Scrum: Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento Ágil Preparatório para Exame PSM I
Scrum: Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento Ágil Preparatório para Exame PSM I
Scrum: Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento Ágil Preparatório para Exame PSM I
Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento
Preparatório para exame PSM I –
Adilson Taub Júnior
Diretor de TI
•’s PSM I Certified
• Scrum Alliance’s Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
• Scrum Alliance’s Certified Scrum Professional (CSP)
• Certified Expert in BPM®
• Certified in RUP®
• itSMF Certified (ITIL®, COBIT®, ISO/IEC 20.000)
• ISO/IEC 27.002 Certified
• Microsoft Specialist Certified in SureStep®
10+ anos experiência com TI
MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Negócio
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Software
Objetivo do treinamento
• Demonstrar os conceitos do SCRUM aos
alunos e prepará-los para utilização do
framework em ambiente real de trabalho
Certificações SCRUM
• (
– Professional Scrum Master (PSM I e II)
– Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I e II)
– Professional Scrum Developer Assessment
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
Chaos Report
by Standish Group
Contribuindo para o sucesso Atrapalhando o sucesso
• Suporte executivo • Falta de decomposição de
• Envolvimento de usuários projetos
• Entrega rápida • Requisitos fracos
• Habilidades da equipe • Falta de clareza nas funções
• Gerenciamento de projeto pessoais e responsabilidades
• Processos ágeis • Erro no acompanhamento de
• Objetivos de negócio claros projeto
• Maturidade emocional
• Controle financeiro
• Ferramentas e infraestrutura
Valor agregado de projetos
O “lado” do cliente
Problemas “Soluções”
• Sabe que fornecedores • Colocar o máximo de
odeiam mudanças de requisitos na lista inicial
requisitos • “O máximo possível” é
• São forçados a definir tudo “tudo que lhe vier à
que precisam na fase inicial cabeça”
do projeto • Assim, a possibilidade de
• Estão inseguros quanto ao “faltar” requisitos no final é
que precisam menor
O “lado” do fornecedor (TI)
Problemas “Soluções”
• Sabe que os requisitos • Documentar o máximo
fornecidos são vagos tudo o que foi passado para
• Sabe que o cliente precisará se proteger
mudar requisitos • Colocar margem de erro
• Sabe que sempre surgirão por todo o projeto (tempo)
novas idéias para o produto • Entregar o produto ao final
durante as avaliações do do projeto
O “lado” ideal
• Alinhar expectativas e fornecer/receber
informações com qualidade para
fornecer/receber o melhor serviço/produto
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
O que é o SCRUM
• Um framework para desenvolvimento ágil de produtos
complexos de forma criativa, produtiva, iterativa e
– Leve
– Simples de se compreender
– Difícil de se manter e dominar
• Focado em entregas de valor para o cliente
• Fundamentado no empirismo
– Conhecimento através de experiência e decisões apoiadas no
que se sabe
• Usado para gerenciar projetos desde 1990
• Compatível com CMMi Nível 5/ Nível A
• Escalável a projetos distribuídos, grandes e largos
Pilares do SCRUM
O entendimento
deve ser comum
a todos
Deve-se verificar
resultados durante
todo o processo, Transparência
detectando variáveis
Origem do SCRUM
• “The new new product development game”
– By Jeff Sutherland & Ken Schwaber
Processos ágeis
Quebra de paradigma
Comando-Controle Facilitador
Scrum Master
Product Owner
Time de Desenvolvimento
Time Scrum
Os papéis no SCRUM
Scrum Master
- Garantia do uso do SCRUM
- Remoção de impedimentos
- Proteger o time contra interferências externas
Product Owner
- Garantia do ROI
- Conhecimento das necessidades do Cliente
- Criação/Manutenção do Product Backlog
- Decisão das entregas
Time de Desenvolvimento
- Definição de metas de iterações
- Auto-gerenciamento de atividades x meta
- Produção de produto com qualidade e valor
Scrum Master
Product Owner
Time de Desenvolvimento
O Product Owner define a Visão do Produto,
ou seja, a necessidade que deve ser atendida
ao fim do projeto.
O P.O representa aqui, os desejos do Cliente.
O Product Owner quebra o objetivo do
produto em uma lista de necessidades.
Essa lista é chamada de Product Backlog.
No início de cada iteração (Sprint), o Time
Scrum realiza o Planning Meeting.
Nessa reunião planeja-se e define-se o que
será entregue ao final da Sprint (Meta) de
acordo com a priorização do Product Backlog.
O Product Owner indica quais itens do
Product Backlog o cliente espera (1).
Planning Meeting
O Time de Desenvolvimento decompõe cada
item selecionado do Product Backlog em
tarefas técnicas, gerando assim o Sprint
Backlog. As tarefas do Sprint Backlog são
estimadas em horas (2).
Planning Meeting
Durante a execução de uma Sprint, vale a
Engenharia definida para o projeto.
O Scrum Master remove impedimentos e
garante a utilização do SCRUM.
O time executa as tarefas do Sprint Backlog e,
caso tenha necessidade, consulta agentes
externos e também o Product Owner.
Diariamente o Time de Desenvolvimento
realiza o Daily Meeting, uma reunião onde
cada membro deve responder:
- O que eu fiz desde a última reunião?
- O que pretendo fazer até a próxima?
- Tive algum impedimento?
O Scrum Master deve facilitar essa reunião, Daily
que é para o Time de Desenvolvimento. Meeting
Após se completar as tarefas de uma Sprint, é
realizada a Review Meeting, onde o Time de
Desenvolvimento apresenta ao Product
Owner e convidados, o que foi feito.
O Product Owner vê a demonstração do
produto criado e verifica se a meta da Sprint
foi atingida.
Finalmente, realiza-se a Retrospective
Meeting, facilitada pelo Scrum Master, onde
o Time Scrum deve avaliar:
- O que foi bom?
- O que pode ser melhorado?
- Quem está no controle?
Têm-se agora um potencialmente entregável
do produto que está se desenvolvendo.
Bom senso
• Durante a execução de uma Sprint, e
considerando as entregas freqüentes,
qualquer prática poderá ser aplicada
(gerenciamento, engenharia, etc.), desde que
não impeça o funcionamento do SCRUM.
SCRUM não salvará o mundo
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
• Time-box de 2 a 4 semanas onde o Time de
Desenvolvimento produzirá uma parte “pronta”
do produto
• Implementa o conceito de entregas freqüentes
com entregas de valor para o cliente, de acordo
com a sua prioridade
– Uma nova Sprint se inicia logo após a conclusão da
Sprint anterior
• Abriga um Time de Desenvolvimento multi-
disciplinar de 3 a 9 membros que trabalha em
um ritmo sustentável (7-8 horas/dia)
• A meta é o conjunto de itens do Product Backlog
selecionados para a Sprint e a parte mais importante
do período
Porque não mudar
• O que o Time de Desenvolvimento se
comprometeu entregar é o que deve ser
Quando deixa de ser “atingível”
• O Time de Desenvolvimento deve negociar
com o Product Owner solicitando retirada de
itens do Product Backlog da Sprint
Definindo o “pronto”
• O Time Scrum deve definir um “pronto”, buscando uma regra clara de qual
estado um item deve atingir para sair do Product Backlog
• O entendimento de “pronto” deve ser o mesmo para todos os envolvidos
no projeto
• A definição é melhorada com a maturidade do Time Scrum
Resultado da Sprint
• Ao final de cada Sprint, deve-se ter produzido
um incremento “pronto” potencialmente
entregável do produto
– Já testado, integrado e com alta qualidade
• Cabe ao Product Owner definir se o resultado de
uma Sprint deverá ser lançado (implementado) ou
não ao cliente, já que a entrega está “pronta” e
funcional, a liberação é uma questão de estratégia de
Entregas de valor
• Sempre entregar valor ao final da Sprint
• O deadline não muda, se necessário, variam-se as
• Para entregas técnicas (arquitetura, estudos, etc.), balancear
sempre com entregas com alto ROI:
Tamanho da Sprint (duração)
• Time Scrum e Cliente encontram o
– Nunca deve ser maior do que 1 mês
– Considera-se: Riscos de negócio,
sincronização com o negócio e o trabalho
com o Product Backlog executado entre
as Sprints
• Topo do Product Backlog muito dinâmico:
Sprints curtas
• Síndrome do estudante: Sprints curtas
• Time Scrum/Cliente exaustos com loops
curtos: Sprints longas
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
Scrum Master
Product Owner
Time de Desenvolvimento
Time Scrum
O Scrum Master
• O processo precisa ser gerenciado, portanto, o
Scrum Master pode ser considerado o Gerente de
Processo do SCRUM
• Ele deve:
– Possuir profundos conhecimentos de SCRUM para
gerenciar o processo como um todo
– Demonstrar o valor das práticas do SCRUM a todos
– Ser um servo-líder do projeto, facilitando as atividades
do Time Scrum
– Priorizar e remover impedimentos do projeto
– Saber e agir como facilitador e não chefe
Scrum Master
A serviço do Product Owner
• Descobrindo e ensinando técnicas de gerenciamento
efetivo do Product Backlog
• Demonstrando a importância de se ter de itens do
Product Backlog claros e coesos
• Explicando o planejamento de produto em ambiente
• Garantindo que o Product Owner saiba organizar o
Product Backlog com foco em maximizar valor
• Fazendo o Product Owner entender e praticar agilidade
• Facilitando reuniões quando solicitadas e necessárias
Scrum Master
A serviço do Time de Desenvolvimento
• Dando coaching sobre auto-gestão e formação
• Ajudando na criação de produtos de alto-valor
e com qualidade
• Removendo impedimentos conforme
• Demonstrando e ensinando o Scrum
• Facilitando reuniões quando solicitadas e
Scrum Master
A serviço da Organização
• Disseminando os conceitos do Scrum
• Liderando a implantação e adoção do Scrum
• Auxiliando stakeholders a entender e aceitar o
Scrum e o desenvolvimento empírico
• Gerando transformações que melhoram a
produtividade do Time Scrum
• Trabalhando em conjunto com outros Scrum
Masters para melhorar a efetividade do
Gerenciando impedimentos
• Impedimentos não aparecem “um
por vez”
• Deve-se controlar um Backlog de
Impedimentos priorizado por grau de
• Gerenciar impedimentos constitui
– Alinhamento com o Time Scrum
– Alinhamento com gestores da empresa
– Tratar impedimentos por ordem de
O Product Owner
• Maximizar o valor do que é produzido e do trabalho do Time de
Desenvolvimento é responsabilidade do Product Owner
• Ele deve ser uma única pessoa que representa os interesses do Cliente (ou
de um grupo) no projeto através de um gerenciamento adequado do
Product Backlog
• Ele deve:
– Conhecer as necessidades do Cliente
– Ter como foco o maximizar o ROI e o TCO do projeto
– Ter a palavra final sobre a prioridade dos itens do Product Backlog que
o Time de Desenvolvimento irá tratar nas Sprints. Ninguém, além do
Product Owner, deve dizer o que deve ser entregue
– Ter suas decisões respeitadas na organização
– Ser o único a “tocar” o Product Backlog
Product Owner
A serviço do Projeto
• Demonstrando e explicando os itens do Product Backlog,
garantindo que o Time de Desenvolvimento entenda bem o
que se espera em cada tópico
– Se necessário, deixando outros disponíveis para esclarecimentos
ao Time de Desenvolvimento
• Priorizando o Product Backlog visando valor
• Otimizando o valor do trabalho do Time de
• Garantindo que o Product Backlog é visível, transparente e
claro a todos
• Planejando as entregas ao Cliente
• Validando e aceitando o resultado de cada Sprint
• Provendo feedback ao Time de Desenvolvimento
Product Owner
Na Mesma Viagem
O Time de Desenvolvimento
• A entrega dos incrementos “prontos” e de qualidade é
responsabilidade do Time de Desenvolvimento
• O Time de Desenvolvimento tem autoridade para
organizar e gerenciar seu próprio trabalho, buscando
aumento da efetividade de suas ações (eficiência e
• O time deve:
– Se auto-gerenciar
– Produzir com qualidade
– Ser comprometido
– Ser responsável
O Time de Desenvolvimento
A serviço do Projeto
• Se auto-gerenciando de maneira performática
• Sendo multi-funcionais, trazendo na bagagem todas as
habilidades necessárias para cumprimento das tarefas do
Sprint e alcance da Meta
– Habilidade técnicas
– Habilidades de Comunicação
– Habilidades de organização
• Não se subdividindo em equipes dentro do Time de
• Entendendo que, mesmo quando uma pessoa é
responsável por executar uma tarefa, o Time de
Desenvolvimento como um todo é o responsável geral pelo
O Time de Desenvolvimento
• Um Time de Desenvolvimento deve ser formado garantido que
o mesmo seja pequeno suficiente para ser leve e ágil e grande
o suficiente para ter capacidade de entrega
– Mínimo de 3 membros
– Máximo de 9 membros
– Scrum Master e Product Owner não entram na conta a não ser que
tenham tarefas para cumprir em relação à meta do Sprint
• Mudanças no Time de Desenvolvimento devem ser definidas
pela própria equipe, com aconselhamento do Scrum Master
– É importante notar que a produtividade pode cair a curto prazo
quando se troca membros de um Time de Desenvolvimento
Os Gestores da Organização
• Em ambientes Scrum, os gestores da organização
precisam dar suporte ao Time Scrum para que o
modelo tenha sucesso e entregue valor
– Suportam o Product Owner dando dicas e apontando
o caminho para a compreensão de valor dos produtos
– Suportam o Scrum Master sendo sponsor das
mudanças que o Scrum traz incluindo:
• Empirismo
• Auto-gestão
• Inteligência bottom-up
• Release inteligente de software
O Time Scrum
Regras de etiqueta
• Nunca use a palavra “você”
• Nunca conte uma “lenda” ou remeta a uma
“história passada”
• Seja pontual nas reuniões
• Sem palavrões
• A opinião de TODOS é importante
• TODOS devem falar em reuniões
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
Reuniões (eventos) do Scrum
• Sprint Planning Meeting: Planeja-se a Meta da Sprint e
o que fazer para alcançá-la
Apresentação do Product Backlog
• É no Sprint Planning que o Product Owner
deve apresentar cada item do Product Backlog
a ser tratado no momento atual, de acordo
com o valor a ser visto pelo Cliente e executa
ajustes nas prioridades
• O Product Owner demonstra a Meta esperada
e o Time de Desenvolvimento define a Meta
real com base em sua capacidade de
desenvolvimento e entrega
Velocidade do Time
Planejamento por velocidade
Parte 1 Parte 2
Resultado do Sprint Planning
Sprint Backlog
Itens Tarefas
<Item do
<Item do
Planning Poker
Seqüência de Fibonacci
1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Planning Poker
• Garante múltiplas opiniões de especialistas
• Times multi-disciplinares precisam de um consenso
• Estimulam o diálogo sobre estimativas
Estimando com o Planning Poker
• Quanto tempo se leva para ler essas
Daily Meeting/Daily Scrum
• Participantes
– O Time de Desenvolvimento DEVE comparecer ao Daily Scrum
– O Scrum Master não precisa estar na reunião, mas deve garantir
que a mesma aconteça diariamente. A reunião é para o Time de
• Duração
– Cada reunião não deve durar mais do que 15 minutos
• Modelo
– Preferencialmente realizada em pé
– Preferencialmente realizada no início da manhã para tratar do
planejamento do dia
– Local e horário constantes ajudam a diminuir a complexidade de
se reunir diariamente e manter a cadência
Sprint Review Meeting
• Todo o Time Scrum deve estar presente
• Cabe ao Product Owner definir se stakeholders (chickens,
Cliente) devem estar presentes
• Nesta reunião o Product Owner define quais itens do Product
Backlog apresentados estão prontos, comparando as entregas
à definição de “pronto”
– O aceite de cada item é dado pelo Product Owner
– Estuda-se o valor entregue (uso potencial, oportunidades, etc.)
• Após a apresentação dos resultados, novos itens podem
aparecer no Product Backlog ou prioridades podem mudar.
Isso define parâmetros para a próxima Sprint Planning
Sprint Retrospective Meeting
• Trata-se da reunião de “lições aprendidas” do Scrum
• É essencial para tratar a Inspeção e Adaptação
– O que foi bom?
– O que pode melhorar?
– Quem está no controle?
• Tópicos abordados na reunião
– Análise do que se passou na última Sprint relacionado a processo,
comunicação, relações pessoais, ferramentas, habilidades do time
– Definição do “pronto” para potencial atualização do entendimento
• O resultado do que se melhorar no processo é gerenciado
pelo Scrum Master em ordem de prioridade e as melhorias
serão executadas pelo Time Scrum na próxima Sprint
• Ao atingir metas no final de cada Sprint, o
Time Scrum deve celebrar
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
• Qual o propósito dos documentos?
Artefatos do Scrum
• Artefatos do Scrum representam o trabalho realizado e
dão tanto transparência ao processo como criam
oportunidades para a inspeção e adaptação
Product Backlog
• Lista de itens priorizados que representam a visão do
projeto, de acordo com a necessidade de negócio do
• É mantido pelo Product Owner e é constantemente
• É composto por vários tipos de itens: funcionalidades,
requisitos, itens de exploração técnica, bugs,
documentações, etc.
• Apenas 1 Product Backlog deve existir por
produto/projeto, mesmo que múltiplos Times Scrum
estejam trabalhando (ver “Scrum of Scrum”)
Product Backlog
Cada Sprint implementa os itens
de maior prioridade
Product Backlog e o Product Owner
• O Product Owner é o único que deve alterar o
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog
• Resultado de cada Sprint Planning
• O Sprint Backlog é composto pelos itens do
Product Backlog selecionados para a Sprint e
todas as tarefas levantadas pelo Time de
Desenvolvimento necessárias para resolução
de cada PBI
• As tarefas presentes no Sprint Backlog
endereçam a definição de “pronto” do projeto
Sprint Backlog
Itens Tarefas
<Item do
<Item do
Sprint Backlog
• A primeira versão do Sprint Backlog não é,
necessariamente, a última
– A versão inicial deve ser suficiente para se começar o Sprint
– O Time de Desenvolvimento ajusta o Sprint Backlog durante a
execução da Sprint imediatamente a cada insight ou
• Apenas o Time de Desenvolvimento deve alterar o Sprint
• Cada Tarefa levantada é um “pedaço” do trabalho a ser
executado para entrega de um PBI e geralmente é estimada
com, no máximo, 1 dia de trabalho
• A estimativa de cada Tarefa no Sprint Backlog é feita em
Incremento de Produto
• É a soma de todos os itens do
Product Backlog “prontos” e
entregues ao final de uma Sprint
User Stories
• Descrevem funcionalidades que deve fornecer
valor para os usuários ou clientes de um
• São compostas por: Descrição, Conversas e
• Devem ser compreensíveis por todos:
usuários, Cliente, Time, etc.
• Evitam “interpretações” de documentação
User Stories
Um usuário pode
Um usuário pode
comprar bilhetes de
pesquisar vôos
A emissão de nota
fiscal deve ser feita
com Jasper Reports
User Stories
Os 3 C’s
• Card (Cartão): Leva a descrição da User Story,
que demonstra um desejo do Cliente
User Stories
• Uma user story deve ser INVEST:
VALIOSA para usuários e clientes
SMALL (pequena)
Modelando papéis
• Claramente não podemos escrever User Stories para uma
única pessoa
• Cada usuário de seu software (pessoas) possui um diferente
background e tem diferentes expectativas para o uso do
• Lembra os atores da UML
Cliente de Cliente
Negócios esporádico
Profissionais com bastante habilidade para Clientes com habilidade média em
manipular sistemas em computador e manipular sistemas, geralmente nunca
celular. Em sua maioria realizam viagens usam celulares para isso. Realizam viagens
rápidas. Normalmente compram bilhetes geralmente promocionais e precisam de
“em cima da hora”. Precisam de agilidade bastante informação para fechar uma
em seu atendimento. compra.
User Stories
User Stories
Épicos e Temas
Story Story
EPIC Story Story
Burndown Chart
• Ferramenta de acompanhamento do projeto
que demonstra a quantidade de trabalho que
ainda falta ser executado em uma Sprint
• Compara o trabalho planejado x trabalho
• Deve ser atualizado diariamente
Burndown Chart
Release Burndown
• Ferramenta de acompanhamento das
entregas que demonstra a quantidade de
itens do Product Backlog que ainda falta ser
desenvolvida dentro do Plano de Release
• É atualizado a cada entrega
Release Burndown
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
Escalando o SCRUM
• Quando existe a necessidade de se escalar o
– Sistemas complexos
– Time muito grande
– Localização
– Duração do projeto
Escalando o SCRUM
• Habilidades
– Coordenação
– Comunicação
– Coesão
– Experiência em Scrum
• Engenharia de Software
– Práticas de Engenharia
– Rastreabilidade
– Ambiente
• Arquitetura Detalhada
Escalando o SCRUM
• Deve existir apenas 1 Product Backlog enquanto
múltiplos Times Scrum estiverem trabalhando em
um mesmo produto ou em produtos
• Quando existirem múltiplos Times Scrum, o
trabalho de cada time deve ser integrado a cada
– Sem isso o Product Owner não consegue validar o
• A definição de “pronto” deve ser a mesma para
todos os Times Scrum
Como escalar
Sprint “Zero”
Sprint Release
• Projetos grandes podem ter, opcionalmente,
uma Sprint Release ao final de algumas Sprints
• Podem servir para
– Preparar material de usuário
– Terminar treinamentos de usuários
– Preparar o HelpDesk para suportar o
• Essas Sprints não são oficiais no Scrum Guide
Um conselho
projetos ágeis
é a última
coisa que você
deve fazer
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
SCRUM’s Mall
• Vocês devem criar uma campanha publicitária do
novo Shopping SCRUM
Nossa engenharia
• Protótipo aprovado pelo Cliente
• Produto acabado
Nosso Product Backlog
1. Logomarca do shopping
2. Slogan do shopping
3. Mapa
4. Definir 3 serviços
exclusivos do shopping
5. Expor uma festa de
Nosso processo
• Sprint Planning – 10 minutos
• 3 Dias de Sprint – 20 minutos cada
• Daily Scrum – 1 minutos
• Sprint Review – 10 minutos
• Sprint Retrospective – 10 minutos
Review Meeting
SCRUM’s Mall
Últimas palavras
• Quem acredita que o SCRUM pode ajudar?
Links interessantes
Ferramentas SCRUM (free)
Artigos e recursos
Projetos hoje
Visão Geral
do Scrum
Dinâmica Sprints
Scrum of
Artefatos Reuniões
Certificação PSM - I
• Primeiro passo de certificação para Scrum Master
oferecida pela
• Detalhes
– US$ 100.00
– 80 questões de múltipla escolha em inglês
• Escolha única
• Verdadeiro/Falso
• Escolhas múltiplas com ou sem indicação de quantidade
– Nota para passar: 85% (68 acertos)
– 1 hora pra fazer
– Exame via web, de qualquer lugar
Certificação PSM – I
• Scrum framework
• Teorias e princípios do Scrum
• Times auto-gerenciáveis e multi-funcionais
• Facilitação
• Escalando Scrum
SCRUM – Preparatório PSM I
Simulado – Modelo 01
01. What is the maximum amount of time that the Team should spend in the Daily
a) As long as it takes
b) 1 hour
c) 45 minutes
d) 15 minutes
e) 15 minutes, proportionally less for shorter Sprints
07. The individual, detailed pieces of work that are needed to convert a Product Backlog
Item into a working software component or solution are called:
a) User Stories
b) Use Cases
c) Line Items
d) Tasks
Adilson Taub Jr
08. Why does Scrum prevent Product Owners from changing Product Backlog Items that
are being worked on during the Sprint?
a) The Development Team cannot meet their Sprint commitment to complete
work if requirements are changing
b) A Sprint cycle is not enough time for senior management review and approve
c) This forces Product Owners to focus on what is really important for the team
to develop
d) The development team must be able to limit the Product Owner authority
10. You are the new Scrum Master at a company currently doing RUP in three month
iterations. Your current task in switching from RUP to Scrum is to define how long
the Sprint cycle should be. In what units of time should you define the sprint cycle?
a) A fixed amount of months
b) A fixed amount of weeks, excluding holidays
c) A fixed amount of days
d) A fixed amount of hours
11. Which of the following statements best explains what the term Sprint means in
a) A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to test and resolve any issues
prior to product release or shipment
b) A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to work at a sustainable pace to
finish selected work
c) A sprint is agreed upon period of time for team members to select individual
items from product backlog to work on
d) A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to work as many hours as
needed to finish assigned work
12. ____________ can change the priority of items in the ____________ backlog at any
a) The Team; Product
b) The Product Owner(s); Sprint
c) The Product Owner(s); Product
d) The Scrum Master; Sprint
Adilson Taub Jr
14. Which of the following statements best describes Product Backlog items?
a) Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be placed on the
Product Backlog with a low priority
b) All Product Backlog items are the result of an analysis, requirements and/or
design phase(s)
c) Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be kept out from
the Product Backlog until sufficient detail is known
d) Every Product Backlog item, whether low priority or high priority, should
possess sufficient detail for the Team to complete in a Sprint
15. ____________ constitute the Sprint Backlog and are often estimated in hours.
a) User Stories
b) Use Cases
c) Features
d) Tasks
17. Who determines whether the Development Team has been assigned enough work in
a Sprint?
a) The Development Team
b) The Product Owner
c) The Product Owner and the Scrum Master
d) The Scrum Master
19. Which of the following activities do not occur at the end of the Sprint?
a) Software development
b) Release deployment
c) Sprint review meeting
d) Quality assurance testing
Adilson Taub Jr
20. What does the Scrum Development Team attempt to develop every Sprint?
a) A product that is ready for customer delivery
b) A completed Sprint Backlog
c) A product that is ready for QA and/or QC testing
d) A product increment that is potentially-ready for customer delivery
21. A _______________ is created during the first half of the Sprint Planning Meeting
and a ___________ is created during the second half of the Sprint Planning Meeting.
a) Sprint Backlog; collection of tasks
b) Product Backlog; collection of tasks
c) Sprint Goal; Sprint Backlog
d) Product Backlog; Sprint Backlog
23. Please, select which of the following statements are true regarding the Sprint
a) The Product Owner itemizes which Product Backlog items are done and which
Product Backlog items are not done during Sprint Review
b) The Product Owner demonstrates potentially-shippable product features
and/or components during the Sprint Review
c) The Scrum Master provides a report of what happened during the Sprint
d) The Development Team demonstrates potentially-shippable product features
and/or components during the Sprint Review
e) Feedback from stakeholders during the Sprint Review may result in additional
Product Backlog items
24. What is the maximum duration of each Sprint Planning Meeting section?
a) 1 hour
b) 30 minutes
c) 4 hours
d) 2 hours
e) 15 minutes
25. From the activities given, which is the latest step in sequence of the Scrum
a) Daily scrum
b) Sprint retrospective
c) Sprint review
d) Sprint planning
Adilson Taub Jr
26. Which of the following is not a Scrum Master responsibility?
a) Establish priorities together with product owner for Product Backlog items
b) Preventing Senior Management from shifting team priorities
c) Empowering team
d) Socializing scrum throughout the organization
28. How many hours per day should a person on a Scrum Team work?
a) A sustainable pace, usually from 7-8 hours per day
b) An “ideal day” measuring only when he or she is productive
c) However many hours are needed to get the work done
d) 14 hours
29. According to Scrum, the amount of time for a team to plan Sprint activities is
expressed in what unit of time?
a) Weeks
b) Days
c) Hours
d) Minutes
30. You are the Scrum Master and your Development Team of 6 members has
completed six Sprints with the following information:
Sprint 1: 10 points
Sprint 2: 11 points
Sprint 3: 15 points
Sprint 4: 14 points
Sprint 5: 15 points
Sprint 6: 10 points
The remaining story points for total product development are 42. What is the
approximate number of Sprint required to complete product development?
a) 6
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3
Adilson Taub Jr
31. Under what circumstances the Product Backlog should be reprioritized?
a) The Scrum Master should reprioritize the Product Backlog only at the end of a
new Sprint
b) The Scrum Master should reprioritize the Product Backlog only at the
beginning of a new Sprint
c) The Team should reprioritize the Product Backlog only at the end of a new
d) The Product Owner should reprioritize the Product Backlog whenever new
information is learned
32. How could the team and other stakeholders know if a Product Backlog item is done?
a) They should ask to the member’s Development Team
b) They should compare what was done, against the definition of “done”
established by the Scrum Team
c) Ask to the Product Owner
d) Ask the Manager
34. Which statement best describes what it means for an activity to be time-boxed?
a) The activity must take place on a particular date
b) The activity must start at a particular time
c) The is a maximum time limit for the activity
d) There is a recommended amount of time for the activity
35. Which statement below best describes the primary objective of the Sprint Review?
a) The primary objective of the Sprint Review is to demo the Sprint work for
Senior Management
b) The primary objective of the Sprint Review is to demo the Sprint work and to
receive feedback from the Product Owner(s) on the work completed in the
c) The primary objective of the Sprint Review is to demo the Sprint work and to
receive feedback from the Scrum Master on the work completed in the Sprint
d) The primary objective of the Sprint Review is to demo the Sprint work and
recommend ways to work better in the Sprint
Adilson Taub Jr
36. You are the Scrum Master and the very first Sprint will complete in 5 days. You are
creating a meeting invite for the Sprint Review to demo the items completed in the
Sprint. Who should you invite as a required attendee to the Sprint Review?
1: Product Owner(s)
2: Development Team
3: Business Users
a) 1, 2 and 3
b) 1 and 2 only
c) The entire company
d) 1 only
37. You are the Scrum master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the
Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks
in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks,
two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product Backlog item and
one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog
item. How should the Development Team handle the remaining tasks?
a) The Development Team should negotiate with the Product Owner on the
definition of “done”
b) The Development Team should work the extra 8 hours to complete their
commitment to the Product Owner
c) The Development Team should place the two Product Backlog items back onto
the Product Backlog
d) The Development Team should keep the three tasks on the Sprint Backlog for
the next Sprint and complete those tasks first
38. Which statement below best describes the primary objective of the Sprint
a) The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to identify what went
wrong or hindered the Sprint
b) The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to provide feedback to the
Product Owner(s)
c) The primary objective of the Sprint Retrospective is to recommend ways to
work better in the Sprint
Adilson Taub Jr
40. What artifact shows current versus planned progress?
a) User Stories
b) Burndown Chart
c) Task Breakdown
42. What is the maximum amount of time a Sprint Retrospective should take?
a) 1 hour
b) 1 and half hour
c) 3 hours, for an 30 days Sprint
43. What happens when all committed items (requirements) are not completed at the
end of the Sprint?
a) The Sprint duration is extended
b) The tasks are determined to be unnecessary
c) The return to the Product Backlog
d) None of the above
44. The most encouraged time of day to hold a Scrum Daily Meeting is:
a) At the beginning of the working day
b) Immediately after lunch
c) 4:30 PM
d) 7:00 PM
Adilson Taub Jr
48. Who is required to attend the Daily Scrum?
a) Scrum Master
b) Development Team
c) Development Team and Product Owner
d) Development Team and Scrum Master
49. On a new Scrum Team, the Development Team tells the Scrum Master that they
don’t feel the need for retrospectives. Which answer is correct?
a) Discuss with Product Owner
b) Start doing retrospectives
c) None of above
Adilson Taub Jr
55. What is the major difference between Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog?
a) The Product Backlog is equal to the Sprint Backlog
b) The Product Backlog is a subset of the Sprint Backlog
c) The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog
d) The Sprint Backlog is owned by the Product Owner
56. As the Sprint Planning progresses, the workload has grown beyond the Development
Team’s capacity. Which action makes most sense for the Team?
a) Work overtime for the Sprint
b) Collaborate with the Product Owner and potentially remove or change items
c) Cancel the Sprint
d) Recruit additional team members
60. Who is the ultimate responsible for the Product Backlog item estimation?
a) The Development Team
b) Scrum Master
c) Stakeholders
d) Project Owner
61. More than one Scrum Team is working on a single project or release. How should the
Product Backlog be arranged?
a) A separate Product Backlog is constructed for each Scrum Team. All of the
increments are integrated at the end in a Integration Sprint
b) All Scrum Teams work from a common Product Backlog and integrate their
work every Sprint
c) Only one Scrum Team should work on a Scrum project
d) Scrum Teams should have their separate Product Backlogs
Adilson Taub Jr
62. When many Scrum Teams are working on a project, what best describes the
definition of “done”?
a) All teams must use the same definition
b) Each Team defines and uses its own
c) Each Team uses its own but must make it clear to all other Teams
d) It depends
63. When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of their
increments be integrated every Sprint?
a) No, that is far too hard
b) No, each Scrum Team stands alone
c) Yes, but only the Scrum’s Teams whose work has dependencies
d) Yes, otherwise Product Owners may not be able to inspect what is done
65. When should the Product Owner ship or implement a Sprint increment?
a) At the end of every Sprint
b) When the Team feels is done with every Sprint
c) Whenever the increment is free of defects
d) When it makes sense
Adilson Taub Jr
68. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:
a) Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to
the Product Owner
b) Turn the Product Backlog it selects into an increment of potentially shippable
product functionality
c) Do all the development work, but not the types of testing that require
specialized testing, toold and environments
69. Who determines when it is appropriate to update the Sprint Backlog during a Sprint?
a) The Project Manager
b) The Scrum Team
c) The Development Team
d) The Product Owner
70. Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint (choose 2)?
a) A single document, if that is what the Product Owner asked for
b) An increment of software with minor known bugs in it
c) Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance tests for the next Sprint
d) An increment of working software that is “done”
71. Which three activities will a Product Owner likely engage in during a Sprint?
a) Run the Daily Scrum
b) Answer questions from the Development Team about items in the current
c) Update the Sprint Burndown Chart
d) Work with the stakeholders
e) Prioritize the Development Team’s activities
f) Provide feedback
Adilson Taub Jr
74. What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team at its highest
level of productivity?
a) By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time
b) By facilitating the Development Team’s decisions and removing impediments
c) By preventing changes to the Backlog once the Sprint begins
d) By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog
76. Which of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during a Sprint Retrospective?
a) Methods of communication
b) The way the Scrum Team does Sprint Planning
c) Skills needed to improve the Development Team’s ability to deliver
d) Its Definition of “done”
e) All of the above
77. Which three questions are answered by all Development Team members at the Daily
a) What work am I going to do today?
b) Why were you late?
c) What impediments are in the way of accomplishing my work?
d) What work did I do yesterday?
e) How is the Sprint proceeding?
79. The Sprint Goal is selected before the Sprint Backlog is created?
a) True
b) False
80. Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a
release, and be able to explain the alternatives most cleary?
a) The Product Owner
b) The Scrum Master
c) The Project Manager
d) The Development Team
Adilson Taub Jr
Questão Resposta Questão Resposta Questão Resposta Questão Resposta
01 D 21 C 41 A 61 B
02 B 22 C 42 C 62 A
03 A 23 A/D/E 43 C 63 D
04 C 24 C 44 A 64 B
05 B 25 B 45 A 65 A
06 B 26 A 46 C/D/G 66 C
07 D 27 D 47 A 67 A
08 A 28 A 48 B 68 B
09 A 29 C 49 B 69 C
10 C 30 C 50 C 70 B/D
11 B 31 D 51 A 71 B/D/F
12 C 32 B 52 B 72 D
13 C 33 A 53 C 73 A/D
14 A 34 C 54 B 74 B
15 D 35 B 55 C 75 A
16 B 36 B 56 B 76 E
17 A 37 C 57 C 77 A/C/D
18 C 38 C 58 D 78 D
19 A/B/D 39 B 59 B 79 A
20 D 40 B 60 A 80 A
Adilson Taub Jr
SCRUM – Preparatório PSM I
Simulado – Modelo 02
01. Upon what type of process control is Scrum based?
a) Hybrid
b) Defined
c) Complex
d) Empirical
02. What is the maximum time that Scrum recommends the team spend in the Daily
a) 15 minutes
b) 30 minutes
c) One hour
d) Four hors
e) As long as it takes
07. When should the Product Owner ship or implement a Sprint increment?
a) At the end of every Sprint
b) When the Team feels is done with every Sprint
c) Whenever the increments is free of defects
d) When it makes sense
Adilson Taub Jr
08. When does Scrum team membership change?
a) Every Sprint to promote team learning
b) As needed, while taking into account short term reduction in productivity
c) Never, because it reduces productivity
d) Whenever managements tells the Scrum team
09. How much work must a Scrum Team do to a Product Backlog it selects for a Sprint?
a) As much work as the Team can fit into a Sprint
b) All of the analysis, design, development, testing and documentation work
c) The best amount of work the Team can do given that is usually impossible for
QA to finish all the testing that is needed to prove it can be shipped
d) As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product
Backlog item it selects
10. During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the
Sprint Backlog?
a) When the Product Owner identifies a new work
b) As soon as possible after they are identified
c) During the Daily Scrum, after the Development Team approves them
d) When the Scrum Master has time to enter them
11. Which of the below are main Scrum roles in a Scrum Team?
a) Product Owner and Customers
b) Development Team, Product Owner and Scrum Master
c) Scrum Master, Customers, Product Owner, Stakeholders, Developers
d) Team, Users and Competitors
12. What is the best term to define the function of the Scrum Master?
a) Customer
b) Developer
c) Servant Leader
d) Stakeholder
14. What part of the Sprint Backlog is used for the Sprint burndown chart?
a) The percentage of work completed by each team member
b) The number of Product backlog items completed by all the team members
c) The actual time spent on each task by each team member
d) The remaining time required to complete each task by each team member
Adilson Taub Jr
15. The Sprint Backlog is owned by?
a) The Product Owner
b) The Scrum Master
c) The Stakeholders
d) The Development Team
18. Assuming a 2-week Sprint, what is the time-box for the Sprint Review?
a) 2 hours at the end of every Sprint
b) 15 minutes
c) However long is needed
d) 4 hours
20. Who is ultimate responsible for the Product Backlog item estimates?
a) Scrum Master
b) Product Owner
c) Stakeholders
d) Development Team
Adilson Taub Jr
22. What happens when the Sprint is cancelled?
a) The Scrum Team disbands immediately
b) The complete Sprint Backlog is put back to the Product Backlog
c) The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release and
incomplete items are discarded
d) The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release and
incomplete items are put back to the Product Backlog
23. More than one Scrum Team is working on a single project or release. How should the
Product Backlog be arranged?
a) A separate Product Backlog is constructed for each Scrum Team. All of the
increments are integrated at the end in an integration Sprint
b) All Scrum Teams work from a common Product Backlog and integrate their
work every Sprint
c) Only one Scrum Team should work on Scrum project
d) Scrum Team should have their separate Product Backlogs
24. When many Scrum Teams are working on a project, what best describes the
definition of “done”?
a) Each Team defines and uses its own
b) Each Team uses its owns but must make it clear to all other Teams
c) All teams must use the same definition
d) It depends
Adilson Taub Jr
28. For a one month Sprint, how much time should be dedicated for the Sprint Planning
a) 8 hours
b) Whatever time is needed
c) 1 month
d) 4 hours
29. A properly functioning Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint and my well
have several
a) True
b) False
34. What is the recommended size for a Developer Team (within the Scrum Team)?
a) 6 plus or minus 3
b) 3 plus or minus 1
c) 15 plus or minus 3
d) 9 plus or minus 2
Adilson Taub Jr
35. What is the major difference between Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog?
a) The Product Backlog is equal to the Sprint Backlog
b) The Product Backlog is a subset of the Sprint Backlog
c) The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog
d) The Sprint Backlog is owned by the Product Owner
37. As the Sprint Planning progresses, the workload has grown beyond the team’s
capacity. Which action makes most sense for the Team?
a) Work overtime for the Sprint
b) Collaborate with the Product Owner and potentially remove or change items
c) Cancel the Sprint
d) Recruit additional team members
40. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:
a) Turn the Product Backlog it selects into an increment of potentially shippable
product functionality
b) Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to
the Product Owner
c) Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require
specialized testing, tools and environments
41. When a Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint,
who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?
a) The Scrum Master, project manager and Development Team
b) The Development Team
c) The Product Owner and Development Team
d) The Product Owner and all stakeholders
Adilson Taub Jr
42. Who is responsible for updating the work estimates during a Sprint?
a) The Scrum Master
b) The Development Team
c) The Product Owner
d) The most junior member of the Team
43. How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects
for a Sprint?
a) As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product
Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of “done”
b) As much as it can fit into the Sprint
c) Analysis, design, programming, testing and documentation
d) The best it can do given that it is usually impossible for QA to finish the testing
that is needed to prove shippability
44. The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to the current
Sprint. What should the Development Team do?
a) Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size
b) Add the time to the next Sprint
c) Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO
d) Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments
45. The Development Team should not be interrupted during the Sprint. The work it
selects for the Sprint should not be changed. The Sprint Goal should remain intact.
All of these attributes of a Sprint foster creativity, quality and productivity. Based on
this, which of the following is false?
a) As a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog Items, the Sprint Backlog
changes and may grow as the work emerges
b) The Sprint Backlog and its contents are fully formulated in the Sprint Planning
meeting and do not change during the Sprint
c) The Product Owner can help clarify or optimize the Sprint when asked by the
Development Team
d) The Development Team may work with the Product Owner to remove or add
work if it finds it has more or less capacity than it expected
46. Which two (2) things does the Development Team not do during the first Sprint?
a) Develop a plan for the rest of the project
b) Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure
c) Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality
d) Deliver an increment of potentially shippable funcionality
47. What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its
highest level of productivity?
a) By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog
b) By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time
c) By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments
d) By preventing changes to the Backlog once the Sprint begins
Adilson Taub Jr
48. The timebox for the complete Sprint Planning Meeting is?
a) 8 hours for a monthly Sprint, proportionately less for shorter Sprints
b) 4 hours
c) Monthly
d) Whenever it is done
52. Who has the last say on the order of the Product Backlog?
a) The CEO
b) The Development Team
c) The Stakeholders
d) The Product Owner
e) The Scrum Master
54. Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a
release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?
a) The Project Manager
b) The Product Owner
c) The Scrum Master
d) The Development Team
Adilson Taub Jr
55. Which statement best describes a Product Owner’s responsibility?
a) Managing the project and ensuring that the work meets the commitments to
the stakeholders
b) Optimizing the Return on Investment (ROI) and the Total Cost of Ownership
(TCO) of the work the Development Team does
c) Keeping stakeholders at bay
d) Directing the Development Team
58. A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but it is growing and he/she
has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments. Which three
techniques would be most helpful in this situation?
a) Arrange a triage meeting with all other project managers
b) Alert the management about the impediments and their impact
c) Consult with the Development Team
d) Tell the Product Owner that Scrum isn’t working
e) Prioritize the list and work on them in order
f) Discuss the absence of management support with the Development Team
59. The reason the Scrum Master is at the Daily Scrum is…
a) To write down any changes to the Sprint Backlog, including adding new items
and tracking progress on the burndown
b) To make sure everyone answers the three questions in order of seniority
c) He or she doesn’t have to be there; he/she only has to ensure the
Development Team has a Daily Scrum
d) So he/she knows what to report to management
Adilson Taub Jr
61. Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?
a) It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the Sprint
and figure out what to do in the upcoming Sprint
b) It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to provide
feedback on the work done
c) It is a review of the team’s activities during the Sprint
d) It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it committed to
doing, or to punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its commitments
62. The maximum length of the Sprint Review (its time box) is:
a) 1 day
b) 4 hours for a monthly Sprint, proportionally less for shorter Sprints
c) 2 hours
d) As long as needed
64. Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?
a) Rooms are hard to book and this lets it be booked in advance
b) The consistency reduces complexity and overheard
c) The place can be named
d) The Product Owner demands it
66. Which of the following is NOT a time-box in Scrum (choose as many as apply)?
a) Release Retrospective
b) Release Testing
c) Sprint Retrospective
d) Sprint Planning Meeting
e) Sprint 0
f) Sprint Testing
g) Daily Scrum
Adilson Taub Jr
67. How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum?
a) Management gives an update at the start of each Daily Scrum
b) The Product Owner represents their opinions
c) The Development Team self-manages and is the only management required at
the Daily Scrum. All others cannot attend
d) The Scrum Master speaks on their behalf
68. Which answer best describes the topics covered in the Sprint Planning Meeting?
a) What to do and who will do it
b) What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently this Sprint
c) Who is on the team and what team member roles will be
d) What to do and how to do it
e) How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve
69. When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a separate
Product Backlog.
a) True
b) False
70. When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best
describes the definition of “done”?
a) Each Development Team defines and uses its own. The various differences are
discussed and reconciled during the stabilization phase
b) All Development Teams must have a definition of “done” that when their work
integrates results in a definition of “done” that is potentially releasable
c) Each Development Team uses its owns, but must make it clear to all other
Teams if there are differences
d) It depends
71. Sprint burndown charts are an efficient tracking tool because they show:
a) How many Product Backlog items remain
b) Estimated work remaining for the Sprint
c) How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member
d) How much effort has gone into a Sprint
72. What are some consequences if a Development Team does not have a consistent
definition of “done” from Sprint to Sprint?
a) The Development Team may not know how many Product Backlog items it can
do in a Sprint
b) The Product Owner may not know what he/she is inspecting at the Sprint
c) The Product Owner may be unable to gauge the progress toward his/her goals
d) The Development Team may not know what work is entailed in completing the
selected Product Backlog items
e) All the above
Adilson Taub Jr
73. What are the benefits to the Scrum Development Team of self-organization?
a) Management can blame people more easily
b) Increased commitment
c) Increased creativity
d) Increased feeling of accountability
75. A new developer has joined and existing Scrum Team. He/she is having continuing
conflicts with existing members and is making the environment hostile. Who is
responsible for removing the new team member, and why?
a) The Development Team is responsible because it is a self-managing Team,
although it may have to be advised by the Scrum Master
b) The manager to whom he/she reports is responsible because he/she has
authority for hiring and firing
c) Scrum Master is responsible because he/she need to remove impediments
d) Product Owner is responsible because he/she controls the Return on
Investment (ROI) of the work
76. During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible?
a) Prioritizing the resulting action items
b) Facilitating and also participating as a Scrum Team member
c) Acting as a scribe to capture the Development Team’s answers
d) Summarizing and reporting the discussions to management
77. The Scrum Master should not allow the Product Owner to go to the Sprint Planning
meeting without having already devised the Sprint Goal.
a) True
b) False
78. Scrum is a methodology that tells in detail how to build software incrementally.
a) True
b) False
Adilson Taub Jr
80. Which of the following is the Development Team not responsible for?
a) Monitoring and optimizing the work required to meet the Sprint goal at least
b) Resolving internal conflicts
c) Selecting the Product Owner
d) Monitoring and increasing productivity
e) Planning how to meet a Sprint goal
Adilson Taub Jr
Questão Resposta Questão Resposta Questão Resposta Questão Resposta
01 D 21 D 41 C 61 A
02 A 22 D 42 B 62 B
03 C 23 B 43 A 63 A
04 D 24 C 44 C 64 B
05 C 25 D 45 B 65 D
06 A 26 D 46 A/B 66 A/B/E/F
07 A 27 D 47 C 67 C
08 B 28 A 48 A 68 D
09 D 29 B 49 B 69 B
10 B 30 B 50 C 70 B
11 B 31 C 51 A 71 B
12 C 32 D 52 D 72 E
13 D 33 B 53 E 73 B/C/D
14 D 34 A 54 B 74 A
15 D 35 C 55 B 75 A
16 D 36 D 56 A/B/C 76 B
17 D 37 B 57 A/B/E 77 B
18 A 38 B 58 B/C/E 78 B
19 C 39 C 59 C 79 D
20 D 40 A 60 A 80 C
Adilson Taub Jr
SCRUM – Preparatório PSM I
Simulado – Modelo 03
01. The primary reason one might choose a four-week Sprint is when the work is too
large for a two-week Sprint and cannot be decomposed further.
a) True
b) False
03. The Development Team should not be interrupted during the Sprint. The Sprint Goal
should remain intact. These are conditions that foster creativity, quality and
productivity. Based on this, which of the following is false?
a) As a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog Items, the Sprint Backlog
changes and may grow as the work emerges
b) The Sprint Backlog and its contents are fully formulated in the Sprint Planning
Meeting and do not change during the Sprint
c) The Development Team may work with the Product Owner to remove or add
work if it finds it has more or less capacity than it expected
d) The Product Owner can help clarify or optimize the Sprint when asked by the
Development Team
04. The Product Owner remains distant. He/she has handed over the required Product
Backlog for the Sprint, but is not collaborating with the Development Team during
the Sprint. What are valuable actions for a Scrum Master?
a) Coach the Product Owner in the values of Scrum and incremental delivery
b) Bring up the problem in the Sprint Retrospective
c) Stop the Sprint, send the Product Owner to a course and restart
d) Nominate a proxy Product Owner
05. How much of the Sprint Backlog must be defined during the Sprint Planning
a) Enough so the Development Team can create its best forecast of what it can
do, and to start the first several days of the Sprint
b) Just enough tasks for the Scrum Master to be confident in the Development
Team’s understanding of the Sprint
c) All of the potential work. The Sprint Planning Meeting isn’t over until 100% of
the work is indentified and estimated
d) Just enough to understand design and architectural implications
Adilson Taub Jr
06. Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint
a) It is a task list where every Development Team member has signed up for all
the tasks that he/she intends to do in the Sprint
b) It is a decomposition of Product Backlog items such that enough work is
decomposed for at least the first days of the Sprint
c) It must be ordered by the Product Owner
d) It is an exhaustive list of all tasks for the Sprint. Tasks must be estimated in
e) It is a list of the User Stories estimated in story points, and a list of
corresponding tasks that are estimated in hours
07. When does a Development Team make adjustments to its engineering practices?
a) After they have been discussed and agreed to at the Sprint Retrospective
b) Whenever needed
c) During Sprint Planning
d) Prior to starting a project
e) Before a Sprint begins
09. When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a separate
Product Backlog:
a) True
b) False
11. Who has the last say on the order of the Product Backlog?
a) The Development Team
b) The CEO
c) The Scrum Master
d) The Product Owner
e) The Stakeholders
Adilson Taub Jr
12. Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning?
a) Who is on the team and what team member roles will be
b) How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve
c) What can be done and how to do it
d) What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently this Sprint
e) What to do and who will do it
13. Which of the following is the Development Team NOT responsible for?
a) Selecting the Product Owner
b) Planning how to meet a Sprint goal
c) Monitoring and increasing productivity
d) Monitoring and optimizing the work required to meet the Sprint goal at least
e) Resolving internal conflicts
15. What are some consequences if a Development Team does not have a consistent
definition of done from Sprint to Sprint?
a) The Development Team may not know many Product Backlog items it can do in
a Sprint
b) The Product Owner may not know what he/she is inspecting at the Sprint
c) The Product Owner may be unable to gauge the progress toward his/her goals
d) The Development Team may not know what work is entailed in completing
selected Product Backlog Items
e) All of the above
16. When a Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint,
who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?
a) The Development Team
b) The Product Owner and all stakeholders
c) The Product Owner and Development Team
d) The Scrum Master, project manager and Development Team
Adilson Taub Jr
18. Why does a Development Team need a Sprint Goal?
a) Sprint Goals are not valuable. Everything is known from the Product Backlog
b) The Development Team is more focused through a common yet specific goal
c) A Sprint Goal ensures that all of the Product Backlog items selected for the
Sprint are implemented
d) A Sprint Goal gives only purpose to Sprint 0
19. As Scrum Teams mature, it is expected that the following decision is likely to be
a) The Sprint Retrospectives will grow to be longer than 4 hours
b) A Scrum Master is no longer needed since they are a mature team now
c) They will improve their Definition of Done to include more stringent criteria
d) Sprint Reviews will no longer be needed
e) There is no need for a time-boxed Sprint, since time-boxes are only for new
Scrum teams
20. The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to the current
Sprint. What should the Development Team do?
a) Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments
b) Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO
c) Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size
d) Add the item to the next Sprint
22. Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint (choose 2)?
a) An increment of working software that is “done”
b) Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance testes for the next Sprint
c) An increment of software with minor known bugs in it
d) A single document, if that is what the Product Owner asked for
23. Who is responsible for registering the work estimates during a Sprint?
a) The most junior member of the Team
b) The Scrum Master
c) The Product Owner
d) The Development Team
24. If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what do they track?
a) Accumulated business value delivered to the customer
b) Individual worker productivity
c) Accumulated cost
d) Work remaining across time
Adilson Taub Jr
25. During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the
Sprint Backlog?
a) When the Product Owner identifies a new work
b) As soon as possible after they are identified
c) During the Daily Scrum, after the Development Team approves them
d) When the Scrum Master has time to enter them
26. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:
a) Turn the Product Backlog items it selects into an increment of potentially
shippable product functionality
b) Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to
the Product Owner
c) Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require
specialized testing, tools and environments
Adilson Taub Jr
31. During the Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master’s role is to:
a) Facilitate discussions of the Development Team
b) Ensure that all three questions have been answered
c) Ensure that each team member has a chance to speak
d) Teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute
e) All of the above
32. What is the main reason for the Scrum Master to be at the Daily Scrum?
a) To make sure every team member answers the three question in the right
member order
b) To write down any changes to the Sprint Backlog, including adding new items
and tracking progress on the burndown
c) He or she does not have to be there: he or she only has to ensure the
Development Team has a Daily Scrum
d) To gather status and progress information to report to management
33. Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint (select all that apply)?
a) The length of the Sprint should be proportional to the work that is done in
between Sprints
b) All Sprints must be 1 month or less
c) It is best to have Sprints of consistent length throughout a development effort
d) Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should hold the time it
will take to code the planned features in the upcoming Sprint, but does not
include time for any testing
e) Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should be long enough
to make sure the Development Team can deliver what is to be accomplished in
the upcoming Sprint
35. A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a New Development Team. The Team has
decided that a Retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master
a) Comply with the decision of the self-organizing Team
b) Begin facilitating productive, useful retrospectives
c) Consult with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation
d) Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management
Adilson Taub Jr
36. Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a
release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?
a) The Product Owner
b) The Scrum Master
c) The Development Team
d) The Project Manager
37. What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its
highest level of productivity?
a) By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog
b) By preventing changes to the backlogs once the Sprint begins
c) By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments
d) By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time
39. Which of the following are two items are NOT topics of discussion within a Sprint
a) Definition of done
b) Team relations
c) Functionality implemented as a result of the Sprint
d) Process improvements
e) Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint
40. Which two (2) things does the Development Team not do during the first Sprint?
a) Develop a plan for the rest of the project
b) Deliver an increment of potentially shippable functionality
c) Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality
d) Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure
Adilson Taub Jr
Questão Resposta Questão Resposta
01 B 21 A
02 A/C/E 22 A/C
03 B 23 D
04 A/B 24 D
05 A 25 B
06 B 26 A
07 B 27 A
08 D 28 A
09 B 29 C
10 B 30 C
11 D 31 E
12 C 32 C
13 A 33 A/B/C
14 D 34 C
15 E 35 B
16 C 36 A
17 A 37 C
18 B 38 D
19 C 39 C/E
20 B 40 A/D
Adilson Taub Jr