From the Balkans to the Mediterranean. The Albanians between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern... more From the Balkans to the Mediterranean. The Albanians between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age.
Book published by the Insitute of History, Tirana, 2019. (In Albanian)
The Hundred Years War has had a profound impact on the history of France and England. ... more Abstract The Hundred Years War has had a profound impact on the history of France and England. Yet its impact and importance on the history of other European countries and of Europe in general has been overlooked and much less studied. Even the supporters of the so-called “late medieval crisis”, have not shown any interest in establishing any kind of relationship between the “crisis” of the Late Middle Ages, and the Hundred Years War, although both match perfectly in chronological terms. We aim to establish a relation between the anglo-french conflict of the Late Middle Ages and the difficulties and/or the decline of some European countries and regions during the same time span. Before the war France was the commercial hub of Europe, but during the course of the war became its main battlefield. It was a conflict between England and France, fought and decided entirely in French territories and dependencies. So, how this transformation of the biggest, the richest, the most central and the most important kingdom of Europe, from a commercial hub to a battlefield, influenced the economic landscape of the continent, is a central question to answer? Instead of focusing the attention on the movements and itineraries of the fighting or ravaging armies, we aim to focus on the itineraries of the traders and on the shifting geography of the trade routes. Through her transformation in a battlefield France, once a paradise for the traders, became a paradise for the chivalry and the soldiers, but a hell for the traders. Thus, many countries and regions better suited to serve as an alternative choice for the commerce and the traders, increased their share of the commercial traffic, or better said, of the wealth available. Portugal became one of these commercial paradises that helped the stream of goods and wealth to flow. At the same time this shifting geography of the trade routes, not only helped these new commercial paradises to strengthen their economies, but it increased the costs of transactions and maintenance of the commerce. Goods and wealth flowed easily through the new routes, but these new trade routes were expensive alternatives of the old French-centred routes. With the end of the Hundred Years War, ended the need to avoid the French routes, and the flow of commerce shifted back to France, but the new geography of the expanded commerce and the wealth accumulated during the war continued for some time to foster the development of the these countries during the time that France was retaking its centrality in the commercial routes of the continent. Portugal’s economic outlook during the Hundred Years War has been traditionally linked by the historians to the French pattern, widely accepted as negative, depressionist and in deep crisis. The broad framework for this relation is the “late medieval crisis”, or the Malthusian interpretation of the history of Late Middle Ages. According to this interpretation, the “late medieval crisis” was general to the whole of Europe, and even beyond, although recognizing some insignificant exceptions. In fact, focusing on the broad picture, except the generalized effect of the Black Death, most parts of Europe did not go through a “late medieval crisis”. Portugal had all the conditions to gain from the shift of the trade routes, and was one of the most important countries that served the economic system of the continent to continue to run smoothly even with the significant obstacle of the war. During the supposed “crisis”, Portugal went from strength to strength in economic terms. The Black Death took its toll and the money was devalued, but commerce expanded, the area under cultivation increased, its political and geographical boundaries expanded, technological advance was one of the greatest in the continent, its international projection increased, its independence was assured, its towns increased at the time that agriculture boomed and the wealth and the welfare of its people increased.
A opção de estudar as relações entre Portugal e a Coroa de Aragão no século XV foi uma decisão re... more A opção de estudar as relações entre Portugal e a Coroa de Aragão no século XV foi uma decisão relativamente fácil. A Coroa de Aragão na Idade Média era o reino ibérico mais próxima da minha terra natal, e daqui a ideia de que seria mais fácil e mais lógico dedicar-me a um tema que focasse um espaço histórico mais acessível para as minhas possibilidades e formação. Por outro lado, tinha o desejo de conhecer e me entregar ao estudo da expansão portuguesa, um tema tanto português como universal. Era um tema que me fascinava dentro do território desconhecido e um novo espaço que se abria perante mim.
From the mid-fourteenth to the nineteenth century, the Albanian territories, like much of Europe ... more From the mid-fourteenth to the nineteenth century, the Albanian territories, like much of Europe and the Mediterranean, felt the devastating impact of the plague, a deadly disease brought on by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This disease has caused a major pandemic in Europe and the Mediterranean and is one of the deadliest diseases in human history. In the Albanian regions, this pandemic appeared with all its demographic and economic consequences, similar to those experienced across the Balkans, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Although contemporary records detailing the plague’s impact on Albanian territories are scarce, available data suggest the epidemic was extremely severe, inflicting considerable harm on the population and economy. The disease made recurrent appearances, each time bringing high death tolls and significant disruptions to the area’s social and economic well-being. During the late Medieval and Renaissance periods, the Albanian territories grappled with plague outbreaks, suffering substantial damage. This predicament persisted until the early nineteenth century when advances in medicine and hygiene began to curb the epidemic’s spread and reduce its mortality rate.
Në arkivin e familjes Kopliku të Shkodrës gjendet një dokument me vlera për historinë sociale të ... more Në arkivin e familjes Kopliku të Shkodrës gjendet një dokument me vlera për historinë sociale të fillimit të shekullit XVIII. Ditari është mbajtur në osmanishten e kohës me ndonjë dua në arabisht, sidomos kur shënon lindjen e një fëmije, martesën e një djali a vajze, apo vdekjen e ndonjë personaliteti ose familjari. Është përkthyer në verën e vitit 1986, nga Dr. Gjyl Çausholli. Në një shënim të shkruar me dorë, thuhet se ky ditar është marrë nga Ragip Xhabija, e mbajtur nga familja e Faik Koplikut, që nga viti 1945 e deri në vitin 1987 (origjinali), pastaj i është dërguar për përkthim Dr. Gjyl Çaushollit nga Faik Kopliku "tue mendue se i përkasin barkut të Hasan Koplikut". Edhe letra që përkthyesi, Dr. Gjyl Çausholli, i dërgon Faik Koplikut për t'i shpjeguar arsyet e vonesës së përkthimit, na jep të dhëna interesante mbi ngarkesën e madhe që kishin ata pak njohës të osmanishtes ose "turqishtes së vjetër", sikurse thuhet në letër, për shkak të detyrimeve nga autoritetet për të përkthyer letra e dokumente të caktuara që, sipas përkthyesit, kishin të bënin me çështje familjare e pronësore. Letra shoqëruese e përkthyesit është në një fletë të veçantë dhe na ndihmon me të dhëna mbi historinë e dorëshkrimit, ashtu edhe me procesin e përkthimit. 1 Përkthimi nis nga faqja 57 e ditarit dhe mbaron
Edhe pse jemi një nga popujt që kemi jetuar në brigjet e Mesdheut për mijëra vite, jemi ndoshta t... more Edhe pse jemi një nga popujt që kemi jetuar në brigjet e Mesdheut për mijëra vite, jemi ndoshta të vetmit mesdhetarë që pothuajse nuk i kemi lëvruar studimet e historisë detare. Duket në fakt e pabesueshme se sa pak studime mbi detin janë ndërmarrë nga shkenca shqiptare në përgjithësi dhe nga ajo historike në veçanti. 1 Megjithëse shqiptarët janë një popull mesdhetar që gëzon një pozitë strategjike kyçe në Mesdheun Qendror, duke dalë në dy nga detet më të rëndësishme të këtij deti të madh, kanë pasur një rol të kufizuar në historinë detare të mesjetës. Kjo mangësi është parë nga kundërshtarët e tezës së autoktonisë së shqiptarëve në trojet e tyre të lashta si fakt i pakundërshtueshëm që dëshmon se shqiptarët janë formuar si komb në një zonë tjetër larg ndikimit të detit. Një nga argumentet më të përdorura nga mohuesit e autoktonisë së shqiptarëve në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe rrjedhimisht mohuesit e vazhdimësisë iliro-shqiptare janë lidhjet e pakta të shqiptarëve me detin, qoftë në aspektin historik ashtu edhe në atë gjuhësor. 2 Padyshim që ky supozim është 1 Edhe ato vepra që e kanë rrokur nga këndvështrimi etnografik apo gjuhësor janë modeste për të shërbyer si bazë për studime të mirëfillta. I tillë është punimi i Rrok Zojzit, Traditat e lundrimit detar të popullit shqiptar (Tiranë: Ministria e Arsimit dhe Kulturës, 1959), 50 f. Nevoja e studimeve të tilla bëhet edhe më e madhe, po të kihet parasysh se deti është një nga atraksionet më të mëdha turistike dhe kur dihet lidhja mes turizimit dhe zhvillimit ekonomik.
Kur përshkruajmë dhe analizojmë historinë e cilësdo periudhë duhet të kemi parasysh se aspekti po... more Kur përshkruajmë dhe analizojmë historinë e cilësdo periudhë duhet të kemi parasysh se aspekti politik zë vetëm një pjesë në tërësinë e ndërlikuar të ngjarjeve. 1 Cilado qoftë periudha nën shqyrtim, një numër aspektesh të tjera duhet të merren në analizë për të krijuar një pamje sa më të plotë si historia ekonomike, kulturore, artistike, dhe historia e jetës së përditshme mes shumë tjerash. Zotërimet e Kastriotëve me kryeqendër Krujën, kanë pësuar evoluim ekonomik gjatë shekullit XV që nga momenti kur Kruja merret nga Kastriotët e derisa këto zotërime bien në duart e Venedikut pas vdekjes së Skënderbeut. Periudha e Skënderbeut përbën edhe momentin e vlerësimit gjithnjë e më të madh ekonomik të këtyre zotërimeve. Veprimtaria e Skënderbeut ndërmjet Venedikut, osmanëve dhe aragonezëve, i dha një rol strategjik të dorës së parë Shqipërisë së Skënderbeut me kryeqendër Krujën, e cila ishte padyshim vendi më i rëndësishëm strategjik i Shqipërisë së mesme. 2 Mirëpo, pas rënies së Danjës nën pushtetin e Venedikut, Kruja ishte i vetmi qytet-kështjellë që zotërohej nga një sundimtar shqiptar. Nga ky këndvështrim mund të kuptohet më qartë lufta që lidhja e prijësve shqiptarë nën drejtimin e Skënderbeut i shpalli Venedikut për Danjën. Në fakt, Kruja ishte njëkohësisht edhe qyteti të cilin Venediku për një kombinim të ndërlikuar rrethanash edhe pse e synonte ta merrte me çdo kusht, të paktën që në fundin e shek. XIV dhe fillimin e shek. XV, nuk ia doli ta shtinte në dorë, deri në vdekjen e Skënderbeut. 3
Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes
June 21-25, 2024
TIRANA, ALBA... more CIEPO 25 Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes June 21-25, 2024 TIRANA, ALBANIA
The necessity for interdisciplinary studies in historical research is
increasingly emphasized wi... more The necessity for interdisciplinary studies in historical research is increasingly emphasized with the accumulation of available scientific data, leading to a more accurate synthesis of historical phenomena. In this study, we chose the Krasniqe and Nikaj clans, two of the largest Albanian clans, from which we collected 23 samples for genetic sequencing. Genetic data support a variety of other historical, ethnographic, and anthropological information and simultaneously serve to further enrich the history of these clans and complement the mosaic of data on populations or clans constituting the Albanian ethnicity. The results indicate that the main lineages of both clans have a common origin in the Adriatic line and that the Krasniqe lineages are closer to each other than to those of the Nikaj. Additionally, members of both clans inherited a characteristic haplo group for Northern Albanians, which is also linked to some ancient results from the region. Genetic data, when treated and used as a historical source, serve to historicize data that are obscured by time and unforeseeable through traditional historiographic methods. Keywords: Krasniqe, Nikaj, Gashi, Albanian clans, genetic analysis, history, origin, autochthony, antiquity.
The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixte... more The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixteenth century trend changed dramatically after the battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, when the Holy League coalition forces inflicted a significant defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This study investigates how Venice responded to the growing anti-Ottoman projects and movements in the Balkans in order to keep a long lasting peace with the Ottomans that characterized the period from the peace treaty between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in 1573 until the war of Crete in 1644. Venice's struggle for peace in this period, was of crucial importance in the relatively quiet situation in Rumelia during this period compared to the disquiet and social unrest that characterized Anatolia, especially during the Celali revolts.
Libri i historianit turk Abdulhamit Kirmizi, mbi jetën dhe veprën e Ferid pashë Vlorës, është një... more Libri i historianit turk Abdulhamit Kirmizi, mbi jetën dhe veprën e Ferid pashë Vlorës, është një vepër shkencore e klasit të parë dhe njëkohësisht tregimi më i detajuar dhe më i rëndësishëm i shkruar deri më sot për këtë figurë me përmasa dhe rëndësi në Shqipëri, Evropë dhe botë. Nëpër faqet e librit voluminoz, autori na shoqëron me mjeshtëri në madhështinë dhe peripecitë e jetës së një prej figurave më të rëndësishme të Lëvizjes Kombëtare Shqiptare, e njohur tradicionalisht si Rilindja Kombëtare. Në këtë prezantim, autori duket qartë se është i njohur jo vetëm me historinë e shqiptarëve në këtë periudhë, por edhe me historinë e familjes Vlora, pasi ky është studimi i tij i dytë madhor mbi historinë e këtij oxhaku të shquar, pas tij botimit të tij në turqisht.
The aim is to provide a platform of a high scholarly level that will promote the knowledge and su... more The aim is to provide a platform of a high scholarly level that will promote the knowledge and sustain the memory of Ottoman history. The symposium will include four days of sessions at a designated conference center in Tirana (21-24 June). An excursion is scheduled for the last day (25 June), during which participants will have the chance to visit Ottoman sites in the surrounding areas.
Prania e arbëreshëve të Italisë në jetën e shoqërisë shqiptare merr një kthesë drastike me vendos... more Prania e arbëreshëve të Italisë në jetën e shoqërisë shqiptare merr një kthesë drastike me vendosjen e regjimit diktatorial në Shqipëri. Marrdhëniet e tyre me shtetin shqiptar shkëputen pothuajse tërësisht dhe krejt historia e kultura arbëreshe kthehet në relike. Arbëreshët u shndërruan në një imazh të largët dhe në një ilustrim të thjeshtë të ngjarjeve historike të shekujve të kaluar. Hipoteza që shtrohet në këtë punim është se nëse bëhet një analizë e marrdhënieve të arbëreshëve me Shqipërinë qoftë në periudhën osmane, qoftë në periudhën shtetërore shqiptare, diktatura komuniste përbën periudhën e shkëputjes dhe ndërprerjes së lidhjeve më të theksuar se në cilëndo periudhë tjetër
Algerian Review Of Ottoman and Mediterranean Studies, 2022
The sixteenth century is considered as the last golden age of the Mediterranean. This splendor of... more The sixteenth century is considered as the last golden age of the Mediterranean. This splendor of the Mediterranean was shared by the people inhabiting this "Great Sea". In this century the Mediterranean is seen as a maritime space contested between two rival powers: the Habsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The rivalry between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans developed in the Western fringe of the Mediterranean, while the eastern and central part of the Great Sea remained uncontested dominions of the Ottoman state. In this Mediterranean splendor and rivalry, the role and agency of many people and local communities should not be undervalued. The aim of this paper is to highlight the presence of the Albanian and Dalmatian sailors, soldiers, and traders in Algiers, which was undoubtedly one of the most important centers of the Mediterranean, with a vibrant trade and an important place of political, cultural, and commercial links and impact. People from the Eastern Adriatic shore, especially Albanians and Dalmatians (i.e., Croats, Bosnians, etc.) were increasingly present in Algiers as well as in North African Mediterranean in a scale never documented before. Apart from the increase in numbers, in the 16 th century also changes the quality of their presence in the Western Mediterranean.
Context. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
This paper examines the recent history of religious development in Albania during the post-commun... more This paper examines the recent history of religious development in Albania during the post-communist period. Second, it identifies patterns in the differentiated development of material and spiritual religious life among the region's religions, and the institutional and political reasons behind them. Third, it analyses the positions of Albanian Cham, Albanian Kosovar and Bosniak Sunni communities as they confront the post-communist pressures of proselytisation and de-Sunnification. Through historical and discourse analysis and unstructured interviews with individuals of different religious, ethnic and local affiliation, the paper reveals that religious, ethnic and local feelings are strong among all three communities. Attitudes toward proselytization attempts among Bosniaks, Cham and Kosovar Albanians, however, are more resilient than those of local Sunnis toward de-Sunnification. The weakening of religiosity among local Sunnis is in conjunction with an organised movement to construct a distinct Bektashi identity, although most Bektashis still identify as Muslim.
Emërtimi i Dukagjinit, si një nga toponimet më të rëndësishme dhe të gjalla në historinë dhe kult... more Emërtimi i Dukagjinit, si një nga toponimet më të rëndësishme dhe të gjalla në historinë dhe kulturën shqiptare, ka qenë kryesisht objekt legjendash e gojëdhënash të lidhura me kodin zakonor të njohur si kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit. Hulumtimet e fundit të kryera prej nesh dëshmojnë se emërtimi Dukagjin në fakt është shumë shekuj më i lashtë sesa periudha e supozuar e kodifikimit të kanunit. Në këtë kumtesë përmes sjelljes së argumenteve historike, arkeologjike e gjuhësore do të përpiqemi të argumentojmë se zanafilla e emërtimit Dukagjin është i njëkohshëm me etnogjenezën e shqiptarëve si pasojë e tronditjes që sollën dyndjet e popujve sllavë në kapërcyellin nga antikiteti në fillimin e mesjetës. Në këtë aspekt edhe emërtimi i kanunit të Lekë Dukagjinit rezulton të jetë shekuj më i hershëm se sa personazhi historik i shek. XV.
Nevoja e ndërmarrjes së studimeve ndërdisiplinore në hulumtimin historik bëhet gjithnjë e më e th... more Nevoja e ndërmarrjes së studimeve ndërdisiplinore në hulumtimin historik bëhet gjithnjë e më e theksuar me shtimin e të dhënave shkencore të disponueshme të cilat shpien në sinteza gjithnjë e më të sakta të dukurive historike. Në këtë punim, si rast studimi kemi zgjedhur fiset Krasniqe dhe Nikaj si dy ndër fiset më të mëdha shqiptare, prej të cilave kemi mbledhur 23 mostra për sekuencim gjenetik. Të dhënat gjenetike mbështesin një sërë të dhënash të tjera të karakterit historik, etnografik, antropologjik dhe njëkohësisht shërbejnë si pasurim i mëtejshëm i historisë së këtyre fiseve dhe si plotësim i mozaikut të të dhënave mbi popullatat apo fiset që përbëjnë etninë shqiptare. Rezultatet tregojnë se vëllazëritë kryesore të të dy fiseve kanë prejardhje të përbashkët në vijë atërore, dhe se vëllazëritë e Krasniqes lidhen më afër mes tyre se me ato të Nikajve. Gjithashtu, anëtarë të të dy fiseve trashëgojnë një haplogrup karakteristik për shqiptarët e Veriut, i cili lidhet edhe me disa rezultate të lashta nga rajoni. Të dhënat gjenetike duke u trajtuar dhe përdorur në cilësinë e burimit historik, shërbejnë për historicizimin e të dhënave të mjegulluara nga koha dhe të parikthyeshme përmes metodave tradicionale historiografike.
From the Balkans to the Mediterranean. The Albanians between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern... more From the Balkans to the Mediterranean. The Albanians between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age.
Book published by the Insitute of History, Tirana, 2019. (In Albanian)
The Hundred Years War has had a profound impact on the history of France and England. ... more Abstract The Hundred Years War has had a profound impact on the history of France and England. Yet its impact and importance on the history of other European countries and of Europe in general has been overlooked and much less studied. Even the supporters of the so-called “late medieval crisis”, have not shown any interest in establishing any kind of relationship between the “crisis” of the Late Middle Ages, and the Hundred Years War, although both match perfectly in chronological terms. We aim to establish a relation between the anglo-french conflict of the Late Middle Ages and the difficulties and/or the decline of some European countries and regions during the same time span. Before the war France was the commercial hub of Europe, but during the course of the war became its main battlefield. It was a conflict between England and France, fought and decided entirely in French territories and dependencies. So, how this transformation of the biggest, the richest, the most central and the most important kingdom of Europe, from a commercial hub to a battlefield, influenced the economic landscape of the continent, is a central question to answer? Instead of focusing the attention on the movements and itineraries of the fighting or ravaging armies, we aim to focus on the itineraries of the traders and on the shifting geography of the trade routes. Through her transformation in a battlefield France, once a paradise for the traders, became a paradise for the chivalry and the soldiers, but a hell for the traders. Thus, many countries and regions better suited to serve as an alternative choice for the commerce and the traders, increased their share of the commercial traffic, or better said, of the wealth available. Portugal became one of these commercial paradises that helped the stream of goods and wealth to flow. At the same time this shifting geography of the trade routes, not only helped these new commercial paradises to strengthen their economies, but it increased the costs of transactions and maintenance of the commerce. Goods and wealth flowed easily through the new routes, but these new trade routes were expensive alternatives of the old French-centred routes. With the end of the Hundred Years War, ended the need to avoid the French routes, and the flow of commerce shifted back to France, but the new geography of the expanded commerce and the wealth accumulated during the war continued for some time to foster the development of the these countries during the time that France was retaking its centrality in the commercial routes of the continent. Portugal’s economic outlook during the Hundred Years War has been traditionally linked by the historians to the French pattern, widely accepted as negative, depressionist and in deep crisis. The broad framework for this relation is the “late medieval crisis”, or the Malthusian interpretation of the history of Late Middle Ages. According to this interpretation, the “late medieval crisis” was general to the whole of Europe, and even beyond, although recognizing some insignificant exceptions. In fact, focusing on the broad picture, except the generalized effect of the Black Death, most parts of Europe did not go through a “late medieval crisis”. Portugal had all the conditions to gain from the shift of the trade routes, and was one of the most important countries that served the economic system of the continent to continue to run smoothly even with the significant obstacle of the war. During the supposed “crisis”, Portugal went from strength to strength in economic terms. The Black Death took its toll and the money was devalued, but commerce expanded, the area under cultivation increased, its political and geographical boundaries expanded, technological advance was one of the greatest in the continent, its international projection increased, its independence was assured, its towns increased at the time that agriculture boomed and the wealth and the welfare of its people increased.
A opção de estudar as relações entre Portugal e a Coroa de Aragão no século XV foi uma decisão re... more A opção de estudar as relações entre Portugal e a Coroa de Aragão no século XV foi uma decisão relativamente fácil. A Coroa de Aragão na Idade Média era o reino ibérico mais próxima da minha terra natal, e daqui a ideia de que seria mais fácil e mais lógico dedicar-me a um tema que focasse um espaço histórico mais acessível para as minhas possibilidades e formação. Por outro lado, tinha o desejo de conhecer e me entregar ao estudo da expansão portuguesa, um tema tanto português como universal. Era um tema que me fascinava dentro do território desconhecido e um novo espaço que se abria perante mim.
From the mid-fourteenth to the nineteenth century, the Albanian territories, like much of Europe ... more From the mid-fourteenth to the nineteenth century, the Albanian territories, like much of Europe and the Mediterranean, felt the devastating impact of the plague, a deadly disease brought on by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This disease has caused a major pandemic in Europe and the Mediterranean and is one of the deadliest diseases in human history. In the Albanian regions, this pandemic appeared with all its demographic and economic consequences, similar to those experienced across the Balkans, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Although contemporary records detailing the plague’s impact on Albanian territories are scarce, available data suggest the epidemic was extremely severe, inflicting considerable harm on the population and economy. The disease made recurrent appearances, each time bringing high death tolls and significant disruptions to the area’s social and economic well-being. During the late Medieval and Renaissance periods, the Albanian territories grappled with plague outbreaks, suffering substantial damage. This predicament persisted until the early nineteenth century when advances in medicine and hygiene began to curb the epidemic’s spread and reduce its mortality rate.
Në arkivin e familjes Kopliku të Shkodrës gjendet një dokument me vlera për historinë sociale të ... more Në arkivin e familjes Kopliku të Shkodrës gjendet një dokument me vlera për historinë sociale të fillimit të shekullit XVIII. Ditari është mbajtur në osmanishten e kohës me ndonjë dua në arabisht, sidomos kur shënon lindjen e një fëmije, martesën e një djali a vajze, apo vdekjen e ndonjë personaliteti ose familjari. Është përkthyer në verën e vitit 1986, nga Dr. Gjyl Çausholli. Në një shënim të shkruar me dorë, thuhet se ky ditar është marrë nga Ragip Xhabija, e mbajtur nga familja e Faik Koplikut, që nga viti 1945 e deri në vitin 1987 (origjinali), pastaj i është dërguar për përkthim Dr. Gjyl Çaushollit nga Faik Kopliku "tue mendue se i përkasin barkut të Hasan Koplikut". Edhe letra që përkthyesi, Dr. Gjyl Çausholli, i dërgon Faik Koplikut për t'i shpjeguar arsyet e vonesës së përkthimit, na jep të dhëna interesante mbi ngarkesën e madhe që kishin ata pak njohës të osmanishtes ose "turqishtes së vjetër", sikurse thuhet në letër, për shkak të detyrimeve nga autoritetet për të përkthyer letra e dokumente të caktuara që, sipas përkthyesit, kishin të bënin me çështje familjare e pronësore. Letra shoqëruese e përkthyesit është në një fletë të veçantë dhe na ndihmon me të dhëna mbi historinë e dorëshkrimit, ashtu edhe me procesin e përkthimit. 1 Përkthimi nis nga faqja 57 e ditarit dhe mbaron
Edhe pse jemi një nga popujt që kemi jetuar në brigjet e Mesdheut për mijëra vite, jemi ndoshta t... more Edhe pse jemi një nga popujt që kemi jetuar në brigjet e Mesdheut për mijëra vite, jemi ndoshta të vetmit mesdhetarë që pothuajse nuk i kemi lëvruar studimet e historisë detare. Duket në fakt e pabesueshme se sa pak studime mbi detin janë ndërmarrë nga shkenca shqiptare në përgjithësi dhe nga ajo historike në veçanti. 1 Megjithëse shqiptarët janë një popull mesdhetar që gëzon një pozitë strategjike kyçe në Mesdheun Qendror, duke dalë në dy nga detet më të rëndësishme të këtij deti të madh, kanë pasur një rol të kufizuar në historinë detare të mesjetës. Kjo mangësi është parë nga kundërshtarët e tezës së autoktonisë së shqiptarëve në trojet e tyre të lashta si fakt i pakundërshtueshëm që dëshmon se shqiptarët janë formuar si komb në një zonë tjetër larg ndikimit të detit. Një nga argumentet më të përdorura nga mohuesit e autoktonisë së shqiptarëve në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe rrjedhimisht mohuesit e vazhdimësisë iliro-shqiptare janë lidhjet e pakta të shqiptarëve me detin, qoftë në aspektin historik ashtu edhe në atë gjuhësor. 2 Padyshim që ky supozim është 1 Edhe ato vepra që e kanë rrokur nga këndvështrimi etnografik apo gjuhësor janë modeste për të shërbyer si bazë për studime të mirëfillta. I tillë është punimi i Rrok Zojzit, Traditat e lundrimit detar të popullit shqiptar (Tiranë: Ministria e Arsimit dhe Kulturës, 1959), 50 f. Nevoja e studimeve të tilla bëhet edhe më e madhe, po të kihet parasysh se deti është një nga atraksionet më të mëdha turistike dhe kur dihet lidhja mes turizimit dhe zhvillimit ekonomik.
Kur përshkruajmë dhe analizojmë historinë e cilësdo periudhë duhet të kemi parasysh se aspekti po... more Kur përshkruajmë dhe analizojmë historinë e cilësdo periudhë duhet të kemi parasysh se aspekti politik zë vetëm një pjesë në tërësinë e ndërlikuar të ngjarjeve. 1 Cilado qoftë periudha nën shqyrtim, një numër aspektesh të tjera duhet të merren në analizë për të krijuar një pamje sa më të plotë si historia ekonomike, kulturore, artistike, dhe historia e jetës së përditshme mes shumë tjerash. Zotërimet e Kastriotëve me kryeqendër Krujën, kanë pësuar evoluim ekonomik gjatë shekullit XV që nga momenti kur Kruja merret nga Kastriotët e derisa këto zotërime bien në duart e Venedikut pas vdekjes së Skënderbeut. Periudha e Skënderbeut përbën edhe momentin e vlerësimit gjithnjë e më të madh ekonomik të këtyre zotërimeve. Veprimtaria e Skënderbeut ndërmjet Venedikut, osmanëve dhe aragonezëve, i dha një rol strategjik të dorës së parë Shqipërisë së Skënderbeut me kryeqendër Krujën, e cila ishte padyshim vendi më i rëndësishëm strategjik i Shqipërisë së mesme. 2 Mirëpo, pas rënies së Danjës nën pushtetin e Venedikut, Kruja ishte i vetmi qytet-kështjellë që zotërohej nga një sundimtar shqiptar. Nga ky këndvështrim mund të kuptohet më qartë lufta që lidhja e prijësve shqiptarë nën drejtimin e Skënderbeut i shpalli Venedikut për Danjën. Në fakt, Kruja ishte njëkohësisht edhe qyteti të cilin Venediku për një kombinim të ndërlikuar rrethanash edhe pse e synonte ta merrte me çdo kusht, të paktën që në fundin e shek. XIV dhe fillimin e shek. XV, nuk ia doli ta shtinte në dorë, deri në vdekjen e Skënderbeut. 3
Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes
June 21-25, 2024
TIRANA, ALBA... more CIEPO 25 Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes June 21-25, 2024 TIRANA, ALBANIA
The necessity for interdisciplinary studies in historical research is
increasingly emphasized wi... more The necessity for interdisciplinary studies in historical research is increasingly emphasized with the accumulation of available scientific data, leading to a more accurate synthesis of historical phenomena. In this study, we chose the Krasniqe and Nikaj clans, two of the largest Albanian clans, from which we collected 23 samples for genetic sequencing. Genetic data support a variety of other historical, ethnographic, and anthropological information and simultaneously serve to further enrich the history of these clans and complement the mosaic of data on populations or clans constituting the Albanian ethnicity. The results indicate that the main lineages of both clans have a common origin in the Adriatic line and that the Krasniqe lineages are closer to each other than to those of the Nikaj. Additionally, members of both clans inherited a characteristic haplo group for Northern Albanians, which is also linked to some ancient results from the region. Genetic data, when treated and used as a historical source, serve to historicize data that are obscured by time and unforeseeable through traditional historiographic methods. Keywords: Krasniqe, Nikaj, Gashi, Albanian clans, genetic analysis, history, origin, autochthony, antiquity.
The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixte... more The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixteenth century trend changed dramatically after the battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, when the Holy League coalition forces inflicted a significant defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This study investigates how Venice responded to the growing anti-Ottoman projects and movements in the Balkans in order to keep a long lasting peace with the Ottomans that characterized the period from the peace treaty between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in 1573 until the war of Crete in 1644. Venice's struggle for peace in this period, was of crucial importance in the relatively quiet situation in Rumelia during this period compared to the disquiet and social unrest that characterized Anatolia, especially during the Celali revolts.
Libri i historianit turk Abdulhamit Kirmizi, mbi jetën dhe veprën e Ferid pashë Vlorës, është një... more Libri i historianit turk Abdulhamit Kirmizi, mbi jetën dhe veprën e Ferid pashë Vlorës, është një vepër shkencore e klasit të parë dhe njëkohësisht tregimi më i detajuar dhe më i rëndësishëm i shkruar deri më sot për këtë figurë me përmasa dhe rëndësi në Shqipëri, Evropë dhe botë. Nëpër faqet e librit voluminoz, autori na shoqëron me mjeshtëri në madhështinë dhe peripecitë e jetës së një prej figurave më të rëndësishme të Lëvizjes Kombëtare Shqiptare, e njohur tradicionalisht si Rilindja Kombëtare. Në këtë prezantim, autori duket qartë se është i njohur jo vetëm me historinë e shqiptarëve në këtë periudhë, por edhe me historinë e familjes Vlora, pasi ky është studimi i tij i dytë madhor mbi historinë e këtij oxhaku të shquar, pas tij botimit të tij në turqisht.
The aim is to provide a platform of a high scholarly level that will promote the knowledge and su... more The aim is to provide a platform of a high scholarly level that will promote the knowledge and sustain the memory of Ottoman history. The symposium will include four days of sessions at a designated conference center in Tirana (21-24 June). An excursion is scheduled for the last day (25 June), during which participants will have the chance to visit Ottoman sites in the surrounding areas.
Prania e arbëreshëve të Italisë në jetën e shoqërisë shqiptare merr një kthesë drastike me vendos... more Prania e arbëreshëve të Italisë në jetën e shoqërisë shqiptare merr një kthesë drastike me vendosjen e regjimit diktatorial në Shqipëri. Marrdhëniet e tyre me shtetin shqiptar shkëputen pothuajse tërësisht dhe krejt historia e kultura arbëreshe kthehet në relike. Arbëreshët u shndërruan në një imazh të largët dhe në një ilustrim të thjeshtë të ngjarjeve historike të shekujve të kaluar. Hipoteza që shtrohet në këtë punim është se nëse bëhet një analizë e marrdhënieve të arbëreshëve me Shqipërinë qoftë në periudhën osmane, qoftë në periudhën shtetërore shqiptare, diktatura komuniste përbën periudhën e shkëputjes dhe ndërprerjes së lidhjeve më të theksuar se në cilëndo periudhë tjetër
Algerian Review Of Ottoman and Mediterranean Studies, 2022
The sixteenth century is considered as the last golden age of the Mediterranean. This splendor of... more The sixteenth century is considered as the last golden age of the Mediterranean. This splendor of the Mediterranean was shared by the people inhabiting this "Great Sea". In this century the Mediterranean is seen as a maritime space contested between two rival powers: the Habsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The rivalry between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans developed in the Western fringe of the Mediterranean, while the eastern and central part of the Great Sea remained uncontested dominions of the Ottoman state. In this Mediterranean splendor and rivalry, the role and agency of many people and local communities should not be undervalued. The aim of this paper is to highlight the presence of the Albanian and Dalmatian sailors, soldiers, and traders in Algiers, which was undoubtedly one of the most important centers of the Mediterranean, with a vibrant trade and an important place of political, cultural, and commercial links and impact. People from the Eastern Adriatic shore, especially Albanians and Dalmatians (i.e., Croats, Bosnians, etc.) were increasingly present in Algiers as well as in North African Mediterranean in a scale never documented before. Apart from the increase in numbers, in the 16 th century also changes the quality of their presence in the Western Mediterranean.
Context. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
This paper examines the recent history of religious development in Albania during the post-commun... more This paper examines the recent history of religious development in Albania during the post-communist period. Second, it identifies patterns in the differentiated development of material and spiritual religious life among the region's religions, and the institutional and political reasons behind them. Third, it analyses the positions of Albanian Cham, Albanian Kosovar and Bosniak Sunni communities as they confront the post-communist pressures of proselytisation and de-Sunnification. Through historical and discourse analysis and unstructured interviews with individuals of different religious, ethnic and local affiliation, the paper reveals that religious, ethnic and local feelings are strong among all three communities. Attitudes toward proselytization attempts among Bosniaks, Cham and Kosovar Albanians, however, are more resilient than those of local Sunnis toward de-Sunnification. The weakening of religiosity among local Sunnis is in conjunction with an organised movement to construct a distinct Bektashi identity, although most Bektashis still identify as Muslim.
Emërtimi i Dukagjinit, si një nga toponimet më të rëndësishme dhe të gjalla në historinë dhe kult... more Emërtimi i Dukagjinit, si një nga toponimet më të rëndësishme dhe të gjalla në historinë dhe kulturën shqiptare, ka qenë kryesisht objekt legjendash e gojëdhënash të lidhura me kodin zakonor të njohur si kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit. Hulumtimet e fundit të kryera prej nesh dëshmojnë se emërtimi Dukagjin në fakt është shumë shekuj më i lashtë sesa periudha e supozuar e kodifikimit të kanunit. Në këtë kumtesë përmes sjelljes së argumenteve historike, arkeologjike e gjuhësore do të përpiqemi të argumentojmë se zanafilla e emërtimit Dukagjin është i njëkohshëm me etnogjenezën e shqiptarëve si pasojë e tronditjes që sollën dyndjet e popujve sllavë në kapërcyellin nga antikiteti në fillimin e mesjetës. Në këtë aspekt edhe emërtimi i kanunit të Lekë Dukagjinit rezulton të jetë shekuj më i hershëm se sa personazhi historik i shek. XV.
Nevoja e ndërmarrjes së studimeve ndërdisiplinore në hulumtimin historik bëhet gjithnjë e më e th... more Nevoja e ndërmarrjes së studimeve ndërdisiplinore në hulumtimin historik bëhet gjithnjë e më e theksuar me shtimin e të dhënave shkencore të disponueshme të cilat shpien në sinteza gjithnjë e më të sakta të dukurive historike. Në këtë punim, si rast studimi kemi zgjedhur fiset Krasniqe dhe Nikaj si dy ndër fiset më të mëdha shqiptare, prej të cilave kemi mbledhur 23 mostra për sekuencim gjenetik. Të dhënat gjenetike mbështesin një sërë të dhënash të tjera të karakterit historik, etnografik, antropologjik dhe njëkohësisht shërbejnë si pasurim i mëtejshëm i historisë së këtyre fiseve dhe si plotësim i mozaikut të të dhënave mbi popullatat apo fiset që përbëjnë etninë shqiptare. Rezultatet tregojnë se vëllazëritë kryesore të të dy fiseve kanë prejardhje të përbashkët në vijë atërore, dhe se vëllazëritë e Krasniqes lidhen më afër mes tyre se me ato të Nikajve. Gjithashtu, anëtarë të të dy fiseve trashëgojnë një haplogrup karakteristik për shqiptarët e Veriut, i cili lidhet edhe me disa rezultate të lashta nga rajoni. Të dhënat gjenetike duke u trajtuar dhe përdorur në cilësinë e burimit historik, shërbejnë për historicizimin e të dhënave të mjegulluara nga koha dhe të parikthyeshme përmes metodave tradicionale historiografike.
The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixte... more The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixteenth century trend changed dramatically after the battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, when the Holy League coalition forces inflicted a significant defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This study investigates how Venice responded to the growing anti-Ottoman projects and movements in the Balkans in order to keep a long lasting peace with the Ottomans that characterized the period from the peace treaty between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in 1573 until the war of Crete in 1644. Venice's struggle for peace in this period, was of crucial importance in the relatively quiet situation in Rumelia during this period compared to the disquiet and social unrest that characterized Anatolia, especially during the Celali revolts.
The slavery constitutes a historic phenomenon that has affected all the
continents, sometimes at... more The slavery constitutes a historic phenomenon that has affected all the continents, sometimes at the same time or one after another. The question of slavery among the Illyrians has occupied little space in the studies of different authors within the ancient Albanian territories, nonetheless the slavery in antiquity has been one of the most important social phenomena directly connected with the production relations. Usually the slavery drastically and forever changed the people's life, but the bad luck chased the slaves even after gaining the much dreamed freedom. Thus, in Rome, the liberated slaves were seen with disbelief and contempt. They after being liberated never became free men, but liberated. The hard conditions of slavery, and the low social status of the slaves, made that many of them dream and try to escape to achieve the freedom not only through liberation from their owners, but even through escape or organized rebellions.
I Congreso internacional: Los orígenes de la expansión europea. Ceuta 1415 , 2019
Is it possible to have an economic outlook of Portugal, at the end of the
fourteenth and beginnin... more Is it possible to have an economic outlook of Portugal, at the end of the fourteenth and beginning of the fifteenth centuries, with the data available, which we know are very few? Has the Portuguese economy being growing or falling during this period? Has Portugal accompanied the events in Europe from his corner of Finisterre? Or, on the contrary, has had its role in the economic geography and political life of the continent? So, how to reconcile the overall crisis and general decline in the Europe of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries with the Atlantic expansion?
The event will be held on December 3, 2024, at the Academy of Science of Albania, in collaboratio... more The event will be held on December 3, 2024, at the Academy of Science of Albania, in collaboration with and supported by the Academy of Sciences of Albania. The conference aims to engage young researchers at both national and international levels. Eligibility for participation is extended to early-career researchers who have completed their doctoral studies within the last 10 years or are currently pursuing a doctorate.
Traditionally old bridges, are valued only by the architectural and not by their meaning and valu... more Traditionally old bridges, are valued only by the architectural and not by their meaning and value for economic history. One of the most well-known indicators that shed light on the dynamics of economic development is the level of public investment, particularly in transport infrastructure. Adding or reducing these investments is seen respectively as the acceleration or deceleration of economic development. In this context bridges are a substantial investment of transport infrastructure. Assessing and marking geographical location of these bridges, also serves as an important clue to devise ways of commercial communication between different regions. Not only the number of bridges built, but also their size, construction techniques and the quality of materials used are important indicators that can not be ignored in the context of the assessment of their economic importance. In this presentation we will make a comparison between the dynamics of building bridges during the pre-ottoman period, from the Roman times, through the Middle Ages up to the 15 th century and the Ottoman period, from the 16 th until the 19 th century. ARDIAN MUHAJ
International Symposium on Gazi Suleyman Pasa and Histoy of Kocaeli-III, Izmit, 26-27 March, 2016
In May 1453 the Ottoman standards appeared on the walls of Constantinople. At the other end of Eu... more In May 1453 the Ottoman standards appeared on the walls of Constantinople. At the other end of Europe, the war between France and England practically came to an end. When the war between the two most important states of Europe erupted in 1337, the Ottomans were barely known in Europe. The summer of 1453 was a crucial point in the history of the world, because came to an end two major conflicts that shaped the history of Europe: the Anglo-French conflict, between 1337 and 1453 and the Byzantine-Ottoman conflict of the same time span. The Hundred Years War internalized the energies of France and England and the expansionary trend of the previous two centuries, which had externalized their resources in search of new conquests outside continent, met a huge setback. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries one can detect a dramatic decline of the spirit of crusade in the Mediterranean. The French had been the military and political arm of the crusades, to the point that the word "Frank" meant, in the Byzantine and Arab world, crusader or European. But with the beginning of the war, everything changed. In many ways, this internalization of the forces of these two powers facilitated the Ottoman advance in the Balkans and the consequent end of the Byzantine Empire. In this paper we aim to bring evidence on the fact that European countries had very little interest on what was going on in the Byzantine Empire and were much more concerned with their internal interminable struggles. Therefore the Ottoman expansion in the Europe, started by Ghazi Suleyman Pasha, and continued in the subsequent years by Murat I and Bayezid I happened in a troubled situation in the Europe and in the Balkans.
The Battle of Agincourt has been considered as one of the major and most decisive battles in Euro... more The Battle of Agincourt has been considered as one of the major and most decisive battles in European history. Accordingly this battle has attracted much historiographical attention. All of the most important aspects of the battle, from the preparations, the historical background, the development, the impact and the aftermath have attracted the attention of the authors. Interestingly, the international situation has been much less studied and in a jeopardized way. Much more attention has been given to the attitude of the allies of France, i. e. Castile, Scotland, Genoa, then to the English allies, especially Portugal. The simple fact that both the Atlantic allies, England and Portugal, had signed the Treaty of Windsor and that both allies made gigantic military preparations that culminated in the campaigns of Agincourt and Ceuta respectively is a very important aspect to point out.
The Albanians are a Mediterranean people, not simply because Albania has a very strategic geograp... more The Albanians are a Mediterranean people, not simply because Albania has a very strategic geographical position bordering the Adriatic and the Ionian seas, but also because of their history. On the other hand, the sea and the maritime history have attracted very little the attention from the Albanian historiography. It is worth noting that the interaction of the Albanians with the Mediterranean sea and the Mediterranean world is documented on a scale that it is comparable to other peoples that have shared the history of this Great Sea. Apparently the official or semi-official Albanian historiography has not shown any interest in the maritime history of the country, even though it is considered as a major topic on the discussion of the Illyro-Albanian continuity and also on the ongoing debate about the European orientation of the Albanian cultural identity. A major issue is the fact that the interaction of the Albanians with the Mediterranean reached its zenith during the Ottoman period, when the Adriatic was transformed from a Venetian “Lake”, into a sea contested between different factors, such as Spaniards, Ottomans, Dalmatians, apart from the Venetians, its old masters. Is this lack of interest for the maritime history in Albania linked to this disinterest for the “achievements” of the Ottoman rule? Can historians look at the past for the sake of the understanding, rather than concealing it?
Congreso Internacional “Los orígenes de la expansión europea. Ceuta, 1415″, Ceuta, 1, 2 y 3 de oc... more Congreso Internacional “Los orígenes de la expansión europea. Ceuta, 1415″, Ceuta, 1, 2 y 3 de octubre 2015
The event will be held on December 3, 2024, at the Academy of Science of Albania, in collaboratio... more The event will be held on December 3, 2024, at the Academy of Science of Albania, in collaboration with and supported by the Academy of Sciences of Albania. The conference aims to engage young researchers at both national and international levels. Eligibility for participation is extended to early-career researchers who have completed their doctoral studies within the last 10 years or are currently pursuing a doctorate.
The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixte... more The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixteenth century trend changed dramatically after the battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, when the Holy League coalition forces inflicted a significant defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This study investigates how Venice responded to the growing anti-Ottoman projects and movements in the Balkans in order to keep a long lasting peace with the Ottomans that characterized the period from the peace treaty between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in 1573 until the war of Crete in 1644. Venice's struggle for peace in this period, was of crucial importance in the relatively quiet situation in Rumelia during this period compared to the disquiet and social unrest that characterized Anatolia, especially during the Celali revolts.
The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixte... more The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixteenth century trend changed dramatically after the battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, when the Holy League coalition forces inflicted a significant defeat on the Ottoman fleet. This study investigates how Venice responded to the growing anti-Ottoman projects and movements in the Balkans in order to keep a long lasting peace with the Ottomans that characterized the period from the peace treaty between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in 1573 until the war of Crete in 1644. Venice's struggle for peace in this period, was of crucial importance in the relatively quiet situation in Rumelia during this period compared to the disquiet and social unrest that characterized Anatolia, especially during the Celali revolts.
This paper examines the recent history of religious development in Albania during the post-commun... more This paper examines the recent history of religious development in Albania during the post-communist period. Second, it identifies patterns in the differentiated development of material and spiritual religious life among the region’s religions, and the institutional and political reasons behind them. Third, it analyses the positions of Albanian Cham, Albanian Kosovar and Bosniak Sunni communities as they confront the post-communist pressures of proselytisation and de-Sunnification. Through historical and discourse analysis and unstructured interviews with individuals of different religious, ethnic and local affiliation, the paper reveals that religious, ethnic and local feelings are strong among all three communities. Attitudes toward proselytization attempts among Bosniaks, Cham and Kosovar Albanians, however, are more resilient than those of local Sunnis toward de-Sunnification. The weakening of religiosity among local Sunnis is in conjunction with an organised movement to constru...
Call for Papers: "From the Middle Ages to Modern times. Historical, cultural, and linguistic rela... more Call for Papers: "From the Middle Ages to Modern times. Historical, cultural, and linguistic relations between Albanians and Romanians". More details at Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues and other potentially interested scholars. 🇦🇱🇹🇩
During the fourteenth century the gradual weakening of the Byzantine power reignited the rivalry ... more During the fourteenth century the gradual weakening of the Byzantine power reignited the rivalry between the Italian maritime commercial city states, Genoa and Venice for commercial supremacy in the Bosphorus. On the other side exactly during the same centuries one can detect a dramatic decline of the spirit of crusade in the Mediterranean.1 In many ways, this internalization of the forces of European powers facilitated the Ottoman advance in the Balkans and the consequent end of the Byzantine Empire. Therefore the Ottoman expansion in Europe, started during the reign of Orhan I, and continued in the subsequent years by Murat I and Bayezid I happened in a troubled situation in Europe and in the Balkans
Clayer’s lucid narrative grasps our attention adding another important dimension to the interplay... more Clayer’s lucid narrative grasps our attention adding another important dimension to the interplay between power and society. This is another essential aspect of interwar Albanian history that deserves attention. Moving the focus beyond the centralizing state, Clayer navigates personal and collective identity between different levels and where almost all facets of religious, political, commercial, and everyday life are present. Each chapter, apart from the last chapter that narrates the Shtëpani familly, captures just enough detail to illustrate the main questions that the book grapples with. The book ends with a concluding part providing some broader ideas and further analysis. Nathalie Clayer’s book, Une histoire en travelling de l’Albanie (1920-1939). Avec, au-delà et en-deçà de l’état, deserves appreciation for its historical coherency and novelty. The clear and informative prose would make it undoubtedly a best-seller in the eventuality of being published in Albanian. The book constitutes a major contribution to the history of Albania, expanding our understanding of the complex processes of interaction between state and society in interwar Albania.
This book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of military, politi... more This book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of military, political, and social history in the medieval world, with a focus on both the figures of mercenaries and the broader historical currents of the Crusades. Through its 451 pages, this meticulously curated volume showcases a rich tapestry of scholarship that sheds light on the complexities, nuances, and multifaceted dimensions of its subjects. These essays collectively offer a nuanced understanding of the motivations, challenges, and impacts of mercenaries and crusaders, highlighting the human dimensions of warfare and its lasting influence on European history.
Context. Časopis za interdisciplinarne studije, 2024
The Postnormal Times Reader is an essential anthology that seeks to dissect the complexities of o... more The Postnormal Times Reader is an essential anthology that seeks to dissect the complexities of our contemporary era. Its editor and contributors use the term "postnormal" to describe the current period, which is characterised by uncertainty, rapid change, and the unpredictable consequences of technological, environmental, economic, and social shifts. Curated by visionary thinker Ziauddin Sardar, it is a pivotal collection that explores the intricacies of this time of unparalleled upheaval and change. The publication outlines the evolution of postnormal times as explained in Sardar's writings, and compiles significant essays and studies on the subject. Sardar's objectives are made clear in the foreword, which offers a summary of the concept and illustrates how it can frame our comprehension of recent occurrences. This collection of essays and scholarly articles brings together an array of voices and perspectives, each of which delves into the intricacies of our rapidly changing world. It addresses the multifaceted crises and opportunities of the 21 st century, from climate change and technological upheaval to socio-political unrest and pandemic-induced disruption.
Books by Ardian Muhaj
Book published by the Insitute of History, Tirana, 2019. (In Albanian)
The Hundred Years War has had a profound impact on the history of France and England. Yet its impact and importance on the history of other European countries and of Europe in general has been overlooked and much less studied. Even the supporters of the so-called “late medieval crisis”, have not shown any interest in establishing any kind of relationship between the “crisis” of the Late Middle Ages, and the Hundred Years War, although both match perfectly in chronological terms. We aim to establish a relation between the anglo-french conflict of the Late Middle Ages and the difficulties and/or the decline of some European countries and regions during the same time span. Before the war France was the commercial hub of Europe, but during the course of the war became its main battlefield. It was a conflict between England and France, fought and decided entirely in French territories and dependencies. So, how this transformation of the biggest, the richest, the most central and the most important kingdom of Europe, from a commercial hub to a battlefield, influenced the economic landscape of the continent, is a central question to answer? Instead of focusing the attention on the movements and itineraries of the fighting or ravaging armies, we aim to focus on the itineraries of the traders and on the shifting geography of the trade routes. Through her transformation in a battlefield France, once a paradise for the traders, became a paradise for the chivalry and the soldiers, but a hell for the traders. Thus, many countries and regions better suited to serve as an alternative choice for the commerce and the traders, increased their share of the commercial traffic, or better said, of the wealth available.
Portugal became one of these commercial paradises that helped the stream of goods and wealth to flow. At the same time this shifting geography of the trade routes, not only helped these new commercial paradises to strengthen their economies, but it increased the costs of transactions and maintenance of the commerce. Goods and wealth flowed easily through the new routes, but these new trade routes were expensive alternatives of the old French-centred routes. With the end of the Hundred Years War, ended the need to avoid the French routes, and the flow of commerce shifted back to France, but the new geography of the expanded commerce and the wealth accumulated during the war continued for some time to foster the development of the these countries during the time that France was retaking its centrality in the commercial routes of the continent.
Portugal’s economic outlook during the Hundred Years War has been traditionally linked by the historians to the French pattern, widely accepted as negative, depressionist and in deep crisis. The broad framework for this relation is the “late medieval crisis”, or the Malthusian interpretation of the history of Late Middle Ages. According to this interpretation, the “late medieval crisis” was general to the whole of Europe, and even beyond, although recognizing some insignificant exceptions. In fact, focusing on the broad picture, except the generalized effect of the Black Death, most parts of Europe did not go through a “late medieval crisis”. Portugal had all the conditions to gain from the shift of the trade routes, and was one of the most important countries that served the economic system of the continent to continue to run smoothly even with the significant obstacle of the war. During the supposed “crisis”, Portugal went from strength to strength in economic terms. The Black Death took its toll and the money was devalued, but commerce expanded, the area under cultivation increased, its political and geographical boundaries expanded, technological advance was one of the greatest in the continent, its international projection increased, its independence was assured, its towns increased at the time that agriculture boomed and the wealth and the welfare of its people increased.
Book chapter by Ardian Muhaj
Papers by Ardian Muhaj
Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes
June 21-25, 2024
increasingly emphasized with the accumulation of available scientific
data, leading to a more accurate synthesis of historical phenomena. In
this study, we chose the Krasniqe and Nikaj clans, two of the largest
Albanian clans, from which we collected 23 samples for genetic
sequencing. Genetic data support a variety of other historical,
ethnographic, and anthropological information and simultaneously
serve to further enrich the history of these clans and complement the
mosaic of data on populations or clans constituting the Albanian
ethnicity. The results indicate that the main lineages of both clans have
a common origin in the Adriatic line and that the Krasniqe lineages are
closer to each other than to those of the Nikaj. Additionally, members
of both clans inherited a characteristic haplo group for Northern
Albanians, which is also linked to some ancient results from the region. Genetic data, when treated and used as a historical source, serve to
historicize data that are obscured by time and unforeseeable through
traditional historiographic methods.
Keywords: Krasniqe, Nikaj, Gashi, Albanian clans, genetic
analysis, history, origin, autochthony, antiquity.
Book published by the Insitute of History, Tirana, 2019. (In Albanian)
The Hundred Years War has had a profound impact on the history of France and England. Yet its impact and importance on the history of other European countries and of Europe in general has been overlooked and much less studied. Even the supporters of the so-called “late medieval crisis”, have not shown any interest in establishing any kind of relationship between the “crisis” of the Late Middle Ages, and the Hundred Years War, although both match perfectly in chronological terms. We aim to establish a relation between the anglo-french conflict of the Late Middle Ages and the difficulties and/or the decline of some European countries and regions during the same time span. Before the war France was the commercial hub of Europe, but during the course of the war became its main battlefield. It was a conflict between England and France, fought and decided entirely in French territories and dependencies. So, how this transformation of the biggest, the richest, the most central and the most important kingdom of Europe, from a commercial hub to a battlefield, influenced the economic landscape of the continent, is a central question to answer? Instead of focusing the attention on the movements and itineraries of the fighting or ravaging armies, we aim to focus on the itineraries of the traders and on the shifting geography of the trade routes. Through her transformation in a battlefield France, once a paradise for the traders, became a paradise for the chivalry and the soldiers, but a hell for the traders. Thus, many countries and regions better suited to serve as an alternative choice for the commerce and the traders, increased their share of the commercial traffic, or better said, of the wealth available.
Portugal became one of these commercial paradises that helped the stream of goods and wealth to flow. At the same time this shifting geography of the trade routes, not only helped these new commercial paradises to strengthen their economies, but it increased the costs of transactions and maintenance of the commerce. Goods and wealth flowed easily through the new routes, but these new trade routes were expensive alternatives of the old French-centred routes. With the end of the Hundred Years War, ended the need to avoid the French routes, and the flow of commerce shifted back to France, but the new geography of the expanded commerce and the wealth accumulated during the war continued for some time to foster the development of the these countries during the time that France was retaking its centrality in the commercial routes of the continent.
Portugal’s economic outlook during the Hundred Years War has been traditionally linked by the historians to the French pattern, widely accepted as negative, depressionist and in deep crisis. The broad framework for this relation is the “late medieval crisis”, or the Malthusian interpretation of the history of Late Middle Ages. According to this interpretation, the “late medieval crisis” was general to the whole of Europe, and even beyond, although recognizing some insignificant exceptions. In fact, focusing on the broad picture, except the generalized effect of the Black Death, most parts of Europe did not go through a “late medieval crisis”. Portugal had all the conditions to gain from the shift of the trade routes, and was one of the most important countries that served the economic system of the continent to continue to run smoothly even with the significant obstacle of the war. During the supposed “crisis”, Portugal went from strength to strength in economic terms. The Black Death took its toll and the money was devalued, but commerce expanded, the area under cultivation increased, its political and geographical boundaries expanded, technological advance was one of the greatest in the continent, its international projection increased, its independence was assured, its towns increased at the time that agriculture boomed and the wealth and the welfare of its people increased.
Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes
June 21-25, 2024
increasingly emphasized with the accumulation of available scientific
data, leading to a more accurate synthesis of historical phenomena. In
this study, we chose the Krasniqe and Nikaj clans, two of the largest
Albanian clans, from which we collected 23 samples for genetic
sequencing. Genetic data support a variety of other historical,
ethnographic, and anthropological information and simultaneously
serve to further enrich the history of these clans and complement the
mosaic of data on populations or clans constituting the Albanian
ethnicity. The results indicate that the main lineages of both clans have
a common origin in the Adriatic line and that the Krasniqe lineages are
closer to each other than to those of the Nikaj. Additionally, members
of both clans inherited a characteristic haplo group for Northern
Albanians, which is also linked to some ancient results from the region. Genetic data, when treated and used as a historical source, serve to
historicize data that are obscured by time and unforeseeable through
traditional historiographic methods.
Keywords: Krasniqe, Nikaj, Gashi, Albanian clans, genetic
analysis, history, origin, autochthony, antiquity.
continents, sometimes at the same time or one after another. The question of slavery among the Illyrians has occupied little space in the studies of different authors within the ancient Albanian territories, nonetheless the slavery in antiquity has been one of the most important social phenomena directly connected with the production relations. Usually the slavery drastically and forever changed the people's life, but the bad luck chased the slaves even after gaining the much dreamed freedom. Thus, in Rome, the liberated slaves were seen with disbelief and contempt. They after being liberated never became free men, but liberated. The hard conditions of slavery, and the low social status of the slaves, made that many of them dream and try to escape to achieve the freedom not only through liberation from their owners, but even through escape or organized rebellions.
fourteenth and beginning of the fifteenth centuries, with the data available, which we know are very few? Has the Portuguese economy being growing or falling during this period?
Has Portugal accompanied the events in Europe from his corner of
Finisterre? Or, on the contrary, has had its role in the economic geography and political life of the continent? So, how to reconcile the overall crisis and general decline in the Europe of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries with the Atlantic expansion?
Nathalie Clayer’s book, Une histoire en travelling de l’Albanie (1920-1939). Avec, au-delà et en-deçà de l’état, deserves appreciation for its historical coherency and novelty. The clear and informative prose would make it undoubtedly a best-seller in the eventuality of being published in Albanian. The book constitutes a major contribution to the history of Albania, expanding our understanding of the complex processes of interaction between state and society in interwar Albania.