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NTCIR-17 Conference

Poster Session Instruction

Presentation of Posters

Every NTCIR-17 active task participant team is required to make a presentation at Poster session (irrespective of oral presentation). If you are participating more than one task, please prepare one Poster for each task.


Poster Session Schedule

The poster sessions are scheduled as follows:

Day-3:Lunch Time (From 12:30 To 14:00), December 14 (Thu): FairWeb-1, Transfer, UFO, Session Search-2, ULTRE-2

Day-4:Lunch Time (From 12:00 To 13:30), December 15 (Fri): FinArg-1, MedNLP-SC, Lifelog-5, QA Lab-PoliInfo-5

The remote participant teams are not required to attend the poster sessions in real-time. We will prepare Slack for the discussions among the conference attendees.


What you do:

(1) Submit 'Poster Questionnaire Form' electronically (Due: October 20, 2023)

All active participant teams who submitted the results need to submit a Poster Questionnaire Form electronically for collecting your plan of the presentation style (in-person or remote) and requirements of poster position.

(2) Prepare your A0 Poster

For in-person participant team:

Please prepare your poster as A0 portait size or less. Please print out a poster by yourselves and bring it to the conference.

For remote participant team:

Please prepare your poster as A0 portait size or less. Please print out a poster and send it to NII.
Please make sure the poster arrives during 9:00 - 13:00 on December 5th (Tue).

The address you send your poster is

NTCIR Project Office
National Institute of Informatics, Rm 1507
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8430 Japan

email: ntc17-poster@nii.ac.jp
phone: +81-3-4212-2750

(3) Prepare and submit one minute presentation video (Due: December 1, 2023)

All active participant teams who submitted the results need to submit one minute presentation video via the video upload form by December 1st (Fri).

The uploaded video will be uploaded by the confernce organizers and be made available to the conference attendees during the conference. The videos will be also played during the poster session.


Presentation and Poster files (during or after the Conference)

Presentation slides and posters used in the Oral and Poster sessions are very informative to know the achievements of the researches done in NTCIR-17. We recommend you to provide us your files.

If you agree to make your presentation materials publicly available together with your paper in the online proceedings page, please make your poster or presentation ppt files into PDF format and rename your files with all the required information:

NTCIR17-[TASK]-[Family Name and Iinitial of the paper's first author]_['poster' or 'slides']. pdf

For example:
Task: FinArg-1, First author of the paper: Noriko Kando

Please rename the files as below:

File name of the poster:

File name of the slides:

And please send them to ntc17-proc@nii.ac.jp during or after the conference. (We are glad if you send us by December 22, 2023)



  1. If you have any questions, please contact: ntc17-oc@nii.ac.jp
  2. Poster allocation information will be announced later.
  3. For confirmation, every active participating team must submit the Poster Questionnaire Form even if you have no special request. Thank you.


Last modified: 2023-10-27