The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding am... more The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding among 3384 of the world's languages and dialects (henceforth, languages) currently found in the ASJP database (ASJP stands for Automated Similarity Judgment Program). ...
The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding am... more The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding among 3384 of the world's languages and dialects (henceforth, languages) currently found in the ASJP database (ASJP stands for Automated Similarity Judgment Program). ...
The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding am... more The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding among 3384 of the world's languages and dialects (henceforth, languages) currently found in the ASJP database (ASJP stands for Automated Similarity Judgment Program). ...
The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding am... more The World Language Tree graphically illustrates relative degrees of lexical similarity holding among 3384 of the world's languages and dialects (henceforth, languages) currently found in the ASJP database (ASJP stands for Automated Similarity Judgment Program). ...
Papers by Helen Geyer
Papers from 2010 by Helen Geyer