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Media Asia

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Tabula geographica physica Mediae Asiae a Caucaso in parte caurina sito usque ad Mongoliam in parte septentrio-orientali sitam
Civitates Mediae Asiae.
Media Asia in orbe terrarum sita.

Media Asia est pars Asiae, varie definita. Definitio a Sovieticis adhibita tantum Uzbeciam, Turcomanniam, Kyrgessiam, Tadzikistaniam complectitur. Unione Sovietica dissoluta illae quattuor, una cum Casachia, hanc quoque esse Mediae Asiae partem confirmaverunt.[1] Quae definitio nunc a plerisque accipitur. Unesco tamen alia definitione utitur, quae etiam Afganiam, Mongoliam, et partes Iraniae, Pakistaniae, Indiae, Russiae, et Sinarum comprehendit, regionem quidem quae dici potest a Mari Caspio in occidente ad Sinam in oriente extendi. Quae regio vulgo stanes appellatur, quia nomina plurium civitatum intra regionem suffixo stan (vocabulo Persice 'terra alicuius' significante[2]) terminant.

Media Asia temporibus prae-Islamicis primisque Islamicis plerumque erat regio Iranica,[3][4] cuius incolae erant Bactriani (linguis Iranicis Orientalibus utentes), Sogdiani, Chorasmiani, et Scythae Dahaeque, gentes seminomadici. Postquam gentes Turcicae irruptionem in terras regionis fecerunt, Media Asia facta est patria gentium Cazachorum, Uzbecorum, Tatarorum, Turcomannorum, Kyrgyzorum, et Uigurorum; linguae Turcicae pro linguis Iranicis in regione plerumque substitutae sunt. Omnem regionem Marcus Paulus Venetus Turcestaniam appellavit.[5][6][7]

Nexus interni

  1. De Media Asia in Encyclopaedia Britannica (Britannica.com).
  2. Paul McFedries (25 October 2001). "stans". Word Spy .
  3. Encyclopædia Iranica, "CENTRAL ASIA: The Islamic period up to the Mongols", C. Edmund Bosworth: "In early Islamic times Persians tended to identify all the lands to the northeast of Khorasan and lying beyond the Oxus with the region of Turan, which in the Shahnama of Ferdowsi is regarded as the land allotted to Fereydun's son Tur. The denizens of Turan were held to include the Turks, in the first four centuries of Islam essentially those nomadizing beyond the Jaxartes, and behind them the Chinese (see Kowalski; Minorsky, "Turan"). Turan thus became both an ethnic and a diareeah term, but always containing ambiguities and contradictions, arising from the fact that all through Islamic times the lands immediately beyond the Oxus and along its lower reaches were the homes not of Turks but of Iranian peoples, such as the Sogdians and Khwarezmians."
  4. C. E. Bosworth, "The Appearance of the Arabs in Central Asia under the Umayyads and the establishment of Islam", in History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. IV: The Age of Achievement: AD 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century, Part One: The Historical, Social and Economic Setting, edited by M. S. Asimov and C. E. Bosworth. Multiple History Series. Paris: Motilal Banarsidass Publ./UNESCO Publishing, 1999. Ex pagina 23: "Central Asia in the early seventh century was ethnically still largely an Iranian land whose people used various Middle Iranian languages."
  5. Marcus Paulus Venetus, The Travels of Marco Polo, conv. Paul Smethurst (2005), p. 676. ISBN 978-0-7607-6589-0.
  6. Gabriel Ferrand (1913), "Ibn Batūtā," Relations de voyages et textes géographiques arabes, persans et turks relatifs à l'Extrème-Orient du 8e au 18e siècles (vol. 1 et 2) (Lutetiae: Ernest Laroux), 426–458.
  7. Bernadette Andrea, "Ibn Fadlan's Journey to Russia: A Tenth‐Century Traveler from Baghdad to the Volga River by Richard N. Frye: Review by Bernadette Andrea," Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 41 (2): 201–202.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Klein, Igor, Ursula Gessner, et Claudia Kuenzer. 2012. "Regional land cover mapping and change detection in Central Asia using MODIS time-series." Applied Geography 35 (1–2): 219–34. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.06.016.
  • Mandelbaum, Michael, ed. 1994. Central Asia and the World: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. Novi Eboraci: Council on Foreign Relations Press.
  • Olcott, Martha Brill. 1996. Central Asia's New States: Independence, Foreign policy, and Regional security. Vasingtoniae: United States Institute of Peace Press.
  • Phillips, Andrew, et Paul James. 2013. "National Identity between Tradition and Reflexive Modernisation: The Contradictions of Central Asia." National Identities 3 (1): 23–35.
  • Paksoy, Hasan Bulent. 1989. ALPAMYSH: Central Asian Identity under Russian Rule. Hartford Connecticutae: AACAR. Editio interretialis.
  • Rall, Ted. 2006. Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East? Novi Eboraci: NBM Publishing.
  • Soucek, Svatopluk. 2000.l A History of Inner Asia. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.