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Jolt (Armada)

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The name or term "Jolt" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jolt (disambiguation).
Jolt is an Autobot-allied Mini-Con from the Armada portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Windmills do not work that way!

Jolt is Hot Shot's Mini-Con partner. He's kind of a geek who tries to hammer in the concepts of teamwork and maturity into the young Autobot. In the moments where Hot Shot has managed to be selfless in his act, especially on the battlefield, Jolt has become more than willing to put up with his attitude a good majority of the time. Powerlinxed to his partner, Jolt can grant Hot Shot temporary flight with his turbo boosters. These boosters also come in handy when Jolt branches out on his own, granting him incredible speed that makes him one of the more fast Mini-Cons.

He is occasionally partnered to the Autobot Smokescreen.

There's no 'I' in 'team'.

—Jolt's bio quote



Toy pack-in comics

An eager Jolt was assigned by Optimus Prime to work with Hot Shot, but the brash hero felt he didn't need a partner. Jolt followed him into battle anyway, and helped Hot Shot out of a pickle with Cyclonus and Crumplezone. Realizing the value of friendship and teamwork, Hot Shot accepted Jolt as his partner from then on. Armada Volume 1

Optimus Prime later contacted Jolt from Autobot Headquarters. Armada Volume 2

Dreamwave Armada comic

Careful, Liftor! Jolt is sensitive back there!

Prior to the war, Jolt used to live in Mini-Con Village C52. He helped prepare the forceshields for when the Decepticons would inevitably reach their village, and got nervous listening to Longarm's stories about what would happen to them if they were captured. Then the Decepticons got past the forceshield and captured them. Armada #1 Thanks to Sparkplug and the Air Defense Team, Jolt and the others were rescued from the Decepticon base and left Cybertron in search of a place to live in peace. Armada #2 Unfortunately, their starship malfunctioned and crashed on Earth, where the Mini-Cons lay dormant for a million years. Armada #3 Armada Free Comic Book Day

Jolt took refuge in a human junkyard alongside several other Mini-Cons, where he had his injuries from the crash treated by Liftor. After a misadventure where they had to save Rollbar from a trash compactor, they learned that the Decepticons had followed them to Earth and were hunting down Sparkplug. Ignoring the danger, Jolt was the first to rush out and try to save him, and the others soon followed. When they arrived at the scene, the Autobots were fighting with the Decepticons, so the Mini-Cons chose to help the Bulks out by Powerlinxing with them. Jolt picked Hot Shot as his partner and chased the Decepticons away, then agreed to join the Autobots. Armada #5 Later, Jolt and Longarm joined Sparkplug in an attempt to sneak into the Decepticons' base and rescue the Air Defense Team. The plan went awry when Starscream found them sneaking about, and Jolt attacked him to little effect. He was punched out of the air by the Decepticon, who proceeded to accidentally bring the ceiling down on everyone. Armada #6 The three Mini-Cons spent some time trapped under rubble, but were eventually saved by the Land Military Team. They then returned to the Autobot base to help the Autobots defend it from Megatron, who had combined the Air Defense Team into the Star Saber. Armada #7

Careful, Jolt! Hot Shot is sensitive back there!

Like all the other Mini-Cons on Earth (except Liftor and Rollbar), Jolt was summoned to the Mini-Con Ark and taken to Earth's Moon. Armada #8 They were imprisoned on a moonbase, where Jolt examined some technology and figured out that it wasn't a human structure. The mystery was quickly revealed when their fellow Mini-Con Dualor showed up and explained that he had brought them all to the moonbase in order for all Mini-Cons to live in peace. Armada #9 Like Sparkplug, Jolt was not happy with how they had been forcibly summoned to the station and put behind bars for no real reason. He almost came to blows with Knock Out, who had nothing against the moonbase, but Wreckage broke them up. Armada #10

In the end, the moonbase was destroyed by the Decepticons and its residents fled to the Autobot base on Earth. Most of them didn't want join the Autobots, though, and Jolt watched as Rook held a speech to them about Mini-Con independence. Fire & Ice A short while later, Jolt participated in a mission to rescue some dormant Mini-Cons in Alaska. He located Dune Runner and Ransack, who had been defeated by the Decepticons during an earlier rescue attempt, then Powerlinxed with Hot Shot for the battle with Cyclonus. Armada #13 Later, he was part of a team who investigated odd interdimensional activity in Big Sur National Park following the mysterious disappearance of Optimus Prime. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 When the Decepticons learned of Prime's disappearance and attacked confused and weakened Autobots, Jolt and Hot Shot were easily dispatched by Megatron. Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4

Like all other Mini-Cons, Jolt returned to Cybertron to defend it from the approaching Unicron. Presumably, he was among the Mini-Cons at the Loop who gave their energy to the Mini-Con Matrix, allowing Over-Run to critically damage Unicron. The End

Armada cartoon


Shortly after the Autobots arrived on Earth to heed the Mini-Con signal, a cave opening was uncovered during a battle, exposing several Mini-Con storage panels. Jolt was retrieved from this cave, and Powerlinxed with his new partner, Hot Shot. Base

After Hot Shot got tired playing "Tag" with the kids at the Autobot base, he called in Jolt to tag the little trouble-makers for him. On their next mission, the Autobots traveled to Antarctica in search of another Mini-Con. Hot Shot was growing impatient with Red Alert's slow and measured approach to the search and wanted to take off with Carlos before the rest of the team was ready. Jolt Powerlinxed with his rash partner in order to increase his driving ability on the snow and ice...and to keep Hot Shot out of trouble. Their search eventually turned up a Mini-Con buried in the wall of an ice canyon, but Starscream arrived around the same time. Hot Shot fell into a deep gorge, but Jolt's rotors provided enough lift to keep him from smashing on the ice below. As the skirmish continued, Hot Shot was forced to eject Carlos so that he could concentrate on Starscream. As Carlos fell into a nearby canyon, Jolt detached and flew down to catch Carlos on his skis and carry him to safety. He then reunited with Hot Shot to boost his firepower for the fight. Soldier On another mission, Jolt provided aerial reconnaissance in the forest for Hot Shot and the others, as they tracked down a Mini-Con panel atop a tall tree. Jungle

GET TO DA....very small chopper?

When Sparkplug saw the kids and Street Action Team running off to play at the carnival, he roped Jolt and Longarm into joining him in tagging along. They were a big hit among the carnival goers, who thought they were just another attraction. They even got to march in the parade! Fred and Billy got suspicious, though, and started to chase the Mini-Cons through the fair. Jolt finally had enough and transformed, scooping them up in helicopter mode and depositing the nosy twosome atop a giant balloon. Carnival

Carnival-Minicon March.jpg

On a mission in the desert, Demolishor pinned the Autobots down behind an open sand dune. Hot Shot and Jolt Powerlinxed to try and return fire, but they were unable to pop out behind their cover quickly enough to get the drop on their Decepticon attacker. Palace

After Cyclonus kidnapped Billy and Fred, the Autobots were reluctantly prepared to turn over Jolt and the other Mini-Cons to Megatron. When the Decepticons broke the deal, however, the Autobots managed to recover both the kids and the Mini-Cons. Confrontation

During an underwater mission, Jolt's Powerlinxed propellers were used by Hot Shot in lieu of the aqua-thrusters employed by the rest of the team. Ruin When the Autobots fought for control of a Mini-Con at an abandoned volcano resort, Jolt teamed up with his fellow Mini-Cons in carrying the fight to the Decepticons, using Prime's combat deck to fight for their freedom. Prehistory

After Hot Shot acquired the Star Saber, he still relied on his old partner Jolt for the occasional helping hand. While searching for a Mini-Con near the big city, the Autobots were caught in a traffic jam created by Cyclonus. Hot Shot Powerlinxed with Jolt to use his rotors and fly over the blockade. Later on, while in a running battle with Scavenger, Jolt gave Hot Shot the necessary lift to fly behind the mercenary and get the drop on him. Gale

Conspiracy JoltRepairsHotShot.jpg

Jolt was present when Hot Shot returned from a trap on the moon, having lost the Star Saber to the Decepticons. Credulous This turn of events hit the Autobots hard, and Jolt later gave Hot Shot some much needed repair work after a series of losses to the Decepticons thanks to the Star Saber. Conspiracy

During the hunt for Downshift, Jolt Powerlinxed with Hot Shot to give him enough boost to clear a ravine blasted by the Decepticons. Reinforcement Later, he and the Street Action Team helped create a miniature obstacle course from Hot Shot and Blurr to train on. Jolt went into battle with Hot Shot when the Autobots were forced to confront Megatron after he gained both the Star Saber and the Skyboom Shield. Unfortunately, the "axel-zooka" was totally ineffective against the Skyboom Shield. Decisive Battle

Jolt appeared in the battle footage Jetfire reviewed at base after joining the Autobots. Detection

After Tidal Wave arrived in the midst of a firefight and began raining cannonball laser storms down on the Autobots, Hot Shot and Blurr took to the waves to strike at the Decepticon aircraft carrier from below. Jolt and Incinerator provided their partners with the proper boost to make it into the water and then unload their firepower at Tidal Wave's unprotected underbelly. Awakening

Jolt was present at the team meeting when the Autobots decided what to do with the Mini-Cons who formed the Requiem Blaster. Runaway

Remorse JoltSupportsHotShot.jpg

After Smokescreen was critically damaged, Jolt partnered with Hot Shot to run out and avenge him when they saw Starscream on the video monitor. As it turned out, the former Decepticon had quit his partners and was on the run from Tidal Wave. Starscream came back to the Autobot headquarters and joined them in order to seek his revenge on Megatron for past slights. Despite this, Hot Shot still wished to duel Starscream. Jolt and Runway of the Air Defense Team caught them brawling and ran off to inform Optimus of the situation. Regeneration Jolt appeared briefly during the Autobots' raid on the Decepticon moon base, separating from Hot Shot to give him use of Jolt's engine / pulse cannon. Rescue

After the death of Optimus Prime, Hot Shot was becoming more and more difficult with his fellow soldiers due to his grief. Finally, Scavenger couldn't stand any more and warped to a secluded location to teach him a lesson. The loyal Jolt jumped into the warp field to go along with his partner, and provided what little aid he could against Scavenger's impromptu tough love seminar. Ultimately, though, Jolt sided with his fellow Mini-Cons in confronting Hot Shot, forcing him to stop taking his guilt out on himself and the others. Remorse Jolt and the Mini-Cons all chose to willingly follow the Autobots into space aboard the Axalon, fighting alongside them against the Decepticons. Depart

Sometime later, Jolt magically appeared over a nameless planet where the Autobots and Decepticons were fighting with Nemesis Prime. He and several other Mini-Cons used their combined power to repair the damage the Cybertronians had suffered before vanishing as quickly as they came. Puppet

Panini Armada comic

Oh, "Jolt". Nowwwww we get it.

Back on Cybertron, Jolt was among the Mini-Cons who fled for their lives when the Decepticons began capturing their race. Counter-Strike! After escaping from his home planet, he and several other Mini-Cons ended up near Lincoln, Nebraska when their ship crashed on Earth. After awakening, they met Rad White, Carlos Lopez, and Alexis, but refused to get involved with the Autobot-Decepticon war again. First Encounter! After Rad showed some amazing courage by confronting Megatron alone, the Mini-Cons changed their minds and entered the fray to save the human. Jolt attacked Megatron with his electric stun beam, then power-linked with the newly arrived Hot Shot, allowing the Autobot to take flight and defeat Cyclonus. Friends and Foes!

The Autobots soon decided that the best way to keep Jolt and the other Mini-Cons safe from the Decepticons was to send them back to Cybertron. However, the Mini-Cons refused, as they preferred stay and fight alongside the Autobots. No Way Back! Some time later, Jolt, Sparkplug and Longarm infiltrated the Decepticon base in Silver Ridge, intending to free the Decepticon-owned Mini-Cons. Jolt complained about it all the time, repeatedly pointing out how risky their little adventure was. When they eventually found their fellow Mini-Cons, they turned out to have no intention of escaping, but instead captured the Autobot-allied Mini-Cons for the Decepticons. Jolt defended the group by zapping Crumplezone and Swindle with electricity, allowing Longarm to save Sparkplug from Leader-1's grasp. After escaping, the three discussed if the Decepticon Mini-Cons were corrupted somehow, but Jolt had a feeling they had always been huge jerks who deserved to be with the Decepticons. Into the Lions' Den!

Jolt later helped helped send a probe to the Moon to activate any leftover Mini-Cons on the satellite. Between Two Worlds! After pretending to give themselves up to the Decepticons, Jolt and the other Mini-Cons ended up imprisoned on a solar barge on the way to the Decepticon base on the Moon. They easily broke out, and Jolt helped out by using electrifying darts to take out Cyclonus, who was pulling the barge. He then saved Sparkplug, who had fallen into the void of space, and the Mini-Cons all returned to Earth safely. Lost in Space!

The Balance of Power

Jolt was one of the Mini-Cons listed in the Autobots' registry. His picture was shown to Hot Shot when Optimus Prime explained to the young Autobot what the Mini-Cons were, and their importance in the battle against the Decepticons. The Balance of Power

This comic was written as a tie-in to the Armada video game, but its details differ from the introduction seen in the game itself. See below for Jolt's role in the game.

Reader's Digest Armada novels

During a Decepticon attack on the Autobots' base, one of Megatron's stray shots caused a rock slide. This rock slide unearthed four Mini-Con panels, one of which contained the Mini-Con that would come to be known as "Jolt." Hot Shot was the first to make contact with the panel containing this Mini-Con, and the robot within transformed into a lightning-bolt hood ornament for his new partner. Hot Shot named his new Mini-Con after the electrical energy he bestowed upon him in this configuration. Hot Shot then used Jolt's electrical powers to short out Demolishor when the Decepticons charged the Autobots. Overwhelmed, the Decepticons retreated soon afterwards. Race for the Mini-Con Robots

Mini Mayhem!

In a celebration of the Transformers brand, Jolt showed up as one of the Mini-Con representatives for the "Unicron Trilogy" era of the franchise. Mini Mayhem!

Hot Shot's Bot Thoughts

Hot Shot introduced Kup to Jolt by showing his backside to the old 'bot (because that's where Jolt Powerlinx, duh). Hot Shot's Bot Thoughts

Legends World

"Powerlinx" Jolt was part of Rattrap's or Waspinator's Mini-Con collection in the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Ask Vector Prime

A Jolt hailed from Aurex 606.0 Kappa, where he was the partner to Smokescreen. Jolt fought with Smokescreen, Red Alert, Longarm, and the Emergency Mini-Con Team against the Decepticons Landslide, Drench, and Wind Sheer. After the Autobots triumphed, Red Alert and Firebot were suddenly abducted by Unicron to fight in the Cauldron. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/14


Transformers (PS2)

Jolt was one of many Mini-Cons who crash-landed on Earth when fleeing the war on Cybertron. He was trapped inside a Mini-Con-Disc and needed to be saved before the Decepticons could find him. Once awakened, he agreed to assist the Autobots in their battle against Megatron and became Hot Shot's Mini-Con partner. You can run him over, but due to gameplay-reasons he actually is invincible. Jolt does not talk, but if attached to Hot Shot, he increases his speed in exchange for Energon. If his special powers are not needed, he follows his counterpart by foot, defending and assisting him with shots from his laser gun. Transformers



Armada Jolt toy.jpg
  • Takara name: Hot Rod (ホットロッド)
  • Takara ID number: MC-03
  • Takara release date: December 26, 2002
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
  • Known designers: Aaron Archer (Hasbro), Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy)
Available only with his larger Autobot partner Hot Shot, Jolt transforms into a red helicopter of an unknown, probably-made-up model. He has a massive engine block/twin-barreled cannon that attaches to his copter-mode underside, and can slide onto his fist in robot mode, though its sheer size in relation to Jolt leaves him a bit unbalanced. Additionally, the gun has a Mini-Con socket on top of it, so it can be used to activate gimmicks on larger toys.
As a Mini-Con, he has two Powerlinx sockets that allow him to attach to larger toys through dedicated Mini-Con hardpoints. He can attach to the hardpoint on top of Hot Shot's vehicle-mode spoiler, and fold down his back end to act as a rear-mounted "speed boosting" propeller. Jolt's gun plugs into Hot Shot's hood, releasing a pair of "driving claws" from his front bumper; these function as his feet in robot mode, so activating these is a necessary step in transforming him. Hot Shot can also use the gun as chest armor, or mount it on any other Powerlinx plug thanks to the socket on the gun's top. Sorry, there's no way to have Hot Shot hold the gun in his hand.
While Hot Shot received a fair few changes for his Takara Legend of the Microns release, Takara Jolt is functionally identical to the Hasbro release.

Hot Rod and Air Defense Micron.jpg
  • Hot Rod & Air Defense Micron (Multi-pack, 2002)
  • Sonokong name: Red Gun & Air Defense
  • ID number: MS-01
  • Takara release date: December 26, 2002
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
Takara's "Hot Rod" and Jolt were also released in a box set with the Air Defense Microns. Each item in the set is identical to their individual versions.
This set was also released by Sonokong in Korea, with no changes from the Takara release, other than the packaging. This was also the only way to obtain "Red Gun" (Hot Shot) and the "Air Defense" in Korea.

Armada Powerlinx Jolt toy.jpg
  • Powerlinx Hot Shot with Powerlinx Jolt (Super-Con Class, 2003)
  • Takara name: Hot Rod Super Mode (ホットロッドS)
  • Takara ID number: MC-13
  • Takara release date: September 11, 2003
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
Powerlinx Hot Shot naturally came with a Powerlinx redeco of Jolt, now in yellow and black.
Once again, the Takara "Spark Jolt" is basically identical to the Hasbro release.

  • Powerlinx Hot Shot with Powerlinx Jolt (Super-Con Class, 2003)
  • Accessories: Missile, engine-block/blaster
In November of 2003, US Toys"R"Us stores had special bonus pack Super-Con (Deluxe) toys, which came with a single bonus Mini-Con attached to the card over their sticker, for less than the price of a normal Super-Con during Toys"R"Us' post-Thanksgiving-day sale. Like Powerlinx Cyclonus, Powerlinx Hot Shot and Jolt could come with one of the Adventure Mini-Con Team members: Dune Runner, Iceberg, or Ransack.

Built to Rule!

  • Hot Shot (Built to Rule!, 2003)
Built to Rule! Jolt is a building-block set that must be assembled in each form then disassembled and rebuilt to "convert" from robot to helicopter and back again. Naturally, he was only available with Hot Shot.
Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Universe (2003)

  • Smokescreen with Jolt vs. Drench with Wind Sheer (Battle in a Box, 2004?)
  • Accessories: Engine-block/blaster
Smokescreen and Jolt were to be part of a Universe "Battle in a Box" set with Drench. Though tentatively a Target store exclusive (according to Hasbro representatives at OTFCC 2004), alas, it was canceled. Jolt traded some of his reds for white, but lost all of his facial paint.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Universe (2008)

I don't look like this!
  • Hot Shot (Deluxe Class, 2008)
Once again available only with Hot Shot, Universe Jolt transforms into a small helicopter. He has extra paint applications on his tail section, as well as some parts now cast in black plastic for contrast and visual appeal, such as his propeller and upper arms. He now has one Powerlinx socket instead of the original two.
Jolt can attach to Hot Shot's vehicle mode by inserting Jolt's arms/engines into slots in the back of Hot Shot's spoiler. However, the connection does not hold very tight. Jolt can also attach to the Powerlinx peg on the Hot Shot's vehicle mode trunk or robot mode shoulder, but this does not activate any features.
Unfortunately, the propeller and front half of Jolt's helicopter mode hang off of his back, making him extremely back heavy. Combined with his lack of heel spurs, he can't stand up straight without instantly toppling over.
Jolt's mold was also used to make Henkei! Henkei! Jolt and Timelines Cop-Tur.

Transformers (campaign item)

AOE-toy Jolt.jpg
  • Micron Jolt (Promotional Micron, 2014)
Micron Jolt is a translucent-red redeco of Generations Blazemaster, transforming into a helicopter of undetermined, probably made-up model that kinda-sorta looks like a Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low. He also has a third blaster-cannon weapon mode with a 5 mm handle; his rotor blade can also be removed and used as a weapon by other figures thanks to the same 5 mm post compatibility.
He was part of the "Clear Micron Campaign", exclusive to AEON stores, free with the purchase of 3000 yen worth of Lost Age product.
This mold was also used to make Generations Spinister and Shūta Gō.


  • Armada Universe Powerlinx Hot Shot / Armada Universe Jolt (PulseCon-exclusive multi-pack, 2023)
Included with "Armada Universe Powerlinx Hot Shot", Legacy: Evolution "Armada Universe Jolt" is a cartoon-accurate rendition of the character, transforming into a helicopter in 8 steps.
Despite being done in a cartoon-accurate orange deco, Jolt notably lacks all of the red accents and the ability to attach to Hot Shot's engine-block piece, which is considered to be a part of his helicopter mode in the cartoon. However he features both a 5mm port and a flip-out 5mm peg on his underside so he can feasibly attach to pretty much anything else, including the rifles included with the set though ironically, not Hot Shot's robot back as there just isn't room for him under the Axelzooka. Like the original 2002 toy and the cartoon, Jolt can attach to the back of Hot Shot's vehicle mode. The instructions indicate that this can only be accomplished with his rotors folded back, as there isn't enough space for his arms. However, in an undocumented feature, in vehicle mode, if you unpeg his forearms from the main body and fold the arms at the elbows until they lightly click into place at a 90-degree angle, then you can attach Jolt with the rotors facing up, and this allows for a slightly more secure attachment. Also, he has fold-out heels to let him stand stably for the first time in twenty dang years!
Like fellow new-mold 2023 Mini-Con (or Micromaster, as Jolt is referred to in the official Hasbro Pulse listing page!) Whisper, he features no Mini-Con insignia anywhere on his body.
Jolt and Powerlinx Hot Shot were officially revealed at the San Diego Comic-Con 2023 breakfast PR event.


Mega Super Collection Figure

  • Hot Rod (2002)
A small, non-transforming Jolt based on his cartoon model was included with Mega SCF Hot Shot.

Big Transformers

  • Hot Rod (2002)
The Kabaya "Big Transformers" Hot Shot included a tiny non-transforming vehicle-mode Jolt that can peg onto his shoulder.


  • A CGI-rendered Jolt was one of several Mini-Cons who could be seen emerging from storage panels at the beginning of Armada toy commercials.
  • Jolt's cartoon character model depicts the engine block/blaster weapon that Hot Shot wields to be a part of his helicopter mode, and it only ever detaches from him in the cartoon when Powerlinxed with Hot Shot… unless Hot Shot needs to wield a non-Powerlinxed weapon in a robot mode battle, but even then, Jolt is usually absent from those scenes entirely.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Jolt (ジョルト Joruto), Spark Jolt (Powerlinx, スパークジョルト Supāku Joruto)
  • Hungarian: Bütyök ("Knob"), Szikra ("Spark")
  • Korean: Jolt (조르트 Joreuteu)
  • Russian: Kvant (Квант, "Quantum")



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