Liturgical Theology
Recent papers in Liturgical Theology
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
This article argues that in Ben Sira 50 the high priest is a representative office, not a person. That office sums up and binds together in worshipful unity (at-one-ment), through liturgical and civil duties, multiple identities: those of... more
The Anointing of the Sick is possibly the most underappreciated and understudied sacrament. In To Die Is Gain, Roger Nutt seeks to bring greater attention to and appreciation for the Anointing of the Sick. Beginning with an examination of... more
The adoption of Versus Populum worship (whereby the presider faces the assembly across the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer), is one of the widest and most recognizable effects of the liturgical renewal carried out in the wake of the... more
This essay presents a critical review of Schmemann's liturgical legacy and outlines a proposal for renewing his liturgical theology. Following a brief introduction, the essay examines the state of the Eucharistic revival attributed to... more
This article examines the celebration of Lazarus Saturday in Hagiopolite liturgical practice between the late fourth and early tenth centuries. Lazarus Saturday occupied a significant place within the liturgical year in ancient Jerusalem,... more
The article offers a reflection on liturgy seminar methodology, drawing from the author's personal experience while teaching at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome. Consideration of an academic seminar serves also as an... more
BOOK LAUNCH INVITATION Four Courts Press cordially invites you to the launch of The Cultural Reception of the Bible: Explorations in theology, literature and the arts Essays in honour of Brendan McConvery, CSsR Salvador Ryan & Liam... more
This thesis follows the method of British Baptist liturgical theologian Christopher Ellis, applying it to the gathered worship of Aotearoa Baptists. The first chapter establishes the project as a ‘liturgical theology’ as opposed to a... more
Exegesegeschichtlich ist die Erklärung von Ps 140 (141) 2 ein methodisches Musterbeispiel patristischer Schriftauslegung: Nach der Vergewisserung über den auszulegenden Text einschließlich textkritischer Varianten bietet Chrysostomus eine... more
The articles in this list prioritize Black authors, Black experiences, and highlight ways in which racism is intertwined with liturgical practices and the historical development of liturgies in America. Made available for the public to... more
The choice of musical repertoire for the celebration of the sacrament of marriage has become the subject of more frequent and widespread discussions. Media publications on the subject which provide suggestions for the choice published in... more
Uczestnictwo w mszy świętej to nie jest coś, do czego mam prawo. To coś, co otrzymuję od Kościoła.
Examines Kevin Irwin's attempt to construct a liturgical sacramental theology based on the words and actions found in Catholic worship
Kreuzzeichen und Katechumensalbung; Taufe; Salbung mit Chrisam; Bekleidung mit dem weißen Taufgewand; Taufkerze The Signs of Baptism for Children: Sign of the cross; Anointing with the oil of catechumens - Baptism - Anointing with Chrisam... more
Over gebed in de monastieke context is veel gezegd en geschreven. Bidden is immers voor Benedictus en voor zijn leerlingen een centraal gegeven. Het lijkt voor hem echter ook vanzelfsprekend te zijn. De Regel voor monniken heeft geen... more
This essay examines R. F. Taft’s role in the papal decision to recognize the Addai and Mari Anaphora a true eucharistic prayer, but even more so the pros and cons of this decision. The main obstacle was the position that exactly the... more
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
A survey of the pracice and theology or ordination into the orders of bishop, priest and deacon in the Church of England
En parlant de l’œcuménisme pratiqué par la communauté de Taizé, Olivier Clément le définissait comme un œcuménisme de l’essentiel, né de l’immense souffrance provoquée par la tragédie de la deuxième guerre mondiale2. Frère Alois confirme... more
¿Cuáles son esos signos y símbolos para la liturgia contemporánea? ¿Hacia dónde hemos de mirar? ¿Cuál debe ser, por tanto, el modelo de referencia para la creación de arte sacro? La presentación de la tercera edición oficial del Misal... more
Ästhetisierung vs. Ästhetik in der Liturgie
Undersöker s.k. specialgudstjänsters relation till högmässans position som "församlingslivets centrum" med hjälp av liturgikern Alexander Schmemanns tänkande.
A short overview of the anthropology of Saint Maximus the Confessor's Mystagogy and its relation to Orthodox liturgical theology and soteriology.
L’idea che sottende a questo scritto è contribuire alla presa di consapevolezza di un ritardo nella comprensione pastorale del linguaggio musicale come pragmatica epistemologica fondamentale per l’efficacia sacramentale del momento... more
Die Tagzeitenliturgie ist der tägliche Gottesdienst der Kirche, auch wenn sie in Praxis und Bewusstsein der meisten Gemeinden gegenüber einem zunehmend inflationären Messwesen und Resten sekundärer Andachtspraxis in den Hintergrund... more
In der folgenden Studie werden die zwei Interpretationsmodelle der Schlussdoxologie (doxologia finalis) vorgestellt und näher analysiert. Das erste Modell tematisiert das immanante, das zweite hingegen das ökonomische Leben des... more
In this paper we analyse the reference to liturgy as a monument of Christian tradition as it occurs in the work of the theologian Yves Congar. How does tradition relate to Christian liturgy in its contemporary character? To answer it this... more
There is a need to uncover new theologies that show why the Catholic Church should practice eucharistic hospitality to all the baptized.
In jeder Eucharistiefeier erklingt das wohlbekannte Sanctus. Man nennt diesen Gesang auch Hymnus seraphicus, und denkt dabei an die Berufungsvision des Propheten Jesaja (Jes 6,3). Die vorliegende Studie hat sich vorgenommen den... more
Gesänge tragen besonders zur charakteristischen Spiritualität einer liturgischen Tradition bei; sie prägen sich tiefer ein als Lesungen oder Gebete. Was die römische Liturgie gegenüber anderen Riten des Ostens und Westens besonders... more
Liturgie- und predigtgeschichtliche Bedeutung gewinnt der vorgestellte Text vor allem durch seine mutmaßliche Datierung nicht nur vor allen anderen erhaltenen Homilien auf das Epiphaniefest, sondern unter die ältesten Predigten über die... more
The memorial of the saints through the course of the year is the most obvious manifestation in the liturgical tradition of the cult offered the saints. References to specific saints are found, however, in Catholic and Orthodox... more
This paper looks at how the Eucharist can be traced back to the Bible
Rationale background of this book is the solid phenomenon of church. Using ethnography methods, this book is an interesting discussion about the church, young people and its culture. The author associate (popular) culture, young people,... more