ABSTRACT The majority of walisongo come from abroad. The background of their arrival in Java gave rise to polemics. The first opinion states that they went to Java by chance. The second opinion is based on information from Kanzul Ulum... more
The majority of walisongo come from abroad. The background of their arrival in Java gave rise to polemics. The first opinion states that they went to Java by chance. The second opinion is based on information from Kanzul Ulum that they went to Java because they were recruited by the Ottoman Empire. This research uses the Philosophy of History method which combines an empirical scientific paradigm and a speculative philosophical paradigm. The result of this study is that both opinions can be associated with cycle patterns. The difference is that the first opinion tends to be the same as Augustine's version of the Fatum Law which is centered on the hereafter. While the second opinion tends to be the same as Ibn Khaldun's version of Fatum Law which is not only related to the hereafter but also the process of educating people who fight for their society. The driving factors that give rise to these two opinions can also be related to the hadith that motivates Muslims to preach. If its meaning is associated with the Law of Fatum Augustine, then there is no need for recruitment because anyone must be ready to carry it out. However, if it is associated with the Fatum Law of Ibn Khaldun, the recruitment is significant to prepare better Human Resources than before. The ultimate goal of the historical process is its synthesis. The conclusion is that these two opinions are complementary and interrelated, because they are both part of the cycle pattern of the spread of Islam in Java since the 13th century. The first speculation focuses on the spread of Islam during the walisongo period in the 15th-16th centuries, while the second speculation discusses the plan to recruit walisongo that has started since the 14th century.
Keywords: polemic, Kanzul Ulum, the background of Walisongo's arrival, Philosophy of History
Epistimologi Sufistik merupakan salah satu sebuah disiplin ilmu pengetahuan tentang bagaimana pendekatan para sufi (orang yang menekuni bidang tasawuf) dalam menggunakan berbagai upaya untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan, memahami... more
Epistimologi Sufistik merupakan salah satu sebuah disiplin ilmu pengetahuan tentang bagaimana pendekatan para sufi (orang yang menekuni bidang tasawuf) dalam menggunakan berbagai upaya untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan, memahami semesta dan semua hal yang ada di dunia ini secara holistik dalam kerangka konstruksi tasawuf.
In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the... more
In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the existence of Indonesia as a law state that adheres to a democratic system requires the existence of Islamic legal legislation from living law to legal law. Where, Fiqh began to be formulated into constitution. Therefore, Indonesia, which is known as the trias politica government system (Judicative, Executive and Legislative), must also provide space for Muslims in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) to form Islamic law in Indonesia. This legislative process in Islam is known as Taqnīn Al-Ahkām (legal legislation). Abstrak Dalam penetapan hukum (istinbath al-hukm), Islam menggunakan pendekatan terhadap al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis, dimana kedua merupakan rujukan segala problematika hukum. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan mayoritas pemeluk agama Islam terbesar di dunia. Tidak demikian, adanya Indonesia sebagai negara hukum yang menganut sistem demokrasi menuntut adanya legislasi hukum Islam dari living Law menjadi Legal Law. Dimana, Fiqh mulai dirumuskan menjadi undang-undang dasar. Oleh karenanya Indenesia yang dikenal dengan sitem pemerintahan trias politika (Yudikatif, Eksekutif dan Legislatif) harus turut memberi ruang untuk umat Islam dalam Program Legislasi Nasional
Marriage guardian is the most important element in marriage, its existence determines the validity of a marriage. In classical fiqh, the type of marriage guardian has been constructed to be the guardian of mujbir and the guardian of... more
Marriage guardian is the most important element in marriage, its existence determines the validity of a marriage. In classical fiqh, the type of marriage guardian has been constructed to be the guardian of mujbir and the guardian of ghairu mujbir. Axiologically, wali mujbir is positioned as a person who can marry his daughter with a very high legality, of course with certain conditions, not merely coercion (ikrah). However, in its implementation, the position of the guardian mujbir is very strong without any limitation of motion, may even force the will in the matter of marrying his child, even though the child does not approve of it. The PKS Bill, which was once a subject of discussion, included the imposition of marriage in the article on sexual violence and bring up a disagreement in the socoiety. This article was a qualitatif research which is using two aproach that are conseptual approach and statute approach. The result show through the observer's observations, it was in a...
The law on marital registration has juridical consequences, that marriage registration is a necessity of continuing legal actions in the form of marriage. Munakahat Fiqh does not know the name of marriage registration. The existence of... more
The law on marital registration has juridical consequences, that marriage registration is a necessity of continuing legal actions in the form of marriage. Munakahat Fiqh does not know the name of marriage registration. The existence of marriage registration legislation creates a gap (dispute / conflict) between the law of fiqh munakahat with statutory regulations. in fiqh there is no registration of marriage. It's just that, for the sake of benefit and to avoid things muḍarat, then Islam (fiqh) recommends the existence of i'l al-nikâḥ (announcing marriage) which is then manifested in the form of wedding celebrations (walîmah al-shursh). Marriage that is not recorded at the competent authority raises many conditions, so that marriage registration is considered as a preventive measure (prevention) from the government as sadd al-dharî'ah (blocking the road).
Marriage registration is often the subject of discussion among academics in the aspect of legal legitimacy. Is marriage registration a condition of marriage, or the harmony of marriage ?. From all the discourses available, the writer... more
Marriage registration is often the subject of discussion among academics in the aspect of legal legitimacy. Is marriage registration a condition of marriage, or the harmony of marriage ?. From all the discourses available, the writer concludes that the recording of marriage in the al-maslahah review is a new witness system, but cannot replace the position of the witnesses who have been introduced and patented in the construction of classical texts and fiqh. its existence is only as complementary, but it is very mandatory to be fulfilled because it impacts on aspects of marriage, both directly and indirectly, such as to the status of the child on a birth certificate, divorce, and other aspects as a result of a marriage, also divorce.
In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the... more
In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the existence of Indonesia as a law state that adheres to a democratic system requires the existence of Islamic legal legislation from living law to legal law. Where, Fiqh began to be formulated into constitution. Therefore, Indonesia, which is known as the trias politica government system (Judicative, Executive and Legislative), must also provide space for Muslims in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) to form Islamic law in Indonesia. This legislative process in Islam is known as Taqnīn Al-Ahkām (legal legislation). Abstrak Dalam penetapan hukum (istinbath al-hukm), Islam menggunakan pendekatan terhadap al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis, dimana kedua merupakan rujukan segala problematika hukum. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan mayoritas pemeluk agama I...
In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the... more
In establishing law (istinbath al-hukm) Islam uses an approach to the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, where both are references to all legal problems. Indonesia is a country with the largest majority of Muslims in the world. Not so, the existence of Indonesia as a law state that adheres to a democratic system requires the existence of Islamic legal legislation from living law to legal law. Where, Fiqh began to be formulated into constitution. Therefore, Indonesia, which is known as the trias politica government system (Judicative, Executive and Legislative), must also provide space for Muslims in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) to form Islamic law in Indonesia. This legislative process in Islam is known as Taqnīn Al-Ahkām (legal legislation).
Langghar, Kophung and Bhaqaf in Madurese society exist as a distinctive cultural entity, whose uniqueness is continually contributing to the cultural treasures of the past. Langghar, Kophung and Bhaqaf are a distinctive Madurese culture... more
Langghar, Kophung and Bhaqaf in Madurese society exist as a distinctive cultural entity, whose uniqueness is continually contributing to the cultural treasures of the past. Langghar, Kophung and Bhaqaf are a distinctive Madurese culture that has never been lost by the gradation of the age, and the change of time. Their existence serves as a form and effect of conservation and the expression of the strength of the Madurese community in preserving the culture of their ancestors. The existence of langghar, kophung and bhaqaf can be a very important part of the culture for the Madurese community, especially in terms of ethical values, religious values, and philosophical values that are found in them. These values continue to be searched more intensely, in an effort to uncover the sacredness and uniqueness that are still neatly stored. One of the values which continues to be respected in langghar, kophung and bhaqaf is the value of religiosity which has never been dispirited up to the pr...
Marriage guardian is the most important element in marriage, its existence determines the validity of a marriage. In classical fiqh, the type of marriage guardian has been constructed to be the guardian of mujbir and the guardian of... more
Marriage guardian is the most important element in marriage, its existence determines the validity of a marriage. In classical fiqh, the type of marriage guardian has been constructed to be the guardian of mujbir and the guardian of ghairu mujbir. Axiologically, wali mujbir is positioned as a person who can marry his daughter with a very high legality, of course with certain conditions, not merely coercion (ikrah). However, in its implementation, the position of the guardian mujbir is very strong without any limitation of motion, may even force the will in the matter of marrying his child, even though the child does not approve of it. The PKS Bill, which was once a subject of discussion, included the imposition of marriage in the article on sexual violence and bring up a disagreement in the socoiety. This article was a qualitatif research which is using two aproach that are conseptual approach and statute approach. The result show through the observer's observations, it was in a...
Nikah bawah tangan menjadi isu krusial dalam hukum Islam kekinian. Sadd al-dzarī‘ah merupakan salah satu bentuk metode ijtihad yang yang dapat digunakan sebagai landasan istimbath al-hukm (pengambilan hukum). Secara istilah sadd... more
Nikah bawah tangan menjadi isu krusial dalam hukum Islam kekinian. Sadd al-dzarī‘ah merupakan salah satu bentuk metode ijtihad yang yang dapat digunakan sebagai landasan istimbath al-hukm (pengambilan hukum). Secara istilah sadd al-dzarī‘ah merupakan pembahasan seputar upaya untuk menghalangi dan memblokade semua akses dan kemungkinan dari suatu perbuatan tertentu yang pada dasarnya diperbolehkan maupun dilarang untuk mencegah terjadinya segala jenis kerusakan dan kemudaratan. Teori pencegahan ini sering disebut sebagai langkah preventif dalam meminimalisir atau bahkan menutup jalan terjadinya kemudaratan suatu perbuatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan studi pustaka. penelitian pustaka mengacu kepada literatur-literatur sebagai basic of anlisis atas topik yang dijadikan obyek penelitian. Salah satu bentuk langkah preventif pemerintah Indonesia dalam bidang hukum perkawinan adalah menjamin ketertiban dalam sebuah perkawinan melalui undang-undang pencatatan p...
Money becomes a business commodity for profit without regard to normative realities and human ethics. The concept of time value of money remains a subject of debate among Muslim scholars because it is considered to provide justification... more
Money becomes a business commodity for profit without regard to normative realities and human ethics. The concept of time value of money remains a subject of debate among Muslim scholars because it is considered to provide justification for usury. In conventional economic practice the concept of time value of money is known, which is a concept of adopting a biological model that results in the value of money today being more valuable than in the future. At first glance, it appears that Islam sets a double standard by looking at time differently in two this case: on the one hand, Islam makes it part of the price in the case of deferred sales but eliminates any value in terms of loans. We believe that this issue requires a more comprehensive consideration to know, beyond this apparent duality, the true perception of Islam about the role of time economy
Sexual harassment is unwanted sex-related approaches, including requests for sex, and other behavior that verbally or physically refers to sex. Sexual violence is an important topic that needs to be solved, given the high rate of sexual... more
Sexual harassment is unwanted sex-related approaches, including requests for sex, and other behavior that verbally or physically refers to sex. Sexual violence is an important topic that needs to be solved, given the high rate of sexual violence from year to year. The Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence is a way that is expected by the Indonesian people as an umbrella of law and rule of law to take action against all forms of sexual crimes that plague Indonesian citizens. in this study tries to analyze the urgency and relevance of these rules for the development of law in Indonesia. reviewing regulations from the prophetic aspects of Islamic law and the reconstruction of Islamic law, as well as the spirit of legal moderation and responding to current issues related to forms of violence that befall society, especially children and women.