Byzantine Liturgy
Recent papers in Byzantine Liturgy
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
In this paper I propose a new narrative of the history and milieu of the Jerusalem (Hagiopolitan) Daily Office in Constantinople. I show that this Office was monastic neither typologically nor sociologically, but practiced at the Great... more
Italian translation with transliterated church-slavonic text and Introduction
In tutto il mondo dove ci sono i cristiani, ci sono anche chiese e luoghi, in cui le comunità cristiane s'incontrano per lodare Dio. Si può dire che per ogni comunità cristiana avere una chiesa propria significa avere un segno visibile... more
This essay presents a critical review of Schmemann's liturgical legacy and outlines a proposal for renewing his liturgical theology. Following a brief introduction, the essay examines the state of the Eucharistic revival attributed to... more
La presentazione avverrà all'interno dell'iniziativa: «Musica all’Università», ricerche sviluppate nell’ambito del Corso di dottorato in «Storia, critica e conservazione dei beni culturali» dell’Università di Padova, il 17 aprile 2017,... more
This article examines the celebration of Lazarus Saturday in Hagiopolite liturgical practice between the late fourth and early tenth centuries. Lazarus Saturday occupied a significant place within the liturgical year in ancient Jerusalem,... more
Scholars have traditionally read John Chrysostom's baptismal instructions, preached in Antioch, as examples of a new, post-Constantinian paradigm in liturgical theology: the Romans 6 notion of baptism as death and resurrection with... more
Das Paper bietet einen Einführung in die Liturgie der Orthodoxen Kirchen.
In his article the author presents an overview of the entire corpus of Byzantine multistrophic ecclesiastical hymns — canons and kontakia — dedicated to Saint Nicholas. Without any doubt, for the Byzantine hymnographers Nicholas of Myra... more
The author of this article discusses the question of the necessity of the renewal of the liturgical tradition of the UGCC, pointing at the importance of the liturgical prayers of the priest. Nowadays, in the tradition of most Byzantine... more
Monastyczne Wspólnoty Jerozolimskie to dwa katolickie instytuty życia konsekrowanego – sióstr i braci – założone we Francji w latach 70. XX w. przez Pierre’a-Marie Delfieux. W swoich założeniach są realizacją odnowy, jaka nastąpiła po... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1935 v knize ,,Sbornik statej po archeologii i vizantinovedeniju izdavajemyj Seminarijem imeni N.P. Kondakova" (Díl 7) / The study was published in 1935 in the book ,,Sbornik statj po archeologii i... more
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
Delivered at St Macrina Orthodox Institute (OCA-DOM) August 10, 2018.
Here is the second letter sent by Bishop Leo of Ochrid to the bishops of southern Italy. This and the third letter were lost until the 19th century. In this letter, Leo further expounds his typological and symbolic argument against the... more
Cím / Title: Egy tanúságtevő hitvalló, szolgáló, tudományos és papi pálya lezárult: Petrasevics Nikefor József eperjesi görög katolikus kanonok és tudományos kutató (1915–2013) Passed a Wittness of the Faith, Scientist, a Servant of... more
On the question of using musical instruments in the environment of the Byzantine Catholic Church in Slovakia
В работе рассматривается вопрос о об особенностях восприятия в Древней Руси христианской идеи райского сада и отождествлении различных растений с растениями Эдема. Единственное сколь-нибудь подробное известие о монастырском саде содержит... more
A short overview of the anthropology of Saint Maximus the Confessor's Mystagogy and its relation to Orthodox liturgical theology and soteriology.
Georges Florovsky (1893-1979) was one of the most prominent Orthodox theologians and ecumenists of the twentieth century. His call for a return to patristic writings as a source of modern theological reflection had a powerful impact not... more
This book proposes an interpretation of the Pseudo-Dionysian corpus in light of the liturgical and ascetic tradition that defined the author and his audience. Characterized by both striking originality and remarkable fidelity to the... more
the most important Orthodox Edition of Greek Euchologium
Cântarea bizantină este adesea numită și veșmântul imnologiei sacre în liturghia ortodoxă. De-a lungul timpului, cuvântul și muzica au mers mână în mână, drept canale de comunicare între comunitatea care se roagă și divinitate.... more
DOBRUDJA IN OTTOMAN TIMES: THE KAZA OF HÂRȘOVA (16TH C) Abstract The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and... more
A brief summary of the arrangement and contents of the ancient Byzantine lectionary, listing the basic readings for the Synaxarion and the Menologion.
Von einem nationalen Standpunkt betrachtet wurde die Kultur der Italoalbaner und Italogriechen als ,,linguistische Minderheit“ marginalisiert und aufgegeben – mit dem Ergebnis, dass ihre Sprachen nicht mehr an den Schulen unterrichtet... more