Children's Readings: Studies in Children's Literature, 2022
This article discusses a unique precedent in Russian history when the textbook for elementary sch... more This article discusses a unique precedent in Russian history when the textbook for elementary schools became the subject of parliamentary debate. In March 1913, a group of right-wing members of the State Council appealed to the Minister of Public Education for permission to use the 3rd part of the “Nov’” reading book by N. Tulupov and P. Shestakov in elementary schools. The interpellents argued that in Nov’; and a number of other primary school textbooks approved by the ministry, the authors’ biased texts were anti-monarchical and anti-state, pitting one class against another, killing the people’s religiosity and developing anti-militaristic sentiments. The parliamentarians involved in the debate found themselves in the unusual role of literary critics, children’s reading leaders, and experts in primary education. An analysis of this mishap, its background and consequences, and the discussion in the State Council itself reveals that in the interrevolutionary decade other institution...
Commentarii litterarum. Ad honorem viri doctissimi Valentini Golovin, 2021
В статье исследование «детских» поэтических текстов, эксплуатирующих форму канонических революцио... more В статье исследование «детских» поэтических текстов, эксплуатирующих форму канонических революционных песен, построено на материале двух вариаций «Интернационала» («Цветы Коммуны» Василия Князева 1920 и «Песнь ласточек мировой весны» Валериана Правдухина) и двух вариаций «Боевого марша» («Детский гимн» Александра Дорогойченко и «Гимн школьников» неизвестного автора под псевдонимом М.Л. 1917). Не лишенные общего пафоса революционного преобразования и во многом различные между собой, все эти вариации революционной песенной классики содержат утопическую программу коммунитарной педагогики «новой школы» и «советского детского сада», построенную на принципах детской демократии, сознательности и коллективного труда и исключающую социальные различия, традиционные образовательные техники и авторитарную власть взрослых.
Школьный канон может формироваться иначе, чем производное от сло-жившегося национального литерату... more Школьный канон может формироваться иначе, чем производное от сло-жившегося национального литературного канона. В начальной школе механизм модификации канона иной: текст попадает в хрестоматию не из школьной программы, а наоборот-из хрестоматии в школьную программу или школьную практику. Соответственно, и направление канонизации здесь иное, чем в «базовом» случае со школьным кур-сом литературы: от текста-к автору, а не от автора (или жанра)-к тексту. В статье рассматривается история канонизации крестьянско-го поэта Спиридона Дрожжина (1848-1930) в школьном преподавании русской словесности. Поэтапно прослеживается, как Спиридон Дрож-жин, стихам которого даже самые расположенные к нему критики отказывали в оригинальности и поэтических достоинствах, стал од-ним из самых востребованных авторов в книгах для начальной школы и при жизни вошел в число хрестоматийных поэтов. В начале XX в. Дрожжин стал живой легендой для учителей и школьников, которые не только читали его тексты в школе, но и пели песни на его стихи. История хрестоматизации стихотворений С. Д. Дрожжина в книгах для чтения конца XIX-начала XX вв. является одновременно уникаль-ной и показательной, это позволяет увидеть некоторые неочевидные механизмы формирования школьного литературного канона на разных этапах обучения. Ключевые слова: Литературный канон, школьный канон, народный по-эт, крестьянский поэт, издательство «Посредник», книги для чтения, школьные хрестоматии, хрестоматизация, народная школа, русская ли-тература XIX века, Спиридон Дрожжин. DOI
ACTA SLAVICA ESTONICA IV. Труды по русской и славянской филологии. Литературоведение IX. Хрестоматийные тексты: русская педагогическая практика XIX в. и поэтический канон., 2013
Одним из отличительных свойств культуры новейшего времени многие исследователи называют ее тексто... more Одним из отличительных свойств культуры новейшего времени многие исследователи называют ее текстоцентричность. Важным идентифицирующим признаком принадлежности к той или иной культурной традиции является знание определенных текстов (или, как минимум, факта существования этих текстов), составляющих своего рода текстовый фонд общего знания. В связи с распространением школьного образования одним из главных источников и трансляторов этого общего фонда прецедентных текстов становятся учебные пособия, с которыми так или иначе сталкиваются все дети, проходящие обучение в школе. Массовая известность тех или иных произведений художественной литературы (а также конкретных текстовых фрагментов), сам их статус «известных», «основных», «лучших», «классических» во многом формировался благодаря хрестоматиям - особому виду школьного учебного пособия, получившему распространение при обучении чтению и словесности в XIX в. и унаследованному школьной практикой в XX в.
Acta Slavica Estonica IX. Труды по русской и славянской филологии X. Стратегии перевода и государственный контроль. Translation Strategies and State Control, 2017
Среди многочисленных и, как правило, утопических идей, которыми фонтанировала послереволюционная ... more Среди многочисленных и, как правило, утопических идей, которыми фонтанировала послереволюционная школьная педагогика вплоть до начала 1930-х гг., было издание журналов-учебников. Это явление, яркое и чрезвычайно показательное в контексте эпохи, до сих пор остается на периферии научного знания. Причины тому кроются, с одной стороны, в краткосрочном и экспериментальном характере этого проекта в истории советской школы и учебных книг, о котором быстро забыли. С другой стороны-в гибридной природе этих изданий: занимая промежуточное положение между учебным пособием и периодическим изданием, журналы-учебники оказались равно маргинальным предметом как для исследователей школьных учебников, так и для историков детской журналистики-в тех редких случаях, когда о них вообще знали. В статье рассматривается история появления и функционирования журналов-учебников в начале 1930-х гг.
В дореволюционный период с 1900 до 1918 г. на страницах книг для чтения – самых многочисленных, в... more В дореволюционный период с 1900 до 1918 г. на страницах книг для чтения – самых многочисленных, востребованных и массовых, наряду с азбуками, учебных изданий – появились «снимки» более чем с 250 полотен, принадлежащих кисти 115 российским живописцам. При этом нужно учитывать, что, в соответствии с традициями отечественного учебного книгоиздания, составителями активно заимствовали иллюстрации друг у друга. C одной стороны, авторы учебников стремились поместить в свои издания максимальное число картин, с другой -- одни и те же изображения переходили из книги в книгу. Например, картина Н. П. Богданова-Бельского «У дверей школы» за 20 лет была опубликована в 13 книгах для чтения, а учитывая количество переизданий каждой из них – более чем в 100, а картина А.К. Саврасова «Грачи прилетели», соответственно, в 12 и в 80 с переизданиями.
Статья посвящена практике отбора и обработки произведений литературы, публиковавшихся в школьных ... more Статья посвящена практике отбора и обработки произведений литературы, публиковавшихся в школьных хрестоматиях и книгах для чтения в XIX в. Нередко художественные тексты настолько трансформируются составителями хрестоматий, что перестают быть равными самим себе, приобретая новые смыслы и функции.
Фрагменты больших литературных произведений начинают восприниматься как отдельные, самостоятельные тексты. Таким образом в школьной практике появляются фактически не существующие в истории литературы произведения,
приписываемые известным авторам. Такого рода хрестоматийные тексты могут становиться популярнее, чем сами оригиналы, послужившие источником для них, что, в свою очередь, влияет на формирование школьного литературного канона.
Children's Editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia from Its Anonymous mid-19t... more Children's Editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia from Its Anonymous mid-19th Century Translation to the Reproduction by Korney Chukhovskiy
"The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" may be considered as a classical work of children's literature. This book has been placed on the same level as "Robinson Crusoe", "Don Quixote", "Gulliver's Travels", yet, contrary to those, its transformation from a book written for adults into children's literature was rather complex. The present article investigates the history of children's editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" from its first translation by an unknown translator in 1864 to its reproduction by Korney Chukhovskiy in 1923 and 1928 examining its critical reception as well.
The history of publishing "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia began at the same time when similar editions appeared abroad. E.g. in 1871 a new version of the book was published by Franz Hoffman in Germany followed by another one by Edmund Pochhammcr in 1882. A year later both of these editions were translated into Russian. Soon afterwards more versions by Russian translators appeared and complete translation of this book was done by Raspe-Burger. However, there was no full edition of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen", as some of the episodes were regarded as obscene and sacrilegious, thus unacceptable for children's literature.
The criticism on this book has not been very positive either. First of all, reviewers accused "Munchhausen" in the absence of any idea that could make the book more sensible and reasonable. Secondly, the talcs of the Baron were considered gross, primitive, and partly obscene. Thirdly, it was argued that the book justified and even promoted falsehood, lies, fantasy and could teach children to lie. Publishers tried to defend the book trying to explain in its preface that it invited to sec a liar in all of his nothingness and laugh at him. Soviet publishers, feeling the threat of the ill reputation of the book, explicitly blamed the Baron for his lies and bragging. This was done on purpose as it was the only chance to save the book for readers.
Along with the attempts of the authors and publishers to change and refine certain scenes of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" (and partly owing to them), nuclear scene stories of Munchhausen were crystallized in children's publications. Gradually set plots emerged that were almost never excluded or transformed. These plots were perceived as the "main" adventures of the hero and they were most regularly illustrated by the artists.
The process of the formation of the literary tradition of Munchhausen in Russia was completed by Ghukhovskiy who selected about 40 stories out of the total 160 existing ones, according to our estimate, which he considered worthy of presenting to the soviet children. In the second edition of his abridged version, he divided the text into short chapters, each containing one story, and gave them appropriate names that are simple and easy to remember. Ghukhovskiy's reproduction became the leading one among other children's versions of "Munchhausen" for many years. It is so surprising that even nowadays this remains the most popular version of the book in Russia.
"Dad, don't Go to the Monopoly Place..." (Fighting Drinking in Text-Books for Primary School in t... more "Dad, don't Go to the Monopoly Place..." (Fighting Drinking in Text-Books for Primary School in the 1920-30s)
Placing anti-alcohol propaganda texts in school text-books became one of the most original ways of fighting drinking carried out by Bolsheviks at the end of the 1920s-the beginning of the 1930s. The damage of alcohol was accounted for in these texts not only from the point of view of medicine pointing out the destructive impact of alcohol on the human organism; basically the examples were given how drinking leads to the destruction of family and state. Drinking was treated in these texts as one of the vices of the former (pre-revolutionary) life and in some cases even justified as a consequence of the oppressed state of the people. The depictions of the previous wrong life entailed also stories about adults making children drunk as, following the age-long tradition of peasant life, they continued celebrating anti-Soviet religious festivals by abundant booze not only themselves but also made their children drink wine and vodka on holi¬days. Text-books were supposed not only to illustrate the negative aspects of alcohol for the people and the state but also suggested a system of preventive measures. Fighting the places for drinking as such became one of the directions within the framework of anti-alcohol campaign. That is why rather often in the texts of readers pub is opposed by club, tea-house, peasant's home, or reading-hut that were supposed to replace the old forms of spending leisure time by new ones.
Pubs and Monopoly Drinking Places in the Siberian's Memoirs (an Excerpt from V. M. Yakovlev's Mem... more Pubs and Monopoly Drinking Places in the Siberian's Memoirs (an Excerpt from V. M. Yakovlev's Memories)
Memoirs of Vassiliy Yakovlev living in Tomsk province written by him in the 1950s describe the everyday life of the lower layers of the town and rural population in the towns and villages of the Western Siberia at the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century. In the published excerpt of memoirs, Yakovlev characterizes the system of drinking places in the pre-revolutionary Russia, provides a detailed description of their typical interior, mentions prices for spirits, informs about the accepted norms of conduct of pub visitors, the ways of cheating practiced by the people selling spirits. Yakovlev tells about the changes in the functioning of pubs and wine storehouses after the introduction at the end of the 19th century state monopoly on alcohol merchandise when a united system of vodka brands and standard capacities of its selling was established.
Children's Readings: Studies in Children's Literature, 2022
This article discusses a unique precedent in Russian history when the textbook for elementary sch... more This article discusses a unique precedent in Russian history when the textbook for elementary schools became the subject of parliamentary debate. In March 1913, a group of right-wing members of the State Council appealed to the Minister of Public Education for permission to use the 3rd part of the “Nov’” reading book by N. Tulupov and P. Shestakov in elementary schools. The interpellents argued that in Nov’; and a number of other primary school textbooks approved by the ministry, the authors’ biased texts were anti-monarchical and anti-state, pitting one class against another, killing the people’s religiosity and developing anti-militaristic sentiments. The parliamentarians involved in the debate found themselves in the unusual role of literary critics, children’s reading leaders, and experts in primary education. An analysis of this mishap, its background and consequences, and the discussion in the State Council itself reveals that in the interrevolutionary decade other institution...
Commentarii litterarum. Ad honorem viri doctissimi Valentini Golovin, 2021
В статье исследование «детских» поэтических текстов, эксплуатирующих форму канонических революцио... more В статье исследование «детских» поэтических текстов, эксплуатирующих форму канонических революционных песен, построено на материале двух вариаций «Интернационала» («Цветы Коммуны» Василия Князева 1920 и «Песнь ласточек мировой весны» Валериана Правдухина) и двух вариаций «Боевого марша» («Детский гимн» Александра Дорогойченко и «Гимн школьников» неизвестного автора под псевдонимом М.Л. 1917). Не лишенные общего пафоса революционного преобразования и во многом различные между собой, все эти вариации революционной песенной классики содержат утопическую программу коммунитарной педагогики «новой школы» и «советского детского сада», построенную на принципах детской демократии, сознательности и коллективного труда и исключающую социальные различия, традиционные образовательные техники и авторитарную власть взрослых.
Школьный канон может формироваться иначе, чем производное от сло-жившегося национального литерату... more Школьный канон может формироваться иначе, чем производное от сло-жившегося национального литературного канона. В начальной школе механизм модификации канона иной: текст попадает в хрестоматию не из школьной программы, а наоборот-из хрестоматии в школьную программу или школьную практику. Соответственно, и направление канонизации здесь иное, чем в «базовом» случае со школьным кур-сом литературы: от текста-к автору, а не от автора (или жанра)-к тексту. В статье рассматривается история канонизации крестьянско-го поэта Спиридона Дрожжина (1848-1930) в школьном преподавании русской словесности. Поэтапно прослеживается, как Спиридон Дрож-жин, стихам которого даже самые расположенные к нему критики отказывали в оригинальности и поэтических достоинствах, стал од-ним из самых востребованных авторов в книгах для начальной школы и при жизни вошел в число хрестоматийных поэтов. В начале XX в. Дрожжин стал живой легендой для учителей и школьников, которые не только читали его тексты в школе, но и пели песни на его стихи. История хрестоматизации стихотворений С. Д. Дрожжина в книгах для чтения конца XIX-начала XX вв. является одновременно уникаль-ной и показательной, это позволяет увидеть некоторые неочевидные механизмы формирования школьного литературного канона на разных этапах обучения. Ключевые слова: Литературный канон, школьный канон, народный по-эт, крестьянский поэт, издательство «Посредник», книги для чтения, школьные хрестоматии, хрестоматизация, народная школа, русская ли-тература XIX века, Спиридон Дрожжин. DOI
ACTA SLAVICA ESTONICA IV. Труды по русской и славянской филологии. Литературоведение IX. Хрестоматийные тексты: русская педагогическая практика XIX в. и поэтический канон., 2013
Одним из отличительных свойств культуры новейшего времени многие исследователи называют ее тексто... more Одним из отличительных свойств культуры новейшего времени многие исследователи называют ее текстоцентричность. Важным идентифицирующим признаком принадлежности к той или иной культурной традиции является знание определенных текстов (или, как минимум, факта существования этих текстов), составляющих своего рода текстовый фонд общего знания. В связи с распространением школьного образования одним из главных источников и трансляторов этого общего фонда прецедентных текстов становятся учебные пособия, с которыми так или иначе сталкиваются все дети, проходящие обучение в школе. Массовая известность тех или иных произведений художественной литературы (а также конкретных текстовых фрагментов), сам их статус «известных», «основных», «лучших», «классических» во многом формировался благодаря хрестоматиям - особому виду школьного учебного пособия, получившему распространение при обучении чтению и словесности в XIX в. и унаследованному школьной практикой в XX в.
Acta Slavica Estonica IX. Труды по русской и славянской филологии X. Стратегии перевода и государственный контроль. Translation Strategies and State Control, 2017
Среди многочисленных и, как правило, утопических идей, которыми фонтанировала послереволюционная ... more Среди многочисленных и, как правило, утопических идей, которыми фонтанировала послереволюционная школьная педагогика вплоть до начала 1930-х гг., было издание журналов-учебников. Это явление, яркое и чрезвычайно показательное в контексте эпохи, до сих пор остается на периферии научного знания. Причины тому кроются, с одной стороны, в краткосрочном и экспериментальном характере этого проекта в истории советской школы и учебных книг, о котором быстро забыли. С другой стороны-в гибридной природе этих изданий: занимая промежуточное положение между учебным пособием и периодическим изданием, журналы-учебники оказались равно маргинальным предметом как для исследователей школьных учебников, так и для историков детской журналистики-в тех редких случаях, когда о них вообще знали. В статье рассматривается история появления и функционирования журналов-учебников в начале 1930-х гг.
В дореволюционный период с 1900 до 1918 г. на страницах книг для чтения – самых многочисленных, в... more В дореволюционный период с 1900 до 1918 г. на страницах книг для чтения – самых многочисленных, востребованных и массовых, наряду с азбуками, учебных изданий – появились «снимки» более чем с 250 полотен, принадлежащих кисти 115 российским живописцам. При этом нужно учитывать, что, в соответствии с традициями отечественного учебного книгоиздания, составителями активно заимствовали иллюстрации друг у друга. C одной стороны, авторы учебников стремились поместить в свои издания максимальное число картин, с другой -- одни и те же изображения переходили из книги в книгу. Например, картина Н. П. Богданова-Бельского «У дверей школы» за 20 лет была опубликована в 13 книгах для чтения, а учитывая количество переизданий каждой из них – более чем в 100, а картина А.К. Саврасова «Грачи прилетели», соответственно, в 12 и в 80 с переизданиями.
Статья посвящена практике отбора и обработки произведений литературы, публиковавшихся в школьных ... more Статья посвящена практике отбора и обработки произведений литературы, публиковавшихся в школьных хрестоматиях и книгах для чтения в XIX в. Нередко художественные тексты настолько трансформируются составителями хрестоматий, что перестают быть равными самим себе, приобретая новые смыслы и функции.
Фрагменты больших литературных произведений начинают восприниматься как отдельные, самостоятельные тексты. Таким образом в школьной практике появляются фактически не существующие в истории литературы произведения,
приписываемые известным авторам. Такого рода хрестоматийные тексты могут становиться популярнее, чем сами оригиналы, послужившие источником для них, что, в свою очередь, влияет на формирование школьного литературного канона.
Children's Editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia from Its Anonymous mid-19t... more Children's Editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia from Its Anonymous mid-19th Century Translation to the Reproduction by Korney Chukhovskiy
"The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" may be considered as a classical work of children's literature. This book has been placed on the same level as "Robinson Crusoe", "Don Quixote", "Gulliver's Travels", yet, contrary to those, its transformation from a book written for adults into children's literature was rather complex. The present article investigates the history of children's editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" from its first translation by an unknown translator in 1864 to its reproduction by Korney Chukhovskiy in 1923 and 1928 examining its critical reception as well.
The history of publishing "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia began at the same time when similar editions appeared abroad. E.g. in 1871 a new version of the book was published by Franz Hoffman in Germany followed by another one by Edmund Pochhammcr in 1882. A year later both of these editions were translated into Russian. Soon afterwards more versions by Russian translators appeared and complete translation of this book was done by Raspe-Burger. However, there was no full edition of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen", as some of the episodes were regarded as obscene and sacrilegious, thus unacceptable for children's literature.
The criticism on this book has not been very positive either. First of all, reviewers accused "Munchhausen" in the absence of any idea that could make the book more sensible and reasonable. Secondly, the talcs of the Baron were considered gross, primitive, and partly obscene. Thirdly, it was argued that the book justified and even promoted falsehood, lies, fantasy and could teach children to lie. Publishers tried to defend the book trying to explain in its preface that it invited to sec a liar in all of his nothingness and laugh at him. Soviet publishers, feeling the threat of the ill reputation of the book, explicitly blamed the Baron for his lies and bragging. This was done on purpose as it was the only chance to save the book for readers.
Along with the attempts of the authors and publishers to change and refine certain scenes of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" (and partly owing to them), nuclear scene stories of Munchhausen were crystallized in children's publications. Gradually set plots emerged that were almost never excluded or transformed. These plots were perceived as the "main" adventures of the hero and they were most regularly illustrated by the artists.
The process of the formation of the literary tradition of Munchhausen in Russia was completed by Ghukhovskiy who selected about 40 stories out of the total 160 existing ones, according to our estimate, which he considered worthy of presenting to the soviet children. In the second edition of his abridged version, he divided the text into short chapters, each containing one story, and gave them appropriate names that are simple and easy to remember. Ghukhovskiy's reproduction became the leading one among other children's versions of "Munchhausen" for many years. It is so surprising that even nowadays this remains the most popular version of the book in Russia.
"Dad, don't Go to the Monopoly Place..." (Fighting Drinking in Text-Books for Primary School in t... more "Dad, don't Go to the Monopoly Place..." (Fighting Drinking in Text-Books for Primary School in the 1920-30s)
Placing anti-alcohol propaganda texts in school text-books became one of the most original ways of fighting drinking carried out by Bolsheviks at the end of the 1920s-the beginning of the 1930s. The damage of alcohol was accounted for in these texts not only from the point of view of medicine pointing out the destructive impact of alcohol on the human organism; basically the examples were given how drinking leads to the destruction of family and state. Drinking was treated in these texts as one of the vices of the former (pre-revolutionary) life and in some cases even justified as a consequence of the oppressed state of the people. The depictions of the previous wrong life entailed also stories about adults making children drunk as, following the age-long tradition of peasant life, they continued celebrating anti-Soviet religious festivals by abundant booze not only themselves but also made their children drink wine and vodka on holi¬days. Text-books were supposed not only to illustrate the negative aspects of alcohol for the people and the state but also suggested a system of preventive measures. Fighting the places for drinking as such became one of the directions within the framework of anti-alcohol campaign. That is why rather often in the texts of readers pub is opposed by club, tea-house, peasant's home, or reading-hut that were supposed to replace the old forms of spending leisure time by new ones.
Pubs and Monopoly Drinking Places in the Siberian's Memoirs (an Excerpt from V. M. Yakovlev's Mem... more Pubs and Monopoly Drinking Places in the Siberian's Memoirs (an Excerpt from V. M. Yakovlev's Memories)
Memoirs of Vassiliy Yakovlev living in Tomsk province written by him in the 1950s describe the everyday life of the lower layers of the town and rural population in the towns and villages of the Western Siberia at the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century. In the published excerpt of memoirs, Yakovlev characterizes the system of drinking places in the pre-revolutionary Russia, provides a detailed description of their typical interior, mentions prices for spirits, informs about the accepted norms of conduct of pub visitors, the ways of cheating practiced by the people selling spirits. Yakovlev tells about the changes in the functioning of pubs and wine storehouses after the introduction at the end of the 19th century state monopoly on alcohol merchandise when a united system of vodka brands and standard capacities of its selling was established.
Papers by Anna Senkina
Фрагменты больших литературных произведений начинают восприниматься как отдельные, самостоятельные тексты. Таким образом в школьной практике появляются фактически не существующие в истории литературы произведения,
приписываемые известным авторам. Такого рода хрестоматийные тексты могут становиться популярнее, чем сами оригиналы, послужившие источником для них, что, в свою очередь, влияет на формирование школьного литературного канона.
"The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" may be considered as a classical work of children's literature. This book has been placed on the same level as "Robinson Crusoe", "Don Quixote", "Gulliver's Travels", yet, contrary to those, its transformation from a book written for adults into children's literature was rather complex. The present article investigates the history of children's editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" from its first translation by an unknown translator in 1864 to its reproduction by Korney Chukhovskiy in 1923 and 1928 examining its critical reception as well.
The history of publishing "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia began at the same time when similar editions appeared abroad. E.g. in 1871 a new version of the book was published by Franz Hoffman in Germany followed by another one by Edmund Pochhammcr in 1882. A year later both of these editions were translated into Russian. Soon afterwards more versions by Russian translators appeared and complete translation of this book was done by Raspe-Burger. However, there was no full edition of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen", as some of the episodes were regarded as obscene and sacrilegious, thus unacceptable for children's literature.
The criticism on this book has not been very positive either. First of all, reviewers accused "Munchhausen" in the absence of any idea that could make the book more sensible and reasonable. Secondly, the talcs of the Baron were considered gross, primitive, and partly obscene. Thirdly, it was argued that the book justified and even promoted falsehood, lies, fantasy and could teach children to lie. Publishers tried to defend the book trying to explain in its preface that it invited to sec a liar in all of his nothingness and laugh at him. Soviet publishers, feeling the threat of the ill reputation of the book, explicitly blamed the Baron for his lies and bragging. This was done on purpose as it was the only chance to save the book for readers.
Along with the attempts of the authors and publishers to change and refine certain scenes of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" (and partly owing to them), nuclear scene stories of Munchhausen were crystallized in children's publications. Gradually set plots emerged that were almost never excluded or transformed. These plots were perceived as the "main" adventures of the hero and they were most regularly illustrated by the artists.
The process of the formation of the literary tradition of Munchhausen in Russia was completed by Ghukhovskiy who selected about 40 stories out of the total 160 existing ones, according to our estimate, which he considered worthy of presenting to the soviet children. In the second edition of his abridged version, he divided the text into short chapters, each containing one story, and gave them appropriate names that are simple and easy to remember. Ghukhovskiy's reproduction became the leading one among other children's versions of "Munchhausen" for many years. It is so surprising that even nowadays this remains the most popular version of the book in Russia.
Placing anti-alcohol propaganda texts in school text-books became one of the most original ways of fighting drinking carried out by Bolsheviks at the end of the 1920s-the beginning of the 1930s. The damage of alcohol was accounted for in these texts not only from the point of view of medicine pointing out the destructive impact of alcohol on the human organism; basically the examples were given how drinking leads to the destruction of family and state. Drinking was treated in these texts as one of the vices of the former (pre-revolutionary) life and in some cases even justified as a consequence of the oppressed state of the people. The depictions of the previous wrong life entailed also stories about adults making children drunk as, following the age-long tradition of peasant life, they continued celebrating anti-Soviet religious festivals by abundant booze not only themselves but also made their children drink wine and vodka on holi¬days. Text-books were supposed not only to illustrate the negative aspects of alcohol for the people and the state but also suggested a system of preventive measures. Fighting the places for drinking as such became one of the directions within the framework of anti-alcohol campaign. That is why rather often in the texts of readers pub is opposed by club, tea-house, peasant's home, or reading-hut that were supposed to replace the old forms of spending leisure time by new ones.
Memoirs of Vassiliy Yakovlev living in Tomsk province written by him in the 1950s describe the everyday life of the lower layers of the town and rural population in the towns and villages of the Western Siberia at the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century. In the published excerpt of memoirs, Yakovlev characterizes the system of drinking places in the pre-revolutionary Russia, provides a detailed description of their typical interior, mentions prices for spirits, informs about the accepted norms of conduct of pub visitors, the ways of cheating practiced by the people selling spirits. Yakovlev tells about the changes in the functioning of pubs and wine storehouses after the introduction at the end of the 19th century state monopoly on alcohol merchandise when a united system of vodka brands and standard capacities of its selling was established.
Фрагменты больших литературных произведений начинают восприниматься как отдельные, самостоятельные тексты. Таким образом в школьной практике появляются фактически не существующие в истории литературы произведения,
приписываемые известным авторам. Такого рода хрестоматийные тексты могут становиться популярнее, чем сами оригиналы, послужившие источником для них, что, в свою очередь, влияет на формирование школьного литературного канона.
"The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" may be considered as a classical work of children's literature. This book has been placed on the same level as "Robinson Crusoe", "Don Quixote", "Gulliver's Travels", yet, contrary to those, its transformation from a book written for adults into children's literature was rather complex. The present article investigates the history of children's editions of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" from its first translation by an unknown translator in 1864 to its reproduction by Korney Chukhovskiy in 1923 and 1928 examining its critical reception as well.
The history of publishing "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" in Russia began at the same time when similar editions appeared abroad. E.g. in 1871 a new version of the book was published by Franz Hoffman in Germany followed by another one by Edmund Pochhammcr in 1882. A year later both of these editions were translated into Russian. Soon afterwards more versions by Russian translators appeared and complete translation of this book was done by Raspe-Burger. However, there was no full edition of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen", as some of the episodes were regarded as obscene and sacrilegious, thus unacceptable for children's literature.
The criticism on this book has not been very positive either. First of all, reviewers accused "Munchhausen" in the absence of any idea that could make the book more sensible and reasonable. Secondly, the talcs of the Baron were considered gross, primitive, and partly obscene. Thirdly, it was argued that the book justified and even promoted falsehood, lies, fantasy and could teach children to lie. Publishers tried to defend the book trying to explain in its preface that it invited to sec a liar in all of his nothingness and laugh at him. Soviet publishers, feeling the threat of the ill reputation of the book, explicitly blamed the Baron for his lies and bragging. This was done on purpose as it was the only chance to save the book for readers.
Along with the attempts of the authors and publishers to change and refine certain scenes of "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" (and partly owing to them), nuclear scene stories of Munchhausen were crystallized in children's publications. Gradually set plots emerged that were almost never excluded or transformed. These plots were perceived as the "main" adventures of the hero and they were most regularly illustrated by the artists.
The process of the formation of the literary tradition of Munchhausen in Russia was completed by Ghukhovskiy who selected about 40 stories out of the total 160 existing ones, according to our estimate, which he considered worthy of presenting to the soviet children. In the second edition of his abridged version, he divided the text into short chapters, each containing one story, and gave them appropriate names that are simple and easy to remember. Ghukhovskiy's reproduction became the leading one among other children's versions of "Munchhausen" for many years. It is so surprising that even nowadays this remains the most popular version of the book in Russia.
Placing anti-alcohol propaganda texts in school text-books became one of the most original ways of fighting drinking carried out by Bolsheviks at the end of the 1920s-the beginning of the 1930s. The damage of alcohol was accounted for in these texts not only from the point of view of medicine pointing out the destructive impact of alcohol on the human organism; basically the examples were given how drinking leads to the destruction of family and state. Drinking was treated in these texts as one of the vices of the former (pre-revolutionary) life and in some cases even justified as a consequence of the oppressed state of the people. The depictions of the previous wrong life entailed also stories about adults making children drunk as, following the age-long tradition of peasant life, they continued celebrating anti-Soviet religious festivals by abundant booze not only themselves but also made their children drink wine and vodka on holi¬days. Text-books were supposed not only to illustrate the negative aspects of alcohol for the people and the state but also suggested a system of preventive measures. Fighting the places for drinking as such became one of the directions within the framework of anti-alcohol campaign. That is why rather often in the texts of readers pub is opposed by club, tea-house, peasant's home, or reading-hut that were supposed to replace the old forms of spending leisure time by new ones.
Memoirs of Vassiliy Yakovlev living in Tomsk province written by him in the 1950s describe the everyday life of the lower layers of the town and rural population in the towns and villages of the Western Siberia at the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century. In the published excerpt of memoirs, Yakovlev characterizes the system of drinking places in the pre-revolutionary Russia, provides a detailed description of their typical interior, mentions prices for spirits, informs about the accepted norms of conduct of pub visitors, the ways of cheating practiced by the people selling spirits. Yakovlev tells about the changes in the functioning of pubs and wine storehouses after the introduction at the end of the 19th century state monopoly on alcohol merchandise when a united system of vodka brands and standard capacities of its selling was established.