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      Civil EngineeringThermodynamicsStrain RateNumerical Integration
Sebagai derah studi kasus, proyek pembangunan airstrip di Tanjung Ulie, Halmehara, Maluku Utara diprediksi memiliki kendala geoteknik berupa potensi likuifaksi dan diperkirakan akan menggunakan stone column sebagai metode... more
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      LiquefactionLikuifaksiStone ColumnCyclic Stress Ratio
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There are a number of approaches that can be used to create a safety design of a structure. These approaches are generally categorized as either design-to-code or design-to-first principle.
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    • Structure
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ABSTRACT: The existing condition of Indonesia's highway infrastructure is far from adequate to support the national economic development. Year 2007 data indicated that about 6% of the 36,000 kilometers national highways were in severely... more
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ABSTRACT: In searching for efficiency improvement, ie, to reduce the construction operation's cycle time and variability, the construction firms should have effective tools for planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating... more
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ABSTRACT Simulation has been well known as an effective technique that enables planning and analysis of a construction operation. Using simulation technique, a contractor could design optimally resources associated with a construction... more
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ABSTRACT Despite an explosive growth in virtually all areas of industry and commerce, the Web technologies have only begun to make inroads into the construction industry practice.
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Industri konstruksi memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan perekonomian di Indonesia. Pada periode 1974–2000, laju rata-rata pertumbuhan industri konstruksi Indonesia, sebagai salah satu indikator kinerja, mencapai 7, 7%, lebih... more
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Peraturan atau code yang digunakan saat ini sebagai acuan dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung di Indonesia adalah SNI 03-2847-2002 “Tata Cara Perhitungan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung”, yang... more
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ABSTRACT: The Indonesian small construction enterprises are considered giant in numbers, ie, about 100,000 contractors, but dwarf in performance of managing their construction projects. Besides they lack of skilful and professional human... more
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ABSTRACT: Indonesian contractors have entered the information age by adopting information technologies (IT) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes. Yet many contractors that have adopted IT face problems... more
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Abstract Despite an explosive growth in virtually all areas of industry and commerce, Electronic Networking Technology (ENT) has only begun to make inroads into the construction industry practice.
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Industri konstruksi Indonesia, dan juga secara umum, masih bergelut dengan permasalahan ketidakefisienan dalam pelaksanaan proses konstruksinya. Masih terlalu banyak pemborosan (waste) berupa kegiatan yang menggunakan sumber daya tetapi... more
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Proyek konstruksi berkembang semakin besar dan rumit dewasa ini baik dari segi fisik maupun biaya. Pada prakteknya suatu proyek mempunyai keterbatasan akan sumber daya, baik berupa manusia, material, biaya ataupun alat. Hal ini... more
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Abstract. Indonesian construction consulting services are facing a complex problem in fulfilling the nation’s expectations regarding high quality infrastructure development and the construction industry’s competitiveness. A study of this... more
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    • Construction Management
The Load and Resistance Factored Design (LRFD) method has been implemented for designing bridges in Indonesia for more than 25 years. LRFD treats load and strength variables as random variables with specific safety factors for different... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringBridge EngineeringTraffic Engineering