From Transformers Wiki
- Lokos is a Decepticon-allied Nebulan Headmaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Lokos is a veteran smuggler and air pirate by trade. He loves the power being a Headmaster gives him access to and uses it for his own enrichment. His partner Squeezeplay is fine with that as long as it means he gets to smash stuff. Lokos prefers doing things the sneaky way, but on the other hand, there is something quite enjoyable about holding the reins while such a monster machine goes to town.
Despite holding the awesome job of "air pirate" he styles his hair very much in the fashion of Ronald McDonald.
He transforms into the head of Squeezeplay.
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Marvel The Transformers comics
Lokos was recruited into the Decepticons on Nebulos and paired with Squeezeplay in the Headmaster process. After arriving on Earth, he helped Lord Zarak set up the Z Foundation, a front company for the Decepticons on Earth. Lokos went under the alias "Mr. L." Impenetrable disguise, really.
In an effort to attack the Autobots from a new angle, the Z Foundation began offering a $50,000 reward for the capture or destruction of any Transformer (they apparently drew no distinction between the factions in order to avoid arousing suspicion). Along with the similarly disguised Brisko and Kreb, Lokos schooled a quartet of bounty hunters on the Transformers they would be hunting. Codenamed the Roadjammers, these humans were equipped with jammer devices to prevent transformation or independent action by a single robot. Mr. L and his compatriots dispatched the Roadjammers to the Shawungunk Mountains area of New York, on a "hot tip" that some Autobots were in the vicinity. (In fact, they were prisoners of war released into the wild from a Decepticon detention facility on Cybertron, in order to test the Roadjammers' effectiveness.)
The Roadjammers indeed proved highly effective, capturing the Autobots Fizzle, Sizzle, and Backstreet in one afternoon. However, they were also too curious for their own good. After snooping around the Z Foundation, they discovered the inert bodies of Squeezeplay and the others' Decepticon partners. Catching their new employees in their investigation, Lokos and his partner unveiled their true forms and merged with the Decepticons. Unfortunately, the Roadjammers' tech-head Felix had rigged their jammers to control two Transformers instead of one apiece, placing both the Decepticons and Autobots under their control. Lord Zarak and Scorponok were forced to intervene directly in the matter, which led to the escape of the Autobots and Roadjammers before Squeezeplay and his fellow Headmasters were freed. Ca$h and Car-nage!
Beast Wars: Uprising
When Squeezeplay perished in a Resistance attack on Tarn, he regretted that Lokos wasn't close enough to help him experience the majesty of his own death. Head Games
The Transformers
- Squeezeplay (Headmaster, 1988)
- Released in the fifth year of the The Transformers toyline (fourth year in the European line), Lokos is the Headmaster unit of Squeezeplay, forming the larger robot's head in its humanoid mode. Inserting him (or any other Headmaster unit) into Squeezeplay's neck will activate a spring-loaded mini-Tech Spec meter which gives readouts for Speed, Strength and Intelligence. Though all Headmaster heads plugged into Squeezeplay will display Lokos's Speed, Strength, and Intelligence readings (4, 8, 5) due to them being on one large sliding plate, plugging Lokos into any 1987-release Headmaster is designed to still activate individual tumblers in the older toys.
- Like all of the 1988 Headmaster partners, Lokos has Squeezeplay's face plainly visible on his back, lacking the face-obscuring flip-down panel of the larger 1987 Headmasters.
- Squeezeplay and Lokos were released in Japan as Super-God Masterforce Cancer.
Titans Return

- Crashbash (Titan Master, 2016)
- Accessories: Gun/Dragon/Dinosaur
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro), Emiliano Santalucia (concept artist)
- Part of the first wave of Titan Master figures in the Titans Return subline, Crashbash (renamed for trademark reasons) can interact with other figures from the line. As a robot he can ride on Legends Class figures in their alt modes, and can be plugged on every Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader figure. He comes with his vehicle partner, that can transform into a dragon (which can be ridden by Crashbash in bot mode), a dinosaur (which is completed by Crashbash forming its lower jaw and arms) or a gun that can be used by larger figures...although it looks like a dinosaur lying down and shooting with its butt and feet, but you can remove the Titan Master in gun mode anyway.
- The instructions had a slight error: The wing/stomach parts were shown closed in steps 6-8, even they told you to open them in step 5. Although stock renders had the dinosaur head's eyes being painted blue, the final product painted them lime.
- As with most Titan Master vehicle accessories, care must be taken with the gun mode's handle: the handle fits tightly in many 5mm-compatible closed hands, and combined with the handle's lack of metal pin running through the joint, removing it by force causes the handle to pop out of the joint. This is incredibly common when inserting the gun mode into the base modes of leader class toys like Blaster and Soundwave, whose holes are too small for Crashbash's post. Get some pliers ready.
- Crashbash was originally designed by Emiliano Santalucia as a new character, and sported an original head mode design. The mold was redecoed into Overboard and retooled into Clobber. Takara released the head as Cancer along with Shockwave, while its partner was redecoed as Butla and Servant, Skull and Wipe's partners. The partner also served as the model for the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of the Diagnostic Drone.
Titans Return mold: Crashbash | ||
Titan Master: Accessory: |
- Prime Universe Cliffjumper VS Beast Wars Universe Tarantulas, G1 Universe Squeezeplay, Cyberverse Universe Tarn (Multi-pack, 2024)
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)[1]
- Legacy "G1 Universe Lokos" is a retool of Titans Return Vorath, transforming into a head for his pack-in partner "G1 Universe Squeezeplay", though his new tooling is based much more closely on the animation models for Masterforce Cancer. Even the smaller robot head has the large face-shield of Cancer's cartoon armor rather than the mouthplate-and-eyes form of the original toy.
- Lokos and Squeezplay came in a Target-exclusive four-pack, along with Prime Universe Cliffjumper, Beast Wars Universe Tarantulas, and Cyberverse Universe Tarn.
- ↑ March 28, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers 40th Anniversary Fanstream | March 28, 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Kelly Rose, and Matt Ferguson.