Conference Presentations by Moh Noor Al-Azam
IEEE, 2019
Increasingly fast technology in embedded systems, sensors, and smart devices, accompanied by lowe... more Increasingly fast technology in embedded systems, sensors, and smart devices, accompanied by lower prices for these devices, makes the need to connect them in all sectors even higher. Many systems are offered and explored in the field of environmental automation monitoring and control, but it seems that not a few fail to provide pain-free and cost-effective implementation solutions. This paper present how to create a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) uses Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) designed to monitor and control the environmental, safety and electrical parameters of an interconnected Network Operations Center (NOC). System administrators can exercise unlimited control over environmental, safety, and electricity parameters at the NOC they maintain, either by using smart devices or by using a signboard in their control room.
MATEC Web Conf., 2018
Mobile users are getting smarter in using their phones. Many tasks are usually completed or monit... more Mobile users are getting smarter in using their phones. Many tasks are usually completed or monitored via a computer screen, nowadays can be taken anywhere with Android phones or tablets. Likewise with features in the phone is increasingly sophisticated. Currently bluetooth version 4 is almost mandatory in all phones. Even for entry level phones are now equipped with bluetooth version 4. This paper discusses the use of Bluetooth Low Energy—which is part of bluetooth version 4, in providing information about the status of plant growth chamber conditions. By using this concept, all phones or tablets that have bluetooth version 4 and there are applications in it will be able to receive the latest chamber status. The results show that this way of broadcasting is very effective. The data required to be monitored by a laboratory technician can be continuously broadcasted so that anyone on duty will get instant information at his grasp.
PT. Asa Artha Andhaya is a hardware distribution company namely MSI Motherboard, MSI VGA Card, Bi... more PT. Asa Artha Andhaya is a hardware distribution company namely MSI Motherboard, MSI VGA Card, Bitfenix Case, and Steelseries products such as headset, keyboard, mouse, and mousepad. Each Salesman is responsible for 15 outlets in a certain sales area in East Java that has been determined. Every Salesman required to visit five outlets every day. Route determination and reporting Sales visit result still done manually by recording on form been provided by company. The research purpose is to design and develop sales force management system at PT. Asa Artha Andhaya which can be accessed anytime and anywhere. The research method uses spiral model consisting of several stage namely communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in modeling stage. While CodeIgniter framework, PHP programming languages and MySQL database used in construction stage. The result of this research is a web based sales force management system that can be used by PT. Asa Artha Andhaya and its customers. Salesman and customers can see information about products, ongoing promotions and other information needed. Salesman also can find out sales visits schedule of and create reports of sales visits results in real time. This system can generate periodic reports such as sales visits and sales reports.
Abstrak PT. Quantum Leap merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa pembuatan perangkat lun... more Abstrak PT. Quantum Leap merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa pembuatan perangkat lunak berbasis web dan desktop. Semakin bertambahnya jumlah customer perusahaan, semakin banyak pula proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak yang diterima dan harus diselesaikan tepat waktu. PT. Quantum Leap memiliki sumber daya yang terbatas, untuk itu perlu dilakukan alokasi sumber daya dengan tepat agar semua proyek dapat terjaga kualitasnya. Hingga saat ini, pengelolaan proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak masih menggunakan aplikasi spreadsheet untuk mencatat tanggal mulai proyek hingga estimasi selesainya proyek serta anggota yang terlibat di dalam proyek. Hal tersebut terkadang mengakibatkan alokasi sumber daya kurang tepat, tidak adanya integrasi data sehingga penyajian informasi manajemen proyek kurang akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membangun sistem informasi manajemen proyek untuk pengembang perangkat lunak yang sesuai dengan proses bisnis di PT. Quantum Leap. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) berupa model waterfall. Mockup Screen digunakan untuk merancangan antarmuka sistem informasi manajemen proyek berbasis web ini. Rancangan tersebut kemudian diimplementasikan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database server MySQL. Hasil penelitian berupa sistem informasi manajemen proyek yang telah memenuhi kebutuhan PT. Quantum Leap, diantaranya adalah alokasi sumber daya, penjadwalan proyek, pelaporan status proyek dan dokumentasi proyek. Kata kunci : manajemen proyek, pengembang perangkat lunak Abstract PT. Quantum Leap is a developer software company that create web-based and desktop software. As customers increased, more software development projects are being received and must be completed on time. PT. Quantum Leap has limited resources, therefore it is necessary to allocate resources appropriately so that all projects can be maintained in quality. Until now, project management of software development still use spreadsheet applications to record the start date of the project up to the estimated completion of the project as well as the members involved in the project. This may results inappropriate resource allocation, lack of data integration, and less accurate of project management information presentation. The research purpose is to develop a project management information system for software developers that suitable with business processes at PT. Quantum Leap. This research method using waterfall model as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Mockup Screen is used to design the interface of this web-based project management information system. The design is implemented using PHP as programming language and MySQL as database server. As results, this project management information system has met the needs of PT. Quantum Leap. Some of them are resource allocation, project scheduling, project status reporting and project documentation.
Abstrak PT. KKK Surabaya merupakan perusahaan pengelola Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) pada salah s... more Abstrak PT. KKK Surabaya merupakan perusahaan pengelola Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) pada salah satu Bank untuk wilayah Jawa Timur. Kecepatan layanan dan ketepatan informasi dalam pengajuan KPR merupakan salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dan loyalitas nasabah. Proses pengajuan KPR mengharuskan calon nasabah menyiapkan seluruh dokumen pengajuan KPR secara lengkap. Bagian Direct Sales adalah bagian yang berhubungan langsung dengan nasabah. Sebagai penghubung antara PT. KKK Surabaya dengan nasabah, Direct Sales membutuhkan informasi yang akurat berkaitan dengan proses pengajuan KPR dan dapat mengaksesnya setiap saat. Guna mendapatkan informasi tersebut, seringkali Direct Sales membutuhkan waktu cukup lama untuk menghubungi bagian terkait di perusahaan. Terlebih lagi jika dokumen pengajuan KPR nasabah belum lengkap atau bermasalah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Dokumen Pengajuan KPR pada PT. KKK Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) berupa model waterfall. UML (Unified Modeling Language) digunakan dalam analisa dan perancangan sistem. Implementasi sistem menggunakan framework CodeIgniter, bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Hasil penelitian berupa Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Dokumen Pengajuan KPR berbasis web yang dapat diakses dari semua perangkat setiap saat. Sistem informasi ini memiliki fitur document control dan dapat menghasilkan laporan periodik diantaranya berupa Laporan kunjungan Direct Sales dan Laporan Pengajuan KPR. Kata kunci: sistem informasi, document control, KPR. Abstract PT. KKK Surabaya is a managing housing loan (mortgage) company for a Bank in East Java region. The speed of service and accuracy of information in mortgage submission is one way to gain customer trust and loyalty. Mortgage submission requires the prospective customer to prepare all needed documents completely. As a liaison between PT. KKK Surabaya with customers, Direct Sales requires access accurate information related to mortgage submission anytime anywhere. In order to get those informations, Direct Sales often need more time to reach the relevant departments in the company. Moreover, if the customer Mortgage submission is incomplete or problematic. Aim of this research is to develop a documents control information system of Mortgage submission in PT. KKK Surabaya. This research method use waterfall model as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). UML (Unified Modeling Language) is used in analysis and design system. System implementation apply CodeIgniter framework, PHP as programming languages and MySQL as database. As results, web-based documents control information system of Mortgage submission can be accessed from all devices at any time
2014 International Conference on Information, Communication Technology and System, Sep 24, 2014
The Power Companies regional East Java, has 269 nodes LBS (load break switch) motorized/recloser ... more The Power Companies regional East Java, has 269 nodes LBS (load break switch) motorized/recloser which integrated in SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) the Power Companies owned regional East Java. LBS Motorized/recloser (also referred to as a remote terminal unit {RTU}) do play a role in the blackout area, resulting in the isolation of a power is not widespread. In addition LBS motorized also serves as voltage maneuver to divert the flow of electricity to areas that are prioritised. Although it has operated the Power Companies, however regional East Java (serves as the master terminal unit {MTU}) cannot yet monitoring and send commands remotely on a LBS motorized/recloser, this happened because it still operates manually counting on local engineering services officer. From some case inconvenience caused, the mobilization officer technical services is still limited, it is affected due to the situation of the road (traffic jams), difficult terrain, and the limitations of engineering services officer so it can't arrived on time. To expedite the handling of the disruption then created a network monitoring tool that aims to "see" the activity of LBS motorized/recloser.
Abstrak Penggunaan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) digunakan dalam layanan berbasis lokasi atau Locati... more Abstrak Penggunaan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) digunakan dalam layanan berbasis lokasi atau Location Based Services (LBS) di dalam ruangan-baik dalam format connected topology (CT) maupun broadcast topology (BT). Dalam format CT, peripheral device akan ditempatkan dalam tempat yang statis sementara central device (seperti smartphone) akan menterjemahkan data-data yang diterima dari peripheral device tersebut menjadi koordinat dimana dia berada saat itu. Sedangkan dalam format BT, BLE broadcaster lebih banyak diposisikan sebagai perangkat yang bergerak dan observer device cenderung berada dalam tempat yang statis-yang harus menterjemahkan BLE broadcaster yang mendekatinya dan mengambil sebuah keputusan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan Raspberry Pi 3-yang sudah embedded BLE, sebagai observer device dan Cubeacon sebagai BLE broadcaster serta sebuah server sebagai pencatat posisi BLE broadcaster berada. Dari ujicoba yang dilakukan, penggunaan Raspberry Pi 3 dan Cubeacon dapat memberikan penentuan lokasi sampai dengan jarak kurang dari 1 meter sampai dengan maksimal 5 meter dari lokasi BLE broadcaster berada. Kata kunci: Beacon, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Bluetooth Smart Ready, proximity, RSSI 1. PENDAHULUAN Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) adalah bagian dari spesifikasi utama bluetooth versi 4. Spesifikasi tersebut pada mulanya dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga diharapkan BLE bisa hadir lebih kecil dan dengan versi yang lebih optimal dari pendahulunya-bluetooth klasik. Tetapi ketika benar-benar hadir, BLE memiliki turunan dan desain yang sama sekali berbeda dari tujuan awal tersebut. Yang membuat BLE menarik untuk dipelajari adalah bahwa itu teknologi yang tepat, dan dengan kompromi yang tepat serta dibuat pada waktu yang tepat. Untuk standar yang relatif baru (awalnya didisain oleh Nokia sebagai Wibree sebelum diadopsi oleh bluetooth Special Interest Group-bluetooth SIG, pada tahun 2010), BLE telah terlihat memiliki tingkat adopsi yang sangat cepat, dan dengan jumlah produk yang sudah BLE enable menempati peringkat terdepan dibandingkan teknologi nirkabel lainnya pada titik waktu yang sama dalam siklus rilis mereka. Apple inc.-utamanya, telah berupaya secara signifikan dalam memproduksi modul BLE yang handal dan memberikan informasi tentang desain BLE-nya tersebut ke masyarakat. Strategi ini-pada gilirannya, mendorong vendor lain untuk ikut menyediakan sumber daya mereka pada teknologi yang diperkirakan akan sukses atau berkembang dalam jangka panjang. Teknologi yang dikembangkan oleh Apple inc. ini, saat ini dikenal sebagai iBeacon. Berbagai vendor telah membuat pemancar hardware iBeacon kompatibel-biasanya disebut beacon. Perangkat BLE yang dipancarkan sebagai pengenal mereka untuk perangkat elektronik portabel di sekitarnya. Teknologi ini memungkinkan smartphone, tablet dan perangkat lain melakukan suatu tindakan ketika di dekat sebuah beacon. Salah satu beacon buatan anak bangsa dikenal dengan nama Cubeacon. 2. METODOLOGI Dalam penelitian ini dibuat sebuah format broadcast topology (BT) dengan menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3 model B (RPI), sebagai observer devices dan Cubeacon, sebagai beacon atau BLE broadcaster.
Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi
PT. INDOSATM2 (INDOSAT MEGA MEDIA) adalah anak perusahaan dari PT. INDOSAT OOREDOO yang merupakan... more PT. INDOSATM2 (INDOSAT MEGA MEDIA) adalah anak perusahaan dari PT. INDOSAT OOREDOO yang merupakan penyedia jasa internet bagi pelanggan skala perusahaan atau corporate. Infrastruktur jaringan PT. INDOSATM2 tersebar diberbagai titik dimana salah satu cabang regionalnya terletak di Surabaya. Stabilitas jaringan merupakan jaminan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan. Namun terkadang gangguan dapat terjadi pada perangkat jaringan perusahaan ataupun di lokasi pelanggan. Penanganan gangguan atau troubleshooting perusahaan saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual, dengan melakukan input ticket toubleshoot yang dilakukan oleh Customer Service. Hal tersebut menyebabkan notifikasi atau penanganan gangguan hanya terpaku pada informasi yang diberikan oleh Customer Service, sehingga membuat waktu penanganan gangguan menjadi lebih lama. PT. INDOSATM2 berusaha meminimalkan gangguan dan mempercepat penanganan gangguan. Untuk itu dikembangkan sistem informasi monitoring infrastruktur jaringan dan otomasi trouble ticket real time menggunakan metode spiral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi monitoring infrastruktur jaringan dan otomatisasi trouble ticket memiliki fitur notifikasi, serta monitoring proses troubleshooting secara real time untuk semua infrastruktur di area Surabaya. Selain itu juga dapat dihasilkan laporan secara periodik berupa laporan gangguan yang telah maupun yang masih belum diselesaikan. Laporan tersebut dapat dijadikan dasar bagi PT. INDOSATM2 untuk melakukan peremajaan
perangkat, atau peningkatan pada beberapa aspek kenyamanan layanan bagi pelanggan.
Papers by Moh Noor Al-Azam
2019 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
Increasingly fast technology in embedded systems, sensors, and smart devices, accompanied by lowe... more Increasingly fast technology in embedded systems, sensors, and smart devices, accompanied by lower prices for these devices, makes the need to connect them in all sectors even higher. Many systems are offered and explored in the field of environmental automation monitoring and control, but it seems that not a few fail to provide pain-free and cost-effective implementation solutions. This paper present how to create a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) uses Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) designed to monitor and control the environmental, safety and electrical parameters of an interconnected Network Operations Center (NOC). System administrators can exercise unlimited control over environmental, safety, and electricity parameters at the NOC they maintain, either by using smart devices or by using a signboard in their control room.
Nawala Mangsa is a weather station system owned by the Computer Science Faculty of Narotama Unive... more Nawala Mangsa is a weather station system owned by the Computer Science Faculty of Narotama University. The system has been installed in several locations and is used to monitor the temperature and relative humidity of the site for research purposes. All information from the remote, currently stored in the server online via an internet connection. In this latest version (ver-2.0), Nawala Mangsa had some updates, including the use of Raspberry Pi 3 boards, adding a sensor to measure sunlight illumination (TSL2561), and replacing temperature and humidity sensor with BME280 so it can also measure air pressure. The using of a board that equipped with Bluetooth version 4.1, which is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ready, make this version of this Nawala Mangsa can also broadcast the data that are read by the sensor through BLE, in addition to sent to the server over the TCP/IP network. By this way, so the weather station data can be directly read by the mobile device that equipped with BLE observer.
Abstrak Penggunaan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) digunakan dalam layanan berbasis lokasi atau Locati... more Abstrak Penggunaan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) digunakan dalam layanan berbasis lokasi atau Location Based Services (LBS) di dalam ruangan -baik dalam format connected topology (CT) maupun broadcast topology (BT). Dalam format CT, peripheral device akan ditempatkan dalam tempat yang statis sementara central device (seperti smartphone) akan menterjemahkan data-data yang diterima dari peripheral device tersebut menjadi koordinat dimana dia berada saat itu. Sedangkan dalam format BT, BLE broadcaster lebih banyak diposisikan sebagai perangkat yang bergerak dan observer device cenderung berada dalam tempat yang statis -yang harus menterjemahkan BLE broadcaster yang mendekatinya dan mengambil sebuah keputusan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan Raspberry Pi 3 -yang sudah embedded BLE, sebagai observer device dan Cubeacon sebagai BLE broadcaster serta sebuah server sebagai pencatat posisi BLE broadcaster berada. Dari ujicoba yang dilakukan, penggunaan Raspberry Pi 3 dan Cubeacon dapat memberikan penentuan lokasi sampai dengan jarak kurang dari 1 meter sampai dengan maksimal 5 meter dari lokasi BLE broadcaster berada. Kata kunci : Beacon, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Bluetooth Smart Ready, proximity, RSSI
The Power Companies regional East Java, has 269 nodes LBS (load break switch) motorized/recloser ... more The Power Companies regional East Java, has 269 nodes LBS (load break switch) motorized/recloser which integrated in SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) the Power Companies owned regional East Java. LBS Motorized/recloser (also referred to as a remote terminal unit {RTU}) do play a role in the blackout area, resulting in the isolation of a power is not widespread. In addition LBS motorized also serves as voltage maneuver to divert the flow of electricity to areas that are prioritised. Although it has operated the Power Companies, however regional East Java (serves as the master terminal unit {MTU}) cannot yet monitoring and send commands remotely on a LBS motorized/recloser, this happened because it still operates manually counting on local engineering services officer. From some case inconvenience caused, the mobilization officer technical services is still limited, it is affected due to the situation of the road (traffic jams), difficult terrain, and the limitations of engineering services officer so it can't arrived on time. To expedite the handling of the disruption then created a network monitoring tool that aims to "see" the activity of LBS motorized/recloser.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
When the formula for calculating the RPMT tariff does not have a standard calculation technique, ... more When the formula for calculating the RPMT tariff does not have a standard calculation technique, the implementation of the calculation of the RPMT tariff between one area and another is different. Therefore, it is necessary to do a theoretical and empirical study to find the ideal RPMT calculation formula according to the Constitutional Court Decision Number 46 / PUU-XII / 2014. The results of the study show that the ideal pattern of RPMT calculation is that calculations based on Article 151 of the PDRD Law as it is reinforced by the Court of Constitution through Decision Number 46 / PUU-XII / 2014 which have canceled the Explanation of Article 124 of Law No. 28 of 2009 on the grounds that the imposition of a levy tariff that provides a maximum limit of NJOP without accompanied by a clear calculation system does not provide legal certainty that will cause injustice in its application. So the Central Government must immediately compile and discuss the Draft of Ministerial Regulation ...
2020 International Conference on Smart Technology and Applications (ICoSTA), 2020
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a package of systems and software used by enterprises to ma... more Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a package of systems and software used by enterprises to manage their daily business activities, such as financial management, procurement, production, projects, human resources, and others. This system can facilitate business with real-time and accurate information so that the leaders can make business decisions well. The use of ERP in a manufacturing company usually stops only in the administrative department and does not reach the production machinery. In this paper, the researchers propose a way of interconnecting the ERP system with parts of the production machine to get more energy savings and speed up the time commencement of work. By using signal lamps that are connected to the ERP system and communicating through Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), the staff in the production machine area can immediately find out the status of the readiness of materials and production equipment in the inventory section.
PT. KKK Surabaya is a managing housing loan (mortgage) company for a Bank in East Java region. Th... more PT. KKK Surabaya is a managing housing loan (mortgage) company for a Bank in East Java region. The speed of service and accuracy of information in mortgage submission is one way togain customer trust and loyalty. Mortgage submission requires the prospective customer toprepare all needed documents completely. As a liaison between PT. KKK Surabaya withcustomers, Direct Sales requires access accurate information related to mortgage submissionanytime anywhere. In order to get those informations, Direct Sales often need more time to reachthe relevant departments in the company. Moreover, if the customer Mortgage submission isincomplete or problematic. Aim of this research is to develop a documents control informationsystem of Mortgage submission in PT. KKK Surabaya. This research method use waterfall modelas Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). UML (Unified Modeling Language) is used in analysis and design system. System implementation apply CodeIgniter framework, PHP asprogramming la...
Saat ini Teknologi berkembang pesat di berbagai aspek kehidupan mulai dari personal hingga instan... more Saat ini Teknologi berkembang pesat di berbagai aspek kehidupan mulai dari personal hingga instansi negeri maupun swasta. SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya merupakan salah satu instansi Pendidikan yang telah menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam berbagai aspek kegiatan dan ingin mengembangkan proses penilaian akhir semester menjadi efisien. Dalam pelaksanaan yang sebelumnya menggunakan metode konvensional yang memerlukan banyak waktu, biaya dan tenaga. Dalam penelitian ini akan menggeser sistem dari ujian konvensional ke ujian online. Untuk menerapkan ujian online membutuhkan manajemen jaringan dimulai dari konfigurasi jaringan, server, dan moodle. Protokol pada jaringan ini menggunakan port forwarding. Perancangan server ujian yang akan dibangun menggunakan web server NGINX, dengan bahasa pemprograman PHP dan menggunakan basis data MariaDB serta menggunakan Moodle untuk pelaksanaan ujian online. Hasil dari pelaksanaan ujian online dengan melakukan monitoring aktivitas ujian berupa banyaknya si...
PT. Asa Artha Andhaya is a hardware distribution company namely MSI Motherboard, MSI VGA Card, B... more PT. Asa Artha Andhaya is a hardware distribution company namely MSI Motherboard, MSI VGA Card, Bitfenix Case, and Steelseries products such as headset, keyboard, mouse, and mousepad. Each Salesman is responsible for 15 outlets in a certain sales area in East Java that has been determined. Every Salesman required to visit five outlets every day. Route determination and reporting Sales visit result still done manually by recording on form been provided by company . The research purpose is to design and develop sales force management system at PT. Asa Artha Andhaya which can be accessed anytime and anywhere. The research method uses spiral model consisting of several stage namely communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in modeling stage. While CodeIgniter framework, PHP programming languages and MySQL database used in construction stage. The result of this research is a web based sales force management system that can...
2017 TRON Symposium (TRONSHOW), 2017
The museum is a place to learn the progress of human civilization. Various relics of history can ... more The museum is a place to learn the progress of human civilization. Various relics of history can are there to be studied. However, some objects cannot directly have explored. This is due to the fragility of these objects. Virtual Reality 3D technology enables the presentation in virtual form and can revive these objects in virtual space. We succeeded in developing a 3D visualization using virtual environment that has several objects of cultural heritage collections. Compiled in to a mobile application, it consists of relics collections from the late Majapahit kingdom, presented in the virtual form. The collections provided by Mpu Tantular museum in Sidoarjo East ava Indonesia. The museum visitors can navigate and explore the virtual environment having heritage objects. The presentation setup by mimicking the movement floating across the virtual environment. The ability to see in all directions is possible to give freedom of observation process. The Virtual Artifact application available in google apps and installed into a smartphone equipped with a built-in gyroscope and head-mounted display goggles.
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems), 2020
This study aims to optimize servers with low utility levels on hardware using container virtualiz... more This study aims to optimize servers with low utility levels on hardware using container virtualization techniques from Docker. This study's primary focus is to maximize the work of the CPU, RAM, and Hard Drive. The application of virtualization techniques is to create many containers as each of the containers is for the application to run a cloud storage system with the CaaS service infrastructure concept (Container as a Service). Containers on infrastructure will interact with other containers using configuration commands at Docker to form an infrastructure service such as CaaS in general. Testing of hardware carried out by running five Nextcloud cloud storage applications and five MariaDB database applications running in Docker containers and tested by random testing using a multimedia dataset. Random testing with datasets includes uploading and downloading datasets simultaneously and CPU monitoring under load, RAM, and Disk hardware resources. The testing will be done using D...
Conference Presentations by Moh Noor Al-Azam
perangkat, atau peningkatan pada beberapa aspek kenyamanan layanan bagi pelanggan.
Papers by Moh Noor Al-Azam
perangkat, atau peningkatan pada beberapa aspek kenyamanan layanan bagi pelanggan.
Dalam tulisan ini diujicoba kehandalan performansi VerneMQ -salah satu MQTT broker, dengan beberapa tingkat stressing dengan menggunakan ESP-32 sebagai publisher dan notebook dengan aplikasi python sebagai subscriber.
Cara belajar membuat sebuah sistem tertanam IoT seperti di atas, dapat dengan mudah dilakukan dengan bantuan papan Arduino.
Arduino adalah sebuah papan elektronik open-source yang berbasis pada perangkat lunak. Pertama kali lahir di Ivrea Interaction Design Institute sebagai sebuah alat yang mudah untuk pembuatan purwarupa dengan cepat, dan ditujukan untuk siswa dengan tanpa latar belakang bidang elektronik dan pemrograman.
Semua papan Arduino benar-benar open source, dengan memberdayakan pengguna untuk membangunnya secara mandiri dan menyesuaikannya untuk kebutuhan khusus mereka. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan juga merupakan kode sumber terbuka, dan berkembang melalui kontribusi pengguna di seluruh dunia.
Seri buku ini mempelajari penggunaan sebuah papan Arduino, dimulai dari buku pengenalan Arduino dengan menyalakan dan memadamkan LED, dan membuat sebuah pola penyalaan dan pemadaman LED. Buku ini sesuai untuk yang baru belajar sistem tertanam dan pemrograman.
Pada seri berikutnya akan dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan sensor-sensor dan menggerakkan actuator -seperti menggerakkan motor, serta komunikasi M2M atau machine-to-machine.