Relatorio Da Copa de 1950
Relatorio Da Copa de 1950
Relatorio Da Copa de 1950
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Campeonato Mundia l
de Futebol
193 0
A ea, 20
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! ' ATLPLNA( ' -l 0 /il l ' E-DP, A0 S L5 P( ;N >FISIAS P, .IO S Pos II .UM ..S l ' .IN J S SPRL 0 /` TJ OPRA PEIMAR l/C .VIi/At, M .IC . ( .LIfflEo .\Alo F( 7[,,! :01, (7 .1( .1 IVI- L-S RLllh' 7) .1( ) O("1 : . 1/G7,11 0 PI---1 Al- AS7AR-SI, Po CARGO . E'
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I ;Ikl .lzll .I .I\ )AFF1TR .l 11 o .V OF S 1 > 0 R 7S . t S K .S 1 1 L, N .I I / S,s I (J A 1( ; 7 , 11E l 'IMAZII .I,IA s/loclSAlF A .I .VP 70 T// L C(MA * IMIA .S 711 .11 , TG0R, PART IN TIIL (0 .1111E111,10 .\ , 7( ; DEPICAIL- 1111S IVORK, ARM 1 '11Ill', W ICORO> FOMM .ILI, IIIOASIIIII OULE.,s RIMET (T11) . 7 0 MIV .IDAI 1 . 1 ITS GREAT CORRf..1,1 MFY11-M . ICHO 10 , 01 : IIEALTII N ' AS FORCED 70 RI_., l ' l .v 0 1-Isil Ilis POS '. 7 IT A .V ACT OF R-N7,4 I . D ) 11 * II011 Il ' / ., 01 1 ' L, TTIL INDI---P-ATIG .I PL E ZEAL AAD INSUPERAPLE C-I l 'ACIT) 771 .17, COA-PCCT/-.-P 7( ) SUCCESS THE CILIMPIONSIIII, M : 1930 .
Oiqaneizadait da laa
da 71Cunda 195 0
a . . Jules
Si .
Ottorinc Barassi
(Italia )
Sr .
Il, .
Ka . ,l
(Holanda ,
Sr . Ivo
Schrick er Seuelono
do Too
Munda, en Zuric h
D/ . R .vadavio Corra Meve , Presidente S, . Mario Pollo Vice President e
Sr .
Fortado de 1. Secretari o
L, ._ . S r . Joageim Loiz Pizarro Filho, Direla r de Esporle, Terrestre, Pro . . Monoel Ferreira de Castro Filho , Direlor de Esporle, Agealico , D : . Celio Negreiros de Barros, President e do Comisso de A~los Inlernacionai ,
~ '
w .IY. :` :b.
D. . 1 . M.
Comissd o
(Presidente ) Dr . Mario Poll o Ds . Jurandyr Lod i S : . looquim Luir Pizorro Filh o S . . Plinic Segurado Pinta Dr . lose Gm do Reg o Professor Manoel Ferreira de Castro Filh o S . . Monoel F .C .clo de Of veir o Dr . Celio Negreiros de Barro s D : . Jost Mario de Mello Costello Bronc a S . . Anibal Arth .r Peixot o Profeso ; Roberta Jos Fonte, Pei .ol a D . . Herbert Mase s COMISS$O DE RECEPO SOCIAL E ASSIS!@NC! A
Proi- Roberto 1 . Fonte, Pei .ato (Presi dente ) Coronel Sylvio Americo Santa Raso (Reccpco e Atendimento ) D . Alberto Ision Ponte (Assistncia me dica ) C .Pifo Joaquim Co .to de Souzo (Trans portes ) Majo : Jose Duarte Alves (Alolomento ) Se.svao de Recepfio e Atendimeat o
Cei . Sylvia Americo Santo Rosa (Direlor ) A . Sylvestre do Costa Leil e Abel de Mornes Bells Alberto Neves Bragani o Alcides de Barron Paiv o Ale . de Mornes Bell o Dr . Alfredo Bello
l' Allah Enrico da Silveira Batisl o D : . Almlr Tavare s Alvaro Americano de Oliveira e Sa .z o Dr . Alvaro Ramos Noguera Junio r Cap . Antonio Borcal .s 8_rges Filh o Cfe . Aalonlc Borges do Sly .ara lob o D : . Antonic Gomes de Avelo r D . . Anton i o Leit e D : . Antonio Reis Carneir o D~ . Arlh ., e '090 Rodrlgucs Pases Carlo- Eduaidl Neva Corlo Magolhe s D . . Christiano Teixeira Lobo . Cidlc da E'No Carneara Edga . Hargreaves D : . Egos M.aiz untos Carret a Einani Campo s Fancisco Aga .linho 1.4srlincll i Francisco Cavalheiro Leal Prot . Fraacsco Gomc ; Macicl P :nhe'r . D . . Fernando Roble s D: . Gasto Sparc ; dc Mau ., f .lb o Hcitor da S : Piara Cornear a Helic Torres Pereira Hugc Fraccorol i D . . loso E, . I . Fron . Ivan d . F ;guc:redo R .pcs a Ivan Segerada P .at a r : . Izailde Widebran d Mira, Slerl :n g Major Jeronymo Basto s Joo Teixeira de Carvalh o Jooquim Guim .re s Major Jocelyn de Souzo tope s Jorge Amaro de Freito s lose do Costa lim a D . . Jos do Silvo Roch a D . . los Matos do Grao
Josf R .malho Junio r Luciano Pereira do Cabo junio r Tenente Coronel Lui . de Castro Silv a luir Morio Poll o Luiz Poulo Abreu Nog .eir o M . de Toledo Pizo Manoel Caballero D~ . Manoel de Mornes Barros Nell o Maral Pinto da Almeid . F'rlh D Maria Gorcio de Souz o Nelson da S :Na Eanto s D : . Ney Cavolfielro Compo s Norivol da Silva Cavalheir o Orco, de Andrade Adle r Oswaldo de Castr o Oswald, de Castro Dotabell o D : . Ost .vio Pinto Guimorc s Pas<ho.l Segrclo S_br :nh o Pc, $xderScr ~ Ge . Renolc de Paula e Slra Tarase-. R :vadov : . T. .. ras Correo Meye r Raberlo Mozho Moru o D : . Rei Ressurreico Cunh a `_'Ivan- ce BCta Consul Jlve'oa C .rne :r o Coronel SlpznD Sarment o SylvlCorreo P .checo Sylvie Wright Netto Machad o Ministre Waldem ar Ferrera Marque s Waldemu . `anta s
Guilherme Melech Oswaldo Noscimento Lepe s Goslc Rodrigues Teixeir a Geralde do Cunha Rlber o Moric Garcia de Souz a Comandantc Joao B.tioc, Staual e
Se;v :o de Transporte s Cap . looquim C. .to du Souzo Rubens Esposel Pint o Waldemo : Blanchurl Gonolve s Dilson Guedes ( Dlretor )
D . . Alberto Ision Ponte ( Diretor ) W . Joo A . do Fzne .ca Regol a Jdrlo Solgod o Ivon Figeeircdo Adoi, fig .eired o Nelson Mcnde : Chustal f Jos Amara] Osari o Isaac Ama r Es611oc Lea l Flovio Migue. de Mello . Ademar Hupper Pinto . Victo, layrne de S d Jaa Clemente do Rego Barro s Ag .lnaldo Zeg es Camilo Abu d ANizio Cavalca Ni Cominha Aureo Hora Brito Jos Linceo ila Nasciment o Moria 1 . :dim Freir e Paulo N . .r.,eye r Antonio Rodriguea Mell o Ellvio Abreu Fiolh o Silvio Campo s Luthero Vargo s Pedro da Cunha Filh o Caio Amara[
Vicente Rondnell i Ernesto Pedrosa Rosembur g . J :.s Carlos Machada do Cost a Edo ., Grao Mell o Anibal L . Belgrade da Rocha MantoNalr e Mogalhes de Fre :1 . , Alberta Gentl e Mauricio Dourado Lope s Antonio Marlore M Fausto Velos o Marcos Ja. mov :ch h Mario de Almenda Crw :nel Ratt o Renota Cre , - Nelson Meand o Laac 5i.dor i
Castello Branc o
S . . Afonso de Castr o D :, Alberi- Borgert h D. . Albinc de Mesquites Pinheir o D : . Alfredo Curvel o Capllc Corlos de Andrade Lec o Cyrc Aranho Francisco de Paula Jo b Iva,. Reys de Freta s D . . Luiz Meneres M a, cionillc Fria A.Ives da Cunh a Mario Rodrigues F :Ih o Comandonl : Maximo Martinell i D : . Pindoro de Corvalh . D : . Roberto Pedroz a
lourival Dallier Pereira M .jc : Azevedo Netto Antonio Rodrigues Tavores Gasp. : Labarthe da Silva Francisco D'Angelo D . . Moacyf Doria Ribeiro S . . America Rodrigues Calo! SCnmortin D . . Felinlo Epitado Mora COMISSAO DE ASSUNTni CIONAIS INTERNA-
Al .jacsent o
Majo . Duarte Alves (Diretor ) Adolph . Schermo n AGI . Machado SQc .le s Cl-doalde de Arauj o C .pitc Eduardo Rocha de Olivelra Fodel Fodel Tenentc Helic R'. ello de Mell o Jarbas F . Deschamp s Jost Moreira Basto .
G . Celic Negreiros de Borros (Presidente) D :. Alvaro 81090 n4a D . . Ibsen de Roszi D : . Jcaquim Anton'o de Eouzo Ribeiro D . . luir do Rego blonte'ro D : . Lui+ Machado Filho Ministre Manuel Alves Caldeira Netto Ccronel Raul de Albuquerque Consul Sofero Cosme
Anionic Teixe ro Riscod o Ant .nic Velos o Armando Santos Arnaldc Luiz d . Assi s Brune Ferreira Gome s D .rval Arqueles Fra nci .cc Pedro D'Ara . io Nett o . . da 5'Iva Corneir o D .. Het D .. Isaac Amo , Isaac Coo k Jaym< Ama i Jos Drumond Nett a Jose Scass . Lourival Dollier Pereir a Lucia Guima .e s Mono, Fichma n Mo .rid. Fuch s Ma aride Ros a Nelson Cunh o Nelson Mende- Schusto f Octavio Silv a Orlando Botisia O .wold- do Nascimento Lope s Pouline de No,onha lim n Consul Pc . Soederber g Rame . Gonculves da Silv a $ylvio Coelh o Victor J .yme S Waldi . Faria de Andrade Waite . Jos Paulon
COMISSO DE FINANA S Aoibal Arthu . Pezato (Presidente ) S: . Elzaman Magalhe s D : . Monoel Broz Moscoz o Jcaquim Monoel de Campos Amoral . Silvane de Brit . Jo . da Almeido Alentejano COMISSAO DE PROPAGANDA D . . Herbert Moses (Presidente) Altevir Valoddo Alvaro Poes Lome Antonlc Santasusagn .
Di, -
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a .
Branco, os
Comisso Tcnr a
da orgonizaqo
J. 'a
. eifo or Srs Modo Polio, trineo Chavos, Gaspo, Silva c Plinio Segurodo Pinto .
8 ." A deslgnaldo da Associa o Organizadora deverto ser confirmada pel o 1 . A Comisso Organizadora es Congressc da F, 1 . F . A . aue ter luga r toro encarregada de tdas as medido s dois anos antes da dota fixado paro a precisos para o conclusao das provo s Competio Final 11952 para 1954, etc . ) climinctrias, u . . como de lodos o s S ." A Compelitio Final dever Irabolhos preparatrios, o,gonizao eco : se : disputado no territorio de uma su y . s .ociao Noclonal . n6mica, sorteios, dotas dos jogos, desg I0 . As datos e loco i s clos ego s natic dos campos, etc ., da Compeli o Final, de Competio Final serdo fixados pel a Comisso Organizadora, reservando, sem 3 ." A Comisso Organizadora re pro que possivel, um descanso minim o civero os recloma6es centro a qualfide 48 horas paro cada equipe . Sempre co c de jogodores e os reclamoes d e corler tcnico dos jogos que far possivel, se reservar um de s eliminatorios . As redam .lcs contra a qua6flcaca de canse de 72 horas fis equipes que hajam
- . 12 -
prorrosegundo jgo co . jugada um gao . Os logos sero disputados co m a luz do dio, salvo acbrdo entre os inleressados . I1 . Os jogos da Competio Final sorbo disputados a ttulo excepciona l e lmeme para a Capa de 1950 em dual fases . 1 . " As 16 equipes parYciponte s da Competio Final sero dividida. e m 4 grupos de 4 equipes, eco cado eco de cujoe grupos uma equipe ser designad a pela Comisso Organizadora e os 3 equipes restantes mediante sorleio . 12 . Os delegados dos Associobec participantes sero convidados a ossis yir o sorleio . 2 . " As 4 equipes vencedoras d e seas grupos jogarbo o segundo fase . 13 . Nos duas tases cada equip e disputar um s[ jgo contra os Oulra ; Irs d- . seu grupo . E JOGADORES INECRIOEE OUALIFICADOS O Comit Executvo finar quando sero recebidas, vaedalyo lidamenle, as in scries defnlivas da s Associoes Nacionais, que devores se r enviada de oca reo co . o farmulria d e inscrico regulamentar , 1 ." Paro as provar eliminalria s rela6o de 22 jogodores dever se r,a comunicada des dios antes rie cada jg oprcdaAsioca Organizadora . mIriaoCs 2" Para a Competio final serb o qualifimdos 22 jogodores por Associa o . A relao e as essas totog rallas in d viduais devero chegar, Secretaria d o F . I . F . A ., 30 dios antes do primeir o a ago da Coni pelieo Final . 7 ." A $eccolo ria da F, I . F . A . coidar da publicao densos r elaes . 4 ." As nscries devero a campanhadas de uma coxa de inscri c de 700 francos suios . 5 .Paro a Compelio Final fica eslipuloda airea uma tasa especial wplem entar de 500 (roncos suios por equip e porlicipo ole , 6 . " Ar nscries recebidas depoi s da dato do encerramento podero ser, ex cep cionalmente, aceitas se o Comit Exec ucivo recen hacer a sua corve nincio, nell e co so, as laxos de inscrio sorbo eco dabre . ." A eficacia ou o no com parecimenla de uma Associao Naciona l i escrita, se se verificar com menos de 6 m@les de antecednda da dalo fixod c primeiro jgo da Competio fin a lapor pode e dar lugar, eventualmente, segund o o . circunstbncia, a que se responsabilizo a citaa Associao, por deciso do Camit i E xecutvo, dos gallos que possom esta , co comprometidos em vista de sua parlicipa o Competio Final, ec e todos os prejulzos evenluais . ARBITROS E JUIZES DE LINH A Art . 7 .
duar equipes se enconlram no c erbeo eco Igualdade de ponton, dever ser di s pufac entre essas duos equipes eco jag e de desempate com prorrogao de doi s tempos de 15 minutos coda v . . 2. E . caso tle prorrogao ser concedida em descanso de 5 .nulos D o termine do lempo regulamentar, mas nb a entre os dois tempos do pro'090180 . 3 . Se no se obtiver nenhum resultr d0 decisivo depois de e . jgo d e desempate seguido de prorrogao, s e continuar c 1690 mediante uma nov a prorrogao de 15 minulos , 4 . Se, depois de Irs prorrogo ret de 15 .nulos no se houver mercad o ncnhem goal, o Comisso Organizadora decidir . 5 . Logo nps se hoja conqui s toda om goal em umn das prorrogae s excep ci onais, se dar par terminado 0 jage imedialamente . TRIBUNAL DE APELAO E RECLAMAF $ Ari . Os membros do Comit 10 . Executivc do F . I . F . A . presentes 6 Competio Final, encelo os que faa m part, da Comiso Organizadora, constituire o Tribunal de Apelao para resol ve ; em ltima instncia . 1 . O Comit Esecutivo poder , cventuolmena, para exercer sua misso d e Tribunal de Apelao, completarse co m personolidadee competentes escolhldos fora de seu slo , 2 ." p aro se,em vlidas os reci a macc contra o qualificao dos jo9adores , devero os mesmas estar em pode r de Tribunal de Apelao, pelo menos 5 dice leis antes da data do primeiro jg o da Competico Fino[ . 3. Pode . ser enviados por vi a areo registrada ou teleg rfcomente, de vende ser, nelle ltimo caso, confirmada : por escrit o 4, Tais reclamaes sero juI gadar pelo Tribunal de Apelao . S .' As reclamaes de ordem lee nicer devero ser entregues, por escrito , uma hora depois da lerminoo do jgo , cc. revresentante do Tribuna l ere Apela o qu, assi slir era jgo . Serbo resolvidas pel a Tribunol de Apela . Tado reclamo6o dever se r 6. ocompanhada de uma tata de 20 0 francos suios . y . " E . cos . de ser resolvid o favo,avelmente a reclamao, os 20 0 franco, suios serbo devolvidos Assoc'a`go que a formulou . o 8 . O Tribunal de Apelai fuc cionor come 6rg6o de disciplina e cera laruldad< paro adatar Ibda classe de me dida di sci plinorez, empreendidv a im posc de mullas, a desclassifica6o d e Icgadore^ E g excluso de Associoes ,
.,H I .
Competition Prope r For 1950 the be played in two rounds . Thr 16 leams taking part in th e Competition Proper shall be divide d into 4 groups of 4 teams each ; i n Each group one team shall be seede d by the Organising Committee and th e ether three teams shell be selected by drow :ng lot : . (Nate : The delegates of the As . _ociations taking part in the competition will be invited to witnes s the draw . ) In each group the four teams wil l play one match against each othe r and the team which gains the mos t point will be the winner of its grou p
It matches in each group) . 2 . The too, group winners will then plo y each othe, once and the team gettin g Ih . most points in this Final Tourna meni shall be the winner of the Cup . Entrie. and Guar ;ficalinn of Players .
The Executive Cnmmilae shal l Aa . y . fix the dale on which the final entries o f Ih Nat i onal Associations shall be occe p led, these entries shall be sent on th e n Tula . entry-form . for the marches of the preliminar y , .^ands o Ilet .f 22 playrs shall be sen t IC days before each match by each As . saclotinn to its opponent and to th e Secretariat of the F . I . F . A . F . . the Competition Proper 22 player s in . each Associaton shall be entitled t o parti6pole . The lists of these players an d tw photographs of each player shall be Beni to the Secretariat of the F . I . F . A . 3C days before the first match of the Competition Proper . These lists shall be published by th e Sccreforioi of the F . I . F A. Th, entries must be accompanied b y a fee of 300 Swiss fransq or its equi . volen for the fire Competition Proper a n extra fee of 500 Swiss Francs or its equ'r salon} must be paid by each competin g team . Enlrie- received after the prescribed 1' . may be accepted if inthe opinion o f th cammitree such acceptance is desirabl e th, !ntere st of the Competition . In th' , case she enlry-fee shall b e double . It o Not:onol Association, propert y cri .red, withdraws within six months o f the, dote fixed for the first match o f Competition Proper this Association , th, bT a decision of the Execuf ; .e Committee mot b, held liable for all expenses in correct with regard to f presumed participation and for eventual damages r e Stilling from its wilhdrowol .
In the case of extra time, an in Of 5 minutes shall be allowed a t the end of the normal time of 90 minutes, but not between the low period ; of 15 minutes . If of the end of this extra time , the scores are still equal, an additiona l 15 minutes shall be played period of and if, during this additional period, a team scores a goal, if shall be declared the winner and the match ends imm e dialely . If howeve,, the match should stil l b, a draw of the end of this th i rd perio d of additional time, the Organising Com . mitt ., shall take a decision . Board of Appeal and Protest s The members of the ExeArs . 10 . cullvc Committee with the exceptio n of those members belonging to the Organising Committee present at th e Competition Proper shall act as a Boar d of Appeal and its decisions shall b e final . Ir circle . to fulfil its functions as a Bearc of Appeal the Executive Committe e may caapl competent non-members , In order to be valid, protests agains t th qualification of players must reac h the Board of Appeal 5 full days before lh, dote of the first match of the Competition Proper, Protests may be sent by registere d air-mail of by cable : in the letter cas e Ihey must be confirmed by letter . The y shall be judged by the Board of Appeal . Protest, of a technical character mus t bu presented in writing within one hou r alle: the end of the match to the re presentative of the Board of Appeal, wh o ' present at the match . They shall be judged by the Board o1 Appeal . Each protest must be accompanie d by a deposit of 200 Swiss Francs o r equivalent . If the protest has been upheld b y the Board of Appeal the deposit shal l be refunded to the Association , The Board of Appeal is entitled t o take disciplinary measures of every kind : tc impose fines, to disqualify players an d rc exclude Associations . Players and Colours of the teams . Arr . 11 . Each National Associatio n ,hall be allowed to alter the compositio n ;is team for each match, includin g a: replays, but not for extra time, provide d the player, be chosen from the 22 player s entered .
Art 8 . Os rbitros e juizes de tinho nos jogos eliminotrics e nos d a Competio Final, devero pertencer a u m pair. neutro . Para os jogos eliminat6rios serbo designados pelas duas Associoe s interesados e eco caso de dese, ordo n o indcao, pela Comiss6o de Arbitragem , flmnde entendido crue os rbitros dever o figura : no lista de rbitros inlernacionais . Pargrafo nico . Os rbi tros e juize s ,ho poro a Competio Fino sera c d. designados pela Comisso de Arbitragem . Devore figurar em ume lista previament e c-tabe[ecido por essa Comisso .
Ad . 11, Cada pois podere mod i fica, a seu 96s10 a composio de su a equip, de um a oufro jgo, incluidos o s caso, de desempates de jogos empalados , e, condibo de so utilizar, logodores qu e constem da rela<o das 22 inscritos , I ." Cada equipe adolore as ca re- de seu polsr essas cores e sua disposiedo devero ser indicadas quando do pe. dedo de inscrio regolamento, . 2 No caso e. que as care, de duo- equipes que se devero enfrentar s e p,estem a fczer eonfusao, e jaizo do Ce Organizadora, uma delas dover e miss modificar suon carel . A eqipe que dever cf elan : essn modificodo ser designad a P., sorleio . 3 ." Os jogodores levoro um nme,c de acbrdo com as indicaec qu e erc dadas pela Comisso Organiza dora .
Each team shall wear the colours o f it . National Association- the colours an d their arrangement shall be notified a n the regular entry form . In the case of two foams bein g opposed, whose colours, in the opinio n a . the Organising committee, might giv e rise to confusion, one fee . shall wea r Referee- and Linesmen . olho: colours . This team shall he decide d by drawing lots . The players will be The referees and linesme n Art . 8 . in the matches at the preliminary roun d s numbered according to instructions issue d by the Organisinq Committee . o~ well as in the matches of the ComReports or Matches , Proper shall petition be ree,col the y y After each match the r e Art . 12 . shall be nom i nated for the preliminary ferer, shall submit his report immediatel y n .afcher by the respective Association s bei, in the event of two Associatio n s on the official report form provided t o being unable to agree, the Referee s Committee will make the appointmen t Thr referees appointed must be from th the list of international referees . Th, referees and linesmen for th e matche r of the Competition Proper shal l b ~ nominated by the Referees Committee ; they must be specified on a list previousl y approved by this Committee . Duration and Replay of Matches . the Organising Committee . In addition to this official report th e referee shall draw up a special referees ' report to be handed to the Referees Committee . Grounds , Art . 13 . The National Associatio n organising the Competition Proper shal l gvo an assurance that the fields o n which the matches will be played shol l correspond to the provisions of the Law s o the Game concerning internationa l matches, that they are in good conditio n a,. regards the turf and the general i n stallotione and that order on the ground s will be maintained . Preliminary Matches . A,, . 14 . A levy of 5% of the gros s receipts of the preliminary matches, afte r deduction of taxes as per Art . 17 of th e Regulafionc of the F . I . F . A ., shall b e collected for the F . I . F . A . The net receipts, after payment o f hiring of grounds, of the travelling ex penses of the players, referees, linesmen and representative of the Organising Committee, advertising, and any other approvre expenses shall be divided between th e
~ Art, 9 . " Cada j 8 90 durar 90 ne ., eco dose tempos de 45 minulos, caco c descons, previsto ras Regras do Jago . A dassificac ser por ponlas ; se daro dai , pontos em caso de viario, uno ponlo en de empate, e nenhu ce ponto e n cmc caso de derrota . Se uma equipe no s , apresenfar a uma Partida salvo m ^ pel e tivt fora maior re,onhecido de Comisso Organizadora ser cc id o roda como vencida e se Ihe costigor6 lambm, tirando-Ihe um ponto de se , rlassicao . partidas I ." No caso eco que depois d a da primeiro oe da segunda tos
Ari . 12 . Depois de coda j 8 9o, o r , bile, designgdo redigi,o um rolaldo ec o fe,or .ari oficial, que remeter imediotamentr 6 Comisso Organizadora . Pargrafo nico . Alm dse relatdric o rbitro est obrigadi a preenche r um lormulric especiol de arbitragem, o qual ser que ser consignado Comiss o de Arbitragem .
A, . 9 . Each match shall last 9 0 minvW (two periods of 45 minutes) , w :tl on interval as provided by the law ! c, the Game , Thcompetaion will be derided b T points, two for a win, cne for n dra w cinc : none for a defeat . If any team foil s I play in a match except In a cas e a, force majeure recognised by the O r ganising Comm'. fee it shall be ca n s ;dered to have lost it and ; t shci!I b e punished in addition by loss of one pai n in Ihe table . li, at the completion of the motch e in etch series, two teams ere equal i t points, a deciding match shall be playe r by them, with ex Ma lime, iI necessar y c . two periods of 15 minutes ,
. 13
depois de cieduzidos os imposlos of i ciais o percenlogem de 5%, que ser Art . 13 . A Associando Nacional o r entregue 6 F . I . F . A . no semana segonizadora da Compelio Fina dovert i guinic aos jogos . c sscgur .rse de que a c .,npo~ nos s is Pargrafo nico . Nos jogos da segun sero disputados os lagos reunam os conde rodada, a percenlogem da F . 1- F . A . dies fixad .s pelas Regros do 1690 poro ser de 10% . As imporlncios sero lo , parlidas nlernaciono!s, estejom em Lor n nadas efetivas igualmente no seman a cslade, lente no relativo . . lerreno com o seguirte aos igos . . insta ton-,, e que a -,dem nos masato s GASTOS DE PASSAGENS E DE ESTAD A laja garantida . A, ; . 17 . O saldo da renda dos REGULAMENTO FINANCEIR O oigo, da Compelio Final ser empr e logo : eliminatrios gads em reembolso, os gastos de pasA,1 . 14 . Sbre a imporlncio brvl o eogens e estada dos competidores, do s dm . ingressos vendidos poro os jogos elim i rbitros, dos iuizes de Ilnho e dos del e nalrios c depois de deduzidos os i m godo, oficiais, de acrdo com os condine s posto- tal como est previsto no ortig a cstabelecidar pelo Comit Executivo da l do Beguiemento da F . 1 F. A i . I . F . A . (veja-se o art . 19) . ser reservado uma percenlogem de S- OUTROS GASTO S em favor da F . I . F . A, E quanto ao ' An . 18 . Ume ves reintegradas lar , resto, e depois de pagas os despeas d e somas, se deduziro do salda da smp . , olug-el d, campo, os gastos de viage m tncia global dos ingressos vendidos, agaer estada dos iogudores, do rbitro, do s le entres gastos distintos dos enumerado s juszes de linher e do delegado da Co , nc arfigo 17, a saber : os gastos de ormisse Organizadora, poblicidode, etc . , ganizao, de inspeno, policia, msica , saldo liquido ser dislribuido enfie a s aluguel d< campo, e culo conjunto n o dear Associoles Nadonais que haja m podera ser superior a 5% da renda bruta . disputado o j6go . DELEGADOS E ARBITRO S Pargrof . nico . No caso em que o Ara . 19 . Os delegados da F . I . F . A . sold, liquido de um dos logos das pro (membroz dn Comit Executivo, Tribuna l vo . eliminatr'-1 -dio f6r suficiente por o de Apelando, Comissiio Organizadora, etc . ) ,abrir os gastos efeluados, os duo, A s or arbitras e iuizes de ni, ., r.c .be,8o seu s so,ioes devero cobrir o deficit . gastos de viagem e umo indenizano po r COMPETIAO FINA L dio, segundo os regra, do F . I . F . A . Ari . 15 . Os gastos de orgon'zno , LIOUIDACO DE CONTA S cm --ci-16e cos gastos de instolano do s Art . 20 . Deposs de pagos todos o s rstdios, ediantodos pela Associao Nogastos previstas no amigo 19 e os d e conal organizadora, sero incorporado , transporte e estada das equipes p.rticino liquidole final, ea balano goal d a ponles, o soldo eventual da orrecacio o Competio . dos jogos da Competio final ser r e 1 .' Os sm Po sto,, laxas e curro s partido como se segue : 15% para a tributos que ri d o sciam os cobrados pel o ,, I . F . A . : 30% por . a Associ .,a o Estado , Provincia oc Mun :cip :o, percebido s ,rg .niz.doro e 55% pare os Associaes sobre os ingressos dos lagos, fienro a qu . hajam participad, no Competi o cargo de A-sociao olgonizadoro . Final, proporcionalmente aos jogos dis 2 Tda eventual reduo o e putados e s respectivas orrecadaes . devolu, dessus ltimas tasas reverter 1 . Todo eventual litigio sbr e n F . I . F . A ., a area] dispor de ta l c liqudaco das cantos ser resolvid o mportncio . pele tribunal de Apelando . 3 . Al gcatro equipes clossifi 2 No caso em que os orrecocoda para a segunda fose eceb .,6e ner o daes brutas dos ogor da Competinii o r c1,ibai18- especial no valor correspo n Final lorem insuficientes para cobrir o s den< a 2000 francos suios, O transport e gasto : enumerados nos artigos 16, 17 , due equipes po,ticipanies no Competi o 18 e 19, o saldo ser pago pelo AssoFinal ser assagu,odo em avido pela Conciane organizadora . federao Brosileira por adi .nt,me,,a e LOGOS AMISTOSO S c rozo de 22 pessoas . Eseee gastos d e Art . 21 . As equipes que participatranspon, devem entenderse !r snido do s iem no Competicao Final estaro 000r i afro POrta' se9uinles 1 Paris ; Londres, Bru . zuda , a disputar iogos amistosos antes e -los, Amsterdam, Estocolmo, Copenhague , depoir do Compelio Final , Madrid, Lisboa, Romo, Genchro, El Cari o Porgrofe nico . Fica entendido que , , Nova York e oulr ., aeroporto, que s e quonl< aos iogos organizados durante u m reconhemn neceserios . periodo de dois mises antes e um perod o 4 . O, gatt .s de estada no Bra d, cinco dios depois do ltimo go d a sil dos equipes, s-181 reembolsados confa r Competic Final, os Associones Necio , mc urea Iabela a ser fixnda posteriorment e no- no podero cancretiz-los sero me com exceo devida o af, . .os de diante a aq .icscnci . prvia da Asociand o ,linerrio a portar de dais dios ente s Organizadora . do primeiro go de cada equipe e at CASOS IMPREVISTO S dos, dios depois do ltimo 890 da Cons Arl . 22 . Os casos especiais no pre peliao . vistos no presente Regulamento sero reDEDUCO DA F . I . F . A . Ari . 16 Nos lagos da primeira ro dada do Competio Finol, ser reservada, solvidos pelo Comisso Organizadora ; s e so balar de uma questo de principio o e de carter geral, pelo Comit Executivo .
National Associations which hav e Iw ployed the match . Is the receipts of one of the preliminary matches do not cover ail th e expenses, the balance shall be paid b y the [we Not oral Assoc ations concerned . Competition Proper . Ar, . 15 . The expenses of the organisation the costs of arrangemen t a . the grounds excepted which hav e been advanced by the National Associ at :on organising the Competition Prope r shall Is, incorporated in the general bud . ~ 9e . of the Competition . The taxes and duties, except thes e of government, pr3sincial or communa l taxe- , deducted from the receipts of th e matches , shall be debited to the ar ganissng Association . An eventual reimbursemen . of these taxes shall be put a t Iho disposal of the F .I .F .A . The feu . teams playing in the secon d final serie, shall each receive a specia l bonus equivalent to Swiss Francs 2000 . . Air transport of teams taking par t in the Competition Proper will be guaranteed in advance for 22 persons pe r Associotion by the Confederago Brosi Iciro do Desportos . The cost of air trans port must be understood to be only fro m Ih, air-ports cf the cities here mentioned : Paris, tendon, Brussels, Amsterdam , Lleckholm, Copenhagen, Madrid, Lisbon , Rome . Geneva, Cairo and New York an d ethers approved by the Organising Committee . Th< costs of the stay by teams i n Brazil w :ll be re-imbursed in accordanc e with o schedule to be fixed later excluding poslp_nemenls of itinerary from two days before the first matc h i n which each team is engaged, up t o Iwe- days after its last match in th e competition . F . I . F . A . Levies . Ao . 16 . A levy of 5% of the gros s receipt(after deduction of taxes) of th, mulches of the first series of th e Competition Proper (see Art . 6 11 .) shal l be paid to the F . 1 . F . A . within on e week otter each match . From the matche s o . the second series of the Competitio n Proper a levy of 10% is to be paid als o within one week after each match . Travelling- and Horel-expenses .
Other Expenses . Ar . . 18 . After settling these poyment :, expenses other than those enumeratea in Art . li will be deducted from th, bolonce of the receipts ; these shal l be expenses for argon cation, control , police, music, and for hiring of grounds . The total amount of these expenses shal l no . exceed 5% of the gross receipts . Offic'a :f and Referees. Ar :, 19 . The Officials of the F .I .F .A . (member- of the Executive committee , Board of Appeal, Organising Committee ) ant: the referees and linesmen will re ceive the payment of their travelling one hotel-expenses according to the Regulations of the F . I .F .A . Settlement of the Accounts . Ar . . 20 . Any eventual surplus o f receipt . of the matches of the Competitio n Props . (afte, payment of all the expense s enumerated in Art . 19 and the Iranspor l and Hotel accomodalian cf the team s participating) will be divided as follows : 15 % to the F . I . F . A . ; 30 % to the agonising Association ; 5561, to the Associations participating in the Competitio n Proper pro rata cf the matches played by their teams and of the respectiv e receipts . Any disagreement about the settle men of the accounts shall be judged b y the Board of Appeal . li the gross receipts of the matche s o : the Competition Proper are not sulficleni to cove] the expenses enumerate d it Art . 16, 17, 18 and 19, the balanc e shall be paid by the Organising Nationa l Association . Friendly Games . A,. . 21 . The National Association s participating in the Competition Prope r ,hall be authorised to play friendl y motche, before and after the Competitio n Proper . National Association shall no, b e allowed tc arrange matches to be played within a period of sixty days before an d and five days after the last match o f th Competition Proper, without havin g previously obtained permission from th e organising National Association . Unforseen Cases .
A,, . I . The balance shell be em Flayed fol the payment of the travellin g and hotel-expenses of the referees, lines men and Officials according to a scal e c .tablished by the Executive Committee of the F . L f . A . (see Art . 19) .
AI : . 22 . All special cases not pro vide[ far by these Regulations shall be decided by the Organising Committee, an d questions of a fundamental or gerero l .haracter by the Executive Committee .
s teuc2r,(
nl ;lnr brilllan Rr,r'>till - >I rdellllladC drr sllrteUl drr , :I iin ;l l I .ara a clmlPaivr ...'.I j" , ~1l anq ~- Inlatlr rlrl Mundo . reali _ :rl_~ a G1 r} main, nn l' .dteil r h :!nlarat i , dn tilinistrirr da, Ke larc,. IC x tel-i .)re . . l'resididn pel , r kanl Prrnandcc \lni,tiu da . Rcl ;tilcs h`teritrres, clnlu LI a , Icnidade eom a 1,re,enC ;t rle nlJnl_ i . . ~
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Ir ~ . . - 1 - AL~~ l' :Ilr . 1 eir ~1 , da C .It,I) . , . '.~loln . . rn . I_~rn i~jllnr . l'residente dl r I~~Se i, 11 .11 de De p , ( rm~tlh~ I~:rlua'~r1~ Iti , I~Ilhlr, \lin,tirll rL' t ! {Au~a~lr, ini ;rinlr e geucr~I l gelr ; Mende> de AIl , raes, P reieitl l rlr. Ili,irin , Federal . ( ) <, eCme .) 1,1 l9lte, ~am as,im rt ive,entadu, : l'rasil _ _ sri . Mario l'nllu tel~ Rranclr ;
illl ~
t rno-~ . l':nlLaico!~ ; .; _ ; .
1 . .
1 =. - 1 ulriha
I :I~ .
ICrlad~r . l~nidlrs
~r .
I r
I .nil . .
Fln autoridade s t ~prn~ticas, alm de grande nilmende representante, da cnnic a t a~In-tit~a . (la Intpren,a e dr, K dir, nacilmais e estrangeirlr, . l. 'ISinliletal - :tlll El me,a dirigell -
. ~r, .\-, onl~- . . Ir :nli, ;i 1 adrrr : Casingl :verr :l - SrE Itll ,ai x artt,r : Itli ;l
<r> . S,,ilc
i Martin
Ilnt4 r
ter : . Ila
Luiz (
it,01nn . \lari .)
creulr i u
Lmhaimada e cte .
A. (
Ihl,>rn l
l ' rugua ~rs, lnrd ;mrr . 1{nlhaisadnr C Ala!IUCI l 'aba Rerr~ . (1nl .ul .
ead.tinq tete
ryw u p d.
~6aa ed .
solemnity of the casting al th e Th nroup ,. for the finals was corned oat wit h magnitude on Ilamaraty Poloce, th e c il Fare : gn Office of Brasil . Presided b y D : . Rout Fernonde, . Mnisler of Foreig n Rd,t ;,n~ the act was attended by severa l dlpL-m .t and Sport aulhorifies beside s . great number of representatives ai chroniclers, the press, and o f spw Ii, . national and foreigner broadcast s W,,, present also foklng scat of th e `nbt Mesrs . Mario Polla, Kcc-Preside n l In charge of th, C .F .D ., Jodo lira Filho , F~c . :dcn . a t! :c Nati not Sports CQ .nC ' I ,
. isional Ministe r Edam dRios F:Iho, P r o Educalion, General Angelo Mendes d e M . race, Moyo . of the Federal District . Counlrcs to compefe, were re Th -
picsenied .5 follows : Brosl Mesrs . Mario Polio and Castell o Branco ; Chdl ; Mesrs . Luis Caalellon, Secretar y of the, .`pain Embassy and Cdcr . Fc , nonde Rojas, ac .onoul :Cal Attach e Spain Count of Casos Rojas, Spai n Ambassador; U . Stales Mr . H . Johnson trance Mr . Arvengas, French Ambassador, England Si, Nevila 8uf kr, B,II ; ;h Am , basador, Italy Mr. Mario A . M .nini, Halla n Amboe, .do : anG 011orino Borassi ; indi . Mr . Aflab Ral, Charg d'AHolres ; lugoslavia Mr . Cern Aiurr .nova, Yugos ravi . Ministe r Mcxicc Mr . Antonio Villot+bas, Me .Icon Amhc;ss .don Paraguay Mr . Jo'. A . Moreno Go n zafes, Paraguay Ambassador : Swede Mesrs . Erick A . Ohlsson an d Per Scedberg ; 5wilserlond Mr . Fernando Bemoull , Consellor of the Swiss Legatio n Uruguay Mesrs . Giordano Eckel A m bassodo, and Manuel Caballero Consul .
ME .`A
DO :
Chooser, tc head the four groups, Brasil, England , Hal, and Uruguay the remaining classified countries were given fhc numbers from 1 t 12, as well as to Franc e anc Portugal vrhlch wee ;nviled, the country was casle d l'- the group . The first country was Yogoslavia, include d on Ili group I (Brazil) . finally, the group were formed as follows :
Assi .
fai sortendo
a 1
grupa e o
poi s
1 B R A S I L
1 k)
- -
121 )
1u 1;ft,lcit ; ;,
A]~i ( u
lu1 Susia
k c ' en atlo
l'urtugal l
I{stadu . lhilc
) l'ara~uai Jutlitt
) hr.ut< :l
111 hlli<a
1) liolisi a
In,ij :ntrra . '
por grupo s
para os jopos, a qual prtblic(z tttos tont os respectivos resultados .
/ F. .1 . elaborou a fabeln
Cltilc .
Ilra , il . 4 y Alyeo .
I )
_ 5,~ f,
tiu<a, tl y Itt goslria. 3 Ilel i . llotizunt e 2 \ Gtt~a . 2 ~w Paultr -{\ M sico . I I . .\ lert+c I ' liraril . _' ~ Ittgoa :isia, n - K'i , , 2' - - ti11~ :1 . 2\ \l \ .e, , . 1 1' .
2 5 ;6 29/
2' ;ib -
_5 r Itlia 2
S . Paulo
~ ~
Curitib a
ruguai . R y l'.olcia, ( l - - llrlu Horizont e I-rtma e l'urt 1l 7;al nu aecilalan! t,'ousi@e para partici)r.u-e m d :l (inai> . \ e luci r t- - l rn I /u l i
2/ '
In!~la(crra, C s l niflo> . 1 fi. I o n nt e 2'7 - l'.-.j,auha . 1 y Iu g l :ner ra . 0 Ili o ~,' --- l hile . (1 X Vstatl , ) . 1 111 ~ dtrs . 2 Kecihe
Bruulo . I ' ri
]I :lia .
S. -A
2 y
Para g uai,
l )
l'atul o
do Caul
~ (
),collate .
13ra .~il .
ki u
l'aul u
s~ ttcrta .
1 2
IL r /
Vcuccflor :
r 'ncedor :
Vencedor :
1~i 7 lal :tnh :t . 1\ tiuria, ,i _ S . l'attl o Il /- ISrcutl . 1 S L rtl l n :n, 2 1\ IU 1 i C :nola~ t , : - l' kl"G( .Il
Ri o
ehei a am J !a
~~ ` l
A 31 de mofo chegaram ero Rio de Janeiro o presidente da F . I . F . A ., sr . Jales Rimel, ocompanhadc de sua filho sito . Anette, e e Sr . Solero Cosme, tendo sido recebidos pelos srs . Lui : ; Aranha, Patrono dos Esportes Brasileiros, Mario Pollo, Vice Presidente, Costei, Branco , Celia de Barros, Plinio Segurado Pinto, Monaci Furtodo de Oliveiro, membros da Dlretoria d a C .B .D ., consul Vito, Cunha e numerosos representanles do crnica esportivi . Ne grovura , Claude Bernard e no can . dai- asptos da desembarque, aindo a bordo do
M, Jules Rimet his daughter, mile . Anette and mt . Satero Cosme arrived in Rlo, May , 31s, and were received by Mr . Luiz Aranha, Patron of Brazilian Sports, mr . Mario Pollo, Vice Piesidew, Is . Castels Bronco, Celia dc Barros, Plinio Segurado Pinto, all membres of th e Executive Board of the C . B . D ., consul Victor Cunha and a great number of sports reporters . (left) and o n Claude Bernard The , .clich, shows two wiews of their arrival, s011 in the the pier .
setembra de 1949, quando cie sua viagem ao Brasi l por, in teirar-ee das providincias do C B .D . paro 0 Compeonatc Mundial de Futebol de 1950, fe o sr . Jul, Rimel agraciado pelo Governo Brasileira co . a V-se, n o contenda do Orde . de Cruzeiro do Sul . gravura . o sr . Jules Rimet no re<eber a medolho . qu e colocada pelo sr . Joco Lira Filho, presidente d o Conselho Nacional de Desportos, por delegaco d o , . Ministro da EducoSCo .
During his visit to Brasil, September, 1949, i n find ouf ncr first arrangements of the C . B . D, for th e Worle Football Championship, Mr, Jules Rimet was de cornier by Brazilian Government with the cross of , 0, client dc C,uzelro do Sul The picture shows mr . Jule s Rime : receiving, on the site of de C . B . D ., the cros s which it placed by mt . Joco Lyra Filho, president o f th Brazilian National Sports Council, on behalf of th e Educalion Minister .
C Escritrio Central de Inf ormoges pera o Campeonato do Mundo, organizado para proporcionar nos membros das delegag6e s part cipanlc de Campeonato e nos turistas informag6es sbre o certame c outras, de inleresse geral, foi inaugurado a 12 d e junhc f . .nc onau numa ampla dependencia do Clube Ginaslico Portugus, caja Direloria gentilmente a colocca disposigo d o C .B .D . A solenidade inaugural foi presidida pelo sr . Jules Rimel, coro a assislencio do Diretorio e demain orgos da C .B .D . e representante dos delegagbes concorrentes .
Eliminatoria s
Classification Matche s
Tt1111 i da (lll (~C11CI q- :I .
~I ' tlpr s dl'
'1II, .~ :i .
( 1111il- .i,,! .n :,
.~ .(
I' . i I111Lr, d,
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1V -
A11111,11 . . ., .'
.1 .
1 , ~ . 1111 :'
. 1,
In .,.
1 .,,j .( 111,1r11'.
(~ 1111111 _ , .na111
1p -
ll,nda 2
' .! :,
i-l( ,
logo e score
Arbitr o
Gales, Gales, 2 0 1
1 0
(~1111'., .
.I : ., :,,
, ,a :l )
;' .mrlilly
Inrll, .i,l
Ankor o
A .ri l
x Irlanda, x Irlanda .
81 3/50
IS/ 4150
x Inglolerra,
l ;11111 .(',11GU1 .
l'lllillLaa,, (1111{l .
. .\
I l' .I :R .\
de>IsNa Allilirn 6 2 1 6 l'
I .
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flllal . do J. F. G. J.
l' Ir1111 :1 .
I .A
l'rnllpLll k~ arl
,1 .
er . 1 11111'Lllau ) r
211 8149 181 9149 9110/49 30110149 11/12/49
I sr a c l , 0
ISlU11 .I'
llll/U,lhlilr l
( " 1,1 11 1 .
ESIIrd( 1 (
x Cuba, 0 x Cubo, 0
Tapia . Cub a Garcia, EE . UU . N . Loro, Mexic o Topic, Cub a
Iloli a
Cid . Mexico
lugoslavia, 5
1 1
Tfl~Avi v Belgrod o
Paris E.
l .goslavia,
x Frans ., . . Franga,
x Iugoslovia, 2
18/9/49 21 /9/49
lugoslavlo . lunaslavia,
F'anrn . 0
)\I . .\V I . \
ranNu 5 r rr
hinaljslas .
F S l .AU(1<
1 ' X11)O
I) .A
I :
A!IAI(~( 1
Prhnl' .I . Saiga,
Suin g
Ch . Delosalle, Fron{ a l' . Thenen, Belgica
( ; rnpl,
l ;innwlia .
Itin11anial e
Luxemburgo, 2 x Suiga, 3
.1 . 1
( 1 11 1111 1na111 .
_1r 1K 1nlirn,
_VL 1~ enli11:1
C 'hilr
Ilesi .tiu
I .
1 1 111iiir l
( r111 , . 21 6149
flr, w '
r, ilia
3 3 1 1
1 illhllldia
Estocolmo Dublil : H,I,inki Dublin
11 - 11uld,l
13'f )
l'1niL11sla, .
I ~r1qn1
Ca11111er .11all 1
Finlandia, 0
I ;( ll .l\ 1 .\
( I111_l . 1 ','r11
/611wdnl .
l'.,1t1a,blr e
( 11 111AI(S14111n,1
214150 914150
drsiatiral :l
I' \I : .UiI~ . A 1
l~Rl .A I
d, .
Esponh .,
Pon .gal,
P 11a1t>la .
1'S 1'\XI1 .\
.I,Ic ,11
4 - Amparo, 5 6 7 8 -
Arooz, Duberty Arrays , Vicente Brown, Victor Buslam .nle, Jos Cabrera, Ren Caparell, Roberto Ferrel, Leonardo Cody, Bendicto Greco, Antonio Guerra, Jua n Gutierrez, Benigno Gutierrez, Eduardo Maldonado, Benjamin Mena, Mari o Saavedra, Hector Ugare, Victor Valencia, Antonio
9 - Campos, 10 -- Cardoso, 11 12 13 -
Rencoret, Berrios,
Juncos ., V Molowny,
ADEMIR Alfredo do
]a - RODRIGUES, Francisco
ALFREDO Nilton Osvaldo Thomas do dos dos (Baltasar) do Soares
Antoni o Csa r
Fernando Francisco .
Alvarez, Martinez,
Alfons o Telm o
Zarrocnondi .,
INGLATERRA Football Association) 1 . Aston, Roily, Bentley, Cockburn, Dickinson, Ditchburn, Eckersley, Finney, Hughes, Mannion, Matthews, Milburn, J. T. L. W. S. T. S, J. E. W. R. H. J. E. W. W. 2 . 3 . 4. 5. 6. r . 8 . 9. 10 . 11 12 . 13 , 14 . 15 . W. 16 . 17 . 18 . J. W. B. W. SUECIA 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . Amodei,
JUGOSLAVIA IFedemci6n (FutbalsIJ I 2 . 3 . 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10 . 11 , 12 . 13 . 14 . Bear . Babel, Broketa Cajkovski Swez Vladimir Stjepon Boxo Zeljko Jugoslovijel Aleksandor 1 2. 3. 4 . 5 . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . No 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . Alcalo, Alvarez, Benitez, Cono,
Soccer Inc .)
Cordob a Gome z
Association, 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5 . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . A.nnis, Bah ;, Borghi, Coombs, Craddock, DiOrio, Robert Walter Frank
Alanackov .c
Gregorio Hector
Annovozzi, Blason, Boniperli, Campotelli, Cappello, Coprile, Cosan, Fattori, Furiassi, Lorenzi, Magli, Moro,
Barajas, Guadalupe Velazque z Orti z Cubur u Luis Borboll a Montemozo ( Navarr o Casori n Roca
2. A. 3. 4 . 5. 6 . 7. 8 . E. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . )8 . 19 . 20 . 21 .
Ivano Giampiero Aldo Gino Emilio Riccardo Giuseppe Osvaldo Zeffiro Altillo Benito Augusto
Samuel los
Cajkovski Zlatko Colic Djojic Firm H... t Ralko Predrog Vladimir Ivan Miodrog
Galindo, Garcia, Gil,
Leonardo Antonio
Gorcialozo, Mario Gonzlez, Hernandez, Jimenez, Pineda, nande z Placentia, Rivera, Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Sanchez, Zarata, Zeller
Ervin Prvoslov
is .
16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . -O . " _1 22 .
Mrkusic Palf
Srdjan Tihomir
Antonio Antonio
Wol .nin, C .
Omero .
SUIA IAscociat:on Antenen, Bader, Beerli, 8akef, Bocquel, Corrodi, Fallon, Gy0a ., Fla 1 . , Hug, Kamen, L . . . n t ;, Neur Quinche, Rey, Kurt Walter Hans Schneiteq Suisse de Football of 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6. 7 . B. 9 . 10 . I1 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15, 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . IAsoc .oci6n Andrade, Brilos,
Fotboliforbundet) 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5 . 6. 7. 8.
d'Athl .tiso e ) I . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . Avalos, Baez, Bern, Enrique Mel .nio Angel Antonio Juan Sizla lorenzo Pablo Casiano Lopez Manuel Ahiund, Rodin, Goerd, Jeppson, Joensson, Johonsson, Lindberg, Monsson, Mellberg, Nilsson, Nilsson, Nardahl, Palm,, Rydell, 011e Suhe Ivan Ingvar Hans Egon Gunnar Torsten Arne Bror Erik Siellon Knut Ingvar Lennart Lennart Slig Karl Char :cs Rodrigue z Ren Walter Alfred Roger Eugen Olivier Jean-Pierre Julio
Avalos, Marciano
Gonzalez, Juan
Gonzalez, Matin s Martinez, M6spoh, Migue ., Moron, Ortuao, Paz, Perez, Pini, Rijo, Willia m Roque Omar Rabe . Washingto n G. O.
9 . I0 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 34. 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 .
Gonzalez, Alberto Gonzalez, Armando Leguizamon, Lopez, Osorio, Paredes, Seguier, Sosa, Atlio Hilarion Eliodoro Dario Victoriano
Aniba l Juli o Rodolf o Luis A. Corlo , Juan A. Eusebio R . Obdulio Ernest o Hector . J.
Unzain, Vargas,
Georges Jean .
19 -
eGieqawt ad Vzeeg.a qa ed
--n. . .15
. .
Stanley Rous, Walter Wnterboltom e Tom Whillocker, em cam ponhia do sr . Armando Borcelos, no Aeroporto do Goleo .
A bo-do do *fses,, em que viajo . a delegao italiano, o sr . Giovann i seau, cire,enta ao prof . Rejette Peixoto, do C 8 . D . e ornalistos , a Taa do Munda .
A A&kaac~em
asptos da
da COmiso de Arbitragem com os arbitras designados para o Campeonato mundial ; fuieboi e nn miniatura, que serviu poro esclarecimento dos instruees .
note-se a campo d e
Pelo l de 21 de Junho, ou sera, com a antecedencia de trs d i os d o inicia do turno final do Campeonato, re .n,so"e em conclave, nos soles d o Ginsticc. Portugus, do Rio de Janeiro, o Comiss6o de Arbitragem da FIFA . Tal sesso, presidido pelo sr . Giovanni Mauro (ltl :a) e que leve a assisti-l a os oros . Eecartin (Espanha), Delaunay (Franlo), Stanley Rouss (Inglaterra) e Castello Branco (Brasil) todos membros daquela Comsso contoa com a presento dos juizes designados pera funcionar na etapa decisivo do certame , Comporeceram reunido, os rbitros Beronek Alois (Austria), B . M . Griffith s (POs de Gales), Ram on Azcn (Espanha), Charles Delassale (Franco), Van de o Meer (Holanda), A . E . Ellis, R, J . Leafe e G . Reader (Inglaterra), Leo Lemesi k (lugoslvia), Codos Tejado (Mxico), G . M . Mitchell (EscLo), Vieira do Cost o (Portugol), Cunnar Dohlner e van Eklind (Suecia), lean Lutz (Suica), Marin o Estevez (Urugual e Mario Gardelli, Alberto do Goma Malcher e Mario Viann a (Brasil), alem de delegados de representales visitantes, elementos do cenri o esportive brasileiro e jornal .sios noclonais e esirangeires . Juslificou essa reunido-conjunto o propsito da Comisso de transmitir do s , referees instrulbes de carfer geral, visando o perfeito ciesenrolar das partido s que se aviznhavam, bem como esclarecer alguns disposlivcs dos regras de futebo l que vinham se prestando o diferentes interprelales, objetivando a P,dronizag6 o dos orbilro9ens, lanlo gvonto pouivel . Quante primeira porle, resolveu-se que tmente poderiam permanecer no s medioto- proximidades do 9romodo, quando p_r ocas :o das pugnas, um mdico , dais massogistas e o comissrio de Polic :o em servilo . Com retpeito es quesl6es lcn :ms, e essim, dirim :ndo ponto% dbios, su lienlOV-se que, no Pasdso, o empreg, de pes e m6os e possvel de pvnilbo , desde que a sharge (franco) no tejo aplicado =ombro a ombro :+ . Relofivamente co bloque, (slluac6o em que o adversrio pode ser atacado pelo s costa, e ol sem bora, no violenta, nem perigosaments), ressallou-se que o agent e da ,godo no pode ser punido, desde que, a criterio do u :z, os ogadores cm tufo estejam o umo dist6ncia da bala que nao se odmrla dvida quanto lo o ntenfO da mesmn agente, com tal diputa, favorecer determinado componheirc de equipe no passe do baldo, especiolmenle em se tratando do guardio 0 favorecid o Tambm e bloqueio no pode ser penalizado reallou-se quando 0 atleta o fzer com espirito claro e leo de apossor-se, em seguido, da bola . Conludo, fora de tempo, constilui se o bloqueio uma folta que, n, coso, dev e se : punido com a cobranla de tiro indirelo . Abordandose o franco co guarddo, subl;nhou-se que o guardio tamb m pode ser asediada, desde que ombro a ombro . sse ngulo da quest6o gerou , por sinal, de advertencia que o guardin estando com o tamo seguro nos m6a s a fende estas b0m levantados acimo da caberla, no oferece possibilidade d e ser trancado, Isla porque sev ombro se ocho fora de alcance correlo . Focolizando-se o epenally, flcou assenlado que quauquer das infrales qu e role resultam moliscl tambm a punil6o, se cometidas ens cima das linhas . Salienlou-se tal aspecto d :ante da ltima resoluto eco Conselho Infernocion0 l sbre o assunto . Por fim, recomeedreu-se dos juizes que observo~ a execuc6o dos arreme .sos lalefols, nos gvors o execvl,nle, devolvendo a bolo 0o granado por cim a de sua prpria cabello _ .,ando ambas as mozos, deve faz-los conservando o s dais pes prsos loo salo'
In Ih- morning of June 21st, as matter cf fact, three days before th e blginning of the final tournament of the world Championship, a meeting was hel d on the premises of the :Club GinasGco Portugus :., of Rio de Janeiro, by th e Referee Committee of the F . I,F,A . This meeting was presided by Mr . Giovanni Maur, (Italy) having as assistants , Mesrs Escortin (Spain), Delounay (France), Stanley Rous (England) and Costell o 8rance, (Brasil) all of them n'.e,bevs o1 the referred Committee All th e referee. appointed to function on the final stage of the completion were present . Besides the referees Beranek Alois (Austria(, B . M . Griffiths (Scotland) , Raman Azcn (Spain), Charles Delassale (France), Van der Meer (Holland), A . E . Ellis, R . J . Leafe and G . Reader (England), Leo Lemesik (lugaslvio), Carlo s Tejada (Mezicol, G . M . Mitchell (Wales), Vieira do Costa (Portugal), Gunna r Dahlner and Ivan Eklind (Sweden), Jean Lutz (Switzerland), Marino Estevez (Uruguay), and Mario Gardelli, Alberto do Game, Matcher and Mario Vianna (Brasil ) were present to that meeting the Delegates of the Countries involved, representative s of the Brosilion Sporting scenery and press men also Brazilian and Foreign . This. join . meeting was called by the Committee to transmit to the referee s instructions of general character diming to lead the forthcoming games to a perfec t development, as well as to elucidate some requirements of the fact-boll rule s which were beeing subject to different interpretations, objectivoling as much a s possible the standardisation of the refereeing . With reference to the first part, it was decided that only a doctor, tw o masseurs, and the Police representative, coud remain on the v :cnily of the field , during the marches . Regarding the technlcnl questions, and so, reconciling some dubious points , it was emphasized that on the besiege, the engagement of feet and hands i s liable to punishment, since the charge would not be appLcd shoulder agains t shoulder . Regarding the blokode, in o situation where the Opp-nent can b e attacked by the back, even without ball, nor violently or dangerously, it wa s emphasized that the agent cannot be punished, since, to the criter ;um of th e referee, the players engaged are at a distance from the ball that would not admi t any doubt as the intention et the some agent would be to favour a specifye d player of the team on the possession of the ball, spec ally if the favoured on e s the goal keeper . The btekade cannot either be punished was pointed out when th e player acts with loyalty and clear mind to gel hold Of the ball, Nevertheles s Out of time, the blokode was pointed out to be o foul, which in that case mus t be punished with the free ind'aect shot . With reference to the goo' .-keeper blow, it was emphasized that this playe r can also be besieged but only shoulder against shoulder . This angle of the question generated, as a matter of fact, the remark that if the keeper is holdin g the boll with the hands raised above his head, he cannot be besieged, and that' s because his shoulder is out of the correct reach . Referring Ic the penalty is was decided that any of the infraction givin g way to if, will lead to a punishment if they are perpretoded over the lines , Furthermore, such aspect of the question was pointed out before the last resolutio n of the International Council on the matter . Finally, it was recommended to the referees to observe the performance o f the lateral shots, in which the player, returning the ball to the field over hi s own head and using bath hands, must do it, with both feet grasped to the ground ,
A! ~
B . N . Griffiths , P, de Gales
1 1
Mono Vioao , Brasi l Jean Lutz , sik .
25. '
Coyetanc dc Nicola , Parajua i . 1 .
.~ Mono
~ ~
Js ,
:ya m
' Or
I, - - .
, e'.
P .M .90 1
- -- -
I '1 ^
C : r aneck
t .lms ,
do Esuorle
Sr . Lu . Aronh . Tenente Brigodeiro Armando Trompowski P- Judo Lira Filh o guiados
Lnf lodos as cantos da minia ci n, aus punhados, houi . n s 1) lo s'od'a descjo de colaborar para o cur/rartlr inni illo d . r sua pdiria . dedicriA>-sc ao nrr'iumnfo espo'limo . Sii(> bailen yne , vnnil ~ :r mrzrs, as,sorberbodos palos afazerts parlicalzncs, ncm pciriss ; , dei .ran dr encontrar !t nipo para dedicar tiri chtbe oli F,Wera(o . . . so Iranters quc nuil tis m^zcs r.rglicclu d si nuesinos, de saus inticil sses a dos seas ataoncnios d lazo, nanna verdadrira rtn ciao eni bercficio do esportc . So borucas que, clev rados ao inais alto s pslos, ntsftm shas mistas moltadas para o esportc, anisados e estirnu(ewda os salis rcalizadares coni o ser ti apoio pronto r colu sidslie'a . Scio os lrabalhadorts annbuos do esportc . alas liaballkrdo'es ar-iuifuos do espo rtc brasilciro . a C .B .LJ . rende a sua honrenaycrn ila nen('ao de tra nones : Lieiz Ararlia . biro Lira Filho, Rriyadeiro Arniondo Tronpineski . Sdo !re's rone s citjos portadores, pela amito que leiu feito pelos esporles liti Brasil fil se loruarant grandes creri l O sr . Liti- Arotlm, ti frente da Coafedera('o Brasileira d e Desporlos dedicaci o molhor dos se'us esfor ( os eli prol da corgracaniciito das entidades brasileiros c consolido a o presliyio da Confpdera( tio ila estranyeiro ; o dr . loo Lira Lilho, altra de creado da lgislaedo ,sportirv oficial do Brasil, inp:s-sc pelo lnilho d . , urna irtry~bacia inmalgar c pela solicitud con iii, seunpre alead ^ r aos iuhress~s do esportc, c o Tcm'nte-Brigadeiro Arruando Trorit povrski, llirristro da Acroitdulica cnprestoni .sempre ds realizacr"i s das nldadts brasilcoas eneorajad_irti e neslim vel coopera (iio .
trii nones do
: -;a of the our/d thrr "-lists a ballt of roca guided r rill rw r Nee licol/he desire lo cooperate 7uvrards N :, . b , t!'rannf of their coitrirY . dedicating lhensi* 771r, ar e , rs lo the Ganse of sports . nies, most of Nec tuer, engrdfed by llocir primate affairs, nmrtaeless, find tinte to podak of Nicir club or Federation ' s affairs , ctrl' often forget tiro- irltcrast and personal confort on behalf o f spori, aflen occul;yny hilih posts hi life, vet naiultrn their interes t in sport, helpirg and cncou'ayiny viith thei r enlbnsiasm and read y h?Iping hand iliosr mo re dircrtae iii chnrye . Thcv are liti, anoipnoli s wolki , rs of sport .
brasilrilro .
gu a
lizas a narnrosa c srilida fanWia que so os Irabalbador , .s ninos (lo - S1 .011c no lfnisil .
To the airouynous v, ,orkrrs of the Brazilian sport . 1e C. B . D . s to render honfaye lu thr ee nomes : Luiz .lrwa6a, doo Lvro Filho surd /,rigudeiro .armando Troinpnaski . TI.,c,v m' threc nec to :, ,lannn floc IJrazilior . sport aces ti yreat deal. Mr . Luiz Artnlia . al the head of the ` (oufedera(o Brasileir a di, /Jesparlos has -,corked tirelessly+ f(ncards the govdveill Hmong th e softies in Broil and corsolidatcd !bc prestige of the C' orfe derafon abroad . Di . low, 1-rra Filho, president of the National Cou'ril of Spots , or Brazil, apart froc Heir,/ flic originator of Nile sports official ler'islaliou of Brazil, has alvrur,e sh(rw n by his i )1 telyrncc and Solicitude rvieti he (d-wars game io flee rlerst of sport an d 1tri-adeii(1 Ariiiawh3 TrtnnpoWSki, i>linistrr of Ak'rmlaHtirs, ha s uh,.ata yir :'n lais f ie l l support to al rcalizoiois taken ifp by the differrni entities of Brazil. D ;--v ore thr ee arums of lite lirazilis: sport, .rich stol brilize th e nnnerous and solid fanil- of the anoa :rnoas aorL<v's of tide Bra _iliiin sport .
A Candidatura
do Brasil ao IV Cambioa Barrios . a seguir, fai ter una entrevist a com o Consul Uruguao, sr. Dupuy, membro do Diretoriu da F . 1 . F . A . co. . de legado da Confederajdo Sulamericona d e Futebol, do que resultou posteriormente , ero pleno Congresso, a declarajao d e que radas os Federacdes da Amr'co d o 5 .1 apoici~ a condidotura brasileira . Celio de Barros e Saturo Cosm e puzerom-se, entao, a Irabolhar junto a varias delegajes eslrangeiros e obtive . com numerosos e voliosos adeses, completando, osem com sucesso o raref a iniciada . Essa los a verdadera origen d a escolho do Brasil paro a sde d o IV " Campeonato Mundial de Futebol, er o disputa do trofeo aJules RimettiRe gressando da Europo, o sr. de Celio Borros enconfrou criticas de opositores suo id ., mas encontrou tambm mediolo e decidido oppio do porte d o dr . Luz Aronha, entao Presidente d o C .B .D . E baje todos os esportistos do Brasi l reconhecem o grande servito prestado pelo sr. Celio de Borros, cuja idia e espirito realizador proporcionaram a grand e e inesci lvel testo de cordialidad . internocionol que fe o Tot . "Jales Rimen , de 1950, realizada no Brasil .
Mexico, 0
Carbaia l
Zelter - Montemayo r
Ruiz Septin
Ochoa -
Roc a
Grffths (P . Gales )
Brasil, 1 - 0 .
Balthazar gives the k ck -oit sendin g the hall to .Adeniir ishu passes it i o fair . 'h he Brazil .au inside-Icit passe s back tu .-ktlgusto -\chu kicked it tutcard s the area ; brit Zetter sates the situan : m by truwing die ball across the side lutes . Tho Brazilians insist on the attac k iacilitaded I .t Lite opponents who, in th e first mucements, ,tars in expectatlre . However, the McX .cans becam e gradualk better arid, at the 10th mi nute the-\ torce Barbosa tu a defence , for the irst tille . Lly takes the ball truut A - elazgnez , who has recei-\ed it troll a change u t passes betiteell Septin and Casarin , .cod, attempts io Carbajahs goal . ja w imalrr-e, the attack putting the bal l uut,idc Alter a cur li er-kick ceded h-\ Atigusto, the Brazilians acltance again . Danil et give the ball tu _lair itho chan ges passes isali :Adentir . Finali-\, jai r shots the ball across the goal area . Carbajal and Balthazar jttmp, hut, ne i-erduless, The ball Bues tu :Adetni r who . exact-\ ou the 301A ntiuute score s the first goal . BR_ SIL 1 _-0 . _Alternativ, attacks sueced until th e cnd of the first halt-time .
First 1)a-iilo, aftcrlt-ard, Alaneca :co d lair attacks to the Mexican gotta . \fini ca i, o-\erthroirn az 10 tar (1 , of the area ' s limit . He hiniseli kick s the hull, but against the crossbar . "hhe game guts on . the .Mexican , un the attack . The Hraziliatu corn e down . fastly, and :Adernir shouts rreepiqg . Frima . `ntentnes and shout th e hall . whic 'a n oche, thz crosbar ;cu l goes riot . vt the 9th minute, (- " asarin !usas : t good ,I . ,rttutitl, fi nsrrating a possibl e draie . Sd,t' 11 takes a direct free kic k iron. it toril troll Higodc in 0l-Cz, bu t Barbosa pratice a scie defence . 1'ani 10 ad-\anccs and, near th e area, passe, the ball tu ja ; r who ai the 20 th nvc :ae . :cores the second
goal . BI: .ASII . 2 -t1 . \lanecit takes a cornet kirk . an d lalthazar, itith his head, increase th e :core at the 26th ntinttte . BR .\SII . 3-0 . - hhe actions egnal, ttlitil th e lo_al te :mt begtin tu attack more . lair , . sends the hall t o troll the left m,1% ,dens who iiui,hes the core tu th e . 7 Ath minute . R1 : .\till . 4-0 . Th i Muxictms tried, without suces, . : take the zero off the ,cure . Casa t commands an excellent attack an d i, ii i rames tu Velasgnez wilo shunts dattg er sh,, call Itg l'arbosa io dificul t :I : fence . Under equal actions, the gante goe s u, il, end . At the 3 -I th ntinttte . Car halal, g ;ndetnanit helps Maticca wh o te!- brriised .
1 I :ALF
- hIAIp:
J -. a - %) ."
.wr p
Casarin reccites the ball and trie s to passe_ hi jlti'etlal . immc (1 atlt, th e Brazilians forces the oppusin_ goal .
Italia, 2
$enfmenli ; Giovanini
Ferossi ;
Mogli ; CamPafelli
Ic) .
25-6-195 0
Eslad ;o ~WP.(
P .c~ he ,
Pa~l o 1 .483,550,0 0
Mvccinelli - Caropelese.
Calarlo rit i1 aida . l,eiil Italia . 1 ~~,o a st, air ,~~ itahiL1) -, ai'Inanl n pri mcira carita . turnada sels ef,nn pil a interrcn~o se,urt de Erik ilrsnll, iomaub il prkna de \luccincl . Remica m us snerfs r 1eppssml nu i htenl nlelhu r resultad, - an luulr cons farola . :Aus 3 minoro, I ;niliprrt atira iur a m1m lasse d- Capella . guando dcsirtltaca de pnvilr,iztda situai; :~u . ln+ minuto dcpnis l 'almer aircntata de iur a da :irla : clitlte nao larte mm to forte , I11a5 (r .ma111111 t Funassl IIC:Uall ) 111 decisn> . o mrsmu >ucedenda a Scntimenti ; I lal:;tndu pur todos trs, a bol a baten no trac,ssan , 7 minul , s, lioniperi recebe de \n , vazzi na lnha dicisria r : :t ea para Capella ; driblandu I.rik Xlhwn, n cumandaute dl, ataque italiano arrematnu : Sccnss , ni deicndcu . porcnt mAtuu il bula , que, rebatirla por CaraprI, ,e fui te r ao inudn das rides . 1'11 .\I .I .\, 1-( . Irae "gtilI ' alerta ~ .s snivu ;, I : : c imieiam ,CPrra railSau . l nnlltdn, rncrmtram os italiano; rlispuaus luta, parlindo, d -tcs, airada . a inicial :cai dms ataques . :Ans I5 minuto', 13ouperti deua iu,iinutra ,rantle octsio de marcar . l' , c ;siYaani ,, ; rscandinac,1s vom mais vivacidadc . 20 minutos, Sk o ~,ltm d i onduz a pelota l ,,la esquerda e dribla :Auucazzi . que t'.cra n-mar barri-I ( : c m sc.:uida . 1as.ou a 1e1p,mm : este luto u vont farola e, depuis ele cens-lu . dericon para a "nleia, chetando ceni nmit a t )F0 : Sentintenti lan(zot1-z' q Ua / ;irlo r o empate stu'giu . 1'_nynite 1-1 . -Ammaram-sr os suecos . luntinua m na n';cnsira . dando 1, rawIc trahallm, itali .ula . .Aos 30 minutos Sko ,lun~ 1 imiltruu-~ , at a tinta de fmndn(
rente a licha . crimm Icppsenit se enruntrac a co'.ncadn, nias Lllhotl . Magli . . :1 i rt bata1 . e a bola foi ter au lndi o Altdet mm . (lite cinha almiar : sein est er :n- que o cauro cl1Cgasse au chao . chntou t- nlrnt :unrnte, culhemdu Senti ment desprevenido . SUECIA 2-1 . l'sse tenle I rci,cupon lis italianos , ,i tte se projetaram cm Lasca do empate . Ans 34 ntinutus Capello pertleti boa ncasiao para tA . succd -lido o inesnto a ' lu_cincli aos ~2 . Segundo temp o Como tlo 1,1imeiro tempo . ny mi ,'lit(" ittit'is dit t!linia fase pertenee m ans italianos, que s ; atirant .t luta con i d spl,mgio . I:ietuam ahmnas peri"r0sa e tentativas, ma ; ', -cnssnn est preparad o e aos ? miraos defemde trot arremate d e l arq~elrsce . que fintara Samuels>nn .
A resposta rios smcos nu se faz esperar . Aos 7 minutos, S ti ndgvist mocinlenta Palmer dentro da rea : o "nleia " dit trs passas mas . no instante precis o do chute, intervei ,, o keeper Senementi . 1ovalnente forjando, os italiano s quase em,aullrt aos p minutos : Alucciurli invade a rca, pornt obstado po r Svcnss,m . que e arroja sobre le e deteni a pelota . 23 ntinutus . Puriassi nu detem Sundgcist, que passa Inngo a Palmer, completa o "nteia" e Sentimenti salv a l :arcialntente : na recarga leppson apa nha a lela e marca mais um rento . SL' LC L-1 3-l . Sete minutos depuis os italianos dimintliam a (Mcrena por intermedia d e M uccineh . L nu mais foi mocinxntad u o nlarcador . SI TGA . 3-2 .
ffic"en ;o
S u e C I d, 3
Svenson ;
(c) ;
Jeppsson, Skoglund
Slela n
Nilsson .
(5uio )
Teiodo (Mexico )
1 .'
lempo, Sucio . 2- 1
(2) -
Anderson .
Cal :dLr . Italy . gite the initial kickoit . I nunetliatelc the Italians go dte attac k lrtlstrated by Frik Nilsson, ivlto stoltped \luccinelli . The Sttecle, counter attack and leppsson meet, the sam e fate \k- li en challenged 1v Parola . With 3 minutes plat lionipert i shoot wide niter receiving tronc Capell o and himself ma, in magnificent situation for scoring . One nuntlt2 affter , Paluter front outside The area shoot s high, not strongly, the ball passes b y Giovanini . Furia,si and Sentimenti an d hits the crusbar, these three player s showing indecision nearlv perntiting a goal to be scored . \\ - hen 7 minutes elapsed lionipert i receives from Annovazi in the cente r of the tield and passes to Capello wh o avoids Eril< Nilsson and shoots . Sucnsso u intercept, the ball but dropped it ; Carap, , llene on the run places the ball int o . 1 O. the foal . ITALY Th i ; ,,,al sertes as a warning t o the tiwecles who start attacking, mor e uigoruu,l y , h9wever, the Italians ar e on the alert and still keeps on the offensive After 15 tnintites play onipert i loses a chance when ill a go~ , rl position . Now the Swedish start t9 pressur e 911 the Italian defense and skoglnn d a?-oids Amtovazzi who tried to intercep t hint . pas- t9 leppsson w'm dribbles Parnla, and closing 9 n the right, ahuut, nu t vert, strongly : sentimenti threw himsel f on the ball but was true late . DRA W 11 . After titis the Swedes attackin g sig the Italian defens e continuoslc . ri , hard work . With the game 3 0 miutes old skogluind got through th e goal line and centered . leppSSOtt ill a
ek ald t1 c 1r,9r1 position taiLd : Magli Iz:ed ball wetn bill y tu the half Amler,sun , wh9 hart advanced to support th e attack . \vithont waititt<, for the ball t9 touch the gromtd > : .ot viulenty . catebin ; Sent]nutti tntall_c tlnawa c . S\V -DE`. 2I . 1921 gives the Italians 2 shakin g and tlin 119 all 0-11 1411 the dra p - T%V u oppurttmi[ies e[u .t ., ,ne to Capello wh . u 3-S minute, bad cial sed tr9nt the star t of the game and to \luccinelli a t the 4201 in iii- r, both wasted . SF( OND II .\LF TIMI :
mzatcd main and atter minutes pht y nmtdyvi,t ),asses to Palmer inside th e area, takes three step, and when he i s go ttg to . ' i o t ,o t Sentimenti throws himsel f c.t his tec-t saving a sure goal . Agam attacking, the Italians nearly' draw at the ( ;th minute ni play when \luccinelli absolutely alone inside the ar_a i, stopp_d by Svettssou . GXactly 23 ntintnes iron the hegiuing of the second hali Fttri :as i s unable to detain Sundquist, who pasta io Palmer who shoots : Sentiment i dCiemis but lets 1 curd leppsson , tm the run, consigns tllf 3r1 goa l for Sweden . S\CEDEN 3 - I . 7 mimtte, after the Italians obtai n of the Italians the scoring i, not altered until the end of the game . tiWEDE N 3 2.
in the first half tone the initia l milite, belonged to the ltaliall,,, who d o the impossible to draw, but Siens alert . i, The Swedes gradualk get re , r , a-
semi-(inn i,;
Williom s ; Ramsay e Aston ; Billy, Wright (q, Hughes e Dickinson ;
25-6-195 0
Estonia Municipal do Moracan6 , Rio de Janeir o Rend .,
976,197,0 0
( ;anhant a salda ~,~ chileno : ; R,bled , ,erre Cremaschi, que :a raza a irti quet : C'aryall,, adianta-se at a mctade d , c :nI, e secche cIo svvi cnmp:mheit, , I :ut :mdo . em seguida, p;tra Robledo : .A,um intenem, imis,l nd, o pr,I , re . . 0 d, ataque, rebate torte procurando wicltsen . que se deixa desarenar por AI rarc'z . I,g, egn libi ado a, : g minutos . Congnatm- ns ingleses cyidellciem ntai,r r, lunie de a,za, dentro do grani . do . sa o igualados pelas andino ; pelo cnntvavu n a,nt tete se empre-ain . 12 minutos . Carvallo apoia di didamente a oiensiya . F.litrega adiantad o a Diaz que tentando driblar Ramsay , perde o controle (la pelota . Responden i o, I,riidmios por ilrermdio do Centroarapte l ;llltley . que I ;as,a t l FinnC '\ ]P t exiitma direiut ; o ponlciro se liyra d a I,t r,cgui~ :u, de Faria, e passa a Mali ]li ' -il que chata : 1 ;1ts 1 lue 1 e c,l,ca entre ile e a nieta, eyitand, ltt c clit1;:tsse at o " 1o:d " . P(ulCo a pollo, (,s ingleses volo do minando . )a auuam n,istentemente . ,bietiyaudo a yantagcnl . An : 22 minuto,
e,t .ylralrl na inliuinria tl . :dcan~-la . Gill~ AV" rigLt unldttvtt a Lola desde a snz, linha mdia, ntandando -a a Itentley : (Iii tntad_t (la pequtna rea ali i, m c,nl ri, .linria, porcin I-ixiigst<)ie , Le:n colocado . de, ; iott para "cunter " r mner cohrott c Roldan afasto u dc cabe(: a . ,vg,t sio o,a chiltnn, que pressionani . Cretnaschi est recuado e proema seryr l uhledo, s yertmtente ntarcado ptu- Aston : ao ensai ar o " dribling " faciliton o techasw, th, zagnr}, ingls . 27 minutos, Billy A V- right lan4 a Vltdler, no habitual jogo pelas punta> : o eert , ~ sai cruzado, caindo a pelota n o meio da rca : l .iyingstone aLaud,na a edadela para intereeptar a trajetria d o "bal :w ' : Roldan falha e Mortensen . entrando de mo lo tulminarrte, rabeccia co m i '.t, . \ 1-0 . Reagem os chilenos . NiaVanes apro ye ta , ad :antamc'uto de Iii11 k \ \ right e c,ttscguc cnci :v u l~.asse a ' 1<,bledo ; ohscrcado (le prto por .Aston, centra bara Jtuoz . unto linha da .trea : I tu g hes .ai ao eu encalo e comet e "fonl ` : C "aryallo encarregado da co -
brauta e . com violento pelotago venc e \\illiams : entretanto . a bola se choc a contra o tracessao, subindo . Apos momentos diticeis para o arc o de Livingstone, o rbitro d por terntinctcl, o pritne ;ro o pritel eiro teuzpo .
2" "l EM P O Assiti que rentley reinicia o prli o os ingleses retomara a iniciativa das ma nobras . Aos 3 amemos \Iorteiiseii desperctira boa jogada de Fittney, cujos acano s causarti sempre srios eutbaraos reta guarda andina, Agora Livingstone que m se arroja aos ps de Pcialev para sosta r a arancada que talyez tedundaria er a "goal " Certa o ataque ingls . 1Iortense n incursiona at o limite da rea . passand o a Finney : coni detas cortadas o extrema bate Farias e, quando tenlos espetayar n o tiro meta, atrazott a Jlannion, que , de curta distancia e coni o arco sua disposiqo . assinalmi, o tento . 6 tviuntos , ISGL .ATI?RRA 2-0 . Garantidos resse marcador es britnicos ettidaram to sortente de conservalo, at o final cla partirla .
_ ..
30 -
(c) ;
Roldan ;
Carvallo ;
Robledo, Mu .z e Dio . .
Mario Gardelll
(8,051 ! 1- 0
l hile wins the t(,s, . Rohledo passes to Crentaschi who serve s Bosquet . Carvallo goes forward to ahout ntid field where he receives the hall. Massing tt, Ro bledo ; _A,toll intercepts stoppin g the comhinati-m and kicks long t o Mortensen who is intercepted b y Alvarez . The gantes i, equilibrated durin g first 8 minutes : Ivugland how ever slimming mure initiative, an d the Chilean, cmerng some lac k of technique by their enthusiasm . .-after 12 minute, of plain Car Naito goes forward and passes t o Diaz who thies to drible Ramsa y but loses . Fagland goes to the charge hm Bentlem passing to Finney on the right wing, who avoid, and passes to Mannio n who shoots . Bosquet avoid, th e sure goal .
Sloa-l- the Fugh,h dominat , the opponents inviting more often, after 22 minutes them nearl y obtained a goal . ltilly Wrigh t took the hall from his own hal f line passing to Bentley who invaded the small area shootin g violently, but Liminsglone wel l placed defended sending to corner . Pin)ev look the comer-kick an d Roldan defended, by heading
off .
mise: and 111,1 tettsen -oes stuaril - in to head into goal VN ( . _AND 1 -0 . Che Chidzan ., react . \l aman , gets away iront dully \\ right an d hanse, to Rohledo vi ho passes t o Munoz avoiding .-\,ton ; near th-11 oal line Hnghe, tries to intercep t and foul . : Carmallo takes th e I~eaaltm ,:uttring violently : Williams mises huit the hall hits th e cri bar . After some more dfficult tint e for Livingstone ' ., goal t-,-r, it hal f time ends . '; ICOSC) 11A111.- TIM E
nom a girod l'a L .; Finne y whose , are altvav, cau,es panic to the oppoIIcros defense . \ rush by Bentl'm i, saved by Livingston ' who throws himsel f at his feet to avoid a certai n goal . The English forward, close in . \lorten,en get, to the side of th e big area lasses to Finney wit h sharps drille, avoids Farias an d whets every-bod h y expected th e shot in goal . Pinney passe, bac k to Matution, who, well place d obtains the second goal after 6 minutes play . lAGI . :ASll 20 . \Grit this score the Englis h played nn with the mai n teatri lea of keeping it up, giving th e lalblie a technical exibition o f good foot-ball, till the end of th e half-time .
Now the lhilean, go to th e attack . Cremaschi trie, to serv e Rohledo who is semerek marke d by Aston who disarms him . Not the 27th mimtte Bil h \V * right passes to Mulle_v, th e usual cnglish style of play b y the wings ; the ball is centere d to the middle of the goal-area . Livingstone leave, the goal to intercept the crass k i ck Roldan
Bentlec gimc, the kick-off . En gland fines to the attack an d with three minutes of play Mor tensen loses gnrtd opportullitm
s( nn - fi nnis
Espanha, 3
3'f' .' T .' v` !
~ ~
Eizaguirre ;
. .. .'s5_ ..'
~r:.. Gonzalvo
Boss :
Antunes ;
25-b-195 0
Dorival de Brit o Curitiba Paran a
398,320,0 0
z "" ,
Iohtl Sotiza d micio ao cotejo, enu-egau(lu lateral mente a Wolamim Heinandez vai s~~hrr ile e consegu e desatina-lo . tentando organizar a ]rrimeira investida espanhola . Corta \Icllvenny, largando mn tiro longo para Wallace, que dexa a pelota perde'-se pela linha de irrido . At o 5 :' minuto s dois quadios no se articttlaran l belli . Ilassora arranca pelo settr direito e nn moment o dir passe detidn por Ataca ; retoma Gonzalvo li, man dando a Z " ana, que leca a pior no duelo de cabe <Z a co n
Colombo .
lvpion, cumprimento
efe s
1 .:,
4* % ~ ^ ~
defends sob
Demonstrap os ibricos intenso nercosisnt0 . A zaga Alonso-Antunes no se entende, criando ,iruagCe s difces para o Igoleiro Fizagu ; rrc . que tantbent no parece firme . Disto se aproveita p (,s norteamericanos par a atacar con mais constncia, invariavelncente comanda dos por lohn Souza . ?\urna avanzada (le P,ahr, G(nczaRci 1Il comet e "tout Bali- cobra alto ria dire~o ila rea, porem Ali times alivia . 17 minutos . Wolapin recebo de Colombo e caminh a rpido, passando a lohn Souza dentro da rea ; o chute sai violento para o arco, batendo, contudo, rias perlas de Alonso ; a hola vai at Cradffi,ck . qne lotto atira ; Eizaguirre salta e, fallando, deixa que a hola corra po r dcbaixo do seu corpo . ESTADOS UNIDOS 1-0 . Este "goal" descontr0la os espanhis, que ceden terreno . O doinnio (los norteamericanos se acentita . Aos 25 minutos Wolamin (piase assinala nutro tento , valendcT-se de um " coeltiW' (lo mdio Gonzalvo 11 : n o ('nlltiito . Elzaggll" 1- e e9lav'a atento f' segnr011 . A culta de entes ; asno os avante., ibricos procurata igualar a eontagem, realizando algumas incursGes peri osas . A defeca contrria, beli arpada, desfaz toda s as trancas . FI . com os norteamericanos sempre melltores , mierra-se o perodo . ** x Afim de disputar a etapa complementar os espauh6is retornara coni mais entendimento nas sitas divelyas linfas . Nao obstante, o predominio dos norte americanos se faz sentir at o 15" minuto, instante en qne 101111 Sotlza . serv ; ndo etti condi~es de marcar, foi barrado por Antunes . que ceden o escanteo ; Marian i executou, seni resultado concreto . Dai por dante os ibricos equilbraram a pugna . Comc~attt a explorar con assiduidade os pontos vulnerceis (la retaguarda a(lersria . Aos 20 minutos j alcanFain vantagem territorial, cercando os defensore s norteamericanos en seti prprio campo . Hernandez combina cum Bassora e investe anno airea . Ali chegando, envia a bola Zarra, que controla , dribla o seti marcador 'laca e vence Borghi colti uni arremate forte e colocado aos 25 tunutos . Empate . 1-1 . animados pelo {cito os eepnhis procurara tira r partirlo da situa~o, conquistando novos sucessos antes que os norteamericanos se refaam da surpresa . Aos 28 ncinutos Iga recebe de Gainza ; corre clere . em novimento, chuta de maneira indefensvel para Borghi . ESPANHA 2-1 . Anitnam-se os espanhis e aos 36 minutos Bassora , rece be ndo a pelota que viera de Zarra, coloca-a no fund o (las rdes . ESPANHA 3-1 .
Est .
Borghi ;
~ ~-~~
RHeli i
Moc a
Auxiliares, Vieira
Craddock .
lutin Souza kicks-off passing i o \\ ' olamin, Hernandez gets the ball tryin g to start an offensive for Spaflt, intercepted bh \Icllyeny who shouts lung t \\ allace who lets the ball go ont -
With great enthusiasm thr ~) :ur h im . wards U,- tu elptilize Lin th ; _AIncricans are alert, and the first val t fini +hc < with the American ., inuch better . SIC(1N Il I-I .\LP
Tl NI F.
.After 3~ mnute ; Ilernaolez pa( i< . Cassur:I tcho rushc> n~ the 1 p 111- nent s gpaases to / .arra who drihle~ Mazz a and beat ., Rorghy DRAW 1 - - I . I:ncourcv,ed by draie [hz Spanish fin all out fur the thinning final, befor e the .Americans r .m recover trout thei r surpridc . AV- hen the .top uhatelt was shnwing. 8 ntinut<s plate . Igoa receives wel l forward and passes to Gainza who rum s and shoots . SPAIN ? I .
More at home now after the secon d final ants after .ifs minutes plat- Igoa , again, reccic :d iron Zarra . :md nhtain s the 3rt1 and last goal . SPAIN 3 I .
Daring the first ; infantes bat h teams are snstchat uncertain iu thei r ganse . Passos rushes down b) the righ t but is intercepted at the montent o f passing liv Slaca : Gonzalyu It gets th e ball and passes to Zarra who is flttercepted by Mcllyettnv . The Spanish are showing great neryuu ., ness iu their movements . The Lack s :Alonso anti AlItnnes do not tmderstan d each other, provoking often serious situations for their keeper, hizagt rre wh o dues not appear to be very firm . :Al l these facts are taken advantage bh th e :Americans who are attaching more uften , john Souza . appearing well in all advances . During a rash by Rater, GOttzalco II foals defended by .Antmles . Aiter 17 ntinutcs of pla"N- \Vula"'i n receives tru "' Colombo and sets oi f pat .,~ : itg to john S ouza inside the bi g area who shoots violently : the ball hit s _Uonzo ' s leg and goes to Pariani typ o shouts rapidly : Fiza , ~ttirie jumps an d misses . CS_\ 1 0 . This goal upsets the Spanish team . 'iyim', the opporttmity to the -American s to attack still more Fight minutes afte r the goal AV ' olamitl nearly increase ; th e score . after an indecision of the hal f Gonzak,, II but Uizag,uirre saved .
Return the Spanish team articula led . Ilntyeher the :Americans keep u p their advances tip the 15th minute tche n IIIhu Souza receives the hall and i s well placed to shoot but by ty :11 intercepted bp ,\atones putting the hall to corner , Par :aw takes the corner withnnt effect . Note the Spanish equilibrate action s forcing due _Americans tu plate on thei r own "niants .
Eizaguirre, acossodo
momento dificil
Mrkusi q Horvat e Stankovi 4 e Djajl q e Coikovskl, Jovanavic Ogianov, Mitic (c), Tomoseviq Bobek
Vakas .
25-6-195 0
Estadio Independencia , Bel : Horizonte, Minos Gerai s Renda, C,$
232,750,0 0
G al
.Aos primeirns mncimentu ., ja e porle untar q[1_. se dtpa ^ rail ruin a(Iverst-io hcm armado . dspostu a traca :- grande combate . 0, sttipos, ad,dalldo rgido sistema deettsivu , ent (lite os ntcias, sobret ti du, agem bas tante remados cm auxilio da rctaguarda . dificultara o proposito dos balcanicos , que n de levitar . Irgo ras a~bes iniciais . inaugurar o marcador . Contalo (, afa do antagottsta, cr a seus momeutus de maior agres .sividadc , os helvtico ., evoluent mJ granado e, ento, equilibran[ a partida, antes at d e se atingir a ntetade la printeira fase . Del' .is, mais senitores da ligia, o s stti~os, ]amando os ponteiros conseguet n abalar a seguranca da dcfcsa amtrSr ; a , obrigan d o o aniticiro AIrkusic a pratica r seg uras imcrvcnites . igor:t, atemos t aigil5ncia ele Ili ckel e Patron . os dois extremas da Suma . os iugoslavo,, reagindo, voltar a igualar as alsies . Organizan vrias incurscs ao ltimo ceduto optmente . mas a firmeza de Neuro, Bouquet e Ouinrhe , principalmente, impedent que o guardia o Stuber ceja empenbadu cm lances perigosos para a sua meta . Sincronizados perfcitamente com a retaguarda, gra(z aa, untrianentc, ao traballio rivi, "meias" ;Antenen e Radder , os dianteiros retrucara rpiclantente e ass ; nt . sse diapasu de ataques e contra-ataques . o panorama final do s primeiro,s quarenta e ciuco minutos, qu e terminan seni abertura (la coniagem .
1 I :AI P( ) \ ~dta q rrjirescnta<an da Ittgnslavi a assediar incessautemcnte a cidadela el e Stuber . tal qual procediera no inicio d a etapa primitiva . Entretanto, tambm a de fesa dos licbticos, sempre rutti o padrao j observado, resiste galhardamente pressao contraria . Uecorridos, pornt, 15, os iugoslavos, etti ocasiao que o conjuntu adv-ersrio afrouxntt a marca~ao, lugraram assinalar u tento n ." I para as cuas cores . Mitic, recebendo de Tontasevic, coloco u a Iwalao ras rdcs de Stuber . fugoslavia 1-0. O frito dn " in -sider " adritic o descontrolou bastante a equipe suma . Densa desurienta~ao . veio a nascer, de z ni natos apr,s, o segando goal- da lugusi wa - fuma,n ie , avis 25 ' . servido por
Bobek, eleva . (le cabeca, c . "placard " . Iugoslavia, 2-0 . 1 lersistindo, cada vez mais . ila ofensiva, no (lile alis facilitado lelo desalento do bando contrriu, novo ponto e . pur sinal, o ltimo conquistado pelo s balcnicos . O extrettta direita Ogjanov , era jugada pessoal, cela cm 3-0 a vit>ri a de seti selecicmado- quando transcorria 30 ' clo tempo complementar . higoslavia, 3-0 . Coni o triunfo prticamente garantido, os iugoslavos dimimtem o " traivi " de j o que vinham desencolvendo . Ist o permite que t, "orze " cla Suiga force as ltimas linhas contrrias, visando , dentarte, quebrar a incolumidade du arco de \Irkusic . Entretanto . nada conseguent e, assin t termina o prlio, acusando o marcado r 3-0 pr lugoslvia,
i ; a,
9 .1,v ;
Newry e Boucquet ; Luzenti, Eggman e Ouinche ; Blckel (c), Antenen, Tamini, Badder e
Faltan .
Arbitre --
G . Golealli
(llalla )
)sight front the first nulles it could he seen that the lugoslai s are facing ati opponent well armed and well disposed io put up a great : fight . The y+'iss, entlrinng a stead, defensive si,tetn, wher e e'peciallt the half-backs act most on the haekgromtd Itelpigg th e hacks, difficttlting the tat ;es of the Ralcanic, which is to try a t once . to 'q eli the score. Holding the opponents in their first moments of greater agressicih . Ille lielveiies eyolnted on the game torn to he well balanced . even before the middle of the first half-time . :Afterttards, acore master, of the gone . the )loin, lannhin g the wingers were able to shake the defense of their opponents . N,Ixv, attentive to the guard of R i ckel and Patt( n . the tiwi s react through th, wings and the game was once more ,cell halarn, ced . They ot ;ganize se\erial inctn-sions into) opponents goal arca . uet and t_)uinche . especially th e but the ,teadines ni Nettn, Rouc (I inyokirA enlatr. haut hein, last, avoid- ~other, the gait)-keeper gering Ills ,goal . Perfect]v sy tic] lrnnized with the rear, thalik ., mainly to the ana l Isla, the halles Ammnen and Badder, Ille iorw :u'ds reply i n,tautl y and so, with attack ', and canoter-attacks, ends the first half-tint i, without the score being opened . 2 1 rd .
Half -
lt .
rests gallantl,
Rut' . il fl CI 15 . tchen the, relaxed the guard, the 1 t~go,L'tc , marked the fiat goal for their eAmii-, . \litie, receiving the bal l from "Gnnasetitch send it In the goal net of Strube, .
The performance of the adriatie in-cider put the Swi" tea m I :nl of cnnu-ol . causng, ten minute, atfterwatrd,, the second goa l (I f 1 ttgnslavi :t . ' If nma,eiitch, served 1) liohek, raises the score, wit h it head hot . 1 D ;O,' I Vt 1 .2 0 . Per,isting marc and more on the attaek, which was not hard . to the discouragement Iii the opponents, another goal mats score d anl. finally, lie last one . which was . a, a matter of filet scorer) b y the L'alcauics . ' 1 he outside right ( )gjanni, hi him,elf . brings th e \ictorc to hi, teal!1 h_, the ,core ni 3 -- 1 .1 . on the 30 of th e complementary time . Piact a calis sure of the cirtnrc . the l ' ngoslats ,low down th e a gresiiene,< of thei gante . Thi, allm,s the eleven of ;witzcl9 :un 1 to force th opponent line,_ a'.miug, in this manner to break th e invulnerability of Nlrkn,ic goal . Nmerthele,,, the\ mere not able to do it, and the game finishe s ttith the -coring hoard accusing 30 for Ytl-oslttia .
Timt ,
_Again the 1- ugoslayia repre,entatites he,iege ceasele,,R Sather , citadel . a, on the first half . AIranwhila the defense of the Helyetie,
. .captains' .
senti -finais
Barbosa ; Augusto
Boues, Alhcdo, Manem,
(c) Ruy e
Juvenpl ;
Boltazol .
28-6-195 0
Estodic Municipal
Pwoembu ,
Poul o
1 .534 .720,00
Allred .
- Bola ;ro r
llepoi , rlo, primeiro> nluvintcnhc de aSlle, c>uuladas, dr-. in > Iluc ambos op adccrsrirs I,rocttravam c rrganizar lp , ~r :unado, ams 3'- n, brasilcirrs urganizam 11111 atagttc . .Ademir . I!t scantbando bara a r :yucrda . anpntha-sc em iTr eumh:tte orn i Xettrc . Levando a melhrr . ernza ,Iihrc a area . L'altaz :n' atrge n a ral-reira . n tas falha . 1{ntretanto . .111redr . yu c talnbnl acongr,rnhava a trajet(iria da pelrta, atira rastciru . inapelitcclmente : primciro tenti, rlo 19rasl . IS suios I .raticam sistema de Inarcao que, em nntito, (lificulta a a ao dl ' s brasileiros . .A t :itica dm, Itt'Ictico, 1)IalItC11(1(1 . lit i mnimn, os 'meias' c mais t] 1) d .meirm recnarlos . CI 11 a11silio d a retagnar(la . prrdnz II, melhore, re>ultadl+s . Set,'c para neutraliza r o vigor do adt, ers ;irio ytte senic dificuldadrs em sua, i11filtraes . l ' ari -passu, 0 5 ,tti (~ ns vr ,e fnnandr nr terrent, . .-kos 17, o Ironteiro Tamini finta Noronha e, paralelamettte linha d( fnn(lo c(ntrrl . Barbm,a c ) uvenal mosu-atu - se indecisu S nu lance- do que ,e aproveita, cutw . FatU,n, livre de vigilancia , para empatar . (N bra,ilciros cm frente . 1 rocttranlh, a eit(ria, mas rs .11io s res~stcm . Todaeia . os alpinos, cisando af,tst,tr o perigr da sua nieta , concedcnt escameio . Nria~a encarrega -se (le cu ) r -lo . :A bola dese e na calre~a de altazar . ~luc vence Stuber, consignando o 2" -goal (k, Itrasil .
tantes cm
.A partir Ilc,tc momento . os stti (~ u> I :m~am- . (C (I CC i(] idalltente e r ualluc at yne r jutz emersa a priulcira etapa da Iuta .
Os hras'leirr> asscdialn utiudc a nieta Ile Stttber yuc, pu r vaes seguida, . Letti 01,01- t11llidade de praticar- excederme, i11tcrven <oes . Os Centro . rie l umenal m'A re a area cuntiria v :bando enica r o pnicu ila defensiva a11tagomsia ; o apoio constante de Batte r :Adetnir . e o fato do comandante brasilciro procurar atrair par a si a atentar dr, arlverSirirs nao 1 .rrduzem resultados ,ali,fit,Sro, . Alm ile Stttbcr c .tar atento, tambm Neurv . Lggman e Quindi c cucarregam-se, etli maimr d ( 'se, de anula' a, investida ; dos bra ,ileirus . kegistn-a . ila nta~oria filas q)rtuni(larles, duelo entre u, visitantes e a sele (~ ao do Brasil . pelos set, Immens mais avauados . O> visitantes, iecuados . suponam coni galhardia as cargas (lo upo 11elm . Entretanto . 11ar se limitara, apenas . cm evitar a prugressa o da, contagem era fard- do coulpeti(Inr . I,an~am-sr . tantbnl , en) ataquet e'pw ;Ldico5 . :Aos 43 ' , Tamini escapa pelo flanco clireito e centra . l'attrm lieta-se alai, ruta vez de ,\ngustr, e, tenlo pel a frente Barhr(sa, atra aun sito, asnalan(lu u segundo tento d o soli bando . I>esta forma, termina ent 2-2 a peleja Brasil , Suica .
i+-+' r
deteso da
ti~ x
' -.r
. .y-
r .,
01 '
C, d,
Staber ; Neury e Boucquet ;
Bader e Fallo n
Guinche ;
Brasil, 2- 1
Gaals Fatton (2 )
.Aitt-r lic firs) moment, of studied aetiun~ , thv . .t moments where both opponents try i o organize Ihemselye, ati the field . at the 3* . the Brazilians put up an attack . :Ademir . -Irifcilg to the Iefl_ engages \etlry of a tussl e ,h~minatiu,g . he en,Ases t a ili- area . Balthazar camiog tin the rtm but fail, .Al RA1 . vyh a \cas itAlotcing teas more luck\ lucky he shoot s very loth and iir .t goal for Brazil . The Swiss practice il e marking of th e (q,panem Mliielt difiicult, the action of th e ]tr:tziliall, . The tactic of Il e I lelt-eties . keepin g it lea,t the insiders and another iortcard o n tilt rear, to help the N k, produce, the hes t rt,tllts . It neutralize, the iienght of the opponent tyllich feels difficult to infiltrate . Pari the Svyi are getting firmer . At the li the ont,ider Tamine drible s .\ -onha, and parallels to the (lack line crosses . Barbosa and Itye mi l hesitate Fatton takin g advantage of it, and becin g_ free . free . rquilizr s 1 1. T11C lSl*iLZlhall, ga ion%2tcl ,.eking th e \ ictary but the Swiss resist . ' eyerthelees, th e .-\spines, truing to amid the danger to thei r goal grant tt corner . Frima takes charge of th e kick . Tbc ball goe, to althazar ' s heats, whic h beau: Stuber, .,,signing tilt second goal fo r i ;razil . IAN ALII . . 2 I . Prom that moment the Styis, go decidedl y o the attack, till the moment tchen the referee ,ign :ds the end of the fir,1 half-time o f the gam( .
iuizes e
equipes .
2n1 . 11alf-lite r
Brazilian, hc,icgc ilegtently the citade l of Stuber . icing him the opportuniiy t o l ractice uyeral excellent interventions . Th e cross Aboi of 11yellal to tile appoIielIC s area aimed tu discminate panic all thei r d, tiens . ; th( permanent support of lutter l o Vderme and the fact that the Brazilian "Cal e tain ' try to attract the atention of the oppotent e deffen,e : the permanent support of Bauer t o \dentin and the fact that the Brazi p an Captai n tr_c to attract the atention of the opponent s ix not prmducimg satisfactory results . Besides that Stnhei altencion never failed . Aettr y Irggm :m and htinche, tool : care in a tyide tyay . o~ annul the incursions of the Brazilians . \Io,I of the tiare the duelling %sere bettceen the visitor, and the 1razilians ' farmarde . The llelyetsc, detenee receive bratcly th e charge, of the opponents . litlt they- de. no t only ait, at stopping the opponent, fro m ,curing farther . Ihec also latncli sporadi c attacks . B_v the 43 ' - Tamiui escape, by Til e gilt and croa,es the center, l'ation onc e more avoids :Augusta and, hating only Bar 1,,,p in front of him shoot, well curing th e second goal for hi, side, thus the matc h Brazil \ Stcitzerl :tnrl ending with tile cur e 2 --2 .
Mrkasi p Horvoi (c) e Stonkovi c e Dioic ; e Caikovsk, Jo .anorc Milhoilovic, Mitiq Tomasevic, Bobek kovski
Caj -
28-6-195 0
Estodo do E . Porte
Internocional ,
Grande do
Su l
320 .690,0 0
: GocL .
II -
.A1 aiaila, Hela s(guran :a de stia defrsll . ,, :naealnes iti~ islacns . desde a eaHIC<i) 1Li ptt'n ;I fon <aul a+ tillll :h Iittbas rin ad\cr,aria . 0 conjunta mexicano . amararla con o centro-mt'tlia Cubtn-n ba,taute recuadra, tacrlita de certi , macla as manabras ras curopens . I( i i tretilita . ape, :lr de gtl :t5C ,e limitarett t :t permanecer rea seit pngirio eampa, o, azteca,, emnprindo Lini sistema sereramente ira(~ ado naia lrennitent, ;cgter . que a gu : di, ti albajal entre eli ) atiridade nos primeinis momentos . ( .), iugoslava,, nui abstamtc, prossegue m cat11 :ts sori :Ite'ntatiras ile desmantelar o bluqueio rifercerin pela defesa conirria . t cansegucm afina) a eu pr'nttiu, "final ' 'l ' ranseoiriam 19 ' de jago ,ntand Itr ibck, nenia Igarla individual . deliri, de clesr enrdbar- :e de varias adversarias, decretai 1 tento em Gettot ra 1lig . ln'ia . l 'am a conquista desse punto as b:ticanno : mais auintad0s ainrla, procur:tllt rlatar n marcador . fitta ttrefa se turna menos ardua r,Ine n, lite -resa ahora . dentattstram algtun desalo Utile, l'rrvaleccud0-se dens a sihta~ ;w . Irisa mimna, mais tarde lajkmA, ; , depoi, de boa enmLinan can i Ilabck assimila o 2 . " goal" da Ingoshtria . O, mcxieanas, etnbara cuttfnsu,, nui desanimaran ,liante densa cantagem . ))estaca-se a 1niardiao Citibaizil aran algunas defenas- evitaurlo atte o seti arc o scl ;i rasado . .\ dUMI'IV ;I dl ' MCNiea . :alii-S de ser oncerrada :t printcira part e ainrla a i o <eKnitt a 111 e:t<1tr a posto de AIrliusic que . todaria se partan cnm firnicsa . I{ o prmciro tempi, tenn :nan farurarcl Iugnslaria . pur 2-0 .
2^ TE\If'( )
RC -iniciada a partida ora mgo,l :triis raltam il asscrliar forteutent'e o redor o final contrari, ' . 0s aztecas . parete, briosos, rt .sistenl ao inq ero das arraucarla > c rentan andar essa 1,ressu, ruin alguutas incesti,Ias isaLtdas, exigindo cui rlado- de Barrar e Stanlimie . Actea das rap 'vlas invcstdas, a media Cajkncski ernia cum Garte arremcss a bi :i a, lides de larbajal, mareando a 3 : ' goal" ingoslarn . Dai en, diallte . :t peleja diminu em nwcilncutaCaa . (ts itt2oslaras age m cum menar diy ;asi~n (le Iota . cngtctu(a qne ~ 's mesieanas, evidenciando al 2nitHl fadiga, derido ra ; constantes c,ioreos da, cos clrnent,~s, pmcura m ganhar nonas Giras . }ZeCitas, a, nt-grantts dn quadra azteca . paulatina mente, ra ,c as,enhareauda da Terrena . F. quando se matuinhani fraue:un :nt e tizi oiettsiva . svio stiri ictndi4s . 3 a . 36' . eam e,ca l a, :a de frnnasevic que fe no quarta c dcrradeini "final " das balefmicas . Longe rie deaanitnarcm ante ii roba da "score " o> ntesicanns reassntne m as ataques can a ahjCmt, de vencer a pet'icia da argntira contrari,' . Gmsegnenl, aos 43 ' , cum nm penal . Ortiz . cabrando faba do goleiro '9rkusic em V' elamwcz . assinainu a " 20a - rii, sets banda . Macis algtms lances . e termina a cotejo can a triunfo da lugua :v4t par 1-1 .
Mexico .
Carbalal ; Gatlerrez e Gemex ;
Orti ., Cabana e Rocca ;
(c), Perez
A,, .tiares, Van der Meer lHOliando ) Mario R . Heyn (Paragaai ) I" tempo Iugoslavia, - 0
i Gool . O .Gz .
luppolied br the >tcadinrs> ni their deicn,e, the ionvards o f l ugu laya . since the helining ,i the game, iorce the last line : u i their uphuncnt . . The Mexican leant, acting tcith the renter-Hal l C libtn-ti rather bacward, iacilitate in a certa m n wa the Inamictt%re j i y the If.urupe :ms . Ac%rrthcle,s, in mite that the% almost limit iheittstl%es to remain in the r own iield . the .Aztecas . puttuli, ttp a >tsten i tai starking vigidly pre established d,i not al!uw r%en Carhaj ;d to b e nudc,trd on lite lita moments . The Vugnslars . hott-crer . proceed . with their attempts tir hrcal: the hlncl.adr oficred ltv tile (ipp<nlellt *s detense, and the% obtained their iirst g < 'al . It was un the l'J' of th e game that Boberl:, with an imlicidual prriurmance, atrr gettin g rid ui screral opponents marks the fit :.t anal in ialour of lltgus lai ia . .-Aitei that lual, the llalcanics become even navre li%eh and tr F to increase their ud%antagr . Their task heconnes less estreuuons, be cause the \lemcans at that t me show soslr autiusion . ' Cakin g ad%atttage of the sittlatiau, three miaule, later, the center- li al i C ajkuvski, after a grlt,d combination frith L'uhek, make, the 2nd . goal inn Yugnelayia . Even a little coniused, the llexicas> do get disantrale b% th e score . The l~ral-keeper Carhajal, deser%es tu he sicstiottned as h e a%oidtd further - 1, al, to be scored agaitnt his team The 11exicat t inrwards, beiore the earl Of the first kali-tinte thretend the \frkusic ;
lo ;tl, t%hieh ,,, tar w ;ts imly deiended . And the rst half-tim e end, L-tvourahle to 1- ttgosla%ia, by _' .
2nd . !Half -Tim e
:As M-Il as the lame starts again, the 1- ngn isla%s attak iron th( opponents gral . The .\ztreas htiwe%cr, resist bra%eh to the
impact of the alreoceness and ir% to frustrate came ist .:tied incttrsiou,, demanding care of II,,r%at and Slankoric . Ili one of thes e yuic6: incursions, lite center-halt < :tjkuaa:i .end,, avilit a strong shol . the ball to the set ui l'arhaj ;d, marking the ird . loa! for l ttgoslavia . Froiu there on, ihr fight is not sri act'%c . Cbc 1 - ttgosla%, ac t with less disposition, while the \Ic~ican,, ,hawing sente tircdnea s duc to the constant effnrts t,i this plavers . tr, to regain nets strenght . ( ' ontposed, the members of the Azteca team, gradually get better . And, pass then to attack more, the% were ,nrprised . at the 36 ' with the escape o Toma,e%ic resultim , ou the fourth and last goa l f the lialcanics . l VGO SI \\ IA . 4 U. Far iron brin! discotlraged 6v suite high score, the \Iesican s again attack teeing to heat the opposing loal-keeper . They were abl e tu do it, on the 43 . with a penalt% . kicked be C ' uhuru front a fort ] ,i \Irlxtteie uni \ elasyurz . scoriltl a final for his [rant . tionte Inl-r e Liassinl and rite gaule clnls wh lite %icun-y . .i )t gnsla%ia In 4 -- 1 .
l ' rrrin
lli nh'irCta - 39
Paraguai, 2
Vargas : Gonzolitc e Cspedes ; Gav ;11on, Leguizomon e
Cantero ;
Eetodlo 'Dorival
Brfo~ ,
Desfavr .recidas pelo ' to,s ' , ., Vl 2 raguaius mtecimemam a pelota . Durante Crca de quinze minuto s de Iuta, a .s ees se limitara a estado s mttituas dos litigantes . .As infiltraifes . rigor . smeme se restringeln at aqu i st duo ., pesigosas manohras dos surcos . Vargas, portn . t'igilautc . trae ,purttthida le de praticar, gas 2' e 8', a'ra jadar: intervenrs, muriendo . destarle . inelmue o .C1l pustn . 1?xatmnctttc aa, 15 . verifica- .e lela n>ahinaaa de Sund(1vist Coli [ \alea, utas o pantrira desperdia a sitm15 . a'rentartndo a esiera pela linh :t de iundo . :A partir rlssc momcmnn , os urdicu, asunten[ ascendncia na graiimdu . .\ns 24 ' ,n c dotmiuio territoria l repercute na ntareador . Stmdgvist . re Cebenda rle Aordall . avana e, Ititand o junto dr Vargas, coloca a Canra no s rdes . 1-0 . lini Sucia . Mais dois nrnutw .a. . dreurrida s e .Anderssun . dominando Lopez Fletes , centra para )eppsan . U comandante
extende a Palmer que atrai Vargas e o encobre para elevar o marcador er a iavor dos seas . Coni a conquista de doi, "gua i a . meras parecen satisfeitus . Fm consequncia, os guar anis passant a eml,rcender forte reato . cidadela d e Svensson sufre iorte assdio at qu e Lopez, aos 3S ' , servida por Avallo, , consegne diminuir a contageml . ( )e sul- aincricam!s giuda pros,eg'uem nos ataque, . Tudat'ia, u temp a e,coa-se e os sttecus, iirntes na de )esa, mantnl a vanutgem de 2-1 .
2 ."
O selec 'vnuulu dn Paraguai niai cia a peleja di .sposto a b ..grar o cm late dentro do m,s hrct'e espaa pos svel . Leguizamon, inspirado, impulsiuna aim aert11 a sua tangnarda que . ento, ohriga titcussou a praticar int~ meras e dificais pegadas . Os suecos atuam bastante recuado, , facilitandu assim u avana dus pam-
gavias, cuja zaga elegga a atirar a o :tren clo golero contritrio . Skenssum , desta uttma, duhnteti(lo a duras pn, . vas de pericia e clasticidade . \u uhstante, goa 3, aps bomhardeio cerrado dos paragual0S, u guarcliao europeo lndilriado de nodo inal,cltvCl . ( ;ovillan cntiCgatt a .-\calla s floc, t9t1 11111 " rush ' . iMCStilt pela bre a para alcatlar o emtpate l nluita procurado . 2-2 . _Animad(,,, as piu-aguaios procurar a agar :t a vitria . ~egttrus na defesa . as suecos rechassan a, inv estidas e manobras da antagonista . laoe-ttrando . dr >Gt maneira, r.aa cer lugir um u'unfn que turrara[ mas ulva, . Uni nlintit'u antes do jlliz encerra r prlio . a, cscanrlin :tcos tm, airada . ensrjo de alcanar mais mm tento que . ai . definiria a pi ' na a eu fatar . ,la s Palmer . tecehendo hont passe de Auders,on, avrai part iura . perdend o excelente upurtunidade . Ala i , algnnla , jagada,, e termina u cotejo, acusand o " placarti Suc`a 2 x Paraguai 2 .
Werd estobelecem-se
evta r
surpresa . . .
Su ` ca,
Swensson ;
Samuelson e Erik Nilson (c ) Anderson, Nordohl e Gaerd ; Johanson, Palmer, Jeppson, Skogland e Sundq -
G . M . Mitthell
(Escocia )
tempo, Sucia,
2- 1
Loving the tors, the i aiagua s ans give the kick-nii . Ihsriu g utinutes of the game, the ritals limit thelnsel te n the rust I . The only two dangerous attack, that took plac e study each other tu were made by the titvedi~i team, but 'Vargas ryas attentive and at th e $th minutes he had to !Hake tm,, dittictdt imertentsons to sat e his goal . E%actlt nn the 5th minute . a good combination hettyien Sunclqcirt and V'aka, bttt the outsider loses the chance by sending th e ball ottt . From then on, the Norther Leconte the hettter unes on the icld . At the 24th utintste this territorial stilxrioritt hurts itsel f on the score . jnmlgtist receives front \ordhal . runs ionvard an d shoots irom a ,hurt distance rum Vargas rcoting the first goal . SAATI)EN 1 0 . Two minutes later .-Anderssun avoids Lopes Fleter .rod send s to leppssotl_ The commander grives the ball io Palmer who cover s 0. ttp Vargas and scores the second goal . ti\A'h:Ul{N 2 .-After those taco goals the Swedish scent satisfied . Consequently . the "guaranis" begin tu short a strong reaction and at the 3211 d utiuute Lopes bletes, served Atallos scores the first goal for hi s .ide . PAR :AGU AI 1 2 . The South :Americans continue on the attack . Rut, tinte expire s an the Swedish team, stroll- in the defence, maintains the score .
The Paraguayan sicle returns te, the field v,ith the intentio n of oLtaimting a tie, the nouer the better . Leguizanton, inspired . gives a lut of life tu hi, forward s whose attacks force Svensson tu make difiicttlt defences . The Swedish team plays on the deiensive, snaking easier th e attacks the Paraguayans, tyore roll-hacks even attempted tu shun t in goal . Svenssost is stthntitte (1 tu hard proofs ,i rkiifttllnes s and agility . Notwithstanding, at the 30t11 minute, after a sequence o f strong attacks, the European guardian is involved in au indeiendid,le tvay . Gatillan passes the hall tu Lol es tvho, in a rash, invades the penalty area and obtains the long expected 2 2. lnantriged the Paraguayans now .o itdl nut for victory . Stron g ist their defence, the Swedish repel the attacks trying to avoi d Inosng entirely a game tthich was their, at the begitting . Unc nrnute before the ref L ree stopped the game th e Scandinavians had the chance to ohtain one more goal . Rut . Palmer . receiving from :Anderson . sentis the ball out, losing an eaccellen t opportunity . A iew more minutes and the gante ends with a tie d :core . 2 2.
.~ 3.
Espanha, 2
uffi~, +- -A-
sr ..-
. :.~,
~ Ramollets ;
+rvL , . .rn
Zorro, Panizo
Es16dia Municipal do Marocan6 , Rio de Janeiro Distrito Federa l Renda,
Bosso, .
Zaire .
O : espanhofs inicioram a peleje, procurando, a todo transe, o mminho da arce de Livingstone . Os chilenos, ante o volume de cargas dos adversrlos, concenlram-su no defensivo . Aesim, estabelece-se verdod .i,o duelo entre o quntet e avonadu do- ibricos e a reloguarda dos andinos que contam com o auxilio d e C,emoschl . O i,sider oteando vecvad, ejudo seas com ponhei,os o obslor o sucessu dan homes que vm senda realizadas, nclodomenfe, por Bassora, Zorr a Galnza . Possador os primeiros movimenlos, o selecionado do Chile reoge, ntra-otacan ci o . Ramollets, dispondo de boa colaboraa de Alanso, tem oportunidad,- de intervir . F le, .lids, com xito . O . basco reo"umem a ofensiva do prlio . Goinzo desloca-se para a dreil o e. centro o pelota sobre a rea contraria . Lvingstone abandono a meta a fim d e corta : a Irajetrio do bolo . Todovla, chocondo-se com Roldan, confunde se, d o quo ss., oproveilo Rossora, vos 17, para consignar o lento n 1 do seu bando . ESPANHA 1 .0 . ibricos rec, .d-sce- nos Claques, visando, dentarte, semeur o pnico ne Ci ltima redutc dos sulomericanos . A defeso chileno, par., porto-se com bravur a c conseguo conjurar a imedicta cansecuado de novo gool clos e . ' ofp. .s . Mas, a preseas, de selecionado do Espanha continua . Em ataque espordic o do : andinos . Gonzalvo III devolve o esfera grande circunferencia . Busq .et s pula com Zorro, contudo, leva o pie( . O comandante espanhoi escapa, enta , pelo centre de gramodo, epesor de perseguido por aqule ; j no rea, Zarr o choca-sv. co. Lwingstose que vie,u no seu encontro . lmpvlsicnodo pelo chefe d e otoqus espanhol, o coura ganha mansomenle as redes, quando transcorriam 3 0 da cotejo . G marcador acuso, agora, ESPANHA 2-0 . Mai, olgumor, aces e mm a lase . 2' TEMP O O', basco~ alteram visivelmenle a latita que vinhan empregando . Os extrema s trocom de posida, a fim de que Goinza, no diretta, promova bolas cruzadas e m favo : d, Zorro e Rossora, dais bons cnheceadores . O . chilenos, po . sua vez oprovelfom Mvd . z romo ponlo de lana . O a.mei a esquerda', infiltrando-se bem, exige defesas seguros e oportunas de RamaUls . Com esse padrc de logo os and :nos agem con mcor desenvoltura . Robledo , , .cundo . Cremos<hI, movlmenlando se bem, possibilYam a Muox, com o apoio da s extrema'. produzi . cargas continuus sobre a mlo Ibereo . A aseen denca do- sulomericanos, pouce n pauto cometa o desaparece- , engvanl , quo o : esponhois vo se fortalocendo . Apesor disse, os arqueros n a tee, grande oti, ;d .de As jogodoa pe :monecem no meto do campo indo no m a xim, at ; a linha mdia de cada ateam - . Passades alguns minutos, recomepa r os otoques . Livingstone, enfo, pratico infervencdes, mais do que Ramollets, teed _ este, porem, olivodc difidl silurgdo nunc tiro de Cfemascri ao cob ro r uma fall a no limite do rea . Alguns instantes depcis, terminen . perdit . :cm o vifr:o ci , E ponha, por 2'0, embale bastarle equilibrado fndo a primer a
.`r`~ 1
..~ . . .~ ..
./ i1 - . etk
--Ji y
Livingstone em ocd o
Chile, O
livingstone Faros Alvarez, Prieto, e (d : Roldan ; e Carvall o MuBoz e Diaz . Busquet Cremaschi, Robledo,
Arbitro Alberto Gama Molcher (Brasil ) Auzili aies Esteban Marino (Uruguai ) Alfredo Alvarez (Bolivia ) V lempo, Espanha, 2- 0
The Spanish team starts the game, trying, at any cost, to fin d the way to Livingstone ' s goal . The Chileans, in view of the omoin t of their enemie's attacks, concentrate themselves in the defence . Thus , goer on a real duel between the Spain forwards and the Chilean s defence helped by Cremaschi . The insider plays with the defence , helping his companions to hold the involving attacks, remarkably mad e by Bassora, Zorro and Gainza . After the first movements the Chilea n Alonso, ha s sid, reacts . Ramallels, with efficient cotaboration of thr opportunity to intervene, and he did it with success . Thu. Basque retake the initiative of the attacks . Gainza run s through the right wing and sends the ball across to the area . Livingston e leaves the goal, trying to stop the ball but he bumps against Roldon , and Bassora takes advantage of the situation and at the 17t h minute scores the first goal . SPAIN, I 0 . The Spanish continue on the attack, trying to cause panic o n the last defenses of the South Americans . But the Chilean defenc e behov, with bravery holding the skilfull attacks of the Spanish . Bu : the Spanish pressure still goes on . In a sporadic attack o f the Chileans, Gonzolvo III returns the ball to the middle of the field . Busque ; pes by disputes with Zorro, and loses it . The Spanish commander scothe center pursued by his opponent, invades the area an d crashe : against Livingstone who had left the goal to meet him . Impelled by Zaria, who fell to the ground, the ball goes slowly insid e the net, at the 70th minute of the game . SPAIN, 2 0 . A. fez more disputes and with equal balanced contest the firs t time ends . SECOND HALF TIM E The Basque visibly change the totic that has been used . The outsider s change positions, in order that Gainza, of the right promotoes crosse d ball : in favour of Zarro and Bosscro, two goad '.head players :- . The Chilean, in turn, use MuBoz as their -spear head Th e Insido left running forward keeps Ramallets busy . very With that standard of play the Chileans improve their play. Robledo, playing back, and Cremaschi, running back and for ward, make possible for Mudoz and the outsiders to make continuous attacks against the Spanish goal . The actions become less decisive, with a slight advantage t o th, Spanish team, which little by little improves his attacks . Livingsiom- makes more defences than Ramallels who, however, makes a much difficult one from a direct kick by Cremaschi . A. few niinutes late, the game ends with the victory of Spain , 2 0. O - z,,
cepilain s
Ramallets, guardio
., . `n`y~tv. "
.~ . # . ~,
~ "~
a nri-firtnx
Inglaterra, O
Williams ; Ramsey e Aston ;
r- f
Estudie Independencia , Belo Horizonte Minos Gerai s Renda, Cry
310,780,0 0
ii ul~. is it mnnrnla i cl ;utd,, 1ngi , a, toi rrci'an rea ., corn b :nacJc ., r 1nterlcia l i dads w, , W1(-11tn ., as arc(, dc 1 ;,i ]li . Ililln AV ' right apui :a A 1 anni1,n, yu , C,nA, it a rnm liemlce c 1lnntersen c, 6a ,e gnarictn, nasccm ame,c Aas :a meta 1anquec . I .I 111 (-1 allt1,, rapidamente ruirtica n arinersirin . ;\Ioiadns pel a dc ic .a . qua ja dem1,nstimi scguran a, uS atacante ., norte americano , trncam pauses cnrtn, e ligeir ( ,, a\aut anda at ,) ltint,) redut,) briuini . Bert AVilli :mns, an Finn de um as,din errad tin idcnse, co n ccdc (,cantero que . cuhrad1, . nao surte efeito . l .,ntndo, us norte- anxrirano,, cinc moho entusiaslnu e eelncidadc, c,ntimtalll m :mte 11 dn ern peril,) a cidadel a de \\ illiam . . :\n : 3 1 1.dtna 1 d Souza, de puss : rla LnLa . dc ., fcre violento tiro . AV ' illiam ., enmegne defender mas . chargealln, desequiliLr :a-se e cai, ultral .asandf n linha . Ialana assinaladu o goad - da sciccionadn tin s E:>tsttl1,s l ' uidn . . Releil , e, do desi(-hu do lance que esiaMeceu o marcad,(- d e 1-II a facer d1, ennjulnn antagonism . 1, ; iuglses (,rgauizam niria , investirla . an Insto de Rot;glti que . Iarm . .a, rcspolldidas pelo s anque ., (-1,111 1, 1111 ' 0 ., lauro, cnmra- ataques . Omi :1s aches em perfcit (, plam o de igualdarle, termina a fase inicial . \ -1- I,;a1
111 f,
liirira .
n rlmd,ia, .
concedidos pela ., norte-americanos yue, parm, balidos nao >tirtc m cletu . Keagc . :a rrlrescnt :tru rios Estados Unidus e \\ illiam, enluc a " corner' ninlentn arremss, ele E.dtnard S ,) uza . `v"oltam . a seguir , inglises ofensiva e o goleiro contrari, envia a escanteip peri arremate . Vinttev, dcj,ois, recebendo rte Dicksntt, atira sMr e iravc .,sao . ITneedcndo tia mc ., ma maneira, em seguida . AIontersen , : i , .~~ . t-enfer dais opositores . .A1,k,at dos ingliscs dominarcnt . aguza, escn fase do ji,gu, rein in _I edem flor Pariatm, fil indo pelo .et1 setor, atire, perdend o ~sn Icnte situa~au . Logo ayos, Rurghi cicuta se ;,rtu-a pegada, quand, Pinne n atinan ele curta distancia . Afa, obstante a predontinincia, resta al tura, dus Lritiniccu n(, ~rranrtdo . os estadunirlenses partant-se cor n hranura . L'1,rghi tem op(,rtunidade de realizar breas defesas, incln,ine no momento flue Finuen anca<ott a sets arc(, c,)m unt a cabe (~ ada . I;orghi macuca , risco, cortando a trajetra da pelota , quando parecia que o "onze" da Inglaterra iria fatalmcute logra r
(l ef .nsica e para rahalan~ar os munintenW,, ICviLIII a efcit, cargas nipidas e perignbos . linrghi r Colomb, untadamrntr, na retaguarrla, rontando cu m o auxilio de todos res cumpattheirns, at (la liaba de frente, garantem a eit8ria, apelar dos csfot'Cf,s dos inglses eut modificar o , Llacarcl', E . assm . b sse patt,ranna 1,s m11ses atacando c re, norte- alneriCallOS francamente na defensiva termina u prlio chut :t vitria dstes pur 1-0. cuntagem construida na etapa inicial .
Coli -
Z . TE\1P< 1 Recome~ada a Iuta . res Lritinicns assomma a ,)(colina, nbrig:nuln Borghi a praticar repetida, internen<5es, notitas clac qua v s bastante difeCi, . D,)is escmnein.,, a,. primciros m ivirocnt ., . .saa a
dia Meara
de Inglaterra
Est . Unidos, 1
Borghi ;
Arbitrc G . Datillo
(Italia )
The Flig*lish sicle give, the kick-off revealing, soon, the precision of it, combinations and the pincer of its forivai-(I,, . Bil l \Aright tiplorts \lanniun, and 1{c'ntlet and Mortelrsen charg e passes . threatening the Vankee area . However . the adter'ary quickly replies . Supported bt the de fence, which alreadv shmved safetN, the :American forwards chang e shorts and Cast ) gasses advancing until the English area . Bert William,, at the end of an .American attack, concedes a corner . that ha d no prar'ticttl result . \everthele,s, the :Amer ':cans, with much enthusiasm and speed . continue io threaten \\ ' illiant ' s gnat . At the 38t11 minute h.dwarrl lottza, gives a violent shoot \ V illiam succeeds on the defence . but i, orerthromi by john ' soma wh o tuas following the move, and problahly not resisting the impact, h e loses the erlttilibrinnl and falls dozen atrpassing the goal line . The goal of the United ~rates sde vsas scored . l :eem'erecd from the event ' s solution that establi,hed the scor e of 1 0 in favour of the United States team, the En,r lish side or ; .mi Y(e several attacks against Yrn-ghi ' s area . which are answered by other ' from the Americans . \Cith a perfect equality of action :, the first half time ends . foiled States, 1 -0 .
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1-7-195 0
Ric Municipal do Maraca lid
de Janeiro Distrito
4 .619 .610,0 0
Federa l
- Zizinho -
Adi, .4 .
laida dos brasileiros . \ .lemil- mncin icilt :t a p,lota, l ..assaud~ 1 .t meta atraza ti I)aniio (1 ue atiza ;tito bara ?Jones : anta I)jajich . ablando c .nn trima prtr ;t irente . 1)an 2 1u t'e li ta orga niz;v a recarga . loas tuca za poluta coco a man . Esecilla ;t ult a Im'alimicll, la11~amlo "homaserich . que harrado por I tivenal . \ .s 3 mimm .s fair recebetl de Ademir . apils Racer hacer desic ;to unla inee,tida de Roheck : caminh ;t at a intermedi ;iria iugosftra : l jakmc,ki teco dar-Ihe combate e comete "finil - : o prripri u .Ademil- se e 11 earreg ;t da cnhran (~ a, chalando para fora . 4 Imntilos . Kmur comanda nuca arrancada . Venfio ic h Riti' 1 nuca distante rie Al alli, ca . pausa-Ihe adiamado : Uaneca con ola o halan e centra ila dirc4ao da rea : m . afa de dakar . Stallkmic rebate fracame li te : Zizinho retoma a hola c estende a .Ade li b i na corrida, que . seco dificuldades . a coloca Rio canto cm11erdo da meta confiada a Mrkosieh . PR AS11 . 1 . 0 . ( ), hra,ileiros passalo a atacar coco persitneia . procurand o ;comentar a cotua g em_ Chico cisura, mento acra,eado pur Ilncart . e IoPanmie Inalal :l pela 9atcnd . 1, .n1 segnida Iair centra e Zizinho , aj1c,ar de belli colocarlo . nada consegue . Na altura do 20 ." Minuto os iugoslalns Iuelhorttnl e proalrt m a todo cn,tn tirar n eli ierem :a . ' l'r .ma,C \ ie, recchendo 11111 I>;ts .e dentro ria arca, desfecha aolcillo chute, <lite ohrigoo Parbosa a praticar diiicil intertr11~ao . :A, mico, pr .segnem coni ahernati~as . demonstramlo . .s brasileiros (strumento do entusiasmo inicial . l 'o r is-o memo ineistem os ingoslanc, no ataque . .\dilla! ;1rr ;ulcada perigo,a de Caikmcski 11, .Augusto derritha-o porto da mcia-Ina (la grade area : M ; tic cobra . porem ,ec o lpotaria , Stima contra-ofensiva, os brasileiros eerram no sentido rio
/17i11ho :
r le \Irktlsc ; .Ademir cruza ra, .cilu, yu :ul .lo ~ > guleiro en su c .rtttTaot adiantado ; u couro t :t a lltco gne, colli a aleta inteilamcnte cnntade nao o alc:tn~ ;t . Conquanto ticessem chance far ;t i<so, o, ingo, 1 ao5 oao obt m ;~. i - na!rLtrle do mareador, tel"Illillarldo a primcira tasc e. .m ;t ciu~ria dn, brasileino .
Voltam a campo as cyttipC, . nouuulo-,e 11as ncun .br :u ,crt11ime , cgtlilbrio . :A . .s ,e ., Inintitos IMCIULl anula Toma,elic ' l e da l .:1,se a Chico, yue come I-lonat, rai at lnha (le iond o c enlrega ;t _Adentir : este titrai o zaguriio Rroketa e passa para Zizinho no nieio da airea, liar : Coni tiro rpido Zizinlio mand a a pc!ota as rode, . I .rn-m o ;irllino as,in ;da Lofa iota jogada rl c Ademir . Coco noca minutos .Augusto au'al,alha-se :w au-azar part Rarbosa, concedendo esra11te o . A ' uka, esectita, sou I~nn-ciu . . .-Aos 1 1 minutos o, itlgticlam ., tornan a fumar e A alcas tendo sua trente apena, Rarhosa, despenlipnl boa oportunidade para empatar, chistando longe da meta . Logo aga, ha unta falta de 1nttmr .cic e il i lair : os ingoslzm" arisiam a barreis : bate fair . nias a barrei s drxcia . l o, Inasilcir . ., alne,cntam lgciro predominio ua, a~.les . 2 1 nliisntos . Uanilu de,arma \litio, e da ,isa intermediaria passa a Zizinho ent prot11nrlida le : o ]fiCia - dribla Stanl -ocie e complet a Cont sncessn, l ;l1:A>11 . 2-0 . itlgnslacos Imam para descontar ;t cliferen~a rie tenlo,, nad a ; leancando . I,.,rent . ;n o derradeiro agito (lo j11i 7 .
11111 11111 112L
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mbosa, gaardi6o
.. :
1UgOS1 dV1d, 0
Mrk . sic ;
Stankovic ;
Djajlc ;
Caj ~
Ires joues da
partid a
Arbitre, 8 . Auxiliares
da Casta
de Gales ) (Portugal )
A . Beranek (Austria )
1- 0
1 ht I112 lsilia!Is kicked-mf f . .Aticnlii ntoye, the ball ',hilt, I t Lackmard, tu I)a li ibr, mIio send, it hig h t o : the insi(leI- ,i\ i,, AIaneca : I>jajic i11terccpts and returns the bald in the directicnt e t II, companions ; Dai i ile trie, tu ,organize the recharge lint touche , Ille hall frith his hand . Ieyanuyich kick, the direction of Toina,eyich echo i, stol ped Lv J m enal . At tlu 3r,1 minute fair receive ; iront Adeni :r . and take, th e ,all till the interutediiu-c line tyhere Ile receive, a bail irc,11t Cjai ;(otynki : _Adele A take care of ilio- lord kick and cud, the ball mut . -1 mimnu, . l''ancr cununands another ehan~e . S eeiu1 I>jajic a little tdi Stall t iron >Iancca . ht pusse, hint the ball . Atatteea m il trell , rile Loll 2111 (1 send, it alt the direction of the area ; tr i ing ti) Salve th e ,ituatiou Iin,kcrt return, the hall mo :al,ly and /Minho retaking, it . scu(Is it t, .Aderme . eyh,,, mithout alas' difficult ,cares the first goal . IiRA~IL 1 U . enThe Rra,ilians begin to attack snore inten,irelc tniug Renart, send, the ball iormar (1 ian,,( the score . Ch'.ce l ainiicil Lc loyanoyitch puts it mutside the line . sud .\n,tmd the ?Cth utinute the I, :goslaci ;uls impru\e and u'_c a t allk test tas tripe out the difference . Ton lase yich, attei rceeicing a pas, in,irde the area, ires a \ioden t ,hot that forced Barh,,,a to make a difficult intervention . The lam e I :ruceerL: alternalncic, the lirilslhall, coeding in their initial cmhn >iasni and the Ingo5layians in,isting on the attach . T1Vi Il te ayuid a (1 2111 geD :ns attempt of Cjaikuei-,k\ II, .\ti gusto urerthrmcn kiln 11car the Li .e area : Attic lake kiek Lott milhmtl l
In a annoter-attack, the lira,iliae alq,reach AlkLI1-<ic , s goal . .\dtlnil .cods the hall Illw in tile direction ,,i Chico, mho . abut ti c himself . Ieses this great opperttmit . ' . .\Itit .,tigh hating fete chances tu Ctl1Iali . C . til e 0. mn . cncli11g the tint pba,c of lite gante with the BraAia11, 1
SI ;( ()ND 11ALF
d :i cct , o i .
The teams ICIItrtl tu the Held . and ,toe Can ,re et once the "un e e,Inilibrinm . At the (,th asinine jttytnal stop, Tomasecieh and give s s Chico, MI( . avoids IlonitI-t, rttn, until, the goal line alit! avis ta Anemic . " hilt center-fonkard attracts the fall-Lack Itroketa imd "- iyc s t, Zizinho eyho tree in the middle of the area ; frith a fast shu t 7 .izinlw send, the ball . inside the 111, Lnt the referee had given 2111 out-ide ball tchen Adeiroir hart il . \\ ith ii minutes ,,f plat . :Augttsto get, contu,ed vsbe li sendin g the ball backs tu l arbo,a gi\ing a cerner . Viikas exccntes tilt corner-kiel .. tcithotil alli- result . At the 11th minute the Ittgoslayian s force aga i n . and A nk-aa, alone in iront of Barbasse loses a grea t r,pportttnity to tic, sendinrr the ball tyide . Eight after that Ieyaml\itc li tools fair : the lugoslscians mak e barrage . ,hoots but the ball goes tide . The Brazilian already shore a slight ,ul,eriority after 2+ ininntes . Uanilo disarms \litic amt iront the intermediary line ire s to Lizinho echo ryas a(kaliced : the insider drihhlcs liroketa an d 0. Ci .osigns 1 neey goal . L'R .-ARIL . 2 The. jugoslayiim, fight until tile la,t montent l i rednCC Ill e ~litterence bot dm not sticced .
se mi-jinais
Italia, 2
Moro ; Blason e Furiassi ; Fatiori, Remondinl e Mogli ;
Ic l
Ca -
2-7-195 0
Eslodic Mon4ipol do Pecoembu , 560 Paul a
-Goals .
Caropelles i
Saida dos paraguaius : lari entrega a Lopez que, rapidanxnte . lama frente ila dirr~u rie LImain : corta lilason . Inovinentaud o P ;ksvl U;ni que impedirlo pur C espedcs . F,ludam-sc os advers :rio, . A,', i utiuuto, Moro pratica urn a miervcr~o difcil : a bola viera da esyuerda . conduzida poi- Aiea(lei . (1111 divi,ao ,Invcineli Bili condi~des de. arretratar e, p :t,sotl- :t . suecdendo-,e o tiro final que o grnlcirn p :raguaio deicn(leu cu m ,rguran~a . G-mc~an o, italianos a predominar . \luccineli ataca pelo el i ,rt. .r mas t ;aIMditu e a ) tccipa . rch:ttcndo bevi, para o centro d o campo : ali I opez Felte, procurar armar urna contra-ofensiva . cnentrando, tudavia . petit frente . a severa rlarca i; u ele Retuonditti . Decorrermi 12 ninno, . :Aniadei recehe imi passe de Magl i na altura da nletade ro campo . Gavillan reut no seo eucal i; o, enr a driblado : continuando sua corrida, o "tncia esyuerda - passa tan betn por ( ;ulalita c . R1 nte 1i1111 a dr fondu, centra sdllre a rea ; a pelota etltra toda a boca ra meta, indo encontrar Carapellese n a ouu'a palita : inno ;lo "goal " . o estrena nato encontrar diticuldad e tn htirlar a rigilncia de Varg;r, . 1TAMA 1-0 . l'osta :r hula 11Momente (m rirculat;io, conlimi:un os italiana , na . Ao, 20 minino, Capelo tlua,c cungttista uovo tento : invaditi a ;irea livreulenc . vbutandi para fola . Reageltl as "guaran," . .\vallas CnIza pelo alto no srotida de Jara, seudo est e obstado, pur Furiassi . Fa,c de equilibrio . .-Ataques (le lado a lado levant cuu, tante perigo a, lIdadclUu de \lnru e Varga,, . .\gura -- 28 nintttu, - . \luccineli quelli organiza tulla investida, parando, coito(,, .
raz iw,, (le I. c,pede,, quand, (apela preparara-,e para o chute lilial . F.ut ,cgtlicla . Legnizamon desarma landolfini, coleCIttimb, centrar loara Lapez, entre F :tttcmi e RenunAini ; n " meia ' p~ scnaio livra-sc de Fattori e nu momento d', chute impedido pa r Remondini . 3-1 m i nutos . Voltam . ., italianos a dominar o jugo . I'res~iuuam itice,santelnentc, nato alcan~andu resultados positivos eltt fac e da disposi~a da dcfesa contrria . ,~Igntlu :ts vetes e il i ([tic w ata cante, paraguaias chcg:mt at a :irea mas atirant sent putllaria . ( ' om 1-0 enverra-s1 o primciro tempo .
* *
Rcinicia-,e a peleja . O panorauta e o Inesno . 1'as,an-,e 1 0 nlimttos de relativa igualdade s A partir dai a scler(o italiana proctmk consolidar u triunfo . Capelo rle, ) erdi~a excelente oportlutidarlc , quando Ainarlei preferiti deis-la tentar o tiro . 18 himnos . Fattori cantem out arano de L .apez Flete, e cede a bula a Carapelee : c . :m rapidez o ponteiru italiano investe . dribla Genzalito r centra para l'andolfini (lite, desinareado, conquista outr s) "goal ITALIA 2-0 . 0 ,eleciauada da Paragtlai e,bo<a una ICaL ;au . Unzain dce loca-se at u centro do campo e invade clere, batend . . Relmmdm i ila corrida : nu entanto . aclianta (le mais o cauro, perdendo-o para Furiassi : aos 30 utintitos o nimo dos " guarans - nlontent-se inalterado . Mas, todos o ., ataques sto cuntido, pela retaguarda italiana . c,eaanda-,c a tempo , co ] .Irle o "placard - se luodifieasse .
, ~ :; .
1 - -r
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1~~ ;s
" : `m
,xtClw . .-
Vargas :
Gavillan, Leguizamon
Canleros :
Avolla s . Lopez,
(c) e Unzoin .
Arbitre Arthur
Auxiliares C.
(Inglalerra )
Prudencia Garcia
tempo, Italia,
The I > artguaralis gara Bice, t, Lope, tchu, f :t .tlt' . passe, aheml t . . lnzain : Rleson intercept,, 'icing I'andolfiui, tth n is ,tupi ell ht' l especdes . The rital, studv- each other . At the 5th minute Moro make s a d j ficttlt rdefence : the hall came from the Ieit . carried ht' _Amade i tell, sate MLICCinelli in 100d position tu shout and gate hint, it nea r rill' then the final shut that the 1 ' aragaac 2111 kecI,er ,n tredl deielldell . The ltaliaas bugin to preduntinate . Alucemelli attacks ht- llis ,ide . but t_ :nnzadito cuts his pass kicking the hall to the center of th e grntntrl : there . Lopes Metes tries to organize a counter-attack, bu t he faces himself with ffie severe ma eking of Nlamondim . 12 minutes aheadv passed . .Amade reeeites irnm 1Lo~li in th e middle of the -mm m l, paies L rat -illan afin tries t, stop hint rua s f,rmard, at nids als, Gnnzalito, and, near the goal line, he crosse s the ball nt 'er io the area : it falls ro the natside right, and Carapellese . in good position . does ont ' hate amt' (lifficttltc to illtkVil Varga s tigilanct . ITAL) , 1 0. Thc ball again in circulati nu, the Italians in-ist ,n the attack . At the 30th minore tupelo alnro,t scores the second gnat : Ile intaded the area alone, but shot tcithnttt direction . The "guarani, " react . Atall,s crosses high in the direction ni tara, tchn is steppe d lg Ftiriassi . 1{.quiFbrium in the actions . .Attacks iront side tu side keepin g both finals in constant danger . 'Nutt- . at the 28t11 minute, is \luceinell i solo retakes alt attelupt, httt Cespedes intercept,, vvilea Calxlln vVa , preparing for the final ,hot . Direetlt- aftencards . Leguizamon takes
from l 'andolfitti and gives to Lope,, hettceen Fatu ' li and Alatnnndiai . the l'aragttatan insider- frees h i mself nml Fattoli, bill in th e last nnmtcut he is stopped 1, ' \I :uaenlini . 3! minute, . Thu Italians ar t . again tt'ith the dnntimitm of th e g .uuc . Thee attack inassantlt' but the l'araguacan defence is in l,-- 1 forma . Secetal tinte, the Pai* ;tguat'att font'aids reach area, hilt thei r :hou are aimless \\ ; th the miaimem -ew - e the fi- ' t half time expires .
The game is reiniciattd . It, II:murarna i> the .ante . Il) minutes l ' i relatiee eilualitc I as,es h Y . From this tmnlneot ou the Italian, trt t o consolidate the trimnph . Capldo b .ses agi c<erllcnt nppnrttwitt, tche n _Amadei preferred to let him ti 18 ntintites . Fattoli -top. as adcanee r .i Lapes Flete, and 'ice , the ball to Caiapelle,e : gaicklr , the Italian nutAer runs iormard . drihhle, (iolual j to and give, to l'an4nlfini tVho . unmarked . omgtter , another final . I"f :AIX 2 0 . The l'aragaay.m team a reaetinn . lnzain motes to tile Center . and fastic, inaardes , stu'passing Mantoudini . but he tuns the ball to o much ahead, lures te Furiass ; . At the 30th ntinutc the I'aragaayatr s are ,till teeing . Edit all their attacks are stolpecl Im the Italian defence . 2111(1 the 'talle ends tc i thnttt arc w, dification of the Idacard .
um otacante
adversari o
capilains -
Mospoli ; M . Gonzalez e 1 . C . Gonzalez . Obdulic Ghiggio , Tejer a Vareta
(c) e Andrade ;
Schiaffino e Vidal .
2- 7- 1 9 5 0
Esloc ;c Independencia , Belc Horizonte Minas Gcrni s Rendo, C,$ 160 .770,0 0
>aidi Ao, Lul .vianc, lapareli im]pnl, .ma a hola para l .a m qw alvaza ( ata o Isdi . Valencia ; csty lama 1wi(, alt . e lua n t ; . )l ]zalcz inicrcepta ele cibe~at, inciand . . . p1-imeire . ataque urtt ~uai .! . tulio l'CI -ez avana e . rmllnra Icvrt,x a nnJh .,r s .~bre Lustamatmtt, )CIAC ., cunu'Ole da pelta, perAenAo-se esta pela limb o ele tundo . .Ai]9 4 minati],, .A lgartmatz proava roml .i- U Llgttein (la retagsaida uriemal . alas ' frjcra, liti]] c'nl:aA .,, inicia . l "nnlCanl . . , ulugtlalu+ a eserccr Iigeir., 1 red< mi ni ., . A .,s cisco minutos sebnlime , i lieti rsion alli sirias ceze. at il meta c .,nfiada a Guticn-ez . dando-lh c . . :asid . . de praticar algumlas intervemo~es eliiceis . Rtdobr ;rse o CsG .ru di seleSo do Uni,Ittai . ,1i], 11 minuto , Vidal iuta Gre : ., C Aura para Itlli ., ) 'CT-CZ ; ,Cm n .crd ;t A tenlpI , . . mcia diseno C-menAe m]] 1 a,se ua dire],], Ile Al i ;, c nuz . que teuc e Gutierrez . VRDIV AI 1-0 . SufrcmA ., aquele icInn ns bulivianns tcnnml cntprccnACr ,rvcr n reato . )laldnnado c .,mlaz t] couru, paamAU a Capareli : purem . col . . . a ., alcance Ac Ohdulio Varcla, que rebate . V.t . o, ttrttguai . . ;. frente t . tichiaifinr, chala t .,ra . l Inimit-,, . MZilia~ . (in]valez Lacra Gutierrez e pasa a (3rluli o Varelai c te .lo, seo pusiu cucia ,t;gnru pa>se para \lilucz .lu e centra para Schiaffi, ' , emiar . d . centro ola rea . ml] 111-11 torte : . , aren Lnlivias ., e n .n7tlsenic micid ., . l RUG U _AI 2-0 . 1)iti por d ; :mte toA .,s . ., c,lor~ di], holvianoa se Iornal m itttcis . A ti perinnlade (lo, untguainx ,c titani (esta de farm i elitr a . .\ .,, 23 minuta, Juli ., forca dribla Valencia, passando a Vidal, entre Pll,stan]anle C Fria, : \ ,iditl invade a grande ica e cul .,ea n ., coito e,squerdu . l' 2 l'14l'_\I 3-(1 . Com ca t-antagem mc marcador .,s m'tlgna .,, manobram ia (ilmcste . .\p .,, mais 17 minuto, de mol li] snprelnacia \li ,l in/ recchc AC lihgga e cnmpletat inapclaMlllente . VR 0 A - Al 4-I1 , \Ic,nu, aim n, buliciano, airada liltam :m cnittsiasnp, . ( ]tt ;t,a
am imalizar n ln imeir . tempi Ugarte chata ile modi, riedt,]to . inr tamA ., .\la , I odi c Itm allo arliscado .
Aerradeiril etapa .s urngnaios rlem .usiraum a nurma inlpetnnsdnda do per .,rl ii anterior . Lugo primeira ma :+, Sch i affinw covereda pela rea e, mo im,tante preciso em qu e armava o chute decisivo, foi inil eclAo pur Bustamante . COntucl . . aumenta o assedio it cidadela de ( .11tier 1 e 7 . rAns t. utinutos Vidil l recebo a bula (le Obdslio Vanela : Aribla Greco e Acsluca-se para . (entro, passamrlu a \lignez, que (l esfere uni certeiro tiro, ts,inaland u . i ." urugttaio . lolnim gnast solo,, . agora . o, orientais . O, bolis^ano, tull o fazcm, :nei o nhjetito (le esitar mai, " n,al e aticanar algu m Lara as stiri cofres . ' 1 -nclavia, ao, () minutos tichiaffinu atiri d e curo,- Aistam :ia . allo, 1111] ;[ jn'acla de tulio Perez . t ' ruguai . fi-0 . Decresce ntuitu o ritmo da peleja . Selli 111211)1-C s pIssbilidiLdes . ,a, bolivianu> atnatt l . me,mu assist . cum enhtsiasmo . Alas ai], 3 3 m]imut., . tulio Perez consigna o 7," " ,mal e hico depois Ghigbria , cnmtpletandu unta jogada pesoal, marca o A,' e ltimto tento d a partida, que termina 9ittnraeel ;iij s Imi S-0 ,
Momento de confaedo
na il,. . boliviana
Williams ; Ramsay e Eckersley ; Billy Wright, Hughes e Dickinson ;
_ . .. . .
lempo, Empale,
\lilhurn gives the kick-off . ,ending the hall tu Mortensen who , intediately, gives backwards to Billy Wright : the half-back crosse s ,over tu the area, where Para intercepts . In the recharge, Baile e gives 1(, Fitine .v- the outsider dribbles Alonso, but loses to Gon zal\u I1 . The gaine is interesting and fall of nimemeut . The cadenc e of the British meets an equal balanced rival in the enthusiasm o f the Spanish, Panizo takes the ball in the middle of the groun d and tries to passes to Zarra who does not succeed in passin g Fckersle\ . The British attack h\ mean, of Matthews who, withou t loss of time, gives f(,riyarrl to Milburn who is stopped In Gnnzal vo II . 13 minutes . Finne\ organizes an escelent attack b~ the lef t icing . fle dribbles _Alun," twice and, from the side of the are a ;;ives to Alilhurn who send, the hall inside the nets ; but th e British commander was gii-ell off-side, referee having alread y marked hi, illegal situation . The game proceeds equal h :danced . B1, the 2001 nninutes Po chades gives to lgoa i%lio gives tu Zarra . but Hughes kicks back : the hall goes again tu Puchades who beau A\ illiams but the hal l hit the crossbar . Finney produces moments of sensation . He run, from th e intermed i ary line and passes by Gonzako Ill and .Alan,(, . invade ,
the area and gives a low shot, causing Ramallets to make a sur e defence . The ganic gets warm . Bi the 27th minutes BasSOra tries t dribble Dickinson . but dues nut >uccecd . fro minute, more slid e :tii' : I y . \\ illiams has t(, intervene three iilnei consecutively, cause d h_v dangcrot, shuts from l ' anizo . Ras,ora and Zarra . \lurhn,en takes the ball nut of Parra and shunts from (,ntsid e ilio, area . Kamallrts defends and the first half Nine expire, .
:After ; mattes rest, Zarra change passe, with Igoa hut . Rill e \`lright breaks the combination_ 3 minutes . The lnglish team concnue, oo force h\ the left icing . trusting Finnc . . In orne o f those attacks . .-Aluns(, heats his rival, cros,c, the middles of th e field and give, tu (~ainza : the ouudu - , unmarked . crosses in th e direction of Zarra : Ramsay jump, tu save the s i tuation, but fail , and get- lut(, . AVilliatns way : the hall is left for Zarra ivhu sevre s the first goal . SP .AM 1-0 . Threattned b\ the defeat, the h:nglish tcani organizes a ,tronreaction . At the 8t11 inimUe Bailey almost suceeeds io score, takin g ackantage of an i ndecision of the Spanish defence . Five mimttes after Finney run . by the center of the ground hurt is foulled b y l'uchades . Territorial superiority of the British ream . By the 20t11 niiuut e Bille Wright gives to \lilburn, who lasse, h\ G0ulaL1XO II, hur t lose the hall by the goal line . At the 30th minute the actions alrrxdv ,how equal balance . Tlu Bridsli are no mure with the same enthus'asnn ,ho,liying sigl e of being tired . The Spanish take advantage of that handicap an d return, to the attack . By the 38t11 minute Igoa loses a splendi d opportunity to score . he shoots weLlkh and l i defelt(Is without the Spaniards the last minute s dangcl . And with thr yietory ti ; ckl( away . ~I' .\M 1-ll,
Gonza lec II enfrenta Mortensen, num ataque perigoso e a bola chulada para lor .
semi- finais
Chile 5
t ungstone (c) ;
Alvarez ;
2-6-195 0
Estadic do Esporte Ctube do Recif e Recife Pernambuc o
Renda, Goal,
Cremaschi Prieto .
t Wngstant c Maca, copitoins, chileno e americano e o arbitre Mario Gordeb ezaminom a bola .
( ) , 1),n t( aene i icaroo s mai- imental q :e p_lcja . ( ;oetjen, pa,,a I t faba de SI 11/a ,lue . tentando ultral )a,sar a marcapu de Para , perlt a juriatla . F .to, entim, a9 Chilenos 1 ' 111 Contra-ataque . 1 )C Faria s o hal(eo j an<arlo a Riera que poe Robledo ene jogo 1)a internuetluiria : corta Alata . aliviando 1,art a lateral . Aor 5 minaras nelehnm dos quadros ohtme ntida t'antageue . ohsrrrandu-st . Contado . entre os andinos melhor entendimeto . Cremasehi cnneanda urna . arrancada pela direna, senda Coretido por Ale Ilt'eeent . Re>pondem os norteamericanos e nn passe de Feuu~rh fic a nor l .s de bojo . (,)unti minuto,apos ;t Culadela de Litngstun e corri I trigo, A\ .hace hallara a t ~elneea ele .ARaeez e, 1)a inomellu . preciso do ehute . ' " olomho, ette tltno ieCtn'no, atila contr a ata jx(j .ria liuha d t fundo'. a escalnCio batido iloi IC(hc :vd, sem resultado . Tentane az Chilena, o primciro "goal " . Prieto e Ibaflez eligansln sei uta rea(lorvs, encarregand, . se agnle elo Centro, alto, ubr e area : Ro l> le(] . . que rnha 1)a Corrida . arrematon por cine, d o traressao . lt m natos . bel ele-se a jugada anterior . O passe . entretanto , sai rasteiru de lhaez para Rohle(lo : Ataca o persegue : paren . ' , tente, . ,cante consegue se limar, aliranlo no canto esyuerdo . Ci 11LP. 1-0 . Reagen o= norteamericanos . Cinco minutos decorrent e qual e ['ariani escinkec o ignaldadc riti vareador, completando boa jo, al a ) ohn Souza . .Aun pomcos o, chilenos t-oltanl a predominar- . : A (I( Itua. ,t torna (11011, tal o eutpenhu dos jugadores . Ao 2(1 ." minuto Itor);hi se arroja sfibro Creneasehi para evkar a queda da seo arenn l're,,CU1,a(lns cono a ofenrica, os defensores IlorlCai lerieallad e dtscuMivi da loarcctpao . littegact dcsarn i, Iole "onza t, 1,as,a t hiera ; inteirtnenie soleo o extr('na Corre at que at'isGt Riera (11 1 bop siutap, . . dai-Ihe o couro yac . t'iolentamentc . lanha as rdc s ;l( Y Rorglti . 32 minuto, . ('1111 .1 : 2-0 . .As sine des(anpados no neau-cador . o : Chilenos deisane lue o ten t p , se- esei, limitando-se a impedir yute a adt'ersrirr assillale lentos . 21 TF.A11' O (Is uae, (ZII ericanan in ; ciam a etapa filial de nodo ftthninante . I ;m sua printeiea a1':ueada Riera harrado par F.eongh, oferecelldn-sc a l'Aula a \\,dlaec que_ pa,'and,o a l'emani . lanpa-se na direpno da rea conlrria : l'ariami cumpreeu(le a jugarla e file decalre : AVallace . (le curta distami, Chita par bara, x-encendo 1 .itingstone . .stallo, Cmidos . 1-2 . Os "cangneed ` continuane forpael (l o . :Aos 3 tui ll uto, Coetjetes mearle a rea e ao se preparar par a o t i ro, que detrria ser fatal recebe " futil de Afachuca . l'enaltt' . Alaco enearrega-se da cahranpa e consiglia o "goal I{\ll' .A l' V 2-2 . Trans iorna-se o l,ma,raena da elubate , agora equilibrado, carresl,on(Icnrlu a iglialda (l e do ",eg re " . Tanto os chilenos tanto o , osate- amerc ;mo .. enprnban . 111111) Continuo dcsdohramr -i" . \o .. Inimnto, . Ri,hledo randa a hola de cnc,,ntru a1) Irn'csho . 7 urinino, . uni " l tartlo " de lariani ruspa o Inste diretto do s andinos . 4 in inno, . Ro i as relate alto, no sentirlo d- Prieto que, de i Mando (', .]mebo passa a Creneaschi . que penetra 1)a rea e . vete , olla [Sorghi consiga fichar o :n zulo . ar-emessa c o n a enqutr(lae IIILE . 3-2 . 0- chilenos agora ataran mai, e ci,inu neelhur a "goal va . aal \umenUnedo Calla te, mai s 1? minuto- Prieto marca o 4 :' seo d(,neinio, n, smlanerietno, Cun,e :;ueeu o . "goal" ao, .3 7 no nntu .<, por intera -(Fo de Cremaselo, depoi, ele driblar Me, lltenm . Pone, mais tar(le . ierneina a partida . fatrat'el tia, Clrlemo . l or ,-2 .
Est. Uniel o s, 2
Borghi ; Keoagh e Maco (c) ;
tempo Chile,
Goole . Wallace -
(penalty) .
d tt , u . tiute slide awat, lintiting themx - rL,trttct
thCl- opponnrnt ,
The .Americain, rite, the kick-off . Gaetjen ; Bite, to 1o111 1 ttht . . tents,, to Ira,S In Marias, loses the hall . The l hilenan, iniciate then . the counter-attack . Parias send , to Kies ttho paSSCS tu kobICdu, httt AlaCa, i ut, the hall out . Bt the ?th utinute, none of the teams hate amt advantage, hil t ( .ne can see a better tuuler,tanding among the chileans . frima:Ch i mmiliaud, an attack ht the right sting, but is stopped by VIc9lvenui . The .\ntericans rupR, and a pass from Keough roe,; tu the fuel o f ;', goal is in danger : AWallace . I :oja, . ' minutes later Livingstone, and at the last moment IL oluntho, a, a last resours e avoids Alvarez shoots the liall acros, his own goal I i ne ; the corner kick is taken I m h.dttard Souza m ith no pratical result, . The Chileans tri fur their tint glial . Prieto and Ibaez pas s bt their opponents and the latter send, the ball high oser the area . ~ Iar . RA ;ledo tm the run Sends the hall oser the L:l Maca Bites a-ain a good pass io Itobkdo utinute . Ibaez 16 th runs after him . Lut the center-forward frees himself and .hoots o n tilt left c~ancr of the goal . Cf1ILU 1-- 0 . Thu :Vmerleans react . ; minutes Aide attar and Pa riani almo, t sueeeeds in ,coring, completing a -ood pass front lohn tiouza . Littl e In tittle the Chileans return to the attack . The tu,sle becomes diil ; cult . .At the 29t11 utinute liorghi jumps over Cremaschi to sav e his goal . \\ orried more with attacking, the .-Americans do not take car e o their defence . Bosquet takes front john Souza : entirely free . th e outsider runs and seeing Riera in a gond Position pas,us him th e 0. ball, who tiolenth Soot, into the A nnerican net CHILE 2 Xn longer scurried with the score the Chilean, let the first half
attack, .
SI{l'O \ f
The :Antericani hcgin, the second half in tt fulminating way . In his first advance Riera is stopped bi Keough . The hall goe, u \V:dlace tcho Bites to Mariani and runs intr . the oppiisite area ; Pariani understands the mote and ;,r ite, hint hack ; AWallace . fron t a short distance give, a lote shut, defeating Livingstone . 2. V. S. A. 1 Th i- V ankees Isroceed nn the attack . At the 3rd utinute Goetjen s invades the area and prepare, tu shoot, receiving at the last nwntent i t tout trout Vlachnca . Penalty . Vlaca executes the penalti- kick an d ,cores . 2 2 . The panorama of the game bemire, different . It is equal halanetd now . The Chileans as nmeh as the American, Bite all spec ctn . R_t the 5th ntinttte Robledo ,end, the hall on the crossbar . 2 ntintttes later he gives a dangerott .s Shot that pas,c, tent clo,elt t o the left goal post . 9th utinute . I ja, shwa, back in the direeti,,n .f Pietro whin , atuiding Colomhln, gives io Ihatez, the outsider invades the area . amt before liorghi could c1o,e the angle, he shot with Ili, left . CHILI : 3-2 . The Chileans attack navre and snore . Ili the 1 ~tlt mitrtnc Pietr o scores the 4th . goal . Intl racing the i r ,uprenla" . the South .American , score the 5th goal, at the 37th minuta Cremaschi dribbled \Irllcrnu t and scored . A little later, the gante ends with the tictury of the Chilean s 1,t ~ 2,
Ktri/ , -
yenti -J'innis
Suiir .a . 2
Hug ; Newry e 8ouquel ; lusenli, Eggimann e guinche ; Tam~ni, Anlenen, Fsiedloender (c), Bodes Fotto n e
2 -7-195 0
Esla dix
E . C . Internocional ,
Bode, - Antenen ,
Cabe a laida aos anuos . Prierllaender passa a :Anto iien, n a lateral : pur ,tia ccz . .\ntonui airaza para Lusenti : avana o tri o atacante e o ccutro-mdio Eggimant croza : callida ele sorpresa, a defeca tnexicana poi- pouea nao se t hatida : nm chute (le Ilade r fui pur cima da travessao . U tiro de meta dado, ma, u I erigo ainda uho passuu para , t nieta de Carbajal : _Antonen cabecria nn sentido de Taurini, que ntarle a rea e Gutierrez, era tltinto recurso, concede escanteic . executado pelo prdprio Tamini sera resultado . (k mexicanas ainda nao ccnse 1 uiranr e articular . I>i .aso s e al,nncirant os stli~os, exerctudo Ccntpun as,dic . _Alis 10 minuto s FIIC(Ilaelldel passa pur V(Iliet . lanamlo a Bader na ,requena rea : en il mra latutli se enc~tturasse melhur cu{u ad(~, {rader atira . veltremlo Carbajal inapclatelnxntc . SI'lc :A 1-0 . .Alis pouco, . . scleciunadn du Al(xico cal se organizando . N a altut'a do 20 ." mintitu j rpnilibrata a contenda . I)uas chances foran i Jxv,lidas : a primcira quan,lu llore: ltno li cum Quinehe, retan tantagem e chntutl de patto, alocando a pelusa c~mira Bouquet : a segunda . mini ata(Ine beni comItivido i ;i- ( asar in, torrado scifi
ricito pelo tiro defeitnoso (le Naranjo , Prosseguc a luta Colo ardor . liga orant curta lima ci~mbinaa o da ala esquer(la Borbollo- \elaxlucz e apoia Tamiti ; a punta ,tia chuta niais a frente para Nader que, arremanando, exige de Car ~ baja] arrojada intrnen4an : Goutez, (Ille a mwg ' l-ria, Completotl a defrsa, rebatendu . 37 minutos . Retornara os uics a atacar imlmtiusamcntc . Cuntudo, a d(tesa mexicana esta atenta . ( ) rigina-ac um duelo i li tetessaute . Sete minuto., depuis _Antnrcn ataca e, da nitrada d a rea arrematar u chute nao muitu potente : nntrctantn . Carbaia l precipita-,e, deixandc que a baLt intada a sua meta . ' ,l l(; _A 2-0 , * . *
Cacarli rcinicia a partila usi aeu periodo complementar . Nota-st entre os stnos a iretensao de consertar a supremia no mar Cadm . Enquanto is,u, sis " aztecas- estaram-sc ao ntxinw afin a ale tirar ,, zero du *placar( . Nessa tarefa Borbulla por l )c, uc a nao nbtem sticessc ; contente a ccloca~ao de Iltig impediti n tento . aos S, mmtto ; . U 'serateli - da Soma se defiende cm consentir mi dominio territorial por parte do adversrio . Este ataca l aos interntedo do extrellu, llares, que . tentando cnganar Nelin . Imi- &le impedido . 1,5 minutos . Ort ;, intercepta coni a irto uni passe ele Tamin i lridlaender; Lusenti cubra passanclo a Bnrl :r (lire, de cabe~a atira alto, coni algunia amea (~a . Responde Naranjo, 1 oreen A elasgtte z situa-,e offside", anidando a jugada . Ruca exceuta pm lateral para VtIasquez que, rpido, drib!2 , Neuro e avana ruma rea : da internudir_a centra raaeiro e Lusenti rebate . 32 minutos . Partida equilibrada . Nos cito minuto , seguintes o sexteto recuado dos sd~c, , reatado . st emmtetiha a lun(l o para couter as arrancadas dos utexicanus . Falta uni minuto para o trmino do cotejo . Borbolla recebe d e V - elasquez e pe Casarin era a~o : o ceutrn- alante cl alguns passc e cnns .1 ( . nico tenta alo, ntexcanos . SL IP :A, 2-1 .
5ensocionol defesa
guardido Carbojal
Mexico, 1
Carhajal ; Gutierrez e Gomez ; Ortiz, Uchoo e Roc. Flores, Noranjo, Casorin (c), 80,6011 . Velasquez . e
Arbitra . I. B. Eklind (Suecia )
V tempo,
Goat Casorin .
Sw'tzerland gives the kick-off . Friedlander passes to Antoneu , who, in turn, nives backwards to Lnzenti ; the attackfug trio advanc e and the center-half Eggimann crosses the ball ; the Mexican defenc e is taken by surprise and is alloost beaten : it shot from Nader wen t user the crossbar . The goal kick is given, but the damer has not pa .sed vet fo r l arhajap ' s citadel : Antonen heads in the direction of Nickell, wh o invades the area and forces Gut-en-ez to give a cerner : Rickell tool: the corner-kick without an_k result . Vit Mexicans are not vet articulated . The Swiss team take s ad% antage of that and attack more and more . NN the 10th minut e Friedlander passes b) l"choa, g=icing to Nader inside the are a although Fattou was in a better portion to finish off . Nader tan k the risk himself and heat Carbajajl . S\V1TZI.Rl,ANU 1-0 . Little by little, the NIMu tt team gets organized . At the 20t1 minute the gante was almost equally balanced . Two chances wer e list : the first, when Flores )sassed) lninche and shat from a shor t distance, the hall heating Bousquet : the second, in a well organize d attack h lasarin, Naranjo shot, wide . The struggle proceeds with enthusiasm . Hgginiann ayo_dc a good combination between Rarbolla and Velasquez and gives th e ball to Rickell ; the Srv'iss insider gives ahead to Nader who shoots . forcing Carhajal to a rlificult defence ; Gomez came to help hi m and completer) the defence, kicking the hall hack . 37th minute . The Sw i ss team returns tu the attack . I-luweve r the Alexican defence is alert . An interesting duel begins . 7th minor e later .Antonen attacks . and from the entrance of the area, give s a not vere slang shoot ; }et . Carhajal hesitates and the hall crosse s his goal line . S\V'ITZERLANI) 2-0 . SE ( ' ONI) I-I .ALF TIME, Casarin restarts the game in its compdenlentary phase . On e can notice among tile Swiss the pintension of conserving th e supremacy on the placard . In the mean time, the Mexicans mak e efforts to take the zero off . Narbolla almost succeeds in that intention, by the 8th minute . but the good position of Hug prevente d the " goal " .
The Swiss teats defends itself tyithout permitting am terrinall advantages to its (pponents . The Mexicans attack by mean s of Flores, who tries to dribble Mir) . boit is stoj .pcd by him . 150 Mone . Ortiz intercepts kith his hand a pass fro m Nickell tr Friedlander : Laurenti takes the direct kick and Bade r with his head sends the hall dangerously over the gold . Narimj o answers the attack, boat Velasyucz is given in " off-side " . Mica executes a Inm to VeMp tuz who . frith, drihNes Ne w and advances towards the area ; from the intermediary line . h e shouts and Lttcenti kicks (rack . 32h minute . h:quallk balance d game . In the next K minutes the Swiss defence works hard t o avoid the Mexican attacks . Only it minute to the end of the game, Barbolla rcceiyes fro m \Yasgnez and passes to C 'asarin ; the center-forward takes it fe w steps and shut, scoring the only "goal " for the Alexieo . S\V'1TZI-,RLAND 2-l .
~_ .
6s : ..
_ ei r~f ~, !s~
.r i .
.,i :
'' ~
_ ,~
li s
9-7-195 0
Estadio R ;c, Renda, r Cr$ Municipal do Maracond , de Janeiro Distrito Federa l 4 .996 .177,5 0
~~ . .~
Ganham or succo=-- c dreilo do oda . Jepsson entrega a Polmer que tenl a Sandgvist intervem Danila passando a Maneca, suiado o bota, panem, pel o linhc de fundo . Aps bea jogado de Skoglund que Jepsson compleloes para fra , Zizinho, aor 4 minutos, recebe o corro na e0ura da fmha mdia sueca, dribl a Ir'. Odversrios e no momento do chute e trancado por Nordhall, que rebate . Ao- e n inulor de iogc os brasileiros fonam com maior intensidade . Svensson , en ltima recurso, mando a escantcio am tiro de Ademir . Chico executa, criando-s e uma situaec confusa denire da rea cscond ;nova, desfeito por entrada oportun a d- Svensson . AOS 9 ' Ademi, persegue o tolo que e'aavo tronsp ;ndo o Ilnh a centra para Zizinho, que a mando os rcies ; entretanto, bem colocado, o jui z anula e lance . Reagem or. sucos com varios contro-ataques ; porem, seo contidas pela de fesa brosileiro . Aos 14 minutos Bgode comete fallo sbre Sundgvisl, no bit e do re. . servi : Passoe sn mai, Ir minutos . lari comea uma investido . Vislumbra Ademir , sollc . combinonde com le ; o [cetro-avante brasileiro engano Nordhall e, concluinde farle, de esquerda, uence Svensson . BRASIL 1-0 . Embora algue s arrancadas dos brasileiros oferecam perigo, os suecos reolizam vario, Incurses, ponde em xeque a meta de Barbosa . No entanlo, aa s 28 minutas Zizinho fez perigar o marcador com uro sem pulo- . . Essa fase d a porlidc . opresenta alguma superoridade dos brasileiros . Decorridos 35 minuto s Chic, livro-se de Anderson e croza otto ; Manero pulo juntamente co. Erik Nilsson , lev . o melhor e cabeceia na direo do arco ; o trae impediu que o lento s e consumasse e no recarga Svensson alivios . Faltara oit, . minutos poro o encerromento do perodo . Donilo enfrenta com xito Skoglund c movimento Joir: no corrida, o ^ . meia finta Nordhall e Somuelsson , deivandc qu ., . pelalo va at Ademir : a veis seis metros do ^'90 .17, chula d e forme inapelvei . BRASIL 2-0 . Ao 39 minutos Adr .mir se cesloca para a extremo esquerda e centro n o direcec de Chico, que se esco-tra no brea : so, diante de 5amuelsson, dribla-o e , mesm apertado . arremeta v ;clentamente do entrado da rea, tornando intil o sale do Svensson, BRASIL 3 0 . Co . `sse . plocard l .,m: no e p+ '.m erro tempo .
coplain -
Suecia .
:r .r
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_ Aa
f .D
. .-
1 11
~ ~ a .
Con e meses padreo dos instantes finals da etapa anterior, os brasileiro s lattiero a segunda crepo . Chico ovon s;a peto seu scio, e possa a Ademir, qu e apara ne peito, en seguida no cabota e atina no trave lotera) Revidom os sueco s Jepsson de :pe-dpo Ymo oportunidade frente de Barbosa, posteriormente a uro loncomentc de Stellan Nilsson . Vollam oc bros ;leiros a domino . os aes . 5 minutos . Da melade do camp o Zznh< edita poro Ademir que invade o brea e de pc,to completa sem apetoo . BRA5P. 4-0 . O, sucos de<aeni, cedendo aos adve'sar:os, que dominam Intelroment e I minut_s . Base:, Zlzlnho e Chico cenoni a rcr .g . .ra . -ne,. depois d e ero ctoqu . frustodc de Palmer pela zaga Augusto Juvenol ; o aboto :, e post o a< rea e Nordhall, tentando saturo, ol opolho Sve .,,ec, do que se aprovefii Ademi : pare assinala : ouiro tento . BRASIL 5-0 . Ao . 33 minuta: Palme : escapa e B :gcde comete penally . Anders-n cobro marco . SUECIA I S . /.tal, zie . :nutri e Joir centrala, procuro alirar, ma s folho mesm[ oss :m centra pari Manea, que corre at o linha de fundo e co m uro pelvi vence Svensson . BRASIL 6-1 . Finalmente, aos 43', Ademir e Zizinho coiduziram a bela, mandando-o a Chico, od .Mado ; o pontelro des olguns posso, e atirou bem . BRASIL 7-I .
, IVI`
Magnifco nterven 0 o
de Svensson,
Ademir .
Svensson ; Samuelson e Erik Anderson, Sundqvist, Polmet, Nordhall Nilson ; e Gaerd ;
Jepsson, Skoglund e Stello n Nilsson .
Arthur E .
(Inglaterra )
-- Anderson (penalty )
The Swedish team wins the kick-off . leppson gives to Palmer who fries t o serve Sundqvist, Dandle intercepts and gives a long pass to Maneca, but th e ball goes out by the goal line . After a good ploy by Skoglund spoilt by, Jeppsson by putting the bal l outside . Zizinho, of the 4th minute, receives the ball at the intermed ;ary line , dribbles three opponents and at the last moment he is charged by Nordhal, wh o kicks back . By the 7th minute of play the Brasilions attack with more intensity . Svensson , in Iasi resource, sends to corner a sh-t from Ademir; Chico execute, the corne r kick. criuting a scrimmage in the scandinavion area which is cleared by Svensson . Ai the 9th minute Ademir run ; after the bat] that was going out and gives t o Zizinhc he sends it inside the r,els ; however, well placed, the referee annul s th . goal, giving o goal-kic k Thr Swedish team reacts w :th several counter-attacks ; but they are al l .undgvisl , stopped by the Brasilian defence . At the 141h miniule, Bigode fouls ` o, the cornea cf the area . 3 minutes more slide away . lair begins an attack . He sees Ademir free , and gives him the ball ; the center forward dribbles Nordhal, unit with o stron g let . shat he defeats Svensson . BRASIL 1 0 .
Although some of the Brasilian attacks were dangerous, the Swedish organise d Meanwhile, Zizinho, of the 78th minute , several attempts tc Barbosa's goal . shoot! dangerously and almost succeed, in getting a second goal . This phase o . the game shows some superiority on the Brasilian side . 35 minutes elapsed , Chic,, ride himself of Anderson and crosses high ; Maneca jumps together wit h Erik Nilsson and beating him, heads in the direction of the goal ; the crossba r saves the goal . On the rebound, Svensson saves the situation . Danilo passes by Skoglun d 8 minutes before the end of the first half . the run, the insider dribbles Nordhal and Somuelsson , and gives to lair ; giving the ball to Ademir, who, six meters from the goal shoots and scores . BRASH Z O . By the 39th minute Ademir run, towards the left side and gives in th e direction of Chico, who is in the ore. alone in front of Somuelsson, dribble s him and shoots violently from the area's entrance, turning useless the jump o f Svensson . BRASIL 3-0 . With thoi score the first half-time ends . With the some standard of play of the first half the Brasilions start th e second halt . Chico advances by his sector and gives to Ademir, who control s the boll with the chest and offer with on the head and shools against th e upright post . The Swedish team react and Jeppsson loses a splendid opportunit y face to face with Barboso . The Brasilions dominate the game again . 51h minute . From the middle o f thu field, Zizinho gives to Ademir who invades the area and shoots . BRASIL 4-0 . The Swedish play declines and their opponents dominate entirely . Bauei, Zizinho and Chico surround the swedish defence utte r 15th minute . c frustrated attack from Palmer ; the ball goes inside the area and Nordhal , trying to save gets in Svensson's way . Ademir takes advantage and score s another goal, . BRA51L 5-0 . By the 33rd minute Palmer scopes and Bigode gives o foul-penalty . An . derssor. executes and scores . SUECIA 1-5 . 7 minutes later lair contrails an d tries to shoat, but, fails ; still, he gives to Maneca who runs until the goal lin e and beats Svensson once more . BRA51L b-1 . Finnally, at the 43rd minute, Ademir and Zizinho carry the ball and giv e forward tc Chico, who walked a few steps end shot well . BRASIL - 1
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4 ' 15~s
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Instante de sensaja, junto d meto sueca
Uruguai, 2
Maspo! : ;
J. C. Ghlgga
e Tejero ;
AndrAe ;
Obdulio Varela
Juli .
9 - 7 -195 0
Estodlc Manlcipol
Pocoembo ,
So Paul o
.Al - n i lurin ;nldL~ :I Inda ml enn1c(t (li[ partida Aligue/ . ai ,', re . c(lm dt >chiaiw~ . m, consegne ir melo da intrrntclliaria (>panh, :i . pois ali, enfrentarlo Iur l'arra, i deama(I,, lambem ' , ibre nada eon,egucm na primeira trntntica . j qie . e,nq(laml , \I,1,tvnv h,nvesr invadido a ;i era, o chmc ton,, col Ma ti a, G i zalcz . ,fcrcnudl,-,( ' a - I rima . Iplc l ' CNtl(11 . I .vdencian urugtuto, maiol enlnnu de jogo n,s 10 minino ; .egninte, . Os Artis Irs mdios chiani coni srgurana . Gabenau a (thduli, Varela apoiai con,tctntemenlc a ofensiva . .Aos 13 minuta, k ;AmiAIct, tem ocieio de praticar arntjada defesa . detendo potent e tiro (le Miguez . Irnthora inta mi a presa, . advcrs.ra, espanhis , nas vezes cot que atacan, o fazem coni perigo . recorridos 11) itinntnt Gaatza desnrtrca- ,c de 3 sul ( i,nzalez e envia um centro alle 1 .:ua /arra : cum violenta cabeada , comandante envia a pe l )t ;, il 11111 p.111114) (I(, trilicssal . . l'artidr egnilibr ;ula . .-A p ararle mpede Basura e passa a Vidal . que, al ruveitando (liti " e,chilo de l ' uchades, pic julio Perez c m aCo junte, 6 Ilivia-Ima da grande ea : coni mtu . Alonso veil, et a M .MI It e ch(lton para a lateral . 23 ili Ig,a urg ;miza urna arrancada ele p ;viceria co n zorra : este se (ICAoca at a meia-dircita e cede a lias,ur , frira , entretanu :, da tia coloca~aO . .A medirla que o temp, corre nai e nn ;vinxnt:l~iu ; apremia a pugna . Au, 37 minutos Schiaffino mltrapasa l'ichades e G,lalcl ; I1 . eenUandn para Alignez : cte . cum tuo "dribling " de carpo, tir a l 'arra (Il, g oce e chota : kcctnalleu, numi ,moreno vfslr~cs . li , puntas dos dedos alivia paga cscanlcin . 11as 1 ,li csccmt ;l mlt tiro dC mta 13 :0 ffidulin Varela . 0 centro-mdio c;nn ; nha alli r, meiu do caml .o c p;tsa il lla posi~ao . C 'urrcndu Iltais lite ( :uuzalro li . ( :higgia investe pelo lad o ila Ven t complela cruzad, : )t .unallri s . que mira atrazal, par a ieehar u lingulu, e tcucillo . 21) minutos . VR. O WAI 1-0 , \1nit, au contriri, (li . que seria I-irevisto, vise lento anint,t l Ls espanh(is, que reagen Srm de Campo dttratite (ley. minutos . Pre cisamente a,n 39 ' Tgoa ; musle : compreendendo a inten~u do se o clnnl ;anhriro, Bassura coloca-se mt entrada da ;crea, CSeraml, ,
Colli il ( 141, 1
Rendo, Cr$
Ghiggio -
Vorela .
le t-rm de f.m, : tle pu,xC da 1 ; ;1 :1 ICa :,lIra cinta .Andrarlc . ,viera e conlii,la I . cntl .atc . )-) . l ' rcxr I ; ;u d,r don cspanluSi, . que, a, ii ll alizar ;1 etapa . pn , ru t-anl a v :(lnagrm nuntt'ica n, "plactrd - . t. ts urugu ;ci,s cacm u ; 1 dctensiva . .Alts 4 1 minamos llasora e novauteute p,lo cm cumli de atacar, I t er Molo il'v : :Andrade vai si ,I lrr n rstrenta e,pat ilwl mas deisa-(I manobrar : entai ., seni tmpecilhos, Bassora burl a tilincia de M poli . 1SI' :A\II :A 2-I .
I ;t,,e :
Gtmve ;t o periodo comp l cntentar cum s urtlgua n. mais articulado, . lgualam a peleja . AIcsar de hens arndttztda, ;1 tagg(l ;u-ds; 'Wem ;ll ?l<) logra >nhrrpuja~ . . exten . defensivo espanhed . que n e emprega (lindo (, jugo atingc a metade do tempo ,em que a fei t; a, nc III(A . iigne . l ' reocupads eom a namttenel, d, ,roer . o nem pur tso ~~ . hascus deisaln de amea .tr ;t ubtrnco dr ,ntrl ;s -A _2 minuto, Vidal tuprecriduti kamallets rlrsprevenid, : Ima, conclttiu fracamente, pennitin, .lo ;t intcrvenSao (lo gulciro . 27 minutos . Ohdulio Varela entrega-sr decid da ntlite ofen >ta . h:nc,ntr;t unta brecha na retagnarda e envcreda por ela . Ler; t a bola para a entrada da rea e, quando us ( I frnsores rspanhl s :I g u ;u-rlav :nn I . lasse . ;>rrentatott c,m rstrenta tiolucia, tenceml , k an,allets . 1{mpau 2-2 . 1)ai por mante a, duri, equipes persegniram a t-itliria, qm s ; l 11 :14, I rcvalreetl derido J boa convinta das linhas de defesa .
otoqae ezponhol .
M . Gonzolez (Uraguo)
e .pectolva .
P .,601
Espanha, 2
R .mallets ;
II :
Io, Zorro,
e PUCbades ;
Gainza (e )
Arbitrc ,
de Gales )
tempo Espanha,
2- 1
Goals Bassora
12 1
Moving the ball at the cgining of the game . Alignez, afte r receiving [runt Schiaffinl, due . not succeed in crossing the tipanis h intertnediary line . Also the Spanish do nut obtain ans. success i n their first attempt : Uolomnv invaded the area and shut . but th e hall touched Matias Gonzalez and Tejera kicked it hack . The 1 ' rug 1121 ia 11 s ehna- a bigger volume ut play on the nex t 10 minutes . Its three hall-hacks plas . satel", with (ihdt il io Varel a always ell the attack . Rs . the 1301 ntin :ite Ralmillet has occasio n tc make a difficult defence, stoppin a strum, sh1,t from Alitttcz . Although tecling its melt[) ' , strength . the Span i sh team wheneve r it ,[[aria, dues it with danger . till the 1(,th Inintite Gainza get , fret frolli titan Gonzalez and sends a hi p {h pass tu 7_arra ; with a strong niece of te te head, the center forward sends the hall ~wc r the cros,llar . Isquall-\ halanced game . Andrade stols Bassora and give, t( ' Vidal, who avuids Plichadcs and passes tu Julio ferez near th e hig a lca : however . Ab ;ilso moles tu the rescue and ,end, th e hall out . ntintiies . Igoa organizes flit attack with /alla : the Cente r forward runs through the inside right and gives tu Rassura, wh o tuas out nt hi, position . The gante wins more movement e-\erS minute . Iry lite 27 minute, Schiaffino , ii rpae, Ptichale, and ,g to Migrez who 111'lhlllc, l'aria and shouts ; Razals .o 11 . gis otallets, in il sttprente effort, prit, . with the tip ut hi, fingers . the ball u-\er the cross hat . \tripoli extetite, a goal kick to (gtdulio Varela . The cente r halt [%alla tnitil the middle of the field an d gives to Ghiggia in his position . Running navr e than Gonzalo II the outider invades b y the side of the area and gives a cross shut ; .es the goal iuu late tt, close Itantallet, . I _- as tha angle amt is defeated . URUGU A) , 1-1 . .ision,, this guai clieere d :Against all the pres up the Spanish team, who reacted wiurit res t during 10 ntiiintes . Precisely ai the 39th minut e igoa attacks ; understanding his conipanion ' s intention, Bassora places li inseli on the entian e of the area waiting ter the pass : it contes an d Bassora driblcs -Andrade and Tejera . an d obtain a draw 1-1 . " Che Spanish team get warmed up an d zt the en(1 of the first half tinte the .- are lookin g for alt increase of the score . Tilt Vrtiguaian s Ba , tal i io the detente . At the . 41st minet
:u,a is placed ill good punition to attack h" luluw i- : Andrade run s after the Spanish outsider but i, casekv beaten : then, withom an y rlitiictiliv . Bassora beats laspuli, tif AIN 2-1 .
3 _
11 .\LP
-1 he cuntplententarc in rind be- li, with the l'ruguaians Netter . They equalize the gante . In spit of well led the (Mental vanguar d (toes not succeed, again m breaking through the Spanish defence . The g*ante reach, the middle of the half time withuut an y u nulditicacnn . A\orricd with I:ecping the score, the Masque al, l . minute Vida . M-\ the 22nd make attacks trim, tu antplifl it e d th :tmallet, inattentive, but he gave a weak Ahot all almtt got R goal-keel er held it easel . .. 27th minette . t )bdifl o Varela gee, tu the attack with vigour . He finds a Itrcach in the defence and goes through it . Ile takes the ball tu the entrance of the area, and when all the SI ntiAl l defender, were expecting a pass, he kicked the hall violenti-\ int o the guai, beating Ratntllets, 2-2 . Prom [lien on the two teanis plaied fm- the goal tu gi-\e theis t the s ; ctorv . which did nut curve (Ille io the exceleni play ui th e
; yool esponhol
Bobosa ;
eauer, Donilo
Municipal do Moracand , Rio de Janeiro Distrito Federa l Crb
5 . :'82 .637,5 0
Goals- - Ademir
(2 )
Agita o . rbtra, amIIri7amlo a lesilo . 7,arra eiitrt~a a 1%111/a , cst . clnenda para 1 ;4 :nzalna III : o l .assr eartado I>,,I 1!1r1 ,le n a lateral . Rtalizuns o! hra, Jcims seti prirariro ataque . IICIICitu, In dacia, Lot l'arai . O pi{o e rle :cncolce na metatle ,In campa . I )ani hi . a . ; (1 i~plitar mita I i l la alta ci III Zarra, atinge-a ila o )X ;1 Grntzalvo II cabra a lalia, imo Barbosa defesde . minutos . Incursiona a ofensiva biasileira . Baurr Iena n I,elota at a entrada ola rea e arrestata : beni colocado . Ranille b mgalr. iirnst . Segue-,e Ion lance de sensaCo quando (chico receh c de Ziz litio e adira, bateado a bola e ni Alonso : na volta o extrema ehnla. 11 11XiIIIICIAL, rolando nat nave . RMidans os tspanhis . Igoa mociraenta Gainza gnt, rpido, cruza para Zarra ; conchcn o avant e I ar .c~ chtuxmdo sfihre i arco . \ore niinwi,s depuis os est amhis insisten[ na esplora~n0 re o Setar ragnerdo . onde Angusto se mostra firme . _A os 15 Chico recche de Uanilo e envia uni passe certeiro a Ademir : cercado po r l'arra t Gonzalva li] . tira-as da jugada e conta : Psrhades tent a .alear, desviando a trajtlca da Lala : esta . contado, vai ter a o fundo do "goal' . BRASIL 1-0 . Cans este anee,sa a, Lrasileiras passant at controlar as moles . Aa> 20 minata. Baner de,arnsa l'msi7O, rana nstmsento de prCSs a dar cspanhis . e serve Ademir ; itnrdiatamcnte o balo vai ter ,.i I :rr . quflne no necia da c:unpo ; encontrando desprevenida a retagnatd :, ibrica . lair resah-e investir ; choca a,, tintile da rea c . cntLosa I,crseguida p,i Gonzalco III, atira r'alll violiracia : Ra Inallet, toca cara a ma : intretama . o cop ro choca-se colli o tra vesi e entra . IM ASIL 2-0 . Succdeni-sc cinco nsinttt',s de as,dio dos brasileirns, (indo o r ~luili, Ra >s(,n canu-a-ataca . ohrigando liit(nde a conceder cscanieio :
ele pnpria esecnta l ' ara tr,, i, I*CC]dan ( a1 1 )ZII ila . (. -) Il LI I (I c,panh ol s evidenciara alguna rnelhora, l bica escapa, vence Alonso t l'arra, senrlo contida por Gannlva 11 a bola vera a hriaa qu c toma a chutar, bateado cm I'udsade, ; na scgtwda tentativa . purem . Chico eampletoti cum avito . 30 minutos . BRASIL 3-0 . tlunsus quinze ra .nuto, della etapa im-ara disptttatlus co m relativo Cgnilbrio . Aos 34 .-Adensir- realiza rana jugada individual , atranda l' Ira . Alo 33 ; Ganza cabeceia par cima nani p<dsc d e lias,t,ra . O derrarlrir'I lance Ile ptrigo naece i de Bassora . que, su1 orando liigcdc coin o calcanhar, ola a Ig*oa, que conque crin pon lai ia . L ." "l'f:b1N )
b1 Z
Recomcta o prLo dentro das mesmas caracteristicas . Aos 2 nf.nntO+ lair inni st r, tecebenda tan calgo de .-\loas(, ; Cricarret,, an .la-st da ca ) ran~a, l-la ele rasalo iraperfeito . l'reoctspados unica mente com a vanguarda, os brasilcinid ,_ desenitlam, originando-, c ama, upurtunidadt que, entretanto . Panizo e Zarra virara frustal o pel Zt intCncnrru ele lgode . 10 minutas . l) trio atacante brasilrira candtrz a Lola ; Adeur . r coloca-,e na orto . raCbe de Zizinho, drihla Gan7alvu Il e, quand o Alonso parte ,i,hrc ele, desia para 'hico na csgtterda . O tira inapaavcl . HRAS11, 1-0 . lie os Cslamhis nava sada ; llanilo carta e cede a pelota a Zizinho ; aran<a celo7 11 lentr u rucia, finta Ptiehades e fecha 11 0 ,entina da mta : quando o chute final esperado, atrasa par a Ademir, quc vinha sta corrida e atina ; Ranrallets nada pode faner . 11 nsinsrtos . BRASIL 5-0 . Is brasileiros dinrinueni o traili- el e A partir desse tento ' jugo . Crescerti . entao . as Cspanhis e l 'anizo . ,.- .` aos Ili (mantos }ende out ponto . 22 minutos . Adensir e Chico rompen a defeca espanhola ; anttcil,ando-se ao seri companheiro . Adensi r dlibla Alonso e centra allo para 7_izi 11110 : coni lene [agrie o mela brasilcira afasta l'arr a da jagarla e inarca . lM 'ASIL 6-0 . Vinalmente . aos 26 minutos os espanhtii s ass ; tizi lai n uni "goad Bassora ultrapassa Bi gudc r cruza sibre a rea : Iga persegu e 1 a bola e, cm belo estilo manda-a aa arco , il, . .' FSFANH :A I-6 . 1 :u1 131 .ra reagimio artkttosamente os e, imo alcan~aram resultarlos po,itivo s ar 45 . minutu . --- BRASIL, 6-1 . 1
Espanha, 1
Ramallels ;
., ,
Alonso e Ganza1VO
II ;
Bassora, Igo,
Zorro, Panizo
Auzliare f
IPOrlagal ) ( &cocia )
G . M.
1110A, 1 .0
Y~.~` ,''
Igda .
The- referee plow, the M1istic giving the I : : ck-of 1 . 7.arra -ive s e tu Panizo vyhu sends to Gonzalvo I1I : I-iigode eats ami puts th . intercepted . i lira attach ;, i, their ap, outsidt . The lirazih ;ms n, however, by l'ai-ra . Tile laide is at the nulle of the field . Pantin disl,uting a hal l \t ; tl t farta kick ', him oli Ili, thigh . Gonzalyo 11 tala,, the direct kic k l ' ut Rarhosa dciends it . itb n nuit . The Brazilians fonyards attack . Rawer carries th e hall until the area ' ., euu'unce and shouts : well ldacid . Rautallet s defends safely . Seat, it happens a sensational Inov'e ; illico receive s iron Zi7inh, : and ,hoots ; the ball t "ltchc, :Alamo ;old return, ; th e owmirler shoots zu"ain very near, this tinte, tu the .ide ;,coal post_ Th e `panish react Igoa pauses to ( ;a n'z.a who . yodel-ly, gees tu Zaria . the conmtnler shoots . over tile cio>AqIr . 'Ab minute Inter the '1 I,auish insist to eXldore the left secto r where _Au ;,llsto is firm . At the 15t11 ninttte Chico receives Iro n Panilo and giv'c, a stea ly pass u, :Alems : sto- rntmded by Parr a and GoozaRo Ili . :Adew :X tak ; then out of the more and ,hoots : Ralnallet, nies to save 15111 the hall guc inside tile lut . BR_A~II . 1-I) . .AIter that . the L'razili :ns began tu cuntroll the game . Ilv tl e 2016 minute Patter disarms Panizo, in an attack of the Spanish . am , gives to _Aderme vclin inlediately paves In lair in the nr,lrll e of the field : takm , the defence nul ping, lair noves to the entranc e of the area, and although l .urstted I y. l;onzalyo I I I he shunts violently : Rtt111 :IlletT touche ., vvitlt his band but, notwithstanding , the ball lotteltes the crossbar and find its vvac inside the goal . I ;1: .A II . 2-0 . nth minute ni 1ira7 1 llall ;1ttacl:, at which end Pa .,sors Cottnter attarks forcing Rignde tu give a corner ; he hiniscdf executes th e corner kck lint Danilo intercepts . A\hen (he Spa 1I ish tear wa s ,lowing sonie intpmyement, Chico scapes . beats A lonso and l'ari a anrd is .topped In liollzalyo il : the ball goes to Frima wit" shoots
agailt . tonchin~ Pochades : in the second time, howey(r, lhicu ,nc%ocds and <coics . 3C minute . ISR .ASII . 3-0 . The ktst 1 ; ornate., of the first hall tiare were di,puted withh a iclatiye equilibrium ' . At the 34th ntinttte \denir makes an individual nit,v - e, throv%ing the hall outside . At the 371h Gainza receive s troni L'assura and alms sends the ball outside . The last dangerou s otye was made he Rassura . who pas .,girl liigode, frith hi, heel gav e t, 1WQ, vv-Inl scot the hall Mithott( oint . Sl--(()NI) IIAIJ- TI M g :Une 1CU11c 12L les faith the ,ante characteri .tics . At the 3rd minute lair attacks and is tripped by .Alomo . \\ erried only with lite attack, the Brazilian ., become careless . gi%i n g chance tu au oppl rtunity for Panizo and Zarra . voided, however , h_v Pigode . 10th tomate . The 1{razilian attacking trio cari es the hall : \demie walls into the area . receives from Zizinho dribbles Gonzalve II and when .\Iooso loc ., for blot . he gives to Chio :il hi s ILli side . The shot was inapealalle . BR .A5I1 . 4-0 . Tile ~l .anish give a net% start . Prut fo cttt, and give_. tu Zi 2ii ilu . the : usider runs LI ., th. , dribbles l'uebades and ruas in th e direction of the area, \%hut e%ervho,lx was expectilni, the final mho( , he gage backwards io .\demir, \%io was contint behilid . Ralnaliet s couldn ' t do anvtlng . 11t1) ntinttte_ IW All, -0 . .\net th ;, goal the l ;razilian leduced the standard of pity . 'd ht tipatrsll inq,roycd and Panizo . at the Mi ntinttte lust a ,oi d chance . .Adenii and ( hico breake op the Spanish defence : anticil .atittg his contpalli( .n . :Ademir dribbles .Alomo and g ives o, Zi.trra out I the more zinho : with a soft shot, the insider takes 1` an, 1 scores . I Z A . II . 0 -0 , Pinaly, at the 20th nrnut%, thv SI . :inis Ii team scores . Bauman , parses liigode and crosses over the circa : Igua goes alter the hall . and . in a beattt,ful style . s_nd it inside the nets . <1' .AIS 1-(t . \Ith"tt;h reacting brnrl_v . tilt, spahi ;h did lint obtain po,itiy c Itstllts ti] the final wIistle . i ;R .\SIL . lrl .
Uma in - eelida
panic a
rejera ;
c Andrade ; e Vidal . Es+adic Municipal do Pacaembu , Sac Paul a
Urugudi, 3
148 .550,0 0
Julio Perez
As equipes urug uaia e sueco rncsm :t Ke cheque nits suas costas e ea a, rides . Vcopita( . 1-1 . Saen1 u, ,nes, : I,lallC11 `ailla a gosse du cuuru e arranc a pela extrema : cn+bura Tejera se projetasse em mia persegui5o . china liante da cid .1(Mil nru;uaia . l + az ,e afasta precipitadamente , c+rasen Jnrl na entrada livre de Sunrlyvi .,t . (lite desempata , jug o au,. 41 minuto;, trac aps u tenti) de Chig<gia . ~CECEA 2-1 .
I irad ., ~ , 'li) c,lnpete a+ IIII I , at primcira mtmubra : \liguez dai a Schiatollo yac atora mai, a frente para Rifo I'erez : %isa I k, GIIi Zgia, lm~a tim passe que iohans en intercepta de ca I+cha . ntucimentan(lu \ICII1m-g : dle il peluca Vili a Palmer que, Ce (\arch . coloca-a a, alc .utrc de leppmm dentro da arca : para evitar u chine . (ple pudcria ser fatal . Teicla cede e, canteio . ( ,hrad, c citi vicini, contra-atas :ull rapidanlcnte urienlaiv e tit .e 115 ,oll test upurtunidadc de praticar loa dcf(sa , nuul chut e de \l i goez : in,istcm o, nrngttaio, c Ioli+. + Percz collido cm im i edimentu . 5 utimn<,s . vndradr comete 'hand,' para impedir que loe n alwjtl( . ( ) prpri,, ectre,1ta direita exceu ta na dirc~5, (le V :ilincr . que controla e arrrmata lora do alcance ele l'az . SL - E( 1 :\ 1-0 . X511 dasanimam n, nruguaio, cuto at quella d+) scu arco e lite Ihoram de pruduG+ .+ . procurando a meta a(kersl-ia cune Lilaior itttensida(le . Lm Linda das aran~ada,, 2w, 15 minuto,, il hula . ben i iprovei ta da pot Ghiggia . quando la sainchi pela hnha de tunda, cuntroladat pm Itilio Perez, que procura empatar cum nm tiri, qu e I .assuLi raspando a trave esquerda . Tre, minutos depui, luenss,n disputa (le cabe~a ruin Tejer a ( ,e contunle . deiaandu t, Bramado . Netti par is,u ras sttcu, abattduuam a ofensora . IhsVCncilhandu-se da nlarrt5u . Jl ellben. iu Vade il urea, s nao aomentaudu , `,core ' (levido a arrojarla intclrcntu de Paz, lan~andu-Se a ScwS p, , 1)ttratit( algunS minuto, a peleja disputala <I, igual par a goal . .\ 35 minuto, a retaguarda uruguaia se desdubra par a ;unici u intpet(, de lelpson que . en idi pur 5undgyi,t . amcaa;aV a goal' de l'az . Abandonan( lVerda(leiru posto . Ghiggia ,e (IcAinit par a ccntru (li) campo . controlando uni passe de Itiliu Pereza corr e ligeir( , e desfere violcntu chute : :t pelota takez fosse detendida po r wcnssun : entrctantu . Frik Nilsson iuterlktz-se, deixandu gite :t
kctc i ad+ ; o p,gu, m+,9trm1-,e u, tn'ugu,liu, utas disposto, e I mi :tirand+ ; at tudu costo estabeleccr noa igualdade no marcador . 11,, sucos . pore[ . estn cnntr(ilacl,s e Vau irente . obrigalA(1 ++rica Cris a milcederem 11111 "cerner " por interuldiu de \latia, Gonzalez, aportado ,lue estiva pelo " lisia" Paliner : a falta batid a Lo l- Iohanssen . cain<I (, .t bola entre Palmer e Gambetta- perde11d u auult . 20 [imito, urugna ' i, prcduminam tcn'itorialmeme . \idal passa a ticliaffina que se c+mltinde, tlimiliando boa chanc e d< "goal Logo era seguida Migticz <lesperdi~a tima jugada d e (iliggia, clutanda notita acima da nieta stica . 31 minuto, . Preferide parai a organizagu dus ataques, GhigW a Voue Gaet(1 e cIldere4a centro Iara \liguez : btm colocado , antc~ qu( Salnttelssun chegasse at le . Aliguez atira coin frEa . P.uil ate 2-2 . Us sucus, deVidu, prorarellnente au ardur cura que se eml .rcguc-mt para conter a pt-esu ttruguaia, eei(lenciam crosa~u . \aIendo-se (lesse landcap os orientais dcnninam a Itita pur complet, . . Nunca confusao \liguez arremeta . hatendo u cauro en1 San :uelsson . _Aus-3<] minnt+e,, surge o tinto procurado relus tilamcnca ll os . ilhiggia Janga para \IiLucz yac . :t curia <listncia, chuta ,cm apela, . VKCGU \I 3-2 . Mais algmis lance, c termina ' prlio .
11,11 1
Suecid, 2
Svensan ;
Palmer e
Sundgvis f
Ausiliare, A . Beranek
G . de Nicola (Paraguai l
1 "
lempo, Suecia,
Sundquis t
.Aiter taking the nss . the kick o felt to the Uruguayans ; \liguez pass,, the hall tu Schiaiiinn, which troves it passes further I( . clin l'erez : mine ai Ghiggia, AA .ho pries but the ball is int,rcepte(1 \iitli the head bi lohansscn, putting Mellberg on th e ntoX-r : the hall goes, then . to l'aliner who shouts oser, (lhdulio Varela, plat it tu lepp .on '.liti, the area ; tu aX-Oid the shot that coul d haie heen fatal ' I ejcnt. grams a corner . The corner iras taken . u-itlt no effeel and the Orientals counter-attack Ipilcklw givin g Svvenwn the nl .11oittmity tu pr21ctise a good defense of a shot fro m \Lignez ; the Urugua an insist and Julio l'erez is caught in off sicle . y nth minute . :\ndiade touclis the hall \villi his hand tu avoi d the attack : of luenason . The outside right Iiintself kicks the bal l in the diretion of l'aimer . \vilo controls it and finishes . otit o f reach of Paz . ti\\'11)h. 1-0 . Che L'ruguaians flo not get d ;scnnraged with this goal an d trw t9 imp--9we their pruduetintt, tr)mg to reach the opponen t goal vwith in,r,:ued in(ensitc . During olle of these ellarges at th e 1 nth minute, the hall \sell Controlled by Ghggia, when mas escapin g by goal line is ceded tu julio ferez vihich tries to equalize th e ,cor, \vith a shat that paved scraping the left corner post . Three Ittiltntey later Ine115s0 11 engages himself in a duel wit h Tejera and ;rets hurl . leasing the field . The Seeden, nexertheles . do not desist from the attack Getting rid of the marking, 2Aellhe n invades the 211-,21 and (lues lint improved the score nn1S dite te the held interc,ntion of Paz, t li rovSing himself ai his feet . Ihtrng xcertl minutes the gante is played ou the same leve l bS both teams . ( )n the 35111 minute the Uruguayan defence i s determined lo hold the iulpetus of lephsun, Wilieh sowed by sttnllqr ' st, vSas 1ltreatwlIg the , val of l'az . Craving his ovin position, Ghiggia takes to the center o th e field . controlling :t pass from Inlio ferez ; he run : gnicl :h' and t have heen deffenaed l,c ` ;vetuon . r iies a violent shot : the ball mig h but t?rik Nilson interferes . letting the ball hit his ha ~! : \chick llte n gnus into tile oct . Senne, 1 - 1 . Restart the Stceden> . Inhansscu gets the hall ami runs Ily the . nut side : cieli with 1 . eiera after him, he crusses in front 9f th e i rugtiaian goal . Paz mithdravws htutili, giving Svay to the il-ee : . sevre at the 4101 miner cnuane( of tiundgSist, vyhich changes the eaCtlS one miuttte after the gnat ni l ;higgia . Swede 2-l .
forcing the ll-uguat :tn, to grant a curie- throw , h \latia, t~nl r , :de, \5119 \S as under the Irr,s .i il I I) i > ;fl CV . The corner Kick tea s taken b\ johausscn and the hall \Sas thto\cn bcttrcen l'almer :ve d ( iauhctta, losing l'aimer tut opporntnity . At the Luth minute the Uruguayans had the territoria l Vidal passes to Schiaffino who gets nlidled up, losing thin a good chance to score a final . 1lmnerlial,IS after that . Miguez \castes a pass from Ghigoa, sending the ball too high, carer the tivyerlislt go{tl . 31st urinate . Chosen to organize the attack, GIliggia heats Gaer d and sends a center tu \liguez ; \cell placed, hefore 1 :tnw(-I5s9n get s to hist . vLiguez shouts eticiently 2-2 . The Svyeden, prohahl5 due tu the fierceness Ni ith which the n tri tu race the Urttgu :p'att pressure slunv ,oui, lircllness . "bakin g advantage f ,t this handicap the ( )rieut:ds Ruminate the game co ipleteh' . ln a moment of confusion . lli ;uvz l:ic'ks, the hall hittin g tiaumelsson . \t the 39th miuttte, the goal the South :Americans vwere alter . is ohtained . Ghiggia throw-, t o Alight. . . vihich at a short distanc e ;hoot ; \vithout apeal . Urtiniay 3-2 . Fume mure 11121X- and the g:nm Cody \with 11110 .core aboi, .
s hCO y I)
11 .ALI'
yI G
r \\ hcn th, gant, vcas re-started, the L ' rugnavan seem bette e th dinl~oncd and trcng at :toy cost to ,snthlish a i,,v5 drus 911 gu iurvyarrl . atd placard . L'ut th, tivcrdcn are also ticII prcicu-rd
arlo 1 ,11141l
SMCIO' d, 3
Svensson ; Somuelsson e Erik Nilsson (Q ;
espanhis Inoiilnentaratlt < , couru por intermdio de Zarca e imc ( 'iana rente forait) ao ataque ; Heruaut <lcz procurott unta brecha af 11 <le pausa r lia,sora, iornt ( ;aerd interieio n o lance e atrazou para Vrik \il,son, qu e t clutteu . As primeiras i mestidas pertencet a tti aos ibricos, lieur escorado, n a I Itha mdia . os seo, atacantes realizaran ) Agramas incurses que por potro nao titerant resultados positiio, . Svensson e amuelsson mostratani-se atentos . amtlando a aao da ala esgtter<la l'anizo Iuncnsa . Aos seis minuto, obscria-se . ainrla . maior volume de aao por parte do s rspanhGis . Nessa altura Zarra perdet t boa oportumidade ; aps driblar johans >en atirou fora . Gratlatiiatmente os sucos tao nte I li orando . No 10." minuto jai equilibrat n oncontro, aianado i ;rial ntntero el e iezes e con o messno perigo . Palme r c<mtanda urna arrancada em combina o (out Stmdtivist : do extrema at pelota vai ter a jepsson que passa a Iocl is so li ; o chute sai forte mas sent direao .
protcitou bara cnlocl-la nn Canto csgnerde, rasteiro . `UVA l :\ 1 0. Dispettt -sr os c.pamh<ii . .t bota r pela conquista do empate . \o entanlo . 8 detesa stleea esta fii'Ine, aliviando il ., tentativas de "troal " gocr partida, d e Zarra, quer de Iuncosa . Hscoam-se outros gttinze miento,, acentUandn-se o predominio dos esciti xl malos, que s c lanam frente etn busca de nota s iantacn, . :>t 33 minutos Alc111wrg recehe d e Anderson e corre velozmente at a linit a ele foudl, . ele ontde, emtbora perseguido por l'arra, consegue centrar rasteiro ; a pelota croza a area, ando ter a joensson . !iure ; o tiro fui ivapelvel para Liza %uirre . SUECIA 2 0 . Depo'.s disco os sucus diminuem o ritinto qu_ vinhaui empreendendo pug na . at que o juiz d por terminada a etapa inie al .
2 .11
16-7-195 0
Estadio Renda,
Municipal do Pocaembu , So Paul o
330 .550,0 0
,Goals .
TE -Ail,( )
>ucos . loensson liirit-se de Puchac4a , deriva para a extrema, bate :Uonso ns . (arrida e atra fracamcntc ; 1?izagnir n falba na defeca, soltando a bola ; Sumlqti,t. que acontpanhava a jograda, dillo s<
l'ara o tempo contplcntenGtr os espauhits retornatn cour 1-lais enttt,iasmo . Logo rie salda Imlcosa ludibria a tia ntttelsson na mmcaao e penetra m a rea pela lateral : arremata Coln violencia: Svensson e laina ale encontr o hola que, batendo cm scu hrao va c at Iohanssen, que rebate em direa o il metade do canteo . Durante tinte e cinco mintuos o
cotejo se cleseniolteti alternamente. _A o se aprox mar o fini da peleja os _sueco s ioltaram a assediar o recluto final espanbol, que, alm ele nao se mostra r conveniemtenlente seguro timba contra s i a conclusao sofrida por Alonso . :Ao, 32 minutos Alelberg reperiti o lance (lite redundo : no segtmdo goaV . .Aiattott , levando a ntelhor sobre Alonso : quale rente lima de fundo deslocott-se para o centro, objetivando u m angolo que Ihe perntitisse o chute : Fizagnirre abamdonou o arco e fui ao scii encontro ; Mellberg, pormi, atrazott par a Palmer, que conseguiti o ponto . SUE CiA . 3 0.
r. .
CongUauto restassent poUcas esperattas, deudo ao "placard relativa mente alto, os espauhis continuara n forando a detesa coutrara . Afinal, ao s 35 utinntos )uncosa arrancou at a bandcira ele corner " ; sentilido a aproxintadao ele Sanntelssoii, centro : pata Zarra que . sent amtt'to esturo vencen sten"oil . FISPANHA 1 -3 . Nos ltimos dez minutos a partida transcorreu equilibrada . nias nao se registrou nembum ostro "goal" .
5,;, .
14 :n1
F .rludiu
l ' unuonb
ESpdnhd, 1
r - Eizaguirre ;
~~e Asensi
D. a Alonso ;
~ ..~ :'
:~`ris~ .
l ISL ..
Arhilro, Von deer Meer (Holando ) Auxiliares, Prudencio Garda (Estados Unidos )
1 ."
tempo Suecia,
G a a 1
The Spanish put the hall into uu~tii-n thr.nlgh Zaria ami eta' : iunitediately to attach . Hernandez try to find a breach to pas, I L'a,sora . but l :aerd inter y emJed and passes back to Erick Nilss-- r \clin hicks . The first incursion ; belong to the lberics . AWell supporr~ ' I,, . the interntediarc line . their forwards trw Several BWLII" o'! very nearly suCCvS1tLlll . ~crnam and Sainuel,,wi %%ere yen alcr . frustrating the actions ut the left %vil; Panizo-iuncnsa . ()It the siXth minute, the Spanish are more active . By tha t : tinte . Zarra lose, a ""."d r .plwrtunit_v : after dribbling luhan,et . thro", the ball outside (,radualh, the Swedish ire improving . On the 10th minut e r they attain equalize in the ,ame . pushing forward an equal ininil g . Palmer leads the posh, combinin of tintes %with equal danger with Suntlgvist : from the ,nusider . the ball goes to lepsson who 1' tLSe - it to loenssntt : the Shot is strong but without direction . f l ;th minute . Pressure of the Swedish . loensson gets rirl o .as,c , the ruts and I Puchades, runs to the outside . heats Atnnso ou : . letting the hall escape weakly : Eizaguirre, fails .it the defense low il ! . %vas tnllo\ving tip, takes advantage to shoot Sntdrlvist who the left corner . Sweden 1-0 . The Spanish are disposed to put up a fight to equalize th e sco r e . Nevertheless . the Swedish defense is firm . annulling al ! attnlpts from Zarra, as vy ell as trout Tuncosa . Another 13 minute s 1asseti . emphasizing the predominance of the Scandittaviati . vwhic h push forward looking for new advantages . P,v the 33rd minute, Atelll,erg receives the ball iront -~nder>1I n and rushes to the end line . front whre . even pursued by Parra . shone low to the center : the ball crosses the area going t o fret : the shot wa-, undefensable for Eizaguirre . Sweden 2-I1 . After that moment the Swedish slow clown their rhithul o f play ll the nn,tnent the referee whisttes the end of the firs t thal f -time . SECOND HaLF -TIM E The Spanish return to the complementary time ntnre enthusiastic . At the very he,inninff . Turicosa dribbles Samuelsson and penetr .ne , the area h%- the side-line : shoots violently : wensson throws himsel f to the hall which hits hi, art and toes to lohanssen who clears i n the direction of the center if the field . Durin, almost twent minutes play was alternate . When th e End -t the game tuas near, the Swedish return to the attack : th e
~pani>I! which tore nrt only lather in>ecum . hLii al, was hmldicapl,tId b% the injury sufiered by .Mons,' . 13v the 32111 minute, Alellber, repeat, the plat which re'1111er l ti;e seront !lual . He pushed iortcard, beattin1 :Alum, : almost clos e i the ,oal line, he displaced Itiln .eli to the center, wing tu tin t all angle t,t shtan . Viza ,guirre left the ,n,tl and goe, tu him : M-llber1-, nleantchile passes back to l'almer %cinch utarked the 31A final . sI weden 3 -0 . 1 , \ ell thotl ;,11 with ycn little hope, due to the placard being rather high . the Spanish kept nn forcing the opponents defense . Finally . oit the 37th minute, luncosa rushed up to the corner flag ; seem, the approaching t .,f Sanluel"'(m . Ile centers t o Zarra wh o iv nttb great eiiort, heat lyensson . Spain 1-3 . un Ille last ten minutes of the game, the t,,rce> of both team , terre I'clmtced . but nt mure goals were regi>tered . Sweden, 3-1 .
Ataque esponhol
a retaguarda
sueca .
, ~ ~ afir , , ~
Uruguai, 2
i~' ~i .~
*! .
t t t.
.sS .~~~F. .~ . .
Gcm he0o, Obdulio Varelo e Andrade ; Ghiggo, Julio Perec, M ;9ue ., Schiaff,, 2 e Y.omn .
16- 7-195 0
Estadio Municipal do Moracon .
Goals Echioffino -
Ghlgg a
. .p .' ,
. :0 +
ti .
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Ah o
, pa
Utuqaa! x ~Rta&e
MAnd, sobre
o V'
partida .
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O Presidente da F .I .F .A ., sr . Jul ., Rmet, tendo ao lado o President e em exerccio, da C .B .D ., sr. Mario Pollo, sada os ogadore s uruguaios ao Ihes fozer entrega da Tal a
chete da delegalo uruguaia, sr. Americo Gil condu z Tala ,Jules Rimel, aps o sensacional triunf o
3 + ~
~ 1
Goal s
I . I 22
C' rugu :c
Brasil ', r.
Co e tr a -,
t ~
~ I
Suecia lapanh ::
. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 I
1 5
C, i
1 2
Sni~a Inglaterra Estados Unidos
2 1
1 '
2 ~ 2 ~ ' ; -1
hl m co
I . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. .
2 I I I I -I ' I 2'
1 0
1 ~ 2
1 I I l
I I I 1 1
4 s
1934 Italia
1938 Frana
OITAVAS DE FINAI S 2416 2516 2816 28/6 117 217
1950 Brasi l
Grupc Brasil - Mexico - Suijo - Jugoslavi a Brasil, 4 x Mexico, 0 Jugoslavia, 3 x Suia, 0 Brasil, 2 x Saica, 2 Jugoslavia, 4 x Mexico, 1 Brasil, 2 x Jugoslavia, 0 Suo, 2 x Mexico, 1 Brasi l Estados Unido s
Italia, 2 x Noruega, 1 Tchecoslovaquia, 3 x Holanda, 0 Hungria, 6 x Indios Holandezas, 0 Cubo, 3 x Rumania, 3 Cuba, 2 x Rumania, 1 Brasil, 6 x Polonia, 5 Franja, 3 x Belgica, 1 Suia, 1 x Alemonha, 1 Suia, 4 x Alemanha, 2
Finalista Grupo
Semi-finali sia,
20/7 Paraguai, 1 x Belgica, 0 1317 Estados Unidos, 3 x Belgica, 0 1717 Estados Unidos, 3 x Paraguai, 0 Semi .finalista, ESTADOS UNIDO S Grupo Argentina Chile Franj a Mexico 13/7 Frona, 4 x Mexico, 1 16/7 Chile, 3 x Mexico, 0 19/7 Chile, I x Frona, 0 19/7 Argentina, 6 x Mexico, 3 1517 Argentina, 1 x Frona, 0 22/7 Argentina, 3 x Chile, I Semi-finalista, ARGENTIN A
I 1
Inglaterra, 2 x Chile, 0 Espanha, 3 x Estados Unidos, 1 Espanha, 2 x Chile, 0 Estados Unidos, 1 x Inglaterra, 0 Espanha, 1 x Inglaterra, 0 Chile, 5 x Estados Unidos, 2
SEMI-FINAI S SEMI-FINAI S 3/6 Italia, I x Austria, 0 3/6 Tchecoslovaquia, 3 x Alemanha, Clossificnj6o para 3' loga r 2 Italia, 2 x Brasil, 1 Hungrio, 5 x Suecia, Clossificado Brasil, 4 x paro 2 217 Uruguai, 8 x Bolivia, 0 25/6 29/6 2/7 1 Finalista Sueci a 3' loga r Grupo Uruguai Bolivi a 7/6 Alemanha, 3 x Austria, Suecia, Suecia, 3 x Italia, 2 Suecia, 2 x Paraguai, Italia, 2 x Paraguai, 2 0
Finalista Urugua i SEMI-FINAI S 2716 Uruguoi, 6 x Jugoslavia, 1 26/7 Argentina, 6 x Estados Unidos, FINA L 3017 Uruguai, 4 x Argentina, 2 FINA L FINA L F I N A Italia, 4 x Hungria, 1 1016 Italia, 2 x Tchecoslovaquia, 1 Campedo, Itali a Vice-Ccmpe6o, Hungri a 3 colocado, Brasi l 4' colocado, Suecia 2 917 917 1317 1317 1617 16/7 Brasil, 7 x Suecia, 1 Uruguai, 2 x Espanha, 2 Brasil, 6 x Esponho, 1 Uruguai, 3 x Suecia, 2 Suecia, 3 x Esponha, 1 Brasil, 1 x Uruguai, 2 Campeo, Urugua i Vice-Campeo, Brasi l 3 . Suecia I S
FINALISTA S Bolesteros ; Nazozzi a Mas . cheroni ; Andrade, Fernan . dez e Gestido ; Dourado , Hector Scarrone, Castro , Ca e Iriarte &ottuso ; Della Torre e Paternoster ; J . Evoristo, Zumelzu e Suarez ; Peucelle, Vorallo, Stabile, M. Ferreyra e M . Evaristo .
EQUIPES FINALISTA S URUGUAI Maspoli ; M . Gonzalez e Te . jera ; Gambetta, Obdulio Varela e Andrade ; Ghiggio , Julio Perez, Miguez, Schiaffi . no e Moran . BRASIL Barboso ; Augusto e Juvenal ; Bauer, Danilo e Bigode ; Fria . So, Zizinho, Ademir, lair e Chico .
ITALIA Cambi ; Mozeglio e Allemandi ; Ferraris IV, Monti e Be rtolini ; Guaita, Meazzo, Schiavo, Ferrari e Orsi . Tchecoslovaquia Planika ; Zanisec k Ctyrovky ; Kostalec, Camba l Krcil ; Junek, Cvoboda, Sobot k Nejedly e luc .
ITALIA Olivieri ; Foni e Rovo ; Serantoni, Andreolo e Locoteli ; Bia . vati, Meazza, Piola, Ferrari e Colaussi HUNGRIA Szabo ; Polgar e Biro ; Szaloi, Szues e Lazar; Sas , Vincze, Sorosi, Szengeller o e Titkos.
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C Presidente da Republica, gen . Eurico Gaspar Dutra e o Preleila d o D0'itc Federal, gen . Angclo Mandes de Moraes visitando depen por oeasio da su n den .da Estadio Municipal do Maracon naug uraco, 0 17 de junho de 1950 .
Cortando c lita simbolica, o Presidente da Repblica, Gen . Earicc Gaspar Dutro inaugura o Eslddio Municipal do Maracan, n n manha de 17 de lunho de 1950 .
de Mnrocon Vista
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Estadio municipal O Estadio Municipal do Maracon enconlro se no terreno d o amigo Derby Club, perro do Imperial Ouinia da Ba Vista . Fe construido para os logos do Campeonato Mundial de Fuiebol d e 1950 . 0 Estadio Municipal representa umo dm praas e,portiva s mai, completas do mundo eco condices de garantir a participci do moio,in dos paises filiados o F . I . F . A . A construio desi o grande obro iniciado em Agosto de 1948, sendo o corpo de operario s que ali empregaram suo, otividades eco varios seto,es, composto 1 .600 homens . No mnstraa do Esladio fora . empregados : 500 50 55 12 145 3 .000 195 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 sacos de cimento ; m, cubitos de orci o m . cubitos de pecina britad o loneladas de ferr o m . quodrados de forma s de tijolo s quilos de pregos de
do Marocon Asplo s I : is situated at the site of old Derby Club, near the Imperia l Guilt . do B6o Vista . It was constructed for the realization of th e World's Football Championship game's of 1950 . The Municipa l Stadium is one of the most complete sporting, grounds of th e wcrld and guarantees that most of the countries, members of th e IA F .A . - will have the possibility of being represented at th e games . The construction of this enormous work has begun in Augus t 1948 . 1 600 worker ; was doily employed . Th- following construction material was used in the Stadium . 500 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 3 .000 .000 195 .000 50 55 12 145 bags of cemen t cubic mis . of san d cubic mis . of ruble ston e tons . of ,o n sq, mis . of wooden form s ai brick s kg . of nail s football association . For the exercise of the other sport, there wil l be other independent grounds, as follows : a) b) c) ci) e) Q g) h) i) Alhletic Fiel d Orpheonic Pavillio n Covered gimnaziu m Swiming poo l BasketL Ball and Wolley Ball fields ; Tennis court s Shooting stan d Cycle groan d Play Ground .
Ele permite soment c C campo tem as dimenses olimpicas . Todos os oulros espose s do -football association - . a praii ca As damais dependenci a terc, lovais aprapn .dos independentes . ,sportive- que com plata ro o Estadio, so as 1 e9aintes : a) Pista de atletismo, com o, : b) c) d) e) f) 9) h) i) Pavilhao orleonico : Ginazio mberto ; Piscinas ; Campos pois basquetebol e voleibol, tom arquibancadas ; Cuadras de tenis tom arquibancadas ; Stand de tiro ; Pisco de Gclismo, om arquibancada ; Ploy-G,ound .
dependencias terco realizadas com o tempo . Assim, a Esta , .m logo, ideo] para Estodie Municipal do Maramn oferecer todos os especies de esposes alleticos . A construo do Esladio toi dirigida e fiscaliscido pela Adm i ni,trac dos Estadios Municil is (A .D .E . M .), sob a direo genti l do engenheiro militen cet . Herculano Gomes, asistido pelos sis . enq . (ostentas espo,tsos) , Paula Pinheiro Guides, kuiz Augusto Vinifiais Victor Costa (ossuntos camerciais), eng, Pyro Cript Adolphson, eng . Costa Cavalcanti, erg . Coutinho, en9 . Mauro Temistocles Franca )atol Jas Schmitt, Mauro Felipe de Saut . Mendes e Tono He . , .dia de Sa
These dependencies will be constructed in the mune of time , sc that the Municipal Stadium offer an ideal place for all kind s m sports . Construction of the Municipal Stadium have the supervision o f Administroccic dos Estadios Muncipais . (a municipality Department) , uncle, the general direction of the Military Engineer col . Herculan o Come, whe was assisted by messe . eng . Paulo Pinheiro Guedes , (business affairs) . eng . lui ; Vinhois (sports offoirs), Victor Costo Ppc . Cripl Adolphson, eng . Temistocles Fronce Coutinho, eng . Mauro Costa Covalcante, eng . Jacob lose Schmitt, Mauro Felipe de Souz a Mendes e Torso He,edin de S o
Tecnitamenle, a consiruco do Estadio Municipal e umo da s Tem copacdod e mai , importontes ale Noie execuladas no Brasil . por,. 155 mil assisentes e poza o contorto dos mismos sera . ins talado restaurarles, bares, agencia de mrreios e lelegrafos, radio , lejos c dependencias cartelotas no esporl e C perimetro do Esladio e de 800 cot,, e suo aliara maxim c e de 30 m1, .
Tecricall), this construction is one of the most importants tha t Brasil . The stadium have a capacit y hci . ever been executed It will hove restaurants, bars, post an d to ; 155 .000 spe,olcl, . telegraph service, radio, shops and sport dependencies, which wil l provide the spectators with every possible contort . The perimete r or the Sl .dium is 800 mis . and it rises to an altitude of 32 cols . It only permits the exercise of field has ahmPic dimensions Th,
\ 1 ~
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.` .,hado dc muilor anos Estadio Municipal do Pocoembu, no capital do &Iodo de $do Poulo . Foi duranl u e maior Estadio do Brasil, ate a eonshagbo do Eslodio Municipol do Marucand , ne Ric dc loneiro . Capocidade pore 70 ./80 .000 espectadores . FIOn1 side of the Pacaembu . Municipol Siedium, at S . Paulo's copilal . II was during som e year the greater 5ladium of Brasil untll the Mmocan 5fadium, al Rio . Capacity fo r 70 ./80,000 spcelato ,
f. . J, .
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Inglol . 10 1
Chile 25
Total 48 i 1
Jugos I . 20 1
Suecia 71 4
Es pen ha 61 2
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rara l 22 6 9 2 2
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1 1
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4 3 4 3 1
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CI S 28 .386 .160,5 0 6 .111 .270,0 0 704 250,0 0 672 180,0 0 415 .490,0 0 288 .010,0 0 36 ,
Ric dc Janeiro Sao Paulo Belo Horizonte Curitiba Porto Alegre Recife
. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
Total CrS
(Tickets sold ( 8 logos 6 jogos 3 jogos 2 jogos 2 jogos 1 j6go . . . 813 168 22 17 14 8 .54 1 .36 1 .77 1 .41 4 .65 8 .50 1
Rio de Jnne ;ro Fac Paulo Bel,, Harizonte Curitiba Port : Alegre Recife
PRICE AVERAGE FOR EVERY STRANGER TEAM'S MATC H 41 .318 Ingressos Ingressos Ingressos Ingressos Ingressos Ingresos Rio de loneiro 560 Paulo Curitiba Recife lelo Horizonte Porto Alegre a c c a o a C,$ C,$ . Cr$ C,$ C,$ Cr$ . . . 33 .4 7 36,2 2 38,6 0 33,8 8 30,9 2 28,34
25 .266
8 8 7 , .707 .501 .590 .329
. .
. .
Oz trobalhos de arrecadacbo do renda dos jogos do IV" Campeonato Mundia l do Fulebol bem como a organizal6o do plano de servilo esfiveram sob a direl o de Superintendente da C .B .D ., sr . Irineu Rodrigues Chaves, que contou com a valiosa cooperal6o do Fiel de Tesouroria, sr. Mozart Machado Giorgio e de se c auxilia : imedialo, sr . Sebasliao Martinez Alonso . A arrecadalo, em campo fe etetuado por um grupo de funcionarios prticos e competentes, sob a chelia d o s : . Francisco Teixeiro Mello, que ha muilus anon vera prestando sem serviles o C .B .C . No grovura aclmo aparecem alguns dos funcionarios, em atividade .
The work of gathering the gate money of the World Football Championshi p games, as well as its organization were entrusted to the direction of the C, B . D' s Superintendent, Mr. Irineu Chaves, who had the valuable cooperation of th e Treasury Trustee, Mr . Mozort Machado Giorgio and his immediate assistant, Mr . Sebasti6e Martinez Alonso . The gate money at the Stadium was carried out by a group of efficien t and helpful functionaries under the orders of Mr . Francisco Teixeira Melo who , to : any years has been giving his cooperation to the C .B .D . In the above picture, some of the functionaries are seen at work .
1. 1
Fute6o l
A 22 e 23 de junho, no Hotel Quiland,nho, em Petropal s, Fol reoJi . .d . o Co n gresso Internacional de Futebol, promovido P .I . Federation Intern ationole d e Foosbotl Assoolion, sob o p+esidnci o do sr . Jules Rimel e fendo como membro s do misa os srs . R . M . Selldroyers (Be l gico), Sec,ii No Schricker , Gin-al ; Secretorio Geral do F . I. F . A . ; Lui z Aranha IConledcraao Sula merimno de Futebol ; R A Kirkwood (Escocia) ; L . Frederickson (Dinamarca) ; A . Drewry (Ir a g )aterra) ; Giovani Mauro (Ifalioo) ; K . J . 1 . Lolly (Holori 1 . Krebs (Sulco) e 5 . E Manuel Bianchi ( Ch'de) . A senho +ita Morlho Kurmon, tunee enana da F . I . F . A ., atucu como secretano do s Inaba Klhos, Resoluce s N . decorrer de tres reunies, realizadas pela manh e Iarde, loro . l o modas os seguimos resoluces : a) Expressar o peor dos Delegado s pelo ousencio do Dr . Rivadavia Cor reo Meyer, Presidente da Coll e deraco Brasileiro de Desportos , bere como os seas malhores voto s pelo scv completo restobelecimenfo ; ) ., . J . Ir, Ri .el . Prer.dente da F I F A. foz
Congresso .
b) -- Aprovor os relalrio verbal d o Congress . de Londres de 1948 , dos srs . Henry Delaunay e Stanle y Rous ; c) Aprovor os relatdrio verbal d o Congresso de Londres de 1948 , dos srs, Henry Delaunay e Stanle y Rous para apresenlarem o relalri o verbal do presente Congresso ; dl Conceder delinitivamente a fitici do Federacao de Nimragua ; a filiad o
. A piovo, o bolano, os contas d e ,eccita e de;peso e o oromenl o para o bienio 1950/1951 ; Designo, o Suia paro sede d o Compecnolo Mundial de 1954 e Suecia, a de 1956 ;
j ) .
k) Designar uma Comissdo de repre . senlanles do Yugoslavia, Esponha, Argentina, Chile, Inglaterra , am membro do Comit Executiv o da F . I . F . A . e ouVO do Er a ropa Sirt .r Tonal poro aprecio, o s proposlas de ollemes no E s alala da F . I . F . A . ; I) Tomar conhecimento do comuni cado do Delegado da Finlondia , informando que os logos de futebol das Olimpiados de He ,,nk ;, cm 1952, leroo initio um o semo .a antes de dalo morrad a paro c inicia dos logos Olimplccr . Continuo no p69 . 87
On Jonc .2nd . ono 23rd . inthe Hole . Quitandinho in Petropolis, was held th e International Foot -ball congress promore c by F . I . F . A ., under the Chairmonshi p of Mr . Jules Rini having as members o f the board Msrs . R . W . Selldroyers (Bel . gi . .i as Secretary General of the Congres s No Sch, :cker, Secretory General o ! F . I . F . A . ; Luis Aranha (South Am e neon Confederation), R . A . Kirkwoo d (Scotland), Frederici,sen (Denmark) , 1, A . Drewry (England), Giovanni Maur o (Italy), K . J . 1 . Lacey (Holond), J. Kreb s (Switzerland I . and S . E . Manuel Blah . chi (Chile) . Miss Martho Kurman, F . I . F . A . office(, octed as secretary .
dovio Correa Meyer, President o . the Brazilian Confederation . an d their most sincere whishes for hi s complete recovery ; b) To approve the verbal statemen t of the London Congress held i n 1948, of Msrs . Henry Delauna y old Stanley Rous ; cl To maintain the appointment o f Msrs . Henry Delounay and Stanle y Rous to present the verbal re . Poll of the present Congress ;
d) To grant definite affiliation t o the Nicaragua Federation ; e) To grant definite affiliation to th e Irok Federatio n 1) . To grant lem pora+y attilioton t o the Sarre Federation t g) Submit to the Executive Committe e the petitions of re-affiliation fro m Germany and Japan ; In I To approve the Secretory Genera l report concerning the period sub . sequent to the preceding Congress ; i ) To approve the balance, the figures of income and expenditures , and the budget for the biannua l period 1950/1951 ; To appoint Switzerland to be th e sito for the next World Champion ship in 1954 and Swede in 1958 .
f ) Conceder filiaao temporario d Fe , derado do So,re ; g Submelar ao Comite E .,z .livo o s pedidos de re (iboco do Alemonhe e do Japdo ; h) Aprovo, o relalrio do 5eoel : i o Gerol concernente co periodo subsequenle do precedente Congresso ;
Resolufions .
On the Ihre . meetings held on th e morning and on the afternoon . the follo wing Resolutions were lake . cl Exp .eu the regret of the Deiegale : for the absence of W . R a -
i )
k) To appoint a Committee with representatives of Yugoslavia, Spain , Argentine, Chilli, England, a member of the Executive Committee of the F . I . F . A ., an d another of Septentrional Europe , fo discuss the items presented t o allerotion of E I . F . A . statue ; 1) To acknowledge the announcemen t of the Finland Delegate that th e foot-boll olimpic games of 195 2 in Helsinki must begin one week before the appointed date for th e start of the matches ; Continuo no pag . 87
Sr .
Lui .
Aronha, ueelgndo
I ~nro
a F I
. .,
Congresso Internacional
Fute6o l
ARGENTIN E Dr. Jos M . Covell o Don Virgilio L . Copoccion i Juan Jos Russ o AUSTRI A Dr . Rudolf Ende r Herbert Haupt Buchentod e BELGIU M R . W . Seeldrayer s BOLIVI A W. Alfredo Galindo Ouirog o BRASI L Dr . Jodo Lyra Filh o Dr . Mario Poll o Consul Solero Cosm e CHIL E Don Luis Valenzuel a Manuel Bianch i COLOMBI A Eduardo de Castr o COSTA RIC A Don Ramn Coll Jeumet Dan Alfredo Alfar . Solet a Don Edgar Sanchez Corle s CURACA O Alberto Liede r Harry Dejong h DENMARK M . . Lear Fmclerik,e n ECUADO R Luis Antonio Pena Herrer o Jose Joaqulm Silv a EGYP T Ahmed N . Choukr y Zek .vic Velyke Dr . Mihojlo Andrejevic M . Djuro Klodarin S. M .lamaud D . Manuel Brur in U. .,peto da Salo dos 5 . . .aes do con gressc Ouil . ndinho, Petrpoli s
ENGLAND LEBANON Mr . A . D,ewr y Sir Stanley Rous FINLAND Mr . Erik van Frenckell M. Fcuod Abdal Malak EWEDEN Coil Altc .l Lad . Hel ; c . Bergeru s Erik A . OhlMa n SWITZERLAN D Gustav NETHERLAND : Roge : Conrie Henri Dctounay GUATEMALA Bachiller Alvaro IRISH F. J. FOOTBALL Cochrane M:. K. 1. 1 . lohy SYM A Ihson Mcirrach e Wldm keh r
E . Thammc n P . Greine r
NORWA Y A, Syrdehl FARAGUAY De . :derie [sober D : . Bias A . Dos Santa , PORTUGA L L-s< Eduardo ' de Menezes Rosa
M ..
~ . ~r.
~ 4 l` ) litP '` Z
g .
-COI/'!~ /,Q -
CHILE 5, .
L' a
Valenzuel .
_ '
SUICA Gastar -5rs . Greiner ; Widerkehr, E . Themmen e F
lui :
Anlon c
~~~~~~~'L i INGLATERRA -Sr . Slnnley Roas ; EGITG Sr . Ahmed N . Chouckry SRIA SR . IHSAN MARRACHE ~ (d esgaerda ; e
Srs . ,
. ._
l/ 1
Ottorino Bdrass :
Srs . Ramon Coll Jaomel, Alfredo Allar c Solely e Edgar Sanchez Cortes ;
. .. ._~. . ..~
Rlmrde Cntel
Si .
Zaboyi ,
Densa r
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el Bronelein .
Conlinuauo do pg . 8 4 sr . Reeleger Vice-Presidente o Aranha, representante do Confederoo Sulamericona de Felebol ; Designar Vice- presidentes os srs . Serge 3avine (Russia) e Erik vo n Frenkell (Finlandia) ; n) Eleger paro o Comit Executiva o s srs . Ernest Thommen (Suio) , K . J . 1 . (Holanda) e MuAoz Col . lerc (Esponha) ; o) Eleger auditor o sr . lean Krebs/ e Auditor Suplente o sr . R . A . Kirkwood ( Eccia) ; RR=' pl -Designar delegados do F . I . F . A . ac International Football Association Board os srs . Henry Delauna y (Frona) e Julio Ceso, Dd Gregori o (Urugeci I ; e Designar ,de do 195 2 Helsinki, prxima Finlandia, paro Congresso, em
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5rs . Waller Giesler e Fred W . Nett ., acomponhados das Snros . Giesler e Nett .
m) To re-ele<I Vice-Chairman Mr . Lui z Aranha, representative of the Sout h American Fool Ball Confederalion ; Tc appoint 2nd . Vice-Choirman Mr . Serge Savine (Russia) and 3rd Vi co Chairman, Mr . Erik an Fren . kell (Finland) ; n) Tc elect for the Executive Com ~ mittee, Msrs . Ernest Thomme n (Switzerland I K . 1. 1. Left y (Hallond) and MuAol. Caller0 (Spain) ; To elect Auditor Mr . Jean Kreb s (Switzerland) and Deputy Auditor , W . R . A . Kirkwood (Scotland) ;
P) To appoint Delegates of F . 1 . F . A . te the International Board, Msrs . Henry Delaunay (France) and J . G . De Gregorio (Uruguay) ; q -- Appoint Helsinki Finland to be th e sit, of the next Conference, i n 1952 .
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AUSTRIA 5rs . Rudolf Ender e Herbert Haupt rod,
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~ \ URUGUAI Manuel Caballero, Julio Cesar de Grego . rio, luan Jocobo e Celestino Mibelli ESCOCIA 5rs . George G . Gorham e R . A . Klrk_ood
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O jornalisla Jos do Silva Rocha Depoiv dos Sessile, Prepor .lria, a 4 de .lb. . e de Inslalao, 0 5, fo i reoli .ado a primeira Sessdo Plendrio, ' 10,25 de 6 de jvlho de 1950 . O presidenli da Meso do Congresso, R1 . cardo 5erran, reabre os trab .lhos da co n ,love promovido por s .ge .tdo da Confederado Panamericana de CrOnislas Espor t ;vos, pelo Departamento de Imprensa Esportiva do Associado Brasileira de I m prensa . Aps a chamodcs das delega58es, o s congressislos pesfam a apreciar os lese . .presentados, sendo tomados as seguinle s re'oluc6et : aprovor a proposido de Diocezano Ferve, . Gomes (Brasil) que rec o menda o todas as entidades de cr o ni>la esportivos e associ .58 .s de i prensa nos poises onde .inda no exist.. entidades especia lzads a necess i d .de de sere, taitas diligncios junt o as federaes esporlira s, no sentido d e inlegr .r 'uos deleg .es ero e .cu,sao a a eslrangeiro, seja para participar de cer . lume, inlernocionois, seja ero temporada s amistosas, pelo menos de m cronisl a esporl ;vo, perlencente a qualquer jorna l o . rdo-emiss6ra : rl,eitn, a proposil . de Dioce xeno Ferreira Gomm (Brasil) que pie poslo para a leovo do Congresso uro Canfederado Panamericana de Cronisto s Organi .odaro , Desportivos no Co .bsao por ocosido do p,zmo Congresso M .n . di ., A rejeido lo ; fundamentada no fat o d, e .istis o Federo6o Inl ernacionol d e Impronto Esporl ;vo s representada no Co n gesto por Henri Sthihisz, seu r ;ce-pre
durante . s .,,bo de
inste a o de jornalismo : transforma em indlcao, a pr o pos ;5do de Francisco Amrica Maft.' d e Poiva e Alranio Vieira (Brasil) s.g e , .da, o exemplo de medida tomada pel o Legislativo do Brasil, que os Poderes Pdblicor. das paises representados no Congresse %entero todos os profissiona ;s d e Imprenso do pagamento de imp6sto d e renda c Iransmissuo de imveis . ..inter y ;, .$ ; aprovor a proposio da del e 9 .50 do Chile compreendido em Ir , il ens : 1") nos Congreso, esportivos e especie, o reconhec i aconlecimentos do mente, dos cron ;seas esportivos sment e se fora gveles que possvirem creden . ciair. ou dispmerem de apresentaaes do s circulas esportivos dos seus poises ; 2 ' ) s .bsti l. i6o das bande ;ros e hi . ., n a cionais pelas bandeiras e hinos dos e n tidades dirigentes dos esportes patrios , beca como a recomendago ao, cir<uio s esportivos que orienlem os cronistas e m geral no sentido de que, nos trabalho s elaborados, sc abslr ;am de sentimento s nacionalista- o fim de evitar divergencia s r .,,entimentos entre poyos irmdos : 3 1 nortear o Irabalho dos circulos esport i voc no senido da modi fi c .560 das r e diversos esportes , gras de i690 nos que tas medidas vise . main : desde aperfeicoamenlo . (O lerc eiro e ltimo item foi .pr o vade solo a forma de sugesldo) . temo oprova r, desenvoHido como proposido, e por Indolicio Mende s na pg . 92 )
, ;denle . A proposido vc ;o a ser retirada , depois, pelo seu autor dionte da org u rn~ .56o de que a aprovao do tes e redundario ero negativa, pelo Brasil, 6 exi, lenci . da Feciera5o Internacional de Imprenso Esportiva ; aprovor a proposido de Dios . . (Brasil), para qu e .ano Ferreira Gomes se . .core o esludo do passbildade d e ero 1952, no Finlandia , orgonizarse, PO( occsiao dos logos Olimpico', um Congresse que devv ser realizado o u pelo menos orientado por : :mo entidade de cronistas localizado no Europa, co m a colaborodo da Confederol6o Pa n o meritano de Cronistas Desportivos ; . apro,., o proposido de Juli o emenda do pr e Bote[ (Bolivia), com ,dente do Congresso encarregondo o D e pa rlamenlo de Imprenso Esportiva da Associae6a Brasileiro de Imprenso, como r e conhecime .to por haver p,omov ;do 0 1 Congresso Mundial, de elaborar o pr o jetc de organixa5bo de una Cont e deradc mundial de cron ;sta, esporlivas . com sale no Rio de Janeiro . A apr o er o vacilo desea proposido obedecen, linha- 9erais, vos seg .int .s termos : a ) e%lobelecei a obrigado para os circulo s de associa56es filiadas de que, cm caso s em que se realiza, gesles de qua l o,eas poises, com . que : nolureza ero nique tois gesles aos circulos loco , sempre que sses sejom filiados d Co- , federodo ; b) estabelecer-se que os Circulos deve. gestionar ante o Conselh o de Educado Fisica, Minhlerio da Ed u codo o . Insfrudo PJblico o . onte organismo que lenha a seu cargo fisco
lira : em bazodas esportivos no Ezleri o r r em ,eus .especlivo% paises, envi o pais fi de cronisla esportiva 6 cado liado Confedera5do, no sm ente e m compeles esocosi0 de real ;zar-se po rt ivas, se no lambm nos ce lebra ce- de fastas patriticas . A sses enviado se pode confiar a misso de pro mover confernc ;os, efetvar esl .d0 1 , etc . , derenda informar delalhadamcnle, em se u regreso, dal re .nias ralixad.s ; c) promovcr c cumpr ;mento do dcciso do Co n o intersse da s grasse anterior referente Crculos e Al . informoes entre Os cia5m filiados, sbre Iodas as ativid . de+ esporlivas que se realtem em seu s respectivos paises, defalbes permanente ' de revistas e p .bl ;caes . Juli o aprovor , a propos ;d . de Borelli (Bolivia) re,omendo .d. a Iodo s c- Governos do mundo a designaa d e agregodos esportivos em 16dos a% sua s represenlaes diplomticas, de vez qu e e desparte se constilui em meio e f6 . a eficaz, para o enlreloa mento dos posos ; aprovor a proposido de Juli o consignando volo de Borelli (Bolivia), oplausc ao p,efeito do Dislrlto Federa l Angel o ( Brosil), general de d ;visdo Men ~ de Mornes, pela construdo do esldio do Maracan ; 7 de
de 1950 -
Provo, a proposio de Fra n cisco Americo Matto, de Paiva e Afrn ; o formad o Vieira (Brasil ), s .q .,in cl o a do <.,,o do especializao sport;, . no , paises, onde jd e .isfem cursos e seal,
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~ffecl the decision of the last Congres s -fering to the informations between th e c' des and associations filleted, concernin g !heir sporting activities in their respectiv e -entries with details published and sport s ^aper s el To approve the proposal by th e ^me member recommending that all go .ernments to adopt sports attachs i n aeit Embassies, justified by the fact tha t causes the better relation between th e oimople . f) To approve the proposal by th e same member, of a vote of thanks t o ire Mayor of the Federal District, Brasil , Gen . Angelo Mender; de Mornes for hi s -,eat realization of the Stadium of Maocon . 7th July 195 0 g) to approve the proposals of Fra n duo Americo Mottos de Ii and Afrani o Vleira (Brasil) suggesting a course o f pecialzolion for sports writers and reader , in all countries where alread y s : schools of journalism . h) To transform into indication th e ,,opcsal of the same members suggest - ig, similar to what was done by th e 'egislative of Brasil, that all countrie s -presented in this Congress, exempt thei r arolessionol of the press from Income ta x and tax .~intervivos , for transfer of prooery, if To approve the proposal by Chi elan Delegation under three items : I ) At a Spores Congress or simila r occurrence, only those duly ocredilled o r officially representing the sports circle o f thei : country will be recognised . 2) Substitution of the national fla g and hymn by the directing entities o f thr country and also that .11 part s writers and reporters circles guide hi s members to abstain from expressing nolionolistic sentiments to avoid hurting other ' s feelings . 0) guide the work of the sport s circc in order to modify the rules of th e different sports whenever such modifica . lion intends to improve the sport . Thi s item was approved as o sugestion . as a ) To approve, proposal , thr theme exposed by Indolco Mende s (Brasil), bowl the decision of th e Federci Argentina she Basquelebol, i n which the condition of a sports write r or o reporter does not signify that h e
Romuald o
da Silva . At 14,25 d clock, of the 6th Jul y 1950 was held the first plenary meeting , after the preparatory section on the 4t h July and the Inauguration on the 5t h of the some month . The Chairman, Ricardo Serran, open s the meeting on behalf of the ' Deparfamento de Imprensa Esportiva do Ass o cici Brasileira she Imprensa . . This Congress was the idea of th e BConfederchi Panamericano de Crch is fas Esporlivci After the roll call, the congressme n are coiled upon to appreciate the proposals in hand, and the following re solutions were taken : a ) To approve a proposal by Dia (Brasil) recomcezano ferreiro Gomes mending that all entities of sporting re porters and Press Associations in countries sam : member to promote a Congress , during the Olimpic Games to be hel d in Finland in 1952 . To be sponsored . o! al least guided by on entity of sport s repair : of Europe, with collahoration o f the C . P .C .E . d) to approve a proposal by Juli o Borelli (Bolivia) amended by the Presiden t of the Congress giving powers to th e Assoc iaco Brasileira d e C' 1 . E . of the Imprensa as a taken of appredolio n for having promoted the 1st World Ca n press, to elaborate the project of a Worl d Confederation of Sports Reporters, wit h {IS seat in Rio de Janeiro . The approval of this motion followe d this order : 1. which estabt :,hes the obligatio n lc all affiliated circles that all thei r activities shall be reported to the Can . federation . 2. which establishes that all circle s must act under the guidance of a Counci l of Phisical Culture, Ministry of Education , Public Instruction r_r an organ whose dut y is to fiscalice Snorts Delegations in th e exterior, in their respective countries, whe n sending abroad a sports reporter not onl y when as part of a delegation but als o when representing their country on som e patriotic festivities . To this representative could be en I osted The power to promote conferences . .e : stoke nudes, etc ., reporting fully, on
where there are no specialized Entities . the necessity to approach the Federic icn s of sports, so that they arrange with th e press for a reporter to take part a s membe : of sport ' s delegations when sen t .broad on international competitions o r friendly visits . This reporter could helon g either to a newspaper or a radio station . reject the proposal of the som e b) member who asked the Congress for o place for the -Confederado Panameri . can . de Cronistas Esportivos in the Organizing Committee of the next Worl d Congress . The rejection was founded o n the fact that there existed the F . I .I .E . . already represented by Henri Schihin, it s vice-president . In view of this fact th e proposal was cancelled by its originator . c) 10 approve o proposal by the
Continua a
pg .
Almoce afcrccldo
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O-q avc m a ia da
HONR A PRESIDENTES DE HONOUR PRESIDENT S Prefeita do Distrito Federal, General de Divisco Angel o Mendes de Morals ; Ministro dos Negcios das Reloees Exlei`ares, Rau l Fernandes ; Ministro dos Negcios de Ed .caco e Sade, Eduard o Rios FdI I Presidenlo do Conselho Nacional de Desportos, Joc o Lyra Filho ; Presidente da Confederoco Brasileira de Desportos , Riv.davia Corra Meyer ; Vice-presidente do Confederaco Bra sleira de Desporto s -- presidente em exercio, Mario Pollo ; Presidente da Confederaco Sul-Americano de Futebol , Luiz Valenzuela ; Presidenlo da Federation Internationale de Foot-boli A l socialion (F .I . F . A .), J .les Rimet ; Presidente da Associaco Brasieira de Imp rensa, He r bent Moses . COMISSAO ORGANIZADOR A ORGANIZATION COMMISSIO N Ary mond (Brasil) Barroso, Dioc .zano f<rreiro Games, J ., . Dr . Nel . . Mario Rodrigues Filho e Mello Junio r
0 nq a Wa a t i an
mon Vilaseco, Ed .ardo Teus . Jos Miguel Soria, Jos Maria Sanchez Silva, Carlos Mendez Lopez, Antoni o Rodulfo Boeto, Mafias Prates , Valencia Remon, Jos c Manuel del Arco Alvorez . ESTADO- UNIDOS : Best . FRANCA : Albert Laurence, Alex . Djukitch, Jacque s de Ryswick, Jean Skenazzi, Pascal Fug . .. a, e Arthu r Bogossion . HAITI : William Mc Yntosh . HOLANDA : H . G . Rons Kievid . INDOCHINA : Marcel Pino . Dent . Mc Skimming, e Jah n
INGLATERRA : E . R . K . Glover, W . Capes Kirby . W :Ily Meisl, H . C . Aspinall, Ronald Turnbull, Joh n Thcmpson, John Macadam, Charles Buchan, Fronk Butler , Cl :ftord Webb, Maurice Smith, Vernon Morgan, e Joh n Graydon . ITALIA : Leone Boccoli, Nino Oppio, Mario Zappa , G,oncarlo de Bett ., Lucia Morivi, Ciro Verratli, Giuseppe Zaneltj, Nino Nutrivo, Gianni Reiff, Morio Fazzni, Mario Colnachi, Sira Poggi, Arturo Profili, Leon e Grassi, Nocol Corosio Vittorio Pozzo, Ferdinando Perrone, Eugenio Danese, Severio Luigi Gammarano, Paol o Faleliri, e Gianni Ponta . IUGOSLAVIA : Lj .bomir V .kadinovi ,, novic, e Rodivoje Merkovic . E rv oje Mac a
MESA DO CONGRESS O CONGRESS DIRECTIVE TABL E Presidente : Riescici Serran (Brosl) ; vice-pre9denles : Alberto Avellono Moraga (Chilo) . Antonio Co r de: o (Brasil) ; Blaa junior (Bru cil), Candido de Oli vei,a (Portugal), Clio de Barro, (Brasil), Henri Sehlhin (5uia) e Jos LoPez Pojaro (Argentino) ; primeiro secretrio : Geraldo Romualdo da Silva (Brasil ) e seg .ndo sec,etrio : Roberlo Facciali (Uruguai) .
BOLIVIA : Alfredo Estivariz, Fernando Morzano, l i .ardo Suarez, Jorge Volda . Julio Borelli e Jorge Corrusco Villolobos . BRASIL : Mario Rodrigves Filho, Ary cezano Ferreira Gomez, Jos Drumond Junio :, Ricardo Serran, Celia de Barros, Barroso, Dio . Neto, Mell o
COMISSAO DE ESTUDO S STUDIES COMMISSIO N Abrahim Thebet (Brasil), Doniel Perez (U,eguai) , Julio Borel li (Bolivia), Dent Mc Skinmming (Estado s Unidos) e Roberto Herrero (Chile) .
COMISSAO DE CREDENCIAI S CREDENTIALS COMMISSIO N Alexandre Djukitch (Frona) . Henriq .e Pelliciar i (Urug .ai), Horcio Besio (Argentino), Ljub .mir V . kodinovic (lugoslvio) e Walter Mesquta (BrasU) .
Antonio Cot . deiro, Blola Junior, Geroldo Romualdo do Silva, Abra him Tebel, los Seas., Indalicio Mende,, Od .vald o Coxxi, Antonio Vinhois, Carlos Aras, Edgard Pilla r Drumond, Everardo Lopes, Fernando Bruce, Francisc o do Paula Gusmo, Gogliono Netto, Levy Kleiman , Walter Mesquita . Luis Mendes, Paulo Medeiros, Heli o Fernandes, Raul Longras, Mario Provenzano, Jaim e Ama :, Antonio Joogvim Veloso Junior, A . Reis Corneiro . Augusto Rodrigues, Cesar Sero, Bento Ferreira Games , Alvaro Pass teme, Isaac Cook, Augusto Godoy Tavares , Cado, Cotrim, SebaslOo Saldonlia Marinho, Antoni o Carlos Mogalhces Rios, Jos Teixeira e Orlando Batista . CHILE : Pedro Fornezzari, Isidro Corbinos, Feli z Caballero Ramos, Julio Marlines Pradanos, Alejo Garrean, Hector Gonzalez, Gustavo Aguirre, Vicot Abt, R . berlo Herrera, Pedro Gajardo Cebollas, Hugo Doin z Torres, Manoel Aracema, Antonio Vera, Jose M . Novosol, Herman Fernandes, Gabr'el Nenstea, Sergio And.ezo, Jaime Reyes, Carlos Anliquera, Juan Echavorr i Olmano, Hugo Games Ortiz, Juan Marquez Pozo, Humberto Grosso Bilbao, Jorge Soto Polza, Alejandro Joromillo, Raul Aroya Guerrera, Ruben Pereira Perez , Herman Miranda, Enrique Bogolini, Osvaldo Accosta , Abraham Kotlik, Vilor Guerra, Alberto Arellono, Juli o Grovelto, Arturo A . Smith Hesse, Alfredo Elias De Mach, e los Salpate Munoz . COLOMBIA : Luiz Forero Nogues, Luiz Armand o Alvorez, Uldorico Slevano Romero, Toms Bu s At rieta, Jos Anibal Guervo, e Gustavo Ramirez . COSTA RICA : Alfredo Alloro, e Ramon Coll Jaumel . CUBA : Jesus Gironella Fortuny Puebl o Pardo Gil . R.
MXICO : Adalberto Arroyo, Juan J . Baron, An . Ionia Flores Mazari, Ricardo Del Rio, Antonio Andere , Agustin Gonzales, Fernando Marcos, e Dairo Silv a Goyli a PARAGUAI : Ulise Jordan, e Alex Sollberg .
PERU : Pedro M . Scarneo, Afonso Rspigliosi, Osca r Paz Manuel Salinas, Juan Honores, e Luiz Brigvordello . PORTUGAL : Joaquim A . Teixeira, Candida de Oli . veira . Manuel dos SI G Fernando Alves Soromenho, a Domingas fona Moreira . SUECIA : Rudolf Eklov, Wolf Lyberg, Rene Sundquist , Stig Siostedt, Marks Joffe, Oscar Soerderlund, e Bo . Ekstroem
SUICA : Henri Schrihm, Fred Slngelin, H . L . Bonordelly, e Armando Libotte . SURINAN : W. J. Bromek .
COMISSAO OE RESOLUOE S RESOLUTIONS COMMISSIO N Agustin Go . . .lez Scojeto (Mxico), Antonio y. lencia Ramon (Espanha), Indalicio Mendes (Brasil ) Trillion Itch (Urug .ai) e Willy Meist (Inglaterra) . COMISSAO DE TEMARI O THEMES COMMISSIO N J . Baron (Mxico), Juan Mora Y Arouj o (Argentina), Leone Boccoli (Itlia), Pedro M . Scarneo (Pens) e Vittorio Pozzo (Itlia) . COMISSAO DE ATENDIMENT O ATTENDANCE COMMISSION Presidente : A . Reis Corneiro (Brasil) ; mom Mos :
URUGUAI : Dioniso Al . Vero, Americo Torres, Lui s 5chioppopietro, Marcelino Perez, Gualberto de Leon , Daniel Perez, Raul A .Iloberro, Ignacio Taborda, Misse s Bndono, Angel Vega Jaime, Heber Pinto, Duilio d e Fea, Roberto Faccioli, Enrique Pelliciari, Tomas u5arta go, Lui . Semino, Alberto Baranda, Ruben Balod, Ju . lion Bertola, Romeo Perello, Gustavo Heber, Carlos Beiss o Corchs, Osvaldo Lorenso, Carlos Sol, Irifon Ilich, Jorg e Gonl, Abril Perez, Salomon Gesterfield, Alberto Freida , Dante Tara, Cesar L . Gallardo, Nobel Valentine, Hecto r Jlamululo, e Norbert Rivero . VENEZUELA : Vicente Emilio Olerd, Eduardo Gon . .les Ibarra, Pedro Saporiti, Jos C . Coelho, Corto s Reyes Donoso, Francisco Jos Crequer, Jos Luiz Zorro . tejo, e Clauco Ferreyra . (Continua na pg . 103 )
J .O .
Flore :
92 -
lo Af undo
A Tafia do
- Coupe Jules Rimet - oi instituida pela F . I . F .IA . para o Campeonato Mundial de Futebol . Seus detentores foram o Uruguai (1930), Itali a (1934 e 1935) e Uruguai (1950) . E um trabalho em ouro, de autoria de Abel La Fleur e contem a seguinte inscrxao : F. I . F . A COUPE DU MONDE ; Dr, F00T 13 ALI, ASSOCIATION -93 -
N lundo
Os premios d o
A Taa "Brasil " foi instituida pela C . B . D . e destinada a o sencedor do Campeonato Mundial (le 1950 . Foi oferecida pela Cia . de Seguros Sul America .
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Procurando tornar permanente a lembrona dos dios paseados no Brasil, durante o Campeo nato Mundial de Futebol, a C . B . D . ofereze u as delega{des concorrentes olguns presentes, qu e simbolsom o a feto da Confederado Brasileira d e Despo los e dos esportistas do Brasil pelos sea s coirmdoz . Os trabalhos apresentam desenhas em estil o marajoara e foram ezecutados no Casa da Moda , soh o diredo do sr . Filinfo Epitacio Maio, N rotor daquele estabelecimento e membro de Co . missdo de Finanas para o Campeonato Mundial .
1 ~
Looking for a permanent memory of th e days past in Brasil during the Football Worl d Chompioship, C. B . D . have offered to the de legations some souvenirs which symbolize th e affection of the Confedera5do Brasileira de Des portes and the Brasil ' s sportmen to his brothers . Pieces presents drawings in marojoaro , style (indigenous motive) and was executed b y the Money Flouse, under supervision of mr . Fi linto Epitacio Moia, his Diretor and member o f Finance Comn-.issoa for World Championship .
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(-om dava de boje lice a nra Ile remeter :t el n -,11x, e p,1 . resudu~ .u, il a taita Dirigenze da :A .ocia .-. l nngnaea (le Football o -t .ntr t e lerrranta . que caniem o testo da res,lu, 1 .s :AI 1tlda> l a1 . m,tico d ;, Cnl l da ( ulta d, Aluna, l 'e ~( I WLL A110ClaC :ll l ` l 1li[1 1 - r'ugttaea de 1 Ri, "De~n,rws 'lsuCial+-lu l nl~uaca V< i -alt agradece pre i iundanleni,' a CVlab,ra (~ .l0 (' :tlrllisr S -(Cchidas lwr sua dele, u~ o : . Copa nn Mundo de 1515 0 L izarte la Cori icdCT-a~iI( , . . .asileir ;i de 1)csportos : ie acita- ;t Ctnr(haITIICIItC pel o ~rmdiusa esfar~o realizad a , r o rs :1 1 1 para a urganiza ., e ' 5 Camr'eon :v, . rend e i, tne :, ;(geni :s extra,r,lii rioe ,gadures Leasilrir, . , , I lne s ~;al :ron ganhar e >,lk berant e-ie mai . di ; ,ril dir ~,v,- :uluelr : e itplau e,,ilONi~! ;i a rXrmlda r 1!C ire(< i, '.-lh~ 1,1 asi lelro remlid, . n, grande Es t ;idiu (I, .'.1ar:iCan ;l . ( asar
K ;ntle l'acheco l'residente . Danicl Ferna ti dez Cres In, . S eerctriu - . Outrossim, 1wrmito-me ini,rntar a v .s . que a ]unt a I)irigente da Associa o ( (le Fouthall, descit,sa de testentunhar a sua i(itrtira~3 (> pela estraordinria au realizada Ix'la 041 ) a, organizar o InagtlifiCo Torneio pela Cupa do Muli d, de Iv50 , resolved oferecer-Ihe 11111 objeto de art e natica . (lire tanlhem sirv a recordar i-ndefillida para mente iato not :irci de ,Ille a fraternal :Inlizade penna hrasileim-untguacn necett ilnangivel apesar da hita . dispntada tremenda Crall invariavel raralhciria d, I11 pelos rannpe;,c . I :rasil e d, 1I-tnguac . pl e liti finn resnitar:un ,s ute Ihores d, munda . Intra o presti!{in e ur, l ulhu du iunr L:tll anlameric no . Aprm cito a upurtunidad e bara apresentar a v .s . os protestos dr ntinhtl cumidt ra<itu .
( ' rsar
To tit, l'resident of th e KR :\ S II .I :\N CONFFDP: R . \ "fION OF < 1'OR"l' S 1 had the honor to sen d von todac . in the name o f Ihe Ilnard of Direeli,n o f the lru~u :pan Footbal l s,ei ;vion . the iollowing lelcgr :un cneh I s rig the rtsuhni,ns :uLpt .d be mrniv e ,f the conyncring ,f the I V \\,rid Ftb;dl h :nnpi, nvhipc ' I )espirlos Rio - Urilgu :nyan Fuatlr;dl .Ass,Ciati,n . ,!eeplc (hanks the colaborati, .11 alid :nlentians receive d L\ its I/,hgati,n :ti th e f 11 1 50 iron ] m n-hl Cnp ( onfedera th( Krasilian lion i spurts : it cordiall c congrautl ;vcs be tir, ntagniiicent eforl succrssfulla realized fur th ( Chanq,iunship ' s dur . I 1 :, ganiziiI mil . ]il'IMlgc t,, the tvtra,rdinaire brasilian planers \vil, kiicx% t u \cils :and lo I . ' e, tilt' last 0111 . mure diifiClilt than the fir>t , and :y plau,ls touche d tilt ecXmpLlr t,rrection (s i tilt bra> :jan L .oplc rtnntc d ~, tad . n m ut the niapni cent . Katll c ui \]araran :\ . ( - e-a1 l' ;(chceu . I ' r( ide :il I)anie l la Fel TIiIwleL ( 7(' l . .
Momiver . 1 hcg to in- , forni -sali that the Directin g H(Lard of the Urugnfa}an Football :Association, whishitig tu testif_c its admira- ti, :n f,,r the extraordinair e w,rk donc Lv' Ihe C131) i n ,11 ;iliMing the \cnncleritil .1 T,nnl :mnent for the 1950 World Cnp . decided t, ifer an object of natic e aR . Ibat X\ il] he also a ., .MCMil r .lnember ili deiwitcb. the notable (lerci Ihai the Krasilian - Urn gmlcan friendship r(nlainc, l onumelied, ili pile -,i lir e tren :rndaus struggle . dispu ted- gentlemaldp Lv fil e changd,lls of liradil an d 1 - ruguac . \oho at the etici i esult ed the Iresi of th e vweld, tu the honor an d pridt o the Sunthannrrica n 11th :tll .
Ils,l(littg file ,Iqu,rtunit c greel ro 11 it h fil e 1, grcatra c,miderati Ill . I rrlu :tit! . ~ine :relc vv s
( csar
l'~ : :- ;t-,I ,
liattl ( I`.tchcc, .,
I ' res~dent r
ai, 't
l'eril,!adrt ~c(rrtri, ~
Crrsp a
Y ugoslavije
Mern v: ,'ir-y all orrr Iharrk' .a lor the krndlv atlerrtimr o r vour FrdKraliorl . ,,v e arr/ rl Nr ;tri Ifapp}' lo re(-eir e \vttr sisit (nnd re(ribut e Vattr hrtclri(alit v irr J :<yo .s -
F?tt. de
z ,ia,
parti <Ypaules
Fulebol desejo
pel a
amabilidades rereFiaia ;
iiI flic gn .la( ' ,1 all It s parlieil :an/s Ih, Ju/u .du ;iwr /~ -deralinn , .i /v,othol/ beg s f ifr best lltarlk .c ITt Is for the t~cpitolih and altra onrr aabilit s. rerei!l e/ I . liaral sia, geai ono- reprr.crnlalisec ( dlirimi Me Fina l Mound of flic filles Min,e l ("v l of 1 t )(1 iii l'ru>'il -
Nol 1., r
deve, de expresar d .isd : o solo vossa congratalaes pela orti .lo IV Campeonato MVn Fulebcl, que demonstro u os edoros empregado s igentes esportivos, pel o pelos auloridodes Muni 'aos Brosileiros, cm ge obfer esse belo res~l , ao mesuro tempo,
para o con -
Peo-vos recebe! ec congratur o des que apresento em nome d e fado . os filiados Sulomericanos ; resto deixar ba eraendido qu e estom_s orgulhosos do tao be m sucedido Irabalho fe :ta pelo Confeclerdc Brai de Desportos .
I fulfil the duty of expressin g to the institution under your ju risdiction cur congratulations fo r the organization of the IV Worl d Football Championship, that ha s demonstrated the . .Of and th e effor : employed by the sports d i rectors, the Government and M u nicipal authorities and the Be . silianr in general, to obtain thi s wonderfull result that is of th e same time, prestige and proud to , the American Confinent .
I beg you to receive the can . gratulations that I present in th e name of all the South America n affiliated, leaving weer under stood that we are proud of th e work so successfully done by th e BrosdFan Confederation of Sports . Very sincerely you, ,
. no . mv :ro grato dr,.gi,mo n . . pura aprosenlar .osos sin . cerar wng rato laSes pala parfait . oiga Myoo e Feliz fino) do IV " Campeonato M .ndi .l de Futebo l ,INNodo wb o alto patrocinio d o 101+3 Entid .d e Aa mora . lempo, comprimo, o honroso cl.vw de 'presentar nosw s cordioi, ag,odecimento, pelos e, pe<roi : .tenrdes di,pen,odos Delegaco Chilena que roncona . o essi bei3 e .misto, . loro aio esporr . .o mundi, . Cada .,m dos membro, da De Ieg34o no t . s . .a . pol .vro s de elog ;3, sempre q . . te , .tarara
a v ,
a gentil rM,eN . dada pelos se. , ismos do Brasil e pelos dirige Me s do Confedera So Bra,ileira de De, portos, q . . tire, .m a rinde d e torno, mais ci,ocovel oinda co s . . estada na hosp .raleira terra b,. . filet s Fazendo
refer Ihemselres oho .t Rh. gentl e reception given by their brofher t of BrotiA and by the dieci.,, of the Borsllion Confederation o# Sport', that had the virtue o f making more ogreable their sla y n the hospifable bro,ilion load . Making o ., sincere rotes io, happiness and for the increosing prosperily of yo .r Entity , we present to you once more o . , thanks and here remain .
ridade do rossa EMidode, opt e ,emano, .mo re . sais os rossa s agradeaimenfnt e permane<em os ,
sincerely your s
Ottorino Barassi
l' .
~ . .1 .r
, .r l~ .d . d .~ l"INl'UI vnan .~
Italian an d
h . .otl,:Lll
Pedcratiou Imluitter
1-, ro do ( mrUl ;fdr^ . : . r dor do ll ., any, .' .r .rh r i 3 undial il, Frllr,r '
Isettlber of the
li Il
Urgarlisa ui
)t z e i ( ~np
Na ., :r.e cou,idcrrnl eur l iaa .1 :Ir mndintia, s r I :md ., a rn,cu br:lsileir pela. 1 1 1 rfn!,ie deman,tra< :ia de de, pnrtisd :Lde . disciplioa e elI tnyia,nl, ,lada aa mtmda intrin, ; e . cfeil :uulu r, di rigtlne, da l~ .li .l) - lxli magmiku, rc,ultadu, : c ielicitmrlu u, jogadnreh bra pela excelhriunal apre i~., de tnll ji,gn ,upc _ . . . .~ aprr,entadu ilquela ex r :~ .I .,nli :cu^ia Inttllid :io . t .0 fe l i .. il, : : :n pancn a ntim me, il : . a :i, pela ntinha pequen ., dada :1 organi .i . Tila, >nbretudo, Ixx ., udu caufianta absoluta !: iSr-, .il e nn, ,eus juga
without modesty,
fur the great demonstration ,Ix,rtivity . di,eiplill given ii ui to enlllusiasln %% hole uvorld,
; . .r the m :tguifical
,i!ian players fur the escep tional presetltatiuu lwrinr plan to that extra ordinaire erow(I . I crrngratnlate myself il tu the little, not fo r but . camI :ra,i l Iny small colabnration give n nrgani-ratim havinn ioremosr, for and ti,
pletelc trusted in plavers . 1 :un eery ai (hein ir,r med il,,made in ,car, ,(heu
.i :,~ .,
,. ..
. .
a~rade~ ., ;I tud, u ', .rvm rnniirnlada ; 1 s v-I~ .~e . .Ine i na I:u .li " r
pr,rninu, p :usa,li~ . I ne a Rt~ a ie l'1511 a AU lit, nnla eli~ ;w ,II . ~ ., !a,cedrnte, . ma , r X cepcinmtl malli . ii a- . : .~ ; . .~ .,Ir,r:-inl i,ara in ~ . 1 . . .
~ v^ . .. ~.. .
r, uu m from b'ra,il las t I IIake declare d that the ( lip Itde, Rimer o f loll , %, .,nl I I .e na1 ant e a ual dell II, ,l :prr inr +dit i,nl of Ill e ,dhcr, . hue arme, au eseeptio speitiie Imtniiestatiwl , uninr;-rtlahl e %clin had iuuue . thn,e
%%umld be
i,n the
met t,
. .
i . ., :
,r :ni -
!,mmia l I,ra,lmI l
.L .
.I . .
ar .lrit . .i t ll r
Lac,. tx -
:l ;( ,I :I ;tn .
,, : : .
, ~,I : . .n : : .
br.t nsi(ierar :i i<t . .n .~,,,e d ius : :- t, : 1 , ~. ,mlc afirttrtao de ,u a , e Inaterial, d e , . c . . .t .-~ .nctl impurtncia . ball mundial . (1de l,ir,~rr an Brasil . . ., I :t ~~I-e . : vLlhrer ;l n Ji .- n . ~
: nil , . Inalnr 1 .1 mu r. en, u convite ,I , - gite a r nmtcar notas lialavra , bre ntnha experincia, coni Presidente ila : ' onisw, d e t )rgauiza<fu . da " l' aia Iole , Rimet, no Brasil . Van estntt Iisunieand o quando digo " coni u tuain r pr az er " pn ; s unii alegri a etti rium muno o viver htrante algunas semanas nesta "ridade maravilhnsa " . No vira, contudo, a o Brasil . como turista, porni coni) representante da FIF A e nesta qualidade, fato que, tan ele exprimir mens a g- radecimento, muito sinceras a o Sr . Nlaria Pnlln que representa n ir tia I,essna todos n s "r lMtit,tlieii hr :i , ileirns . coll i ns yuai . rnlaburei, pela .u a cortesia . -tia _,emrnsida(l e e sua jserie~ti e,lxeticidade . 1les, 1 r irinta anos . presenriei t(. xl .,s u, grandes Tnrneios le innthall de sida a liarte do nnmdn . mas den , di>er que este Torneio fi n Rio . ficar5 na minha menulria come, uni ', exemplo " . ,tacas :r atitude tan carret ila, in ,,, ad,,re,, ins espeeta ,Inre, e a perfeita dirvea. pelo, shas . Ile n .lm a 1 1 nlanda, nao- , deixarei de ,tifar a role n n :un,L, :tue este Tornero i- i tan!bim nls emmIll, , ila aln~ zade entre u . I,',I !t! 11 de d ; fe! : ates p:Ii,t ,lf : , depi . ,L' ji), iCull ;d . !c :.t!'a!il r tlGn r:U . 1':'
plea,ure that I (lave accept nunciatc a iew %vnrds my exp eriellet . >ident of the l nmmitree I am nut 1 ,a} pleasure " liver) ai Ics Rimet, in -with the cL, (up
happiness for me to hav e during in this " wo riderftd Cit} ' 1 did nut cattle . ho%cever , Brasil as a turist, but a s a repre,entatiee of FIF . \ and in this quality . I )W " to express my s'ncel e thane:; to the Dr . Alario Poll .) . al i who represent ; hilns .lf 1'ra,iliau
,,with N1lIqu 1 have r'alabor :ned . for their courte, . ~Z rnernsity . and perfect ,purticitc . Far o11 %-earn I hav e :I fi sted all the big TF nIrlla mcnts :,i huuth:dl all v-e r the world, but I mn,t a c thin thi, Rio ' l ' onrnanlrw t %till tac in nn- menlar5 a , an " .sample " . diallers
the behaviour a( the plaver s and the public and t th e crfect direedatl be the Returning titi, ta Teiel I l b,11and . lia, , .f I th e
tha t
. :- .
,hil, nate i 11111 lier ,ll.
friend -
; . .nmrir-
enrol tete liiferen t that ' . aitel- ul,sti ~anlr, . a, ,cried tru e ;In d
, -. t\ cabarei 1,,ritaim tod, a coragan Vi n Brasil lnd a :uuizade eterna entre _ iicsln,rti,r :ts Ib- nntndL . . trino
will with n!
ihti .Jl b%- rrcin p all n! _c hecn- t 11%-e t, . lira,il . Int l iricnd ., i ,I, .n .n!rn
ImpEr e ssoes do
L1 .c (nlo a Taa -do .Nureda . vu mais '2 laa J1dcs Rintel, pois os rrpresentantes do foolball Frtur:ylial, ti .craa : a brnivolcracis ea-cessiva de <lar -lhe am nume, j acabado . Jc fr aiuda. mteito icdo pagg conu'rttar e resultado final, ,vrtbora a figura du .cr :ce dor Ia estela si isboand o f`o ItorF_-ontc . pndc-sc, desd e 11,1 i,' . rvotslalar scn stt,sso . Fra, cru 104t,, lati alo teeru r,irio da ( 'nu(id,rao Brasilc ira di Desportos o I>ropar-sc pava celebrar a Ta( a dr 1930 : no estava preparada pava isso ; o Prasil iariiia entdo de grandes istdios para rceber os iretmcros aprciadores do pdgo dc innfball qui sc aprestntarlam ,is hilhc tc rias ; as difi , ttldad,s di Irartsporfc da s rialcgaics dos otrtros conti a,Iel,s parcel lit i ; , rs . . I /as . a ( . R . D . tinh a ,r ,` : a Jf e .cportisa c fit ; il ' ratrintica ; p :ic-se iutidiata Incrtte ,. obra rnllt latita ati ,idadc, e quando a Comissa u di (h-ganita(n rnnlcada n<I lienrop,t imuc( . u sin s Irabalhos, ochou o terrem o dcsrntalllado c pronto Ihera uuta rnlabnra(du que, dc,vd c into . por iinul do OccWro , rrosse,quiu menta iordial emulaio . O rnaior Estdio do
l ules Rimet
s .l
i . ; ., - A
aiuurin , o melhor ,iprapriado aa seu ubjeto, foi er guido na Rio, rtttJfe lemp o rei nrd, A continma(o, con firurou as pren .c-sa.c . As os aelegadis t :.eciormi.c , quadros forain acolitidos c m caridi{des luis atte todos lestmunhrJram sita s,lfisfa o . U Congresso da Fedcr ndo Iatcrna-ional, desertvolvcu -s e atna aruhlcnte do iomaradageen, quando os dicleticudo s cir- 34 ea(des rmrstraram sua .unhtdr dc uni8u ,' de ami tad, nyt girsto iunNrttt d o football . J forfnm os jogos , anti untltides . quc podia m apevias cuhrr nos fstaidio s l~rcparadus . cm partictdor n o kio, onde o Estdio .Slltnicipal qucbrou, e di lurrge, o il '' od dc assist ! nci,t im jo ,Ios li' football . Os joya s f,n, :m corretos, valcrete.c, ardcntts i Icais ; r.:nhnma reiloma(dn fui f,o-mldada e roletra a .< 1 r 0 5i-crc.c ile 7 tr. 3 rubng Irlos, os ,tspichulnr,`s mostrar a snubrraua q IG ,-t',tlta(do pah-i,fi,it nd<, r .r ur , . rislsiito ao advers ) io qoi n fantbaC r le m rncio dc prclnrrar- ,t rat nns /sptrltn, i .ircr'aitdo a outra . .1,'ru Ifrn dr~c cllsitr,llnantos
d,1 7
sui care,, .
a(rt 19~0 .
,r* 1, 3
kimrl .
It -was ie 1946 a fcJnerar y act of the Prasilurn Con f, deratton o( .Spurts . to proi n osr itself as the organicato r the 1950 Crap- 7-11 c't , irre not prepared for il : Prasil , be that Brite, had ro hin stadiums lo recciv,- Nt c ioltmerable aplrret intors o f Ihr fnolbali panic sthn -,00nld arptar at the ticket office-, : !hc difficrdtres of lrrinspnrlation of fill Deleyotinns . f thcr rontinaW ., secm,'il :i : ruperable . Rad CBif had faille . t/1 . worts fmlli, the rhdriollt taitlt . Ihci imrdiatlelV hernt n :rook .oilh citili air di<In-ih; . Thal Trhrn the 0rgam cafion ( ornmittee, appointe d in Furopc, begun its work . canna/ already Ihr grmod ,liar aped ready for- a f olaboration nv,rs,as . that siuc r //?in .re'nt o ; rnrdirdl' .
Sr . Arthur Drewry
MEMBRO DA DELEGAf.AO INGLES A E VICEPRESIDENTE DA FIF A Member in Charge of th e English Pony, and Vice-President of the F .1 F .A .
Membro do delegocac de Esponh o e eo Comisso de Arbtroge . do IV` Ccmpe_nolo Mundiol de F .tebol . Como membre do Ccmissa d e Arbtrogem do FIFA, considero qu e e muilo mais importante o xito desponiva que est oblendo o <ompeto, do que o sucesso eco smunido da mesuro, j que na hi, trio dos torneros de lootboll, o que conta mais, nao e o resultad o oo contrario, o m otario/ e sim a P ., .10 e normalidode d., re, . todos, e oeste aspecto . o Copa Jules Rimet, disputado e . serre s braalebos, ficar como modela . E o que dizer sbre o hnpres slonanre grandeza do Eadio d e Marocan? J se disse e la s e escreveu tudo sbre ele, mas aind o e po ss ivel dizer-se que tment e vm poro que sente o despos o soma o sente o Brasa, e capaz d e levantar eco 20 meses Esse recint o de,pedivo, esse Estdio monumen . tal, que se e o orgulho dos qu e e lixeram, tombent o e para o s olicionados de outros paises qu e no . viera . co . os b,.Sos obesos e que assim foro . recebido , Por ltimo, no aspecto do lago , confesso que no torde do igo de quinto-fei,n lllma, entre U, ., e Hesponho, fui lomade pela belez . deslumbrante estilo bm,ileiro do que conseg .iu lozer do footbal l umo especie de ose em que o cerebro e os nervas marchom un tos o s .,iCo da idio desposiva , para creo, assim ste footbal l ande se une . o modo p,tico d e lazo, goa, e o etpectacularldode . E depcie disse, s ree resta ogro decer es hetpitalda ci e da CBD qu e que, dizer o do Aovo brasileiro .
Pedro Eseartin
Aa member of she Referees Cemntee I consider that it is muc h more important the sportive succes s which the compelitior. is obloininp , than its economic success, since 'hot in the story of football fourna . men's, the thing that counts it' s no more the material result , bu : on the contrary, the purely and normality of the retails, an d in this aspect, the Cup Jules Rime t disputed in Brasil, will slay as a mode l And what is if to say about th e Morocon Stadium? All the thin s about it have already been sai d and written, but, still, it is possibl e is say that only a people tha t feels the sports as Brasil feels, i s capable of raise in 20 months o place like this monumental Stadium , that if it is the pride of thos e whc have made it, it is also t o the foreign appreciators that arriv . ed here with their arms open an d were received the some way . finnoly, as to the game aspect , I confess that in the afternoo n of that last Thursday, day of th e game between Brasil and Spain , 1 was taken by the marvelou s beauty of the Brazilian style, tha t have made the football a kin d of as, in which the brains an d the nerves march together workin g on behalf of the sportive conceplion, to create, then, this footbal l where the practical way of makin g goals (scoring) and the spectoculatity gel together . And after this, 1 con only expres s my thanks to CBD ' s hospitality , that means also the one of Br . silion people .
Poro mico, at mis ., .rec o lentbrddos da Copo no Mundo d e 1950, so : o brilhonsismo do foot ball que oprecie, variado eco es tilo, classe, potsia, rondo lide s o todos . As sempre enormes ossi slncip s me .orovilharam e especialment e a cena multicolor do colossal Esledo Municipal do Rio, que s e gundo me dissero . fai erguido c m 10 meses . 180 .000 pe,soas torcendo, encorajando, tomando pane do gran de espetculo . E tombm recordo o belez . ne . turai do pasage . desse magni fico poi pois e . hatos de laxe . pude apreciar o < . .dito montanhoso e os . .il ., praia, do bel o litora l Ficaro tombe . eco mim a hospitalidade do poro e o de nesso , anfitries, o CBD . D . novas omixades a qui feitos, e da ogrodve l reunio <a . valhos amigos . si ., essa, firi .n do C .P. d o Mundo forom para mico unto expernco inesquecivel, cheio d o olegra de participar de um spor a que e disputado e . teda o mund o e que tornou-se umo agente d e entendimento mutuo entre todos os .montes das desportos . Por isso digo, :Obrigado Brosil I . e que nos encontremos novoment e eco breve ., .
For me the things to remembe r about the World Cup cf 1950 are the brilliance of the football w e hove seen, varied in style, classic . forceful, bringing lessons for oi l to learn . The ever greater crowds hov e amazed me and especially th e colourful scene in the colossal N o tional Stadium in Rio, which I' m told was erected in ten months . 180 .000 people, cheering , encouraging, themselves part of the great spectacle . And then remember the natura l beauty of the setting in thi s magnificent country of Brazil, fo r in less occupied hours 1 have bee n able to see the mountain scenery and the many fine seaside beaches . Impressions will remain also o f the hospitality of the people, an d of our hens the C .B .D . . Of man y new Irienis made and of pleassen t re-union with old friends . Yes this World Cup series has been for me an unforgettable experience, full of the joy of participotion in a sport which i s played all over the world an d which has become o means o f mutual understanding for all spiri t loving people . So I soy, Trunk you, Brazil I . and may we meet again soon,. .
t'fano -nIe , I,' sci membn, de dtcu C unti,ses d a P .I . P . .1 . que colabotana u a org:uliza~iw di,te Tonlci o \Innlial dr Football, 'Taka Itdes Ititut ' , tan pericita Inntc organizado n, br ;uil . Inglaterra ttfanitt-, e .\ tnnhim dc parlit'ipar Ia :a e',mlti<ao e nnssu, rlirigeule, e jogarlons c,tan ftlize, c,nn a ag,ortlmidade gtu ti, I :ra,il . veram de ,iv- a ' Pi lima esperiin' a qu e utina e,quecerao . l j, jogu, iortnn j',g ;uln , nuns c,pirito excelente . Nat i \'i c nao utili talar etll ncohnll 'in'idente . c aeh' , qttr o, juze, devenl ser iehcittrlos . l',nlo, u, jog,,, comelz aralti pontuahnentt . i . >rani ad .. liti ratelntente llirigido, e o , r,pectadurc, parecel'tult apre -
;i :n' ;a iit'ux e jnnt :a ,li,cipl i na gne liti exercida . eal oiercccr ntltha , Cllelll~til', tttd O qtt e ,e reiere S org ;wir.a~ao cli, I( m :u'urilho,o e,petacid', d r ,port . ( ) I:sl ;itE', . :r, mttitidi,e, ra,tas c cntu,ia,tas . a I'g;lnir,tao gcral, ,nchcran-nt e do adnlirtao . 1<dizenl', : l'acm ben i e " ',Lrigado " . conii :unu, qu e bn' inarClnrS a no, cnconu'a r aItt Intitos camlpc,s dc ,pr t poi, r .stc hn'nci', m',str',tt al i lx,\ d ' , m ti nlr, que jogadcrre, tie muit ;IS na (: fle, I :,aleo l (neuntrar -,e r jogsar cntr e ile, c,nn riralidarlc amistosa , ',h,err :md', contmin u, principi (I "fair I l ;av " tj',g, I limlu, ) e da L, ,a e,portiri ,lude . i',Ir l',rncit ,, dc fai 1) . ligon na (~-,e, juntas nnlna i ratel nidade espurtica que e,to n certo ,eri rle,ettv,d\'i,b, ainda mai, W, fuUll-a, . Felicitatirc, c IH a -, . ro ' a bt' :a,il c io t .It .II '
I p :1111
` err,J,rri al llre Iirrglis h i ~oalioll . Issociatia m .i l,vr :b,vol flrr' ( onnuitte e of rNyanisali,n : and Re f ,9n :c
I harc iclt proud tu be a incluhc i- of two F . I . F . .\ . ( umnl^Itee, ec,ncenled wit h lite org :mi,atinn i \C',rl d ( ' up -fl,m'n :miem Th .i ule, Kimel t. np S exI,uti c atai;cd in lbazil . l' .ngland tea, proud too . to part'cil :ate in lite Con n petiti ..n anll our nfiicial s and i later, are happe tha t thee \vet- girco alt pponti Ilitc t ' , cana- to brazil . II wa, all experience Ihe c \till uercr irgrt . " Ili( match e, hacr beei t i,Lire(1 ;an e]ceIl ea ,1)i rit . 1 have not run of heard of an -\ ** incident and 1 Think the referse, arc t,- be con g laUdatecl I(ven' match ha, taile d inert n :all . Leca a imir ;abl r ennu-oll-d ;nad plavc l- S and
,pcetatur' have seethed t u appreciate the firm just ili ., cilclinc which has Iro n excevi Seal . ?vlay I offer in( congratulation : lo all concerned il o- proci,l u Iii, wn,lerfti l ,pectacle ',i sport . The Stadium . the \c ;a,t cnihu :iasti c cru\rrl,, the ,rri.nli,ation ge nerali' have all filled m e tcith admiration . And in lacing l'arca'rll ! ;end thank von! tre trus t tac hall tnct ag;citi on man y field, f ,part, for liti , " l ' ntn-nanxnt ha, ,11D15 l th e people of tit- world tha t pl ;nerS ,,f mane nations cal i oa-et aliti play l',gether i n iriencll-c rivali-v . 'A,el-vin , throughout the principles o f f ;tie Alar and go d m :m,ltip . ThiS tournament has i n fact linked natine, togethe r in a iellow,11i1) of Sport Mlich I ku , \\' de dereloper l iuriher in lite fiihu'e . CongrahilaNnn, and g',o~ l hick t 1,a/il and Ih,- ' .13 .11 .
195 0
Sr .
Polto ,
. Di l i,( Ine1t regresso I /nylaln'ra sinto o a ,"itive l Je;'er d .- t'as agraderer po r iodo que o C .R .D . fea po r 10r111 par nirlti esposa du crossa/ esladio ro se u
lulis .
1'osso , :o otesiva lempo , 1-0,t/ alid,lr - liti ' c ant'asca C i aIU ,I ( ' .R .1) . pelo liigur t,' .cro I r it . I .I I, , betel frita e q uoI tvupo record . .-I orgaui~d(,in Ju /l Ca urprural o jlllndi,ll foi r .iieleutr' e sobreludo o bola espirilo, o es1'irilo di' r.cporfi.ddnde e de haspilalidade podio se r sruJo Ivre toda parle . \ ' reinen dos hospedes , r Ir-,r i,oN <-Slou rerla - relorrlor( d eo .eo .crol a firm e JrL'nniracdn de visitor u Rrosil oulra rea c (nais unt a .'eD has prfnai iras oporltinidodes . .\ " en/nm de us pod e lembrar sim enraertadorn cidade e scit pais .cent profundo sertimenlo e senti rerordu,cs aloe diraro a vida inleira . Todos res senlintos a hu sorte do Brasil hile ganhardu o tihdo, intriranerte niererido . Mas ila derrota o s Rracflefras se eleraram a alturas que ruin ntingirian si
licv.cs'nt s~rrd ril,n-iusos . Fer:'rra -has a ioracdo e d e foto foi roua grande inspiraeoo ver unen poderoso ru cito conter o .cru desapontaurenlo diante ti, - ilio fort e golpe r tornar-sr ainl,l rouis huspihdeiru i, grurra .co . F u 17 o Rrosil e .n,-der-s, a s i nusino e lerei isla como a lrinbrm :cu di'' uni frauuru . Fslo foi a rerdodeir' 41 cilario . r ru duvido que aldine , on fro liti Miro fil esse al nod o do uresma mollo ; irrinment r mio o faria iuualunvnr . nl hn'rrhr.rcl, e eligarfcruruli . Fa:lar ser,i irarcnl il ir o s meus sine croc (lgradeeirnerl Io$ a lodos os vossos asrapeciollnente do s s .cicvdo :c, .ors . Clian . s, Cosole . Fron1 ndli . Castel, Rraifeo , di' Olireira r oulros que . sera e .t- cepcdrr lraball:.n-nm dieramc'!r te r fiael'anr hrdo hunitnrumenle possivel poro propor 1illMic-nus us mentores la mentos e faner do /I' Canipeonalo Mundial l ' in conip!eln, de folli une suces o trirn+fol . Espero ver-ros , .i - ( ' idmlr jlaranIJiosa - o omi s breve possizvl -
llr . Pullo ,
after 1111' rclurn to I' Ir gl(ted 1 feel it a ter' plru.can l duti, irdred Irr thauk ra u for Irv (lilt/ Mrs . jleisl dt( ; ing our slit v in Your 6eoohfrd tolluirl' . 1 unir ra l,'yr,il ulal r and III, CI .I) ,I. o li ,/anllc lob s,' ll doll,' . and io record lime . 7 - Ire uri/,u ;isoli(nI ill Ill '. II 11'orl d Carnpiovship trac r.rcellrir ( auJ oho'; r all tli, righ t spiril . fit, spiril of sportsmor .ehip ,n1J hnspilolilp iunld b, fell crn'Iher, .
rraibed /uid they been vielorious . /I teas heart Tlarrrtin g and in, fact a great inspiration to see a mighty motio n s.,aUoz :' if .c df .cnypnintmra l in one tnig6l gulp and N , e, liti ' leer o;orc Ilospilable acrd (1, l?, -rous, 1 burr wel l Rru .ci! surpar-acing hersel f and 1 shall Ireasure thi s memory . Thal --. .as tru e -r lore . ,rod 1 dumb/ ze'relhe r oui' alher people could lav e a,, (nniplis'lird i( . reel nirtl\' no t rgra,llli naluralli' and tirarefa(1v . l'Irasr . ronrev rl'ry cinren ' Ihar71..c la all voto assistants , rsreci,r/li lo jlessrs . C -h(rret . (Fl ocurolli . Castel o llr,nlca . d, Oliz'eira lievi nili,'l ' S c,'b:, ,'rthont i.reepli n srurkerl terriI,I.v hard and did errrvt)riny hmnnl y l,ossible lo lel ns havr a t/rrrnd time and to mal,' e tlw 11 - 111 li ' orld Choiilpnrslrip a Complete . irr fact, a Irirnnphal suress . 1 hope In see )on and "I r ( ' idadr 1/ar(lrilhn.c,r " ogoi v
\ ill liil 1 areYgr ; Viti cl 1 our sur,has reluinz d ;lame s, ilhoul lire firm dettrnlinaliou of cisiting Rrosi l a,nrirr anti amm o il the enrlie .cl olrpor'11n,ils . _Vol our ' e, i US , Io lras'r Jeff yar n enelranlir .l eit~ dari courrtri' ;,dNnml dyer iegrel an d kilt r,111 m, mou wg is bell u s
,ell iell lhol il w(l e i,ad l it iA' for lira_il nN t o ;riet lit,' line a6 t ell sou s a full des,ircd . Rol in deft'(l / fite Raeilians ,asr lo hrialrt s wIrirlr tlliy -lind creel harr
sowr .
Yours rer1 srrlierelt .
-- 102
,1 1 rnrin-rn
:1,1 F .'drra58 .r
Maur o
IinnLr :r flc : 1 1 a - 1 ,rn Fnn ball Fedta'aFinn a ;n,l Or : lvar (rn-mrtF', of r, 14 nrld ( Rio tir lun .'irn . I n rrom rimi in a trtdv n'rnar6abf r :c'ov, to assisf Ilrc U :'rtle nHm1p conip .litions . 1 lrad the plrasrur, as a rr.,-ruhe r af tlir F)rumrira lia ;' Coruntittrr . alla P i sd :N of lrrr :iu g Ihc Cunimritlr'e, lo alh .yr'tc Ih,i l irr Ihc tcclr e .<<d rarl "ei_r 4,a.s dcsellupcd ,cil d lhc absolute rrmul:u~i h : mo -,rilh llt : mo .0 s,'rrrr r risciplir . 1 arrt ccrl . gnd,' inl . f/irn, lo lhe publ ., an d fn fhr prrss Ibuf 1-. :d yirn , ar 1 9bsuli :tc d triorrstralinrr a irnl .rrrirrlif-v .
1ta -
Fte.h~ l,ol y do Co mit Orgrnrieadar do 11/ llundiul d e Crr .tr :-eurulhr I nl, 4 ,r i
nvicra fane f
1r u
1)esefa enr primeiru dngrn rraziar as minhas sauda,res aas rruu,S irnnR,s italianos , C121 urlicular ci,/iu'es yu r estarr nie an'Zti'da . ,q grulrta disma da 7(' a lides Mimet . Copa do Ilnnda, tt ' r mii riPag ii Ffil'll sN e,ssa esporti-,',) c financeiro . -I .s dalor'ttsas :ilrstcn("acs rt U tiltima minuto brn conia o s sm'prr z as ra prirneira ras e da ron::peli t ,ln riiiul . luri o raa .cegn-ir-anr . 11 mc u .'er , rumpranuh , r u tnidaat<nM o (l i a,mpefi~o, fendo instiwnla o pl,lier' . :, nn'ruxilhn -
Rn>,sil e pari do Rio dc Ianc , ro a correr dr nr.ado zrrd, c,+inr.uunVte nut.vd xlrn as.vdhriresars rum sistir ii .c rlr , : ~fC,ies . Corn rrazer, conio nlem. ino da C - umisso Orgaati zodora r Presidente da Con :.isstiu de .Irhilriufena ons fatei que ra parte tcnic, r In+la sr desnrzalsru c,lm .. inais ubsaluta rryitlaridade r tom aitnris sereno, dise i plir,r r .Mqrudreu puis, ir assisfinrr a e ti itliprrnsa qui, derarn nm :i t':rr;ouslra(ttu oh .culufa ,l ' inrparciulidnde . 7antJn t rn o re,SUltiulu jinarcciro, foi superior a grur! yurr' r .rprctuti-ra, e isso serti uni compromisso srio para a6 FederaGdrs gn{ oryuni.:ar,aa as pro-rdrrGS CUn411PFi(r)e : d : C 'opa do illnlldm .
i, '
rrrrn :phunrl
' lirst pl,rre, rrlinqs h, rrrt , h,n ilalla :~ fili u, p .ir:i, ., , scc t, .' . ,, , :J~ : turni, v' r licfrnin .l ,, .
/ -:
rd :
7T In' lourlh dispulc lh,, lrr.les ( up, lh :'l a /t' iurr[ nt, :Ini,-,i.t r,-anornr ur .d sorli ;>' rrr~ri - TYrr , :ir,flll :r'~sleuNo ; ; n! Ihr I . sI u_ -rr il ;i- lh, srtrprises t1~ .~ in il , n,'tlin,, nf li r . I brhr ; ., ramprarnis~ N, .~ inw :,'dinq i Fhc nartl-rlirior. . hm~ir' .t insl : i ' J , lr, - p 1 ,Ab- , il?, 1 ;, drr : lcon : d ^ - . > :, ;~uh r r' n'li, ;arri~' Prr, ' Nu fiu, .i :eiaJ resul t r .vs hn'ond anv e .rperluliotr . and fhi.s esi .9 be o serion s for flic Federa 11'at --,cil n c c hl fhe farllr r'arirrng ratnpefilrors uf lh, ' Il"nrld Cup _
~c<y~ied~ t~2c~ar2~~,a t i a r2
l'( fl : l't'( ; .\ I l :utrlidu de Olivcira, If.,nlinko , I .an~at . \lurcira . Fcrnando .\he , S11rontenbo . loatlttin) A . Tc.iseira 1 \1 : u :,,c1 . dn, Santo, ( iuerra . St'R(~I . A i111, I'.I<,trorm, \I :rk, l,,ffc, ll,e :r SncdcrlmuL l'cr Vncdber; . Rndnl l I(kloe~ . I:nne Smtdrinist . Sti e Sjo,tedt e \ W111f I .l bcr . . StI(; \ .\rmandn I .ibotte . Frevl Stin ;;elin , II . I . . Kmtordellc c Ilcnri Sehiin . Sl'RI \ \ N \V . I . I tmmak . l'Rl't ;l' .A I Abril l'erez . \Ibcrto Itaranda, . \I Lerto Freiria . Ameren Torres, i\tt ~, .I Viega laintc, Carlo, Cri o l~raneeo I11s ll'crlaer . lo,r ( , (~ocllto . Il S I .niz /arr :dcJn . l'r ' ln' Sa{,miti c Viecntc l':ntili " ( 4rrd . (~oreb,, C~an"In, SnIC, ( ~c,ar I . . (,ai hrd,, . I)anicI l'ercz . I)antc Tava . I)i, .iii,io M . Vera, Uttilio de Feu , I(nri :lne l'rll~ciau-i . ( ;nalbcrto d e I .cn, ( ;u,taco Heber . Ilc1Kr Pin tu . Flector Ir.unuuulo . I 'I nCLCit . la! :,Iri ioli Ilieh . 1o1 ;- e ( ;lei . Inli :nl Certola . I .n~s Scbial'apietr :t , I .Oi, Semino, Marcelino l'erez . Nobel V .dentini . N,a'bet't Nicer,' , ( f,t~aldn I .nren,a, Rattl :\Itol,crrn . Rbertn Faccioli . Runico PcrtIli, . I . 11b11 Kal :trt Salamnn ( ;cstcriicld . Tunt :i . I .isart'atka e tli -r, Ida ~ ' :1u, 1 . VI':NI:Zt'I(I . \ ( ;1rin, Rrcc, Unnono, (l ;mco I ' errect' ;t . FA nanl11 Ib,nsdr, Iharr :t .
~~ ., .
!) .~ :
K . Ros ;elcr, 1(ch ;ar :! li,''_arr!.a r Friedebert Krckert, ( ;nillernlu l` t I .udtvinR' iblailxrFn , e Th . I: i rschbatun .
A lo ~V.NTI N A IInracin Kevin, In .N lamez I' a jan, r !uait Mora V- Arauju .
RO! .IVI A Alf re rio 1':Stivariz, Fernando Mar zac ;i . Ic,rgc l' .rr :t,c,., Villalob11 -, , e I . I,n' ,, e V :dda, jtlli , , zairriu Snarcz . K(: \S i A . Rei, ( arncii, ., .',.)rah an I i 1 lwt, Airitnio Vicira . Alvaro Pac . Lente . .\ntunio ( :rl,< 11 ;1-al :cur , kin . . Ant,mio ( . Aciru, Antuni : , loaqu`.m Veln' I 1111 i"1 . .\muni Vinbai, . .\ri- Rarn, :o . .\ut, il t- : ( ;oche "lacarr, . L"o,lrigues, Kanto Fr1f-cil t / ;nana . N' , ta junior . Carlo, .\ra,, C :ul Cotrim . C lis de Irani :,, (e>a r Srra, I)iocezano i'erreira ( ;, : tues, I .A' ,ard Pillar 1 )1 11 1 11 ,wi , I:verardo Lopes, Fernand, ., Urn ce . Francisco Americo MattoS d e Paiea . hrrulrisru de l'ailla (Mu tm\n, ( ;ag : an : ., Nc'.t, . . (rtrt Hd . Roiima1( . da Silva . Melia, Feruandc, . Indaliew Mende, . Isaac Chennan . Isaac Cook . Jaime .An)ar, /us I)rumond Netto, for /cassa, lo,e da Silva Rucha, los Teixeira, I .CV\' Kleiman, Lui l Mende ' . Mario ,'1 ,Menzanu, Ma ri,, Rodri 1ticS Filbn, Mello lunior, ( )dttvaldo Cozzi, (lrlamL , Cati Sta . foul Medeiro' , Rau l Longr ;s . Ricardu Sci i an, Seba, ta.~ Saldanha Marinh e. Walte r M C,q! ita
('111 .F. ! ;i kutiil,, Albert - ' \i-, ;1 , ),Ir :c 4a, Alejandro iaramill', , ( ;arrctan, Alit'r,L, I~:lia , !', oacll, .Amanu Vera . .Vrac \ . Smith f bssc . Carlo, Alitique ia, l': urique Kagnlini, Frliz l aballrro Ram1o,, Gabriel NUNIR r , 1,1 :,taco .ALniTre, 11 e t o r (b,uzalei . Ilermati Fernande ; . Mlerma n Miranda . IItito Mainz Tor rr, . I fs ; (Nanas Ortiz, liwnbert . , t ;1-na ftilbiu', Isidro Cm -bin . lal, me Revel . Forge Soto Polza , In,e M . Navasal, .1 os Sallw c :Munn[, juan Ikhavarri Otina n l it :i Mart{nc, Posu, lutin Gn' i,11, , Inliu Martins Pradan,' , Malmel .Araeetna, (>"aldu Aco- tt . P,dro Fnrncrzari, Pedro ( ;:L ull',,, ( c6:/1 . Raul .\rata Gnci rcra, RA,ertu Herrera, Rnbc m Farcir :.L l'irez . Serin .An :lueza . \ - ii- : ; \1,1 e Vitrer Guerra . ( ( )IA MI I .I . A ~ ~u,t :tc, : Ramirez . I",r - Amba l l~nerv,', I .ttiz Al malp L ' Flore , . \I,,rtr,-r . I .trz F,aer : ' N, : ,, u, - . l~oni ; Ku ,tilli .\rriet :: e l~i ! t ~ rin :, ~, Ircanu Romero . A '.irc' { :, i ar.u :ct ( OSTA RIC A -\li :r11 c R ;nm,n ( : .( '
i~ ; . i.\,t. \Ibert A :, -. :nldre I)jt r kitrh . Arthur i . .+,,,i :a1 . Jacque, dc Rl,n-ick, Icao Skenazzi e l'aS ,'a t Fnazni . 1! \ 1 : \ \ - illi :mt Mr V~uh,si : . NI)'~, II . I ; , Rim, liicr? . INIu)I IIIN \ I arcs. I . l'in,, . 1N( ;I . \'I I:I :k \ (~h :udc, Curl :u i l - litinrd Web b Drank I ;utle r ( ;lo t 11 . ( . \,I :ina l Ioli ( ;ran, n .lohn \Inculam , luhn- l'bnml,,,, n \1anlrie : ~m t', . ' :,,tall Tm-nbnl l Vrrnnn \tor i, a n W . lapel kn1rh t e Wills \Icia . I"l' .\I .I \ \rlurn l'refili . (~iro Vcrr:uti, ICu ~,. cni :, I )ancle, Ferdinando Prr . ( ;ianea7lu dr /ietta, ( ;iamt i l ' onta . ( ;ianni Rrifi, ( ;iusepp e 7. :mcttj . I .rone KocraL . Le ' :n e linrini . Mai io l~ol ( ;rai . I raebi . Al aw :, I~alziL ti1 :ro,pa . Nin Nuu~i .ir . Nn11 ( )Igr11 . No e,l l arozi', l' :Lo'o I ;d .liri, Sr rcrin I .~ :~c' ( ; a' . . ..iurano . Sir, , l' : -li e \ torin l ' orz o
It "GOSI .-V\ I \
l UK A le,u, ( ;ironella Fnrtmt v F.SI' . \ NIM . \ Anionio Valencia I~ m oti, l -arlo , \fat : iez F.ol,ez . Carl(, lardo Gil , Eduardo Tens, Iasi Maria Sm1 thez Silva, los MleuaI Soria . los Rodolfo Koeta, Afanr,el de l Arre Alvarez, Matta, Prate, , Ramon Vilaceca e Saritiage Gar Cia .
D etlt hlc Skinmming e john Re,t .
Irn. oje \Ltr,nn,cie . I .IUbnmir Vii i :e liti, ~c,' .. I< :clit'nje \larkoe~e . V11?NI(~ O ' .,co, ARn,tiu Gnnza :dbero Arr \,l le . Senlet :~- . .\i'r . ,n" \ , : . i,re . . \ 1 1 t ( ni :, Flores \t acari . I )ai ro Silc a i ; :,ctia . Frnlando Alarco, . Inan I . I(a1~ :11 c Rieardn U,! ILi :, . P . Ah V1 ;l'-A I .\Ir\ r l'I, 1111- :11111 . l'I:It l .Afn,,, I:i .iI)acd fnrrc , Cale, Lwi !tri ;car,lrllu . Manttc l Satl~na-, ( `, :~r "-i : l'r~lru M . 1113
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A Te pagina 16 leio-se : read of
1 6
IngiaTil'ia, z IIIIer Q
Chle, 5
S. A.
Ri o