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7 citations
Microscopic Origin of the Entropy of Black Holes in General Relativity
Vijay Balasubramanian, Albion Lawrence, Javier M. Magán, and Martin Sasieta
Phys. Rev. X 14, 011024 (2024) – Published 21 February 2024

A novel description of black-hole microstates as quantum superpositions of objects with geometric semiclassical descriptions explains the origin of black-hole entropy.

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Microscopics of de Sitter Entropy from Precision Holography
Nikolay Bobev, Thomas Hertog, Junho Hong, Joel Karlsson, and Valentin Reys
Phys. Rev. X 13, 041056 (2023) – Published 21 December 2023

A new calculation of the entropy of an expanding universe suggests the microscopic building blocks of space and time reside on a sort of cosmic holographic screen.

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5 citations
Matrix Models for Eigenstate Thermalization
Daniel Louis Jafferis, David K. Kolchmeyer, Baur Mukhametzhanov, and Julian Sonner
Phys. Rev. X 13, 031033 (2023) – Published 20 September 2023

A new theoretical framework of chaotic, thermalizing quantum many-body systems unifies several extant, disjoint descriptions and points toward unexpected connections between quantum chaos and quantum gravity.

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8 citations
Uncovering Conformal Symmetry in the 3D Ising Transition: State-Operator Correspondence from a Quantum Fuzzy Sphere Regularization
Wei Zhu, Chao Han, Emilie Huffman, Johannes S. Hofmann, and Yin-Chen He
Phys. Rev. X 13, 021009 (2023) – Published 18 April 2023

A new theoretical scheme of studying the 3D Ising transition—a celebrated phase transition in a model of ferromagnetism—provides insights into the conformal symmetry long conjectured to emerge.

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7 citations
Relativistic Hydrodynamics: A Singulant Perspective
Michal P. Heller, Alexandre Serantes, Michał Spaliński, Viktor Svensson, and Benjamin Withers
Phys. Rev. X 12, 041010 (2022) – Published 27 October 2022

The derivative expansion is a key organizational principle of relativistic hydrodynamics. A collective excitation lurking in the high-order terms of this expansion offers a new conceptual approach to exploring this subject.

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18 citations
Hydrodynamic Diffusion and Its Breakdown near AdS2 Quantum Critical Points
Daniel Areán, Richard A. Davison, Blaise Goutéraux, and Kenta Suzuki
Phys. Rev. X 11, 031024 (2021) – Published 29 July 2021

In a class of quantum critical phases of matter, heat diffusion competes with another process for heat conduction, an insight that may offer clues as to how diffusion arises from microscopic dynamics.

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25 citations
All Holographic Four-Point Functions in All Maximally Supersymmetric CFTs
Luis F. Alday and Xinan Zhou
Phys. Rev. X 11, 011056 (2021) – Published 18 March 2021

A mathematical framework for organizing correlators in conformal field theory (CFT) and corresponding scattering amplitudes in anti–de Sitter (AdS) space greatly enhances the computing power of AdS/CFT for analyzing quantum gravity.

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37 citations
Continuous Symmetries and Approximate Quantum Error Correction
Philippe Faist, Sepehr Nezami, Victor V. Albert, Grant Salton, Fernando Pastawski, Patrick Hayden, and John Preskill
Phys. Rev. X 10, 041018 (2020) – Published 26 October 2020

A quantum code that is covariant with respect to a continuous symmetry can approximately correct the loss of a “letter” in that code, circumventing earlier no-go theorems in certain regimes.

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Featured in Physics 84 citations
Black Holes in 4D N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Field Theory
Francesco Benini and Paolo Milan
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021037 (2020) – Published 18 May 2020
Physics logo Viewpoint: A Microscopic Account of Black Hole Entropy

String theory provides a microscopic description of the entropy of certain theoretical black holes—an important step toward understanding black hole thermodynamics.

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Featured in Physics 20 citations
Deep Quantum Geometry of Matrices
Xizhi Han (韩希之) and Sean A. Hartnoll
Phys. Rev. X 10, 011069 (2020) – Published 23 March 2020
Physics logo Viewpoint: Machine Learning Tackles Spacetime

Neural networks enable an important calculation in a popular approach to unifying quantum theory with general relativity.

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20 citations
Conformal Quasicrystals and Holography
Latham Boyle, Madeline Dickens, and Felix Flicker
Phys. Rev. X 10, 011009 (2020) – Published 14 January 2020

The boundary of a discrete spacetime is itself a discrete structure now dubbed a conformal quasicrystal, a fundamental new insight into ideas from holography that attempt to reconcile the conflict between general relativity and quantum physics.

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88 citations
Entanglement Wedge Reconstruction via Universal Recovery Channels
Jordan Cotler, Patrick Hayden, Geoffrey Penington, Grant Salton, Brian Swingle, and Michael Walter
Phys. Rev. X 9, 031011 (2019) – Published 24 July 2019

A mathematical tool provides a way to translate descriptions of objects in the language of quantum gravity into the language of purely quantum-mechanical systems without gravity.

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52 citations
Symmetry Breaking in Coupled SYK or Tensor Models
Jaewon Kim, Igor R. Klebanov, Grigory Tarnopolsky, and Wenli Zhao
Phys. Rev. X 9, 021043 (2019) – Published 31 May 2019

A new analysis of quantum-mechanical models that describe interactions in large ensembles of Majorana fermions reveals richer phenomena in these complex systems, providing a potential path towards physical applications.

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211 citations
Particle-Vortex Duality from 3D Bosonization
Andreas Karch and David Tong
Phys. Rev. X 6, 031043 (2016) – Published 19 September 2016

Bosons and fermions, once thought to be distinct entities, can actually be exchanged via the attachment of flux. This observation is used to relate different theories that have applications in fields as diverse as condensed matter physics and string theory.

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75 citations
Defect Formation beyond Kibble-Zurek Mechanism and Holography
Paul M. Chesler, Antonio M. García-García, and Hong Liu
Phys. Rev. X 5, 021015 (2015) – Published 14 May 2015

Topological defects can occur during the transition from disorder to order. Researchers quantitatively predict the formation rate of defects using scaling ideas, linear response, and insights from gravity.

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