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Attack Squad robot

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Attack Squad robots are Decepticon infantry from the The Transformers Adventure Game Books portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.

Back when the Decepticons ruled Cybertron, they commanded large armies of Attack Squad robots or ASRs. They are equipped with ruby lasers and jet-packs.


Desert of Danger

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Hindered by a treaty on the planet Nebulos that limited their numbers to those binary-bonded to a Nebulan, the Decepticons Weirdwolf, Skullcruncher and Mindwipe devised a plan to reinforce themselves with Attack Squad robots dropped from deep space in metal cylinders. Though they managed to recover and activate two of the ASRs with the aid of a catalyst smuggled onto the planet disguised as a crate of Sirian brandy, their plans were foiled when you, Hot Rod and Professor Sparks intervened. Though the Decepticons were released under the terms of the treaty, the ASRs were slagged. Desert of Danger


  • It's unclear whether ASRs are actually Transformers; no mention is made of them possessing alternate modes.
  • It's also unclear if the ASRs are sentient or not. Hot Rod and Sparks talk about them as if they're merely drones, yet they strike up some good mid-battle banter with Hot Rod. One snarls "Haven't you ever heard of playing possum?" suggesting that they have the conversational skills of the average Decepticon, yet Hot Rod shows no remorse when he cheerfully announces that they are to be slagged.
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