Moreed A R Arbabzadah
Research Associate, Faculty of History, University of Oxford
Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Leverhulme Trust project: "The Writings of Gerald of Wales"
Hugh Price Fellow, Jesus College, University of Oxford
Fellow and Praelector, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
Director of Studies in Classics (Prelims, IA), Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Leverhulme Trust project: "The Writings of Gerald of Wales"
Hugh Price Fellow, Jesus College, University of Oxford
Fellow and Praelector, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
Director of Studies in Classics (Prelims, IA), Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
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Publications by Moreed A R Arbabzadah
Elisabeth van Houts, Ad Putter, Moreed Arbabzadah, and Sjoerd Levelt.
Ranging from c. 1050 to c. 1600, The Literature and History of Anglo-Dutch Relations, Medieval to Modern crosses chronological, linguistic, geographical, and disciplinary boundaries to explore the cultural history of relations between English and Dutch speakers. The evidence consists of many different types and genres, taking account of the range of languages spoken and written in England and the Low Countries. Contributors move beyond source study to consider other ways in which speakers of Dutch and English took notice of each other in their writing. This book attempts to join up the study of literary transfer with historical evidence of contact situations. Stories, ideas, and 'memes' in our period did not travel without people to carry them.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780197267752
Number of pages: 352
This article examines how Goscelin and Folcard use constructions in which the verb is placed between two grammatically-linked words. Statistics are produced for each author, showing that there is a large stylistic difference between the two: Folcard uses such constructions far more frequently than Goscelin. Not only authenticated but also attributed works are studied. An examination of the Vita Ædwardi regis produces statistics that are consistent with attributing it to Folcard. It is shown that Goscelin is unlikely to have been the author. Finally, a work by Folcard is used as a sample to test the hypothesis that rhythm or rhyme played a part in Folcard’s tendency to use these constructions. It is concluded that Folcard was not trying to produce the prose rhythms found in cursus and quantitative clausulae. Instead, a possible connection with the presence of rhymes is demonstrated.
Dans cet article, on étudie la manière dont Goscelin et Folcard utilisent des constructions dans lesquelles le verbe est placé entre deux mots liés grammaticalement. Pour chaque auteur, on produit des statistiques qui montrent qu’il y a un différence stylistique importante entre les deux: Folcard utilise de telles constructions beaucoup plus fréquemment que Goscelin. L’étude est menée dans les oeuvres qui leur sont attribuées aussi bien que celles qui sont authentifiées. L’examen de la Vita Ædwardi regis fournit des statistiques qui permettent d’en attribuer la composition à Folcard. Il est démontré que Goscelin n’en est probablement pas l’auteur. Enfin, une oeuvre de Folcard est utilisée comme exemple pour tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle le rythme et la rime ont joué un rôle dans l’utilisation par Folcard de ces constructions. On en conclut que Folcard n’a pas cherché à produire les rythmes de prose qu’on trouve dans les cursus et les clausules quantitatives. On voudrait montrer, au contraire, que ces constructions sont peut-être liées à l’emploi des rimes.
Please note that these are the uncorrected proofs.
Les éditions du poème de Serlon de Bayeux sur la prise de Bayeux en 1105 contiennent un grand nombre d’erreurs. Les éditions les plus importantes ont été écrites par Wright et Brial ; par conséquent, ces éditions seront examinées dans cet article. Après avoir d’abord donné un exemple d’une erreur de Wright, issue probablement de la mauvaise interprétation d’une glose, je mettrai en évidence quelques-unes de celles qui ont été commises par Brial, qui sont de divers types. J’examine ensuite les erreurs faites par les deux éditeurs et je suggère quelques solutions. J’examine enfin un problème qui n’est pas résolu.
Le edizioni del poema di Serlone di Bayeux sulla presa di Bayeux nel 1105 contengono un gran numero di errori. Le edizioni più importanti sono state realizzate da Wright e Brial ; di conseguenza, esse saranno esaminate nel presente articolo. Dopo aver fornito esempio di un errore di Wright, determinato probabilmente dalla cattiva interpretazione di una glossa, evidenzierò alcuni dei diversi tipi di errori commessi da Brial. In seguito analizzerò gli errori comuni ai due editori proponendo qualche soluzione. Infine poi, tratterò di un problema non ancora risolto.
Elisabeth van Houts, Ad Putter, Moreed Arbabzadah, and Sjoerd Levelt.
Ranging from c. 1050 to c. 1600, The Literature and History of Anglo-Dutch Relations, Medieval to Modern crosses chronological, linguistic, geographical, and disciplinary boundaries to explore the cultural history of relations between English and Dutch speakers. The evidence consists of many different types and genres, taking account of the range of languages spoken and written in England and the Low Countries. Contributors move beyond source study to consider other ways in which speakers of Dutch and English took notice of each other in their writing. This book attempts to join up the study of literary transfer with historical evidence of contact situations. Stories, ideas, and 'memes' in our period did not travel without people to carry them.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780197267752
Number of pages: 352
This article examines how Goscelin and Folcard use constructions in which the verb is placed between two grammatically-linked words. Statistics are produced for each author, showing that there is a large stylistic difference between the two: Folcard uses such constructions far more frequently than Goscelin. Not only authenticated but also attributed works are studied. An examination of the Vita Ædwardi regis produces statistics that are consistent with attributing it to Folcard. It is shown that Goscelin is unlikely to have been the author. Finally, a work by Folcard is used as a sample to test the hypothesis that rhythm or rhyme played a part in Folcard’s tendency to use these constructions. It is concluded that Folcard was not trying to produce the prose rhythms found in cursus and quantitative clausulae. Instead, a possible connection with the presence of rhymes is demonstrated.
Dans cet article, on étudie la manière dont Goscelin et Folcard utilisent des constructions dans lesquelles le verbe est placé entre deux mots liés grammaticalement. Pour chaque auteur, on produit des statistiques qui montrent qu’il y a un différence stylistique importante entre les deux: Folcard utilise de telles constructions beaucoup plus fréquemment que Goscelin. L’étude est menée dans les oeuvres qui leur sont attribuées aussi bien que celles qui sont authentifiées. L’examen de la Vita Ædwardi regis fournit des statistiques qui permettent d’en attribuer la composition à Folcard. Il est démontré que Goscelin n’en est probablement pas l’auteur. Enfin, une oeuvre de Folcard est utilisée comme exemple pour tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle le rythme et la rime ont joué un rôle dans l’utilisation par Folcard de ces constructions. On en conclut que Folcard n’a pas cherché à produire les rythmes de prose qu’on trouve dans les cursus et les clausules quantitatives. On voudrait montrer, au contraire, que ces constructions sont peut-être liées à l’emploi des rimes.
Please note that these are the uncorrected proofs.
Les éditions du poème de Serlon de Bayeux sur la prise de Bayeux en 1105 contiennent un grand nombre d’erreurs. Les éditions les plus importantes ont été écrites par Wright et Brial ; par conséquent, ces éditions seront examinées dans cet article. Après avoir d’abord donné un exemple d’une erreur de Wright, issue probablement de la mauvaise interprétation d’une glose, je mettrai en évidence quelques-unes de celles qui ont été commises par Brial, qui sont de divers types. J’examine ensuite les erreurs faites par les deux éditeurs et je suggère quelques solutions. J’examine enfin un problème qui n’est pas résolu.
Le edizioni del poema di Serlone di Bayeux sulla presa di Bayeux nel 1105 contengono un gran numero di errori. Le edizioni più importanti sono state realizzate da Wright e Brial ; di conseguenza, esse saranno esaminate nel presente articolo. Dopo aver fornito esempio di un errore di Wright, determinato probabilmente dalla cattiva interpretazione di una glossa, evidenzierò alcuni dei diversi tipi di errori commessi da Brial. In seguito analizzerò gli errori comuni ai due editori proponendo qualche soluzione. Infine poi, tratterò di un problema non ancora risolto.