Papers by Michael Zheltov
Archbishop Niphont of Novgorod can be considered among the most prominent ecclesiastical and poli... more Archbishop Niphont of Novgorod can be considered among the most prominent ecclesiastical and political figures of the Russian Church in the second third of the XIIth century. This is particularly evidenced by the fact that all the three oldest Russian chronicles, i.e. the Kiev, Suzdal and Novgorod Vladychnaja chronicles, explicitly mention his death; moreover, in the first and in the last a reader finds a quite lengthy obituary for Niphont. However, some of the circumstances of his death are still causing controversies or are not fully clarified. This article deals with these circumstances.
An overview of various Byzantine Eucharistic miracle stories and visionary representations of the... more An overview of various Byzantine Eucharistic miracle stories and visionary representations of the Divine liturgy, with a special focus on probable interdependencies of these stories.
Gottesdienst der Kirche: Handbuch der Liturgiewissenschaft. Teil 1. (Wissenschaft der Liturgie), Bd. 1., 2022
The article examines the textual criticism of the most influential Byzantine liturgical commentar... more The article examines the textual criticism of the most influential Byzantine liturgical commentary, Historia Mystagogica Ecclesiastica (HME). In the current scholarship it is usually taken for granted that this commentary belongs to St. Germanus I of Constantinople. This view was substantiated in detail by R. Bornert in his book, Les commentaires byzantines... (Paris, 1966). My own study of all the oldest extant manuscripts of the HME has led me to the conclusion that Borner’s arguments are insufficient, and his typology of redactions of the HME is erroneous and therefore deserves to be revised. I have collated all the 10–12th-century manuscripts of the HME — as well as the early Latin and Slavonic translations of it, — and identified the oldest redactions of the commentary. One of these should be considered to be the primary one, and I put forward the arguments in favor of the very redaction which is witnessed by the oldest manuscripts of the HME and which seems to have been the most widespread in the Middle Byzantine period. All the manuscripts of this primary redaction of the HME attribute its authorship to St. Basil the Great, but the commentary, undoubtedly, does not belong to him. It is a composition by a nameless author of the late 7th or of the first half of the 8th century, who comments on the Liturgy of St. Basil. Such a dating is supported by the presence of some specific liturgical and theological features in the HME (these will be studied further in the upcoming articles). Finally, I present my own critical edition of the primary redaction of the HME, accompanied by a new Russian translation.
At all times the Eucharist has been at the center of liturgical life in all of the Orthodox Churc... more At all times the Eucharist has been at the center of liturgical life in all of the Orthodox Churches; the Russian Church was no exception. The article presents a survey of the basic attitudes and perceptions associated with the eucharistic liturgy in the various periods of the history of the Russian Church, from its beginnings until our times. In particular, the article focuses on the development of the devotional practices as a pre- condition for the reception of communion and highlights the significant changes in the practice and understanding of the Eucharist throughout the history of the Russian Church.
Жизнь и смерть Феодорца Владимирского: право или расправа? // Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История». Выпуск 10 (84) Том 10 - Динамичное Средневековье: правовые и социальные механизмы изменений в средневековой Европе - 2019, 2019
The article gives an attempt to uncover the legal background of extraordinary actions related to ... more The article gives an attempt to uncover the legal background of extraordinary actions related to Theodore, the pretender to the metropolitan see of Vladimir-on-Klyazma, who was eventually given a derogatory nickname, Theodorets. A Greek presbyter (most probably), once deposed or for some other reason deproved from a church he was assigned to, he either acquired the status of the hypopsephios of Souzdal, or even was actually consecrated as a bishop by Klim Smolyatich. However, despite all attempts of prince Andrey Bogolyubsky to officially install him as a Metropolitan of Vladimir, Theodore’s canonical status was never recognized neither by Constantine II, Metropolitan of Kiev, nor by the then Patriarch of Constantinople, Luke Chrysoberges. Both of the just mentioned Greek hierarchs denied Theodore’s legitimacy and blamed him. Their reasons included his active role in disputes concerning the new fasting rules, introduced by the representatives of the reformed Byzantine monasticism of the time. When prince Andrey realized that his plan to create a Metropolitan see in Vladimir has failed, he decided to send Theodore to Kiev in order to receive proper episcopal consecration from Metropolitan Constantine II. Theodore responded by a refusal to obey, and tried to demonstrate his power instead, blatantly closing all church buildings in Vladimir. In the end, Andrey handed Theodore over to the Metropolitan’s court. Metropolitan Constantine II decided to sue Theodore according the norms of the Byzantine civil law (obviously, considering him as a Byzantine citizen), and since the charges against Theodore included heresy, he was condemned to brutal physical injuries and, finally, death. Afterwards the body of the unsuccessful contender to a metropolitan throne was thrown to the dogs, in order to get a symbolical closure on his story.
The article deals with the Byzantine background of the crisis in the Russian Church which unfolde... more The article deals with the Byzantine background of the crisis in the Russian Church which unfolded in 1156—1169 and was caused by the introduction of new rules of fasting and asceticism by the Greek bishops under the leadership of metropolitan Constantine I of Rus’. The article begins with a close look at the controversies that shook the patriarchate of Constantinople in the 1040s — 1060s, and were caused by, at first, inaction, and later by decisive actions of emperor Manuel I Comnenos. A close study of these controversies sheds light on the struggle of the two ecclesiastical parties, both composed mostly of former and current deacons of Hagia Sophia. The first of these parties sought to preserve the status quo in the Orthodox Church as it took shape under the first Comnenoi emperors, particularly in relation to the fasting discipline that conformed to the old Studite tradition. This party was represented by Patriarchs Cosmas II Atticus and Nicholas IV Muzalon, metropolitan Eustathius of Dyrrhachium, and by such intellectuals as Michael of Thessalonica, Nicephoros Basilakes, Soterichos Panteugenes, and possibly by John Tzetzes. The other party sought to revise the rules of fasting and asceticism, seeing it as a return to the ancient “apostolic” norms, while being guided by the reformed monastic tradition (i. e., of the so-called “Evergetine Reform Movement”). Among its supporters, one can count the patriarchs Michael II Kourkouas and Theodotus II, such prominent officials as Leo Hicanatus and John Pantechnes, deacon Basil-“Bagoas”, metropolitan of Ephesus, George Tornikos, and metropolitan of Rus’, Constantine I. In their mutual struggle, these parties used all possible means and took turns in deposing the patriarchs who did not share their views, denouncing their opponents as heretics and persecuting them, if such opportunity arose. The second of these parties was especially successful in using these means. At last, at the 1156—1157 Church councils of Constantinople, the second party succeeded in dealing the final blow to their opponents, which allowed Constantine I and his followers to impose without reservation the new rules of asceticism in Rus'. However, after the 1166 council, when Manuel I started to be inclined towards the ecclesiastical union with Rome, those who just a decade earlier celebrated victory became subject of persecution. In particular, this change in policy could have been the reason for sending Constantine II of Kiev to Rus', if one is to understand this appointment as an honorary exile. Since the 1170s the situation in the Oecumenical patriarchate changed yet again, and the influence of the former ecclesiastical party fades into history.
The article contains an edition of the verified Greek text of an anonymous Byzantine commentary o... more The article contains an edition of the verified Greek text of an anonymous Byzantine commentary on the Eucharistic liturgy, composed in the 11th century or even somewhat earlier. This text has never been studied; in the famous book by René Bornert, "Les commentaires byzantins de la Divine liturgie...", it is only briefly mentioned as an "unpublished" commentary, though erroneously. The publication of the Greek text is accompanied by a Russian translation and a discussion of provenance of the text and its dating. The liturgical realities described in the commentary allow to firmly place it into the middle-Byzantine context. Of the greatest interest is the parallel between a church building and a human body, suggested by the commentary. With regard to pagan architecture this parallel goes back to Vitruvius, but in the Christian liturgical commentaries such a parallel was down to the present considered to be a feature of the Latin tradition (in particular, it is attested in the most popular commentary, "Rationale Divinorum officiorum" of Guillaume Durand). This commentary demonstrates that this parallel was known in the East as well.
Vinogradov A., Rev. Michael Zheltov. Legal acts of Russian Metropolitan See under Konstantinos I (1156—1159 гг.), 2018
Статья посвящена правовым актам, имевшим место в Русской
Церкви при митрополите Константине I (11... more Статья посвящена правовым актам, имевшим место в Русской
Церкви при митрополите Константине I (1156—1159 гг.). Детально проана-
лизированы данные летописных источников, из которых следует, что сразу
по прибытии в Киев Константин провел митрополичий собор, занявший
ригористическую позицию по отношению к Климу Смолятичу, неканонич-
ному (с точки зрения Константинополя) предшественнику Константина,
и его наследию: были демонстративно низложены все ставленники Клима;
его патрон, великий князь Изяслав Мстиславич, как и, видимо, сам Клим
были подвергнуты анафеме; кафедральный собор Киева был, вероятно,
переосвящен. Резкость Константина вскоре проявила себе также в истории
со смещением Ростовского епископа Нестора и заменой его на грека Лео-
на; как показано в статье, возможной причиной этого шага была невыплата
Нестором долга, накопившегося за период митрополичества Клима. Жест-
кий характер правовых действий Константина I должен был восполнить
десятилетний правовой вакуум в Русской Церкви, возникший из-за отъ-
езда митрополита Михаила и избрания Клима Смолятича. При этом Кон-
стантин вполне демонстрировал и способность лавировать в зависимости
от складывающихся обстоятельств: так, те из клириков Киева и окрестно-
стей, кто был рукоположен Климом, но затем письменно отверг его, смог-
ли заново получить у Константина отнятый было сан. Митрополит также
включился в княжескую политику: он преподал Юрию Долгорукому тор-
жественное благословение на княжение, тем самым встав у истоков этой
традиции на Руси, вмешался в судьбу Ивана Берладника. Однако итогом
предпринятых Константином Ι действий стали сначала тяжелейший иерар-
хический кризис в Ростово-Суздальской епархии, продолжавшийся — на
фоне притязаний местного князя Андрея Боголюбского на создание от-
дельной митрополии — до 1169 г., затем бегство самого Константина из Ки-
ева, а в конце концов — волнения в масштабах Русской Церкви в целом в
ходе спора о постах в 1160-е гг. Тем самым, ригоризм позиции Константи-
на оказался сильнее его способностей к поиску компромиссов, что следу-
ет объяснять как особенностями личности самого Константина — яркого
представителя интеллектуальной элиты Константинополя и одновременно
строгого аскета, — так и экстренным характером его миссии, связанной с
восстановлением контроля Патриархии над Русской Церковью.
Статья представляет собой вторую часть цикла публикаций, посвященных византийским песнопениям пра... more Статья представляет собой вторую часть цикла публикаций, посвященных византийским песнопениям праздника Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы, его предпразднства и отдания (первая часть была опубликована в 5 выпуске «Сретенского сборника»
в 2014 году). В статье содержатся дополнения и поправки к первой части и публикуется ранее не издававшийся греческий канон Благовещению в форме диалога между Пресвятой Богородицей
и архангелом Гавриилом, сохранившийся в рукописи
Paris, gr. 341, 1325 г.
As the title implies the article is concernd with the correspondences between the corpus of stich... more As the title implies the article is concernd with the correspondences between the corpus of stichera of the Sunday Octoechos used in the Byzantine rite and the resurrectional hymns of the earlier prototype of the Octoechos, i. e. the so-called Ancient Tropologion, which is preserved in Georgian manuscripts (where it is entitled as Iadgari). The exact number of such correspondences, twenty-nine, is established for the first time. Previously, scholars were referring only to nine such correspondences, one of them having been, actually, erroneously established. The article discusses similarities and differences in the modal assignments of the same hymnographical strophes in the Tropologion, on the one hand, and in the Octoechos, on the other, as well as their liturgical functions. It is established that only about a half of these strophes are used in the Octoechos in the same function as they were in the Tropologion: to accompany the fixed vesperal and matutinal psalmody, namely, the Kyrie ekekraxa psalms and the Ainoi psalms. The other strophes, in the Octoechos also being a ached to the fixed psalmody, in the Tropologion were used as post-Gospel hymns of Sunday matins or the Eucharistic liturgy (and thus can be interpreted as a sort of poetic sermon). These hymns should have been especially popular, since many of these have passed from the Tropologion to the later hymnographical collection, the Octoechos, even at the cost of losing their initial liturgical function. The obtained results allow to claim with all assurance that the cycles of stichera anastasima and anatolika of the Sunday Octoechos cannot be considered as creations of a single hymnographer of the 8th century, nor can the term anatolika be understood as an attribution of authorship.
The article deals with an office found in the Old Russian liturgical tradition under the curious ... more The article deals with an office found in the Old Russian liturgical tradition under the curious title The Rite at Cockrow or The Cockrow Prayers. The article contains a survey of existing scholarly studies of this office, the first publication of its full text based on a 14th-century codex, State Historical Museum (Moscow), Synodal collection, 325, and an analysis of the structure of this office. The authors come to a conclusion that the basic structure of The Rite at Cockrow consists of some introductory prayer texts, a couple of triadika troparia, and a morning prayer (or two or three morning prayers). This basic structure was intended for a private devotion of a monk in his cell; a variation of this structure is still found in the printed editions of the Horologion under the title “When one wakes up...” The core text of The Rite at Cockrow could be expanded by additional prayers, elements of ecclesiastical offices (of matins, probably also of compline), and a specific combination of psalms and prayers intended for private reading while a monk proceeds from his cell to a church. The authors managed to find the direct prototypes of both the basic structure and the ordinances from The Rite at Cockrow in the Byzantine sources. One of such sources is the Hypotyposis of Nicetas Stethatos, which describes private ascetic daily practices of the Studite monks in Constantinople. The Rite at Cockrow was well accepted by the Old Russian practice, since some specific prayers and hymns from this rite are still used even today, being included into the ordo of “Morning Prayers” according to the late printed editions of Russian Molitvoslov (Prayer-Book) and Kanonnik (Book of [hymnographical] Canons).
This article is devoted to an important yet understudied monument of the medieval Orthodox Christ... more This article is devoted to an important yet understudied monument of the medieval Orthodox Christian culture, “The Disclosure of the Divine Liturgy”, attributed to St. Gregory of Nazianz in manuscripts. This text has been known for a long time in Old Russian manuscripts, but its Greek original remained unpublished until 2015, when the author of this article made public his edition of the text in Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata. The present article contains a survey of the existing studies of Slavonic translations of “The Disclosure of the Divine Liturgy” and of the relevant publications by art historians, in chronological order. The Greek text (reprinted here for the sake of convenience) is accompanied by a new translation into modern Russian and is compared to its Slavonic versions. As has been noted by Tatyana Afanasyeva, there is a number of Old Russian manuscripts among the Slavonic manuscripts of the text, containing two or three different versions of the text, and the unique (at least at the moment) South Slavonic codex containing a separate version. Afanasyeva further states that all of the Old Russian redactions can be traced to a single Old Russian translation, while the South Slavonic translation might have been made in the “Old Slavonic period”, though later reworked. In order to prove this statement, she cites a list of “archaic” linguistic features in the South Slavonic version of the piece. The present article confirms that all of the Old Russian redactions of the text do belong to the same translation. This is firmly proved by a number of mistranslated words or word combination that reoccur in all of the Old Russian versions of the text, which means that the successive Russian editors had no access to the original Greek text. Meanwhile, Afanasyeva’s claim that the South Slavonic version of the text goes back to an “Old Slavonic” translation should be decisively rejected on the basis of the following two arguments. First, the composition of the Greek text itself is dated to 12th century, as the author of this article has shown in detail earlier. Second, none of the aforementioned “archaic” linguistic features stand up to criticism. Therefore, both of the independent Slavonic translations of “The Disclosure of the Divine Liturgy” should belong to approximately the same period, namely the 12th century or the first third of the 13th century.
The article contains a publication and a commentary of a previously unedited ordo of the episcopa... more The article contains a publication and a commentary of a previously unedited ordo of the episcopal liturgy, found in the supplements to the Great Menaion Reader of Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow. This ordo provides a number of important details on the actual rite of celebrating the episcopal liturgy in the Russian Church in the mid-16th century, supplementing the already known scarce sources. Besides its historical value, this ordo has a specific practical significance, especially for the so-called Staroobryadtsy and Edinovertsy.
Papers by Michael Zheltov
Церкви при митрополите Константине I (1156—1159 гг.). Детально проана-
лизированы данные летописных источников, из которых следует, что сразу
по прибытии в Киев Константин провел митрополичий собор, занявший
ригористическую позицию по отношению к Климу Смолятичу, неканонич-
ному (с точки зрения Константинополя) предшественнику Константина,
и его наследию: были демонстративно низложены все ставленники Клима;
его патрон, великий князь Изяслав Мстиславич, как и, видимо, сам Клим
были подвергнуты анафеме; кафедральный собор Киева был, вероятно,
переосвящен. Резкость Константина вскоре проявила себе также в истории
со смещением Ростовского епископа Нестора и заменой его на грека Лео-
на; как показано в статье, возможной причиной этого шага была невыплата
Нестором долга, накопившегося за период митрополичества Клима. Жест-
кий характер правовых действий Константина I должен был восполнить
десятилетний правовой вакуум в Русской Церкви, возникший из-за отъ-
езда митрополита Михаила и избрания Клима Смолятича. При этом Кон-
стантин вполне демонстрировал и способность лавировать в зависимости
от складывающихся обстоятельств: так, те из клириков Киева и окрестно-
стей, кто был рукоположен Климом, но затем письменно отверг его, смог-
ли заново получить у Константина отнятый было сан. Митрополит также
включился в княжескую политику: он преподал Юрию Долгорукому тор-
жественное благословение на княжение, тем самым встав у истоков этой
традиции на Руси, вмешался в судьбу Ивана Берладника. Однако итогом
предпринятых Константином Ι действий стали сначала тяжелейший иерар-
хический кризис в Ростово-Суздальской епархии, продолжавшийся — на
фоне притязаний местного князя Андрея Боголюбского на создание от-
дельной митрополии — до 1169 г., затем бегство самого Константина из Ки-
ева, а в конце концов — волнения в масштабах Русской Церкви в целом в
ходе спора о постах в 1160-е гг. Тем самым, ригоризм позиции Константи-
на оказался сильнее его способностей к поиску компромиссов, что следу-
ет объяснять как особенностями личности самого Константина — яркого
представителя интеллектуальной элиты Константинополя и одновременно
строгого аскета, — так и экстренным характером его миссии, связанной с
восстановлением контроля Патриархии над Русской Церковью.
в 2014 году). В статье содержатся дополнения и поправки к первой части и публикуется ранее не издававшийся греческий канон Благовещению в форме диалога между Пресвятой Богородицей
и архангелом Гавриилом, сохранившийся в рукописи
Paris, gr. 341, 1325 г.
Церкви при митрополите Константине I (1156—1159 гг.). Детально проана-
лизированы данные летописных источников, из которых следует, что сразу
по прибытии в Киев Константин провел митрополичий собор, занявший
ригористическую позицию по отношению к Климу Смолятичу, неканонич-
ному (с точки зрения Константинополя) предшественнику Константина,
и его наследию: были демонстративно низложены все ставленники Клима;
его патрон, великий князь Изяслав Мстиславич, как и, видимо, сам Клим
были подвергнуты анафеме; кафедральный собор Киева был, вероятно,
переосвящен. Резкость Константина вскоре проявила себе также в истории
со смещением Ростовского епископа Нестора и заменой его на грека Лео-
на; как показано в статье, возможной причиной этого шага была невыплата
Нестором долга, накопившегося за период митрополичества Клима. Жест-
кий характер правовых действий Константина I должен был восполнить
десятилетний правовой вакуум в Русской Церкви, возникший из-за отъ-
езда митрополита Михаила и избрания Клима Смолятича. При этом Кон-
стантин вполне демонстрировал и способность лавировать в зависимости
от складывающихся обстоятельств: так, те из клириков Киева и окрестно-
стей, кто был рукоположен Климом, но затем письменно отверг его, смог-
ли заново получить у Константина отнятый было сан. Митрополит также
включился в княжескую политику: он преподал Юрию Долгорукому тор-
жественное благословение на княжение, тем самым встав у истоков этой
традиции на Руси, вмешался в судьбу Ивана Берладника. Однако итогом
предпринятых Константином Ι действий стали сначала тяжелейший иерар-
хический кризис в Ростово-Суздальской епархии, продолжавшийся — на
фоне притязаний местного князя Андрея Боголюбского на создание от-
дельной митрополии — до 1169 г., затем бегство самого Константина из Ки-
ева, а в конце концов — волнения в масштабах Русской Церкви в целом в
ходе спора о постах в 1160-е гг. Тем самым, ригоризм позиции Константи-
на оказался сильнее его способностей к поиску компромиссов, что следу-
ет объяснять как особенностями личности самого Константина — яркого
представителя интеллектуальной элиты Константинополя и одновременно
строгого аскета, — так и экстренным характером его миссии, связанной с
восстановлением контроля Патриархии над Русской Церковью.
в 2014 году). В статье содержатся дополнения и поправки к первой части и публикуется ранее не издававшийся греческий канон Благовещению в форме диалога между Пресвятой Богородицей
и архангелом Гавриилом, сохранившийся в рукописи
Paris, gr. 341, 1325 г.