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Profesor de euskera – Autor del blog " EtnoMet " (etnomet.eus) kepa.diegez@gmail.com Resumen Este artículo trata de las abundantes y curiosas denominaciones populares que recibe la nieve en lengua vasca. Está basado en la tesis que está... more
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1. SARRERA Zergatik "etnometeorologia" euskal hiztegia? Erantzuna galdera bezain erraza da: horrelako hiztegirik ez delako eta beste hizkuntza batzuetan nekez aurki genitza-keelako. Beste kontu bat da zerk bultzatu gaituen gai horren... more
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This article is based on the doctoral thesis presented by the author in the Department of Language and Basque Studies, VitoriaGasteiz, on October 1, 2021, under the title of the study of the ethnomometeorological Basque lexicology.
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This thesis has a clear lesson: the word, and more precisely the sign, the meaning, the content. This is a starting-point, three prominent parts: first, it is placed in a research context; secondly, what sources have been used for the... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsDialectologyMeteorologyCognitive Linguistics
This article is a summary of the thesis called "A study of the ethnometeorological lexicon". For this purpose, we will first explain the theoretical context in which it is placed, and the science in which it is applied. Once this has been... more
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Artikulu honek helburu du euskara-irakasleei gogoeta eragitea, euskararen ahoskerari eta prosodiari buruz, eta, aldi berean, gaitasun prosodikoa garatzeko jarraibide eta argibideak ematea. Bide hori egiteko, Axularren Gero maisu-lanaren... more
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      Speech ProsodyBasque linguisticsPronunciation
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Liburu honek protagonista behinena du bere baitan: aro-bidaiaria. Denbora-bidaiari batek ez bezala, hark ez du atzera-aurrera egiten denboran barrena, baizik eta beti aurrera egiten duela, herriz herri, eguneroko solasaldietan erabiltzen... more
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    • Weather, Lexicon, Ethnometeorology
In this paper, I offer new etymologies for two Basque words, iturri ‘fountain’ and ezker ‘left’. Together with Uhlenbeck, I consider iturri to be an old participle, built on the root hur ‘water’. As for ezker, I propose that it bears the... more
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      Basque StudiesEtymology
Hitz-mitz, 27 palabras vascas • Hitz-mitz, 27 mots basques • Hitz-mitz, 27 Basque words EU Liburu honetako hitz-mitzak, ele-meleak, lau filologo-hizkuntzalarirenak dira. UNIBASQen enkarguz, 27 hitz hautatu dituzte, denak... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque LanguageEthimology
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Euskal artikuluaren bilakaeraren analisi diakroniko bat egin dut. Horren barrenean, deklinabide mugatuaren berreraiketa morfologikoa egin dut, batetik, eta artikuluaren erabileraren deskripzio historiko bat, bestetik.Artikuluak D-elementu... more
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      Basque linguisticsAgglutinative languagesDiachronic MorphologyDemonstratives
The present article offers an etymology for mahats ‘grape’. We argue that a medieval loanword, Romance banasta ‘pannier’, is at its origin, and that it was created through reanalysis within the language. We highlight two facts in support... more
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Lan honetarako Erdi Aroko Donemiliaga Kukullako kartularioa izango dugu oinarri. Agiri horietan artikulutzat jotzen ditugun morfemak izango ditugu aztergai. Artikulu singularrak eta pluralak bereiziko ditugu: singularretan artikulua... more
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      EtymologyBasque linguistics
Lan honen helburua ergatiboaren eta euskara-gaztelania kode-alternantziaren (KA) erabileraren arteko harremanetan sakontzea da, lehen hizkuntza (H1) euskara duen eta KA sarritan darabilen hiztun heldu baten kasu-azterketan oinarrituz.... more
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      PsycholinguisticsCode-SwitchingBasque linguisticsErgativity