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Aviation safety and maintenance under major organizational changes, investigating non-existing accidents

Ivonne A. Herrera, Arve O. Nordskag, Grete Myhre, Kåre Halvorsen
2009 Accident Analysis and Prevention  
Hence, the studies in this thesis focus on the identification of safety performance indicators. This identification is influenced by the way safety is understood.  ...  The objective of the thesis is to present studies addressing the question: How do we identify that a system drifts or experiences sudden changes in the safety space?  ...  We are particularly grateful to the investigators and managers of the Norwegian Accident Investigation Board who commented on a draft of the model. Thanks to Ranveig K.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.aap.2008.06.007 pmid:19819363 fatcat:er6kxcrsfrg2hn72a2pd2i7e7e

The contribution of the voluntary sector to mental health crisis care: a mixed-methods study

Karen Newbigging, James Rees, Rebecca Ince, John Mohan, Doreen Joseph, Michael Ashman, Barbara Norden, Ceri Dare, Suzanne Bourke, Benjamin Costello
2020 Health Services and Delivery Research  
Limitations The survey response was low, reflecting the nature of voluntary sector organisations and demands on their time.  ...  Future work A whole-system approach to mental health crisis provision is needed.  ...  also grateful to James Bowles who mapped the distribution of relevant VSOs, Alex Davis who contributed to the study design and to the development of the research tools, and provided expert knowledge on  ... 
doi:10.3310/hsdr08290 fatcat:6mehfh6h7beepmqu24ps3qedli

Bossewitch_columbia_0054D_13197.pdf [article]

Projects like this one are never truly finished and this dissertation represents a significant milestone on the road to the stories, books and films I intend to spawn.  ...  Lieberman believes that only psychiatrists are qualified to speak about treatment, insists that psychiatric research is objective, based on "hard scientifically grounded" evidence, and fails to appreciate  ...  a style of support that one of the contributors valued, based on their lived experience.  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8057pn6 fatcat:kpjhdiu4sffy7jntyelh6gbhl4

Homo sacer: sovereign power and bare life

1999 ChoiceReviews  
If Foucault contests the traditional approach to the problem of power, which is exclusively based on juridical models ("What legitimates power?") or on institutional models ("What is the State?")  ...  One of the most persistent features of Foucault's work is its decisive abandonment of the traditional approach to the problem of power, which is based on juridico-institutional models (the definition of  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.36-4413 fatcat:5zdht2qrmzgqjnhndbg2frfv5y

Making space for grief

Sabine Harrer
2017 unpublished
This thesis looks at the new field of grief-based game design through a multidisciplinary lens, using textual analysis, a participatory design study focused on pregnancy loss, and a constructionist focus  ...  on grief as creative process of meaning reconstruction.  ...  This was supposed to invite a transition from a static towards a dynamic model with a possibility space; game system.  ... 
doi:10.25365/thesis.46756 fatcat:37gf6ypafzfd3dp5fzk3q24wly

While they were eating: Lukan mission through domestic hospitality and ministry as table-service, and implications for the contemporary church

Nicholas Tuohy
"The aim of this thesis is to show how in Luke's Gospel, Jesus and the early church relied on food and hospitality provided in homes to propagate the mission of bringing the good news of the kingdom of  ...  Secondly, in Luke-Acts provision of meals in homes was also a means of serving Christ and one another through table ministry.  ...  I would also like to thank Associate Professor David Sim for his persistence and help in keeping me on track.  ... 
doi:10.4226/66/5a962521c6881 fatcat:hfoj7srpsrh25n2eqf6ruifidi

Kurt Birrenbach and the Evolution of German Atlanticism

Samuel Joseph Baurkot
Those challenges confronting Atlanticism in the Federal Republic, among them the persistence of Conservative Abendland perspectives and, later, the rise on the Left of interrelated pacifist, anti-nuclear  ...  that theme. 78 Finally, during difficult economic times, Birrenbach readily exploited themselves and be based on the often changing and dynamic economic, technological and competitive conditions of the  ...  based on "die Moral," see KB to Prof.  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8gh9g33 fatcat:5pvm53crnjcexaxm746hhdrc7a

The Red River Resistance of 1869-1870: The Machiavellian Moment of the Métis of Manitoba

Darren O'Toole, Université D'Ottawa / University Of Ottawa, Université D'Ottawa / University Of Ottawa
In the second chapter, I will develop a model of democratic rhetorical republicanism based on the conventions in republican literature.  ...  safety.  ... 
doi:10.20381/ruor-4333 fatcat:jniudrp5h5cn3cz6ytyrlwc7p4

Politeiai and Reputation in Plato's Thought

Andreas Avgousti
The Athenian calls for a 'complete and perpetual security (sôtêrian) for your creation', and Cleinias describes the Council as a 'safety-device (sôtêria) for our political system and legal code' (12.960e  ...  famous of which is Machiavelli's Prince. 81 of the system,[and] not[as] an indication that the system has in fact collapsed.' 17The choice between the rule or power of law, on the one hand, and the  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8kp817s fatcat:5pb6iffznjgv5hggj4mlovjlf4