Sebagai derah studi kasus, proyek pembangunan airstrip di Tanjung Ulie, Halmehara, Maluku Utara diprediksi memiliki kendala geoteknik berupa potensi likuifaksi dan diperkirakan akan menggunakan stone column sebagai metode... more
Sebagai derah studi kasus, proyek pembangunan airstrip di Tanjung Ulie, Halmehara, Maluku Utara diprediksi memiliki kendala geoteknik berupa potensi likuifaksi dan diperkirakan akan menggunakan stone column sebagai metode penanggulangannya. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam evaluasi potensi likuifaksi adalah analisis deterministik. Pada analisis deterministik, likuifaksi akan terjadi jika nilai faktor keselamatan kurang dari dan sama dengan satu. Faktor kesalamatan ini merupakan perbandingan antara cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) dan cyclic stress ratio (CSR). Pada tugas akhir ini perhitungan menggunakan dasar data uji SPT dan shear wave velocity (Vs) yang didapat dari rumus korelasi N-SPT dan Vs. Metode analisis deterministik yang digunakan dalam tugas akhir ini adalah metode simplifikasi dan metode analisis satu dimensi (1D) dengan menggunakan software SHAKE2000. Adapun software NERA diperlukan dalam mencari nilai percepatan gempa di permukaan yang akan digunakan dalam metode simplifikasi Seed dan Idris. Perencanaan stone column dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Priebe (1995) sesuai dengan yang tercantum pada jurnal “The Design of Vibro Replacement”. Konfigurasi stone column yang digunakan adalah pola segitiga sama sisi dengan diameter 1.4 m dan spasi 2.6 m. Untuk titik CBS-As008 stone column dipasang sedalam 21 m sedangkan untuk titik CBS-As012 stone column dipasang sedalam 24 m. Stone column memengaruhi parameter tanah sekitar antara lain pengurangan void ratio, peningkatan tegangan efektif, penurunan tegangan air pori sisa, peningkatan kepadatan relatif, peningkatan shear wave velocity, peningkatan daya dukung, perubahan stratifikasi lapisan tanah sekitar, dan pereduksian percepatan gempa permukaan. Faktor keselamatan meningkat setelah pemasangan stone column dan menghasilkan lapisan tanah yang aman dari bahaya likuifaksi. Kata kunci: likuifaksi, pasir, stone column, cyclis stress ratio, cyclic resistance ratio, peak ground acceleration.
There are a number of approaches that can be used to create a safety design of a structure. These approaches are generally categorized as either design-to-code or design-to-first principle.
ABSTRACT: The existing condition of Indonesia's highway infrastructure is far from adequate to support the national economic development. Year 2007 data indicated that about 6% of the 36,000 kilometers national highways were in severely... more
ABSTRACT: The existing condition of Indonesia's highway infrastructure is far from adequate to support the national economic development. Year 2007 data indicated that about 6% of the 36,000 kilometers national highways were in severely poor conditions. Realizing this critical situation, the Directorate General Bina Marga-Ministry of Public Works (MPW) had allocated more than nine trillion rupiahs in 2008 to reduce the figure to only 3%. Furthermore, the routine maintenance issues have also been problematic.
ABSTRACT: In searching for efficiency improvement, ie, to reduce the construction operation's cycle time and variability, the construction firms should have effective tools for planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating... more
ABSTRACT: In searching for efficiency improvement, ie, to reduce the construction operation's cycle time and variability, the construction firms should have effective tools for planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating their construction operations. The simulation has been well known as an effective technique that enables planning and analysis of a construction operation to be performed in advance anticipating problems of efficiencies that would occur in the field.
ABSTRACT Simulation has been well known as an effective technique that enables planning and analysis of a construction operation. Using simulation technique, a contractor could design optimally resources associated with a construction... more
ABSTRACT Simulation has been well known as an effective technique that enables planning and analysis of a construction operation. Using simulation technique, a contractor could design optimally resources associated with a construction operation and analyse an ongoing operation to be evaluated and refined. This paper discusses an effort by a contractor to speed up the earthmoving operation on its 600 MW power plant project. The volume of soil to be removed in the operation was calculated to reach 1.4 million m3.
ABSTRACT Despite an explosive growth in virtually all areas of industry and commerce, the Web technologies have only begun to make inroads into the construction industry practice.
Industri konstruksi memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan perekonomian di Indonesia. Pada periode 1974–2000, laju rata-rata pertumbuhan industri konstruksi Indonesia, sebagai salah satu indikator kinerja, mencapai 7, 7%, lebih... more
Industri konstruksi memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan perekonomian di Indonesia. Pada periode 1974–2000, laju rata-rata pertumbuhan industri konstruksi Indonesia, sebagai salah satu indikator kinerja, mencapai 7, 7%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) yaitu sebesar 5, 47%.
Peraturan atau code yang digunakan saat ini sebagai acuan dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung di Indonesia adalah SNI 03-2847-2002 “Tata Cara Perhitungan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung”, yang... more
Peraturan atau code yang digunakan saat ini sebagai acuan dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung di Indonesia adalah SNI 03-2847-2002 “Tata Cara Perhitungan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung”, yang selanjutnya disebut SNI 2002. Peraturan ini dikembangkan berdasarkan Peraturan Beton Indonesia (PBI) 1971 dan merupakan hasil revisi dari SNI sebelumnya yaitu SNI 03-2847-1992.
ABSTRACT: The Indonesian small construction enterprises are considered giant in numbers, ie, about 100,000 contractors, but dwarf in performance of managing their construction projects. Besides they lack of skilful and professional human... more
ABSTRACT: The Indonesian small construction enterprises are considered giant in numbers, ie, about 100,000 contractors, but dwarf in performance of managing their construction projects. Besides they lack of skilful and professional human resources, small contractors have also limited knowledge and tools for managing project, eg, project management software.
ABSTRACT: Indonesian contractors have entered the information age by adopting information technologies (IT) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes. Yet many contractors that have adopted IT face problems... more
ABSTRACT: Indonesian contractors have entered the information age by adopting information technologies (IT) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes. Yet many contractors that have adopted IT face problems related to how to get the best of the adoption and how to reap benefits from the investment.
Abstract Despite an explosive growth in virtually all areas of industry and commerce, Electronic Networking Technology (ENT) has only begun to make inroads into the construction industry practice.
Industri konstruksi Indonesia, dan juga secara umum, masih bergelut dengan permasalahan ketidakefisienan dalam pelaksanaan proses konstruksinya. Masih terlalu banyak pemborosan (waste) berupa kegiatan yang menggunakan sumber daya tetapi... more
Industri konstruksi Indonesia, dan juga secara umum, masih bergelut dengan permasalahan ketidakefisienan dalam pelaksanaan proses konstruksinya. Masih terlalu banyak pemborosan (waste) berupa kegiatan yang menggunakan sumber daya tetapi tidak menghasilkan nilai yang diharapkan (value). Berdasarkan pada data yang disampaikan oleh Lean Construction Institute, pemborosan pada industri konstruksi sekitar 57% sedangkan kegiatan yang memberikan nilai tambah hanya sebesar 10%.
Proyek konstruksi berkembang semakin besar dan rumit dewasa ini baik dari segi fisik maupun biaya. Pada prakteknya suatu proyek mempunyai keterbatasan akan sumber daya, baik berupa manusia, material, biaya ataupun alat. Hal ini... more
Proyek konstruksi berkembang semakin besar dan rumit dewasa ini baik dari segi fisik maupun biaya. Pada prakteknya suatu proyek mempunyai keterbatasan akan sumber daya, baik berupa manusia, material, biaya ataupun alat. Hal ini membutuhkan suatu manajemen proyek mulai dari fase awal proyek hingga fase penyelesaian proyek.
Abstract. Indonesian construction consulting services are facing a complex problem in fulfilling the nation’s expectations regarding high quality infrastructure development and the construction industry’s competitiveness. A study of this... more
Abstract. Indonesian construction consulting services are facing a complex problem in fulfilling the nation’s expectations regarding high quality infrastructure development and the construction industry’s competitiveness. A study of this problem and a formulation of solutions to improve the situation are presented in this paper. A survey was carried out in Jakarta, West Java, East Java, and North Sumatra provinces to collect data related to this problem. A focus group discussion and a workshop with all stakeholders were conducted to formulate improvement actions that need to be taken. It was revealed that the problems faced include, among others, the limited number of professional engineers compared to the number of national consultancy companies, the uneven distribution of engineers in Indonesian regions, an imperfect procurement system, and low-quality work output in general. Recommended actions include improvement of the government’s role in consulting services nurturing and facilitation, development of partnerships, and amelioration of the professional engineer and consultant certification system.
The Load and Resistance Factored Design (LRFD) method has been implemented for designing bridges in Indonesia for more than 25 years. LRFD treats load and strength variables as random variables with specific safety factors for different... more
The Load and Resistance Factored Design (LRFD) method has been implemented for designing bridges in Indonesia for more than 25 years. LRFD treats load and strength variables as random variables with specific safety factors for different types of load and strength variables. The nominal loads, load factors, reduction factors, and other criteria from the bridge design code can be determined to meet the reliability criteria. Statistical data from weigh-in-motion (WIM) vehicular load measurements that were taken on North Java Highway Cikampek–Pamanukan, West Java (2011), were used in this study as statistical load variables. A 25 m simple span bridge with reinforced concrete T-girders was used as the model for structural analysis due to the WIM measured and nominal vehicular load based on the Indonesian bridge loading code RSNI T-02-2005, with the applied bending moment of the girders as the output. The distribution fitting result of the applied bending moment due to the WIM measured vehicular loads was lognormal. The maximum bending moment due to the nominal vehicular load from RSNI T-02-2005 is 842.45 kN-m and has a probability of exceedance of 5x10-5. It can be concluded from this study that the bridge designed using the standard loading from RSNI T-02-2005 was safe, since it has a reliability index (β) of 4.68, higher than the target reliability, ranging from 3.50 or 3.72.