International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 2019
This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 201... more This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Fall Semesters, in an industrial design department. Based on the hypothesis that design thinking interventions to entrepreneurship projects will help their development, graduate students were paired with technology start-ups. The aim of the project is to intervene the project development process of technology start-ups with a human centred perspective by the help of the tools of design thinking approach, develop ideas for solving existing problems, also pin out new problems that are not classified as problems by the companies yet. Following this idea, students were required to design and conduct their own process by the help of design thinking approach and related methods. The number of the projects held during the process was 34 and 4 of them will be explained in detail in this paper. This study is significant in terms of investigating how design thinking affects start-up cultu...
Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Sin... more Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Since its first usage, people benefit not only from its physical properties, but also from its social and emotional properties. In this study, current usage of the doorbell, further usage scenarios of it, the ways of sustaining its physical and social meaning while applying new technological developments to it will be discussed and handled as a design problem. Problem field is tried to be determined with the help of the design thinking approaches and methods. Detailed information about the determined problem has been collected and solution suggestions and alternatives tried to be improved. In every stage of the study like problem definition, detailing or suggestion, co-working constituted the main path of the study. In order to do that, workshops were made. So, problem has been analyzed in a more detailed way. In this study, current problem, user profiles, suggestions to the current problem...
Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 2021
Design Sprint is an intensive and innovation-focused framework based on Design Thinking principle... more Design Sprint is an intensive and innovation-focused framework based on Design Thinking principles. This study discusses the potential usage of the design sprint framework in industrial design education, and focuses on its strengths and weaknesses as an educational tool. Within this context, the study reports on a design sprint workshop involving twelve industrial design students in their fifth semester. The general process and outcomes of the design sprint workshop are critiqued along with the feedback of participant students. Design sprint in industrial education supports student ability to critique their own design and creative thinking, offers a new usage of prototyping as a testing material, and enables user-designer interaction, but also challenges the students with limited time and intensive workload. Design sprint can be a tool for carrying out multidisciplinary studies, reflecting the activities of professional practice, and accelerating project progress in design education.
Bireyde öznel ve özgün ifadenin gelişimine katkıda bulunan oyuncaklar, taşıdıkları bu değerleri n... more Bireyde öznel ve özgün ifadenin gelişimine katkıda bulunan oyuncaklar, taşıdıkları bu değerleri nedeniyle sanat ve tasarımda kendilerine yer bulmuşlardır. Bu çalışma, çocuk kavramının ve oyuncağın biçimlendiği yirminci yüzyıl başından bulunduğumuz döneme dek, sanatın ve tasarımın oyuncakla kesiştiği noktaları çözümlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Oyuncağın sanat ve tasarım ile ilişkisi; bireyin yaratım sürecinin sonunda ortaya çıkan oyuncaklar ve yaratım süreçlerinde kaynak olarak kullanılan oyuncaklar olarak iki ayrı bölümde örnek inceleme yoluyla ele alınmıştır. Bu nesnelerin yaratıcı ifade aracı niteliği irdelenmiş, dönemi ve yaratıcısı ile arasındaki ilişkiler irdelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada oyuncakların, oyun işlevinin yanında, kendi anlamları ve sanatçı ve tasarımcılar tarafından kendilerine yüklenen anlamları yansıtarak bir ifade aracı görevi yüklendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Endüstriyel tasarım eğitiminde daha çok KOBİ'ler ve büyük ölçekli firmalar ile iş birlikleri gözl... more Endüstriyel tasarım eğitiminde daha çok KOBİ'ler ve büyük ölçekli firmalar ile iş birlikleri gözlenmektedir. Bu araştırma kapsamında, yeni girişimler ile endüstriyel tasarım eğitimi arasında benzer bir ilişkinin ve iş birliğinin kurulmamış olması bir problem alanı ve bir potansiyel olarak görülmüştür. Bu noktadan hareketle araştırmanın amacı; endüstriyel tasarım eğitimi ile yeni girişimler ve girişimcilik ekosistemi arasında kurulabilecek etkileşimlerin ve iş birliklerinin yapısını ortaya koymak ve taraflara potansiyel katkılarını tanımlamak olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, endüstriyel tasarım eğitimi ile yeni girişimler ve girişimcilik ekosistemi arasında deneysel ilişkiler kurulmuştur. Bütüncül bir çerçeve çizebilmek ve veri çeşitlemesinin sağlanması açısından literatür taramasının yanı sıra birden çok veri toplama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tümevarımcı bir yaklaşımla içerik analizi yöntemine başvurulmuştur. Dört aşamalı bir süreç ile veriler analiz edilerek sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. İlk aşamada elde edilen veriler kodlanmış; ikinci aşamada kodlar belirli temalar altında toplanarak kategoriler elde edilmiştir. Bu aşamada veriler iç tutarlılık ve dış tutarlılık yönünden gözden geçirilmiş, üçüncü aşamada ise bulguların tanımlanması ve açıklanması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Son olarak bulgular yorumlanmış ve sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Verilerin analizi sürecinde bilgisayar destekli nitel veri analizi programı MAXQDA 12'den yararlanılmıştır. Bu araştırma ile işletme ve girişimcilik literatürü ve endüstriyel tasarım literatürü arasında bir bağlantı kurulmuştur. Yeni girişimlerde tasarım ile ilişkili tasarım odaklı düşünmeye yönelik ihtiyaçlar, deneysel çalışmalar yoluyla giderilmeye çalışılmıştır.
International Journal of Research in Businessand Social Science, 2019
This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 201... more This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Fall Semesters, in an ITU industrial design department. Based on the hypothesis that design thinking interventions to entrepreneurship projects will help their development, graduate students were paired with technology start-ups. The aim of the project is to intervene the project development process of technology start-ups with a human centred perspective by the help of the tools of design thinking approach, develop ideas for solving existing problems, also pin out new problems that are not classified as problems by the companies yet. Following this idea, students were required to design and conduct their own process by the help of design thinking approach and related methods. The number of the projects held during the process was 34 and 4 of them will be explained in detail in this paper. This study is significant in terms of investigating how design thinking affects start-up culture as a catalyst, in which phase/s of the projects design thinking is more relevant and effective, how design thinking helps find solutions to missing and premature aspects of entrepreneurship projects.
Özet: Erken çocukluk evresi, bilişsel ve fiziksel olarak çocuğun en hızlı değişim ve gelişim göst... more Özet: Erken çocukluk evresi, bilişsel ve fiziksel olarak çocuğun en hızlı değişim ve gelişim gösterdiği evredir. Çocuk, bu hızlı gelişim döneminde eylemlerini oyun yoluyla sürdürme eğilimindedir; bu nedenle araçla yapılan oyunlarda kullanılan oyuncaklar da çocuk gelişimi açısından önemlidir. Elektronik ortamda eğitimin hızla arttığı günümüz dünyasında, yeni malzemeler ve yeni teknolojiler gelişse de çocuğun erken çocukluk döneminde yaşaması gereken bilişsel ve fiziksel gelişimler; bu yöndeki ihtiyaçları aynı hızda değişim göstermemektedir. Oyuncaklar, biçim, malzeme, renk gibi nitelikleri ile çocuğun bilişsel ve fiziksel gelişimini desteklemeli, çocuğun doğasına uygun olmalı, sağlık açısından tehlike barındırmamalıdır. Ahşap oyuncaklar; taşıdıkları duygusal ve duyusal nedenlere bağlı olarak Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf yaklaşımları ile eğitim veren okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında kullanılmaktadır. Bu araştırma, okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında eğitici oyuncak olarak yer bulan ahşap oyuncakların tasarımında göz önünde bulundurulması gereken yaklaşımların ortaya çıkarılması, oyuncak pazarındaki algısının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında da ilk olarak erken çocukluk dönemi ve oyun-oyuncak ilişkisi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Oyuncakların geçirdiği değişimler geçmişten günümüze ele alınmıştır. Literatür
Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Sin... more Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Since its first usage, people benefit not only from its physical properties, but also from its social and emotional properties. In this study, current usage of the doorbell, further usage scenarios of it, the ways of sustaining its physical and social meaning while applying new technological developments to it will be discussed and handled as a design problem. Problem field is tried to be determined with the help of the design thinking approaches and methods. Detailed information about the determined problem has been collected and solution suggestions and alternatives tried to be improved. In every stage of the study like problem definition, detailing or suggestion, co-working constituted the main path of the study. In order to do that, workshops were made. So, problem has been analyzed in a more detailed way. In this study, current problem, user profiles, suggestions to the current problems of the doorbell are shared systematically. The data, gathered by this study, can form the research basis of a product development activity of a doorbell. Needs, applied solutions and suggestions of different user groups on mentioned subject has made this study valuable.
Uluslararası Geçmişten Geleceğe Sanat Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Dec 19, 2016
ÖZET Türk İslam Sanatları arasında süsleme kavramı önemli bir yere sahiptir. Geçmişten günümüze k... more ÖZET Türk İslam Sanatları arasında süsleme kavramı önemli bir yere sahiptir. Geçmişten günümüze kadar farklı nesneler ve yapı elemanları üzerinde kendini gösteren bu süslemeler; figür, yazı, geometrik veya bitkisel motiflerden oluşmaktadırlar. Süsleme unsuru olarak geometrik kompozisyonların kullanılmasına İslam öncesi dönemlerde de rastlanılmasına rağmen, geometrik motiflerin kullanılması Selçuklu dönemi eserlerinde pozitif bir ivme kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, geometrik ögeler içerisinde yer alan yıldız sembolü incelenmek üzere seçilmiştir. İncelenecek dönem olarak Türk sanatı tarihinde önemli bir yere sahip olan Anadolu Selçukluları özelinde ikinci bir daraltmaya gidilmiştir. Köşe sayısına göre incelenen yıldız sembolleri altı ve sekiz köşeli olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Bu sayede yıldız sembolüne rastlanan eserlerden örnekler, daha düzenli ve kontrol edilebilir şekilde incelenmiştir. İncelenen dönem eserleri taş, ahşap ve seramik malzemelerinden meydana gelmiştir. Bu örneklerden yola çıkarak, günümüzdeki yıldız sembolünü barındıran tasarım çıktıları, ürün örnekleri, incelenmiş ve yıldız sembolünün günümüz ürünlerinde kullanımları üzerine yorum getirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Selçuklu geometrik dilinin sahip olduğu potansiyel ve doğru kullanılmamasının yaratacağı tehlike vurgulanan noktalar arasındadır. ABSTRACT Ornamentation has an important place in Turkish-Islamic Arts. These ornemantations, which have been placed on different products and buildings from past to now, consist of figures, calligraphy, floral or geometic patterns. Although application of geometric compositions as ornaments can be seen in pre-Islamic period, application rate increases in Seljuk Period. In this study, star symbol as a geometric pattern is determined to research about it. Time period in which the star symbol is used as ornamentation is very long, however period to search for is narrowed down to Anatolian Seljuk Period which has an important role in Turkish Art. Star symbols that are examined according to their number of edges are divided into two subgroups as six and eight edged stars. Thus, artifacts which have star symbols are examined in a more controllable and more systemetical way. Artifacts of the examined periods are made of stone, wooden or ceramics. With the help of these samples, contemporary designs having the star symbols are examined and commented on. Potential of the Seljuk geometry and dangers of inappropraite usage of it are emphasized.
International Fine Arts Symposium Book of Proceedings
As in every fields, emphasis and need on creative thinking receive wide attention in art and desi... more As in every fields, emphasis and need on creative thinking receive wide attention in art and design disciplines. Society’s need and interest of new and innovation are the reasons of need for creative thinking. It is not possible for a discipline like industrial design, which is focused to create innovations and processes in order to solve the problems of the individuals and society, to go further without getting help from the creative thinking. After the act of creative thinking, conclusions (objects, systems) can be get by both coincidently and systematically. Systematic methods are used and supported by all disciplines which care about creative thinking. Design thinking is a kind of methodology which is focused on development of ideas and solves and it advances from game as a tool. Need and importance of the systematic methods will be emphasized within the means of industrial design process, in other words problem solving process and a few suggestions about multiple usage and hybridization of these methods will be made. Main issues handled in this study are the positive effects of the game on releasing the creative thinking, breaking the standards and being a group member and showing empathy. In this study it is mentioned about design games’ two possible negative aspects as standardization, which is one of the main obstacles of creative thinking, and danger of becoming ordinary and hybridization of the games are offered as the solution of these possible negative conclusions. This study, which tries to frame the theoretical borders of the design games, can be supported and improved by the practical works in the future.
As it was before, today, the notion “art and design” , which has been defined plenty of times, ca... more As it was before, today, the notion “art and design” , which has been defined plenty of times, can not fit into the meaning which has been carried with its previous definitions and so it is searched for single and new definition of “art and design” notion. In that context, ongoing different art and design education methods becomes the questioned elements of the process.This paper, includes the analysis of current different art and design education methods and emphasizes the need for a connective definition instead of an inclusive one. “Art and design” is the total of all the actions which has been taken in the process of introducing product - in its broad sense- and thinking product, art product, design product- in its narrow sense- which begins with formation of the idea in mind. With regard to this total, which includes the search for practicing the fiction of this abstract idea that have not been linked to any reality yet, basis of the art and design education consists of transferring the possible methods and paths which can be used in the searching stage to other people. As the transmitter itself here is called as artist or designer, educational process becomes an art and design product, for that reason it carries indiviualistic and subjective marks. In that context, the effort of reaching a single true method by comparing existing educational methods is against to the nature of art and design which we called it as free, original and subjective.
Till now, selection and usage of the materials have been examined mostly by the engineering disci... more Till now, selection and usage of the materials have been examined mostly by the engineering disciplines. By being part of engineering disciplines, materials have been classified according to their quantitive values and till the recent years, they have formed products according to their quantitive values. At the primitive era of the productive society, occured shortly after the Industrial Revolution, monotypical products had dominated the market and function based products were sufficient for that market. In the transition period from productive society to consumer society, markets have expanded and the number of the variety of the products ,which met the same function, have increased. So, there has occured an opportunity for the consumers to evaluate and choose between varieties of the products. This opportunity that consumer gained has come with new questions. According to the which criterias, besides form and function of the products, do consumers choose and evaluate? Can emotional impressions of the product (effects which are the interprations of the senses) on the user cause this choice? Interaction between the senses’ of the target user and the product on emotional communication period and consistency and harmony between the product’s meanings taken by different senses are the major requirements in the consumer society. Engineering based material science can not go beyond being a beginning point in the process of meeting these major requirements. To meet these major requirements, there sould be some professionals who are educated about human perceptions, senses and behaviours and who are,with the help of their education, capable of providing suitable solutions to target market’s subjective evaluation. This eduaction should involve qualitative values. Do the impressions have the equal number to the users? Do assigned meaning have connections with in-depth meanings formed by qualitative values of the products? Is it possible to categorize and generalize the assigned meanings in order to understand easily? This article argues the need of a different look to the material besides engineering , some published resources are used to support the arguement. In addition to that, it suggest to artists and designers to take the responsibilty of assigning meanings to the materials to reach the user’s perception. User’s perception is formed by emotions and in-depth senses. Being qualitative of these values, does not change the classifiablity of the every scientific datas.
Designers and artists can be called as the intellectually productive individuals of the society. ... more Designers and artists can be called as the intellectually productive individuals of the society. This intellectual production period sometimes results in transformation to a physical object /artifact. One of the main elements to which artists/ designers need to embody in their creative thinking is the material knowledge. Material knowledge can both be a restrictive element or constructive element on designing act depending on amount of the designer's material knowledge. Thus, interdisciplinary characteristic of the art and design education gains importance with the requirement of communication with the material science. It is possible to reach similarities and differences of material knowledge needed by designer and artist candidates by examining the alike and unlike characteristics of the art and design disciplines. As being part of both disciplines, in industrial design material knowledge remains important. Here occurs the necessity of defining some common futures of material education in industrial design departments of different institutes which have different characteristics to reach ideal material education. Inspirational, innovative, environmental, intangible characteristics of the materials can be emphasized in industrial design material education and can show an elastic way of thinking depending on the possible applications.
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 2019
This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 201... more This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Fall Semesters, in an industrial design department. Based on the hypothesis that design thinking interventions to entrepreneurship projects will help their development, graduate students were paired with technology start-ups. The aim of the project is to intervene the project development process of technology start-ups with a human centred perspective by the help of the tools of design thinking approach, develop ideas for solving existing problems, also pin out new problems that are not classified as problems by the companies yet. Following this idea, students were required to design and conduct their own process by the help of design thinking approach and related methods. The number of the projects held during the process was 34 and 4 of them will be explained in detail in this paper. This study is significant in terms of investigating how design thinking affects start-up cultu...
Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Sin... more Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Since its first usage, people benefit not only from its physical properties, but also from its social and emotional properties. In this study, current usage of the doorbell, further usage scenarios of it, the ways of sustaining its physical and social meaning while applying new technological developments to it will be discussed and handled as a design problem. Problem field is tried to be determined with the help of the design thinking approaches and methods. Detailed information about the determined problem has been collected and solution suggestions and alternatives tried to be improved. In every stage of the study like problem definition, detailing or suggestion, co-working constituted the main path of the study. In order to do that, workshops were made. So, problem has been analyzed in a more detailed way. In this study, current problem, user profiles, suggestions to the current problem...
Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 2021
Design Sprint is an intensive and innovation-focused framework based on Design Thinking principle... more Design Sprint is an intensive and innovation-focused framework based on Design Thinking principles. This study discusses the potential usage of the design sprint framework in industrial design education, and focuses on its strengths and weaknesses as an educational tool. Within this context, the study reports on a design sprint workshop involving twelve industrial design students in their fifth semester. The general process and outcomes of the design sprint workshop are critiqued along with the feedback of participant students. Design sprint in industrial education supports student ability to critique their own design and creative thinking, offers a new usage of prototyping as a testing material, and enables user-designer interaction, but also challenges the students with limited time and intensive workload. Design sprint can be a tool for carrying out multidisciplinary studies, reflecting the activities of professional practice, and accelerating project progress in design education.
Bireyde öznel ve özgün ifadenin gelişimine katkıda bulunan oyuncaklar, taşıdıkları bu değerleri n... more Bireyde öznel ve özgün ifadenin gelişimine katkıda bulunan oyuncaklar, taşıdıkları bu değerleri nedeniyle sanat ve tasarımda kendilerine yer bulmuşlardır. Bu çalışma, çocuk kavramının ve oyuncağın biçimlendiği yirminci yüzyıl başından bulunduğumuz döneme dek, sanatın ve tasarımın oyuncakla kesiştiği noktaları çözümlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Oyuncağın sanat ve tasarım ile ilişkisi; bireyin yaratım sürecinin sonunda ortaya çıkan oyuncaklar ve yaratım süreçlerinde kaynak olarak kullanılan oyuncaklar olarak iki ayrı bölümde örnek inceleme yoluyla ele alınmıştır. Bu nesnelerin yaratıcı ifade aracı niteliği irdelenmiş, dönemi ve yaratıcısı ile arasındaki ilişkiler irdelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada oyuncakların, oyun işlevinin yanında, kendi anlamları ve sanatçı ve tasarımcılar tarafından kendilerine yüklenen anlamları yansıtarak bir ifade aracı görevi yüklendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Endüstriyel tasarım eğitiminde daha çok KOBİ'ler ve büyük ölçekli firmalar ile iş birlikleri gözl... more Endüstriyel tasarım eğitiminde daha çok KOBİ'ler ve büyük ölçekli firmalar ile iş birlikleri gözlenmektedir. Bu araştırma kapsamında, yeni girişimler ile endüstriyel tasarım eğitimi arasında benzer bir ilişkinin ve iş birliğinin kurulmamış olması bir problem alanı ve bir potansiyel olarak görülmüştür. Bu noktadan hareketle araştırmanın amacı; endüstriyel tasarım eğitimi ile yeni girişimler ve girişimcilik ekosistemi arasında kurulabilecek etkileşimlerin ve iş birliklerinin yapısını ortaya koymak ve taraflara potansiyel katkılarını tanımlamak olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, endüstriyel tasarım eğitimi ile yeni girişimler ve girişimcilik ekosistemi arasında deneysel ilişkiler kurulmuştur. Bütüncül bir çerçeve çizebilmek ve veri çeşitlemesinin sağlanması açısından literatür taramasının yanı sıra birden çok veri toplama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tümevarımcı bir yaklaşımla içerik analizi yöntemine başvurulmuştur. Dört aşamalı bir süreç ile veriler analiz edilerek sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. İlk aşamada elde edilen veriler kodlanmış; ikinci aşamada kodlar belirli temalar altında toplanarak kategoriler elde edilmiştir. Bu aşamada veriler iç tutarlılık ve dış tutarlılık yönünden gözden geçirilmiş, üçüncü aşamada ise bulguların tanımlanması ve açıklanması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Son olarak bulgular yorumlanmış ve sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Verilerin analizi sürecinde bilgisayar destekli nitel veri analizi programı MAXQDA 12'den yararlanılmıştır. Bu araştırma ile işletme ve girişimcilik literatürü ve endüstriyel tasarım literatürü arasında bir bağlantı kurulmuştur. Yeni girişimlerde tasarım ile ilişkili tasarım odaklı düşünmeye yönelik ihtiyaçlar, deneysel çalışmalar yoluyla giderilmeye çalışılmıştır.
International Journal of Research in Businessand Social Science, 2019
This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 201... more This study is based on the projects held in a Design Thinking Graduate class in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Fall Semesters, in an ITU industrial design department. Based on the hypothesis that design thinking interventions to entrepreneurship projects will help their development, graduate students were paired with technology start-ups. The aim of the project is to intervene the project development process of technology start-ups with a human centred perspective by the help of the tools of design thinking approach, develop ideas for solving existing problems, also pin out new problems that are not classified as problems by the companies yet. Following this idea, students were required to design and conduct their own process by the help of design thinking approach and related methods. The number of the projects held during the process was 34 and 4 of them will be explained in detail in this paper. This study is significant in terms of investigating how design thinking affects start-up culture as a catalyst, in which phase/s of the projects design thinking is more relevant and effective, how design thinking helps find solutions to missing and premature aspects of entrepreneurship projects.
Özet: Erken çocukluk evresi, bilişsel ve fiziksel olarak çocuğun en hızlı değişim ve gelişim göst... more Özet: Erken çocukluk evresi, bilişsel ve fiziksel olarak çocuğun en hızlı değişim ve gelişim gösterdiği evredir. Çocuk, bu hızlı gelişim döneminde eylemlerini oyun yoluyla sürdürme eğilimindedir; bu nedenle araçla yapılan oyunlarda kullanılan oyuncaklar da çocuk gelişimi açısından önemlidir. Elektronik ortamda eğitimin hızla arttığı günümüz dünyasında, yeni malzemeler ve yeni teknolojiler gelişse de çocuğun erken çocukluk döneminde yaşaması gereken bilişsel ve fiziksel gelişimler; bu yöndeki ihtiyaçları aynı hızda değişim göstermemektedir. Oyuncaklar, biçim, malzeme, renk gibi nitelikleri ile çocuğun bilişsel ve fiziksel gelişimini desteklemeli, çocuğun doğasına uygun olmalı, sağlık açısından tehlike barındırmamalıdır. Ahşap oyuncaklar; taşıdıkları duygusal ve duyusal nedenlere bağlı olarak Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf yaklaşımları ile eğitim veren okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında kullanılmaktadır. Bu araştırma, okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında eğitici oyuncak olarak yer bulan ahşap oyuncakların tasarımında göz önünde bulundurulması gereken yaklaşımların ortaya çıkarılması, oyuncak pazarındaki algısının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında da ilk olarak erken çocukluk dönemi ve oyun-oyuncak ilişkisi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Oyuncakların geçirdiği değişimler geçmişten günümüze ele alınmıştır. Literatür
Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Sin... more Doorbell is both a physical and social link between indoor and outdoor environment of people. Since its first usage, people benefit not only from its physical properties, but also from its social and emotional properties. In this study, current usage of the doorbell, further usage scenarios of it, the ways of sustaining its physical and social meaning while applying new technological developments to it will be discussed and handled as a design problem. Problem field is tried to be determined with the help of the design thinking approaches and methods. Detailed information about the determined problem has been collected and solution suggestions and alternatives tried to be improved. In every stage of the study like problem definition, detailing or suggestion, co-working constituted the main path of the study. In order to do that, workshops were made. So, problem has been analyzed in a more detailed way. In this study, current problem, user profiles, suggestions to the current problems of the doorbell are shared systematically. The data, gathered by this study, can form the research basis of a product development activity of a doorbell. Needs, applied solutions and suggestions of different user groups on mentioned subject has made this study valuable.
Uluslararası Geçmişten Geleceğe Sanat Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Dec 19, 2016
ÖZET Türk İslam Sanatları arasında süsleme kavramı önemli bir yere sahiptir. Geçmişten günümüze k... more ÖZET Türk İslam Sanatları arasında süsleme kavramı önemli bir yere sahiptir. Geçmişten günümüze kadar farklı nesneler ve yapı elemanları üzerinde kendini gösteren bu süslemeler; figür, yazı, geometrik veya bitkisel motiflerden oluşmaktadırlar. Süsleme unsuru olarak geometrik kompozisyonların kullanılmasına İslam öncesi dönemlerde de rastlanılmasına rağmen, geometrik motiflerin kullanılması Selçuklu dönemi eserlerinde pozitif bir ivme kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, geometrik ögeler içerisinde yer alan yıldız sembolü incelenmek üzere seçilmiştir. İncelenecek dönem olarak Türk sanatı tarihinde önemli bir yere sahip olan Anadolu Selçukluları özelinde ikinci bir daraltmaya gidilmiştir. Köşe sayısına göre incelenen yıldız sembolleri altı ve sekiz köşeli olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Bu sayede yıldız sembolüne rastlanan eserlerden örnekler, daha düzenli ve kontrol edilebilir şekilde incelenmiştir. İncelenen dönem eserleri taş, ahşap ve seramik malzemelerinden meydana gelmiştir. Bu örneklerden yola çıkarak, günümüzdeki yıldız sembolünü barındıran tasarım çıktıları, ürün örnekleri, incelenmiş ve yıldız sembolünün günümüz ürünlerinde kullanımları üzerine yorum getirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Selçuklu geometrik dilinin sahip olduğu potansiyel ve doğru kullanılmamasının yaratacağı tehlike vurgulanan noktalar arasındadır. ABSTRACT Ornamentation has an important place in Turkish-Islamic Arts. These ornemantations, which have been placed on different products and buildings from past to now, consist of figures, calligraphy, floral or geometic patterns. Although application of geometric compositions as ornaments can be seen in pre-Islamic period, application rate increases in Seljuk Period. In this study, star symbol as a geometric pattern is determined to research about it. Time period in which the star symbol is used as ornamentation is very long, however period to search for is narrowed down to Anatolian Seljuk Period which has an important role in Turkish Art. Star symbols that are examined according to their number of edges are divided into two subgroups as six and eight edged stars. Thus, artifacts which have star symbols are examined in a more controllable and more systemetical way. Artifacts of the examined periods are made of stone, wooden or ceramics. With the help of these samples, contemporary designs having the star symbols are examined and commented on. Potential of the Seljuk geometry and dangers of inappropraite usage of it are emphasized.
International Fine Arts Symposium Book of Proceedings
As in every fields, emphasis and need on creative thinking receive wide attention in art and desi... more As in every fields, emphasis and need on creative thinking receive wide attention in art and design disciplines. Society’s need and interest of new and innovation are the reasons of need for creative thinking. It is not possible for a discipline like industrial design, which is focused to create innovations and processes in order to solve the problems of the individuals and society, to go further without getting help from the creative thinking. After the act of creative thinking, conclusions (objects, systems) can be get by both coincidently and systematically. Systematic methods are used and supported by all disciplines which care about creative thinking. Design thinking is a kind of methodology which is focused on development of ideas and solves and it advances from game as a tool. Need and importance of the systematic methods will be emphasized within the means of industrial design process, in other words problem solving process and a few suggestions about multiple usage and hybridization of these methods will be made. Main issues handled in this study are the positive effects of the game on releasing the creative thinking, breaking the standards and being a group member and showing empathy. In this study it is mentioned about design games’ two possible negative aspects as standardization, which is one of the main obstacles of creative thinking, and danger of becoming ordinary and hybridization of the games are offered as the solution of these possible negative conclusions. This study, which tries to frame the theoretical borders of the design games, can be supported and improved by the practical works in the future.
As it was before, today, the notion “art and design” , which has been defined plenty of times, ca... more As it was before, today, the notion “art and design” , which has been defined plenty of times, can not fit into the meaning which has been carried with its previous definitions and so it is searched for single and new definition of “art and design” notion. In that context, ongoing different art and design education methods becomes the questioned elements of the process.This paper, includes the analysis of current different art and design education methods and emphasizes the need for a connective definition instead of an inclusive one. “Art and design” is the total of all the actions which has been taken in the process of introducing product - in its broad sense- and thinking product, art product, design product- in its narrow sense- which begins with formation of the idea in mind. With regard to this total, which includes the search for practicing the fiction of this abstract idea that have not been linked to any reality yet, basis of the art and design education consists of transferring the possible methods and paths which can be used in the searching stage to other people. As the transmitter itself here is called as artist or designer, educational process becomes an art and design product, for that reason it carries indiviualistic and subjective marks. In that context, the effort of reaching a single true method by comparing existing educational methods is against to the nature of art and design which we called it as free, original and subjective.
Till now, selection and usage of the materials have been examined mostly by the engineering disci... more Till now, selection and usage of the materials have been examined mostly by the engineering disciplines. By being part of engineering disciplines, materials have been classified according to their quantitive values and till the recent years, they have formed products according to their quantitive values. At the primitive era of the productive society, occured shortly after the Industrial Revolution, monotypical products had dominated the market and function based products were sufficient for that market. In the transition period from productive society to consumer society, markets have expanded and the number of the variety of the products ,which met the same function, have increased. So, there has occured an opportunity for the consumers to evaluate and choose between varieties of the products. This opportunity that consumer gained has come with new questions. According to the which criterias, besides form and function of the products, do consumers choose and evaluate? Can emotional impressions of the product (effects which are the interprations of the senses) on the user cause this choice? Interaction between the senses’ of the target user and the product on emotional communication period and consistency and harmony between the product’s meanings taken by different senses are the major requirements in the consumer society. Engineering based material science can not go beyond being a beginning point in the process of meeting these major requirements. To meet these major requirements, there sould be some professionals who are educated about human perceptions, senses and behaviours and who are,with the help of their education, capable of providing suitable solutions to target market’s subjective evaluation. This eduaction should involve qualitative values. Do the impressions have the equal number to the users? Do assigned meaning have connections with in-depth meanings formed by qualitative values of the products? Is it possible to categorize and generalize the assigned meanings in order to understand easily? This article argues the need of a different look to the material besides engineering , some published resources are used to support the arguement. In addition to that, it suggest to artists and designers to take the responsibilty of assigning meanings to the materials to reach the user’s perception. User’s perception is formed by emotions and in-depth senses. Being qualitative of these values, does not change the classifiablity of the every scientific datas.
Designers and artists can be called as the intellectually productive individuals of the society. ... more Designers and artists can be called as the intellectually productive individuals of the society. This intellectual production period sometimes results in transformation to a physical object /artifact. One of the main elements to which artists/ designers need to embody in their creative thinking is the material knowledge. Material knowledge can both be a restrictive element or constructive element on designing act depending on amount of the designer's material knowledge. Thus, interdisciplinary characteristic of the art and design education gains importance with the requirement of communication with the material science. It is possible to reach similarities and differences of material knowledge needed by designer and artist candidates by examining the alike and unlike characteristics of the art and design disciplines. As being part of both disciplines, in industrial design material knowledge remains important. Here occurs the necessity of defining some common futures of material education in industrial design departments of different institutes which have different characteristics to reach ideal material education. Inspirational, innovative, environmental, intangible characteristics of the materials can be emphasized in industrial design material education and can show an elastic way of thinking depending on the possible applications.
Papers by Ozan Soyupak