Despite repeated statements from successive governments in Norway, disabled people employment rat... more Despite repeated statements from successive governments in Norway, disabled people employment rate remains unchanged since 2000. A range of studies to describe and analyse the situation qualitatively and quantitatively have been performed, however we have not been able to find any study containing a decision support tool focusing on this issue. This paper presents a simulation model, built using the System Dynamics methodology. The model focuses on enabling disabled people to move from welfare to work, incorporating attitudes of disabled people and employers. The model is designed to cover selected factors that are believed to enable and encourage disabled people to take up jobs. It is intended to be used by policy makers, disability organisations, and individual citizens, and support more targeted discussions among them. To build the underlying model we have conducted an extensive literature review, and two surveys on attitudes of disabled people and employers. The paper contains a description of the model structure, and its behaviour.
Accessibility is an important aspect of websites generally and public websites particularly. Many... more Accessibility is an important aspect of websites generally and public websites particularly. Many ways could be proposed to enhance accessibility, however the impact of selected actions is hard to predict due to diversification and contradiction, in addition to the existence of the time factor. A System Dynamics simulation model including factors affecting the accessibility of Norwegian municipal websites was encapsulated in an Interactive Learning Environment (ILE). As the model promised to be able to change how users think and take decisions, this ILE was tested by users in an experiment. We have conducted α, β, and γ change analysis on the results of this experiment. Results showed that the ILE was successful in changing 50% of its users’ understanding and perceptions about the system’s causal relationships and policy options, and helping 30% redefining the standards they use to assess or evaluate these relationships and policy options.
Access to all public websites is crucial to assuring equal opportunities for all citizens to part... more Access to all public websites is crucial to assuring equal opportunities for all citizens to participate in society. Several studies have been carried out to analyse the accessibility of websites. However, we have not been able to find any studies on the factors (other than technical) affecting website accessibility. The purpose of this paper is therefore to explore different factors prior to the web page development that may have an influence on the accessibility of municipal websites in Norway. This is achieved through reviewing relevant literature and performing a set of in-depth interviews with web-masters and web-editors from various Norwegian municipalities. The findings from these sources were compiled into a Causal Loop Diagram. Several leverage points to enhance public websites accessibility were discovered by exploring the Causal Loop Diagram: • Increasing the budget devoted to the workforce, paying more attention to the selection process while recruiting and retaining the experienced workforce members. • Keeping the desired development rate at a level lower than the capacity of the available workforce. • Training the workforce in HTML and WCAG, in addition to updating technology, are possible long-term investments.
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
A System Dynamics model focusing on enabling disabled people to move from welfare to work in Norw... more A System Dynamics model focusing on enabling disabled people to move from welfare to work in Norway was encapsulated in an Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) to contribute in linking ordinary people with policymaking. The ILE and the model behind it are intended to enable people to get a better understanding of the policy options to inform better decisions, and ultimately change users' mental models. To explore how this ILE could change how users think and take decisions, the ILE was assessed by an expert opinion poll, and tested with users in 2 different experiments. To identify the type of change this ILE is capable of causing, we have conducted α, β, and γ change analysis on the results of these experiments. 67% of the sample of our expert opinion poll think that the ILE achieves the intended goals. 33% of the users who were included the analysis of both experiments have shown a change in their understanding and perceptions of the system's causalities and policy options. 38% have redefined the standards they use to assess or evaluate these causalities and policy options. In total, 71% of the users have redefined certain knowledge as a result of using the ILE.
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Volume 134, 2012, pp 101-116, Nov 7, 2012
In order to be able to deliver efficient and effective decision support technologies within healt... more In order to be able to deliver efficient and effective decision support technologies within healthcare, it is important to be able to understand and describe decision making in medical diagnosis, treatment and administrative processes. This paper outlines how information can be synthesized, interpreted and used during decision making in dynamic healthcare environments. We intend to develop a set of modeling constructs that describe the decision requirements forming the basis for adequate situation awareness in clinical processes. We propose that a separate decision perspective will 1) enhance the shared understanding of the decision context among clinical staff, and 2) provide a better understanding of how we can design information system support for complex cognitive tasks in dynamic work environments.
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2009
... Following these propositions, there is a need to increase research on methods for implementin... more ... Following these propositions, there is a need to increase research on methods for implementingbenefits realization in the ... development in the field as it will provide government organizations with a much needed basis for improving management tools and organizational ...
System Dynamics (SD) is a method to build simulation models using computers, to study the behavio... more System Dynamics (SD) is a method to build simulation models using computers, to study the behaviour of systems, and apply what-if scenarios aiming at achieving optimal policy design. To have an overview of the current state-of-the-art of SD use in the eGovernment field; we have surveyed related literature. Our main goal is to uncover the possibilities for future research by clarifying the shortages. The identified literature is not very large. In most of the literature, SD models use was limited to SD practitioners. We discovered low usage of Group Model Building and workshops despite their usefulness in involving non-SD practitioners in the model building process. Additionally, there is a large untapped potential in using Interactive Learning Environment, in spite of its importance in involving non-technical users in conducting what-if scenario testing, and changing users’ mental models by uncovering the underlying system structure.
The information systems we see around us today are at first sight very different from those that ... more The information systems we see around us today are at first sight very different from those that were developed 30 years ago. On the other hand, it seems that we are still struggling with many of the same problems, such as late projects and unfilled customer demands. In this article we present selected data from survey investigations performed by us in 1993, 1998, and 2003 among Norwegian organisations on how they conduct information systems development and maintenance. The investigations looks on many of the same areas as earlier investigations e.g. by Lientz and Swanson in the late 1970', thus we are able to report on some tendencies of the development in the last 30 years. A major finding is that even if we witness large changes in the implementation technology and methods used, a number of aspects such as overall percentage of time used for maintaining and evolving systems in production compared to time used for development is remarkably stable. The same can be said about the rate of replacement, around 50% of 'new' systems to be developed are replacement systems. On the other hand, since we have more complex infrastructures supporting the information systems, more and more of the resources are used for other tasks such as operations and usersupport. Less and less time is available for providing new information systems support in organisation Please use the following formal when citing this chapter:
Traditionally, eGovernment services have been classified according to a four step ladder, with in... more Traditionally, eGovernment services have been classified according to a four step ladder, with increasing complexity, and an underlying assumption that the more complex, the better. In this paper, I argue that this classification is severely limited, in the light of the active role a citizen should be able to play in the society, not only consuming public services, but also being actively involved in producing content in connection to public service provision. Whereas dramatic changes are found in other areas of the IT-world, e.g. in the media where the contributions of individuals are getting just as important as that of traditional organizations, and where so-called Web 2.0 services outperform services made in a more traditional manner, these ideas do not seem to yet have reached the eGovernment sector.
We describe in this paper an insurance company that has recently wanted to standardize on busines... more We describe in this paper an insurance company that has recently wanted to standardize on business process modeling language. To perform the evaluation, a generic framework for assessing the quality of models and modeling languages was specialized to the needs of the company. Three different modeling languages were evaluated according to the specialized criteria.
Despite repeated statements from successive governments in Norway, disabled people employment rat... more Despite repeated statements from successive governments in Norway, disabled people employment rate remains unchanged since 2000. A range of studies to describe and analyse the situation qualitatively and quantitatively have been performed, however we have not been able to find any study containing a decision support tool focusing on this issue. This paper presents a simulation model, built using the System Dynamics methodology. The model focuses on enabling disabled people to move from welfare to work, incorporating attitudes of disabled people and employers. The model is designed to cover selected factors that are believed to enable and encourage disabled people to take up jobs. It is intended to be used by policy makers, disability organisations, and individual citizens, and support more targeted discussions among them. To build the underlying model we have conducted an extensive literature review, and two surveys on attitudes of disabled people and employers. The paper contains a description of the model structure, and its behaviour.
Accessibility is an important aspect of websites generally and public websites particularly. Many... more Accessibility is an important aspect of websites generally and public websites particularly. Many ways could be proposed to enhance accessibility, however the impact of selected actions is hard to predict due to diversification and contradiction, in addition to the existence of the time factor. A System Dynamics simulation model including factors affecting the accessibility of Norwegian municipal websites was encapsulated in an Interactive Learning Environment (ILE). As the model promised to be able to change how users think and take decisions, this ILE was tested by users in an experiment. We have conducted α, β, and γ change analysis on the results of this experiment. Results showed that the ILE was successful in changing 50% of its users’ understanding and perceptions about the system’s causal relationships and policy options, and helping 30% redefining the standards they use to assess or evaluate these relationships and policy options.
Access to all public websites is crucial to assuring equal opportunities for all citizens to part... more Access to all public websites is crucial to assuring equal opportunities for all citizens to participate in society. Several studies have been carried out to analyse the accessibility of websites. However, we have not been able to find any studies on the factors (other than technical) affecting website accessibility. The purpose of this paper is therefore to explore different factors prior to the web page development that may have an influence on the accessibility of municipal websites in Norway. This is achieved through reviewing relevant literature and performing a set of in-depth interviews with web-masters and web-editors from various Norwegian municipalities. The findings from these sources were compiled into a Causal Loop Diagram. Several leverage points to enhance public websites accessibility were discovered by exploring the Causal Loop Diagram: • Increasing the budget devoted to the workforce, paying more attention to the selection process while recruiting and retaining the experienced workforce members. • Keeping the desired development rate at a level lower than the capacity of the available workforce. • Training the workforce in HTML and WCAG, in addition to updating technology, are possible long-term investments.
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
A System Dynamics model focusing on enabling disabled people to move from welfare to work in Norw... more A System Dynamics model focusing on enabling disabled people to move from welfare to work in Norway was encapsulated in an Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) to contribute in linking ordinary people with policymaking. The ILE and the model behind it are intended to enable people to get a better understanding of the policy options to inform better decisions, and ultimately change users' mental models. To explore how this ILE could change how users think and take decisions, the ILE was assessed by an expert opinion poll, and tested with users in 2 different experiments. To identify the type of change this ILE is capable of causing, we have conducted α, β, and γ change analysis on the results of these experiments. 67% of the sample of our expert opinion poll think that the ILE achieves the intended goals. 33% of the users who were included the analysis of both experiments have shown a change in their understanding and perceptions of the system's causalities and policy options. 38% have redefined the standards they use to assess or evaluate these causalities and policy options. In total, 71% of the users have redefined certain knowledge as a result of using the ILE.
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Volume 134, 2012, pp 101-116, Nov 7, 2012
In order to be able to deliver efficient and effective decision support technologies within healt... more In order to be able to deliver efficient and effective decision support technologies within healthcare, it is important to be able to understand and describe decision making in medical diagnosis, treatment and administrative processes. This paper outlines how information can be synthesized, interpreted and used during decision making in dynamic healthcare environments. We intend to develop a set of modeling constructs that describe the decision requirements forming the basis for adequate situation awareness in clinical processes. We propose that a separate decision perspective will 1) enhance the shared understanding of the decision context among clinical staff, and 2) provide a better understanding of how we can design information system support for complex cognitive tasks in dynamic work environments.
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2009
... Following these propositions, there is a need to increase research on methods for implementin... more ... Following these propositions, there is a need to increase research on methods for implementingbenefits realization in the ... development in the field as it will provide government organizations with a much needed basis for improving management tools and organizational ...
System Dynamics (SD) is a method to build simulation models using computers, to study the behavio... more System Dynamics (SD) is a method to build simulation models using computers, to study the behaviour of systems, and apply what-if scenarios aiming at achieving optimal policy design. To have an overview of the current state-of-the-art of SD use in the eGovernment field; we have surveyed related literature. Our main goal is to uncover the possibilities for future research by clarifying the shortages. The identified literature is not very large. In most of the literature, SD models use was limited to SD practitioners. We discovered low usage of Group Model Building and workshops despite their usefulness in involving non-SD practitioners in the model building process. Additionally, there is a large untapped potential in using Interactive Learning Environment, in spite of its importance in involving non-technical users in conducting what-if scenario testing, and changing users’ mental models by uncovering the underlying system structure.
The information systems we see around us today are at first sight very different from those that ... more The information systems we see around us today are at first sight very different from those that were developed 30 years ago. On the other hand, it seems that we are still struggling with many of the same problems, such as late projects and unfilled customer demands. In this article we present selected data from survey investigations performed by us in 1993, 1998, and 2003 among Norwegian organisations on how they conduct information systems development and maintenance. The investigations looks on many of the same areas as earlier investigations e.g. by Lientz and Swanson in the late 1970', thus we are able to report on some tendencies of the development in the last 30 years. A major finding is that even if we witness large changes in the implementation technology and methods used, a number of aspects such as overall percentage of time used for maintaining and evolving systems in production compared to time used for development is remarkably stable. The same can be said about the rate of replacement, around 50% of 'new' systems to be developed are replacement systems. On the other hand, since we have more complex infrastructures supporting the information systems, more and more of the resources are used for other tasks such as operations and usersupport. Less and less time is available for providing new information systems support in organisation Please use the following formal when citing this chapter:
Traditionally, eGovernment services have been classified according to a four step ladder, with in... more Traditionally, eGovernment services have been classified according to a four step ladder, with increasing complexity, and an underlying assumption that the more complex, the better. In this paper, I argue that this classification is severely limited, in the light of the active role a citizen should be able to play in the society, not only consuming public services, but also being actively involved in producing content in connection to public service provision. Whereas dramatic changes are found in other areas of the IT-world, e.g. in the media where the contributions of individuals are getting just as important as that of traditional organizations, and where so-called Web 2.0 services outperform services made in a more traditional manner, these ideas do not seem to yet have reached the eGovernment sector.
We describe in this paper an insurance company that has recently wanted to standardize on busines... more We describe in this paper an insurance company that has recently wanted to standardize on business process modeling language. To perform the evaluation, a generic framework for assessing the quality of models and modeling languages was specialized to the needs of the company. Three different modeling languages were evaluated according to the specialized criteria.
Papers by J. Krogstie
• Increasing the budget devoted to the workforce, paying more attention to the selection process while recruiting and retaining the experienced workforce members.
• Keeping the desired development rate at a level lower than the capacity of the available workforce.
• Training the workforce in HTML and WCAG, in addition to updating technology, are possible long-term investments.
• Increasing the budget devoted to the workforce, paying more attention to the selection process while recruiting and retaining the experienced workforce members.
• Keeping the desired development rate at a level lower than the capacity of the available workforce.
• Training the workforce in HTML and WCAG, in addition to updating technology, are possible long-term investments.