The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social ... more The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social equity and social justice in America. Among the challenges is the fight for their right to vote. Researchers document numerous factors that have impacted the voting behavior of African Americans. Underexplored, however, is the historical role and impact that the African American church has had on this process. This article examines the impact of politicized churches and party contact on African American voter turnout. The extant literature suggests that both party contact and politicized churches have an impact on African American political participation. In this article which utilizes data from the 1996 National Black Election Study we find that to hold true. However, we also find that politicized churches have more impact on turnout than do party contact. Further, we find that while linked fate does not have a significant relationship to turnout, African Americans' group efficacy along with age and education play a significant role in who votes. The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social equity and social justice in America. Among the challenges is the fight for their right to vote. Researchers document numerous factors that have impacted the voting behavior of African Americans. Research on African American group-based attitudes suggests that they, too, can be enhanced by politicized churches and party contact. Underexplored however, is the historical role and impact that the African American church among other factors has had on this process. According to , the church provides a means of networks and resources for social movement in communities. also found that when church members are exposed to political discussions they are more likely to be involved in political participation. Walton (1986) contends that the church is the cornerstone of the African American
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2012
The following individuals reviewed articles for the JSSR in the period between August 1, 2011 and... more The following individuals reviewed articles for the JSSR in the period between August 1, 2011 and July 31, 2012. The asterisks (*) indicate someone who reviewed three or more times during this year. The previous editor, Marie Cornwall, and the new editorial staff, Laura Olson, Tobin Grant, and David Yamane, wish to thank these reviewers for their willingness to participate in the editorial process.
The diversity management literature is inconsistent regarding factors that affect job satisfactio... more The diversity management literature is inconsistent regarding factors that affect job satisfaction of marginalized groups. We examine job satisfaction of LGBTs in the US federal workforce by following the path of the diversity management and job satisfaction research. We empirically test this relationship using the 2014 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey employing confirmatory factor analysis and structural equal modelling. We find that increased perceptions of a culture of diversity contribute to LGBT employee perception of their skills being effectively utilized as well as employee job satisfaction. We also find that LGBT's perception of their skills directly contributes to job satisfaction. We conclude by offering policy implications for public managers to consider when developing diversity management strategies for marginalized groups. Résumé Quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la satisfaction au tra-vail des groupes marginalisés? À cette question, la littérature sur la gestion de la diversité propose des réponses variées. Dans cet article, nous examinons la satisfaction au travail des personnes LGBT dans l'effectif fédéral américain en suivant la piste des recherches sur la gestion de la diversité et la satisfaction au travail. Nous testons empiriquement la relation entre les deux concepts en nous appuyant sur le Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey réalisé en 2014, sur l'analyse factorielle confirmatoire et sur la modélisation égale structurale. Les résultats montrent que les perceptions accrues d'une culture de diversité contribuent non seulement à la perception que l'employé LBGT a de l'utilisation effective de ses compétences, mais aussi à sa satisfaction au travail. Par ailleurs, la perception qu'il a de ses compétences contribue directement à la satisfaction au travail. Nous concluons en proposant les aspects politiques que les gestionnaires publics doivent considérer pendant la mise sur pied de stratégies de gestion de la diversité en faveur des groupes marginalisés.
In this article, we present demolition data to explore the way the patterns of demolition carried... more In this article, we present demolition data to explore the way the patterns of demolition carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) were constituted as a social problem by residents of the Lower Ninth Ward and members of the broader New Orleans community. Through a study of newspaper stories and press interviews about the implementation process, we find evidence of a gap that exists between the interpretation of the demolitions by residents of the Lower Ninth, and the need to carry out disaster clean-up among city officials and the USACE. This gap, we suggest, is constitutive of an implementation problem that may best be dealt with in policymaking processes focused on planning for disasters.
Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, 2006
Public officials and the media are important facets in the evacuation process because of their ce... more Public officials and the media are important facets in the evacuation process because of their central and unique role in disseminating information and communicating risk to the residents of a community. This study argues that not only are public officials and the media important in this process, but their credibility and reliability as sources of information is more complex than previous research has suggested. My investigation employs a direct effects logit model to determine the impact of the "crying wolf" hypothesis and the black empowerment hypothesis on the hypothetical evacuation of New Orleans residents. The findings indicate that both hypotheses may impact the evacuation of residents and warrant further study by those doing evacuation behavior research.
Page 432. Chapter 20 Responding to Natural Disasters: An Increased Military Response and Its Impa... more Page 432. Chapter 20 Responding to Natural Disasters: An Increased Military Response and Its Impact on Public Policy Administration DeMond S. Miller, Matthew Pavelchak, Randolph Burnside, and Jason D. Rivera CONTENTS ...
This study examines Senator Barack Obama's record as an Illinois State Senator. Specifically, the... more This study examines Senator Barack Obama's record as an Illinois State Senator. Specifically, the authors look at his sponsorship and cosponsorship of legislation to determine his level of activity, type of legislation proposed, and overall legislative success. The authors find that Senator Obama was the most active in sponsoring social welfare legislation and using cosponorship as a way to address other substantive policy areas. These findings will be central in how his opponents for the Democratic nomination will characterize him during the nominations process.
The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social ... more The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social equity and social justice in America. Among the challenges is the fight for their right to vote. Researchers document numerous factors that have impacted the voting behavior of African Americans. Underexplored, however, is the historical role and impact that the African American church has had on this process. This article examines the impact of politicized churches and party contact on African American voter turnout. The extant literature suggests that both party contact and politicized churches have an impact on African American political participation. In this article which utilizes data from the 1996 National Black Election Study we find that to hold true. However, we also find that politicized churches have more impact on turnout than do party contact. Further, we find that while linked fate does not have a significant relationship to turnout, African Americans' group efficacy along with age and education play a significant role in who votes. The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social equity and social justice in America. Among the challenges is the fight for their right to vote. Researchers document numerous factors that have impacted the voting behavior of African Americans. Research on African American group-based attitudes suggests that they, too, can be enhanced by politicized churches and party contact. Underexplored however, is the historical role and impact that the African American church among other factors has had on this process. According to , the church provides a means of networks and resources for social movement in communities. also found that when church members are exposed to political discussions they are more likely to be involved in political participation. Walton (1986) contends that the church is the cornerstone of the African American
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2012
The following individuals reviewed articles for the JSSR in the period between August 1, 2011 and... more The following individuals reviewed articles for the JSSR in the period between August 1, 2011 and July 31, 2012. The asterisks (*) indicate someone who reviewed three or more times during this year. The previous editor, Marie Cornwall, and the new editorial staff, Laura Olson, Tobin Grant, and David Yamane, wish to thank these reviewers for their willingness to participate in the editorial process.
The diversity management literature is inconsistent regarding factors that affect job satisfactio... more The diversity management literature is inconsistent regarding factors that affect job satisfaction of marginalized groups. We examine job satisfaction of LGBTs in the US federal workforce by following the path of the diversity management and job satisfaction research. We empirically test this relationship using the 2014 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey employing confirmatory factor analysis and structural equal modelling. We find that increased perceptions of a culture of diversity contribute to LGBT employee perception of their skills being effectively utilized as well as employee job satisfaction. We also find that LGBT's perception of their skills directly contributes to job satisfaction. We conclude by offering policy implications for public managers to consider when developing diversity management strategies for marginalized groups. Résumé Quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la satisfaction au tra-vail des groupes marginalisés? À cette question, la littérature sur la gestion de la diversité propose des réponses variées. Dans cet article, nous examinons la satisfaction au travail des personnes LGBT dans l'effectif fédéral américain en suivant la piste des recherches sur la gestion de la diversité et la satisfaction au travail. Nous testons empiriquement la relation entre les deux concepts en nous appuyant sur le Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey réalisé en 2014, sur l'analyse factorielle confirmatoire et sur la modélisation égale structurale. Les résultats montrent que les perceptions accrues d'une culture de diversité contribuent non seulement à la perception que l'employé LBGT a de l'utilisation effective de ses compétences, mais aussi à sa satisfaction au travail. Par ailleurs, la perception qu'il a de ses compétences contribue directement à la satisfaction au travail. Nous concluons en proposant les aspects politiques que les gestionnaires publics doivent considérer pendant la mise sur pied de stratégies de gestion de la diversité en faveur des groupes marginalisés.
In this article, we present demolition data to explore the way the patterns of demolition carried... more In this article, we present demolition data to explore the way the patterns of demolition carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) were constituted as a social problem by residents of the Lower Ninth Ward and members of the broader New Orleans community. Through a study of newspaper stories and press interviews about the implementation process, we find evidence of a gap that exists between the interpretation of the demolitions by residents of the Lower Ninth, and the need to carry out disaster clean-up among city officials and the USACE. This gap, we suggest, is constitutive of an implementation problem that may best be dealt with in policymaking processes focused on planning for disasters.
Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, 2006
Public officials and the media are important facets in the evacuation process because of their ce... more Public officials and the media are important facets in the evacuation process because of their central and unique role in disseminating information and communicating risk to the residents of a community. This study argues that not only are public officials and the media important in this process, but their credibility and reliability as sources of information is more complex than previous research has suggested. My investigation employs a direct effects logit model to determine the impact of the "crying wolf" hypothesis and the black empowerment hypothesis on the hypothetical evacuation of New Orleans residents. The findings indicate that both hypotheses may impact the evacuation of residents and warrant further study by those doing evacuation behavior research.
Page 432. Chapter 20 Responding to Natural Disasters: An Increased Military Response and Its Impa... more Page 432. Chapter 20 Responding to Natural Disasters: An Increased Military Response and Its Impact on Public Policy Administration DeMond S. Miller, Matthew Pavelchak, Randolph Burnside, and Jason D. Rivera CONTENTS ...
This study examines Senator Barack Obama's record as an Illinois State Senator. Specifically, the... more This study examines Senator Barack Obama's record as an Illinois State Senator. Specifically, the authors look at his sponsorship and cosponsorship of legislation to determine his level of activity, type of legislation proposed, and overall legislative success. The authors find that Senator Obama was the most active in sponsoring social welfare legislation and using cosponorship as a way to address other substantive policy areas. These findings will be central in how his opponents for the Democratic nomination will characterize him during the nominations process.
Papers by Randy Burnside