Roman Dacia by Eugenia Beu-Dachin
Acta Musei Napocensis, 2023
The monument was embedded in the basement wall of the Mauksch-Hintz house in Cluj-Napoca. For alm... more The monument was embedded in the basement wall of the Mauksch-Hintz house in Cluj-Napoca. For almost two centuries it held the historical pharmacy of the Mauksch-Hintz family and currently holds the History of Pharmacy Collection, which is part of the National Museum of Transylvanian History. The fragmentary Roman votive monument was built into the wall on the eastern side of one of the medieval buildings dated to the 15th-16th centuries subsequently unified for the erection of the Mauksch-Hintz house.
Acta Musei Napocensis, 2021
The votive monument discovered on Regele Ferdinand Blvd. In Cluj-Napoca was dedicated to the godd... more The votive monument discovered on Regele Ferdinand Blvd. In Cluj-Napoca was dedicated to the goddess Terra Mater by a certain Gaius Iulius Proc(u)linus. The divinity is attested in other cities of the Dacia province as well, the number of discoveries here being higher compared to other Roman provinces. The hole made in the pediment of the monument could be intended for assembly, but given its relatively small size, one cannot say that it had been made to fix the statue of the goddess.
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Historia, 2020
We present below two fragmentary texts carved in aere
from Napoca, one known from the 19th centur... more We present below two fragmentary texts carved in aere
from Napoca, one known from the 19th century and the other novel,
yielded by recent rescue excavations. The first inscription (Napoca-
1) was carved on a bronze tablet discovered in Piaţa Muzeului no. 4.
The document here might correspond to an imperial response
(subscriptio), delivered by emperor Hadrian upon a request that
might have been made for instance by the representatives of the
town at Napoca. A second fragmentary inscription in bronze
(Napoca-2) originating still from Napoca was discovered in the area
of hill Feleac. The preserved words formis and ratio / procuratio are
indicative of an administrative taxation type text.
The Dacians in the Roman Empire Provincial Constructions, 2019
The Roman Provinces - Mechanisms of Integration, 2019
The National History Museum of Transylvania is the owner of a
previously unpublished fragment of ... more The National History Museum of Transylvania is the owner of a
previously unpublished fragment of a bronze tablet from Colonia Dacica
Sarmizegetusa, on which few well engraved capital letters were kept. The fragment
is most likely part of a legal text.
Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen., 2020
Around 200 inscriptions have been found at Potaissa so far. Some of them disappeared and their te... more Around 200 inscriptions have been found at Potaissa so far. Some of them disappeared and their texts are known to us exclusively from publications, others are kept in museum collections. The subject of this study is their linguistic examination, by following the peculiarities and the deviations from the classical norms of the language. When possible, this data will be related to details on the donors, on the provenance of the epigraphs, on their type, and on other information that can contribute to shaping the cultural-linguistic profile of the Roman town. Located 30 km south from the ancient Napoca, the Roman town Potaissa (mod-ern: Ro. Turda-Hun. Torda) 1 was one of the most important settlements of Da-cia Porolissensis. Organized 2 in three provinces (Dacia Porolissensis, Superior and Inferior), Dacia was ruled, starting from Marcus Aurelius, by a consular rank governor-consularis trium Daciarum, since there were two legions in the province: one at Apulum (XIII Gemina), and one at Potaissa (V Macedonica). In addition , each province had a procurator Augusti in charge of the financial affairs. The V th Macedonica legion was garrisoned at Potaissa during 168/170-271, in a medium-sized camp (573 x 408 m), holding an area which exceeded 23 ha 3. It has been researched for more than 40 years, some of the results being published in articles, studies and monographs related to the architecture of the fortress (the walls, the ditch, the roads, the principia, the thermae, the barracks, together with
Acta Musei Napocensis, 2019
The published ceramic fragment was discovered in the fort of ala Siliana in Gilău,
during the res... more The published ceramic fragment was discovered in the fort of ala Siliana in Gilău,
during the researches from 1999–2000, when the rooms of a wooden building from the retentura
sinistra were investigated. Here, previous research (1981) had indicated the existence of a stabulum.
The text on the vessel was inscribed post cocturam, and it was rendered in a position almost
perpendicular to the bottom.
Acta Musei Napocensis, 2019
Studia Archaeologica et Historica in honerem magistri Dorin Alicu, 2010
Ephemeris Napocensis, 2015
Acta Musei Napocensis, 2015
Mensa rotunda epigraphica Napocensis, 2016
Mensa rotunda epigraphica Napocensis, 2016
Acta Musei Napocensis, 2018
Occupation or position held a. Museographer/Curator (I A), Department of Archaeology and Tele-det... more Occupation or position held a. Museographer/Curator (I A), Department of Archaeology and Tele-detection b. PhD student c. Teacher of Latin language (high school).
Papers by Eugenia Beu-Dachin
Books by Eugenia Beu-Dachin
Bibliotheca Musei Napocensis 56, 2022
Th is catalogue was published with the fi nancial aid of the EEA Grants 2014-2021, within the pro... more Th is catalogue was published with the fi nancial aid of the EEA Grants 2014-2021, within the project Gods and Mortals of Ancient Egypt, developed through the RO-CULTURE Programme by the National Museum of Transylvanian History in Cluj-Napoca.
Roman Dacia by Eugenia Beu-Dachin
from Napoca, one known from the 19th century and the other novel,
yielded by recent rescue excavations. The first inscription (Napoca-
1) was carved on a bronze tablet discovered in Piaţa Muzeului no. 4.
The document here might correspond to an imperial response
(subscriptio), delivered by emperor Hadrian upon a request that
might have been made for instance by the representatives of the
town at Napoca. A second fragmentary inscription in bronze
(Napoca-2) originating still from Napoca was discovered in the area
of hill Feleac. The preserved words formis and ratio / procuratio are
indicative of an administrative taxation type text.
previously unpublished fragment of a bronze tablet from Colonia Dacica
Sarmizegetusa, on which few well engraved capital letters were kept. The fragment
is most likely part of a legal text.
during the researches from 1999–2000, when the rooms of a wooden building from the retentura
sinistra were investigated. Here, previous research (1981) had indicated the existence of a stabulum.
The text on the vessel was inscribed post cocturam, and it was rendered in a position almost
perpendicular to the bottom.
Papers by Eugenia Beu-Dachin
Books by Eugenia Beu-Dachin
from Napoca, one known from the 19th century and the other novel,
yielded by recent rescue excavations. The first inscription (Napoca-
1) was carved on a bronze tablet discovered in Piaţa Muzeului no. 4.
The document here might correspond to an imperial response
(subscriptio), delivered by emperor Hadrian upon a request that
might have been made for instance by the representatives of the
town at Napoca. A second fragmentary inscription in bronze
(Napoca-2) originating still from Napoca was discovered in the area
of hill Feleac. The preserved words formis and ratio / procuratio are
indicative of an administrative taxation type text.
previously unpublished fragment of a bronze tablet from Colonia Dacica
Sarmizegetusa, on which few well engraved capital letters were kept. The fragment
is most likely part of a legal text.
during the researches from 1999–2000, when the rooms of a wooden building from the retentura
sinistra were investigated. Here, previous research (1981) had indicated the existence of a stabulum.
The text on the vessel was inscribed post cocturam, and it was rendered in a position almost
perpendicular to the bottom.