Papers by Aušra Kolbergytė
Sustainability, 2022
In analyzing the theoretical literature on managerial growth in the context of organizational cha... more In analyzing the theoretical literature on managerial growth in the context of organizational change, an absence of research has been observed, especially that which comprehensively analyzes growth prospects and opportunities at the micro (individual), meso (group), and macro (organizational) levels, which considers organizational, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, one of the outstanding problems of this research was to select the relevant scientific literature to synthesize the theory and create a conceptual theoretical model based on it. The aim of this paper is to explore the context and preconditions for managerial growth during an organizational change at different levels and aspects of organizations. Therefore, six theoretical approaches from the fields of management, psychology, and education were chosen (Hiatt, Kotter, Kübler-Ross, Goleman, Mezirow, and Marcia). Conclusions provide insights into the context, aims, and directions of managerial growth within organizational change. First, the context of organizational change is understood as an educational environment that creates incentives for managerial growth at the macro, meso, and micro levels and encompasses the development of personal and professional skills and the conscious evolution of inner perceptions related to work. Second, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is targeted toward three objectives at the organizational, group, and individual levels: productivity, connection, and self-realization. Third, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is directed toward three dimensions: (1) the strategic-operational dimension overlaps with the development of leadership skills to ensure successful change implementation in the organization; (2) the social-emotional dimension overlaps with the development of psychosocial skills, enabling coping with challenges through relationships and an emotionally supportive workplace environment; and (3) the perceptual-spiritual dimension overlaps with the development of personal maturity and professional motivation, disclosing authentic performance during organizational change. These findings become a framework for further research but also provide practical guidelines for managers, HR specialists, and organizational leaders.
Modern education system are more focused on the development of learners’ mental intelligence and... more Modern education system are more focused on the development of learners’ mental intelligence and potential for economic productivity. However, the primary aim of education is neglected - to create conditions for persons to develop as a fully conscious and mature personalities with a strong character, a stable value system, and revealed inner talents. The need for conscious self-development is formed because the man is facing health problems and constant stress in modern society. The relevance of the problem become apparent understanding that there is a lack of qualitative research, revealing the concept of yoga as a holistic practice of self-development. The main research question - what is typical for experience of yoga as a holistic practice self-development of personality? The theoretical-philosophical basis for the study consists of the Eastern philosophy of education. The qualitative research using interpretative phenomenological elements have been carried out. The sample consisted of 12 research participants, including 5 women and 7 men. Semi-structured and in-depth interviews were used in this study, the data were processed basing on the thematic analysis. The investigation has shown that yoga is a holistic practice of personality self-development encompassing physical, mental and spiritual level. Yoga is a form of self-knowledge and spiritual development, whose main goal – the formation of harmonious personality within health promotion, developing consciousness, and the creation of the spiritual relationship with yourself. It was found that yoga helps to achieve optimal results at the level of personality spiritual growth when the alert awareness is developed, intuition is amplified and when the subtle energetic power to know the unique human nature is mastered revealing inner talents and creative potential. For this purpose, introspection, concentration and self-control skills are developed, also silencing the mind, listening to the sound, furthermore the methods of visualization and conscious reprogramming are applied. Meditation as the highest stage of yoga helps to make the strongest connection with the spiritual world by contact with the Cosmic Consciousness. Yoga has a positive impact on the quality of learning, so it is recommended to incorporate a course of yoga and meditation in the framework of formal learning programs in educational institutions.
The article analyzes transformative learning as a purposeful and voluntary effort made by the per... more The article analyzes transformative learning as a purposeful and voluntary effort made by the person to educate himself in order to achieve essential changes that transform his personality without the influence of andragogues. It examines features of self-directed learning in the context of transformative learning. The goal of the research is to reveal the phenomenon of self-directed learning in the context of transformative learning. The article presents a diversity of theoretical approaches and researches on transformative learning in foreign countries and Lithuania. The resarch established that transformative learning the purpose of which is to stimulate man’s self-realization in his personal and social life is linked to the awareness or development of critical consciousness, cognitive change oriented to the development of autonomous and responsible thinking that is achieved through the construction of new meanings and the creation of other inner senses about the changing world. Selfdirected learning as a conscious process is an essential method of personality improvement, conscious, purposeful and organized activity of the individual in order to achieve goals set by himself, selected acceptable modes of self-directed learning the purpose of which the aspiration for harmony of all inner powers of the man. The essence of self-directed learning in the context of transformative learning is revealed through the development and perfection of the consciousness of personality, aspiration for inward liberty at individual and social levels.
Sąmoningumo ugdymas yra viena iš esminių švietimo politikos priemonių bei brandžios visuomenės fo... more Sąmoningumo ugdymas yra viena iš esminių švietimo politikos priemonių bei brandžios visuomenės formavimosi rodiklių. Todėl šio straipsnio tikslas yra atskleisti sąmoningumo ugdymo prasmę teoriniame kontekste. Atitinkamai suformuluoti ir tyrimo uždaviniai, t. y. išanalizuoti sąmoningumo sampratų įvairovę bei aptarti sąmoningumo ugdymo prielaidas ir veiksnius. Atlikus filosofinės, pedagoginės, psichologinės mokslinės literatūros analizę, buvo išskirtos kelios išvados. Pirma, nevienareikšmė sąmoningumo samprata siejama su žiniomis apie tikrovę, gebėjimais stebėti, pažinti, suprasti, atsakingai analizuoti save bei supančią aplinką, savus įsitikinimus, vertybes bei elgesio prasmes ir pagrįstumą. Dažniausiai sąmoningumas yra tapatinamas su gebėjimu kritiškai mąstyti: atsiriboti nuo turimo žinojimo ir suvokimo bei gebėti atskirti faktus ir nuomones, analizuoti bei interpretuoti realybės problemas ir dviprasmybes, kritiškai kvestionuoti socialinių reiškinių prielaidas, bei, pasitelkus turimą patirtį, skatinti ne tik prasmines suvokimo transformacijas, bet taip pat imtis aktyvių veiksmų, siekiant realybę keičiančių ir išsilaisvinančių pokyčių. Antra, sąmoningumas reiškiasi per savirefleksiją, vertybinius pokyčius, aktyvų netenkinančios socialinės aplinkos keitimą ir apima nuolatinį asmenybės dvasinį ir socialinį ugdymą, kurio galutinis tikslas – brandus asmenybės išsivystymas. Sąmoningumas apima visas žmogaus gyvenimo sritis (pradedant saviugda, savęs realizavimu profesinėje veikloje, pereinant prie santykių su šeima, draugais ir galiausiai visuomene) ir yra susijęs su asmenybės savikūra bei savivalda. Trečia, sąmoningumo ugdymui svarbi asmens saviugda kaip sudedamoji ugdymo proceso dalis. Poreikis ugdyti ir skatinti asmens sąmoningumą atsiranda tik tuomet, kai asmuo nėra patenkintas esama padėtimi ir siekia pokyčių. Išskiriami svarbiausi sąmoningumo ugdymo veiksniai: specifinė erdvė, informacijos apie tam tikrą reiškinį poreikis ir galimybė diskutuoti bei reflektuoti.
Saviugda kaip kryptingai paties individo valdomas pažinimo procesas, nukreiptas į visapusišką asm... more Saviugda kaip kryptingai paties individo valdomas pažinimo procesas, nukreiptas į visapusišką asmenybės tobulinimą, yra labai svarbi brandžios asmenybės tapsmui. Vis dėlto mokslinių tyrimų, padedančių atskleisti visuminį saviugdos formavimosi kontekstą bei pateikiančių konkrečius saviugdos proceso ypatumus, stokojama. Šio straipsnio tikslas – teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti svarbiausius saviugdos formavimosi konteksto aspektus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti saviugdos sampratą bei atskleisti saviugdos fenomeno formavimosi paskatas asmenybinių veiksnių aspektu. Keliami šie probleminiai klausimai: kaip suvokiamas saviugdos fenomenas; kokios yra saviugdos atsiradimo prielaidos; kas sudaro saviugdos turinį; kokie yra saviugdos proceso ypatumai; kokie yra saviugdos būdai; kokią reikšmę suteikia saviugda asmenybės vystymosi procese? Tyrimui atlikti taikyti mokslinių šaltinių analizė bei empirinis tyrimas (giluminius interviu). Nustatyta, kad saviugda – esminis asmenybės tobulinimo metodas, kurio tikslas yra visų žmogaus vidinių galių darnos siekimas sąmoninga, tikslinga bei organizuota individo veikla, siekiant paties nusistatytų tikslų, pasirinktų priimtinų saviugdos būdų. Saviugdos formavimosi kontekstas priklauso nuo įvairių veiksnių ir būtiniausių saviugdos paskatų, kurių svarbiausios susijusios su asmenybiniais veiksniais: susiformavę mo-tyvai keistis, savimonė, valios pastangos keistis ir saviugdos rezultatai. Kaitos poreikį lemia asmenį netenkinanti situacija (patirtos nesėkmės, augantis nepasitenkinimas ar nusivylimas) ir pozityvi trauka (sužavi konkretaus žmogaus patirtis, charizma). Savimonę skatina asmens noras suprasti nepasitenkinimą sukeliančius reiškinius, asmenybės brandą rodo nuolatinė savo veiklos ir elgsenos analizė, vidinė motyvacija saviugdai ir pasirengimas organizuoti ir realizuoti saviugdą. Asmens valios pastangos keistis siejamos su drąsa įveikti save, pasiryžimu įveikti sunkumus ir gyventi pagal savo vertybes siekiant santarvės ir harmonijos su savimi. Saviugdos rezultatai (kaip saviugdos proceso paskata) pasireiškia per patirtas teigiamas pasekmes: pasitikėjimo savimi augimas dėl įgytų gebėjimų save valdyti ir pasikeitusių gebėjimų bendrauti.
Coaching is understood as the motivation and help in achieving specific goals, and is also self-di... more Coaching is understood as the motivation and help in achieving specific goals, and is also self-directed learning based on cooperation. Te importance of coaching as an innovative approach to social worker education is displayed in supervision during which people learn how to solve problems together. Te study found that the coaching competence in social worker practice is one of the essential skills, developing leadership, management skills in social work and enabling clients to strengthen their power in solving personal problems. Coaching competence development and in-depth training of social workers is one of the most important phenomenons in social work practice, by encouraging clients to solve independently their own problems, to adapt to the changing conditions of society and to integrate into the labor market.
Books by Aušra Kolbergytė
The aim of this study is to reveal the phenomenon of self-development of ML managers in the conte... more The aim of this study is to reveal the phenomenon of self-development of ML managers in the context of
organizational change. The research objectives are:
1. To analyze the context and assumptions of the self-development of ML managers during organizational change at various levels of professional activity and aspects of self-education.
2. To reveal the lived experiences and self-development of ML managers as a form of transformative learning during organizational change.
A qualitative methodological approach with interpretive phenomenological analysis was applied to the empirical study. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used as a data collection method. VG managers (n = 10) participated in the study voluntarily (age 35-55 years, public and private sectors, experiencing structural, strategic, technological and/or cultural organizational changes).
The monograph is interdisciplinary and complements the fields of education, psychology and management science. Empirical research made it possible to present rich data about the authentic organizational experience of VG managers during changes. This experience includes a unique self-cultivation practice of maintaining inner balance and gaining inner strength to overcome uncomfortable contexts. The study also highlighted the fundamental challenges in the context of the studied phenomenon and provided guidelines for what kind of knowledge, practical training or support is needed for employees inside and outside the organization.
KEYWORDS: self-development of middle managers, professional development, personal growth, transformative learning, organizational change management, leadership resilience, sustainable work environment, learning organization, qualitative research, interpretive phenomenological analysis.
- The aim of this study was to describe the essence of the phenomenon of adults’ conscious self-d... more - The aim of this study was to describe the essence of the phenomenon of adults’ conscious self-development [CSD] as transformative learning revealing its dynamic experience and interpretation of the meanings of the survey participants.
- A qualitative research paradigm was chosen by using the elements of interpretative phenomenological research strategy and processing data under the thematic analysis.
- Organized 12 qualitative interviews on the international level.
- A holistic phenomenon of CSD has been revealed by presenting the context and motives of initial CSD, the peculiarities of the process, the variety of innovative CSD practices.
Papers by Aušra Kolbergytė
Books by Aušra Kolbergytė
organizational change. The research objectives are:
1. To analyze the context and assumptions of the self-development of ML managers during organizational change at various levels of professional activity and aspects of self-education.
2. To reveal the lived experiences and self-development of ML managers as a form of transformative learning during organizational change.
A qualitative methodological approach with interpretive phenomenological analysis was applied to the empirical study. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used as a data collection method. VG managers (n = 10) participated in the study voluntarily (age 35-55 years, public and private sectors, experiencing structural, strategic, technological and/or cultural organizational changes).
The monograph is interdisciplinary and complements the fields of education, psychology and management science. Empirical research made it possible to present rich data about the authentic organizational experience of VG managers during changes. This experience includes a unique self-cultivation practice of maintaining inner balance and gaining inner strength to overcome uncomfortable contexts. The study also highlighted the fundamental challenges in the context of the studied phenomenon and provided guidelines for what kind of knowledge, practical training or support is needed for employees inside and outside the organization.
KEYWORDS: self-development of middle managers, professional development, personal growth, transformative learning, organizational change management, leadership resilience, sustainable work environment, learning organization, qualitative research, interpretive phenomenological analysis.
- A qualitative research paradigm was chosen by using the elements of interpretative phenomenological research strategy and processing data under the thematic analysis.
- Organized 12 qualitative interviews on the international level.
- A holistic phenomenon of CSD has been revealed by presenting the context and motives of initial CSD, the peculiarities of the process, the variety of innovative CSD practices.
organizational change. The research objectives are:
1. To analyze the context and assumptions of the self-development of ML managers during organizational change at various levels of professional activity and aspects of self-education.
2. To reveal the lived experiences and self-development of ML managers as a form of transformative learning during organizational change.
A qualitative methodological approach with interpretive phenomenological analysis was applied to the empirical study. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used as a data collection method. VG managers (n = 10) participated in the study voluntarily (age 35-55 years, public and private sectors, experiencing structural, strategic, technological and/or cultural organizational changes).
The monograph is interdisciplinary and complements the fields of education, psychology and management science. Empirical research made it possible to present rich data about the authentic organizational experience of VG managers during changes. This experience includes a unique self-cultivation practice of maintaining inner balance and gaining inner strength to overcome uncomfortable contexts. The study also highlighted the fundamental challenges in the context of the studied phenomenon and provided guidelines for what kind of knowledge, practical training or support is needed for employees inside and outside the organization.
KEYWORDS: self-development of middle managers, professional development, personal growth, transformative learning, organizational change management, leadership resilience, sustainable work environment, learning organization, qualitative research, interpretive phenomenological analysis.
- A qualitative research paradigm was chosen by using the elements of interpretative phenomenological research strategy and processing data under the thematic analysis.
- Organized 12 qualitative interviews on the international level.
- A holistic phenomenon of CSD has been revealed by presenting the context and motives of initial CSD, the peculiarities of the process, the variety of innovative CSD practices.