher School of Technology and Management
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Campus Politécnico Repeses,
3504-510 Viseu - Portugal
Abstract Information sources have long been considered an important variable in understanding con... more Abstract Information sources have long been considered an important variable in understanding consumer purchasing behaviors. Although research on information sources has been performed in a wide range of social disciplines, this variable has never been ...
Towns and cities have always been places where tourism and leisure experiences are constantly pro... more Towns and cities have always been places where tourism and leisure experiences are constantly produced and consumed and a source of special fascination for visitors and tourists (Hall & Page, 2014). The development of tourism generates different degrees of impact on destination places, environments, and on the local population. Understanding resident perception of those impacts is crucial to the successful and sustainable development of tourism (Šegota, Mihalič & Kuščer, 2017). Residents are the most important destination stakeholders and, because of that, they should participate in the planning of sustainable tourism development in order to control the impacts of tourism on the places where they live (Lawton & Weaver, 2015; Garrod, Fyall, Leask & Reid, 2012). As a consequence, it is important to establish awareness of host communities’ experiences, perceptions, and attitudes towards sustainable tourism development, particularly in locations with a small population base (Thompson-Fawcett & McGregor, 2011). Once a community becomes a tourist destination, the lives of its residents become affected. Even though most of the studies conducted on tourism impacts focused on economic, social, and environmental wellbeing, the central question is still the need to understand how community residents perceive the impacts of tourism (Kim, Uysal, & Sirgy, 2013). Another crucial concept regarding sustainable tourism development is place attachment, commonly defined as the emotional bond between an individual and a specific place (Manzo, 2003). However, affection, emotions, and feelings are not the only concepts of place attachment. Cognition and practice are important as well (Low & Altman, 1992; Vorkinn & Riese, 2001). People may feel attached to a place because of emotional and social ties, but also because of the physical aspects of the place (Hidalgo & Hernández, 2001; Lewicka, 2011). Places are above all social constructions and include physical, social, and psychological connotations that help build attachment (Knez, 2014).
This work presents insights on the epidemics, pandemics and virus outbreaks that have occurred th... more This work presents insights on the epidemics, pandemics and virus outbreaks that have occurred throughout the twenty-first century and how those occurrences have affected the tourism industry and the global economy. A brief literature review on health risks in tourism is presented, followed by a clinical perspective to help people understand the differences between endemics, outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics. Then, the study offers a presentation of the most significant pandemics in recent human history and a deep analysis of the COVID-19 disease. Finally, the effects that the different pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks that occurred in the present century had on tourism are explained, and the challenges tourism has to face are presented and discussed.
A cultura do vinho faz parte da história cultural e social de um território, sendo um elemento fu... more A cultura do vinho faz parte da história cultural e social de um território, sendo um elemento fundamental da identidade portuguesa. O cultivo da vinha e o consumo de vinho em Portugal são mais antigos do que a sua própria nacionalidade (Hall & Mitchell, 2000). A Estratégia para o Turismo português (2017) identifica a gastronomia e o vinho como um dos ativos estratégicos qualificadores para o desenvolvimento do turismo nacional. De facto, o enoturismo é um produto turístico emergente e tem um papel cada vez mais importante no desenvolvimento e na promoção das regiões vitivinícolas (Brás, 2010) e tem contribuído para a construção de uma forte imagem de marca para os destinos do vinho intensificando a competição entre eles (Thanh & Kirova, 2018). Este produto tem um potencial de crescimento assinalável. A indústria do turismo espera que o número de enoturistas cresça para quatro milhões até 2020 (Atout France, 2015). Em Portugal este é, igualmente, um mercado em crescimento. Em 2016, ...
A indústria do turismo está a desenvolver-se rapidamente, no entanto, a atenção passou do crescim... more A indústria do turismo está a desenvolver-se rapidamente, no entanto, a atenção passou do crescimento puramente quantitativo para a mudança qualitativa da procura turística. Na verdade, os turistas, nomeadamente os culturais, estão a mudar: eles viajam mais, com orçamentos mais altos, preferem formas de turismo mais holísticas, espirituais e criativas (Richards, 2011). Este segmento turístico exige produtos mais personalizados e autênticos, especialmente o património tangível e intangível dos destinos que visita para recolher experiências mais vívidas (Phipps, 2007). As correntes de mudanças socioculturais atuam como fator de alteração dos padrões de viagem e da escolha turística. A procura de experiências incita à fuga do turismo de massas e à procura de jornadas personalizadas. Neste contexto, o conceito de turismo de rotas desenvolve-se como uma tendência crescente ligando diferentes atrações, promovendo, simultaneamente, o turismo local e a conservação do património, incentivand...
A imagem dos destinos turísticos é um dos principais desafios na investigação contemporânea em tu... more A imagem dos destinos turísticos é um dos principais desafios na investigação contemporânea em turismo (Nicoletta & Servidio, 2012). Apesar desta atualidade, os primeiros estudos sobre a importância da imagem, no desenvolvimento desses lugares, surgiram na década de 70, com Gunn (1972), Hunt (1975) e Mayo e Jarvis (1981). Desde aí, este conceito e a sua influência no comportamento dos turistas tem-se mantido como um dos mais constantes na literatura (Beerli & Martín, 2004; Pike, 2008). De facto, é consensual a importância do papel desempenhado pela imagem no processo de tomada de decisão e, por extensão, na escolha do destino turístico (Beerli & Martín, 2004), mas também na influência que exerce sobre o comportamento e a satisfação (Pike, 2008; Nadeau, Heslop, O’Reilly, & Luk, 2008). Os destinos turísticos possuem uma imagem percecionada pelos viajantes que o diferencia dos outros, impulsionando os comportamentos e atitudes dos turistas (Lee & Lee, 2009). A imagem dos destinos está ...
Cultural tourism in which Storytelling is an important part of is increasingly relevant these day... more Cultural tourism in which Storytelling is an important part of is increasingly relevant these days. Not only because it's a unique product, but also because it fills the gap between residents and tourists, bringing them closer together in a way that traditional tourism would never be able to do. However, the existing information about this subject is still scarce, particularly in the tourist industry. This paper aims to present a conceptual review on Storytelling, as well as to show its importance to tourism.
Os souvenirs, com significados diferentes para cada consumidor, podem ser considerados uma experi... more Os souvenirs, com significados diferentes para cada consumidor, podem ser considerados uma experiência do local visitado, permitindo uma posterior recordação desse mesmo local. Durante as suas viagens, os turistas tendem a comprar memórias tangíveis da visita, algo que perdure no tempo e que os ajude a relembrar o destino visitado e as experiências lá vividas. Muitos turistas sentem que suas viagens não estão completas se não tiverem comprado lembranças. Os souvenirs têm contribuído significativamente para as lojas de produtos turísticos e representam uma boa forma dos turistas experimentarem a cultura local (Lin & Pei-Chuan, 2015). Estudos empíricos têm procurado explorar a área dos souvenirs. Estes têm investigado várias vertentes como o significado das lembranças; compradores de souvenirs; autenticidade das lembranças; perceções dos turistas e intenções/motivações de compra. Este estudo procurou fazer a revisão da literatura na área dos souvenirs como produto turístico e incremen...
O SPA Tourism é atualmente um dos maiores sectores turísticos em crescimento. O SPA Tourism é uma... more O SPA Tourism é atualmente um dos maiores sectores turísticos em crescimento. O SPA Tourism é uma variante do turismo de saúde e bem-estar a que se têm associado conceitos como o bemestar, felicidade, qualidade de vida, práticas holísticas e crenças espirituais. Não obstante, a importância e o crescente interesse sobre turismo de saúde e bem-estar, são ainda escassos os estudos focados em SPA Tourism particularmente no que diz respeito aos determinantes de procura deste tipo de turismo, das principais motivações dos seus utilizadores do perfil do turista mais assíduo, entre outros. Assim, este estudo pretende fazer uma análise conceptual do SPA Tourism, da sua evolução nos últimos 20 anos bem como das motivações subjacentes à sua procura. Especificamente, é proposta uma escala de medição das motivações – SPA TMOTV Scale – que integra oito dimensões de motivação para o consumo de SPA Tourism: (1) rejuvenescimento, (2) socialização e entusiasmo, (3) hedonismo, (4) obsessão com a saúde...
O enoturismo, produto turístico emergente, tem um papel cada vez mais importante no desenvolvimen... more O enoturismo, produto turístico emergente, tem um papel cada vez mais importante no desenvolvimento e na promoção das regiões vitivinícolas (Brás, 2010). O enoturismo nasceu da união de duas indústrias completamente distintas (Hjalager & Richards, 2002): a indústria do vinho que se encontra tipicamente orientada para o produto e para produção do vinho, e o turismo que trabalha em função do turista (Carlsen & Charters, 2004). Apesar da importância deste produto turístico, poucos foram os estudos que se debruçaram sobre as motivações dos enoturistas que procuram os produtos específicos do vinho e gastronomia. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, ainda que de forma teórica, construir uma escala de motivação dos enoturistas – a ENOMOTIVscale.
Objectives | Few studies tried to verify the prerogative that individuals can seek a spiritual fu... more Objectives | Few studies tried to verify the prerogative that individuals can seek a spiritual fullfilment trough tourism (Sharpley & Jepson, 2011). Altough the concept that tourism is a spiritual journey (Willson, 2011), the spiritual dimension is included in new forms of tourism, such as wellness (Smith & Kelly, 2006; Steiner & Reisinger, 2006) or holistic tourism (Smith, 2003). The holistic approach to life is based in a balance between wellbeing in the body, mind and spirit (Smith & Puczkó, 2009). In order to meet the chalenging needs of tourists, holistic tourism offers activities that combine therapies and counselling, pathways to spiritual development, creative enhancement and many other routes to the reconciliation of body, mind and spirit (Smith & Kelly, 2006). The present research project aims to deepen the study of a new form of tourism that is gaining market, especially as a luxury product. It is our aim to analyse the following concepts relating to holistic tourism: mot...
This paper analyzes the influence of technological turbulence, organizational management dynamic ... more This paper analyzes the influence of technological turbulence, organizational management dynamic capability and operational capabilities for innovation on export market effectiveness. Based on the dynamic capability view, we investigate the effect of technological turbulence on organizational management dynamic capability, and how this latter contributes to leverage operational capabilities for innovation in order to benefit performance in export markets. To test the hypotheses, we carry out a structural equation model, using a sample of 471 exporting manufacturers firms that operate from Portugal. The results demonstrate that technological turbulence is an antecedent factor of organizational management dynamic capability, which in turn has a significant impact on the development of firms’ operational capabilities for innovation, specifically innovativeness, innovation strategy, and technological capability. However, the findings only establish that innovation strategy and technolog...
Objectives | Tourism and sports are social phenomena, allowing people to meet and interact. There... more Objectives | Tourism and sports are social phenomena, allowing people to meet and interact. Therefore, they can be an instrument of social and cultural change (Rifai, 2010), receiving great attention from the academic world. Over the last forty years, surf tourism has become a significant part of both, tourism and sports, and particularly part of the adventure tourism industry (Fluker, 2003). “Surf tourism involves people travelling to either domestic locations for a period of time not exceeding six months, or international locations for a period of time not exceeding twelve months, who stay at least one night, and where the active participation in the sport of surfing, where the surfer relies on the power of the wave for forward momentum, is the primary motivation for destination selection” (Fluker, 2003, p. 7). Surf tourism is a new tourism product that improves tourism development in many destinations (Buckley, 2002), being Portugal one of those. In fact, there are many Portugues...
Abstract Information sources have long been considered an important variable in understanding con... more Abstract Information sources have long been considered an important variable in understanding consumer purchasing behaviors. Although research on information sources has been performed in a wide range of social disciplines, this variable has never been ...
Towns and cities have always been places where tourism and leisure experiences are constantly pro... more Towns and cities have always been places where tourism and leisure experiences are constantly produced and consumed and a source of special fascination for visitors and tourists (Hall & Page, 2014). The development of tourism generates different degrees of impact on destination places, environments, and on the local population. Understanding resident perception of those impacts is crucial to the successful and sustainable development of tourism (Šegota, Mihalič & Kuščer, 2017). Residents are the most important destination stakeholders and, because of that, they should participate in the planning of sustainable tourism development in order to control the impacts of tourism on the places where they live (Lawton & Weaver, 2015; Garrod, Fyall, Leask & Reid, 2012). As a consequence, it is important to establish awareness of host communities’ experiences, perceptions, and attitudes towards sustainable tourism development, particularly in locations with a small population base (Thompson-Fawcett & McGregor, 2011). Once a community becomes a tourist destination, the lives of its residents become affected. Even though most of the studies conducted on tourism impacts focused on economic, social, and environmental wellbeing, the central question is still the need to understand how community residents perceive the impacts of tourism (Kim, Uysal, & Sirgy, 2013). Another crucial concept regarding sustainable tourism development is place attachment, commonly defined as the emotional bond between an individual and a specific place (Manzo, 2003). However, affection, emotions, and feelings are not the only concepts of place attachment. Cognition and practice are important as well (Low & Altman, 1992; Vorkinn & Riese, 2001). People may feel attached to a place because of emotional and social ties, but also because of the physical aspects of the place (Hidalgo & Hernández, 2001; Lewicka, 2011). Places are above all social constructions and include physical, social, and psychological connotations that help build attachment (Knez, 2014).
This work presents insights on the epidemics, pandemics and virus outbreaks that have occurred th... more This work presents insights on the epidemics, pandemics and virus outbreaks that have occurred throughout the twenty-first century and how those occurrences have affected the tourism industry and the global economy. A brief literature review on health risks in tourism is presented, followed by a clinical perspective to help people understand the differences between endemics, outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics. Then, the study offers a presentation of the most significant pandemics in recent human history and a deep analysis of the COVID-19 disease. Finally, the effects that the different pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks that occurred in the present century had on tourism are explained, and the challenges tourism has to face are presented and discussed.
A cultura do vinho faz parte da história cultural e social de um território, sendo um elemento fu... more A cultura do vinho faz parte da história cultural e social de um território, sendo um elemento fundamental da identidade portuguesa. O cultivo da vinha e o consumo de vinho em Portugal são mais antigos do que a sua própria nacionalidade (Hall & Mitchell, 2000). A Estratégia para o Turismo português (2017) identifica a gastronomia e o vinho como um dos ativos estratégicos qualificadores para o desenvolvimento do turismo nacional. De facto, o enoturismo é um produto turístico emergente e tem um papel cada vez mais importante no desenvolvimento e na promoção das regiões vitivinícolas (Brás, 2010) e tem contribuído para a construção de uma forte imagem de marca para os destinos do vinho intensificando a competição entre eles (Thanh & Kirova, 2018). Este produto tem um potencial de crescimento assinalável. A indústria do turismo espera que o número de enoturistas cresça para quatro milhões até 2020 (Atout France, 2015). Em Portugal este é, igualmente, um mercado em crescimento. Em 2016, ...
A indústria do turismo está a desenvolver-se rapidamente, no entanto, a atenção passou do crescim... more A indústria do turismo está a desenvolver-se rapidamente, no entanto, a atenção passou do crescimento puramente quantitativo para a mudança qualitativa da procura turística. Na verdade, os turistas, nomeadamente os culturais, estão a mudar: eles viajam mais, com orçamentos mais altos, preferem formas de turismo mais holísticas, espirituais e criativas (Richards, 2011). Este segmento turístico exige produtos mais personalizados e autênticos, especialmente o património tangível e intangível dos destinos que visita para recolher experiências mais vívidas (Phipps, 2007). As correntes de mudanças socioculturais atuam como fator de alteração dos padrões de viagem e da escolha turística. A procura de experiências incita à fuga do turismo de massas e à procura de jornadas personalizadas. Neste contexto, o conceito de turismo de rotas desenvolve-se como uma tendência crescente ligando diferentes atrações, promovendo, simultaneamente, o turismo local e a conservação do património, incentivand...
A imagem dos destinos turísticos é um dos principais desafios na investigação contemporânea em tu... more A imagem dos destinos turísticos é um dos principais desafios na investigação contemporânea em turismo (Nicoletta & Servidio, 2012). Apesar desta atualidade, os primeiros estudos sobre a importância da imagem, no desenvolvimento desses lugares, surgiram na década de 70, com Gunn (1972), Hunt (1975) e Mayo e Jarvis (1981). Desde aí, este conceito e a sua influência no comportamento dos turistas tem-se mantido como um dos mais constantes na literatura (Beerli & Martín, 2004; Pike, 2008). De facto, é consensual a importância do papel desempenhado pela imagem no processo de tomada de decisão e, por extensão, na escolha do destino turístico (Beerli & Martín, 2004), mas também na influência que exerce sobre o comportamento e a satisfação (Pike, 2008; Nadeau, Heslop, O’Reilly, & Luk, 2008). Os destinos turísticos possuem uma imagem percecionada pelos viajantes que o diferencia dos outros, impulsionando os comportamentos e atitudes dos turistas (Lee & Lee, 2009). A imagem dos destinos está ...
Cultural tourism in which Storytelling is an important part of is increasingly relevant these day... more Cultural tourism in which Storytelling is an important part of is increasingly relevant these days. Not only because it's a unique product, but also because it fills the gap between residents and tourists, bringing them closer together in a way that traditional tourism would never be able to do. However, the existing information about this subject is still scarce, particularly in the tourist industry. This paper aims to present a conceptual review on Storytelling, as well as to show its importance to tourism.
Os souvenirs, com significados diferentes para cada consumidor, podem ser considerados uma experi... more Os souvenirs, com significados diferentes para cada consumidor, podem ser considerados uma experiência do local visitado, permitindo uma posterior recordação desse mesmo local. Durante as suas viagens, os turistas tendem a comprar memórias tangíveis da visita, algo que perdure no tempo e que os ajude a relembrar o destino visitado e as experiências lá vividas. Muitos turistas sentem que suas viagens não estão completas se não tiverem comprado lembranças. Os souvenirs têm contribuído significativamente para as lojas de produtos turísticos e representam uma boa forma dos turistas experimentarem a cultura local (Lin & Pei-Chuan, 2015). Estudos empíricos têm procurado explorar a área dos souvenirs. Estes têm investigado várias vertentes como o significado das lembranças; compradores de souvenirs; autenticidade das lembranças; perceções dos turistas e intenções/motivações de compra. Este estudo procurou fazer a revisão da literatura na área dos souvenirs como produto turístico e incremen...
O SPA Tourism é atualmente um dos maiores sectores turísticos em crescimento. O SPA Tourism é uma... more O SPA Tourism é atualmente um dos maiores sectores turísticos em crescimento. O SPA Tourism é uma variante do turismo de saúde e bem-estar a que se têm associado conceitos como o bemestar, felicidade, qualidade de vida, práticas holísticas e crenças espirituais. Não obstante, a importância e o crescente interesse sobre turismo de saúde e bem-estar, são ainda escassos os estudos focados em SPA Tourism particularmente no que diz respeito aos determinantes de procura deste tipo de turismo, das principais motivações dos seus utilizadores do perfil do turista mais assíduo, entre outros. Assim, este estudo pretende fazer uma análise conceptual do SPA Tourism, da sua evolução nos últimos 20 anos bem como das motivações subjacentes à sua procura. Especificamente, é proposta uma escala de medição das motivações – SPA TMOTV Scale – que integra oito dimensões de motivação para o consumo de SPA Tourism: (1) rejuvenescimento, (2) socialização e entusiasmo, (3) hedonismo, (4) obsessão com a saúde...
O enoturismo, produto turístico emergente, tem um papel cada vez mais importante no desenvolvimen... more O enoturismo, produto turístico emergente, tem um papel cada vez mais importante no desenvolvimento e na promoção das regiões vitivinícolas (Brás, 2010). O enoturismo nasceu da união de duas indústrias completamente distintas (Hjalager & Richards, 2002): a indústria do vinho que se encontra tipicamente orientada para o produto e para produção do vinho, e o turismo que trabalha em função do turista (Carlsen & Charters, 2004). Apesar da importância deste produto turístico, poucos foram os estudos que se debruçaram sobre as motivações dos enoturistas que procuram os produtos específicos do vinho e gastronomia. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, ainda que de forma teórica, construir uma escala de motivação dos enoturistas – a ENOMOTIVscale.
Objectives | Few studies tried to verify the prerogative that individuals can seek a spiritual fu... more Objectives | Few studies tried to verify the prerogative that individuals can seek a spiritual fullfilment trough tourism (Sharpley & Jepson, 2011). Altough the concept that tourism is a spiritual journey (Willson, 2011), the spiritual dimension is included in new forms of tourism, such as wellness (Smith & Kelly, 2006; Steiner & Reisinger, 2006) or holistic tourism (Smith, 2003). The holistic approach to life is based in a balance between wellbeing in the body, mind and spirit (Smith & Puczkó, 2009). In order to meet the chalenging needs of tourists, holistic tourism offers activities that combine therapies and counselling, pathways to spiritual development, creative enhancement and many other routes to the reconciliation of body, mind and spirit (Smith & Kelly, 2006). The present research project aims to deepen the study of a new form of tourism that is gaining market, especially as a luxury product. It is our aim to analyse the following concepts relating to holistic tourism: mot...
This paper analyzes the influence of technological turbulence, organizational management dynamic ... more This paper analyzes the influence of technological turbulence, organizational management dynamic capability and operational capabilities for innovation on export market effectiveness. Based on the dynamic capability view, we investigate the effect of technological turbulence on organizational management dynamic capability, and how this latter contributes to leverage operational capabilities for innovation in order to benefit performance in export markets. To test the hypotheses, we carry out a structural equation model, using a sample of 471 exporting manufacturers firms that operate from Portugal. The results demonstrate that technological turbulence is an antecedent factor of organizational management dynamic capability, which in turn has a significant impact on the development of firms’ operational capabilities for innovation, specifically innovativeness, innovation strategy, and technological capability. However, the findings only establish that innovation strategy and technolog...
Objectives | Tourism and sports are social phenomena, allowing people to meet and interact. There... more Objectives | Tourism and sports are social phenomena, allowing people to meet and interact. Therefore, they can be an instrument of social and cultural change (Rifai, 2010), receiving great attention from the academic world. Over the last forty years, surf tourism has become a significant part of both, tourism and sports, and particularly part of the adventure tourism industry (Fluker, 2003). “Surf tourism involves people travelling to either domestic locations for a period of time not exceeding six months, or international locations for a period of time not exceeding twelve months, who stay at least one night, and where the active participation in the sport of surfing, where the surfer relies on the power of the wave for forward momentum, is the primary motivation for destination selection” (Fluker, 2003, p. 7). Surf tourism is a new tourism product that improves tourism development in many destinations (Buckley, 2002), being Portugal one of those. In fact, there are many Portugues...
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Breaking Old Barriers for a New World Mobilizing Tourism Intelligence to Survive, 2020
Since its first classification in 1978, World Heritage Sites (WHS) and tourism have shared a long... more Since its first classification in 1978, World Heritage Sites (WHS) and tourism have shared a long and common history, since these places are recognized as icons and are highly valued as tourism destinations by the international community. As predicted by Russell Train, a mentor to the World Heritage Convention, the “World Heritage” classification would be eagerly sought and the sites identified would become “five-star” world attractions and play a huge role in the fast expansion of the tourism business (Rao, 2010). WHS are extremely important tourism destinations, increasingly sought by tourists who want to experience authentic places, with strong historical and cultural roots related to the community and the territory (NCDOT, 2000).
Cultural heritage is an expression of the ways of life developed by a community and passed down f... more Cultural heritage is an expression of the ways of life developed by a community and passed down from generation to generation and includes customs, practices, places, objects of expression and artistic value (Vinuesa & Torralba 2010). From a human, social and cultural perspective, a World Heritage Site (WHS) is much more than a collection of buildings representing the accumulation of cultures and traditions and the heritage values that these cultures have produced or reused. WHS are important places made of people: residents, communities, visitors, tourists (Su & Wall, 2014).
Specifically in WHSs that are inhabited or fully functioning, the relations between residents or users and visitors and tourists are especially complex. In addition, the connections those the different players established with the place itself are multifaceted (Williams & Vaske, 2003). Place attachment represents the feelings that people create with the places they live, visit or work in (Yuksel et al., 2010). Therefore, the connections that people develop with places is a complex phenomenon involving social, psychological, and cultural interpretations, as well as meanings built on individual-place interaction (Seabra et al., 2013).
In this context, the main goal of this paper is to analyze the place-attachment that two different players – users and visitors – develop with a WHS fully functioning, the University of Coimbra. Using a survey approach, it was possible to analyze and compare the six dimensions of place attachment: identity, dependence, memory, familiarity, belongingness and rootedness (Hammitt et al., 2009; Lewicka, 2008) that users (students and workers) and visitors develop with this WHS.
This is one of the few studies, to our knowledge, comparing place-attachment of users and visitors in a WHS fully functioning. The selection of a strategy for tourism depends on how the different players connect with the tourism destinations, mainly in the current days when overtourism becomes an important topic to the destinations sustainability. Managers and tourism national entities may use this framework to develop and implement better strategies to increase the value social and economic associated with WHS and tourism destinations.
8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC) Marketing for more sustainable and collaborative tourism Namur, Belgium, 2019
In World Heritage Sites that are inhabited or fully functioning, the relations between residents
... more In World Heritage Sites that are inhabited or fully functioning, the relations between residents or users and visitors and tourists are especially complex. The connections those different players establish with the place itself is multifaceted. The current research paradigm reinforces the importance of studying and understanding the subjective, emotional, and symbolic meanings that individuals attach to places (Williams & Vaske, 2003). The main goal of this paper is to analyze the place-attachment that two different players – users and visitors – develop with a World Heritage Site fully functioning, the University of Coimbra, UNESCO WHS since 2013 (UNESCO, 2019). Using a survey approach, it was possible to analyze and compare the six dimensions of place attachment: identity, dependence, memory, familiarity, belongingness and rootedness (Hammitt, Kyle, & Oh, 2009; Lewicka, 2008) that users (students and workers) and visitors develop with this WHS. The discussion centers on the implications for science and management.
As predicted by Russell Train, a mentor to the World Heritage Convention, the "World Heritage" cl... more As predicted by Russell Train, a mentor to the World Heritage Convention, the "World Heritage" classification would be eagerly sought, and the sites identified would become "five-star" world attractions (Rao, 2010). World Heritage Sites (WHS) are extremely important tourism segment, in great expansion and increasingly sought by tourists who want to experience authentic places, with strong historical and cultural roots related to the community and the territory (NCDOT 2000).
WHS are treasures that belong to everyone to which is recognized the authenticity that differentiates them from other places, making them unique (Turok 2009), attributing to those sites a universal (Naoi 2004, Kolar & Zabkar 2010) and cultural value (McKercher and Du Cros 2003) which is one of the most important tourist demand factors (Yeoman, Brass, & Mcmahon-Beatie, 2007). In fact, tourism management and marketing see the World Heritage classification as seal of authenticity that is turning into an important brand and a fundamental element in tourism (Yeoman, et al., 2007). Heritage and culture contribute to the attractiveness of tourism destinations, inviting tourists who seek to experience personally rewarding and enriching experiences (Zeppel & Hall, 1992).
In WHS the residents have a crucial role since they are the protagonists of tourists’ immersion in experiences that are intended to be unique and authentic (Ashworth & Tunbridge, 2000) when they relate with the tourists and perform storytelling experiences giving meaning to the place (Tung & Ritchie, 2011). However, the authenticity of WHS is faced in different ways by residents/users and visitors/tourists. Residents/users have a constructive perception of authenticity connected with cultural and social references, instead visitors/tourists have a more existential perspective that is linked with their enjoyment and entertainment (Richards, 2007).
From this point of view the main goal of this paper is to compare the authenticity perceived by residents/users and visitors/tourists in the University of Coimbra as a WHS. From a database of 2000 users and visitors it was possible to conclude the authenticity attributed to the object and the experience that those two very different players have regarding the WHS. The results allowed to draw significant implications for science and management.
O contacto próximo com o Turismo da Universidade de Coimbra permitiu, ao Grupo de Trabalho, confi... more O contacto próximo com o Turismo da Universidade de Coimbra permitiu, ao Grupo de Trabalho, confirmar que as potencialidades existentes na oferta material e intangível são muitas e capazes de transformar o produto Turismo da Universidade de Coimbra (TUC) numa das mais bem estruturadas ofertas a visitantes e turistas, tanto no âmbito regional como no nacional.
Papers by Claudia Seabra
Specifically in WHSs that are inhabited or fully functioning, the relations between residents or users and visitors and tourists are especially complex. In addition, the connections those the different players established with the place itself are multifaceted (Williams & Vaske, 2003). Place attachment represents the feelings that people create with the places they live, visit or work in (Yuksel et al., 2010). Therefore, the connections that people develop with places is a complex phenomenon involving social, psychological, and cultural interpretations, as well as meanings built on individual-place interaction (Seabra et al., 2013).
In this context, the main goal of this paper is to analyze the place-attachment that two different players – users and visitors – develop with a WHS fully functioning, the University of Coimbra. Using a survey approach, it was possible to analyze and compare the six dimensions of place attachment: identity, dependence, memory, familiarity, belongingness and rootedness (Hammitt et al., 2009; Lewicka, 2008) that users (students and workers) and visitors develop with this WHS.
This is one of the few studies, to our knowledge, comparing place-attachment of users and visitors in a WHS fully functioning. The selection of a strategy for tourism depends on how the different players connect with the tourism destinations, mainly in the current days when overtourism becomes an important topic to the destinations sustainability. Managers and tourism national entities may use this framework to develop and implement better strategies to increase the value social and economic associated with WHS and tourism destinations.
or users and visitors and tourists are especially complex. The connections those different players
establish with the place itself is multifaceted. The current research paradigm reinforces the
importance of studying and understanding the subjective, emotional, and symbolic meanings
that individuals attach to places (Williams & Vaske, 2003).
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the place-attachment that two different players – users
and visitors – develop with a World Heritage Site fully functioning, the University of Coimbra,
UNESCO WHS since 2013 (UNESCO, 2019). Using a survey approach, it was possible to
analyze and compare the six dimensions of place attachment: identity, dependence, memory,
familiarity, belongingness and rootedness (Hammitt, Kyle, & Oh, 2009; Lewicka, 2008) that
users (students and workers) and visitors develop with this WHS. The discussion centers on the
implications for science and management.
WHS are treasures that belong to everyone to which is recognized the authenticity that differentiates them from other places, making them unique (Turok 2009), attributing to those sites a universal (Naoi 2004, Kolar & Zabkar 2010) and cultural value (McKercher and Du Cros 2003) which is one of the most important tourist demand factors (Yeoman, Brass, & Mcmahon-Beatie, 2007). In fact, tourism management and marketing see the World Heritage classification as seal of authenticity that is turning into an important brand and a fundamental element in tourism (Yeoman, et al., 2007). Heritage and culture contribute to the attractiveness of tourism destinations, inviting tourists who seek to experience personally rewarding and enriching experiences (Zeppel & Hall, 1992).
In WHS the residents have a crucial role since they are the protagonists of tourists’ immersion in experiences that are intended to be unique and authentic (Ashworth & Tunbridge, 2000) when they relate with the tourists and perform storytelling experiences giving meaning to the place (Tung & Ritchie, 2011). However, the authenticity of WHS is faced in different ways by residents/users and visitors/tourists. Residents/users have a constructive perception of authenticity connected with cultural and social references, instead visitors/tourists have a more existential perspective that is linked with their enjoyment and entertainment (Richards, 2007).
From this point of view the main goal of this paper is to compare the authenticity perceived by residents/users and visitors/tourists in the University of Coimbra as a WHS. From a database of 2000 users and visitors it was possible to conclude the authenticity attributed to the object and the experience that those two very different players have regarding the WHS. The results allowed to draw significant implications for science and management.