Manual para Quem Ensina Inglês - Christina Schumacher
Manual para Quem Ensina Inglês - Christina Schumacher
Manual para Quem Ensina Inglês - Christina Schumacher
Editoração Eletrônica
Estúdio Castellani
Marina Pombo de Oliveira
Revisão Gráfica
Shirley Lima da Silva Braz
Vozes do CD
Cristina Schumacher
Sonia Assumpção
Philip de Lacy White
Mara Louise B. Ciria
Guilherme Barum
Estúdio Focus. Porto Alegre
Rodrigo Pelliccioli
Projeto Gráfico
Elsevier Editora Ltda.
Conhecimento sem Fronteiras
Rua Sete de Setembro, 111 – 16º andar
20050-006 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
ISBN 978-85-352-1506-9
Nota: Muito zelo e técnica foram empregados na edição desta obra. No entanto, podem ocorrer erros de digitação,
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CIP-Brasil. Catalogação-na-fonte.
Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de Livros, RJ
Schumacher, Cristina
Manual para quem ensina inglês : conteúdos essenciais
de estrutura, vocabulário e pronúncia para o aluno brasileiro /
Cristina Schumacher. – Rio de Janeiro : Elsevier, 2004
ISBN 978-85-352-1506-9
Gostaríamos de agradecer à Clarissa Oliveira, nossa editora, e à Kátia Alves, do Departamento Edito-
rial, bem como a todas as pessoas da Elsevier Editora que contribuíram para a realização deste livro.
Também queremos expressar nosso reconhecimento à equipe da Linca Lingüística Empresa-
rial: Helen R. S. Conceição, Janaína Cunha, Felipe Lermen, Juliana Curcio, Bruno Kober, Ian
Bauer, Mara Rubia Mendes Disconzi, Juliana Almeida, Donna e John Cruise e Telmo Lemos da
Rosa. Pessoas que fazem jus à etimologia da palavra equipe, que vem de outra palavra que os vi-
kings usavam para navio na nossa equipe aprendemos, nos divertimos e sobretudo comparti-
Introdução . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Tips for teachers: What you will find in this book (BrE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Dicas para professores: O que você vai encontrar neste livro (inglês britânico) . . . . 3
Roteiros de aulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Nivelamento q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Classroom-based teaching
This introduction is aimed towards those teachers who are classroom-based but it is recommended,
whether practising in the private sector or not, that you read the chapter on private teaching as
There are, not surprisingly, many parallels between the two teaching styles and consequently
the Private teaching chapter also has significant relevance for the classroom based teacher.
Every teacher understands the frustration of material availability. All too often, imported
textbooks are expensive to get hold of and some of the material at hand for teachers is not always
satisfactory. This book embraces many important areas of teaching with a wide range of examples,
fresh ideas and some good, solid tips.
pronunciation which uses familiar sounds in Portuguese to help you identify the foreign sound in
Cognates of different meaning, erroneously called false cognates, are another familiar source
of confusion and sometimes frustration for students. These have been carefully collated and
presented in exercise form to afford focused practice.
Too often, speaking practice is given minimal attention or, in some cases, left out of the class
altogether. This is a serious mistake. It reduces the language learning process to a dull, passive
study of words which become meaningless and leave little chance for student inspiration. Language
is a living structure and must be given the chance to be freely expressed. There will be times when
you wish to focus on good pronunciation, and this will be the aim of the lesson. On other occasions,
you will be concentrating on the correct formation of structures and there will be other moments
when you simply want to encourage free expression and fluency. These three aspects all have their
own particular focus: correct formation of the sounds, correct formation of structure and, very
importantly, free expression in the second language. In the latter, you need stimulating and
realistic topics. You may well create your own but you will also find here a good, comprehensive
list with suggestions on how to implement them in the class. The importance of allowing your
students to speak cannot be expressed enough.
The listening activities (another very important area of language acquisition), have been devised
with the focus on natural speech and communication. The topics, which cover a wide range of
vocabulary and structures, are both stimulating and realistic. There is a full range of exercises to
accompany them.
jam elas relacionadas com a estrutura ou pronúncia. Há também uma ampla abordagem de pro-
núncia que usa sons familiares em português. Isso ajuda a identificar os sons do inglês que diferem
do português (você pode contar ainda com um grande número de exemplos gravados).
Cognatos de sentidos diferentes são outra conhecida fonte de confusão e algumas vezes de
frustração para os alunos. Esses cognatos foram cuidadosamente coletados e apresentados sob a for-
ma de exercícios para prática específica.
Muito freqüentemente, pouca ou nenhuma atenção é dada à prática oral na sala de aula. Esse é um
erro grave que reduz o processo de aprendizagem da língua a um estudo monótono e passivo de
palavras que se tornam insignificantes, contribuindo para a desmotivação do aluno. A língua é uma
estrutura viva e deve ter a chance de ser expressa livremente. Haverá momentos em que você terá
vontade de priorizar uma boa pronúncia, e esse será o objetivo da lição. Em outras ocasiões, você
concentrará as aulas na formação de estruturas corretas e haverá outros momentos em que simples-
mente desejará encorajar a livre expressão e fluência. Todos esses três aspectos têm seus focos parti-
culares: formação correta de sons, correta formação de estrutura e, o mais importante, livre expres-
são na segunda língua. Neste último, você precisará de temas estimulantes e realistas. Você pode
muito bem criar o seu próprio, mas também encontrará aqui uma lista com sugestões de como im-
plementá-los em aula. Estimular os seus alunos a falar nunca é demais.
As atividades de compreensão auditiva (outra área muito importante da aquisição da linguagem), foram
criadas com foco no discurso natural e na comunicação. Os tópicos, que cobrem um grande número
de vocabulário e estruturas, são estimulantes e realistas. Há vários exercícios para acompanhá-los.
The purpose of this book is to give you plenty of valuable advice and material to help you plan and
carry out your classes in as productive and stimulating a way as possible, remembering also that it is
as important for the teacher as it is for the student to be inspired and stimulated in the language
learning process. There is a full list of the contents at the beginning to help you locate the area you
wish to focus on.
The book has been designed to assist you in obtaining the most from available material and
adapting it to suit your own needs and those of the students and it is hoped that it will prove an
invaluable tool for your classroom management.
Private teaching
Acquiring private students may come through advertising but by far the most common channel is
word of mouth or recommendation which often comes to the same thing. When a student enters
into contact with you they will obviously tell you their name, how they got your name and will quite
often ask you if you have a specific method and what your price is. Give the information clearly and
directly and, before you set up the first official class, it is always a good idea to set up an interview,
which, of course, is not charged. You are, by doing this, giving the student a chance to get to know
you, to discuss their needs, past experiences and expectations, and it creates valuable space for the
initial student-teacher relationship to begin. In this calm, relaxed atmosphere you can establish the
kind of class you will give, the time, day etc and your terms and requirements. After half an hour or
so, you both have a reasonable idea of how your teaching/learning experience is going to be.
One of the most important questions in this initial interview, apart from knowing the
students past experience, is to know why they want to study English. The question of why they
have opted for private tuition is not relevant at this point. Discovering the motivation of the
student is an important key not only to know what kind of class you will be developing, but also to
give you an idea of the level of enthusiasm you can expect from them.
It is common practice in many language schools to give a placement test to students to more
easily discover their level of ability. You can discover this yourself for private students through
carefully thought out questions in an interview format or you can present a test. This book offers a
sixty question placement test if you prefer this option. The resulting percentage will give you a
good idea of the students levels and, if you pay attention to where the errors lie, you will have
valuable information for areas to work on.
O propósito deste livro é fornecer um grande número de conselhos valiosos e materiais para aju-
dá-lo a preparar e colocar em prática as suas aulas da maneira mais produtiva e estimulante possível,
lembrando também que é importante para o professor e para o aluno estarem motivados no pro-
cesso de aquisição da linguagem. Há uma lista com todos os conteúdos no início do livro para aju-
dá-lo a localizar a área em que deseja dar ênfase.
O livro foi desenvolvido para ajudá-lo a extrair o máximo do material disponível e adaptá-lo
às suas próprias necessidades e às dos alunos e espera firmar-se como uma ferramenta valiosa na ad-
ministração dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem.
Aulas particulares
A propaganda pode ser uma maneira de conseguir alunos particulares, mas de longe a divulgação
mais comum é o boca-a-boca ou a indicação. Quando um aluno entrar em contato com você, ob-
viamente vai se apresentar, dizer como o descobriu e freqüentemente perguntará se você tem um
método específico e quanto cobra. Forneça informações diretas e claras e, antes de marcar a primeira
aula oficial, é aconselhável agendar uma entrevista que não deverá ser cobrada. Fazendo isso, você
dará ao aluno a chance de conhecê-lo, discutir as necessidades, experiências passadas e as expectati-
vas dele, e criar uma valiosa oportunidade para o relacionamento professor-aluno começar. Nesse
ambiente calmo e descontraído, você pode estabelecer que tipo de aula dará, horário, dia etc. e as
suas condições e exigências. Após meia hora ou mais, ambos terão uma idéia razoável de como será
a experiência. Uma das perguntas mais importantes nessa entrevista inicial, além de saber a expe-
riência anterior do aluno, é saber por que ele quer estudar inglês. Nesse momento é relevante per-
guntar por que ele optou por aulas particulares. Descobrir a motivação do aluno é um fator impor-
tante, não somente para saber que tipo de aula desenvolverá, mas também para dar uma idéia do
nível de entusiasmo que pode se esperar dele.
Uma prática comum em muitas escolas de línguas é dar aos alunos um teste de nivelamento
para descobrir mais facilmente o nível de habilidade deles. Você pode descobrir isso sozinho com
alunos particulares, através de perguntas cuidadosamente elaboradas em formato de entrevista ou
apresentar um teste. Este livro apresenta sessenta questões de teste de nivelamento se você preferir
esta opção. O percentual lhe dará uma boa noção dos níveis dos alunos, e se você detectar a onde
estão os erros, terá informações valiosas sobre as áreas que deve trabalhar.
The student usually understands that he/she will progress faster than in a group and, the focus
being solely teacher-student, any doubts or uncertainties are quickly dealt with. In a private class a
student can expose him/herself more readily without fear of ridicule or impatience from his/her
colleagues. This proximity of student-teacher leaves the student more alert. However, with the
lack of fellow classmates there is no space for the student to relax a moment or allow the colleagues
to do the work. This intense contact, therefore tires the student quicker than in a group
environment and, it goes without saying, puts more demand on the teacher. It is also important to
remember that with an absence of fellow classmates, in the case of one-to-one classes, you give the
student plenty of opportunity to speak. The interaction will be between you and the student but
make sure that it IS interaction and not an interesting lecture. With this more intense
teacher-student relationship, a heightening of some of the essential qualities found in a good teacher
is required, namely sensitivity, patience and flexibility.
These should be self-evident but, if you are teaching from home or separate premises, your room
should be light and airy. If the natural light is poor, ensure you have good artificial lighting.
Apart from a good table or desk and comfortable chairs, basic equipment should include a
white board and markers, a CD/tape player and a good mono and bilingual dictionary. Any course
books you use are a personal choice, if you still do not feel confident enough to build your own
programme based on the suggestion of contents we offer here. What shouldnt be absent from
your bookshelves are Thompson and Martinets, A Practical English Grammar and Michael
Swans, Practical English Usage for your own reference. For use with students up to upper
intermediate, Murphys, English Grammar in use both elementary and intermediate are
extremely useful for isolating and practising many aspects of grammar and usage.
If you have a video, you can use clips from films or programmes taken from one of the satellite
TV stations and, of course, there is the Internet, which gives you access to any amount of material
you may be needing.
If you are lucky enough to travel abroad, guidebooks, maps, photographs, programmes etc
are all stimulating realia to be used in class. It helps bring the idea of a real place where English is
in constant use into the classroom.
Songs have long been acknowledged as stimulating means of audio observation as well as (the
level of literacy permitting) excellent vehicles for vocabulary and structure study. However,
poetry should not be overlooked. There is a wealth of poetry to be explored spanning several
centuries. Obviously, you can try good bookshops or libraries but the Internet is an excellent
means of either finding poets or poems you already know or discovering new ones. The appreciation
of this material is manifold. It is well worth taking the time to investigate and discover.
O aluno normalmente acredita que progredirá mais rápido do que em um grupo e, focalizan-
do estritamente professor-aluno, qualquer dúvida ou incerteza será esclarecida rapidamente. Em
uma aula particular, o aluno se expõe com mais facilidade, sem medo da exposição de suas dificul-
dades ou da impaciência dos seus colegas. Essa proximidade aluno-professor deixa o aluno mais
atento. Contudo, com a falta de colegas não há tempo para o aluno relaxar um momento ou deixar
que os colegas façam o trabalho. Esse contato intenso, por conseqüência, cansa o aluno mais ra-
pidamente do que num ambiente de grupo e, sem dúvida, exige mais do professor. É também
sempre importante lembrar que é preciso, com a ausência dos colegas, dar ao aluno bastante opor-
tunidade para falar. A interação será entre você e o aluno, mas tenha certeza de que é realmente
uma interação e não uma palestra interessante. Com essa relação aluno-professor mais intensa, au-
mentam algumas das qualidades que devem ser encontradas em um bom professor, como confi-
dencialidade, paciência e flexibilidade.
Elas deveriam ser evidentes por si só, mas, se estiver lecionando em casa ou em alguma sala designada
para tal, a sua sala deve ser clara e arejada. Se a luz natural não for suficiente, certifique-se de que a ilu-
minação artificial é realmente boa. Além de uma boa mesa ou classe e cadeiras confortáveis, o equi-
pamento básico deve incluir quadro branco e marcadores, um aparelho de CD ou fita-cassete e bons
dicionários monolíngües e bilíngües. Qualquer livro-texto que você utilize é uma escolha pessoal, se
você não se sentir à vontade para, usando nossas sugestões de conteúdo aqui apresentadas, montar seu
próprio programa. O que não pode faltar na sua estante são A Practical English Grammar, de Thompson
& Martinet, e Practical English in Use, de Michael Swan, para referência própria. Para utilizar com alu-
nos até o nível upper intermediate, English Grammar in use, do Murphy. Tanto a elementar quanto a in-
termediária são extremamente úteis para separar e praticar muitos aspectos gramaticais e de uso. Se
você tiver um vídeo, pode utilizar partes de filmes ou programas tirados de canais de TV a cabo e, é
claro, da Internet, que dá acesso a uma grande quantidade de material que você poderá precisar.
Se você teve a oportunidade de viajar para o exterior, guias, mapas, fotografias, programas
etc. são materiais estimulantes que podem ser usados em aula. Isso ajuda a criar a idéia de que se está
trazendo o inglês de um lugar real, em constante uso, para dentro da sala de aula.
As músicas são vistas como uma maneira estimulante de observação auditiva, além de (depen-
dendo do nível de leitura) excelentes fontes para o estudo de vocabulário e estrutura. Contudo, a
poesia não deve ser ignorada, pois há uma riqueza a ser explorada ao longo de muitos séculos. É
claro que você pode optar por livrarias e bibliotecas, mas a Internet é um excelente meio para en-
contrar poetas e poemas conhecidos ou novos. A apreciação desse material é de grande valor. Vale
a pena dedicar o tempo para investigações e descobertas.
Will the student come or not? It is important that, despite the apparent informality of a private
class, whether given at the students home or office or in the home or office of the teacher, that
neither teacher nor student forgets that this is a service and one which requires regularity and
Some teachers feel shy about explaining their terms and regulations and perhaps feel, If Im
too rigorous in my terms, the student might look for another teacher. This in fact very rarely
occurs. If you explain very carefully your rules at the first interview, the student can decide at
that moment if they are prepared to accept them. It is very unlikely that they will say, Thank you,
Ill go away and think about it.
The exact conditions for giving private classes depend very much on the individual. One
thing is certain. You are more likely to be respected if you impose certain rules or conditions than
if you remain totally open to the convenience of the student. A student who enrols on a regular
course is expected to pay for the entire semester. It signifies a commitment between the institution
of learning and the student. Likewise, a patient who submits him or herself to some form of
psychology or psychotherapy will be expected to pay for the entire month. The psychologist or
psychiatrist has set aside this time for the patient. He or she will not schedule another patient in this
space while the patient is undergoing treatment, therefore, this space is technically unavailable for
anyone else and therefore, the patient has a certain responsibility towards it. The same applies to
the teacher and private student.
How you compose your terms is a personal decision but here are some suggestions:
A student will have 4 classes a month or 5, depending on the month. You say that the student
can cancel 1 class per month but 4 will be charged. If a student will have 8 to 10 classes per
month, then they can cancel up to 2 classes per month but 6 to 8 (depending on the month) will
be charged. In other words, up to 20% of one months classes can be cancelled but 80% will be
Some teachers prefer to use the scheme whereby a student can cancel up to 24 hours before the
class, otherwise the class will be charged. The problem with this is that many students do not
respect 24 hours and cancel at 6.00 p.m. for example, their class of 9.00 a.m. the following
morning. This leaves no time to make any adjustments to your schedule and obviously leaves
little time to reschedule another student who might be looking for a temporary new time.
A fairly sound arrangement and one which works, is to explain in the initial interview that you
will charge all classes with the exception of holidays (public or personal to the student) and
illness. There is, of course, the possibility that the student might invent an illness but this is not
common and if you have a good student-teacher relationship, it will not occur at all. It is very
important that you explain to the student that these conditions apply to all students and that, if a
student is unable to attend a class, you will offer, within availability, an alternative time. At the
same time, you explain the importance of warning you as soon as possible when they are unable
to attend so that you can liberate the class time for another student who may be looking for a
recuperation class time.
This should be your blueprint but there will obviously be exceptions in which you should use
your discretion as to whether you charge or not.
In the case of a student who travels a lot within their work, it is slightly different. You may
create your own scheme just for this student or you might adopt the right to cancel X classes
per month terms.
Dicas para professores o que você vai encontrar neste livro (inglês britânico) 11
segurança financeira Será que o aluno virá?. É importante que, apesar da aparente infor-
malidade da aula particular, ela seja ministrada em casa ou no escritório do aluno ou do profes-
sor, e que o professor ou o aluno não esqueçam que esse é um serviço que exige regularidade e
Alguns professores sentem vergonha de explicar as suas normas e regulamentos e talvez
pensem, Se eu for muito rigoroso em relação às minhas condições, o aluno pode procurar por
outro professor. Na verdade, isso raramente acontece. Se você explicar cuidadosamente as
suas regras na primeira entrevista, o aluno pode decidir no momento se está preparado para
aceitá-las. É muito pouco provável que eles digam: Obrigado, já vou indo e vou pensar no as-
As condições exatas para dar aulas particulares dependem muito de cada pessoa. Uma coisa é
certa: você provavelmente será mais respeitado se impuser certas regras ou condições do que se
mantiver totalmente livre para a conveniência do aluno. Espera-se que um aluno matriculado em
um curso regular pague o semestre inteiro. Isto significa um comprometimento entre a instituição
de ensino e o aluno. O mesmo é esperado de um paciente que se submete à alguma forma de psi-
cologia ou psicoterapia, em que se paga pelo mês inteiro. O psicólogo ou psiquiatra reservou o ho-
rário e não marcará outra pessoa nesse período enquanto o paciente estiver em tratamento. Portan-
to, o paciente deverá ter responsabilidade em relação ao compromisso assumido, principalmente
porque a reserva daquele horário impede que outro paciente seja atendido. O mesmo se aplica ao
professor e ao aluno particular.
A composição das suas normas é uma decisão pessoal, mas aqui você encontra algumas sugestões:
Um aluno terá 4 ou 5 aulas por mês, dependendo do mês. Comunique que o aluno pode cance-
lar 1 aula por mês, mas 4 serão cobradas. Se o aluno tiver de 8 a 10 aulas por mês, então poderá
cancelar até 2 aulas, mas 6 a 8 (dependendo do mês) serão cobradas. Em outras palavras, até 20%
das aulas do mês podem ser canceladas, mas 80% serão cobradas.
Alguns professores preferem usar a estratégia que permite ao aluno cancelar até 24 horas an-
tes da aula; ao contrário, a aula será cobrada. O problema é que muitos alunos não respeitam
as 24 horas e cancelam às seis da tarde a aula que seria às 9:00 da manhã seguinte, por
exemplo. Isso não permite fazer nenhum ajuste na sua agenda e obviamente deixará pouco
tempo para remarcar outro aluno que pode estar procurando por um novo horário tempo-
Um acordo justo e que funciona é explicar na entrevista inicial que você cobrará todas as au-
las, com exceção dos feriados (públicos ou pessoais do aluno) e casos de doença. Existe, com
certeza, a possibilidade de o aluno inventar uma doença, mas isso não é comum, e, se você ti-
ver um bom relacionamento com o aluno, isso não acontecerá de forma alguma. É muito im-
portante que você explique que essas condições se aplicam a todos os alunos e que, se um alu-
no não puder assistir a uma aula, você oferecerá, dentro da disponibilidade, um horário alter-
nativo. Ao mesmo tempo, quando não puderem comparecer, explique a importância de ser
avisado o mais rápido possível, para que você possa liberar o horário da aula para outro aluno
que necessite recuperar uma aula. Este deveria ser o seu plano-modelo, mas haverá exceções
em que você deverá usar seu julgamento criterioso para cobrar ou não.
No caso de um aluno que viaje muito em função do seu trabalho, é um pouco diferente.
Você pode criar o seu próprio sistema apenas para esse aluno ou poderia adotar condições
para ter o direito de cancelar aulas por mês. O importante é que você se sinta à vontade e
What is important is that you feel comfortable and secure as a teacher and that you respect
yourself and your professionalism.
Another question to be considered is methods of payment. This should never be a motive for
constraint or false modesty. Again, you need to state the price of your classes and the method of payment
calmly and straightforwardly at the initial interview, (or sometimes on the initial phone call).
Students want and need to know what they will be paying and how they are expected to pay. If you
are not sure how much to charge, ask around fellow teachers and make your decision from that.
There are basically three methods to choose from:
(1) You can charge all the classes in advance at the beginning of the month.
(2) You can charge per class.
(3) You can charge at the end of the month for all the classes given.
The first option obviously has the advantage that you have guaranteed payment. However, if
a student should become ill or travel, you will need to make refunds or carry forward payment to
the following month.
The second option, charging per class, is probably not a good idea. You may end up with a
lot of small cheques, which is inconvenient and it will also be a constant diversion from the class
and always shifting the focus to payment can appear mercenary.
The third option generally works well. The student will have received his or her classes and is
now, paying for the service. Again, some flexibility may be needed. Some people receive their
salaries in the first days of the following month. Use your common sense and judgement.
It is absolutely essential that you keep a personal record of each student. There are plenty of
coloured plastic folders available at stationery stores to help you identify each student. Here, you
will have the name, telephone numbers, class days and times and level of student plus any additional
information such as special interests or requirements.
You should write down the day and date of each class and what you have covered. If you feel
you need a more elaborate lesson plan, keep it on a separate piece of paper.
If a student stops for any reason, keep the file in a safe place. A student may well return at a later
date and you have an accurate record of the work you have covered.
seguro como professor e respeite você mesmo, seu profissionalismo. Outra questão a ser
discutida são as formas de pagamento. Isso nunca deve ser motivo para constrangimento ou
falsa modéstia. Novamente, é necessário que você estabeleça calmamente, e antes da entre-
vista inicial, o preço de suas aulas e a forma de pagamento (ou algumas vezes em conversa
pelo telefone).
Os alunos querem e precisam saber o que estarão pagando e, como é esperado, que eles paguem
esse valor. Se você não tem certeza de quanto cobrar, pergunte para colegas e tome a sua decisão a
partir disso.
Existem basicamente três métodos que podem ser escolhidos:
(1) Cobrar adiantado todas as aulas no início do mês.
(2) Cobrar por aula.
(3) Cobrar no final do mês todas as aulas dadas.
A primeira opção tem a vantagem de garantir o pagamento. Contudo, se o aluno ficar doente
ou viajar, você terá que reembolsá-lo ou deixar essa quantia para o próximo mês.
A segunda opção, cobrar por aula, provavelmente não é uma boa idéia. Você pode ficar com
muitos cheques de valores baixos, o que é inconveniente e será uma constante distração na aula
ressaltar o pagamento, além de poder parecer mercenário.
A terceira opção geralmente funciona bem. O aluno teve as aulas e agora está pagando pelo
serviço. Novamente, é necessário ter alguma flexibilidade. Algumas pessoas recebem o seu salário
nos primeiros dias do mês seguinte. Use o seu senso comum e julgamento.
É absolutamente essencial que você mantenha um registro pessoal de cada aluno. Existem vá-
rias pastas plásticas coloridas disponíveis nas papelarias que podem ajudar a identificar cada aluno.
Nessa pasta você registrará o nome, telefone, dias e horários de aula e o nível do aluno e qualquer
informação adicional, tais como interesses especiais e exigências. É aconselhável que você escreva
o dia e a data de cada aula e o assunto trabalhado. Se você achar que precisa de um plano de aula
mais elaborado, mantenha-o em uma folha separada.
Se um aluno interromper as aulas, guarde o arquivo dele em um lugar seguro. Ele pode retor-
nar posteriormente e você terá um registro preciso dos conteúdos que foram trabalhados.
The classroom setup is established. You have created a calm and relaxed atmosphere and one in
which your student feels confident and free to make his or her learning discoveries. Within this
confidence there is also trust. The student learns to trust your judgement and your ability to guide
and instruct. You must take it as a compliment to yourself if, on occasion, your student opens up
to you in a more intimate manner. There are certain similarities between the private teachers
classroom and the psychologists or psychotherapists consulting room. Students often feel securely
isolated from their everyday routine or lifestyle and may feel the desire to talk about some aspect of
their private life. This shouldnt be something to be afraid of. In the same way that you listen to the
student in a learning context, do the same in a humane one. There will be times when you can
be of invaluable service, at no greater cost to you than a sensitive ear and a calm, gentle word. The
degree of intensity of this psychoanglotherapy may vary from something quite mild to something
which may provoke tears, which are not necessarily restricted to the female sex. Whatever the
intensity, follow it through with understanding and sensitivity.
Dicas para professores o que você vai encontrar neste livro (inglês britânico) 15
A organização da sala de aula está estabelecida. Você criou uma atmosfera calma e descontraída
onde os seus alunos se sentem seguros e livres para fazer suas próprias descobertas no processo de
aprendizagem. Dentro dessa segurança há também confiança. O aluno aprende a confiar no seu
julgamento e habilidade para orientar e instruir. Você deve considerar um elogio para você mes-
mo, se em alguma ocasião o seu aluno fala com você de uma maneira mais informal. Existem certas
similaridades entre a sala de aula do professor particular e o consultório de psicólogo ou psicotera-
peuta. Os alunos freqüentemente sentem-se isolados da sua rotina diária ou do seu ritmo de vida e
podem sentir vontade de falar sobre algum aspecto das suas vidas pessoais. Isso não deve ser algo a
ser temido. Da mesma maneira que você ouve o aluno em um contexto de aprendizagem, faça o
mesmo de modo mais humano. Haverá vezes em que você poderá ser muito útil nessas horas,
ouvir e ter boas palavras será a única exigência. O grau de intensidade dessa psicoangloterapia pode
variar de algo ameno até algo que provoque lágrimas, o que não é restrito ao sexo feminino. Inde-
pendentemente da intensidade, siga com compreensão e receptividade. Se o aluno tiver habilidade
If your student has sufficient communicative ability in English, try not to let the
conversation drift into Portuguese. However, should the situation indicate this necessary,
let it go. You may also find that you can maintain your contribution in English while the
student is speaking Portuguese. Any such decisions should be taken with careful analysis of
the circumstances.
Conversation class
A student comes to you and says, Im not interested in studying grammar, I dont want to follow
a course book, I just want conversation. In most cases the request is legitimate. The student
may well have a good grounding in English, sufficient for his/her needs and simply wants the
opportunity to keep it fresh and to practise. However, there are some cases where a student may
have had bad teaching experience or even, for some personal motive, believe that he or she has a
far more thorough command of English than is really the case. In this example, your sensitivity
and discretion should allow you to slip in grammar input subtly. You may notice the student
making constant errors. Write them up. Quickly show the correct structure and spontaneously
throw in a few questions to the student, utilising the structure. The student who doesnt want
grammar classes but who is obviously in need of them will be receiving invaluable assistance
inadvertently and in a natural manner.
The conversation class itself needs to be examined carefully. The worst thing you can think
is, Oh good, Its only a conversation class this afternoon, I can relax a bit mistake!
Certainly, the class can and should be stimulating and fun but it requires very specific skills to
be really productive and successful. Firstly, you need to know your student. Its no good preparing
some fascinating material about a recent good film if the student has no interest in movies, or
enthusiastically presenting examples of a recent painting exhibition without knowing if this will
interest the student or not.
In your preliminary interview you will have established certain criteria for your classes
but there is plenty more that you need to discover to really develop a tailor-made conversation
class. In the first two or three classes, find out as much as you can about the students area of
work, their family, their hobbies and interests. You need to remain alert and aware of what
stimulates or interests them. If you are lucky, you may find an interest in common but you
may very well meet a subject which is new to you. The key is to remain 100% engaged with
your students whatever and wherever their interests lie. Its a conversation class! Ask
questions. Encourage the student to talk. You often need to disengage your own interests
and, for an hour or so, immerse yourself totally in the world of your student. This simple act of
generosity will stimulate broadening conversation and encourage the development of a strong
communicative current. Listening and complete openness of mind are essential ingredients.
Conversation is indeed an art.
You do not need to be an expert in every field but you need to learn to be a jack-of-all-trades,
or in other words, know a little about a lot. Once you have established a rapport, your conversation
will flow and develop but be careful to remember that, along with promoting fluency and free
expression, you must be monitoring the students English. In a more formal atmosphere you may
discreetly take notes and then give feedback at the end but if the conversation has become spontaneous
and free, discreet but attentive correction can be inserted immediately without impeding the flow of
Dicas para professores o que você vai encontrar neste livro (inglês britânico) 17
suficiente para se comunicar em inglês, tente fazer com que a conversa não seja levada para o por-
tuguês. Contudo, se a situação indicar que isso é necessário, permita-a. Você também pode achar
que pode manter a sua contribuição em inglês enquanto o aluno fala em português. Qualquer uma
dessas decisões deve ser tomada mediante análise cuidadosa das circunstâncias.
Aula de conversação
Um aluno procura você e diz: Não tenho interesse em estudar gramática, não quero seguir um li-
vro-texto, só quero aula de conversação. Na maioria das vezes o pedido é aceitável. O aluno pode
ter uma boa base de inglês, suficiente para as suas necessidades e simplesmente querer a oportuni-
dade de manter o conhecimento fresco e praticá-lo. Contudo, existem alguns casos em que o alu-
no pode ter tido uma experiência ruim ou, até mesmo por motivos pessoais, acredita que tem um
domínio de inglês maior do que realmente possui. Nesse caso, sua sensibilidade e julgamento per-
mitirão que você sutilmente entre de mansinho em alguns pontos da gramática. Talvez você
note o aluno cometer erros constantes. Anote-os. Mostre rapidamente a estrutura correta e espon-
taneamente faça algumas perguntas para o aluno utilizar essa estrutura. O aluno que não quer aulas
de gramática, mas que obviamente apresenta necessidade de tê-las, estará recebendo um auxílio de
grande valor, de forma inesperada mas natural.
A aula de conversação deve ser observada cuidadosamente. A pior coisa que você pode pensar
é: Que bom, tenho apenas uma aula de conversação essa tarde, posso relaxar um pouco. Errado!
Certamente, a aula pode e deve ser estimulante e divertida, mas exige habilidades muito espe-
cíficas para se tornar realmente produtiva e bem-sucedida. Primeiramente, você precisa conhecer
o seu aluno. Não é bom preparar um material fascinante sobre um filme recente se o aluno não se
interessa por cinema, ou apresentar com entusiasmo exemplos de uma recente exposição de pintu-
ras sem saber se isso interessará ao aluno ou não.
Na sua entrevista preliminar você terá que estabelecer um certo critério para as suas aulas, mas
há muito o que descobrir para realmente desenvolver uma aula de conversação que aborde todas as
habilidades. Nas primeiras duas ou três aulas, descubra o máximo que puder sobre a área de traba-
lho, família, passatempo e interesses do seu aluno. Você deve ficar alerta e consciente sobre os as-
suntos que lhe interessam e o estimulam. Se você tiver sorte, pode encontrar um interesse em co-
mum, mas pode muito bem encontrar um assunto que é novo para você. O segredo é permanecer
100% engajado com os seus alunos, independente de quais sejam os seus interesses. É uma aula de
conversação! Faça perguntas. Encoraje o aluno a falar. Você freqüentemente precisará se desligar
dos seus próprios interesses, durante uma hora ou mais, e mergulhar fundo no mundo do seu alu-
no. Este simples ato de generosidade irá estimular e ampliar a conversação, favorecendo o desen-
volvimento de um fluxo comunicativo mais forte. Ouvir e completar lacunas de pensamento são
ingredientes fundamentais. A conversação é sem dúvida uma arte.
Você não precisa ser um especialista em cada área, mas precisa aprender a jogar em todas as
posições; em outras palavras, saber um pouco de muitas coisas. Estabelecendo um padrão, a sua
aula de conversação fluirá, mas lembre-se de que, juntamente com o desenvolvimento da fluência
e liberdade de expressão, você deve monitorar o inglês dos alunos. Em um ambiente mais formal
você pode discretamente anotar e então dar um retorno no final da aula. Mas se a conversa se tor-
nou espontânea e livre, a correção ponderada, mas atenta, poderá ser feita sem impedir o fluxo da
the student but it could be the way you have approached the subject. Perhaps you have been too
didactic or too busy showing how well you know the subject and forgetting that it might be the
first time the student has been exposed to it. Perhaps you took too long giving explanations and
didnt allow the student to make any little discoveries for him/herself. Whatever the cause, stay
open-minded and remember that your main desire should be to simply teach as well as you are
able to.
It is useful to remember that when a student or students are exposed to you and vice versa,
there is a great current of learning and interchange in progress. It can be a truly marvellous and
creative experience. Get to know your students. The more you know them, the more sensitive
you can be to their needs and interests and the more productive, relevant and stimulating will be
your classes. The more a student can open up to you and relax, the greater his or her chances are of
learning and absorbing new information and of achieving his or her goals.
You dont have to be a clown or an entertainer, but never forget: learning a language should be
fun. Learn with the student and together you will create an atmosphere of security, free expression
and creativity. In this way your lessons will be a pleasure to both teacher and student and the language
acquisition process will be a journey of mutual discovery with all kinds of hidden surprises.
Dicas para professores o que você vai encontrar neste livro (inglês britânico) 21
você tenha sido muito didático ou diligente mostrando o quanto domina o assunto, esquecendo
que poderia ser a primeira vez que o aluno estava sendo exposto a ele. Talvez você tenha levado
muito tempo explicando, e não permitiu que o aluno fizesse pequenas descobertas sozinho. Seja
qual for o caso, esteja aberto a colocações e lembre que o seu principal desejo deveria ser simples-
mente o de ensinar da melhor maneira possível.
É importante lembrar que, quando alunos estão expostos a você e vice-versa, há um grande
fluxo de aprendizagem e troca em processo. Pode ser uma verdadeira maravilha, uma experiência
criativa. Conheça os seus alunos. Quanto mais você os conhecer, mais sensível você pode ser às ne-
cessidades e aos interesses deles e mais produtivas, relevantes e estimulantes serão as suas aulas. Qu-
anto mais um aluno se abrir para você e relaxar, maiores serão as chances de ele aprender e absorver
novas informações e atingir as suas metas.
Você não precisa ser um palhaço ou um animador para mantê-lo atento, mas nunca se esque-
ça que aprender uma língua deve ser divertido. Aprender com o aluno cria um ambiente de segu-
rança, livre expressão e criatividade. Dessa maneira, suas aulas serão prazerosas para o professor e
para o aluno e o processo de aquisição da linguagem será uma jornada de descobertas mútuas com
todos os tipos de surpresas.
learning styles (AmE)
We often dont get as much out of studying as we should. And this goes for our work tasks as well.
Why do you think that happens? We often dont know anything about our studying/working
styles. Determining our style helps us to improve our skills and makes things much easier for
ourselves. The following survey was developed to help you assess your general approach to
learning and working.
Of course it doesnt give you a precise attitude for every situation, but it does give you a clear
indication of general style preferences.
Apply this survey to your students too, so that both you and they can get the best out of the
activities that you propose and develop together.
Put an x next to the sentences which are true for you.
Learning styles
1. I like to discover how things work by taking them apart and then putting them back together.
2. I rarely get lost.
3. I usually stand while working or studying, instead of sitting.
4. I enjoy collecting different things.
5. I am sometimes referred to as a very active person.
6. I learn and work better using movement.
7. I have the habit of eating during classes or work.
8. I like to touch and hold things.
9. I enjoy listening to music while I work or study.
10. I rather do things instead of reading about how to do them or watching a demonstration
11. I enjoy practicing sports very much.
12. I move around pretty often. Its difficult for me to sit still.
13. I use body language (especially my hands) when I talk.
14. I enjoy physical contact with my friends (patting the back, hugging, kissing on the cheek).
15. I am very creative with my hands and I enjoy making things.
Determinação de
estilos de aprendizagem
(Inglês Americano)
É comum não conseguirmos resultados tão bons quanto deveríamos no estudo. O mesmo vale
para nossas tarefas de trabalho. Por que você acha que isso acontece? Com freqüência desconhece-
mos nosso estilo de estudar/trabalhar. Descobrir nosso estilo ajuda a incrementar nossas habilidades
e tornam as coisas muito mais fáceis. O questionário abaixo foi desenvolvido para auxiliá-lo a ava-
liar sua postura em relação ao aprendizado e ao trabalho.
É claro que o teste não nos oferece uma atitude exata para cada situação, mas certamente nos
apresenta uma indicação clara de nossas preferências de estilo geral.
Aplique essa pesquisa aos seus alunos. Dessa forma, tanto você quanto eles poderão tirar
maior proveito das atividades que propõem e desenvolvem juntos.
Estilos de Aprendizagem
1. Gosto de descobrir como as coisas funcionam desmontando-as e depois montando-as de novo.
2. Raramente me perco.
3. Geralmente fico de pé enquanto trabalho ou estudo, ao invés de ficar sentado(a).
4. Gosto de colecionar coisas diferentes.
5. As pessoas às vezes se referem a mim como uma pessoa muito ativa.
6. Aprendo e trabalho melhor usando movimento.
7. Tenho o hábito de comer durante as aulas ou o trabalho.
8. Gosto de tocar e segurar coisas.
9. Gosto de ouvir música enquanto trabalho ou estudo.
10. Prefiro fazer as coisas em vez de ler como fazê-las ou assistir a uma demonstração.
11. Gosto muito de praticar esportes.
12. Caminho de um lado para o outro com muita freqüência. Para mim, é difícil permanecer senta-
13. Utilizo linguagem corporal (especialmente minhas mãos) quando falo.
14. Aprecio contato físico com meus(minhas) amigos(as) (dar tapinhas nas costas, abraçar, beijar na
15. Sou muito criativo(a) com minhas mãos e gosto de fazer coisas (dobraduras, esculturas, etc.)
com elas.
Add the number of items you marked from Tactile/kinesthetic/hands on: __________________
Add the number of items you marked from: Visual ____________________________________
Add the number of items you marked from: Auditory _________________________________
Please circle the style in which you have the highest score. If two styles have the same score, you
should develop skills in both styles.
Determinação de estilos de aprendizagem (Inglês Americano) 25
Adicione o número de itens que você marcou na parte tátil/cinestésico/mão na massa:
Adicione o número de itens que você marcou na parte visual
Adicione o número de itens que você marcou na parte auditiva
Circule o estilo em que obteve o maior escore. Se dois estilos tiverem o mesmo escore, você deve
desenvolver habilidades em ambos.
If you are a visual person, here are some tips on how to develop and use your skill:
Try to work with illustrated material, whenever possible
Take notes during classes and at work
Study or work in a quiet place, away from disturbances
Whenever possible, use visual material such as pictures, graphs, maps, etc.
Use colored pens to highlight what is important while you read
When you attend a class or a lecture, for example, try to sit where you can see the person who is
talking so that you can see their body language
When you consider it to be appropriate, use the computer, videos, transcripts, etc.
If you are an auditory person, here are some tips on how to develop and use your skill:
Discuss your ideas out loud
Participate in discussions, debates, lectures
Record instead of taking down notes
Read out loud
Listen to the news, rather than read it
Listen to videos, tapes, etc. as much as possible.
While traveling in your car, listen to CDs or cassettes
Determinação de estilos de aprendizagem (Inglês Americano) 27
Se você é uma pessoa com estilo de aprendizagem visual, eis aqui algumas dicas para desenvolver e
utilizar suas habilidades:
Procure trabalhar com material ilustrado, sempre que possível.
Faça anotações durante as aulas e no trabalho.
Estude ou trabalhe em um local silencioso, longe de perturbações.
Sempre que possível, utilize material visual como figuras, gráficos, mapas, etc.
Utilize canetas coloridas para destacar as partes importantes enquanto lê.
Ao assistir a uma aula ou palestra, por exemplo, procure sentar em um local de onde possa ver a
pessoa que está falando, de forma a poder observar a sua linguagem corporal.
Quando considerar apropriado, use o computador, vídeos, transcrições, etc.
Se você é uma pessoa com estilo de aprendizagem auditivo, eis aqui algumas dicas para desenvolver
e utilizar sua habilidade:
Discuta suas idéias em voz alta.
Participe de discussões, debates, palestras.
Prefira gravar as aulas, palestras etc., em vez de fazer anotações.
Leia em voz alta.
Ouça as notícias em vez de lê-las.
Ouça vídeos, fitas etc. o máximo possível.
Enquanto estiver dirigindo, ouça CDs e fitas-cassete.
de aulas
Ao preparar uma aula é preciso ter em mente alguns detalhes, que nos ajudam a tornar a lição orga-
nizada e coerente. Um dos principais passos relacionados à preparação de aula é a organização, i.e.,
como abordamos e desenvolvemos o assunto ou conteúdo do dia.
Primeiro passo: despertar o interesse do aluno no assunto que desejamos abordar.
Como? Há várias maneiras de se fazer isto. Podemos usar uma técnica maravilhosa que se
chama brainstorming. Se fossemos traduzir literalmente esta palavra, teríamos uma explosão cere-
bral. Brainstorming consiste em dar ao seu aluno uma palavra, uma frase, um desenho ou até uma
situação e pedir a ele que diga ou escreva tudo que lhe vem à mente, rapidamente, sem muita análi-
se daquilo que está sendo dito ou escrito. Outra forma de se iniciar uma aula é através de perguntas
gerais relacionadas ao assunto. Você pode ainda pedir relatos curtos relacionados ao tema escolhido
ou, se tiver mais tempo, pode trabalhar com colagens de revistas e jornais em inglês.
1. What is a kindergarten? What is done in a kindergarten? Did you go to one?
2. Do you think that 5 is a good age to begin school or do you think its too early? Why, why
3. Do you remember your first time at school? How was it? Did you like it or did you cry very
much and did not want to stay?
4. Would you like to be a kindergarten teacher? Do you think its easy or not? What characteristics
must a kindergarten teacher have?
A seguir, apresentamos mais uma forma de iniciar uma lição onde será lido um texto tratando
da rotina do trabalho e da importância de um equilíbrio entre a vida pessoal e a vida profissional.
(Este tema é tão vasto que você mesmo poderá encontrar textos correlatos.)
Roteiros de aulas 29
Preparando o aluno para trabalhar com palavras que ele ainda não conhece e que supostamente
aparecem no texto a ser trabalhado:
1. When you are admitted in a new job you are
a. fired b. hired c. promoted
2. If you are dismissed from your job you are
a. promote b. fired c. hired
3. If you decide to leave your job you
a. resign b. dismiss c. admit
Como aquecer os alunos para o trabalho com uma música. Considere a música Put your lights
on, by Carlos Santana & Everlast., no trecho
... a monster under my bed...children, leave your lights on...
Uma maneira de iniciar o trabalho é formular aos alunos as seguintes perguntas:
1. Were you afraid of many things when you were a child?
2. Were you afraid of the dark?
3. Did you sleep with the lights on?
Lembre-se, você terá muito mais sucesso com a lição se você discutir o tema antes de iniciá-la. Para
isso é importante preparar a aula antes.
Você também pode iniciar uma aula com uma música mostrando ao aluno ilustrações relacio-
nadas com o tema da mesma. Você pode trazer recortes de revistas ou jornais (é sempre bom man-
ter uma pasta com diferentes tipos de desenhos). Peça aos alunos para falarem sobre esses desenhos
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on.
I wish I was the pedal brake that you depended on.
I wish I was the verb to trust and never let you down.
I wish I was a radio song, the one that you turned up....
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish...I guess it never stops.
Você pode escrever algumas das palavras no quadro ou até em um pedaço de papel e pedir aos
alunos que digam o que são, por exemplo alien, souvenir, full moon, a sacrifice, a messenger.
Pergunte, então, aos alunos o que essas palavras têm em comum, fazendo com que eles tentem co-
nectá-las. É muito provável que os alunos produzam histórias bem engraçadas. Let them have fun!
Agora que os alunos estão no clima desejado, você pode ir para o passo seguinte, a lição propria-
mente dita. Veja o exemplo de uma lição que trata de importantes centros financeiros (fonte:
ROTH, Milton. New Interchange. English for international communication. Business companion. Famous
business centers, p. 22, Cambridge University Press).
Nosso objetivo aqui é a leitura do texto e, posteriormente, a verificação da compreensão do
mesmo. Seguem alguns exemplos de perguntas que podem ser feitas. Lembre-se, dependendo de
quem é nosso aluno, e de qual é nosso objetivo, as perguntas podem ser feitas em português.
1. O principal assunto do texto é:
a) Os principais pontos turísticos de São Paulo e New York.
b) Os centros financeiros de duas grandes cidades.
c) A história do crescimento dos centros financeiros de duas grandes cidades.
d) A origem de grandes centros financeiros nas metrópoles.
2. De acordo com o texto,
a) A Avenida Paulista representava, desde a época colonial, um centro de negócios onde os
principais comerciantes construíam casas luxuosas devido à sua boa localização.
b) Wall Street era originalmente governada por holandeses, britânicos e norte-americanos,
constituindo distritos independentes, separados por muros.
c) A Bolsa de Valores de Nova York contribui para transformar a região em um importante
centro de negócios.
3. Assinale a alternativa incorreta com relação ao texto:
a) A Avenida Paulista é hoje, além do centro financeiro mais importante da América Latina,
um famoso ponto turístico de São Paulo.
b) É permitida a livre entrada de turistas no Federal Reserve Bank (Fed).
c) A Avenida Paulista foi se tornando gradualmente um importante centro financeiro a partir
da década de 1950.
4. A palavra its na linha ____ refere-se a:
a) people
b) city of São Paulo
c) size
d) business centers
Roteiros de aulas 31
Mais sobre músicas: Você pode retirar palavras importantes e colocar uma lacuna em seus lu-
gares. Enquanto os alunos ouvem a música, eles devem preencher estas lacunas. Esta será uma prá-
tica da habilidade auditiva e também de vocabulário.
Você também pode recortar a letra da música em tiras. Enquanto os alunos ouvem a canção,
eles devem colocar as tiras em ordem. Você pode ainda retirar algumas palavras e informar seus
opostos - coloque a dica entre parênteses ( ):
... so I must be ____ (opposite of good)
Neste caso, peça para os alunos preencherem as lacunas antes de ouvirem a música. Você tam-
bém poderá remover algumas palavras e informar ao aluno a estrutura gramatical destas palavras:
there ____ people standing all around (past of be / plural).
Também podemos preparar algumas perguntas sobre o conteúdo semântico da música e, ain-
da, podemos preparar a letra da canção com alguns erros propositais e pedir ao aluno que ouça a
música e detecte esses erros.
Como podemos trabalhar com um trecho de um vídeo? Você pode fazer perguntas no estilo
do que foi indicado acima, pode congelar a imagem em momentos importantes que tenham rela-
ção com o tema central a ser trabalhado, pode retirar o som e pedir que os alunos imaginem o que
está sendo dito e então comparar o que eles imaginam com o áudio do vídeo.
Muitas das atividades propostas aqui são adaptações de outras com as quais entramos em contato
durante anos de trabalho nesta área, seja através da consulta a livros, seja através de treinamentos, si-
tes da Internet, sugestões de colegas, de alunos e outras fontes que nos deram inspiração para reali-
zarmos nosso trabalho. Sinta-se livre para fazer suas próprias adaptações.
Se seus alunos não puderem fazer frases inteiras em inglês, motive-os a usar o vocabulário que
puderem. Lembre-se: é melhor falar do que não fazê-lo. Algum tipo de comunicação é sempre me-
lhor do que nenhum, e a coragem de expor-se é exercitada em situações como as abaixo propostas.
I. Conversation topics
Describe an ideal weekend.
What season do you prefer? Why?
Talk about a perfect evening at home.
Talk about a perfect evening away from home.
What is something you would like to change in yourself and why?
What are your plans for after our class?
Talk about a job you would like to have and support your choice.
Describe one of your favorite films.
What is something you dont know and would like to learn?
Where would you like to live if you didnt live where you do?
Whats your favourite food?
Whats your least favourite food?
Do you watch a lot of TV? What kind of programs do you watch?
If you could meet a famous person, who would it be and why.
When youre very tired, what activities make you relax?
What is something you dont do very much but would like to do more?
Why do people visit museums? Do you like to visit museums?
Do you prefer to live in a small town or in a big city? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment and living in a house?
What qualities should a boss have?
Fazendo o aluno falar 33
My Trip
City visited.
Reason of the trip:
My first impression of the city:
Where I stayed accommodation.
Was communication a problem? Why?
If you went on a business trip, describe the meetings.
If your trip was for tourism, describe the best part and the places you visited.
What was a negative aspect of the trip?
Say something curious about your trip.
Describe an incident that happened during the trip.
Describe some cultural differences you observed.
Fazendo o aluno falar 35
VI. Pictures 1
Esta atividade, além de permitir a prática do vocabulário, é muito divertida. Recorte as fichinhas e
coloque-as em cima da mesa, viradas para baixo. Um objetivo para o uso deste material é a prática
do passado. Proceda assim: você pega a ficha de cima e fala uma frase no passado usando o desenho
da ficha. Agora o seu aluno deverá pegar a próxima ficha e relacionar esta ficha à primeira, sempre
no passado. Por exemplo, yesterday the sun was very beautiful (primeira ficha, com desenho
do sol) so we decided to have some ice cream in the park (segunda ficha, com desenho de
um parque), e assim por diante, até que as fichas acabem. Você provavelmente terá uma história
muito engraçada no final!
Outra alternativa é colocar as fichas viradas para baixo, você pega a primeira ficha e a descre-
ve, sem que os outros vejam, e sem dizer exatamente o que está nela representado. O aluno faz o
mesmo. Lembre, estas são sugestões de atividades, sinta-se livre para criar mais!
I am
I would like to be
Im a person who
I like people who
My favourite pastime is
When Im very happy I usually
Fazendo o aluno falar 37
IX. Pictures 2
A atividade a seguir pode servir tanto para conversation como writing. Selecione um dos dese-
nhos e mostre-o ao seu aluno. Leia com ele as palavras relacionadas ao desenho e, se for o caso,
acrescente mais algumas, pedindo que ele fale o que lhe ocorrer. Use para isso a técnica de brains-
torming partindo do desenho.
Peça ao aluno que fale sobre o desenho. Peça que crie uma história, usando as palavras rela-
cionadas ao desenho escolhido. Se você quiser, após a discussão poderá pedir ao aluno que escreva
um pouco sobre o que o desenho evoca. Esta segunda parte da atividade serve para que o aluno
possa fixar as palavras. Lembre-se: esses desenhos são sugestões. Você poderá recortar material de
revistas e fazer o mesmo. Só não esqueça de verificar todo o vocabulário antes!
A6. Escreva as frases a seguir com a estrutura correta, supondo que são todas ordens dadas por você.
Observe a posição dos termos e o tempo solicitado. Use a estrutura do primeiro ou do segundo caso,
conforme os elementos dados:
1. my sister/my homework/do (passado; use had)
2. hair/cut (passado; use had)
3. my husband/dinner/prepare (futuro; use will have)
4. my house/clean/every Monday (presente; have)
5. my lawyer/the contract/check (futuro; use will have)
6. someone/take care of/my baby (presente; have)
7. the students/the text/read (passado; had)
A9. Escreva cada dupla de orações em uma frase, comparando uma com a outra:
1. you get close; you see
2. you climb a lot; you fall hard
3. the teacher speaks fast; I dont understand much
4. I go to bed late; I feel tired in the morning
5. you walk a lot; your legs get strong
6. we finish this task soon; we go to the beach early
B2. Traduza:
1. filmes interessantes (movie/interesting)
2. leão feroz (lion/ferocious)
3. aulas chatas (classes/boring)
4. mulheres nervosas (woman/nervous)
5. pessoas inteligentes (person/intelligent)
6. exercício fácil (exercise/easy)
B7. Você tem dois espaços em branco para preencher. Em um deles você escreverá o substantivo em
parênteses e no outro, one ou ones:
1. I have two ____, ____ lives in Australia and the other ____ in Spain. (daughters)
2. I like both ____, but I cant decide which ____ is the best. (books)
3. Which kind of ____ do you prefer, old ___ or new ____? (movie)
4. There were many ____. Im glad we chose the right ____. (paths)
5. I like to divide my ___ into two groups. The good ___ stay here and the bad ___ stay there. (CDs)
6. Im sorry, we are out of black ____, but we have white ____. (shirts)
Erros comuns de alunos brasileiros 57
B9. Forme frases com os termos dados, lembrando-se de conjugar o verbo quando for necessário e
seguindo a solicitação de comparativo (comp.) ou superlativo (super.):
1. English/be/easy/you think (comp.)
2. she/be/beautiful/girl/in class. (super.)
3. she/look/old/her mother (comp.)
4. Hendrix/be/great/guitar player/in history (super.)
5. This/be/one of the/surprising/movies/Ive ever seen. (super.)
6. I/be/tall/you/so/I/can/reach/high. (ambos comp.)
7. this guy/crazy/man/Ive ever met. (super.)
8. I/can/run/fast/a cheetah (comp.)
B17. Una as duas frases com a expressão instead of. Inicie com instead of a oração onde há a negação e
então, omita-a:
1. He did not go to work. He went to the movies.
2. She didnt do what I told her to. She did something completely different.
3. He didnt give him the food. He taught him how to fish.
4. I wont invite all my colleagues for the party. I will only invite my friends.
5. The famous writer doesnt use a computer. He uses an old typewriter.
6. He doesnt call me by my name. He prefers to call me buddy.
C2. Corrija o tempo dos verbos nestas frases, passando-os para o passado simples:
1. I see you in the park this morning.
2. I wake up in the middle of the night and cant sleep anymore.
3. I tell my friends about the party last Sunday.
4. I go to the movies yesterday.
5. Our team win the championship.
6. They come here on Monday and leave the day after.
7. The girl give a flower to her mother.
C3. Complete as lacunas com a forma correta de to have (em alguns casos há mais de uma
1. I wish I ___ a better computer.
2. She usually ___ breakfast at 7 oclock.
3. My house ___ four rooms.
4. I always ___ trouble with math.
5. I ___ a videogame when I was a child.
6. We ___ prepared everything but nobody came to our party.
7. Isabel ___ a lot of friends.
8. They ___ worked together for 20 years.
C4. De acordo com as explicações acima, corrija algumas dessas frases para o present perfect, sempre
observando se a mudança é realmente necessária. Use as contrações ve para have e s para has:
1. I lived in France for 3 years.
2. I never heard about this person.
3. Did you ever see a kangaroo?
4. I saw a kangaroo in the street yesterday.
5. The scientists discovered a new disease.
6. Last Tuesday, we went to a tango class.
7. I always tried to do my best.
8. Have you ever been to Italy?
D. Erros de preposições
D2. Com as ações listadas abaixo, afirme ou negue fatos a seu respeito usando need
to ou want to.
1. exercise more often.
2. meet new people.
3. travel to Europe.
4. buy a new car.
5. earn more money.
6. learn a foreign language.
7. be famous.
8. eat more vegetables and drink less coffee.
Exercício B14 C
1. I have many things to do today.
2. This place is very beautiful, but theres not much to do Exercício C1
here. 1. He works for this company.
3. The police dont have much information about the 2. Paul still lives with his parents.
incident. 3. My neighbour never leaves his house.
4. Thank you very much. 4. Linda likes to play volleyball with her friends.
5. Youve had many opportunities, but youve lost them all. 5. Every day he writes a new song.
6. Our new house is much better than the old one. 6. My sister knows all my secrets.
7. Im very concerned about this situation. 7. My grandmother usually spends her weekends at the beach.
8. I have many books, but dont have much time to read.
Erros comuns de alunos brasileiros 71
Exercício C2 D
1. I saw you in the park this morning.
2. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt sleep Exercício D1
anymore. 1. I will focus on what is important.
3. I told my friends about the party last Sunday. 2. You should tell her the truth.
4. I went to the movies yesterday. 3. You may not pass.
5. Our team won the championship. 4. I could play the piano very well when I was younger.
6. They came here on Monday and left the day after. 5. She must finish this as soon as possible.
7. The girl gave a flower to her mother. 6. We can talk about that.
Exercício C3 Exercício D2
1. I wish I had a better computer. 1. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to exercise more often.
2. She usually has breakfast at 7 oclock. 2. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to meet new people.
3. My house has four rooms. 3. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to travel to Europe.
4. I always have trouble with math. 4. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to buy a new car.
5. I had a videogame when I was a child. 5. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to earn more money.
6. We had prepared everything but nobody came to our 6. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to learn a foreign
party. language.
7. Isabel has a lot of friends. 7. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to be famous.
8. They have worked together for 20 years. 8. I (dont) need to / I (dont) want to eat more vegetables
and drink less coffee.
Exercício C4
1. Ive lived in France for 3 years. Exercício D3
2. Ive never heard about this person. 1. My brother works at the bank.
3. Have you ever seen a kangaroo? 2. My classes start on Monday at 7 oclock.
4. I saw a kangaroo in the street yesterday. 3. I keep my money in my wallet.
5. The scientists have discovered a new disease. 4. Is your birthday in May or in June?
6. Last Tuesday, we went to a tango class. 5. He lives at 345, São João St. in São Paulo.
7. Ive always tried to do my best. 6. Have you always lived in Brazil?
8. Have you ever been to Italy?
Exercício D4
Exercício C5 1. There are no secrets between you and me.
1. I used to receive many presents during Christmas when I 2. I lost my child among the crowd.
was a child, but nowadays I give many presents and 3. There was some tension among the students because of
receive almost none. the test.
2. My parents used to play a lot outdoors when they were 4. The ball passed between his legs.
kids, but my generation prefers computers and 5. Im glad there is a break between the two classes.
videogames. 6. Look what I found among my things!
3. John used to write poems when he was young, but now
he writes only supermarket lists. Exercício D5
4. I used to watch cartoons when I was a child, but now I 1. This shirt is made of cotton.
find it boring. 2. My friend went from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro on
Exercício C6 3. My parents come from Argentina, the land of tango.
1. She is good at preparing Japanese food. 4. That was the most difficult moment of my life.
2. Im looking forward to receiving a letter from you. 5. The rock star receives many letters from his fans.
3. I acted without thinking. 6. That is not his girlfriend. Shes just a friend of his.
4. She is tired of repeating the same thing over and over. 7. I took this picture from a short distance.
8. Carlos is very different from his twin brothers.
Nivelamento q
Usar as questões erradas como ponto de partida para roteirizar seu programa de aulas (no caso de
um grupo, trabalhe primeiro as questões mais erradas pelo maior número de alunos).
Montar um pequeno gráfico de desempenho cujas curvas serão obtidas pela aplicação de novos
testes semelhantes e servirão para medir o progresso do trabalho.
Analisar as questões junto com os alunos, regularmente, inclusive as alternativas erradas, para
criar neles maior consciência da estrutura da língua.
Desenhar um programa de conteúdos a partir da análise dos erros e da definição do que é neces-
sário saber que não está na questão para fazê-la certo e, assim, revisar conteúdos correlatos.
Neste capítulo você encontra a grade para colocar as respostas, os gabaritos e os conteúdos estrutu-
rais/gramaticais a que cada questão corresponde.
Para obter mais informações sobre conteúdos, veja os capítulos Conteúdos estruturais e Exer-
Nivelamento 73
Teste de nivelamento
2. _______ old is your daughter? 10. Carla didnt tell ________ about her intention.
a) What a) nobody
b) How b) somebody
c) Where c) anybody
d) When d) none
3. ______ he ______ TV every day? 11. _____ presentation was much better than ______.
a) Does watch a) Your her
b) Do watch b) Yours hers
c) Do watches c) Yous shes
d) Does watches d) Your hers
4. I _________ go out at night. Its too dangerous. 12. ______________ in the conference call?
a) usually a) Do they are participating
b) never b) Do they participating
c) always c) Are they participating
d) often d) They are participating
7. I dont like ____ fatty food. 15. I met ________ at the bus station.
a) a) he
b) a b) hes
c) the c) his
d) an d) him
8. I cant work here. Theres ____________ noise. 16. Kevin gets _____ even with ______ films.
a) too many a) boring interesting
b) very b) bored interested
c) too much c) bored interesting
d) little d) boring interested
17. ______ you _______ the books I asked you? b) each all
a) Did brought c) all every
b) Did bring d) every all
c) Did bringing
d) Do brought 25. It ______ a couple of days to give you the test
18. Some students keep in silence. ________ cant stop a) will take
talking. b) will to take
a) Other c) not take
b) Other one d) wont to take
c) Another
d) Others 26. I _____ cancel my piano classes. I dont have time
to practice anymore.
19. I read _______ with _______ about the Iraq war. a) m going
a) a news a information b) m going to
b) many news some informations c) ll go to
c) a piece of news some information d) ll going
d) many news many informations
27. Márcia and Gustavo ____ always _______ close
20. This is something ____________ do. friends.
a) for me a) have been
b) for to me b) has been
c) for me to c) have being
d) to me d) were been
21. ________ many beautiful cities in Brazil. 28. The certificate will be given to those _____ have
a) There is an attendance record of 80%.
b) Have a) whose
c) Has b) whom
d) There are c) who
d) which
22. I think there should be more ________ about this
city. I need some _______ about where to go, 29. She cant talk to you right now, she ____ a shower.
what to eat, and where to stay. a) takes
a) information / advice b) took
b) informations / advices c) s taken
c) information / advices d) s taking
d) informations / advice
30. They asked me ________ this proposal.
23. These are very _________ classes, but there are a) not to accept
some ________ exercises. b) to not accept
a) borings / easies c) to dont accept
b) boring / easy d) to not to accept
c) boring / easies
d) borings / easy 31. I _______ finish these tasks otherwise Ill be fired.
a) may
24. Not ______ her friends believe in _____ word she b) might
says. c) have to
a) every each d) can
Nivelamento 75
47. The movie _______ in French Polynesia. c) have been tried to fix
a) was shoot d) have been trying to fix
b) was shot
c) was shooting 55. Profits _____________ over a four month period
d) was shotting before the company went bankrupt.
a) have been decreased
48. I ________ to stop smoking when the doctor told b) had been decreasing
me it was a bad habit. c) would have been decreased
a) decided d) had been decreased
b) ve decided
c) m deciding 56. Lets start work, ________?
d) been deciding a) isnt it
b) shall we
49. She_______ here for five years. c) do we
a) s lived d) are we
b) lived
c) s living 57. Next month Sheila _________ in London for five
d) lives years.
a) will have been living
50. Fernando _______ he _________ lunch with his b) will live
partner, and then he ______ here. c) had lived
a) say will have comes d) has been living
b) said d have d come
c) says d have comes 58. Could you please _________________ this docu-
d) s saying had d come ment? I dont need it right now, but Ill need it to-
51. If you _______ I _______ the TV. a) close down
a) dont mind ll turn off b) drop out
b) didnt mind d turn off c) show up
c) dont mind d turn off d) put away
d) dont mind d have turned off
59. I have a _____ daughter.
52. By next December I _____________ here for 10 a) nine years old
years. b) nine-years-old
a) ll have lived c) nine-year-old
b) ll live d) nine-years
c) ve lived
d) live 60. Instead _________ at home, I _________ go to
the party.
53. I wish we _______ so much time doing these tasks. a) of staying / decided to
a) didnt waste b) of stay / decided
b) dont waste c) of staying / decided
c) wont waste d) of stay / decided to
d) cant waste
1 31
2 32
3 33
4 34
5 35
6 36
7 37
8 38
9 39
10 40
11 41
12 42
13 43
14 44
15 45
16 46
17 47
18 48
19 49
20 50
21 51
22 52
23 53
24 54
25 55
26 56
27 57
28 58
29 59
30 60
1 X 31 X
2 X 32 X
3 X 33 X
4 X 34 X
5 X 35 X
6 X 36 X
7 X 37 X
8 X 38 X
9 X 39 X
10 X 40 X
11 X 41 X
12 X 42 X
13 X 43 X
14 X 44 X
15 X 45 X
16 X 46 X
17 X 47 X
18 X 48 X
19 X 49 X
20 X 50 X
21 X 51 X
22 X 52 X
23 X 53 X
24 X 54 X
25 X 55 X
26 X 56 X
27 X 57 X
28 X 58 X
29 X 59 X
30 X 60 X
Nivelamento 79
A seguir, você encontrará uma relação dos conteúdos estruturais/gramaticais que julgamos essen-
ciais para uma comunicação eficiente em inglês. Esses conteúdos não estão divididos em níveis,
embora tenhamos procurado obedecer a uma certa ordem de complexidade ao listá-los. Essa or-
dem não precisa ser seguida à risca, desde que se tome o cuidado de não abordar um conteúdo sem
que os seus pré-requisitos já tenham sido abordados (ex: para se ensinar Past Continuous, é
necessário que o aluno já conheça as formas do BE no passado).
Os exemplos de aplicação das estruturas que compõem cada tópico em cada nível são apenas
ilustrativos; espera-se que o professor, com a escola ou com o aluno, monte seu próprio plano de
aprendizagem e busque muitos outros contextos para utilização e ensino/aprendizagem das estru-
turas dadas.
What What is this? / What do you do?
Where Where are you from? / Where do you work?
Who Who is she?
When When is your birthday?
How How are you?
How often How often do you drive to work?
Affirmative Form
I/you work here. / He/she/it works here. / We/they work here.
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 81
Negative Form
I/you dont go to school anymore. / He/she/(it) doesnt go to school anymore.
We/they dont go to school anymore.
Interrogative Forms
Do you work? Does he/she/(it) work? Do they work?
Dont you/they go to school anymore? Doesnt he/she/(it) go to school anymore?
Always I always work until late.
Usually They usually eat out.
Often I often eat a sandwich for lunch.
Sometimes Our neighbours sometimes invite us over for dinner.
Almost never We almost never have the chance to see a real pop star in
Porto Alegre.
Never They never come to the company on Saturdays.
A city in Brazil / The city where I was born
An old story / The same old story
tooth/teeth foot/feet
Lets cancel the conference call!
(This/that these/those)
This book is expensive, but that one isnt. / These flowers are more beautiful than those.
(some/any/no little/few many/much)
I need some money / I dont have any money / I have no money We have a little money / I will
eat a few apples I have many things to do, so I dont have much time. / How many children do
you have? / How much money do you need?
Whose suitcase is this?
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 83
My piano / Your umbrella / His mouth / Her room / Its place / Our computer / Their car.
This boat is mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs.
The book of my sister My sisters book / The house of my parents My parents house.
Affirmative Form
I am listening. He/she/it is listening. You are listening. We/they are listening.
Negative Form
Im not wearing a tie. He/she/(it) isnt wearing a tie. You arent wearing a tie. We/they arent
wearing a tie.
Interrogative Form
Is he/she/it crying? Are you crying? Are they crying?
Isnt he/she/it wearing a tie? Arent you wearing a tie? Arent they wearing a tie?
¡ AS...AS... SO... AS
His second movie was as good as the first one. / The damages were not so bad as they seemed.
She is fluent in French She speaks French fluently / He suffered a bad injury He was badly
The security guard cant see me / you / him / her / it / us / them.
Affirmative Form
I washed my hands. / We went to the theater. She/he/it arrived yesterday.
Negative Form
I didnt wash my hands. / We didnt go the theater. She/he/it didnt arrive yesterday.
Interrogative Form
Did you wash your hands? Did you go the theater? Did she/he/it arrive yesterday?
Didnt you wash your hands? Didnt you go the theater?
I cant see anything. Please get me another flashlight.
Other people are in charge of the maintenance, not us.
This flashlight doesnt work. Please, bring me another.
Some people have to be original. Others can only make copies.
There is/isnt just one answer for this question.
There are/arent many things to do on Sundays.
There was/wasnt enough room for everybody there.
There were/werent many people at the party.
(all each/every either/neither both/and)
All my friends are Brazilians. / Each day is a new day / I call my girlfriend every day You can
choose either one or the other, but I see that you dont like neither of them. Both me and my
sister love rock and roll.
A: Why did you come here? B: Because I need to talk to you.
Affirmative Form
Im going to travel on Monday/ He/she is going to travel on Monday. /Its going to rain.
You/we/they are going to travel on Monday.
Negative Form
Im not going to travel on Monday. / He/shes not going to travel on Monday. / Its not going to
rain. /You/we/they are not going to travel on Monday.
Interrogative Forms
Is he/she going to travel on Monday? / Is it going to rain? /Are you/they going to travel on
Isnt he/she/it going to travel on Monday? / Arent you/they going to travel on Monday? Isnt
this fine glass (it) going to break?
Affirmative Form
I/you/we/they have been to Rio. / He/she has been to Rio. / It s been very easy.
Negative Form
I/you/we/they havent been to Rio. / He/she/ hasnt been to Rio. / It hasnt been very easy.
Interrogative Form
Have you/they been to Rio? / Has he/she been to Rio? / Has it been easy?
Havent you they been to Rio? / Hasnt he/she been to Rio? / Hasnt it been easy?
Ive lived here for 10 years.
Ive lived here since 1993.
That The telephone number that you gave me doesnt exist.
Which I wrote a poem about the spring, which is my favourite season.
I could run very fast when I was young. / Could you tell me where the bank is?
You should help your parents. / You shouldnt stay in the rain for too long.
Would you like to dance?/ Id (would) do anything for a glass of water now.
can You can go if you want. / She can play the piano very well. / Can she play the piano?
have to I have to stay here. / You dont have to go if you dont want to. / Do I have to do this?
may You may be right. / May I come in? / May I help you?
must You must go now. / You mustnt use the office phone for private calls.
should You shouldnt go there.
ought to You ought to know the truth.
might I might be wrong.
had better Youd (had) better leave now.
will and would: willingness, likelihood and certainty I will buy myself a new car. / Will you
marry me? / I wont listen to your excuses. / I would go, if I had money / Would you miss me if I
left you? / If I were you, I wouldnt worry about it.
will and would: repeated action When I was abroad I would call my family every day. / My
mom will keep saying the same things over and over.
be able to: ability Im not able to help you with these exercises.
need(nt) I need to make a phone call. / You neednt worry, Im fine.
Can I Can I borrow your pen?
Can you Can you do me a favor?
Could I Could I have a cup of coffee, please?
Could you Could you tell me what time it is?
May I May I ask you a question?
Would you mind...? Would you mind ?
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 87
I like classical music I like it too x I dont like classical music I dont like it either.
I love myself / You have to love yourself .
himself / herself / itself / ourselves / yourselves / themselves
Its so good to be here x Its such a good feeling to be here.
above Your score must be above 70. /...
across My girlfriend lives in a house across the river.
against Nobodys against you.
along There were many trees along the road.
among Swimming is among the things I like to do the most.
apart from He prefers to stay apart from his parents problems.
around/round We had a walk around the park.
below A strange man lives in the apartment below.
beside/besides A beautiful woman sat beside me at the meeting. / Besides their friends
and family, nobody came to their concert.
by By the end of June classes will be over.
during Some animals sleep during the winter.
except (for) Everybody went to the game except (for) me and my brother. When he was young, my father went from São Paulo to Manaus on foot!
through We walked through the forest.
throughout Computers are being used throughout the world.
until Until tomorrow.
up to Drive up to the main road and turn left.
with Ill have my coffee with sugar.
within Hell be here within an hour.
without You cant survive without oxygen.
Affirmative Form
I/He/she/it was crying. / You/We/they were crying.
Negative Form
I/He/she/it wasnt crying. / You/We/they werent crying.
Interrogative Form
Was I/he/she/it crying? / Were you crying?
Wasnt he/she/it crying? / Werent you crying?
Affirmative Form
I/you/He/she/we/they will be doing it soon. Itll (will) be perfect.
Negative Form
I/ you/He/she/we/they will not (wont) be doing it soon. / It wont happen this way.
Interrogative Form
Will you/he/she/we/they be doing it soon? / Will it be OK?
Wont you/he/she/we/they be doing it soon? Wont it work?
Do you know what time it is?
Can you tell me where the bus stop is?
Affirmative Form
I/you/ He/she/ we/they had seen that before. / It had caused some alarm.
Negative Form
I/you/ He/she/ we/they hadnt seen that before.
Interrogative Form
Had you seen that before?
Hadnt you seen that before?
Youd better go now.
I used to sleep all day, but now I work very hard. x Im used to working hard every day. / She used
to be a nice girl, but now she is nasty and unpleasant. x She is used to dealing with nasty and
unpleasant girls like Susan.
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 89
Present Tense Portuguese is taught in many universities around the world.
Past Tense Millions of people were killed in World War II.
Affirmative Form We/I/They/He will have seen everything.
Negative Form We/I/They/He wont have moved by then.
Interrogative Form Will they have finished the job by mid-April? / Wont they have
finished the job by mid-April?
¡ I WISH...
I wish I were taller, so I could be a basketball player. / I wish I didnt have to wake up early every
This is nice, isnt it?
They dont expect much from this, do they?
We met at the business fair, didnt we?
The match is to start in fifteen minutes. / I am to live in Australia for the next 3 years. / If we are to
be there at 2 oclock, wed better leave now.
The salesperson took a 2-week vacation. / My sister-in-law is an African American. / This is a
high-quality dictionary developed for Portuguese-speaking people.
Dont give up now, you are almost there! / Has the plane already taken off? / Turn the volume
down, its too loud!
I thought the test would be difficult, but it was a piece of cake! / Take it easy, everything will be
fine. / Wed better wait, its raining cats and dogs. / This noise is getting on my nerves!
Remaining tenses
Future Tense: My computer will/is going to be fixed tomorrow.
Present Perfect: Nothing has been done yet.
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 91
Dont you think you should be looking for a job? / Cant you see that this girl is making a fool of
you? / Isnt she the girl you told me about yesterday?
Im trying to do my best. / I hate to do this, but I have to.
I enjoy listening to good rocknroll. / I love playing cards with my friends. / Last week I started
working for a milk company.
He bought a black Italian leather jacket. / This is the first purple electric typing machine Ive seen
in my life.
The more you eat, the fatter you get.
The more obvious the answer to the problem is, the less capable we are to provide it...
Position of adverbs.
Hardly and seldom.
I always lock the door before I leave. / I am always afraid that somebody might enter my house /
We arrived there very late. / I went to the movies yesterday. / I can hardly hear you / I hardly ever
go the theater / I seldom talk to my neighbour.
1) Where does Sarah live? IV. Make questions for the answers. Follow the example:
_______________________________________________ 1) What does your brother do?
2) What does she do? Hes a dog walker.
_______________________________________________ 2) Where do you study?
3) Who does she visit when she goes to Los Angeles? I study at the John Kennedy Elementary School.
_______________________________________________ 3) __________________?
4) Who lives in Miami? My sister is a travel agent.
_______________________________________________ 4) __________________?
5) Is Sarahs brother married? Yes, she works in a hospital. She is a nurse.
_______________________________________________ 5) __________________?
6) Does he have a dog? What is its name? No, my brother is a teacher.
_______________________________________________ 6) __________________?
7) Where do Sarahs parents live? My wife plays the guitar. She is a musician.
_______________________________________________ 7) __________________?
8) What do Sarahs parents do at night? Im a physiotherapist. I work in a hospital.
_______________________________________________ 8) __________________?
II. Change the sentences below according to the My son is an architect. He works in a big company.
example: 9) __________________?
My mother and my two sisters sing. They are singers.
1) I work in an office. 10) __________________?
She works in an office. I work in a shop. Im a cashier.
2) I wash the dishes.
Jessica _______________________________________.
3) I hate soccer.
Adverbs of frequency
Deborah _____________________________________. Frequency adverbs
4) I take a shower in the morning. 100% Always
He __________________________________________. 80% Usually/Often
5) You go to the mall on Saturdays. 60% Sometimes
Steven _______________________________________. 20% Almost never
6) I speak Spanish. 0% Never
John _________________________________________. tempo
7) Cats hate water.
NOTE: The percentages given are merely a reference.
It ___________________________________________.
8) I play the piano on Mondays. I. Complete the sentences using the words below the
Anne ________________________________________. % of the time. Follow the example:
9) You dance very well.
James ________________________________________. always often or usually sometimes almost never never
II. Complete using the adjectives in the superlative 3) Sandra has unique tastes. She only wears _____ clothes.
form. Follow the examples. (colorful/colorfully)
4) Marcos lived in Montevideo for three years. He speaks
1) São Paulo is the largest (large) city in Brazil. Spanish _____ now. (fluent/fluently)
2) We bought the __________ (cheap) blouse in the shop. 5) This paper is due today. If we want to hand it in on time
3) I talked to the __________ (important) person in the we must finish writing it _____. (quick/quickly)
4) This is the __________ (nice) book I have ever read.
5) John is the __________ (good) student in the class. Object pronouns
6) The television was the __________ (expensive) product
in the shop. I. Rewrite the sentences below using him, her, it, us,
7) Last Saturday was the __________ (cold) day of the year. them. Follow the example:
8) Kate was wearing the __________ (beautiful) dress in
the party. 1) I need to talk to Mary.
I need to talk to her.
III. Choose the best answer. Follow the example: 2) Can I leave a message for Robert?
1) Michael is the most interesting person I have ever met. 3) I saw Charles and Rose yesterday.
` more interesting than the most interesting _______________________________________________
2) The children spoke _____________ the teacher. 4) My grandmother cooks for you and me.
louder than the loudest _______________________________________________
3) The Portuguese test was __________ the geography test. 5) The children broke the window this morning.
more difficult than the most difficult _______________________________________________
4) The science test was __________ the chemistry test. 6) I cant find my sunglasses.
easier than the easiest _______________________________________________
5) This swimming pool is _________ that swimming pool.
deeper than the deepest II. Complete the dialogues below using me, you, him,
6) The food we ate yesterday was ____ the food we ate today. her, us, them, it.
better than the best
7) This is __________ magazine I have ever read. 1) Jane: Hi Julia! Is Elizabeth there?
worse than the worst Julia: Hi Jane! I saw ____ a few minutes ago. Just a minute,
8) This neighbourhood is __________ our neighbourhood. please.
safer than the safest
2) Paul: Good morning Carlos. This is Paul. How are
Adjectives x Adverbs Henry: Hi Paul. Im fine. How about you?
Paul: Im OK. How can I help ____?
I. Choose the correct word for each sentence. Henry: May I speak to Richard?
1. I sing and dance very (good/well). Im a very good Paul: Sure, just a moment, Ill call ____.
3) Nicholas: Louise, how is Michael going to school
2. I like you because you always treat me very (well/good).
3. Students must be (quiet/quietly) in class when the
Louise: Im taking _____ in my car.
teachers talking.
Nicholas: Great! Could you take Brad too?
4. Anne and I are very (closed/close) to each other. Were
best friends. Louise: Sure, Ill take _____ too.
5. I want to speak English (fluently/fluent). 4) Thomas: Can I speak to Mr. Carson, please?
Rose: He isnt here right now. May I help you?
II. Write down the correct word for each sentence. Thomas: Thanks. Can you ask _____ to call _____?
1) My father looked at me _____ when I told him that I This is Thomas Marsh.
spent my allowance money in a day. (angry/angrily) Rose: Thomas Marsh. Does he have your number, Mr.
2) I havent seen my friends from my hometown in a very Marsh?
long time. I miss them _____. (terrible/terribly) Thomas: Yes, he has _____.
III. Change the sentences below into questions. 5) My daughter (wake up) at 3:00 a.m.
Follow the example: ___________________________________ last night.
6) They (do) all the exercises.
1) He did all the exercises.
___________________________________ yesterday.
Did he do all the exercises?
7) My father (read) the magazine.
2) The teacher talked to the student.
___________________________________ this morning.
8) I (bring) some sandwiches for dinner.
3) John played soccer last Sunday.
___________________________________ today.
4) They cleaned the house this morning. 9) We (go) to the club.
_______________________________________________? ___________________________________ on Sunday.
5) It was cold on Saturday.
_______________________________________________? VI. Put the sentences below in the negative. Follow
6) She typed the letter I asked her. the example:
_______________________________________________? 1) We went to school last Tuesday.
7) He helped his mother with the dishes. We didnt go to school last Thursday.
_______________________________________________? 2) I bought some fruit at the public market yesterday.
8) You were sick last week. ______________________________________ today.
_______________________________________________? 3) I wrote a letter to my sister last month.
9) He needed to take some medicine.
______________________________________ last week.
4) I ate some pasta and I drank a glass of wine for lunch.
10) You invited your friends to the party.
______________________________________ at dinner.
5) My boss paid my lunch for me yesterday.
______________________________________ today.
IV. Find the past of the verbs below. Follow the
6) My father sold his house last year.
______________________________________ last month.
R P O D E X W B K W D S R T E M D Q 7) I took a taxi to go to work because I was late.
N E O V K H S C N U A N D U O D O J ______________________________________ because I
R R L E S T L I U B G R T G P E S L was late. I took a taxi because I didnt want to walk.
A P L G O M E P L L Y G Q Q J T J O VII. Complete the sentences below describing what
follows the action. Use the words in brackets.
Follow the example:
eat buy drink
build do pay 1) I was reading a magazine when the phone rang.
hear make sell (phone ring)
read sleep take
2) He was taking a shower when
speak teach wear
_______________________. (lights go off)
go wake
write bring 3) I was walking in the street when
______________________ the accident. (I see)
V. Put the sentences below in the past. Follow the 4) She was working on the computer when
example: __________________ at the door. (someone knock)
5) I was watching TV when
1) I (sleep) four hours last night. ____________________________ me. (my father call)
I slept four hours last night. 6) He was playing soccer when
2) My mother (make) some delicious ice cream. ___________________________ his foot. (He break)
___________________________________ this afternoon. 7) I was leaving my house when
3) My brother (teach) me how to drive. ________________________. (my sister arrive)
___________________________________ last year. 8) She was talking on the phone when
4) He (pay) the bill at the bank. ____________________. (I leave)
___________________________________ last week.
VIII. Change the sentences below into affirmative, III. Choose the correct alternative:
negative and interrogative. Pay attention to the right
form of the verbs. Follow the example: 1) Respect _____ and youll be respected.
a) other
1) He (go) to the hospital yesterday. (negação) b) others
He didnt go to the hospital yesterday. c) anothers
2) She (miss) the train last week. (afirmação) d) the another
3) He (study) last night. (pergunta)
_____________________________________ Distributive adjectives
4) I (like) the yellow shirt that you gave me. (negação)
I. Put the sentences in the correct order.
5) He (play) volleyball yesterday. (negação) Church mother to Sunday my every goes
_____________________________________ 1) _____________________________________________.
6) I (go) on vacation last week. (afirmação) Each the to separately student teacher talked the
_____________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________.
7) She (go) to the movie theater with you last Sunday. David loved Brandon both , boys and Jenny
(pergunta) 3) _____________________________________________.
_____________________________________ Team has soccer each players eleven
8) She (work) last year. (negação) 4) _____________________________________________.
_____________________________________ Talk Ellen the to all likes time
9) He (go) to school with me last Monday. (afirmação) 5) _____________________________________________.
II. Choose the correct alternative for each of the
following sentences and fill the blanks.
Another other
(1) none ( ) _____ you study hard _____ you
I. Match the columns. wont pass the exam.
1) ( ) I want to eat _____ piece of cake. Its (a) other (2) every ( ) _____ of you, children, will play
delicious! (b) another today because you have to study.
2) ( ) Youre not the only person I like, I (3) each ( ) When Im studying I like to take a
like _____ people too! break ______ half an hour.
3) ( ) I cant go out. I have to study for (4) either or ( ) _____ person has their own
_____ test. unique personality.
4) ( ) I dont like that dress. You should (5) neither ( ) _____ my mother _____ my sister
buy _____ one. nor have been abroad. Theyve been to a
lot of places.
5) ( ) Well, if you dont like my idea, do
you happen to have _____ idea? (6) both and ( ) I like _____ my friends the same.
(7) all ( ) Im _____ tall _____ short. Im of
II. Complete the sentences with another or other. medium height.
1) She hasnt decided what to do yet. d) Leo _______ France ( ) in Rome for
several years.
2) They have _______ studied for the test.
e) _______ you ever _______ ( ) several times.
3) I havent talked to my teacher _______.
4) She has _______ written her emails. f) She ______ dated him. ( a ) yesterday.
5) He hasnt arrived _______.
2) have driven didnt call woke up went
6) I havent phoned my parents _______. worked bought
III. Translate the sentences below using the present a) She bought ( ) late this morning.
perfect when possible. Follow the example: b) I _____ never ______ ( a ) a new dress.
c) Susan _______ ( ) a bus.
1) Ela esteve na Itália diversas vezes.
She has been to Italy several times. d) Joshua _______ ( ) in 1996.
e) We _______ to the ( ) me yesterday.
2) Eu nunca vi neve.
f) They _______ in this ( ) movies last Sunday.
3) Eu já terminei meu relatório.
VI. Unscramble the sentences below according to
4) Eu moro em Madrid desde 1987.
the example:
5) Eles estudaram línguas por muitos anos. yet done havent this I
6) Ela nunca se apaixonou. 1) I havent done this yet.
7) Você já experimentou lagosta? tried it to I have eat never
2) __________________________________________.
8) Eu nunca perdi nenhum documento.
havent I yet met him
9) Eu nunca fui a Las Vegas.
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 103
6) buy
7) spoke
Relative pronouns
8) written
I. Match the columns.
9) saw
10) leave 1) ( ) Thats the boy _____ bike got (a) who
11) did stolen. (b) whose
(c) which
12) ate 2) ( ) Wheres the cake ________
I bought this morning?
13) give
3) ( ) Gonzales is the man _____
14) known
comes from Mexico.
15) said
4) ( ) Thats the dress __________
I want to buy.
5) ( ) _____ book is this?
II. Are the sentences below correct? If so, simply 6) He could wait a little longer.
write an X betwen parentheses. If not, correct them, _______________________________________________
filling the blanks. 7) She has to leave soon.
1) ( ) A nurse is a person who helps sick people in
8) The candidates must wait in the lobby before being called.
hospitals. ________
2) ( ) A mechanic is a person who fixes cars. _____
3) ( ) The people which work with me at the office are
very professional. _____ III. Match the columns below according to the
4) ( ) I know a man which can speak four languages. _____
5) ( ) I bought a present for my mother who cost a lot of
1) I have a stomachache. ( ) You should rest a little.
money. _____
6) ( ) I thought that the woman that I saw you with at the 2) I couldnt sleep well ( ) You shouldnt eat
party was your wife. _____ last night. candy.
3) I want to lose weight. ( ) You should try to
remain in silence.
Modal verbs
4) Im very tired. ( ) You should take some
I. Put the sentences below into negative. Follow the pills.
5) My skin is dry. ( ) You should study hard.
1) She could wait for a long time because she wasnt in a
6) I need to pass the ( ) You should go home
examination. early today.
She couldnt wait for a long time because she was in a hurry.
2) He can speak Japanese. 7) I cant concentrate. (1) You should have some
_______________________________________German. anti-acid powder.
3) You must respect others. 8) I have a terrible ( ) You should use some
________________________________ disrespect others. headache. moisturising cream.
4) I have to practice sports every day.
______________________________________ every day. IV. Choose the best alternative. Follow the example:
5) When I was 19 I could go out dancing. 1) A shop assistant welcomes you and says: ___ I help you?
When I was a child ______________________________ . (x) May ( ) Should ( ) Must
6) My little sister can sing.
My little sister __________________________________ . 2) The womans husband is too tired to drive safely. She
___ drive.
7) You must turn off the lights when you leave.
( ) would ( ) can ( ) has to
___________________ leave the lights on when you leave.
8) You have to study a lot to pass an entrance exam. 3) The boy has always been interested in construction. He
_____________if you dont want to pass an entrance exam! ___ like to be an engineer.
( ) should ( ) may ( ) would
II. Change the sentences below into questions. Fol- 4) The boy ___ learn very quickly. He doesnt have much
low the example: time before his next test.
1) You can open the windows for me. ( ) could ( ) must ( )should
Can you open the windows for me? 5) Two Japanese tourists said: ___ you take a picture of us,
2) You could turn the radio off. please?
_______________________________________________ ( ) Could ( ) May ( ) Should
3) You have to brush your teeth every day. 6) Youre applying for a job. You ___ fill out a form.
_______________________________________________ ( ) can ( ) should ( ) could
4) You must remain in silence during the test.
_______________________________________________ 7) The student didnt sleep last night. He ___ take the test
another day.
5) David can play soccer very well.
( ) could ( ) would ( ) has to
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 105
Simple present x Present continuous 2) A: I hate violent movies. B: I hate them _____.
3) A: Im hungry. I need to eat something now. B: Me
I. Use the words in the box to form the sentences. _____. Im starving.
4) A: I dont like to watch soccer games. B: I dont like to
the always I in afternoon study watch them _____.
1) I always study in the afternoon. 5) A: I love to dance. I love to move my body! B: Me
_____! And I like to sing _____.
Indirect questions 1) James (wait) for me at home when I (arrive) last night.
I. What is the correct question for the following 2) I (not/go) to the party because I (feel) very well.
situations? Mark the correct one with an X. 3) (you/talk) to Jill on the phone when I (call) you this
1) Im sick. I need to find a drugstore.
4) When I (see) George at the park he (read) a book and
a) ( ) Could you please tell me wheres the nearest
(write) things down on a piece of paper.
b) ( ) Could you please tell me where the nearest
drugstore is?
Past perfect
2) I dont want to be late for class. I. Match the columns completing the sentence with
a) ( ) Do you know when the class starts? the appropriate verb form, when necessary. Note
b) ( ) Do you know when starts the class? that the Past Perfect is used.
3) The baby had already ( ) so it was a surprise. 5. Jane study in the study at night
_____ (to be past afternoon
participle) delivered when
6. John live with his live alone
4) Had you ever _____ ( ) hadnt _____ (to see parents
(to read past participle) a past participle) each other
7. Susan work in a work in an
tourist guide book before for months. supermarket office
5) My mother had never ( ) the childs father 8. Lisa be married divorced
_____ (to speak past arrived at the hospital.
participle) Spanish fluently
before 1) Michael used to have curly hair. Now he has straight hair.
2) ____________________________________________.
3) _____________________________________________.
Prefer / would rather
4) _____________________________________________.
I. Use prefer or rather to fill in the blanks.
5) _____________________________________________.
1) I could eat a big meal but Id rather eat soup. 6) _____________________________________________.
2) We _____ the old teacher but we like the new one. 7) _____________________________________________.
3) I could study in an hour but I would ____ study in two.
8) _____________________________________________.
4) I _____ to eat pizza but I will order the lasagna.
5) Would you _____ have little or a lot of money?
Have something done
II. Use the words from the box to complete the I. Use the words from the box to form the sentence.
sentences below.
1) I _____ going to a club rather than going to a pub. 1) Im going to have my hair cut for the wedding.
2) I asked her to marry me years ago but she _____ a rich
husband. By will have we designer redecorated a our apartment
3) I _____ die first than go and talk to that beautiful girl. 2) _____________________________________________
4) I dont like big cities. I _____ to visit small towns when I
5) She always talks during the movies. I would _____ go afternoon will by Susan this fixed have car her
with you.
3) _____________________________________________
Used to
in delivered morning I early documents had the this
I. Look at the information about these people and write
sentences. Follow the example: 4) _____________________________________________
Past Now
1. Michael have curly hair straight hair his famous has art a Jack at sold paintings gallery
2. Betty be fat thin
5) _____________________________________________
3. Chris practice sports yoga
4. Steven listen to rock country
Passive voice IV. Use the words below to write sentences. Pay
attention to the tense indicated in brackets. Follow
I. Unscramble and rewrite the sentences. They are the example:
all in the present. Remember that you have to put
the verb in the right form to emphasize what is
1) The report / analyze / by the boss (past)
done. Follow the example:
The report was analyzed by the boss.
1) the office / clean / every day The office is cleaned every day.
2) The letter / send / by the secretary (future)
2) this machine / use / very seldom
3) The house / sell / last weekend (past)
3) bread / sell / in the bakery
4) The windows / paint / next month (future)
4) your clothes / wash / every day?
5) The song / sing / at the concert (present perfect)
5) books / make / to read
6) The apartment / clean / by the cleaning lady (present
6) we / allow / to stay here? routine)
7) This book / read / by the students (future)
II. Match the columns according to the example: _______________________________________________.
8) The children / teach / by the teacher (past)
1) The book _____ for ( ) are cleaned _______________________________________________.
English students.
2) The rooms _____ by the ( 1 ) is recommended
cleaning lady. Simple past x present perfect
3) This book _____ by a ( ) were broken I. Choose the correct alternative for each sentence.
famous author.
4) The windows _____because ( ) was written 1) When (did you enter/have you entered) university?
of the storm. 2) (Have you ever worked/Did you ever worked) for my
III. Unscramble and rewrite the sentences. They are 3) Shes the best teacher (I never had/Ive ever had).
all in the past. Remember that you have to put the 4) (I have spoken/I spoke) to him earlier today.
verb in the right form to emphasize what is done. 5) You (havent listened/didnt listen) to a word (Ive said/
Follow the example:
I say).
1) this picture / paint / last year This picture was painted II. Create sentences based on the words given.
last year.
2) the windows / clean / last week
_______________________________________________. 1) I / live / Buenos Aires / when / be / child. __________
3) when / this building / build? 2) Somebody / steal / my / wallet. _______________
_______________________________________________. 3) I / never / visit / Niagara Falls. _______________
4) when / the document / lose? 4) I / be / Rio / many times. _______________
5) Rick / be / France. / As a matter of fact / he / go /
5) the cleaning products / put / in the pool
_______________________________________________. there / last year. _________________
6) they / invite / for the wedding?
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 109
3) I asked my parents if ( ) She _____ (say) she _____ 4) They will come to the party if
(have) to stay home to wait are invited they
for the plumber. _______________________________________________
4) She said I will help ( ) I _____ (want) to stay in 5) He will arrive on time, if
you, and that the library for so long last
takes right the he bus
5) He wanted to know ( ) they _____ (be) worried
why about me last week. 6) They wont win the game, if
they practice dont
III. Underline the best choice for indirect/reported
speech for each sentence below. 7) I will write a message to you, if
time have I
1) He said: I may change my mind about this.
He said that he (might/may) change (him/his) mind about
(that/this). 8) They will call us, if
2) My parents said: Were thinking of going to Paris to need they
visit you. _______________________________________________
My parents said that they (was/were) thinking of coming to 9) I will talk to my teacher, if
Paris to visit (I/me).
have I doubts any
3) She said: I can come but first I have to stop at Marcys _______________________________________________
to pick her up.
She said that she (can/could) come but first (her/she) II. Put the words below in order and complete the
(has/had) to stop at Marcys to pick her up. sentences. Follow the example:
4) I said: I might go to London for a business meeting. 1) If I see someone stealing money,
I said that I (may/might) go to London for a business meeting. police the call will I
If I see someone stealing money, I will call the police.
5) They said to me on the phone last night: We need to
get prepared for tomorrows play. 2) If you fail the final examination,
They said to me on the phone last night that they will repeatyou the year
(need/needed) to (got prepared/get prepared) for _______________________________________________
(todays/yesterdays) play.
3) If you dont get up early,
go you will without we
Future perfect
I. Put the words in the sentence in the correct order. Past perfect continuous
I. Complete the following text using the Past Perfect
tomorrows time already have test for will the friend By
studied I arrives my
1) I _____ (walk) for hours before I finally arrived at
II. Complete the sentences below using the correct Lauras house. She _____ (wait) for me for about five
form of the Future Perfect. hours. But she said that she wasnt angry at all. We _____
(plan) to see each other again for so long that we both
1) By July, my brother _____ (conclude) his Law course at
agreed that all the wait was worth it.
the university.
2) By the time Im sixty, I _____ (meet) a lot of people in
my life.
3) I went on a bad date tonight. I ___________ (probably Question tags
forget) about it tomorrow. I. Complete the sentences according to the example:
4) Hopefully our president _____ (make) several changes in
our country by the time the next one gets elected. 1) She is very beautiful, isnt she?
5) _____ (finish) your homework by the time I come by? 2) You could have done it, ___?
3) He is your husband, ___?
4) You dont have to talk about it, ___?
I wish 5) You havent seen them, ___?
I.Write down all the things that you would like to 6) We should buy another house, ___?
have or to be. It can either be a quality, physical 7) She likes to dance, ___?
characteristic or even a profession you would like 8) They need to paint the house, ___?
to try out. Remember to use the correct form of
9) It is sunny today, ___?
the verbs to have and to be once you begin saying
I wish. 10) He isnt here, ___?
11) She isnt alone, ___?
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 111
II. Choose the best alternative. Follow the example: Phrasal verbs
I. Choose the best alternative. Follow the example:
1) Mary and Michael are married, ___?
( ) isnt it (x) arent they ( ) dont they 1) ____ the mail is sent.
( ) isnt it ( ) isnt she ( ) isnt her 2) If you want to make it, you have to ___ trying.
( ) dont they ( ) havent ( ) have they 3) Can you please ___ my report before I send it to the boss?
a) go over b) fill out c) look up
1) There is a soccer game tonight. ( ) There are still many tickets available.
2) There ____ two children playing in the street. ( ) But there are also many correct answers.
3) There ____ many things to be done at the office. ( 1 ) Usually there are many people at soccer games
4) There ____ a rock concert tonight. ( ) And there are many theaters too.
5) There ____ many cinemas in this city. ( ) There is a list of these things on the notice-board.
6) There ____ a mistake in your test. ( ) There is an adult watching them.
are is is are is is
(1) There are many flowers in the park. ( ) So I can send my letter.
(2) There is a post office near the hospital. ( ) They were very excited.
(3) There is a message for you. ( 1 ) They are all in bloom.
(4) There were many children in the amusement park. ( ) It is from your mother.
Verb to be IV.
1) b 2) b 3) c 4) c 5) c 6) a 7) b 1) was ( 3 ) were
2) was ( 5 ) was
3) were ( 8 ) was
1) I am not a nurse or Im not a nurse.
2) My dog is not boring or My dog isnt boring. 4) was ( 1 ) was
3) We are not watching a basketball game or We arent 5) was ( 7 ) were
watching a basketball game.
6) were ( 6 ) was
4) They are not in an Indian restaurant or They arent in an
Indian restaurant. 7) were ( 4 ) was
5) She is not ugly or She isnt ugly. 8) was ( 2 ) was
6) He is not very stupid or He isnt very stupid.
7) You are not my enemy or You arent my enemy.
8) Its not a terrible day or It isnt a terrible day.
Question words
1) was / was 4) was ( 3 ) When
2) were / were 5) were / were ( 1 ) What
3) was 6) was ( 4 ) How
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 113
1) My mother is 55 years old. Her name is Maddy. Her last Comparative and superlative
name is Taylor. I.
2) My father is _____. His name is _____. His last name is 1) colder 5) smaller
_____. 2) cheaper 6) cleaner
3) My brother is _____. His name is _____. His last name is 3) bigger 7) more interesting
_____. 4) more expensive 8) cooler
4) My sister is _____. Her name is _____. Her last name is
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 115
V. Distributive adjectives
1) I slept four hours last night I.
2) My mother made some delicious ice cream 1) My mother goes to church every Sunday.
3) My brother taught me how to drive 2) The teacher talked to each student separately.
4) He paid the bill at the bank 3) Jenny loves both boys, David and Brandon.
5) My daughter woke up at 3:00 a.m 4) Each soccer team has eleven players.
6) They did all the exercises 5) Ellen likes to talk all the time.
7) My father read the magazine
8) I brought some sandwiches for dinner II. III.
9) We went to the club (4) 1) d
VI. (2)
1) We didnt go to school last Thursday (3)
2) I didnt buy some fruit at the public market (6)
3) I didnt write a letter to my sister (7)
4) I didnt eat pasta and drink a glass of wine (5)
5) My boss didnt pay my lunch for me
6) My father didnt sell his house Why/because
7) I didnt take a taxi to go to work I.
VII. (3)
1) the phone rang (1)
2) the lights went off (5)
3) I saw (4)
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 117
Future 6) brushed
I. 7) have typed
1) She will have English classes next Friday. 8) asked
2) I will go to the doctor next week. 9) havent phoned
3) Her father will pick her up from school today. 10) didnt go
4) The mother will call her children to go to school in an 11) have played
5) The gardener will water the plants tomorrow afternoon. II.
6) My mother will make a cake tonight. 1) for
7) She will sell a diamond necklace this afternoon. 2) for
8) Our class will start at 7:00 tonight. 3) for
4) since
II. 5) since
1) My aunt is going to change her job. 6) since
2) My sister is going to start a new dance course. 7) for
3) Im going to work at night. 8) since
4) The maid is going to prepare a meal for us. 9) for
5) Im going to buy my first car.
6) My boyfriend is going to play soccer on Saturday III.
afternoon. 1) yet
7) She is going to invite me to the party. 2) already
8) My mother is going to talk to my teacher. 3) yet
4) already
III. 5) yet
1) The meeting wont be on Sundays. 6) yet
2) My friend isnt going to move
3) The bus wont leave IV.
4) We arent going to travel to the beach 1) She has been to Italy several times.
5) The concert wont start 2) I have never seen snow.
6) Im not going to study 3) I have already finished my report.
7) She wont tell you the story 4) I have lived in Madrid since 1987.
8) She isnt going to visit her parents 5) They have studied languages for years.
6) She has never fallen in love.
IV. 7) Have you ever tried lobster?
1) Is she going to travel tonight? 8) I have never lost a document.
2) Will he come back soon? 9) I have never been to Las Vegas.
3) Is your father going to get a promotion? 10) We went camping last weekend.
4) Will she give a lecture on Monday? 11) The teacher hasnt corrected the tests yet.
5) Are they going to have a meeting at 2:00 p.m.? 12) I have played this music several times.
6) Will the match start at 3:00 p.m.?
7) Are they going to get married in February? V.
8) Will they work together from now on? 1)
Relative pronouns
have driven didnt call woke up went worked bought
1) (b)
2) (c)
1) I havent done this yet.
3) (a)
2) I have never tried to eat it.
4) (c)
3) I havent met him yet.
5) (b)
4) She has already seen this film.
5) They have already met the president.
6) It hasnt rained much this year.
1) (X)
7) She didnt go to school today.
2) (X)
8) He hasnt taken the medicine yet.
3) ( ) who or that
9) I have already exercised today.
4) ( ) who or that
Irregular verb forms 5) ( ) that or which
I. 6) (X)
1) go Modal verbs
2) told I.
3) read read 1) She couldnt wait for a long time because she was in a
4) think thought hurry.
5) forget forgot 2) He cant speak
6) bought bought 3) You must not
7) speak spoken 4) I dont have to practice sports
8) write wrote 5) I could not go out dancing
9) see seen 6) cant sing
10) left left 7) You must not
11) do done 8) You dont have to study a lot
12) eat eaten
13) gave given II.
14) know knew 1) Can you open the windows for me?
15) say said 2) Could you turn the radio off?
3) Do you have to brush your teeth everyday?
4) Must I remain in silence during the test?
Menu de conteúdos estruturais 119
4) Had you ever read (to read (2) hadnt seen (to see 5) Books are made to be read.
past participle) a tourist past participle) each 6) Are we allowed to stay here?
guide book before other for months.
5) My mother had never (3) the childs father II.
spoken (to speak past arrived at the hospital. (2) are cleaned
participle) Spanish fluently (1) is recommended
before (4) were broken
(3) was written
Prefer / would rather
1) This picture was painted last year
1) rather 2) prefer 3) rather 4) prefer 5) rather
2) The windows were cleaned last week
Simple past x present perfect 5) If you dont go to work, you will be fired.
I. 6) If you dont eat lunch, you will be hungry.
1) did you enter 7) If it rains this weekend, we will stay home.
2) Have you ever worked 8) If you dont study at home, you will have to study at
3) Ive ever had school.
4) I spoke 9) If I get my driving license, I will drive to the mountains.
5) havent listened / Ive said
Future perfect
II. I.
1) I lived in Buenos Aires when I was a child. By the time my friend arrives I will have already studied for
2) Somebody has stolen my wallet. tomorrows test.
3) I have never visited the Niagara Falls. II.
4) I have been to Rio many times. 1) will have concluded
5) Rick has been to France. As a matter of fact, he went 2) will have met
there last year. 3) will probably have forgotten
4) will have made
Indirect speech 5) Will you have finished
I. I wish
told / couldnt / had I. (suggestions)
II. I wish I had a new car.
(2) could I wish I were taller.
(4) d etc.
(1) said /had
Present perfect continuous
(5) wanted
(3) were
1) Ive been wanting
III. 2) Have you been crying
1) might / his / that 3) Ive been studying
2) were going / me 4) Youve been working
3) could / she / had 5) Ive been trying
4) might
II. 3
5) needed / get prepared / tomorrows
Past perfect continuous
Conditional sentences
1) had been walking / had been waiting / had been
1) You wont pass the test if you dont study.
2) I will visit you if I have time.
3) She will be a famous actress if she works very hard. Question tags
4) They will come to the party if they are invited. I.
5) He will arrive on time if he takes the right bus. 1) isnt she
6) They wont win the game if they dont practice. 2) couldnt you
7) I will write a message to you if I have time. 3) isnt he
8) They will call us if they need. 4) do you
9) I will talk to my teacher if I have any doubts. 5) have you
II. 6) shouldnt we
1) If I see someone stealing money, I will call the police. 7) doesnt she
2) If you fail on the final examination, you will repeat the 8) dont they
year. 9) isnt it
3) If you dont get up early, we will go without you. 10) is he
4) If you dont go to school now, you will be late for class. 11) is she
II. 6) B
1) ( x ) arent they 7) C
2) ( x ) isnt she 8) B
3) ( x ) dont they 9) B
4) ( x ) dont you 10) C
5) ( x ) didnt you
6) ( x ) wasnt he There + be
7) ( x ) didnt she
8) ( x ) arent they II.
9) ( x ) doesnt he
(1) Is (4)
Adjectives (2) Are (6)
(3) Are (1)
1) Jennifer is a beautiful little girl.
2) Its a good new movie. (4) Is (5)
3) Thats an expensive restaurant. (5) Are (3)
4) He has big brown eyes.
(6) Is (2)
5) He is a handsome Italian man.
1. Informações importantes
O que acontece quando queremos aprender a pronúncia correta do inglês?
Sons do inglês que não existem em português, como os sons do R para alguns brasileiros e
do TH, incomum para todos nós, exigem bastante prática.
Letras iguais têm sons diferentes em inglês e em português. Ao vermos a palavra escrita, logo
queremos pronunciar com os sons que conhecemos. Precisamos nos acostumar a um novo som
para uma velha letra. Por exemplo, o U às vezes tem som de /iú/ em united, universe; o A às
vezes tem som de /êi/ make, OO às vezes tem som de /u/ em book, e há centenas de exemplos.
A tendência é usarmos a mesma forma de falar em português, mexendo a boca exatamente
como fazemos para falar português. Inglês é outra língua e exige uma movimentação diferente.
Há uma tendência de usar o mesmo ritmo e entonação do português. Ao pronunciarmos as
palavras em inglês, precisamos evitar usar o ritmo e o jeito de falar em português, prestando bastan-
te atenção à música da língua que estamos aprendendo.
Para um estrangeiro que aprende português, essas dificuldades também ocorrem!
Não notamos porque já estamos habituados, desde pequenos. Veja a seguir alguns exemplos.
Vamos procurar sempre levar em consideração essas primeiras dicas, pois é com base nelas que
veremos todas as outras!
Sons com voz são aqueles formados pela passagem do ar pela boca e que forçam a vibração
das pregas vocais, produzindo a voz, por exemplo, o som do v ou do d.
Veja os exemplos em português. Afinal, todas essas informações básicas são mais fáceis de enten-
der na nossa própria língua. Peça ao seu aluno que pronuncie o som das letras sublinhadas, linha por
linha, conscientizando-se das diferenças. É importante saber isso para qualquer trabalho com conso-
antes, principalmente para a pronúncia correta dos plurais, terceira pessoa e passados regulares.
Você pode identificar os sons com voz e os sons sem voz colocando a mão na altura da gar-
ganta. Ao emitir os sons com voz, você pode perceber a vibração das pregas vocais. Observe que as
consoantes diferem, mas os sons sãos mesmos, com e sem voz.
3. O som do W
O som do w é similar ao som do u em português.
Pronunciamos apenas o som de h aspirado (veja a dica do som do h), o w permanece mudo.
Atenção: a + w forma o som /ó/
4. O som do H
Diferente do português, onde o h não tem som quando inicia as palavras (horta, harpa, por
exemplo), no inglês o som do h deve ser produzido com o ar saindo da boca, como se estivésse-
mos soprando o ar com a garganta.
Fale as palavras em português com o som do h em inglês e, em seguida, pronuncie seu
equivalente em inglês. A mudança na pronúncia do português é para ajudar!
Em algumas palavras o h não é pronunciado. É o caso de hour (hora), honor (honra),
honest (honesto).
5. O som do R
O som do R em inglês, em geral, é semelhante ao som do r do interior de algumas regiões do
Pronuncie as palavras em português com o som do R em inglês e, em seguida, pronuncie
seu equivalente em inglês. A mudança na palavra em português é para ajudar!
6. O som do TH
Este som não existe em português; pode ser com e sem voz
Sem voz: Devemos pronunciá-lo como o som do s, mantendo a língua entre os dentes.
Pronuncie as palavras com o som do s mantendo a língua entre os dentes.
Agora, faça o mesmo com os exemplos em inglês. Este é o TH sem voz:
Com voz: devemos pronunciar o TH como o som do z, sempre mantendo a língua entre os dentes.
Pronuncie as palavras com o som do z e mantendo a língua entre os dentes.
zebra azul
zoológico mesa
7. O som do THE
Podemos pronunciar o the de duas formas:
Antes de vogal o e tem som semelhante ao i em português.
Em palavras em que o h no início da palavra não é pronunciado, o e do the tem som
de i (como se estivesse diante de uma vogal).
Em palavras que começam com semivogais (u com som de /iu/ e y) o e do the tem
som de ã.
divórcio divorce
dentista dentist
diferente different
tímido timid
Pratique a pronúncia do t e do d. Observe que, se você pronunciar com chiado, estará
dizendo outra coisa.
tip (dica) chip (rachadura)
tease (provocar) cheese (queijo)
A sílaba su, no começo de algumas palavras, tem o som de chu, como em chuchu.
Em algumas poucas palavras que vieram para o inglês de outras línguas, o ch é como em
Em palavras que vieram do grego, o ch tem o mesmo som que q em quilo.
Em algumas palavras que não são do inglês, a sílaba ge tem o mesmo som que em português.
Em algumas palavras em inglês, a letra g seguida de er tem som de gãr
O som do s no final das palavras é importante porque serve para identificar:
A terceira pessoa do singular:
He sleeps. Ele dorme.
O som do l, nas palavras terminadas em l, tem o mesmo som do l no início das pala-
vras, como em lado.
Nos que terminam em som com voz: z, v, dj, g, l, b, th, m, n,
ng, r, w, y e som de vogais, o ed tem som de d. Nunca pronuncie o e.
Ações e plurais que terminam em som com voz, v, th com voz, b, d, g,
m, n, l, r, w, y e vogais o s fica com som de z. Nunca pronuncie o
Ações e plurais que terminam com som de s, z, ch, sh, tch e dj o s no
fim das palavras fica com som de iz.
23. Contrações
Algumas palavras no inglês são apresentadas de duas formas: por extenso e contraídas. A pronúncia
das formas contraídas difere das formas por extenso.
Contração do be (ser/estar):
Im a bus driver. Eu sou motorista de ônibus.
Shes at home. Ela está em casa.
Theyre brothers. Eles são irmãos.
Contração de will:
Nas contrações do ajudante will, apenas o som do l é pronunciado.
Ill travel. Eu viajarei. Hell study. Ele estudará.
Da mesma forma, apenas o som do d na forma passada do ajudante have had é pronunciado.
Id written. Eu tinha escrito. Hed gone. Ele tinha sido/estado.
Contração das negações: to be + not; will + not; have + not; do + not; can + not; would,
could, should and must + not
24. Tonicidade
Em geral, a sílaba forte das palavras que terminam em ment é anterior a esta parte de palavra. As
sílabas sublinhadas nos exemplos abaixo correspondem às sílabas fortes.
Em geral, a sílaba forte das palavras que terminam em ible ou able é anterior a estas partes
da palavra.
Nas palavras que terminam em al, em geral, sua sílaba forte é anterior a esta parte da palavra.
O a tem som de /é/:
happy (feliz) back (voltar) cat (gato)
O i tem um som diferente do português:
sit (sentar) with (com) this (este/esta)
O o tem som de /ó/:
hot (quente) shot (tiro) lock (trancar)
O u tem som de /ã/:
under (embaixo) gun (arma) just (apenas)
O u tem som de /u/:
full (completo) bull (búfalo) bush (arbusto)
nice (legal) white (branco) sky (céu)
mouse (rato) shout (gritar) now (agora)
today (hoje) way (modo) save (salvar)
told (conta) phone (telefonar) know (saber; conhecer)
tear (lágrima) year (ano) here (aqui)
boy (garoto) noise (barulho) choice (escolha)
viewer (espectador) fewer (menos)
desire (desejo) fire (fogo) liar (mentiroso)
power (força) shower (chuveiro) hour (hora)
there (lá) spare (reserva) chair (cadeira)
O schwa é como o som de ã e é pronunciado naquelas partes da palavra onde não existe o
acento, ou seja, em que não são ditas mais forte:
banana (banana) chocolate (chocolate) again (novamente)
the (o, a, os, as) tomato (tomate) of (de)
O som do rl não tem equivalência em português. Tente pronunciar o som do r fraco e em se-
guida o l.
girl (garota) curl (cacho) pearl (pérola)
O som do rld é parecido com o som anterior, rl. Devemos acrescentar o som do d no fim da
world (mundo)
O som do tch em inglês é semelhante ao som de tchê, e tchau em português.
watch (assistir) kitchen (cozinha) catch (agarrar)
O xt tem som de kst.
next (próximo) extinct (extinguir) text (texto)
Devemos lembrar que o l antes de consoantes tem o mesmo som do l no início das palavras.
Devemos ter cuidado para não pronunciar o l com som de u.
gold (ouro) help (ajuda) already (pronto)
O thr mantém o som do TH sem voz e é acrescido do som do r.
three (três) thrash (surrar) throw (jogar; lançar)
Em algumas palavras, o t em -sten é mudo.
listen (escutar) fasten (apertar) moisten (umedecer)
Em algumas palavras, o t em -stle e o c em -scle não são pronunciados.
castle (castelo) muscle (músculo)
1. The conflict between the two countries is getting worse. O conflito entre os dois países
está piorando.
My ideas will always conflict with my fathers. Minhas idéias irão sempre entrar em con-
flito com as do meu pai.
2. The contract was for a period of ten years. O contrato era para um período de dez anos.
You will have to contract a professional to do this job. Você terá que contratar um
profissional para fazer esse trabalho.
3. The contrast between the two paintings is remarkable. O contraste entre as duas pintu-
ras é notável.
If we contrast the two ideas, we will find they are quite similar. Se nós compararmos
as duas idéias, perceberemos que elas são bem parecidas.
4. There are many strange objects in this box. Há muitos objetos estranhos nessa caixa.
I must object to what you just said. Eu tenho que objetar (discordar de) o que você aca-
bou de dizer.
5. You need a permit to operate that machine. Você precisa de uma permissão para operar
aquela máquina.
I will not permit you to go out with my daughter. Não vou permitir que você saia com
minha filha.
6. What an unusual present! Thank you. Que presente extraordinário (incomum)! Obrigado.
Let me present you to my fiancé. Deixe-me apresentar você ao meu noivo.
7. Well done! You have set a new record! Muito bem! Você estabeleceu um novo recorde!
Singers never record their work early in the morning. Cantores nunca gravam seus tra-
balhos de manhã cedo.
8. The suspect was taken away for questioning. O suspeito foi levado para interrogatório.
I suspect you never really loved me. Eu suspeito que você nunca me amou de verdade.
Dicas de pronúncia 141
1. He alternates between driving to work and walking. Ele alterna entre dirigir para o tra-
balho e caminhar.
The alternate option would be to sell the house. A opção alternativa seria vender a casa.
2. The government will appropriate all this land to build a new motorway. O governo
se apropriará de toda essa terra para construir uma nova rodovia.
To go to a wedding wearing bermuda shorts is not very appropriate. Ir a um casa-
mento vestindo bermuda não é apropriado.
3. The two parties have attempted to approximate their policies. Os dois partidos tenta-
ram aproximar as suas políticas.
At an approximate guess, there must be a hundred sweets in that jar. O meu palpite é
que deve haver uns cem doces naquela jarra.
4. If you deliberate too long, you will lose the contract. Se você pensar demais, perderá o
To tell a deliberate lie is very dishonest. Contar uma mentira deliberada é muito deso-
5. The country was desolated by the invading army. O exército invasor desolou o país.
The wide open landscape looked desolate in the heavy rain. A paisagem extensa pare-
cia desolada sob a chuva pesada.
6. We need to elaborate this plan before we present it to the committee. Nós precisa-
mos elaborar esse plano antes de apresentá-lo ao comitê.
What an elaborate dress! When are you going to wear it? Que vestido rebuscado (ela-
borado)! Quando você vai usar isso?
7. You should moderate your ideas, they are too radical. Você deveria amenizar suas
idéias, elas são muito radicais.
I made some moderate changes but nothing really significant. Eu fiz umas pequenas
mudanças (mudanças moderadas), mas nada realmente significante.
8. Separate the boys, they are fighting again! Separe os meninos, eles estão brigando de
Fill in this separate form and then put it in this box. Preencha este formulário separado
e depois coloque-o nesta caixa.
Exercícios de
Todos os exercícios abaixo foram feitos a partir dos áudios do CD encartado neste livro.
I. Match the columns according to the recording.
1) Simone ( ) New Jersey, USA
2) Jonathan ( ) Porto Alegre, Brazil
3) Anne ( ) Winchester, England
4) Cynthia ( ) Lincoln, England
5) Charlie ( ) Connecticut, USA
III. Mark true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below:
1) ( ) Cynthia and Simone were born in the same city.
2) ( ) Anne is from London.
3) ( ) Simone is from Brazil.
4) ( ) Cynthia and Charlie are American.
Exercícios de compreensão auditiva 143
I. Check the correct answer:
1) Who is Simone talking to?
a) ( ) Anne
b) ( ) Cynthia
c) ( ) her boyfriend
II. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
Simone: Anne, come here! I would like to _____ you to my friend Cynthia.
Shes from the _____ _____.
Anne: Hi, Cynthia! How are you _____?
Cynthia: Hi, Anne! How are you?
Anne: Im _____, thank you! _____ to meet you!
Cynthia: Its nice to meet you too!
Spelling names
I. Answer the questions below:
1) Who is Jonathan talking to?
2) Where does she come from?
3) What does he ask her to do?
II. Mark true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below:
1) ( ) Simones language is Portuguese.
2) ( ) She didnt spell the name of her city correctly.
3) ( ) Simone is from Portugal.
III. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
Jonathan: Simone, you _____ youre _____... Porto Alegre.
Simone: Yes, thats _____!
Jonathan: How do you _____ it?
Simone: Its P-O-R-T-O A-L-E-G-R-E.
Jonathan: Ah, _____! Portuguese, isnt it?
Simone: ______!
II. Mark true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below:
1) ( ) The woman asks the lady where the church is.
2) ( ) The church is near the gas station.
3) ( ) The post office is on the corner next to the church.
4) ( ) There is no church in the neighborhood where the dialog takes place.
5) ( ) The woman needs to take a bus to reach the church.
III. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
A: Excuse me, Miss.! Could you tell me where the post office is?
B: Sure! Walk _____ this street until you _____ a church, then _____ right. Walk _____
one block and the post office is _____ on the corner.
A: Ok, thanks!
II. Put the sentences in order according to the directions given in the dialog.
1) ( ) Walk down one more block.
2) ( ) When you reach the gas station, turn left.
3) ( ) Walk past the hospital and turn right.
4) ( ) Walk down this street for three blocks.
III. Look at each of the three statements below and check whether theyre correct or not. If
theyre wrong, correct them and say why.
From the listening you could tell that the person looking for a supermarket...
1) was too tired. _______________________.
2) had a lot of money to spend. _______________________.
3) didnt have to go far to find the supermarket. _______________________.
Looking sick
I. Answer the questions below:
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. How does the man feel?
3. Does she make any compliments to the man?
4. What does she recommend him to do?
5. Does the man accept his friends suggestion?
II. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
A: God, I _____ _____!
B: Yeah, you do _____ _____!
A: Oh, thanks!
B: Im sorry, but why dont you _____ a _____?
A: Yeah, I think I will!
II. Mark true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below:
II. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
A: Good morning, _____! Are you _____ to _____?
B: Yes I am! Id like to have ______ ______, please.
A: _____ _____, _____!
II. Complete the sentences below with the words in the box.
french fries salad apple pie with ice cream orange juice restaurant rice
1) The two women are in a _______.
2) They both order some _______ to have while they choose their meal.
3) They choose _______, _______ and _______.
4) The waiter also suggests _______ as dessert.
II. Mark true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below. Correct the false ones.
III. Can you remember everything that was said in this part of the dialog?
A: Oh, well that sounds nice! And how was the _____?
B: It was very strange. The first few days were _____ and very hot. Then the next three days
were _____ and _____.
II. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks:
A: Do I have to wear a tie? Its really __________!
B: Well, its a ______ dinner! Look: you have to wear a tie whether you like it or not!
A: Oh...
I. Mark T (true) or F (false) for the sentences below:
1) ( ) Charlie was off on holiday.
2) ( ) Charlie came back last week.
3) ( ) They havent seen each other because the girl was traveling.
II. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
A: Hey, Charlie! When did you _____ ____ from your _______?
B: Just _____ week.
A: Oh, thats why I havent _____ you around!
I. Circle the correct alternative.
1) Where did he go to?
a) ( ) São Paulo b) ( ) Rio
III. Can you remember what was said in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
A: And how about the _________?
B: Oh its very good. In Rio there is a place for everyone. I went to a ______ and I also
went to a pagode, no, pagode, they say, isnt it, a pagode _______, yeah.
A: Wow! It sure sounds like you had a ______!
B: I _____ did!
I. Fill in the blanks with the words heard in the listening.
A: Hey, Charlie, what _____ your _____ do?
B: Shes a _____ _____.
A: Oh, _____! _____ I _____ her number?
B: _____! 555-8698.
I. Answer the questions below:
II. Are the affirmations below correct or wrong? If theyre wrong, use words from the dialog to
prove why.
1) You can learn how things work in a club when listening to the dialog. _________________.
2) The person is not so happy about the new job. ______________________.
3) The other person thinks it is a bad profession. ______________________.
III. Can you remember what was said in this part of the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
II. Can you remember what they said in the dialog? What are the missing words?
A: Jonathan, whats your _____?
B: Oh, eh, its 3, Oxford _____, Winchester, WC4.
A: Ok, and do you have a _____ _____?
B: Yes, its 321-7986.
I. Answer the questions below.
II. The three affirmations below are wrong. Use words from the dialog to write a correct
affirmation for each.
1) Theyre looking at postcards. __________________.
2) One of them is showing photos of when the person went to Rome. __________________.
3) The person is talking about her friends in the photos. __________________.
I. Use words from the box to describe the people mentioned in the dialog. For one of them two
words were used.
gorgeous nice pretty lovely young
1) sisters: __________.
2) in-laws: __________.
3) brothers: __________.
4) grandparents: __________.
II. Correct the sentences below using words from the dialog:
1) Theyre looking at graduation photos. ____________________.
2) Friends are shown in the pictures. ____________________.
3) They only talk about young people. ____________________.
4) They both dont seem to like the way they look. ____________________.
III. Can you remember what they said in the dialog? What are the missing words?
A: I still havent seen your wedding pictures, let me see them!
B: Well, these are my _____ and my _____!
Exercícios de compreensão auditiva 155
II. Can you remember the dates and the months mentioned in the dialog? Fill in the blanks.
III. Mark true (T) or false (F) for the sentences below. Correct the false ones.
1) ( ) They will have math and Spanish classes together. ______________________.
2) ( ) They will be having classes when its winter in Brazil. ______________________.
3) ( ) They will have Spanish classes together on Tuesdays. ______________________.
4) ( ) Theyll meet every Friday morning. ______________________.
A: _______________________?
B: ____________.
A: Oh, boy, ____________________!
Leisure activities
III. Are the following affirmations correct? If so, leave them as they are. If not, correct them in
your own words.
1) They have been seeing each other quite a lot lately. ______________________________.
2) One of them has been playing a sport that demands a lot of arm and leg work. ____________.
3) The only thing that is not so good about the sport is that its too tiring. _______________.
1) The person missed the squash game on tv because he was playing soccer with his friends.
2) His girlfriend is the person who tells him not to ever give up playing squash.
3) The only good thing about playing squash is that you can give up playing soccer.
Classroom situation
On the Internet
He Who Knows
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Shun him;
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child. Teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep. Wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise. Follow him.
From the Persian
Exercícios de compreensão auditiva 161
Tremendous Trifles
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
For want of the shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of the horse, the rider was lost;
For want of the rider, the battle was lost;
For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost;
And all from the want of a horseshoe nail.
Unknown author
C: Oh! Fish is a nice idea! How about some fish? B: It was very strange. The first few days were sunny and
B: Great idea! What else would you like? very hot. Then the next three days were rainy and cool.
C: Well... Id like some rice, french fries and a salad. Finally the sun came out again and we were able to enjoy
B: Ok... I think Ill have the same! Waiter, we are ready to the shore. How about you? What have you been up to?
order! A: Well, I traveled to the mountains last weekend. Ive
A: Excellent, so what will you have? been working so hard that I really needed a rest.
B: Wed like some fish, rice, French fries and salad for two. B: And were you able to rest? What did you do there?
A: Certainly! And would you like to order the dessert now? A: Basically, I just slept. You know, the weather was just
B: What do you recommend? perfect for someone who needed to sleep. It rained all
A: Well, our apple pie with ice cream is divine today!
B: Well, in this case its not so bad, is it?
B: Great suggestion! Apple pie with ice cream for two, please!
Oh, and please bring us two more glasses of orange juice. I.
I. 1) Two weeks.
French fries 2) It was strange. At first, it was sunny and hot, but then it
started to rain, and it got cool. After that, the sun came up
3) It rained all weekend.
apple pie II.
1) (T)
2) (T)
1) restaurant.
3) (F) She went to the beach with her family on vacation.
2) orange juice
4) (T)
3) French fries, salad /rice.
5) (F) It rained for three days.
4) apple pie with ice cream
6) (F) He traveled on the weekend, because he has been
III. working very hard.
1) Its name is The Red Hat. 7) (F) He went to the mountains.
2) They had orange juice. 8) (F) He could rest a lot because it rained the whole
3) Yes, they did. weekend.
4) They chose fish, French fries, rice, and salad.
5) Apple pie with ice cream.
sunny/ rainy /cool.
Talking about the weather A
A: Oh... we wont be able to have our picnic anymore
Asking for advice on clothes A
A: Do I have to wear a tie? Its really old-fashioned!
B: Why not?
B: Well, its a formal dinner! Look: you have to wear a tie
A: Its started to rain.
whether you like it or not!
B: Oh...
A: Oh...
1) A picnic.
1) He asks if he really has to use a tie.
2) No, because it has started to rain.
2) He says ties are old-fashioned.
Talking about the weather B 3) She says that he really has to use it because it is a formal
A: Hi, how are you? I havent seen you in a while! dinner.
B: Im fine. Well, Ive been away on vacation for the last 4) No, he doesnt.
two weeks.
A: How wonderful! Where did you travel to?
A: old-fashioned
B: I went to the beach with my family.
B: formal
A: Oh, well that sounds nice! And how was the weather?
Exercícios de compreensão auditiva 165
Asking for advice on clothes B B: Well, we visited all those famous places that tourists visit.
A: Cynthia, I really need your help to pick out something A: Which one did you like the most?
to wear! B: Oh, I dont know, its really hard to say, but I guess my
B: Ok! Well, whats the occasion? favorite place was the Sugar Loaf Mountain. Bah, the view
A: Its a friends wedding. is spectacular!
B: At what time is the wedding? A: And what else did you do while you were there?
A: At eight pm. B: I went to the beach almost every morning, I went to the
B: And where is it going to be? theater twice and I also went to the movies.
A: Well, the ceremony will be at the cathedral and the A: And how about the nightlife?
party will be at the club. B: Oh its very good. In Rio there is a place for everyone. I
B: How about a black dress? Black is always so elegant! went to a disco and I also went to a pagode, no, pagode,
A: Yes, but I dont think its nice to go to a wedding they say, isnt it, a pagode house, yeah.
wearing black! A: Wow! It sure sounds like you had a ball!
B: Well, lets take a look at what youve got... Hey, this B: I sure did!
blue dress is really nice! Why dont you wear this?
A: Ehr, well, because its too tight on me, I guess Ive put
1) b
on some weight recently.
2) a
B: Alright, dont worry! Well find something.
3) b
A: What do you think about this red suit? I love it!
4) a
B: Wow, its really beautiful! Yes, I think youre going to
look fantastic! 5) b
I. II.
1) b 6) a 1) Yes, he went to the beach almost every morning.
2) b 7) b 2) It has a spectacular view.
3) a 8) b 3) He also went to the theater and to the cinema.
4) b 9) b 4) Yes, he did.
5) a 10) a III.
II. A: nightlife
1) Her friend helped her choose something to wear. B: place /disco /house
2) Cynthia needed help to choose the best outfit to wear. A: ball
3) She decided to wear a red suit. B: sure
Com o advento da Internet, ficou muito mais fácil para o professor desenvolver habilidades de lei-
tura dentro da sala de aula. Antigamente era necessário encontrar um texto relacionado com o as-
sunto que queríamos desenvolver com o nosso aluno. Feito isso, era preciso digitar todo o texto ou
fazer uma cópia do mesmo. Esses procedimentos já se tornaram desnecessários, felizmente! Agora
preparar estas atividades tornou-se muito mais rápido e fácil.
Quando apresentamos um texto para nosso aluno, qual é o nosso objetivo? Podem ser vários:
querer desenvolver habilidades de interpretação de texto, i.e., determinar qual o assunto que está
sendo abordado, verificar se o aluno compreendeu partes-chave do texto; habilidades ligadas a voca-
bulário, i.e., cognatos, sinônimos, antônimos, grupos semânticos, determinar o significado de pala-
vras com base no contexto, a ordem das palavras, determinar o significado de palavras com base nas
partes de palavras (prefixos, sufixos) e também podemos querer verificar questões gramaticais.
É importante salientar que ler o texto e fazer os exercícios somente uma vez não é o bastante
para aprender o seu conteúdo. A melhor coisa a se fazer, e aconselhar ao nosso aluno que faça, é ler
o texto e os exercícios repetidas vezes, para que os diferentes conteúdos ali presentes sejam incor-
porados no acervo comunicativo do aprendiz. Outra atitude de grande valia é sempre ter à mão
fichas (se não for possível, um bloco facilmente manuseável) em que possamos anotar as novas pa-
lavras que aprendemos. Por exemplo, toda vez que nos deparamos com uma nova palavra ou ex-
pressão, o ideal é anotá-la, e a sua pronúncia e o contexto em que aparece, para periodicamente re-
lê-la. Caso contrário, este conteúdo certamente cairá em esquecimento.
Também é interessante poder classificar as palavras com as quais nos deparamos, pois, ao fazer
isso, a compreensão torna-se mais fácil.
Algumas palavras sempre vêm juntas como, por exemplo, by train, by bus, on foot. Estes
grupos de palavras são chamados collocations. Certifique-se de que seu aluno as anota juntas.
Pessoas diferentes têm formas diferentes de aprender (veja o capítulo que trata de estilos de
aprendizagem). Pensando nisso, sempre há aqueles alunos que preferem anotar as palavras em gru-
pos, em vez de anotá-las à medida em que elas vão surgindo.
School Subjects, grades, tuition, tests, homework
Sports Soccer, football, tennis, volleyball, rugby
Veja abaixo três exemplos de questões de compreensão da leitura. Os textos foram retirados da
Internet. Referem-se a conteúdos genéricos ou extremamente específicos (veja último exemplo). Os
exemplos ilustram o fato de que você pode identificar as áreas de interesse de seu(s) aluno(s) e prepa-
rar leituras correlatas, ou fazer um material que servirá para praticamente qualquer situação.
Algumas questões foram adaptadas, outras desenvolvidas. Procure identificar o que está sendo
testado em cada questão, sobretudo as dificuldades geradas pela língua materna português bra-
sileiro. Essas só serão abordadas por professores brasileiros. Demais profissionais e mesmo métodos
tradicionais não têm condições de fazer essa customização, tão cara ao foco nas verdadeiras necessi-
dades de nossos alunos.
Dica prática: para numerar as linhas dos textos que você selecionar, coloque-os em tabelas e
desabilite a marcação das linhas.
Text 1
Interviewer: So, why do you want to be a computer programmer?
Jason: Well, I don’t like working in a fast food restaurant, and I want to make more money.
Interviewer: I see. Do you have any experience?
Jason: No, but I’m a fast learner.
Interviewer: What kind of computer do you use?
Jason: Computer? Uhm, let me see. I can use a Mac. I also used Windows 95 once.
Interviewer: That’s good.
Jason: May I ask a question?
Interviewer: Please, go ahead.
Jason: Will I be able to find a job as a computer programmer?
Interviewer: Umm, err, ahn....
1. How much experience does Jason have in computer programming?
a) He has a lot of experience.
b) He has some experience.
c) He has a little experience.
d) He has no experience.
2. Choose the correct alternative
a) Jason is used to working with computers.
b) Jason would like to work more.
Text 2
Text 3
1. The Internet has made the place utility offered by a business largely irrelevant.
2. A result of this is that most E-Markets are larger than the local or regional market
3. that may have preceded them. However, in E-Agribusinesses, traditional market
4. reach may well be maintained. Some agricultural products, like fresh fruits or
5. vegetables, may develop different market boundaries, depending on the delivery
6. functions made available. The role of E-Business in marketing bulk commodities has
7. also demonstrated some potential. On the input side, despite much interest in
8. developing E- Commerce systems, issues related to handling and servicing
9. machinery or crop inputs continue to be an impediment to wholesale E-Commerce
10. adoption. Much of this relates to service quality uncertainty on the part of buyers.
11. Agriculture also has some unique constraints related to IT. Internet connectivity is
12. still a greater problem in rural areas and small towns where agribusiness is. The
13. cost of interacting with the rest of one’s supply chain via (broadband) IT connection,
14. for example, will typically be higher the further the firm is away from a big city.
15. Inconsistency of IT deployment across regions also creates constraints within an
increasingly integrated global industry.
Which is the correct meaning of the following cognates? Write an X in the parentheses.
( ) parênteses ( ) pais ( ) parentes
( ) suportar ( ) apoiar ( ) suporte
( ) romance ( ) novela ( ) novelo
( ) fabricar ( ) fábrica ( ) tecido
( ) contente ( ) conteúdo ( ) contentamento
( ) sotaque ( ) acentuar ( ) acento
( ) puxar ( ) puxa ( ) empurrar
( ) cola ( ) colarinho ( ) colar
( ) assisteir ( ) ajudar ( ) assist
( ) esperto ( ) especialista ( ) esperteza
( ) colégio ( ) colagem ( ) faculdade
( ) enrolar ( ) inscrever ( ) rolar
( ) recordar ( ) recorde ( ) gravar
( ) divertido ( ) distrair ( ) divertir
( ) traje ( ) costumar ( ) costume
( ) sorte ( ) sortido ( ) tipo
( ) desconhecido ( ) estranhar ( ) estrangeiro
( ) atuar ( ) atual ( ) real
( ) datar ( ) dados ( ) data
Look at the columns and match the cognates with their real meaning.
a) attend ( ) vez; e não _____. _____ é shift.
b) policy ( ) _____; e não atualmente.
c) assume ( ) _____; e não lanche; lanche é _____.
d) grip ( ) presumir; e não _____.
e) actually ( ) gravar; e não _____. _____ é remember.
f) exit ( ) convencimento (arrogância); e não _____.
g) realize ( ) _____; e não pular. pular é _____.
h) pull ( ) sensato; e não _____. _____ é sensitive.
i) pretend ( ) comparecer; e não _____.
j) record ( ) desânimo; e não _____. _____ é (to) faint
k) dismay ( ) _____; e não êxito.
l) lunch ( ) aperto; e não _____. _____ é flu.
m) turn ( ) perceber; e não _____.
n) sensible ( ) política; e não _____. _____ é _____.
o) conceit ( ) fingir; e não _____. ______ é (to) intend.
cognates wrong meaning correct meaning The meaning of what it seems to be is...
comprehensive compreensivo abrangente Compreensivo = understanding
Cognatos de sentido diferente 179
Respostas sort
( ) sorte ( ) sortido (X) tipo
Which is the correct meaning of the following false stranger
cognates? Put an X in the parentheses. (X) desconhecido ( ) estranhar ( ) estrangeiro
parents actual
( ) parênteses (X) pais ( ) parentes ( ) atuar ( ) atual (X) real
support data
( ) suportar (X) apoiar ( ) suporte ( ) datar (X) dados ( ) data
(X) romance ( ) novela ( ) novelo Look at the columns and match the cognates with
fabric their real meaning.
( ) fabricar ( ) fábrica (X) tecido
content a) attend (m) vez; e não turno. Turno é shift.
( ) contente (X) conteúdo ( ) contentamento b) policy (e) na verdade; e não atualmente.
accent c) assume (l) almoço; e não lanche; lanche é snack.
(X) sotaque ( ) acentuar ( ) acento d) grip (c) presumir; e não assumir.
push e) actually (j) gravar; e não recordar. recordar é
( ) puxar ( ) puxa (X) empurrar remember.
collar f) exit (o) convencimento (arrogância); e não conceito.
( ) cola (X) colarinho ( ) colar g) realize (h) puxar; e não pular; pular é (to) jump.
assist h) pull (n) sensato; e não sensível; sensível é
( ) assisteir (X) ajudar ( ) assist sensitive.
expert i) pretend (a) comparecer; e não atender.
( ) esperto (X) especialista ( ) esperteza
j) record (k) desânimo; e não desmaiar; desmaiar é
college (to) faint
( ) colégio ( ) colagem (X) faculdade
k) dismay (f) saída; e não êxito.
l) lunch (d) aperto; e não gripe; gripe é flu.
( ) enrolar (X) inscrever ( ) rolar
m) turn (g) perceber; e não realizar.
( ) recordar ( ) recorde (X) gravar n) sensible (b) política; e não polícia; polícia é police.
divert o) conceit (i) fingir; e não pretender; pretender é (to)
( ) divertido (X) distrair ( ) divertir intend.
(X) traje ( ) costumar ( ) costume
Cognates wrong meaning correct meaning The meaning of what it seems to be is...
comprehensive compreensivo abrangente compreensivo: understanding
luxury luxúria luxo luxúria: lust
exquisite esquisito refinado esquisito: weird
envy enviar inveja enviar: send
particular particular específico particular: private
confident confidente confiante confidente: confidant
educated educado instruído educado: polite
compromise compromisso comprometer compromisso: appointment
petrol petróleo gasolina petróleo: oil
argument argumento discussão argumento: point
essencial da
língua inglesa
A seguir, apresentamos uma relação com o vocabulário essencial da língua inglesa. Essas palavras
foram coletadas de fontes diversas, dentre elas:
Sites na internet com listas das palavras mais utilizadas em inglês, de acordo com diferentes cri-
Dicionários de inglês para quem aprende a língua
Levantamentos feitos com base na nossa experiência de ensino de inglês a brasileiros
Tenha em mente que todas as palavras apresentadas nesta lista são conteúdo básico e essencial
para uma comunicação eficiente em inglês. Além disso, lembre-se de que é comum uma mesma
palavra desempenhar diferentes funções conforme o lugar da frase que ela ocupa. Procure explorar
esses diferentes usos de uma palavra, lembrando-se de que a sua idéia central permanece, não im-
porta a função gramatical que ela esteja exercendo.
Os diferentes significados que uma palavra pode ter, dependendo do contexto em que apare-
ce, também devem ser explorados. Uma outra idéia para ajudar o enriquecimento de vocabulário
do seu aluno é fazer uma ponte entre a palavra estudada e as partes de palavra que podem se combi-
nar a ela (ver o capítulo sobre Partes de Palavras).
Particípio termina em E
96 BE am, is, are WAS / WERE BEEN
Partes de
I. Introdução
Observe o quadro abaixo. Preste atenção na forma como as partículas -DADE / -IN e -NESS /
-UN modificam o significado e/ou a classe gramatical das palavras feliz e happy, respectivamente:
São justamente destas partículas que iremos falar neste capítulo. Essas partículas são chamadas
de afixos (em inglês, affixes) pela gramática tradicional, mas aqui as trataremos como partes de pa-
lavras. Afinal, é uma linguagem que todo mundo entende.
Ensinar as partes de palavras e o modo como elas modificam o significado/função das palavras
às quais elas são afixadas proporciona ao seu aluno uma importante ferramenta de auxílio tanto para
a compreensão de textos escritos quanto para a expansão de vocabulário.
O que você deve explicar ao seu aluno quando começar a trabalhar com partes de palavras?
Primeiramente, explique ao seu aluno que as partes de palavras são partículas que, agregadas a um
núcleo de significado (que pode ser uma palavra ou um radical), seja antes ou depois dele, mudam:
(1) a classe da palavra e/ou
(2) o sentido da palavra.
Você pode usar o quadro utilizado na abertura deste capítulo para dar esta explicação. Veja como:
Mostre a ele que a terminação (na gramática tradicional sufixo/suffix) DADE, em portu-
guês, sempre indicará que estamos falando de alguma COISA, de um substantivo: feliciDADE, cria-
tiviDADE, probabiliDADE, etc. Em inglês, assim como o -DADE, o -NESS também indica coi-
sas/substantivos: happiNESS (felicidade), politeNESS (boa educação), darkNESS (escuridão), etc. Já o
início de palavra (tradicionalmente chamado de prefixo/prefix) IN- indica, em português, o con-
trário da palavra original: INfelicidade é o oposto de felicidade, assim como INfeliz é o oposto de feliz.
Em inglês, o UN- também forma opostos: UNhappiness ¹ happiness e UNhappy ¹ happy.
EsteS são apenas alguNS exemploS do papel desempenhADO pelAS parteS de palavraS. A partir
do momento em que o aluno soubER identificAR a classe que as palavrAS ocupAM e o signi-
ficADO delAS a partir das partículaS usadAS no início ou no fim delAS, a compreenSÃO de tex-
toS e a ampliaÇÃO de vocabulário se tornarÃO tarefaS bem mais simpleS.
No entanto, também cabe alertar o seu aluno de que sempre há as exceções. Às vezes, a termi-
nação -NESS, por exemplo, não vai estar indicando uma coisa/substantivo, como é o caso da palavra
witness, que, além de significar testemunha (substantivo), também significa testemunhar (verbo).
Além das exceções na regra de formação de palavras, o seu aluno também deve ficar atento ao fato
de que as partes de palavras denotam uma idéia, o que não quer dizer que elas possam ser sempre tradu-
zidas da mesma forma. Happiness se traduz felicidade, mas darkness se traduz escuridão, e não *escuri-
dade*. O importante é que o seu aluno entenda que, ao agregar -NESS à característica happy, ele ob-
tém aquilo que essa característica representa, e que, ao agregar -NESS a dark, obtém também aquilo
que essa característica representa. Desta forma, ele entenderá o mecanismo da formação da palavra de
forma que esse entendimento torne mais fácil a sua atuação como usuário da língua.
partes de palavras que indicam a categoria/classe gramatical das palavras substantivos, adjeti-
vos, verbos e advérbios.
Partes de palavra 195
partes de palavras que podem ser usadas em palavras de qualquer categoria, denotando significa-
dos outros, como por exemplo o inverso (happy ¹ unhappy).
Além destes grupos, também apresentamos uma relação de partes de palavras em inglês que
são iguais às que usamos em português.
O passado das ações, regulares ou irregulares, pode ser a característica de algo, como por exemplo:
pintar ou paint é ação quando está na posição da ação:
Eu pintei o quadro. I painted the picture.
Pintado ou painted é característica quando está na posição da característica:
É um quadro pintado. Its a painted picture.
Ver item sobre ADJETIVOS (último item ed/ing)
sub- subway (metrô, ou caminho por baixo), subtropical (perto dos trópicos),
subhuman (subumano)
Todas essas fontes entraram em contato através de invasões e dominações por vários povos e
também por viagens da expansão.
hundred new words entered the language. Then around 750 A.D, the great Viking raids began
and, as they settled, so their language became incorporated into Englisc, introducing 1,800
Scandinavian words.
The year 1066, marks the invasion of the French and a subsequent addition of an incredible
10,000 new words.
By the time of the Renaissance, 1480-1650, travel was introducing many new words from
abroad. The world of science, medicine and the arts needed to be explained and expressed, and
writers readily borrowed from Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, as well as
languages from the Americas, Africa, (especially via the slave trade) and Asia. In fact, from a source
of over 50 languages.
Are there any other languages spoken in Britain apart from English?
Everyone speaks English in Britain but in Ireland and some parts of Scotland you can find Irish and
Scottish Gaelic, while in Wales, many people speak Welsh. All these languages come from the
Celtic language and have almost no connection to English.
How many words does the average native English speaker know?
The average educated native English speaker knows between 15 and 20.000 words.
Questions about English 203
O verdadeiro começo é creditado aos Anglos e aos Saxões. A língua desses povos, Englisc,
recebeu sua primeira significante influência com a chegada do Cristianismo em 597 d.C. e, com
ele, o Latim. Aproximadamente quatrocentas novas palavras entraram no léxico da língua. Então,
por volta de 750 d.C., a grande invasão escandinava começou, e, como se assentaram, sua língua
incorporou-se ao Englisc, introduzindo 1800 palavras escandinavas.
O ano 1066 marca a invasão dos franceses e a subseqüente adição de incríveis 10.000 novas
Nos tempos do Renascimento (1480-1650), viagens introduziam muitas palavras novas do
exterior. O mundo da ciência, a medicina e as artes precisavam ser explicados e expressos, e escri-
tores rapidamente apropriaram-se de termos do latim, grego, francês, italiano, espanhol e portu-
guês, mais algumas línguas da América, África (principalmente por vias do comércio de escravos) e
Ásia. Na verdade, de uma fonte de cinqüenta línguas.
Today, politicians talk about the special relationship between Britain and America. Two world
wars have probably secured the sometimes capricious relationship between these volatile cousins,
but the mixture of a sense of rivalry and admiration continues, no less in the language than in the
position on the world stage. What is considered correct English, American English or British
English has and continues to provoke argument, discussion and amusement.
Since 1735, Americanisms have caused raised eyebrows amongst the English, which in turn
have provoked increasing indignation from the Americans. When Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
issued his famous complaint against the American dialect, he referred to it as, a tract of corruption
to which any language widely diffused must always be exposed. In contrast to Samuel Johnsons
scathing reference to colonial English, John Adams (1722-1803), one of the leaders of the American
Revolution and second U.S president said, We have not made war against the English language,
any more than against the old English character. He simply saw English as the means to advance
the American cause, though he did go on to say, England will never have anymore honor, accepting
now and then imitating the Americans.
Noah Webster, responsible for his still famous dictionary, began by saying, Several circumstances
render a future separation of the American tongue from the English necessary and unavoidable,
though in the preface to his, American dictionary of the English language, 1828, he said, The
body of the language is the same as in England, and it is desirable to perpetuate that sameness.
It was Noah Webster who developed and implemented Benjamin Franklins original idea of
simplifying English spelling, probably as much inspired by a genuine desire for simplification as his
belief in a separate American identity. These familiar spelling differences carry with them a shadow
of this Anglo/American rivalry until today.
History has shown us that the languages have indeed not separated, though they have
developed their own characteristics and idiosyncrasies. Many American words once frowned
upon by staunch Brits have become perfectly acceptable. Likewise, a fair number of words
considered particularly British, have entered the American vocabulary.
For the English language learner, these differences should not so much create anxiety or
frustration as curiosity and fascination. They are, despite occasional appearances to the contrary,
the same language. Adopting and sticking to either American or British spelling is good for
consistency but not more than that. The foreign learner can be said to have a distinct advantage
Inglês britânico
e americano
Os políticos discursam sobre o relacionamento especial entre a Grã-Bretanha e os Estados Uni-
dos. Duas guerras mundiais provavelmente solidificaram este relacionamento muitas vezes
inconstante entre estes dois primos, mas um misto de rivalidade e admiração permanece, tanto na
língua quanto na posição mundial. Qual é considerado o inglês correto, o inglês norte-ameri-
cano ou o inglês britânico? Esta dúvida tem provocado discussão e entretenimento.
Desde 1735, americanismos têm causado desdém dentre os britânicos, o que por sua vez
tem provocado uma crescente indignação nos norte-americanos. Quando Samuel Jackson
(1709-1784) anunciou sua famosa queixa contra o dialeto norte-americano, referiu-se a ele como
sendo um terreno de corrupção ao qual qualquer língua largamente difundida deve ser sempre
exposta. Em contraste às referências mordazes de Samuel Jackson ao inglês colonial, John
Adams (17721803), um dos líderes da revolução norte-americana e segundo presidente dos Esta-
dos Unidos, disse: Não lutamos contra a língua inglesa, mais do que contra o velho caráter in-
glês. Ele via o inglês simplesmente como o meio para fazer valer a causa norte-americana, embora
tenha acrescentado: A Inglaterra nunca mais terá honra alguma, aceitando os norte-americanos,
agora e depois imitando-os.
Noah Webster, responsável pelo seu famoso dicionário, começou dizendo Várias circunstân-
cias apresentam uma futura separação da língua norte americana da língua inglesa, algo necessária e
inevitável, embora no prefácio de seu American Dictionary of the English Language, de 1928, ele tenha
dito, O corpo da língua é o mesmo que na Inglaterra, e é desejável perpetuar esta semelhança.
Foi Noah Webster quem desenvolveu e implementou a idéia original de Benjamin Franklin em
simplificar a ortografia do inglês, provavelmente inspirado tanto em um desejo genuíno da simplifica-
ção como em sua crença em uma identidade norte-americana distinta. Essas conhecidas diferenças nas
formas de escrever carregam consigo uma sombra desta rivalidade anglo/americana até hoje.
A história tem mostrado que as línguas não se separaram, embora tenham desenvolvido suas pró-
prias características e idiossincrasias. Muitas palavras americanas já desdenhadas por britânicos leais têm
se tornado perfeitamente aceitáveis. Da mesma forma, um número razoável de palavras consideradas
marcadamente britânicas agora são parte do vocabulário norte-americano.
Para o aluno de inglês, estas diferenças não devem criar ansiedade ou frustração, mas sim curio-
sidade e fascínio. Elas são, apesar de ocasionais demonstrações em contrário, a mesma língua. Adotar
in that he or she can explore the richness of the two language variants free from the inheritance of
ancient cultural rivalries that lurk persistently just below the surface of the skin of these Atlantic
neigbors or do I mean neighbours?
Every country, in any part of the world has its own language and sometimes more than one, and
within that language there are often many dialects and if that wasnt enough, peppered amongst
all these base languages are numerous accents. Its enough to make anyone give up ever trying to
learn a new language before theyve even started. However, dialects are often restricted to the
specific region where the dialect is found and they are unlikely to impose their particular vocabulary
or structural variants on unsuspecting foreigners. On the other hand, accents tend to stay with
people even if they are consciously modifying their more regional vocabulary.
Happily, there are not many accents that present such extreme modification of sounds that
render them unintelligible to anyone other than those particular native speakers. Modification is
the key word to understand what an accent is. This modification occurs in the pronunciation of
the vowels, in the stress on the words and in some consonant sounds in the middle or end of
When we talk about British or American English, we are obviously generalising. There are
various accents on both sides of the Atlantic which possess modifications in common with other
accents of their Atlantic neighbours. However, we shall take a general view and cover the basic
differences of standard British and American accents.
Pronunciation features
To understand exactly how and why accents are formed would be a fascinating discovery. For
the present, we shall have to content ourselves with the simple acknowledgement of their
existence without going into the whys and wherefores of their development, though perhaps
it is worth mentioning that the southern Irish accent has played a not unsubstantial part in the
formation of some features of American English, particularly the strong sound of the letter r ,
which in standard British English is only pronounced before a vowel, but which in both
southern Irish and American English is pronounced in all positions of the word e.g. CAR,
(Note: Many thousands of Irish immigrated to the States during the great famine years of the
It might also be mentioned that this strong r was in fact much more prominent throughout
Britain in the 17th century and that, unlike the USA, it has disappeared in Britain apart from the
west of England and Scotland.
The feature most obvious that distinguishes a standard American from a standard British
accent is probably the lengthening of stressed vowels that give Americans a drawling sound and
the habit of literally breathing out through the mouth and nose at the same time, which creates
the characteristic nasal twang of standard American English. In Standard British English, the
vowels are, if anything, shortened and this creates the familiar clipped tone.
Another vowel difference is in the use of the letter o in words like NOT, HOT, and
British and North American English 209
e manter a forma norte americana ou britânica de escrever é bom para a coerência, mas não muito
mais que isto. Diz-se que o aprendiz estrangeiro poderá ter uma vantagem distinta onde ele poderá
explorar a riqueza das variações das duas línguas, livre da herança de antigas rivalidades culturais que
se escondem persistentemente sob a pele desses vizinhos atlânticos.
Cada país, em qualquer parte do mundo, possui seu próprio idioma e às vezes até mais de um.
Dentro dessa língua é comum encontrarmos uma série de dialetos e, como se isso não fosse sufi-
ciente, espalhados entre todas essas línguas base estão numerosos sotaques. É o suficiente para fazer
qualquer um desistir de tentar aprender um novo idioma antes mesmo de começar. No entanto, os
dialetos com freqüência se restringem à região específica onde são encontrados e dificilmente im-
põem seu vocabulário especial ou variantes estruturais sobre estrangeiros desavisados. Por outro
lado, os sotaques tendem a permanecer com as pessoas mesmo se elas estiverem conscientemente
modificando seu vocabulário mais regional.
Felizmente, não há muitos sotaques que apresentam uma modificação de sons tão extrema
que os torne ininteligíveis a qualquer um que não aqueles seus determinados falantes nativos.
Modificação é a palavra-chave para compreender o que é um sotaque. Essa modificação ocorre
na pronúncia das vogais, na tonicidade e em algumas consoantes no meio ou no fim de palavras.
Quando falamos de inglês britânico ou norte-americano, estamos obviamente generalizando.
Existem diversos sotaques diferentes em ambos os lados do Atlântico que possuem modificações
em comum com outros sotaques de seus vizinhos da outra ponta do oceano. No entanto, daremos
uma visão geral e cobriremos as diferenças básicas dos sotaques britânico e americano padrão.
Características da pronúncia
Compreender exatamente como e por que os sotaques são formados seria uma descoberta fasci-
nante. No momento, devemos nos contentar com o simples reconhecimento de sua existência
sem nos atermos aos motivos e causas de seu desenvolvimento, embora talvez valha a pena men-
cionar que o sotaque do sul da Irlanda desempenhou um papel importante na formação de algumas
características do inglês americano, particularmente o som forte da letra r, que no inglês britâni-
co padrão é pronunciado apenas antes de uma vogal mas que tanto no inglês do sul da Irlanda
quanto no americano é pronunciado em todas as posições da palavra, como por exemplo CAR
(carro), PART (parte), SURFER (surfista).
(Milhares de irlandeses emigraram para os Estados Unidos durante a grande fome dos anos
posteriores a 1850.)
Podemos também mencionar que o r forte era, na realidade, muito mais proeminente atra-
vés da Grã-Bretanha no século XVII e que, ao contrário do que aconteceria nos EUA, desapareceu
da ilha, à exceção da Escócia e do oeste da Inglaterra.
A característica mais óbvia que distingue um sotaque americano padrão de um britânico pa-
drão é provavelmente a duração das vogais tônicas que dá aos americanos um som arrastado e o há-
bito de literalmente respirar pela boca e pelo nariz ao mesmo tempo, o que cria a voz fanhosa
característica do inglês americano padrão. No inglês britânico padrão, as vogais, quando pro-
nunciadas, são diminuídas, e isso cria o tom apocopado familiar.
Uma outra diferença de vogal é no uso da letra o em palavras como NOT (não),
HOT (quente) e POT (pote).
A British speaker will round his or her lips to produce a sound like the o in SOGRA. An
American speaker will produce a sound like the a in LAR.
The use of the letter t illustrates a striking difference between the two countries when it
appears either between vowels as in the words VOTER or LATER or at the end of words
as in HOT or LOT. In American English the t sound is slightly voiced but in British
English it has a plosive unvoiced sound. This is even more obvious when words are strung
together like,
In British English the two ts will be very distinct but in American English they will appear to
be swallowed. A consequence in American English of this slightly voiced t sound is that words
like WAITER and WADER sound the same.
Perhaps the other really distinctive difference between the two standard pronunciation
features is the simplification in American English of words like DUTY, NUDE, REDUCE
or TUBE.
The words are pronounced exactly as they are written (note the t in DUTY will also be
slightly voiced) and the u is pronounced like the u in BRUNO.
In British English the u sound is the same as the American except that the d, n and t have
received a slight modification which makes the u sound resemble the iu in CIÚMES.
The grammar in both standard American and British English is virtually identical. However, there
are a few particular differences worth mentioning. One of these is the use of the present perfect.
In many cases when a British speaker, for example says, IVE JUST FINISHED, an American
speaker will probably omit the HAVE and use the simple past, I JUST FINISHED.
The present perfect, of course, exists in both American and British English but it is more
prominent in British English.
The question form DO YOU HAVE or HAVE YOU GOT as in
on both sides of the Atlantic but the form HAVE YOU GOT is much more common in
Some regular verbs in American English like BURN, SPOIL and LEARN have alternative
irregular endings in British English like BURNT, SPOILT and LEARNT.
However, the past participle of the verb GET is GOTTEN in American English. In
British English it is just GOT. This is not an American variant but a continuation of the now
obsolete old British form. Hence an American will say, IT HAS GOTTEN COLD
RECENTLY, perhaps as it would have been spoken in Britain in the 17 th century.
Stress on some words differs between the two countries. For example, American speakers stress the
first syllable in words like BALLET, LABORATORY, MOUSTACHE or INQUIRY.
In Britain it falls on the second syllable.
In words like SECRETARY, CEMETERY or NECESSARY, American speakers tend
to stress every syllable but British speakers only stress the first.
British and North American English 211
Um falante britânico irá arredondar os lábios para produzir um som como o o em
SOGRA. Um falante americano irá produzir um som como o a em LAR.
O uso da letra t ilustra uma diferença marcante entre os dois países quando aparece entre
vogais como nas palavras VOTER (eleitor) ou LATER (mais tarde) ou no final de palavras
como em HOT (quente) ou LOT (muito). No inglês americano, o som t é levemente vo-
calizado, mas no inglês britânico ele tem um som surdo explosivo. Isso fica ainda mais evidente
quando algumas palavras são pronunciadas juntas, como em I WANT IT ALL (eu quero tudo).
No inglês britânico os dois ts são bastante nítidos, mas no inglês americano eles parecem ser
engolidos. No inglês americano uma conseqüência desse t levemente vocalizado é que palavras
como WAITER (garçom) e WADER (que vadeia) parecem a mesma.
Talvez outra diferença realmente nítida entre as características das duas pronúncias-padrão
seja a simplificação, no inglês americano, de palavras como DUTY (dever), NUDE (nu),
REDUCE (reduzir) ou TUBE (tubo).
As palavras são pronunciadas exatamente como estão escritas (observe que o t em DUTY
também será levemente vocalizado) e o u é pronunciado como o u em BRUNO.
No inglês britânico o som do u é o mesmo do americano, exceto pelo fato que o d, o n e o
t receberam uma leve modificação que torna o som do u semelhante ao iu em CIÚMES.
A gramática tanto do inglês americano padrão quanto do britânico, é virtualmente igual. No en-
tanto, há algumas pequenas diferenças que vale a pena mencionar. Uma delas é o uso do presente
Em muitos casos, quando um falante britânico diz, por exemplo, IVE JUST FINISHED
(acabei de terminar), um falante americano provavelmente omitirá o HAVE e utilizará o passado
O presente perfeito, é claro, existe tanto no inglês americano quanto no britânico, mas é mais
proeminente no inglês britânico.
A forma de pergunta DO YOU HAVE ou HAVE YOU GOT (você tem?) como em
mão?) são usadas nos dois lados do Atlântico mas a forma HAVE YOU GOT é muito mais co-
mum na Grã-Bretanha.
Alguns verbos regulares no inglês americano como BURN (queimar), SPOIL (estragar)
e LEARN (aprender) possuem terminações irregulares alternativas no inglês britânico como
Porém, o particípio passado do verbo GET é GOTTEN em inglês americano. No inglês
britânico é apenas GOT. Isso não é uma variante americana, mas uma continuação da hoje ob-
soleta forma antiga britânica. Daí um americano dirá IT HAS GOTTEN COLD RECENTLY
(esfriou recentemente), talvez como teria sido dito por um britânico no século XVII.
A tonicidade em algumas palavras difere nos dois países. Por exemplo, falantes americanos colocam
a tônica na primeira sílaba em palavras como BALLET (balé), LABORATORY (laborató-
rio), MOUSTACHE (bigode) ou INQUIRY (investigação).
It is difficult to understand why there are such differences but one theory is that the huge
number of immigrants who have created the U.S.A today may have been concerned about
pronouncing the words more clearly.
When American speakers want to check on the phone that the person they think they are
speaking to is indeed that person they ask, Hello, is THIS John? whereas British speakers say,
Hello, is THAT John?.
An American speaker might say, This work is REAL difficult, but a British speaker will say,
This work is REALLY difficult
Noah Webster was instrumental in simplifying English spelling. Below are some of the main
Quando falantes do inglês norte-americano querem certificar-se de que a pessoa com quem
estão falando ao telefone é de fato aquela com quem pretendem falar, eles dizem Hello, is THIS
John?, enquanto falantes do inglês britânico dizem Hello, is THAT John?.
Um falante americano poderia dizer que This work is REAL difficult, mas um falante bri-
tânico dirá This work is REALLY difficult (este trabalho é realmente difícil).
Noah Webster foi fundamental para a simplificação da ortografia do inglês. Abaixo estão as princi-
pais diferenças:
There are other individual spelling differences but, like the words above, they do not present
any difficulty in comprehension.
The vocabulary differences that have developed over the years, often due to sociological development
and lifestyles, are, in some cases, conspicuous. However, there is a fairly substantial crossover of
words which are now in common usage in both countries. In almost all cases, an American or British
native in conversation one with the other will have negligible difficulty in understanding what
each is saying to the other. For the Brazilian learner, it is a good idea to be familiar with both forms
but quite acceptable to be able to actively produce just one of them.
Há outras diferenças individuais de ortografia, mas, como nas palavras acima, não oferecem
uma maior dificuldade na compreensão.
As diferenças de vocabulário que se desenvolveram ao longo dos anos, com freqüência devido ao
desenvolvimento sociológico e aos estilos de vida, são, em alguns casos, evidentes. No entanto, há
cruzamentos relativamente substanciais de palavras que estão hoje em uso comum nos dois países.
Em quase todos os casos, um americano e um britânico nativos conversando entre si terão dificul-
dades mínimas para entender o que cada um diz ao outro. Para o aprendiz brasileiro, é uma boa
idéia se familiarizar com ambas as formas, mas perfeitamente aceitável que ele seja capaz de produ-
zir comunicações ativamente em apenas uma delas.
Purse, for keeping small coins is the same word in both countries
Cuffs on shirt sleeves is the same word in both countries
Mean in British English is a synonym for unkind or selfish
Pavement in American English means road surface
British and North American English 219
Purse, no sentido de bolsa é a mesma palavra nos dois países.
Cuffs no sentido de bainhas de mangas é a mesma palavra nos dois países.
Mean no inglês britânico é um sinônimo para unkind (cruel) or selfish (egoísta)
Pavement no inglês americano significa superfície da estrada
Dicas de
livros e Sites
Inglês Urgente! Para Brasileiros Five-Minute Activities
Cristina Schumacher Penny Ur and Andrew Wright
Editora Campus Cambridge University Press