Wingo Nice
Wingo Nice
Wingo Nice
EN - For more information on the use of the products Wingo WG2024 Wingo WG2024: consulte los datos del modelo WG4024;
and Wingo WG3524 refer to the instruction manual “Wingo WG4024- Wingo WG3524: consulte los datos del modelo WG5024.
WG5024-WG4000 -WG5000”.
Wingo WG2024: refer to data of model WG4024;
Wingo WG3524: refer to data of model WG5024. DE - Zur Anwendung der Produkte Wingo WG2024 und Wingo
WG3524 beziehen Sie sich bitte auf die Gebrauchsanleitung “Win-
go WG4024-WG5024-WG4000 -WG5000”.
IT - Per l’impiego deii prodotti Wingo WG2024 e Wingo WG3524 fare Wingo WG2024: Bezugnahme auf die Daten des Modells WG4024;
riferimento al manuale istruzioni “Wingo WG4024-WG5024-WG4000 -
WG5000”. Wingo WG3524: Bezugnahme auf die Daten des Modells WG5024.
Wingo WG2024: fare riferimento ai dati del modello WG4024;
Wingo WG3524: fare riferimento ai dati del modello WG5024. PL - Podczas stosowania urządzeń Wingo WG2024 i Wingo WG3524
należy odwołać się do instrukcji obsługi “Wingo WG4024-WG5024-
WG4000 -WG5000”.
FR - Pour l’utilisation des produits Wingo WG2024 et Wingo WG3524 Wingo WG2024: Odwołać się do danych modelu WG4024;
se référer au guide d’instructions « Wingo WG4024-WG5024-WG4000
-WG5000 ». Wingo WG3524: Odwołać się do danych modelu WG5024.
Wingo WG2024 : se référer aux données du modèle WG4024 ;
Wingo WG3524 : se référer aux données du modèle WG5024.
NL - Voor informatie over het gebruik van de producten Wingo WG2024
en Wingo WG3524 gelieve u de handleiding “Wingo WG4024-WG5024-
WG4000 -WG5000” te raadplegen.
ES - Para utilizar los productos Wingo WG2024 y Wingo WG3524
consulte el manual de instrucciones “Wingo WG4024-WG5024- Wingo WG2024: raadpleeg de gegevens van het model WG4024;
WG4000 -WG5000”. Wingo WG3524: raadpleeg de gegevens van het model WG5024.
Il sottoscritto Lauro Buoro in qualità di Amministratore Delegato, dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che il prodotto / The undersigned Lauro Buoro, managing director, declares under his sole responsibility
that the following product:
Nome produttore / Manufacturer’s name: NICE s.p.a.
Indirizzo / Address: Via Pezza Alta 13, Z.I. Rustignè, 31046 Oderzo (TV) Italy
Tipo / Type: Motoriduttore elettromeccanico 24 Vd.c. / 24Vdc Electromechanical gearmotor
Modelli / Models: WG3524, WG2024
Accessori / Accessory:
Risulta conforme a quanto previsto dalle seguenti direttive comunitarie / conforms with the requirements of the following EC directives::
• 98/37/CE (89/392/CEE modificata) DIRETTIVA 98/37/CE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 22 giugno 1998 concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alle
macchine / 98/37/EC (89/392/EEC amended); DIRECTIVE 98/37/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of 22 June 1998 regarding the approximation of member state legislation relating to
Come previsto dalla direttiva 98/37/CE si avverte che non è consentita la messa in servizio del prodotto sopra indicato finché la macchina, in cui il prodotto è incorporato, non sia stata identificata e dichiarata
conforme alla direttiva 98/37/CE. / As established in directive 98/37/EC, the above-mentioned product may not be started up unless the machine in which the product is incorporated has been identified and
declared as conforming to directive 98/37/EC.
Inoltre il prodotto risulta conforme a quanto previsto dalle seguenti direttive comunitarie, così come modificate dalla Direttiva 93/68/CEE del consiglio del 22 Luglio 1993 / Satisfies the essential requirements of
the following Directives, as amended by the directive 93/68/EEC of the European Council of 22nd July 1993:
• 2006/95/CEE(ex direttiva 73/23/CE) DIRETTIVA 2006/95/CE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 12 dicembre 2006 concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri rela-
tive al materiale elettrico destinato ad essere adoperato entro taluni limiti di tensione / 2006/95/EEC (ex directive 73/23/EEC); DIRECTIVE 2006/95/EEC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of
12 December 2006 regarding the approximation of member state legislation relating to electrical material intended for use within specific voltage limits
Secondo le seguenti norme armonizzate / According to the following harmonised standards: EN 60335-1:1994+A11:1995+A1:1996+A12:1996 +A13:1998+A14:1998+A15:2000+A2:2000+A16:2001
• 2004/108/CEE(ex direttiva 89/336/CEE) DIRETTIVA 2004/108/CE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 15 dicembre 2004 concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri
relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica e che abroga la direttiva 89/336/CEE / 2004/108/EEC (ex directive 89/336/EEC); DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EEC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of
15 December 2004 regarding the approximation of member state legislation relating to electromagnetic compatibility, repealing directive 89/336/EEC
Secondo le seguenti norme armonizzate / According to the following harmonised standards: EN 61000-6-2:2005; EN 61000-6-3:2001+A11:2004
Inoltre risulta conforme; limitatamente per le parti applicabili, alle seguenti norme / The product also complies with the applicable parts of the following standards:
EN 60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A11:2004+A12:2006+ A2:2006, EN 60335-2-103:2003, EN 13241-1:2003; EN 12453:2002; EN 12445:2002; EN 12978:2003
Fig. 1 shows all the components provided in the package (according to the
model chosen):
[a] - electromechanical gear motor
[b] - front bracket (for fixing the gear motor to the gate leaf)
[c] - rear bracket and plate (for fixing the gear motor to the wall)
[d] - metal parts (screws, washers, etc.)
[e] - keys to manually unlock the gear motor
The mechanical limit switch allows to set the stop position of the gate leaf, in
be similar to allow linear movement of the automation. this way, it is not necessary to use the stop blocks and the leaf does not hit
01. Measure dimension C (fig. 4) on the fixing side; against these at the end of the manoeuvre.
02. On graph 2, identify dimension C found and trace a horizontal line that
determines the value of dimension B (*) as shown in the example of fig. 5; WARNING – In the event of applications with a gate equipped with open-
the meeting point with line “r.i.l” (installation line recommended) determines ing towards the outside (fig. 7) it is necessary to invert the power supply
the value of the angle of maximum opening. From this point, trace a verti- wires. Set the limit switch in Opening of the gear motor as follows:
cal line as shown in the example of fig. 5 to determine the value of dimen- 01. Unblock the gear motor as shown in fig. 14;
sion A. 02. Loosen the mechanical stop screw;
If the angle found does not correspond to the requirements, adapt dimen- 03. Bring the gate leaf manually to the Open position required;
sion A and if necessary dimension B, so they are similar.
04. Then, bring the mechanical stop to the end of the pin and block the screw
03. Before being fixed to the wall the bracket must be sealed to the specific fix- (fig. 11).
ing plate (fig. 6); if necessary the bracket can be cut adapting values of
05. Bring the leaf manually to the Close position and block the gear motor.
dimensions A and B.
Note – The rear bracket provided with the gearmotor has a length of 150
mm; in the case of special applications or an outward opening gate (fig. 7)
the bracket model PLA6 (optional accessory) may be used.
CAUTION! – Before securing the rear bracket, check the fixing zone
of the front bracket is in a solid part of the leaf, as this bracket must
be fixed at a different height of the rear bracket (fig. 8).
04. At this point, fix the bracket using dowels, screws and washers required
(not supplied). CAUTION!
– A wrong connection can cause faults or danger; therefore follow
3.5.2 – Installation of front fixing bracket scrupulously the connections set out.
The front bracket must be fixed to the gate leaf respecting the values of dimen- – Perform the connection operations when the electricity is off.
sions D and E (Fig. 4).
To connect the gear motor to the control unit, proceed as follows:
Note – The front bracket provided with the gearmotor must be welded directly
onto the gate leaf. If this is not possible, use the bracket model PLA8 (optional 01. Remove the lid of the gear motor as shown in fig. 12;
accessory) 02. Slacken the gearmotor cable clamp, thread the connecting cable through
the hole and connect the three electric wires as shown in fig. 13;
01. Establish the value of dimension E using Table 1;
03. Replace lid on gear motor.
02. Establish the height in which to position the front bracket, referring to fig. 8;
03. Fix the bracket to the solid part of the gate leaf.
To check the connections, direction of rotation of the motor, phase shift in the
movement of the leaves and setting the limit switch, refer to the instructions
manual of the control unit.
Model: WG4024-WG4000-WG4000/V1 WG5024-WG5000-WG5000/V1 IMPORTANT – With a gate configured with opening towards the outside invert
the power supply wires with respect to the standard installation.
D (mm): 700 850
A (mm) E (mm)
100 600 750
110 590 740
120 580 730
130 570 720
140 560 710
160 540 690
170 530 680
This is the most important phase in realising the automation to guarantee max-
180 520 670 imum safety. The inspection can be used also to periodically check the devices
190 510 660 which make up the automatism.
200 500 650 The inspection of the entire system must be performed by expert and
210 490 640 qualified staff who must take responsibility of the tests requested, depending
on the risk involved and to check compliance of what is set out by laws, rules
220 480 630
and regulations and in particular all the requirements of regulation EN 12445
230 470 620 which establishes the testing methods to verify gate automatisms.
240 610
250 600 Inspection
260 590 Each single component of the automatism, for example sensitive edges, pho-
270 580 tocells, emergency shutdowns, etc. requires a specific inspection phase; for
280 570 these devices follow the procedures shown in the respective instruction manu-
als. For inspection of the gear motor follow the operations below:
01. Check that everything in this manual and in particular in chapter 1 has
3.5.3 – Installation of the gear motor on the fixing brackets been rigorously complied with;
• Installing the gear motor on the rear bracket: 02. Unblock the gear motor as shown in fig. 14;
01. Fix the gear motor to the bracket as shown in fig. 9 using the screw, 03. Check it is possible to manually move the leaf when opening and closing
washer and nut supplied; with a force no greater than 390N (approx. 40 kg);
02. Tighten the nut to the end and then loosen by 1/10 of a turn to allow min- 04. Block the gear motor and connect the electrical power supply;
imum clearance between the parts. 05. Using the control or shutdown devices envisaged (key selector switch,
control buttons or radio transmitters), perform a number of opening, clos-
• Installing the gear motor on the front bracket: ing and stopping tests of the gate and check it behaves as it should;
01. Fix the gear motor to the bracket as shown in fig. 10 using the screw, 06. Check the correct operation of all the safety devices one by one in the sys-
washer and nut supplied; tem (photocells, sensitive edges, emergency shutdown, etc.) and check
02. Tighten the screw to the end. the gate behaves as it should;
03. Fix the label provided in the package, dealing with the unblocking and 07. Command a closing manoeuvre and check the force of the impact of the
blocking operations of the gear motor, permanently close to the gear motor leaf against the end of the mechanical limit switch. If necessary, try to
unload the pressure, finding a setting which gives better results;
08. If the dangerous situations caused by the movement of the leaf have been
protected by limiting the force of impact the force must be measured as
required by regulation EN 12445;
Note – The gear motor is not provided with torque setting devices, such regu-
lations are done by the Control unit.
2 – English
Putting into operation
This can occur only after having performed, with positive results, all the inspec- DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT
tion phases of the gear motor and other devices present. To put it into opera-
tion refer to the instructions manual of the control unit.
IMPORTANT – It is forbidden to put into partial or provisional operation. This product is an integral part of the automation, and therefore, they
must be disposed of together.
As for the installation operations, at the end of the life of this product, the dis-
mantling operations must be performed by qualified personnel.
This product is made from different types of materials: some can be recycled,
others must be disposed of. Please inform yourselves on the recycling or dis-
posal systems provided for by the laws in force in your area, for this category of
To keep the level of safety consistent and to guarantee maximum life of the CAUTION! – some parts of the product can contain polluting or dangerous
entire automation it is necessary to maintain it regularly. substances which, if dispersed in the environment, may cause serious harm to
The maintenance must be performed in line with the safety instructions of this the environment and human health.
manual and according to what is set out by the laws and regulations in force.
As indicated by the symbol at the side, it is forbidden to throw
For the gear motor a programmed maintenance within no more than 6 months
this product into domestic refuse. Therefore, follow the “sepa-
is required.
rated collection” instructions for disposal, according to the
Maintenance operations: methods provided for by local regulations in force, or redeliver
01. Disconnect any sources of electricity. the product to the retailer at the moment of purchase of a new,
02. Check the status of deterioration of all the materials which make up the equivalent product.
automation with particular attention to signs of erosion or oxidation of the CAUTION! – the regulations in force at local level may envisage heavy sanc-
structural parts: replace the parts which do not provide sufficient guaran- tions in case of abusive disposal of this product.
03. Check the screw connections are sufficiently tight.
04. Check the bolt and endless screw are suitably greased.
05. Check the wear of the moving parts and, if necessary, replace used parts.
06. Reconnect the sources of electrical power and perform all the tests and
checks envisaged in chapter 5.
For the other devices present in the system refer to the individual instruction
CAUTIONS: • The technical features set out refer to an ambient temperature of 20°C (± 5°C). • Nice S.p.a. reserves the right to make alterations to the product
any time it deems it necessary, keeping the same functionality and destination of use.
English – 3
Durability of the product
Durability is the average economic life of the product. The value of durability is
strongly influenced by the demand index of the manoeuvres performed by the 125.000
automatism: that is the sum of all the factors which contribute to the wear of
the product (see Table 2).
cycles of manoeuvres
To establish the probable durability of your automatism proceed as follows:
01. Calculate the demand index summing the values in percentage of the
entries present in Table 2 to each other; 75.000
02. In Graph A, from the value just found, trace a vertical line until you intersect
the curve; from this point trace a horizontal line to cross the line of “cycles of
manoeuvres”. The value established is the estimated durability of your product. 50.000
TABLE 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Note - The content of the present declaration corresponds to the latest available revision, before the printing of the present manual, of the document registered at the head
offices of Nice S.p.a. The present text has been readapted for publishing reasons.
The undersigned Lauro Buoro, managing director, declares under his sole responsibility that the following product:
Manufacturer’s name: NICE s.p.a.
Address: Via Pezza Alta 13, Z.I. Rustignè, 31046 Oderzo (TV) Italy
Type: Electromechanical operator “WINGO” for swing gates
Models: WG4000, WG4000/V1, WG5000, WG5000/V1, WG4024, WG5024
Accessory: No accessory
Satisfies the essential requirements of the following Directives, as amended by the directive 93/68/EEC of the European Council of 22nd July 1993:
• 2006/95/EEC (ex directive 73/23/EEC); DIRECTIVE 2006/95/EEC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of 12 December 2006 regarding
the approximation of member state legislation relating to electrical material intended for use within specific voltage limits
According to the following harmonised standards:
EN 60335-1:1994+A11:1995+A1:1996+A12:1996+A13:1998+A14:1998+A15:2000+A2:2000+A16:2001
• 2004/108/EEC (ex directive 89/336/EEC); DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EEC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of 15 December 2004 regard-
ing the approximation of member state legislation relating to electromagnetic compatibility, repealing directive 89/336/EEC
According to the following harmonised standards: EN 61000-6-2:2005; EN 61000-6-3:2001+A11:2004
The product also complies with the applicable parts of the following standards:
EN 60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A11:2004+A12:2006+ A2:2006, EN 60335-2-103:2003, EN 13241-1:2003; EN 12453:2002; EN 12445:2002;
EN 12978:2003
4 – English
Before using the automation for the first time, have the fitter explain the origin of the • Maintenance: As with each machine your automation needs periodic mainte-
residual risks, and dedicate a few minutes of your time to reading the instructions nance so that it can function as long as possible and in complete safety. Agree a
manual and cautions for the user provided by the fitter. Keep the manual for any periodic maintenance plan with your fitter; Nice recommends maintenance every 6
future doubt and deliver it to any new proprietor of the automation. months for normal domestic use, but this period may vary depending on the intensi-
ty of use: Any control, maintenance or repair work must be performed by qualified
CAUTION! –Your automation is a machine which faithfully performs your com-
mands; a wrong or improper use will make it dangerous:
• Even if you consider yourself able to perform the work, do not modify the system
– Do not command the movement of the automation if people, animals or and the programming parameters or adjust the automation: it is the responsibility of
things are within its range of action. the fitter.
– It is totally forbidden to touch parts of the automation while the gate or door
• The inspection, periodic maintenance work and any repairs must be documented
is moving! by the person who performs them and these documents must be kept by the owner
– Transit is allowed only if the gate or door is completely open with the leaves of the system. The only work you can perform and which we recommend doing peri-
stopped! odically is cleaning of the glass of the photocells and the removal of any leaves or
• Children: an automation system guarantees a high level of safety, preventing the stones which may obstruct the automatism. To prevent someone activating the gate,
movement in the presence of people or things with its detection systems, and guar- before proceeding, remember to unblock the automatism (as described below) and
to clean it only with a sponge slightly dampened in water.
anteeing an always predictable and safe activation. It is any case prudent to forbid
children to play close to the automation and, to avoid accidental activations, do not • Disposal: At the end of the life of the automation, ensure it is dismantled by qual-
leave the remote control within their reach: it is not a toy! ified personnel and that the materials are recycled or disposed of according to local
regulations in force.
• The product is not designed to be used by people (including children) whose phys-
ical, sensorial, or mental abilities are reduced, or those without experience or knowl- • In the event of breakage or black out: As you await for the fitter to perform the work
edge, unless they have been able to benefit, through intermediation of a person or for the electricity to return if the system is not equipped with buffer batteries, the
responsible for their safety, of supervision or instructions regarding the use of the automation can still be used. It is necessary to manually unblock the gear motor (see
“Unblocking or blocking the gear motor”) and move the gate leaf manually as
• Anomalies: As soon as you notice some anomalous behaviour by the automa-
tion, cut off the power to the system and unblock it manually. Do not attempt to per-
form any repair work, but ask the assistance of your trusted fitter: meanwhile the
system can work as an unautomated opening, once the gear motor has been
unblocked as described below.
The gear motor is equipped with a mechanical system which allows to open and UNBLOCKING the gear motor manually (fig. A):
close the gate manually. These operations must be performed during electrical black 01. Slide the protection membrane and insert the key turning it clockwise:
outs or operating anomalies.
02. Pull the handle upwards, accompanying it:
IMPORTANT! – The gear motor must only be blocked or unblocked when the 03. At this point, manually move the gate leaf in the position desired.
leaf is stopped.
BLOCKING the gear motor manually;
If there is an electric lock on the automation ensure the electric lock is unlocked
before moving the leaf. 01. Close the handle and turn the key anti-clockwise;
02. Remove the key and close the protection membrane.
1 2
II – English
EN - Images
IT - Immagini
FR - Images
ES - Imágenes
DE - Bilder
PL - Zdjęcia
NL - Afbeeldingen
• EN - GRAPH 1 “Limits of use of the product” • IT - GRAFICO 1 “Limiti d’impiego del prodotto”
• FR - GRAPHIQUE 1 “Limites d’utilisation du produit” • ES - GRÁFICO 1 “Límites de empleo del producto”
• DE - GRAPHIK 1 “Verwendungsgrenzen des Produkts” • PL - SCHEMAT 1 “Ograniczenia używania produktu”
• NL - GRAFIEK 1 “Gebruiksbeperkingen van het product”
250 A
0,5 1 1,5 2
0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
kg: m:
EN - Maximum weight of the gate leaf EN - Maximum length of the gate leaf
IT - Peso massimo dell’anta del cancello IT - Lunghezza massima dell’anta del cancello
FR - Poids maximum du vantail du portail FR - Longueur maximum du vantail du portail
ES - Peso máximo de la hoja de la puerta ES - Longitud máxima de la hoja de la puerta
DE - Höchstgewicht des Torflügels DE - Höchstlänge des Torflügels
PL - Ciężar maksymalny skrzydła bramy PL - Długość maksymalna skrzydła bramy
NL - Maximum gewicht van de vleugel van het hekwerk NL - Maximum lengte van de vleugel van het hekwerk
90° ÷ 100° r.i.l. = recommended
C B installation line
100° ÷ 110°
.r i.
110° ÷ 120°
120° ÷ 130°
A (mm)
91° ÷ 100°
.r i.
101° ÷ 110°
111° ÷ 120°
A (mm)
b c d
WG4024 - WG4000 - WG4000/V1
98 mm
320 mm
95 mm
770 mm
98 mm
470 mm
920 mm
5 6
90° ÷ 100°
100° ÷ 110°
110° ÷ 120°
110° ÷ 120°
120° ÷ 130°
A (mm)
90 mm max
12 13
1 2
ISTWINGO.4865 – Rev. 02 – 05-08-2010
Nice SpA
Oderzo TV Italia
Moon Control unit
Safety warnings
• IMPORTANT! – This manual contains important instructions and warn-
ings for personal safety. Incorrect installation could cause serious physical
injury. Read all parts of the manual carefully before starting work. If in doubt,
interrupt installation and contact the Nice Service Centre for clarifications.
• IMPORTANT! – Important instructions: keep this manual in a safe place
to enable future product maintenance and disposal procedures.
Installation warnings
• Before commencing installation, check that the product is suitable for the
Summary intended kind of use (see paragraph 2.2 “Limits of use” and chapter “Product
technical specifications”). If not suitable, do NOT proceed with installation.
• During installation, handle the product with care, avoiding the risk of crushing,
impact, dropping or contact with any type of liquid. Never place the product
GENERAL SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . 1 near sources of heat or expose to naked flames. This may damage product
1 – PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 components and cause malfunctions, fire or hazardous situations. If this oc-
curs, suspend installation immediately and contact the Nice Service Centre.
2 – INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
• Never make modifications to any part of the product. Operations other than
2.1 - PRELIMINARY CHECKS FOR INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 as specified can only cause malfunctions. The manufacturer declines all liabil-
2.2 - PRODUCT APPLICATION LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ity for damage caused by makeshift modifications to the product.
• The product should not be used by children or people with impaired physical,
2.3 - INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 sensorial or mental capacities or who have not received adequate training in
2.4 - ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 the safe use of the product.
2.4.1 - Notes on connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 • On the power line to the system, install a device for disconnection from the
2.4.2 - Type of ALT input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 power mains with a gap between contacts that assures complete disconnec-
tion in the conditions of overvoltage category III.
2.4.3 - Examples of photocell connections: with the STANDBY
• Connect the control unit to an electric power line equipped with an earthing
function active and the Phototest function disabled . . . 3
2.4.4 - Examples of photocell connections: with the Phototest .
• The product’s packaging materials must be disposed of in full compliance
function active and the STANDBY function disabled . . . 3 with local regulations.
2.6 - AUTOMATIC LIMIT SWITCH SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 – TESTING AND COMMISSIONING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1 - TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
3.2 - COMMISSIONING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 – DIAGNOSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The MC424 control unit has been designed to control Wingo 24 V electro-
mechanical actuators, for automated swing gates or doors. IMPORTANT! –
5 – PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Any uses other than those specified herein or in environmental conditions
5.1 - PRESET FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 other than as stated in this manual are to be considered improper and are
strictly prohibited!
5.2 - PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The MC424 control unit operates on the basis of a current sensitivity system
5.2.1 - Direct programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 which checks the load of the motors connected to it. The system automatically
5.2.2 - First level programming: first part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 detects travel stops, memorises the running time of each motor and recognis-
5.2.3 - First level programming: second part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 es obstacles during normal movement. This feature makes installation easier as
5.2.4 - Second level functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 there is no need to adjust the working times nor the leaf delay.
The control unit is pre-programmed for the normal functions, while more spe-
5.3 - PROGRAMMING MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
cific functions can be chosen following a simple procedure (see chapter 5).
5.3.1 - First level programming: functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The control unit is designed to be powered by PS124 buffer batteries as emer-
5.3.2 - Second level programming: parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 gency power supply in the event of a mains power failure (for further information
5.3.3 - Deletion of memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 see chapter 6.2). It is also designed to be connected to the “Solemyo” solar
5.3.4 - Example of first level programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 energy system (for further information see chapter 6.3).
5.3.5 - Example of second level programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.3.6 - Programming diagrame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 – FURTHER DETAILS: accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.1 - CONNECTING A RADIO RECEIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.2 - CONNECTING MODEL PS124 BUFFER BATTERY . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.3 - CONNECTING THE SOLEMYO SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In order to explain certain terms and aspects of an automatic 2-leaf swing door
7 – TROUBLESHOOTING (troubleshooting guide) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 or gate system refer to the typical system shown in fig 1.
8 – PRODUCT MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Key to fig. 1:
1. Wingo 24 V electromechanical actuator
DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Electromechanical actuator
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCT . . . . . . . . 10 3. Lucy24 flashing light
4. Key-operated selector switch
EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5. “PHOTO” pair of photocells
RADIO RECEIVER: SMXI - SMIXS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6. “FOTO1” pair of photocells
7. “PHOTO2” pair of photocells
1 - PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 8. Control unit
2 - AERIAL INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 - MEMORISING A REMOTE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 In particular, please note that:
4 - DELETING ALL TRANSMITTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 • Refer to the product instructions for the characteristics and connection of the
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCT . . . . . . . . . . 12 • Activation of the “PHOTO” pair of photocells have no effect on the gate dur-
IMAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I - VII ing opening, while they reverse movement during closing.
English – 1
• Activation of the “PHOTO 1” pair of photocells stops both the opening and • The control unit is supplied in an enclosure that if correctly installed assures
closing manoeuvres.
an IP54 protection rating. The control unit is therefore suitable for installation
• Activation of the “PHOTO2” pair of photocells (connected to the suitably pro- outdoors.
grammed AUX input) has no effect during closing while they invert movement
• Fix the control unit to a flat, vertical, non-removable surface that is adequate-
during opening.
ly protected from potential impacts. Important! – The bottom of the control unit
To check the parts of the control unit see fig. 2. must be at least 40 cm from the ground.
Key to fig. 2: • Insert the dedicated cable clamps or pipe glands into the lower part of the
enclosure (fig. 4). Important! – If the cable protection tubes end in a pit, it is
A. 24V power supply connector
B. M1 motor connector likely that condensation will form inside the control unit, which will damage the
C. PS124 buffer battery connector / Solemyo solar energy supply electronic board. In this case, protect the control unit adequately so as to pre-
system (for further details see chapter 6.3) vent the formation of condensation.
D. 500mA F type services fuse • The cable clamps can be inserted on the long side of the enclosure only if the
E. Selector switch for delaying the opening of motor M1 or M2 control unit is installed in a protected indoor environment.
F. M2 motor terminal
To install the other devices present in the automation, refer to the relevant
G. Flashing light output terminal
H. Gate open indicator or electric lock output terminal instruction manuals.
I. 24Vdc terminals for services and phototest
L. Input terminals 2.4 - Electrical connections
L1…L5. Input and programming LEDs
M. Terminal for radio aerial
N. “SM” radio receiver connector – All electrical connections must be made with the unit disconnected from
O. Programming/diagnostics connector the mains power supply and with the buffer battery disconnected, if pres-
P1, P2, P3. Programming buttons and LEDs ent in the automation.
– Connections must be made exclusively by qualified personnel.
2.1 - Preliminary checks for installation – Make sure that all the electric cables used are of a suitable type.
Before proceeding with installation, check the condition of the product compo- 01. Loosen the screws of the cover.
nents, suitability of the selected model and conditions of the intended installa-
02. Prepare the electrical cable routing holes.
tion environment:
• Ensure that all conditions of use remain within the limits of product application 03. Connect the cables as shown in the wiring diagram in fig. 5. To connect
and within the “Product technical specifications”. the electric power cable, see fig. 6. Note – To facilitate cable connections,
• Ensure that the selected installation environment is compatible with the over- the terminals can be removed from their seats.
all dimensions of the product (fig. 3). • With the exception of the photocell inputs when the PHOTOTEST function is
• Ensure that the selected surfaces for product installation are solid and guar- activated, if the inputs of the NC (Normally Closed) contacts are not in use
antee a stable fixture. they should be jumped with the “COMMON” terminal. Refer to paragraph
• Make sure that the fixing zone is not subject to flooding. If necessary, mount 2.4.3 for further information.
the product raised from the ground.
• If there is more than one NC contact on the same input, they must be con-
• Ensure that the space around the product enables easy and safe completion
of manual manoeuvres. nected in SERIES.
• Make sure that the automation is provided with mechanical stops on both • If the inputs of the NO (Normally Open) contacts are not used they should be
closing and opening. left free.
• If there is more than one NO contact on the same input, they must be con-
2.2 - Product application limits nected in PARALLEL.
The product may be used exclusively with Wingo 24 V gearmotors. • The contacts must be electromechanical and potential-free. Stage connec-
tions, such as those defined as “PNP”, “NPN”, “Open Collector”, etc. are not
2.3 - Installation allowed.
To install the control unit, proceed as shown in fig. 4. Also observe the follow- • If the leafs overlap, use jumper E (Fig. 6) to select which motor starts up first
ing warnings: during opening.
Note 1 – This is not used for single leaf gates (the control unit automatically recognises if only one motor has been installed).
Note 2 – The “Stand By” function serves to reduce consumptions. For further details on the electrical connections refer to paragraph 2.4.1 “Stand by/Phototest
connection” and for programming refer to chapter 5.2.3 “Stand by/Phototest function”.
Note 3 – The STOP input can be used for “NC” or constant resistance 8.2 kΩ contacts (please refer to the “Programming” chapter)
Note 4 – The AUX factory auxiliary input is programmed with the “Partial open type 1” function but can be programmed with any of the following functions:
Function Input type Description
PARTIAL OPEN TYPE 1 NO Fully opens the upper leaf
PARTIAL OPEN TYPE 2 NO Opens the two leaf half way
OPEN NO Only carries out the opening manoeuvre
CLOSE NO Only carries out the closing manoeuvre
2 – English
PHOTO 2 NC PHOTO 2 function
DISABLED — No function
2.4.1 - Notes about connections 2.5 - Initial start-up and electrical connections
Most connections are extremely simple and many of them are direct connec- IMPORTANT! – Connections must be made exclusively by qualified per-
tions to a single user point or contact. The following figures show examples of sonnel.
how to connect external devices: After powering up the control unit, check that all the LEDs flash rapidly for a few
• Stand By / Phototest connection seconds, then perform the following checks:
The Stand-by function is active as standard. It is excluded automatically only 1. Check that there is a voltage of approximately 30Vdc on terminals 9-10. If
when the Phototest function is activated. Note - The Stand-by and Phototest not, unplug the unit immediately and carefully check the connections and
functions are alternatives as one excludes the other. input voltage.
The Stand-by function allows consumptions to be reduced. Three types of con- 2. After initially flashing rapidly, the P1 LED will indicate the control unit is work-
nections can be obtained: ing correctly by flashing regularly at 1 second intervals. When there is a vari-
- with “stand by” active (energy saving); see electrical diagram in fig. 5a ation in the inputs, the “P1” led will rapidly flash twice to show that the input
- standard connection: without “Stand by” and without “Phototest”; see electrical has been recognised.
diagram in fig. 5b 3. If the connections are correct, the LED for the “NC”-type inputs will be on,
- without “Stand by” and with “Phototest”; see electrical diagram in fig. 5c while those for the “NO” type inputs must be off. See fig. A and Table 2.
When the “Stand-by” function is active, 1 minute after the end of a manoeuvre
the control unit goes into Stand-by, turning off the Inputs and Outputs to
reduce consumptions. The status is indicated by the “OK” LED which begins to A
flash more slowly. WARNING – If the control unit is powered from a photovolta-
ic panel (“Solemyo” system) or a buffer battery, the “Stand-by” function must be
activated as shown in the electrical diagram in fig. 5a.
When the “Stand-by” function is not required, the “Phototest” function may be
activated. This verifies at the beginning of a manoeuvre that the connected pho-
tocells operate correctly. To use this function, first connect the photocells appro-
priately (see electrical diagram in fig. 5c) and then activate the function.
Note – When the phototest is activated, the inputs subjected to the test proce-
dure are PHOTO, PHOTO1 and PHOTO2. If one of these inputs is not used it
must be connected to terminal no. 8.
• Key switch connection
Example 1 (fig. 7a): How to connect the switch in order to perform the STEP-
BY-STEP and STOP functions
Example 2 (fig.7b): How to connect the switch in order to perform the STEP-
BY-STEP and one of the auxiliary input functions (PARTIAL OPENING, OPEN PHOTO NC L2 On
Note – For electrical connections with the “Stand By” function active, see STEP-BY-STEP NO L4 Off
“Stand By/Phototest function” in this paragraph 2.4.1. AUX OPEN PARTIALLY type 1 - NO L5 Off
• Connection for Gate Open Indicator / Electric lock (fig. 8) OPEN PARTIALLY type 2 - NO L5 Off
If the gate open indicator has been programmed, the output can be used as an OPEN ONLY - NO L5 Off
open gate indicator light. The light, flashes slowly during opening and quickly CLOSE ONLY - NO L5 Off
during closing; If it is on but does not flash, this indicates that the gate is open.
If the light is off, the gate is closed. Se the output has been programmed as an FOTO2 - NC L5 On
electric lock, it is activated for 3 seconds each time opening begins.
4. Check that the relative LEDs switch on and off when the devices connected
2.4.2 - STOP type input to the inputs are operated.
5. Check that by pressing P2 both motors perform a short opening manoeuvre,
The MC424 control unit can be programmed for two types of STOP input: and the motor of the upper leaf starts first. Block the manoeuvre by press-
- NC type STOP for connecting up to NC type contacts. ing P2 again. If the motors do not start up for opening, invert the polarities of
- Constant resistance STOP. It enables the user to connect up to the control the motor cables. If, however, the first one to move is not the upper leaf,
unit of devices with 8.2kΩ constant resistance (e.g. sensitive edges). The operate jumper E (fig. 2).
input measures the value of the resistance and disables the manoeuvre when
the resistance is outside the nominal value. Devices with normally open “NO” 2.6 - Automatic search system for the limit switches
or normally closed “NC” contacts, or multiple devices, even of different types, On the successful completion of the various controls, start the automatic
can be connected to the constant resistance STOP input, provided that search system phase for the limit switches. This work is necessary as the
appropriate adjustments are made; see Table 1. MC424 control unit must “measure” how long the opening and closing
WARNING! – If the constant resistance STOP input is used to connect manoeuvres take This procedure is completely automatic and detects the
devices with safety functions, only the devices with 8.2 KΩ constant will mechanical opening and closing stops by measuring the load on the motors.
resistance output guarantee the fail-safe category 3. Warning! – If this procedure has already been carried out, in order to
reactivate it, the user must first delete the memory (see the “Memory de-
TABLE 1 letion” chapter). In order to check whether the memory contains any limit
switch parameters, turn the power supply to the control unit on and then
second device type:
1st device type: off again. If all the LEDs flash rapidly for approximately 6 seconds, the
NO NC 8,2 KΩ memory is empty. If, however, they only flash for 3 seconds, the memory
already contains some limit switch parameters.
In parallel (note 1) (note 2) In parallel
Before starting limit switch searching, make sure that all the safety devices are
NC (note 2) In series (note 3) In series enabled (STOP, PHOTO and PHOTO1). The procedure will be immediately
8,2KΩ In parallel In series (note 4) interrupted if a safety device triggers or a command arrives. Ideally the doors
should be half open, although they can be in any position.
Notes to Table 1: Procedure – Press the P2 button (fig. 2) to start begin searching which
Note 1 – Any number of NO devices can be connected to each other in paral-
lel, with an 8.2KΩ termination resistance (fig. 9a). For electrical connections - Both motors open briefly.
with the “Stand By” function active, see “Stand By/Phototest function” in this - Motor closes the lower leaf until it reaches the mechanical closing stop.
paragraph 2.4.1. - The upper leaf motor closes until it reaches the mechanical closing stop.
- The motor of the upper leaf begins to open.
Note 2 – The NO and NC combination can be obtained by placing the two con- - After the programmed delay, opening of the lower leaf begins. If the delay is
tacts in parallel, and placing an 8.2KΩ resistance in series with the NC contact. insufficient, block the search by pressing P1 (fig. 2), then modify the time (see
It is, therefore, possible to combine 3 devices: NO, NC and 8.2KΩ (fig. 9b). chapter 5).
Note 3 – Any number of NC devices can be connected in series to each other - The control unit measures the movement required for the motors to reach the
and to an 8.2KΩ resistance (fig. 9c). opening mechanical stops.
Note 4 – Only one device with an 8.2KΩ constant resistance output can be - Complete closing manoeuvre. The motors can start at different times, the aim
connected; multiple devices must be connected “in cascade” with a single is to prevent the leafs from shearing by maintaining a suitable delay.
8.2KΩ termination resistance (fig. 9d). - End of the procedure with memorisation of all measurements.
English – 3
All these phases must take place one after the other without any interference
from the operator. If the procedure does not continue correctly, it must be inter-
rupted with the P1 button. Repeat the procedure, modifying some parameters if
necessary, for example the current sensitivity cut-in thresholds (see chapter 5).
3 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING remains active until the following manoeuvre begins. The table below sum-
marises this information:
3.1 - Testing
The testing sequence refers to the control unit programmed with the preset
• At level 1, the functions can be enabled or disabled. Each Led (L1, L2…L5)
during closing, calculated automatically by the control unit in order to ensure corresponds to a function: if the Led is on, the function is active; if it is off, it is
the same delay as the one programmed for opening. deactivated.
5.2.3 - Level one programming: part two Level one consists in 2 parts which can be selected using the P3 button. The
corresponding LED P3 indicates which of the 2 parts has been selected.
• Stand By / Phototest function: The control unit has the “Stand-by” function
preset. If this function is active, 1 minute after the end of a manoeuvre the
control unit turns off the “Stand-by” output (terminal no. 8) and all the Inputs Level one (P1 Led lit): part one ( P3 Led off)
and other Outputs to reduce consumptions (see electrical diagram in fig. 5a).
This function is obligatory if the control unit is powered exclusively with Sole- L1 Led L2 Led L3 Led L4 Led L5 Led
myo photovoltaic panels. It is also recommended if the control panel is pow- Closing Function Pre-flash Close after Delay in
ered from the electric mains and if you wish to extend emergency operation Automatic Condominium photo opening
with the buffer battery PS124. As an alternative to the “Stand-by” function,
the “Phototest” function may be activated. This verifies at the beginning of a
manoeuvre that the connected photocells operate correctly. To use this func- Level one (P1 Led lit): part two (P3 Led lit)
tion, connect the photocells correctly (see electrical diagram in fig. 5c) and L1 Led L2 Led L3 Led L4 Led L5 Led
then activate the function.
Stand By / Electric lock Resistance Heavy gates Gate open
• Open gate indicator light / electric lock: If the function is activated, termi-
Phototest stop proportional
nals 6-7 can be used to connect up the electric lock. If the function is deacti-
vated, terminals 6-7 can be used to connect up a 24V gate open indicator.
• NC Type or Constant Resistance STOP Input: If the function is activated, • It is possible to pass to the second level from level one of part one. At this
the STOP input is set to “8.2KΩ Constant Resistance”. In this case, there second level the user can choose the parameter relating to the function. A
must be a 8.2KΩ +/-25% resistance between the common and the input to different value corresponds to each LED which must be associated to the
enable the operation. If the function is not set, the configuration of the STOP parameter.
input will enable it to function with NC type contacts.
Level one (P1 Led lit): part one (led P3 off)
• Light/heavy gates : If the function is activated, the control unit enables the
user to manage heavy gates, setting the acceleration ramps and slowdown L1 Led L2 Led L3 Led L4 Led L5 Led
speeds during closing differently. If the function is deactivated, the control unit Closing Function Pre-flashing Close after Delay in
will be set to manage light gates. automatic condominium photo opening
• Proportional gate open indicator: If the function is activated, the gate open
indicator output will be set with the proportional flashing light. This means that
during opening, the flashing becomes more intense as the leafs come nearer
to the opening stops; vice-versa, for closing, the flashing becomes less
intense as the leafs come nearer to the closing stops. If the function is deacti-
Level two:
vated, the light will flash slowly during opening and rapidly during closing.
Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter: Parameter:
5.2.4 - Level two functions Time AUX input Time Current Leaf delay
• Pause time: The pause time, namely the time which lapses between opening pause discharge sensitivity
and closing during automatic functioning, can be programmed to 5, 10, 20, L1: 5s L1: Open L1: no L1: Level 1 L1: 5%s
40, and 80 seconds. partial TYPE 1 discharge (more sensitive)
• Auxiliary input AUX: The control unit offers an auxiliary input which can be L2: 10s L2: Open L2: 0.3s L2: Level 2 L2: 10%
set to carry out one of the following 6 functions: partial TYPE 2
- Partial opening type 1: this carries out the same function as the STEP-BY- L3: 20s L3: Open Only L3: 0.7s L3: Level 3 L3: 20%
STEP input. It causes only the upper leaf to open. It only works if the gate is L4: 40s L4: Close Only L4: 1.3s L4: Level 4 L4: 30%
closed completely, otherwise the command is interpreted as if it were a L5: 80s L5: Photo 2 L5: 2s L5: Level 5 L5: 40%
STEP-BY-STEP comman. (less sensitive)
- Partial opening type 2: this carries out the same function as the STEP-BY- All LEDs off: All LEDs off:
STEP input. It causes the two leafs to open for half the time it would take input Level 6
them to open completely. It only works if the gate is closed completely, other- not used (max current
wise the command is interpreted as if it were a STEP-BY-STEP command. sensitività )
- Open only: this input only causes opening in the Open-Stop-Open-Stop
- Close only: this input only causes closing in the Open-Stop-Open-Stop
sequence. Level one (P1 Led lit): part two (P3 Led lit)
- Photo 2: this carries out the function of the “PHOTO 2” safety device. L1 Led L2 Led L3 Led L4 Led L5 Led
- Disabled: the input will not carry out any function
Stand By / Electric lock Resistance Heavy gates Gate open
• Discharge time: At the end of the Closing manoeuvre, after the leafs have Phototest stop proportional
reached the totally closed position, the motor continues to “push” the leaf for
a brief interval, to ensure perfect closure. Immediately afterwards, this func-
tion activates a very brief inversion of movement to reduce excessive pres-
sure exerted by the motor on the leafs.
• Current sensitivity: The control unit is equipped with a system which meas-
ures the current absorbed by the two motors used to detect the mechanical
stops and any obstacles when the gate is moving. Since the current ab-
sorbed depends on a number of conditions, including the weight of the gate,
friction, wind and variations in voltage, the cut-in threshold can be changed.
There are 6 levels: 1 is the most sensitive (minimum force), 6 is the least sen-
sitive (maximum force).
WARNING! – If the “current sensitivity” function (together with other
vital features) is adjusted correctly, the system will comply with Euro-
pean standards, EN 12453 and EN 12445, which require techniques or
devices to be used to limit force and danger during the functioning of
automatic gates and doors are moved.
• Leaf delay: The delay in starting up the motor of the lower leaf can be pro-
grammed to 5, 10, 20, 30 or 40% of the working time.
5.3 - Programming
All the functions described in paragraph 5.2 “Programmable functions” chapter
can be selected by means of a programming phase which terminates by mem-
orising the choices made. The control unit therefore has a memory which stores
the functions and parameters relative to the automation process.
The P1, P2 and P3 buttons are used for all the programming phases, while the
5 LEDs (L1, L2…L5) indicate the selected parameter.
English – 5
5.3.1 - Level one programming: functions has been selected, short flashes indicate the function has been deactivated;
long flashes indicate the function has been activated. Press P3 to pass from
TABLE A3 - To pass from part one to part two of level one (and vice-versa)
01. Press P3. button
5.3.2 - Level two programming: parameters reached from level one. At level 2 the P1 Led flashes quickly while the 5 Leds
The function parameter can be chosen at level two. Level two can only be (L1, L2…L5) indicate the selected parameter.
03. Enter level two by pressing the P2 button for at least 3 seconds
P2 3s
5.3.3 - Memory deletion performing this simple operation: WARNING – As all the functions return to
Each new programme replaces the previous settings. It is usually unnecessary their pre-set values after the memory is deleted, a new search for the lim-
to “delete all” the parameters”. If required, the memory can be totally deleted by it switches must be carried out.
6 – English
TABLE C1 - Delete memory
01. Switch the power supply to the control box off, and wait until all the LEDs have gone off (remove fuse F1 if necessary)
02. Press P1 and P2 on the board down and keep them pressed down
P1 P2
5.3.4 - Example of level one programming the “Condominium” function, for example, and prepare the “Gate Open Indica-
The following examples show how to activate or deactivate a level one function, tor” output in order to activate the electric lock.
01. Access the level one programming mode by pressing P1 and P2, and keeping them pressed down for at least 3 seconds
P1 P2 3s
02. Press P1 once to move the flashing Led to the Led 2 (the flashes will be short) 2
P1 x1
03. Activate the “Condominium” function by pressing P2 (the flashes will be longer)
04. Press P3 once in order to activate part two (the P3 LED will switch on)
05. Press P1 once to move the flashing Led to the Led 2 (the flashes will be short) P1 2
06. Activate the “Electric lock” output by pressing P2 (the flashes will be longer)
07. Exit programming (with memorisation) by pressing P1 and then immediately P2, holding them both down
P1 P2 3s
for at least 3 seconds
5.3.5 - Example of level two programming modify current sensitivity intil “level 5”.
This example shows how to modify a level two parameter, for example, how to
01. Access the level one programming mode by pressing P1 and P2 for at least 3 seconds
P1 P2 3s
02. Press P1 three times to move the flashing Led to the Led 4 4
P1 x3
06. Exit programming (with memorisation) by pressing P1 and then immediately P2, holding them both down P1 P2
for at least 3 seconds 3s
English – 7
Errata corrige
IST280B.4858 Rev. 00 15-04-2010
EN Paragraph 5.3.3 – Deleting the memory: replace Table C1 with the following
01. Switch the power supply to the control box off, and wait until all the LEDs have gone off (remove fuse F1 if necessary)
02. Press P1 and P2 on the board down and keep them pressed down
P1 P2
04. Press and hold the two keys for 3 seconds and release as soon as this interval elapses
P1 P2 3s and P1 P2
If the memory was deleted correctly, all the Leds will switch off for 1 second; if the leds continue to flash, the entire memory deletion procedure must be
01. Spegnere l’alimentazione alla centrale ed aspettare che tutti i LED siano spenti (eventualmente togliere il fusibile F1)
04. Tenere premuti i due tasti per 3 secondi e rilasciarli appena scaduto questo tempo
P1 P2 3s e P1 P2
Se la cancellazione della memoria è andata a buon fine, tutti il led si spengono per 1 secondo; se i led continuano a lampeggiare, occorre ripetere tutta la
procedura di cancellazione della memoria.
01. Éteindre l’alimentation de la logique de commande et attendre que toutes les leds soient éteintes
(éventuellement enlever le fusible F1)
02. Presser et maintenir enfoncées les deux touches P1 et P2 sur la carte électronique
P1 P2
04. Maintenir les deux touches enfoncées pendant 3 secondes et les relâcher dès que ce temps se sera écoulé
P1 P2 3s et P1 P2
Si l’effacement de la mémoire a été effectué correctement, toutes les leds s’éteignent pendant 1 seconde ; si les leds continuent à clignoter, il faut répéter
toute la procédure d’effacement de la mémoire.
ES Párrafo 5.3.3 – Borrado memoria: sustituir la Tabla C1 con la siguiente
01. Apague la alimentación de la central y espere que todos los LEDs estén apagados (de ser necesario quite el fusible F1)
04. Mantenga oprimidos los dos pulsadores durante 3 segundos y suéltelos ni bien concluya este lapso de tiempo
P1 P2 3s y P1 P2
Si la memoria se hubiera borrado correctamente, todos los leds se apagarán durante un segundo; si los leds siguen destellando, habrá que repetir todo el
procedimiento de borrado de la memoria.
DE Abschnitt 5.3.3 - Speicher löschen: die Tabelle C1 mit der folgenden ersetzen
01. Die Stromversorgung zur Steuerung abschalten und warten, dass alle LEDs ausgeschaltet sind
(ggf. die Sicherung F1 entfernen)
02. Die beiden Tasten P1 P2 auf der Steuerkarte drücken und gedrückt halten
P1 P2
04. Die beiden Tasten 3 Sekunden lang drücken und nach dieser Zeitspanne freigeben
P1 P2 3s und P1 P2
Falls das Löschen des Speichers erfolgreich war, werden sich alle LEDs 1 Sekunde lang ausschalten, wenn die Leds weiterhin blinken, muss das ganze
Speicherlöschverfahren wiederholt werden.
01. Odłącz zasilanie od centrali i odczekaj, aż wszystkie DIODY zgasną (ewentualnie wyjmij bezpiecznik F1)
04. Przytrzymaj wciśnięte oba przyciski przez 3 sekundy, następnie zwolnij je po upłynięciu tego czasu
P1 P2 3s i P1 P2
Jeżeli kasowanie pamięci zostało wykonane prawidłowo, wszystkie diody zgasną na 1 sekundę; jeżeli diody nadal migają należy powtórzyć całą procedu-
rę kasowania pamięci.
NL Paragraaf 5.3.3 – Wissen van geheugen: vervang Tabel C1 door de volgende tabel
01. Schakel de stroomvoorziening naar de besturingseenheid uit en wacht totdat alle LEDs uit zijn
(verwijder eventueel de zekering F1)
04. Houd de twee toetsen 3 seconden ingedrukt en laat ze los zo gauw deze tijd verstreken is
P1 P2 3s en P1 P2
Als het wissen van het geheugen tot een goed einde is gekomen, gaan alle leds 1 seconde uit; aks de led's blijven knipperen, dient u de hele procedure
voor wissen van het geheugen te herhalen.
5.3.6 - Programming diagram This figure also shows the functions and parameters either as they were initially
or following total memory deletion.
The following figure shows the complete programming diagram of the functions
and relative parameters.
operation P1
Led P1 Slow flashing
ALT Photo Photo Step AUX
1 by P2
P1 P1+P2
for 3 secs for 3 secs
for 3 secs
P1 P1
Level one
Led P1 On permanently Autom. Cond. Pre- Close Opening
On P3
Stand Electric Resist. Heavy Proportional
closing flashing after delay P2 Off by / Lock STOP. gates Gate P2 Off
Photo Phototest Open
P3 P3
P2 P1
for 3 secs
5 10 20 40 80
Level two
Led P1 Rapid flashing type 1 type 2 only only Photo 2
p.o p.o opening closing P2
0 0,3 0,7 1,3 2
1 2 3 4 5
P2 a.p. type 1 type 1 partial open, upper leaf
Level moves [N.O.]
a.p. type 2 type 2 partial opening, both
All Leds off · max. current sensitivity motors move for 1/2 the working
time set [N.O.]
Only open open stop open stop…
P1 [N.O.]
8 – English
the mechanical stops, therefore). This is considered as an obstacle and
6 causes an inversion. To find out if the current sensitivity device has triggered,
FURTHER DETAILS: accessories count how many times the Diagnostics LED flashes: 1 flash indicates that the
current sensitivity device triggered on account of motor 1, 2 flashes indicate
that this was caused by motor 2.
6.1 - Connecting a radio receiver
The control unit has a connector for fitting a 4 channel radio card complete with
SM slot. This remote control device functions by means of transmitters which
act on the inputs as per the following table:
Output Receiver
N° 1
Control unit input
Step by step
The P1 LED flashes regularly but the input LED’s L1, L2...L5 do not reflect
the state of the respective inputs
• Switch the unit off for the moment in order to exit a possible programming
• Carefully check the connections on terminals 11 to 16.
The “Automatic search” procedure has never been performed but it either
does not start or it behaves incorrectly
• The system and all the safety devices must be operative in order to activate
the “Automatic search” procedure.
• Make sure that no device connected to the inputs cuts in during the “Auto-
matic search” procedure.
• In order for the “Automatic search” procedure to start correctly, the input
Leds must be on as shown in fig. 11, the P1 Led must flash once a second.
WARNINGS: • All technical characteristics stated refer to an ambient temperature of 20°C (±5°C). • Nice S.p.a reserves the right to modify the product at any
timee, while maintaining the same functionalities and intended use.
Note - The contents of this declaration correspond to declarations in the last revision of the official document deposited at the registered offices of Nice Spa available before this
manual was printed. The text herein has been re-edited for editorial purposes.
The undersigned, Lauro Buoro, in the role of Managing Director, declares under his sole responsibility, that the product:
Manufacturer’s Name: NICE s.p.a.
Address: Via Pezza Alta 13, Z.I. Rustignè, 31046 Oderzo (TV) Italy
Type: Two 24 Vdc motor control unit
Models: MC424
Accessories: SMXI, SMXIS radio receiver
The product also complies with the requirements of the following EC directives:
• 2006/95/EEC (ex directive 73/23/EEC); DIRECTIVE 2006/95/EEC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of 12 December 2006 regarding
the approximation of member state legislation relating to electrical material intended for use within specific voltage limits
According to the following harmonised standards: EN 60335-1:1994+A11:1995+A1:1996+A12:1996+A13:1998+A14:1998+A15:2000+A2:2000+
• 2004/108/EEC (ex directive 89/336/EEC); DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EEC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of 15 December 2004 regard-
ing the approximation of member state legislation relating to electromagnetic compatibility, repealing directive 89/336/EEC
According to the following harmonised standards: EN 61000-6-2:2001; EN 61000-6-3:2001+A11:2004
The product also complies, within the constraints of applicable parts, with the following standards:
EN 60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A11:2004+A12:2006+ A2:2006, EN 60335-2-103:2003, EN 13241-1:2003; EN 12453:2002; EN 12445:2002;
EN 12978:2003
10 – English
smxi - smixs radio receiver 0682
TABLE B1 - Mode I memorising (All buttons are memorised on the related receiver output)
01. Press and hold down the receiver button for at least 3 seconds 3s
03. Push, for at least 2 seconds, any of the buttons of the transmitter to be memorised within 10 seconds
TX 2s
Note – If the procedure was memorised correctly, the Led on the receiver will flash 3 times. If there are other transmitters
to memorise, repeat step 3 within another 10 seconds. The memorisation phase finishes if no new codes are received x3
for 10 seconds.
TABLE B2 - Mode II memorising (A specific receiver output can be associated to each button)
01. Press and release the receiver button as many times as the number of the desired output (Once for output No. 1,
twice for output No. 2) RX
02. Check that the LED emits the same number of flashes as the desired output, repeated over 10 seconds in regular
intervals (1 flash if output No. 1, 2 flashes if output No. 2)
03. Within 10 seconds press the desired button on the transmitter to be memorised, holding it down for at least 2 seconds.
Note – If the procedure was memorised correctly, the Led on the receiver will flash 3 times. If there are other transmitters
to memorise, repeat step 3 within another 10 seconds. The memorisation phase finishes if no new codes are received x3
for 10 seconds.
The procedures for memorising the remote controls must be performed within
2 INSTALLING THE AERIAL a certain time limit; please read and understand the whole procedure before
In order to carry out the following procedure, it is necessary to use the button
located on the box of the radio receiver (reference A, Fig. 1a), and the corre-
The receiver requires an ABF or ABFKIT type aerial to work properly; without an sponding LED (reference B, Fig. 1a) to the left of the button.
aerial the range is limited to just a few metres. The aerial must be installed as
high as possible; if there are metal or reinforced concrete structures nearby you
can install the aerial on top. If the cable supplied with the aerial is too short, use
a coaxial cable with 50-Ohm impedance (e.g. low dispersion RG58), the cable
must be no longer than 10 m. 1a
If the aerial is installed in a place that is not connected to earth (masonry struc-
tures), the braid’s terminal can be earthed to provide a larger range of action.
The earth point must, of course, be local and of good quality. If an ABF or
ABFKIT aerial cannot be installed, you can get quite good results using the
length of wire supplied with the receiver as the aerial, laying it flat.
02. Wait for the Led to light up, then wait for it to switch off and then wait for it to flash 3 times
03. Release the button exactly during the third flash
RX 3°
Note – if the procedure was performed correctly, the Led will flash 5 times after a few moments.
WARNINGS: • All technical characteristics stated refer to an ambient temperature of 20°C (±5°C). • Nice S.p.a reserves the right to modify the product at any
timee, while maintaining the same functionalities and intended use. • The range of the transmitters and the reception capacity of the receivers may be subject to
interference that may alter their performance. In the event of interference, Nice cannot guarantee the effective capacity of their devices.
12 – English
EN - Images
IT - Immagini
FR - Images
ES - Imágenes
DE - Bilder
PL - Zdjęcia
NL - Afbeeldingen
7 5 5
1 2
6 6
EN - E = Electric jumper DE - E = Brücke
IT - E = Ponticello elettrico PL - E = Mostek elektryczny
FR - E = Cavalier électrique NL - E = Elektrische
ES - E = Conexión eléctrico geleidingsbrug
L M2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3
3 232 mm 122 mm
310 mm
4 205
EN- Connection with “Stand by” active (energy saving)
EN- Standard connection: without using Standby or Phototest
DE- Standardanschluss: ohne Nutzung des “Stand by” und ohne “Fototest”
EN- Connection without “Stand by” with “Phototest”
7a 7b
15 15
11 11
11 11
12 16
EN- For the ALT connection with “Stand by” active, connect terminal
no. 8 and not no. 11
DE- Für den Anschluss STOPP, bei aktivem Standby, die Klemme Nr. 6
8 und nicht 11 anschließen
PL - Aby wykonać połączenie STOP z aktywną funkcją “stand by”
należy połączyć zacisk nr 8 a nie nr 11
9a 11 9b 11 9c 11
12 12 12
EN- With Stand by active connect terminal no. 8 and not no. 11 DE- Bei aktivem Standby, die Klemme Nr. 8 und und nicht 11 anschließen
IT - Con Stand by attiva collegare il morsetto n° 8 e non il n° 11 PL - Z aktywną funkcją Stand by należy połączyć zacisk nr 8 a nie nr 11
FR - Avec Stand-by actif connecter la borne n° 8 et pas la n° 11 NL - Met actieve Stand by sluit u klem 8 aan en niet klem 11
ES - Con “Stand by” activo, conecte el borne n° 8 y no el n° 11
9d 1 2 n 8,2KΩ
12 Sensitive edge Sensitive edge Sensitive edge
10 11
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