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The Galamen and Great Galamen are Decepticon warrior drones from the Return of Convoy portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"Watch as my elbow to your head makes you explode out your back!"
"Wait, that doesn't make any seeeeeeeeeeeeeeen—"

The Galaman (ギャラマン Gyaraman) and Great Galaman (グレートギャラマン Gurēto Gyaraman) army are a troop of disposable drone warriors conjured up by Dark Nova to plague the Autobots. The Galamen drones aren't very powerful or smart, but there are a lot of them, and they often wear down their enemies due to their sheer numbers. The "Great" Galamen are slightly more powerful (and shiny) models, though they still bear the same success-rate as the regular variety.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Battlestars manga and story pages

After succeeding Violengiguar as Decepticon Emperor, Dark Nova unleashed his hordes of Galaman drone warriors to plunder energy from all over the universe. The Battlestars Part 1

GrrrrrrrREAT Galamen!

The new recruit of the Battlestars, Sixliner, encountered several of them on Earth and quickly dispatched them. The Battlestars Part 2

Upon Galvatron's revival as Super Megatron, the Galaman warriors served as his troopers, helping him take over an Arctic oil rig and turn all the oil into Energon cubes. Meanwhile, out in space, Sky Garry was kept from attending to the problems on Earth by another horde of Galaman warriors. One in particular tried to attack Sky Garry alone, only to be punched through the stomach by his "Mystery Circle Punch". The Galaman was unimpressed...until he looked down and saw a big ole hole in his torso. Back on Earth, Star Convoy arrived and took out the Galaman warriors and Super Megatron as well. The Battlestars special

Dark Nova then upgraded the Galaman drones into Great Galaman warriors. They accompanied Super Megatron in a space battle against the Battlestars, only to be thoroughly defeated by the Battlestar Attack. The Battlestars Part 7

Legends comic

A new Dark Nova created the Vok Galaman as a successor to the Galamen. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two

Kre-O online manga

"We are so making bricks at the moment".

Three Great Galamen were in fear and terror as Galvatron insanely rampaged across the Decepticon base. Enter the New Emperor of Destruction!? Stop Galvatron's Rampage!

Ask Vector Prime

In Primax 092.0 Beta, Rodimus was severely injured defending Zone from an invasion of Great Galaman and was subsequently upgraded into Fire Rodimus. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/15

Swindle's Spiel

Swindle, Swindle and Swindle had Galaman among their drones for sale. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/10/05


  • The first Galaman we see, which Sky Garry destroys, had Decepticon symbols on its shoulders. However, the example Sixliner destroys had its Decepticon symbol center on its chest. Presumably, the symbol wasn't chest-mounted on the first one because Sky Garry was punching through its body at the time.
  • Kre-O Great Galaman, like all cameo characters in the Kre-O comic, use existing Kre-O parts; in this case, a Soundwave helmet, and the body armor might be the one used in the first “Preview Wave” of the Kre-O Micro Changers.
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