Anatolia has been a host to many religions, civilizations and states throughout history. After Seljuk conquests, Anatolia has Islamized and has been a home to and still is a home to Turkish states and seigniories. The main institution...
moreAnatolia has been a host to many religions, civilizations and
states throughout history. After Seljuk conquests, Anatolia has
Islamized and has been a home to and still is a home to Turkish states
and seigniories. The main institution that comes to mind in the
Islamization and the formation of the new Turkish homeland, Anatolia,
is the Akhies. The Akhies, is not only the representation of the futuwwa
tradition of the Islamic World, but also with its differences has become
an Anatolian specific institution. The Akhies, with there traditional
futuwwa understanding and there sufistic appearances have shown
that they’re religious/Islamic. With their institution and institutions
they have somehow shown presence everywhere in Anatolia and formed
the base of today’s artisan organization and understandings. As much
as they’re the arbiter in economics and soscial areas, they’re also the
arbiter in religious and political areas and have had huge contributions
to the islamificiation of Anatolia especially between the XIV. and XVI.
The origin of the word Akhi is discussed here. Its meaning is
usually given as a Turkish adjective (akı: generous) and the Arabic noun
(akhi: my brother). However, in the example “Ahî Mesʻûd” the adjective
mentions a possessive individual. Both of these meanings brings the
Islamic values like fraternity and generosity to forefront. The role and
importance of an institution with a great organization, in which human
and especially religious fraternity is emphasized, in the formation of the
religious and national identity of Anatolia should be well understood.
Islamization is the transformation of the individual and society to
Islam through political, social, economic and cultural aspects. It was
possible for this to happen either in a form or in a way. It was also a
step forward in recognizing the sovereignty of Muslim governance. With
the first Islamic conquests, a management called Sugûr or Avâsim was
established in the south and southeast of Anatolia. Thus, these areas
began to Islamize since the early periods. However, from the middle of
the X. century, the Byzantine Empire seized Avâsım region from the
hands of Muslim Arabs and tried to destroy everything that was Islamic.
In fact, they cut down palm trees down because they associated them
with Arabs (Muslims). Thus, Islamization, which is limited to Avâsim
region, had been interrupted.
The Seljuk Turks’ conquest strategy in Anatolia was done
differently. Anatolia was considered as a new homeland for them. There
had to be many changes and moves for it to be permanent stay. It has
been so; The existing institutions and organizations of Christian
Byzantium have been replaced by the Muslim Seljuks from now on. For
example, the artisan organization of the Byzantine period was replaced
by the Akhies. This institution has served for the establishment of new
religion, state and civilization.
It has been seen that the existing social and economic life has
Islamized by changing the way of working and practices and by adding
new things. The Akhies, undertook the state mission as the state
representatives, while the state authority was decreased or lost. They
played important roles in the foundation and rise of the Ottomans and
followed the unifying politics by influencing the people in the periods of
occupation and conquest.
The Akhies prepared the Turkish nomads for the permanent
settlement and work life; they were instrumental in the economic
standing and strengthening of the nomads. They made a significant
contribution to the Islamization of the Turkmens and their preparation
for the new life with the dervish lodges and monasteries they
established. At that time, they provided social peace by defending
unemployed, powerless and orphaned young people in Anatolia. As the
borders of the state expanded, the effect and influence of the the Akhies
increased. It has also been seen that the Akhi are influential and active
in the Crimea and the Balkans.
According to the findings of the great traveler Ibn Battutah,
Akhies opened lodges and lodges from the most remote villages of
Anatolia. Considering this finding, it can be deduced that the Akhies
give religious, social and cultural education to semi-nomadic Turkmens.
Thus, thanks to these trainings, they should have been taught about
religion, so Islam. This situation is of great importance considering the
religious knowledge and experience of the nomadic and semi-nomadic
Turkmens. On this occasion, the relations of the Turkmens with their
neighbors living in cities and towns should be strengthened. At that
time, Friday prayer was made in cities and towns. Those Turkmen who
knew their religion and wanted to fulfill their requirements had to come
to the city at least on Fridays. Akhies, an organized community, took
over their brothers in cities and watched them. Some of them were also
working in the economic institutions organized by Akhies and having
power. Thus, opportunities for the nomadic and semi-nomadic
Turkmens to enter the city life were created and a positive ground was
formed. The integration of Turkmens into the city society they lived in
was ensured. They were recruited and helped to establish a business.
Turkmens who had strengthened their spiritual facilities and financial
means were supported against local non-Muslims who had good
financial situation.
Akhi were mediators between the semi-nomadic and nomadic
Turkmens living together with the Greek population in the Aegean and
Marmara regions. The goods and products they have received from
Turkmens have been transported safely to the market or merchant as
finished or semi-finished goods. Thanks to the economic unity they
have established, they have prevented the Greek population living in these regions from annexing and bringing an entente with the Byzantine
Empire. It can be seen that increasing their economic and social
weights positively affect the Islamization in these regions. The lodges
they built from cities and towns to the most remote villages can be
presented as proof that they spread Islam through Sufism. Thanks to
their economic activities and the monasteries they have established,
they have always been in contact with their own centers (Kırşehir) and
also with the political center (Konya, Bursa etc.).
It is important for the Akhies to combine a portion of their gains
in a fund. Along with the planned transfer to tradesmen, who are short
of money, from this fund, the reciting of the Qur’an and Mawlid in
important religious and national days and nights, distributing halva
and ashura, helping the needy has thus contributed to the Islamization.
It is known that large crowds gather on religious holidays. The material
and spiritual services offered by Akhies in the festivities brought them
closer to the society in which they lived. Therefore, the approach of large
masses to religion and religious institutions has developed in a positive
way. This kind of services provided by the Akhies people increased their
interest in wider sections of society towards religious holidays.
It can be said that every part of the society looks positively
towards the Akhi institutions. It’s adopted by the majority of the society,
which is formed by the Sunnis, as well as the so-called heterodoxy
religious structures. The Akhi guild is seen as the common adress to
unity and togetherness today, as it was seen yesterday. Why has such
an important institution been destroyed or at least beginning to
disappear? Like every historical institution, it has become obsolete and
lost its functionality.
The work and functionaility of the Akhi started to deteriorate in
the XVII. century. Regression in the state in many respects also
adversely affected the Akhies. With the increase in the official
appearance of the Akhi, monopolies that oppress the large masses of
people caused social decay; which has caused bribery and abuse. They
couldn’t compete with the industrial revolution seen in Europe between
the XVIII. and XIX. century, in other words, has not been able to
compete against the manufacturing and production of Europe. The
production styles of the Akhi are prominently manual labor and are
weakened because they cannot find a suitable market. Although it has
been officially annulled by the 1839 Tanzimat Edict, it shows its
influence on tradesman’s law and understanding to this day. Today,
the Ministry of Commerce and the chamber of artisans, cooperatives
and organizations are presented as a example models of the Akhies.
Keywords: Anatolia, Islamization, Akhies.