This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of the beads known from the sites of the Sarmatian... more This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of the beads known from the sites of the Sarmatian Age in the Crimean sub-mountainous area and the Great Hungarian Plain. We selected the most characteristic types of these decorations used in both regions; shortly characterized the distribution of beads made of different materials; displayed traditions of bead usage in the costume, specific and common for the Crimea and Hungarian Plain. As a result of the examination, we assumed that beads were the most numerous finds in the burials of the two regions. Both in the Crimea and Hungary, the number of beads is much higher than in the Sarmatian assemblages of the Eurasian steppe. They are typically found in female and child graves and come to light in male burials only sporadically. Beads were used not only as parts of necklaces and bracelets but also for embroidering the clothes and shoes. We could trace some common tendencies in the composition of the sets used by the women of both regions for decorating their costumes. In all probability, this points to contacts between the population of the Crimean sub-mountainous area and Carpathian Basin in the Roman Age.
Археологія і давня історія України 36. 2020: 3. , 2020
Статья посвящена исследованию наличия ору-жия или фрагмента оружия в женских могилах сарматов Вен... more Статья посвящена исследованию наличия ору-жия или фрагмента оружия в женских могилах сарматов Венгерской низменности. Точное количество таких погребений трудно определить из-за разрушения могил при ограблении и неточности антропологических определений. На основании имеющегося материала мы предположили существование обряда «передачи вещей на тот свет», ана-логи которому имеются как в археологическом-в частности, сарматском,-так и в этнографичес-ком материале. ключевые слова: оружие, женские погребения, сарматы, Алфельд (Венгерская низменность). Создавая базу данных сарматских погребе ний Алфельда (венгерской низменности) 1 , мы обратили внимание на присутствие типично «мужских» предметов инвентаря в могилах, определенных как женские. Скелетный мате риал погребений, раскопанных в последние десятилетия, обычно описывают специалис ты-антропологи, и археологи при определении пола теперь полагаются не только на инвен тарь могил. Конечно, даже имея два мнения, не всегда удается с абсолютной точностью ре шить вопрос о половой принадлежности умер шего: ведь хорошо известно, что с точки зрения строения скелета существуют «женственные» мужчины и наоборот. Поэтому к случаям на ходок, например, оружия у женщин, нужно подходить предельно осторожно. Антропологи 1. Настоящая работа выполнена в рамках проекта № 124944 венгерского бюро по исследованиям, развитию и инновации (NKFIH) «Онлайн пуб ликация погребений римского времени и ранней эпохи переселения народов барбарикума Карпат ского бассейна». ческие определения осложняются еще и тем об стоятельством, что подавляющее большинство сарматских могил венгрии ограблено. в нашей выборке фигурируют погребения, которые все же с наибольшей вероятностью можно отнести к «слабому» полу. Мы не склонны считать, что найденное в женских погребениях оружие-а оно, за од ним исключением, как правило фрагментиро ванное,-могло использоваться по прямому назначению. будапешт, ракошчаба, пецели ут / Budapest, Rákoscsaba, péceli út, погр. 235/1 (Nagy 2018, p. 156-158). Ограбленное погребе ние, кости разбросаны. Яма (глубина: 140 см, длина: 270 см, ширина 85-95 см) ориентиро вана на ююв. По определению антрополога пол женский, возраст Maturus. Находки: в заполнении железный втульча тый наконечник стрелы (рис. 1: 1), железная игла с загнутой головкой (рис. 1: 2) и три цвет ные стеклянные бусины (рис. 1: 3). Хотя захоронение ограблено, но антрополо гическое определение и наличие бус и иглы (вероятно, от веретена; ср. Pópity 2015), свиде тельствует о женском погребении. Мадараш-халмок / madaras-Halmok, погр. 144 (Kőhegyi, Vörös 2011, p. 61). Ограб ленное погребение (глубина: 176 см, длина: 253 см, ширина: 68 см), ориентированное на юв. От костей остались только осколки, антро пологического определения не было. Находки (все на дне ямы): трехгранный железный черешковый наконечник стрелы (рис. 2: 1), две многогранные сердоликовые, одна стеклянная оранжевая, две янтарных бусины (рис. 2: 2), фрагмент железного ножа (рис. 2: 3), фрагмент железного гвоздя (рис. 2:
Competing Narratives between Nomadic People and their Sedentary Neighbours Papers of the 7th International Conference on the Medieval History of the Eurasian Steppe Nov. 9–12, 2018 Shanghai University, China Ed. Chen Hao. Studia Uralo-Altaica 53. Szeged, 2019
International connections of the Sarmatian of the Great Hungarian Plain in the light of some rare... more International connections of the Sarmatian of the Great Hungarian Plain in the light of some rare "import"(?) finds.
A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye területéről ismert régi és újabb temetők közzétételének sorát f... more A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye területéről ismert régi és újabb temetők közzétételének sorát folytatjuk jelen cikkünkben azzal a nem titkolt szándékkal, hogy a feltárt leletanyag publikálása és értékelése lehetővé tegye a terület és a tágabb régió, a Felső-Tisza-vidék minél részletesebb és árnyaltabb avar kori történetének megismerését. Az egyre több temető (és telep) közlése lehetővé teszi, hogy az eddigieknél pontosabban meghatározzuk a terület VII. századi betelepítésének ide-jét, ütemét, a betelepülők származását (kiindulási helyét), a Nyírség VII. századi birtokbavételét és VIII-IX. századi használatát. Reméljük, hogy cikkünk hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy az ásatók és a kor-szakkal foglalkozó régészek összefogásával, a munkák koordinálásával, talán egy projekt keretében ez megvalósítható legyen. Az itt bemutatott sírok, temetőrészletek, helyszíni szemlék (Nyírtelek-Kancajárás) és meg-előző feltárások (Nyíregyháza-Mandabokor, Nyíregyháza-Sóstó, Múzeumfalu, illetve Nyíregyháza-Oros, Mega üzleti park) keretében váltak ismertté az elmúlt két évtizedben. Ezek a lelőhelyek a közép-nyírségi kistájon kerültek elő, melyet a futóhomokkal, lösszel és löszös homokkal fedett hordalékkúp-síkság, azon belül az ÉK-DNy-i homokövezetek és az elzárt medencéket alkotó egykori folyóvölgyek jellemzik (Dövényi 2010. 222.). Az itt közreadott temetőkben megfigyelhető temetkezési szokások és a sírok leletanyagának értékelését és értelmezését-hasonlóan az eddigiekhez-elsősorban a szűkebb régió, a Nyírség és a Hajdúság területéről ismert temetkezések bevonásával végeztük el, mert nem lehet feladatunk egyes résztémák teljességre törekvő feldolgozása, ami szétfeszítené a dolgozat kereteit. I. Nyírtelek-Kancajárás 1990. július elején a falu (I. tábla 1.) északnyugati határában, a Nyíregyházáról Rakamaz-ra vezető úttól jobbra, a szemétteleptől ÉÉNy-ra mintegy 250 méterre lévő, nagyjából északkelet-délnyugati, közel háromszög alakú dombból homokot hordtak el (I. tábla 5.). A domb északnyugati oldalában, a sárga homokban a felszíntől kb. 80 cm mélyen kerültek elő a vázmaradványok. A domb nyugati, délnyugati lábánál mély, vízállásos terület, egykori állóvíz húzódott. A helyszíni szemle alkalmával egy sír volt még többé-kevésbé in situ. A kibányászott rész szélén 6 m széles sáv NyJAMÉ LX. 2018. 071-162.
On two sides of a border. Museum research into archaeology, history and architectural monuments i... more On two sides of a border. Museum research into archaeology, history and architectural monuments in Szabolcs and Szatmár/Satu Mare Common research into history, archaeology, ethnography and art history of Szatmár split after the First World War could restart only in the last 25 years. Despite of the many centuries’ old geographical, economical and cultural togetherness of the territory, in the last 100 years it diverged gravitating towards the centre of the countries on both sides. As a result, a peripherical situation formed producing backwardness, which is compensated on some degree by the integrating force of the cross-border relationship recently quickened. Divergence can be well observed also in history and its related disciplines. Border divided archaeological sites and geographical units coherent in archaeological- historical periods; it split also document collections in archives representing most of historical sources. Interpretation of formerly coherent written sources or find material led to different, sometimes contradictory results. This difference formed because of the distinct language environment, differing terminology, chronology and context of interpretation. It is not an easy task to weave together the broken threads and perhaps cannot be fulfilled completely. However, collective research work continued by the Satu Mare County Museum (Muzeul Judeţean Satu Mare) and the Directory of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museums and its successor, the Jósa András Museum is an important point and chance for finding the common denominator. This study discusses the results of this cooperation.
Magyarország Régészeti Topográfiája. Múlt, Jelen, Jövő / Archaeological Topography of Hungary – Past, Present and Future. Eds. Benkő Elek, Bodnár Mária, Kolláth Ágnes. Budapest: MTA BTK Régészeti Intézet, 2017
The accurate mapping is crucial to ... more CROSS -BORDER TOPOGR APHIC RESEARCH IN THE UPPER TISZA REGION The accurate mapping is crucial to the effective protection of archaeological sites. Despite this, the systematic archaeological survey of the Upper Tisza Region has not been completed yet. The need for such a survey is ever more urgent in the wake of major development projects and intensifying metal detectoring activity. The latter is not surprising, given that this region is extremely rich in bronze hoards, assemblages that are among the favourite “trophies” of detectorists. In the light of the above, it seemed relevant to propose the extension of the archaeological survey of Hungary to the region in question, and we submitted a proposal to this effect to the Ministry of Interior and to the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2012–2013. Already at that time, we emphasised that the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museum (Nyíregyháza) and the Satu Mare County Museum (Satu Mare) had conducted several joint projects such as common fieldwalkings and the publication of village monographs within the framework of a Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project, which could serve as preliminary studies for an archaeological survey. The two-decades-long co-operation between our museums has created the necessary foundation for the cross-border activity. In this way, we took the first step towards our final goal, the creation of a continuously updated register of all the archaeological sites in the Carpathian Basin. The proposed project is a complex research: it is designed to connect archaeological sites and relevant architectural monuments (including vernacular architecture). For data processing, we can make use of a GIS-based system (EMIR: Unified Museum Information System database and ArcWiew). We consider it important to continue the publication of the popular monographs of the researched villages, a tradition we began during the Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project. The research background to each volume included the systematic field survey, aerial photography and geophysical survey of the given territories. To date, twenty-six volumes of the settlement monograph series have been completed.
This paper publishes a looted, West–East oriented burial dated to the middle – second half of the... more This paper publishes a looted, West–East oriented burial dated to the middle – second half of the 5th century, which was found during the rescue excavation and conservation of the Pilgrimage Church of Máriapócs (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Coutny). The assemblage includes a pair of Léva type bronze brooches of the Pannonian series by Igor' Gavritukhin, a bronze earring with blurred polyhedric knob, a large B-shaped iron buckle, and a small iron buckle with segmented frame, bronze prong and rivets. Originally, with a pair, it could belong to the shoe belts. Most of the finds have analogies west of the Danube, in Pannonia.
This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of the beads known from the sites of the Sarmatian... more This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of the beads known from the sites of the Sarmatian Age in the Crimean sub-mountainous area and the Great Hungarian Plain. We selected the most characteristic types of these decorations used in both regions; shortly characterized the distribution of beads made of different materials; displayed traditions of bead usage in the costume, specific and common for the Crimea and Hungarian Plain. As a result of the examination, we assumed that beads were the most numerous finds in the burials of the two regions. Both in the Crimea and Hungary, the number of beads is much higher than in the Sarmatian assemblages of the Eurasian steppe. They are typically found in female and child graves and come to light in male burials only sporadically. Beads were used not only as parts of necklaces and bracelets but also for embroidering the clothes and shoes. We could trace some common tendencies in the composition of the sets used by the women of both regions for decorating their costumes. In all probability, this points to contacts between the population of the Crimean sub-mountainous area and Carpathian Basin in the Roman Age.
Археологія і давня історія України 36. 2020: 3. , 2020
Статья посвящена исследованию наличия ору-жия или фрагмента оружия в женских могилах сарматов Вен... more Статья посвящена исследованию наличия ору-жия или фрагмента оружия в женских могилах сарматов Венгерской низменности. Точное количество таких погребений трудно определить из-за разрушения могил при ограблении и неточности антропологических определений. На основании имеющегося материала мы предположили существование обряда «передачи вещей на тот свет», ана-логи которому имеются как в археологическом-в частности, сарматском,-так и в этнографичес-ком материале. ключевые слова: оружие, женские погребения, сарматы, Алфельд (Венгерская низменность). Создавая базу данных сарматских погребе ний Алфельда (венгерской низменности) 1 , мы обратили внимание на присутствие типично «мужских» предметов инвентаря в могилах, определенных как женские. Скелетный мате риал погребений, раскопанных в последние десятилетия, обычно описывают специалис ты-антропологи, и археологи при определении пола теперь полагаются не только на инвен тарь могил. Конечно, даже имея два мнения, не всегда удается с абсолютной точностью ре шить вопрос о половой принадлежности умер шего: ведь хорошо известно, что с точки зрения строения скелета существуют «женственные» мужчины и наоборот. Поэтому к случаям на ходок, например, оружия у женщин, нужно подходить предельно осторожно. Антропологи 1. Настоящая работа выполнена в рамках проекта № 124944 венгерского бюро по исследованиям, развитию и инновации (NKFIH) «Онлайн пуб ликация погребений римского времени и ранней эпохи переселения народов барбарикума Карпат ского бассейна». ческие определения осложняются еще и тем об стоятельством, что подавляющее большинство сарматских могил венгрии ограблено. в нашей выборке фигурируют погребения, которые все же с наибольшей вероятностью можно отнести к «слабому» полу. Мы не склонны считать, что найденное в женских погребениях оружие-а оно, за од ним исключением, как правило фрагментиро ванное,-могло использоваться по прямому назначению. будапешт, ракошчаба, пецели ут / Budapest, Rákoscsaba, péceli út, погр. 235/1 (Nagy 2018, p. 156-158). Ограбленное погребе ние, кости разбросаны. Яма (глубина: 140 см, длина: 270 см, ширина 85-95 см) ориентиро вана на ююв. По определению антрополога пол женский, возраст Maturus. Находки: в заполнении железный втульча тый наконечник стрелы (рис. 1: 1), железная игла с загнутой головкой (рис. 1: 2) и три цвет ные стеклянные бусины (рис. 1: 3). Хотя захоронение ограблено, но антрополо гическое определение и наличие бус и иглы (вероятно, от веретена; ср. Pópity 2015), свиде тельствует о женском погребении. Мадараш-халмок / madaras-Halmok, погр. 144 (Kőhegyi, Vörös 2011, p. 61). Ограб ленное погребение (глубина: 176 см, длина: 253 см, ширина: 68 см), ориентированное на юв. От костей остались только осколки, антро пологического определения не было. Находки (все на дне ямы): трехгранный железный черешковый наконечник стрелы (рис. 2: 1), две многогранные сердоликовые, одна стеклянная оранжевая, две янтарных бусины (рис. 2: 2), фрагмент железного ножа (рис. 2: 3), фрагмент железного гвоздя (рис. 2:
Competing Narratives between Nomadic People and their Sedentary Neighbours Papers of the 7th International Conference on the Medieval History of the Eurasian Steppe Nov. 9–12, 2018 Shanghai University, China Ed. Chen Hao. Studia Uralo-Altaica 53. Szeged, 2019
International connections of the Sarmatian of the Great Hungarian Plain in the light of some rare... more International connections of the Sarmatian of the Great Hungarian Plain in the light of some rare "import"(?) finds.
A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye területéről ismert régi és újabb temetők közzétételének sorát f... more A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye területéről ismert régi és újabb temetők közzétételének sorát folytatjuk jelen cikkünkben azzal a nem titkolt szándékkal, hogy a feltárt leletanyag publikálása és értékelése lehetővé tegye a terület és a tágabb régió, a Felső-Tisza-vidék minél részletesebb és árnyaltabb avar kori történetének megismerését. Az egyre több temető (és telep) közlése lehetővé teszi, hogy az eddigieknél pontosabban meghatározzuk a terület VII. századi betelepítésének ide-jét, ütemét, a betelepülők származását (kiindulási helyét), a Nyírség VII. századi birtokbavételét és VIII-IX. századi használatát. Reméljük, hogy cikkünk hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy az ásatók és a kor-szakkal foglalkozó régészek összefogásával, a munkák koordinálásával, talán egy projekt keretében ez megvalósítható legyen. Az itt bemutatott sírok, temetőrészletek, helyszíni szemlék (Nyírtelek-Kancajárás) és meg-előző feltárások (Nyíregyháza-Mandabokor, Nyíregyháza-Sóstó, Múzeumfalu, illetve Nyíregyháza-Oros, Mega üzleti park) keretében váltak ismertté az elmúlt két évtizedben. Ezek a lelőhelyek a közép-nyírségi kistájon kerültek elő, melyet a futóhomokkal, lösszel és löszös homokkal fedett hordalékkúp-síkság, azon belül az ÉK-DNy-i homokövezetek és az elzárt medencéket alkotó egykori folyóvölgyek jellemzik (Dövényi 2010. 222.). Az itt közreadott temetőkben megfigyelhető temetkezési szokások és a sírok leletanyagának értékelését és értelmezését-hasonlóan az eddigiekhez-elsősorban a szűkebb régió, a Nyírség és a Hajdúság területéről ismert temetkezések bevonásával végeztük el, mert nem lehet feladatunk egyes résztémák teljességre törekvő feldolgozása, ami szétfeszítené a dolgozat kereteit. I. Nyírtelek-Kancajárás 1990. július elején a falu (I. tábla 1.) északnyugati határában, a Nyíregyházáról Rakamaz-ra vezető úttól jobbra, a szemétteleptől ÉÉNy-ra mintegy 250 méterre lévő, nagyjából északkelet-délnyugati, közel háromszög alakú dombból homokot hordtak el (I. tábla 5.). A domb északnyugati oldalában, a sárga homokban a felszíntől kb. 80 cm mélyen kerültek elő a vázmaradványok. A domb nyugati, délnyugati lábánál mély, vízállásos terület, egykori állóvíz húzódott. A helyszíni szemle alkalmával egy sír volt még többé-kevésbé in situ. A kibányászott rész szélén 6 m széles sáv NyJAMÉ LX. 2018. 071-162.
On two sides of a border. Museum research into archaeology, history and architectural monuments i... more On two sides of a border. Museum research into archaeology, history and architectural monuments in Szabolcs and Szatmár/Satu Mare Common research into history, archaeology, ethnography and art history of Szatmár split after the First World War could restart only in the last 25 years. Despite of the many centuries’ old geographical, economical and cultural togetherness of the territory, in the last 100 years it diverged gravitating towards the centre of the countries on both sides. As a result, a peripherical situation formed producing backwardness, which is compensated on some degree by the integrating force of the cross-border relationship recently quickened. Divergence can be well observed also in history and its related disciplines. Border divided archaeological sites and geographical units coherent in archaeological- historical periods; it split also document collections in archives representing most of historical sources. Interpretation of formerly coherent written sources or find material led to different, sometimes contradictory results. This difference formed because of the distinct language environment, differing terminology, chronology and context of interpretation. It is not an easy task to weave together the broken threads and perhaps cannot be fulfilled completely. However, collective research work continued by the Satu Mare County Museum (Muzeul Judeţean Satu Mare) and the Directory of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museums and its successor, the Jósa András Museum is an important point and chance for finding the common denominator. This study discusses the results of this cooperation.
Magyarország Régészeti Topográfiája. Múlt, Jelen, Jövő / Archaeological Topography of Hungary – Past, Present and Future. Eds. Benkő Elek, Bodnár Mária, Kolláth Ágnes. Budapest: MTA BTK Régészeti Intézet, 2017
The accurate mapping is crucial to ... more CROSS -BORDER TOPOGR APHIC RESEARCH IN THE UPPER TISZA REGION The accurate mapping is crucial to the effective protection of archaeological sites. Despite this, the systematic archaeological survey of the Upper Tisza Region has not been completed yet. The need for such a survey is ever more urgent in the wake of major development projects and intensifying metal detectoring activity. The latter is not surprising, given that this region is extremely rich in bronze hoards, assemblages that are among the favourite “trophies” of detectorists. In the light of the above, it seemed relevant to propose the extension of the archaeological survey of Hungary to the region in question, and we submitted a proposal to this effect to the Ministry of Interior and to the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2012–2013. Already at that time, we emphasised that the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museum (Nyíregyháza) and the Satu Mare County Museum (Satu Mare) had conducted several joint projects such as common fieldwalkings and the publication of village monographs within the framework of a Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project, which could serve as preliminary studies for an archaeological survey. The two-decades-long co-operation between our museums has created the necessary foundation for the cross-border activity. In this way, we took the first step towards our final goal, the creation of a continuously updated register of all the archaeological sites in the Carpathian Basin. The proposed project is a complex research: it is designed to connect archaeological sites and relevant architectural monuments (including vernacular architecture). For data processing, we can make use of a GIS-based system (EMIR: Unified Museum Information System database and ArcWiew). We consider it important to continue the publication of the popular monographs of the researched villages, a tradition we began during the Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project. The research background to each volume included the systematic field survey, aerial photography and geophysical survey of the given territories. To date, twenty-six volumes of the settlement monograph series have been completed.
This paper publishes a looted, West–East oriented burial dated to the middle – second half of the... more This paper publishes a looted, West–East oriented burial dated to the middle – second half of the 5th century, which was found during the rescue excavation and conservation of the Pilgrimage Church of Máriapócs (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Coutny). The assemblage includes a pair of Léva type bronze brooches of the Pannonian series by Igor' Gavritukhin, a bronze earring with blurred polyhedric knob, a large B-shaped iron buckle, and a small iron buckle with segmented frame, bronze prong and rivets. Originally, with a pair, it could belong to the shoe belts. Most of the finds have analogies west of the Danube, in Pannonia.
Papers by Eszter Istvánovits
two regions. Both in the Crimea and Hungary, the number of beads is much higher than in the Sarmatian assemblages of the Eurasian steppe. They are typically found in female and child graves and come to light in male burials only sporadically. Beads were used not only as parts
of necklaces and bracelets but also for embroidering the clothes and shoes. We could trace some common tendencies in the composition of the sets used by the women of both regions for decorating their costumes. In all probability, this points to contacts between the population of the Crimean sub-mountainous area and Carpathian Basin in the Roman Age.
Common research into history, archaeology, ethnography and art history of Szatmár split
after the First World War could restart only in the last 25 years. Despite of the many centuries’ old
geographical, economical and cultural togetherness of the territory, in the last 100 years it diverged
gravitating towards the centre of the countries on both sides. As a result, a peripherical situation formed
producing backwardness, which is compensated on some degree by the integrating force of the
cross-border relationship recently quickened. Divergence can be well observed also in history and
its related disciplines. Border divided archaeological sites and geographical units coherent in archaeological-
historical periods; it split also document collections in archives representing most of historical
sources. Interpretation of formerly coherent written sources or find material led to different,
sometimes contradictory results. This difference formed because of the distinct language environment,
differing terminology, chronology and context of interpretation. It is not an easy task to weave
together the broken threads and perhaps cannot be fulfilled completely. However, collective research
work continued by the Satu Mare County Museum (Muzeul Judeţean Satu Mare) and the Directory of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museums and its successor, the Jósa András Museum is an
important point and chance for finding the common denominator. This study discusses the results of
this cooperation.
The accurate mapping is crucial to the effective protection of archaeological sites. Despite this,
the systematic archaeological survey of the Upper Tisza Region has not been completed yet. The need for such a survey is ever more urgent in the wake of major development projects and intensifying metal detectoring activity. The latter is not surprising, given that this region
is extremely rich in bronze hoards, assemblages that are among the favourite “trophies” of detectorists.
In the light of the above, it seemed relevant to propose the extension of the archaeological survey of Hungary to the region in question, and we submitted a proposal to this effect to the Ministry of Interior and to the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
in 2012–2013. Already at that time, we emphasised that the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museum (Nyíregyháza) and the Satu Mare County Museum (Satu Mare) had conducted several joint projects such as common fieldwalkings and the publication of village monographs within the framework of a Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project, which could serve as
preliminary studies for an archaeological survey. The two-decades-long co-operation between our museums has created the necessary foundation for the cross-border activity. In this way, we took the first step towards our final goal, the creation of a continuously updated register of all the archaeological sites in the Carpathian Basin.
The proposed project is a complex research: it is designed to connect archaeological sites
and relevant architectural monuments (including vernacular architecture). For data processing,
we can make use of a GIS-based system (EMIR: Unified Museum Information System database and ArcWiew).
We consider it important to continue the publication of the popular monographs of the researched villages, a tradition we began during the Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project. The research background to each volume included the systematic field survey, aerial photography and geophysical survey of the given territories. To date, twenty-six volumes of the
settlement monograph series have been completed.
two regions. Both in the Crimea and Hungary, the number of beads is much higher than in the Sarmatian assemblages of the Eurasian steppe. They are typically found in female and child graves and come to light in male burials only sporadically. Beads were used not only as parts
of necklaces and bracelets but also for embroidering the clothes and shoes. We could trace some common tendencies in the composition of the sets used by the women of both regions for decorating their costumes. In all probability, this points to contacts between the population of the Crimean sub-mountainous area and Carpathian Basin in the Roman Age.
Common research into history, archaeology, ethnography and art history of Szatmár split
after the First World War could restart only in the last 25 years. Despite of the many centuries’ old
geographical, economical and cultural togetherness of the territory, in the last 100 years it diverged
gravitating towards the centre of the countries on both sides. As a result, a peripherical situation formed
producing backwardness, which is compensated on some degree by the integrating force of the
cross-border relationship recently quickened. Divergence can be well observed also in history and
its related disciplines. Border divided archaeological sites and geographical units coherent in archaeological-
historical periods; it split also document collections in archives representing most of historical
sources. Interpretation of formerly coherent written sources or find material led to different,
sometimes contradictory results. This difference formed because of the distinct language environment,
differing terminology, chronology and context of interpretation. It is not an easy task to weave
together the broken threads and perhaps cannot be fulfilled completely. However, collective research
work continued by the Satu Mare County Museum (Muzeul Judeţean Satu Mare) and the Directory of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museums and its successor, the Jósa András Museum is an
important point and chance for finding the common denominator. This study discusses the results of
this cooperation.
The accurate mapping is crucial to the effective protection of archaeological sites. Despite this,
the systematic archaeological survey of the Upper Tisza Region has not been completed yet. The need for such a survey is ever more urgent in the wake of major development projects and intensifying metal detectoring activity. The latter is not surprising, given that this region
is extremely rich in bronze hoards, assemblages that are among the favourite “trophies” of detectorists.
In the light of the above, it seemed relevant to propose the extension of the archaeological survey of Hungary to the region in question, and we submitted a proposal to this effect to the Ministry of Interior and to the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
in 2012–2013. Already at that time, we emphasised that the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museum (Nyíregyháza) and the Satu Mare County Museum (Satu Mare) had conducted several joint projects such as common fieldwalkings and the publication of village monographs within the framework of a Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project, which could serve as
preliminary studies for an archaeological survey. The two-decades-long co-operation between our museums has created the necessary foundation for the cross-border activity. In this way, we took the first step towards our final goal, the creation of a continuously updated register of all the archaeological sites in the Carpathian Basin.
The proposed project is a complex research: it is designed to connect archaeological sites
and relevant architectural monuments (including vernacular architecture). For data processing,
we can make use of a GIS-based system (EMIR: Unified Museum Information System database and ArcWiew).
We consider it important to continue the publication of the popular monographs of the researched villages, a tradition we began during the Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project. The research background to each volume included the systematic field survey, aerial photography and geophysical survey of the given territories. To date, twenty-six volumes of the
settlement monograph series have been completed.