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The name or term "Blaze" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blaze (disambiguation).
Fizzle is an Autobot Sparkabot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"But WHY is the cheap energon gone?"

If words really could win the war, Fizzle would have ended it centuries ago by sheer volume. He's actually not too bad a strategist. In fact, he's been responsible for many of the Autobots' greatest victories. He's just nowhere near as good as he claims to be. He's constantly coming up with elaborate fantasy-world scenarios of his greatness, and absolutely refuses to accept any blame for his failure to reach them.

Eventually, seized with the need to prove to everyone that his plans would be unimpeachable if it weren't for all the other people screwing them up, he took on the more threatening moniker of Blaze and set out on his own as a self-appointed Autobot hitman. The results have, perhaps predictably, been as mixed as anything he achieved as Fizzle.

He can sometimes be found drowning his sorrows in cheap energon. During these moments of over-energizing, he really gets bad at the bragging and blaming others. Once it's out of his system, he apologizes... but then he's right back at it again later.[1]

Planning a battle is ten times more important than fighting it.

—Fizzle's Generation 1 bio quote



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Look, at least Sizzle's UK colors make sense. I transform from an entirely red robot into an entirely blue car.

Fizzle and his fellow Sparkler Mini-Bots were sent to Earth on an observation mission to be on the lookout for Galvatron's possible return. Once he did return, though, they could do little more than follow him to Florida, and radio desperately to the Wreckers for back-up after Galvatron took a swim in the ocean. While waiting for a reply, they were caught off-guard by the Firecons. Forced into battle, Fizzle demonstrated the quick-thinking and determination that earned him the function of "Strategist": he got set on fire, screamed, passed out in the water, and had to be rescued and returned to his peers by a bemused and mocking Galvatron. Enemy Action!


Seeking competent aid, the Sparklers broke Ultra Magnus free from the hardened magma that had trapped him in a volcano since his last bout with Galvatron. Luckily for them, Magnus was too out of it to ask why they didn't do this earlier. Once Ultra Magnus crumbled at the sight of Galvatron in their next encounter, Fizzle once again came up with a brilliant strategy to, quote: "give this everything we've got." Unfortunately Galvatron's strategy—to pick up Fizzle by the arm and use him to bludgeon the other Sparklers into submission—seemed to be far superior until Magnus snapped out of it and got in a few lucky, rage-filled punches. Salvage!

Afterwards, Ultra Magnus and the Sparklers returned to Cybertron to gather the Wreckers for a full-scale assault on the Decepticon base. They instead found the city-state of Kalis deserted, signs of a vicious battle left behind where the Wreckers had meant to meet with them. Traveling to Kalis's outskirts, Magnus and the Sparkabots were met with a Decepticon patrol, intent in keeping them within the ghost town. Though Fizzle and the other Sparkler Mini-Bots were knocked out, Magnus was able to take the Duocon Flywheels captive, sending the rest of his team fleeing. While questioning their prisoner, the Autobots learned what had befallen Kalis: an army of the dead!

No matter how much the Autobots blasted them, the zombies would rise up again to renew their assault. When Flywheels transformed to his tank mode to blast the encroaching hordes with more gusto, Fizzle, Guzzle, and Sizzle followed suit, using their high-temperature spark-jet emissions to set the zombies ablaze. But Ultra Magnus eventually called off all offensive maneuvers against their attackers; he reasoned that the zombies were still Autobots, and there might still remain a chance they could revert them to their normal selves. The group retreated within a nearby building to strategize their next move. The Autobots and Flywheels worked out that they had indeed been fighting the dead, but they hadn't been risen through supernatural means; rather, a powerful radio-signal was controlling their motor-functions. Fizzle further suggested that, in all likelihood, the entire set-up was meant as a distraction to hide a greater plot taking place nearby. While the Sparkabots drew the zombies away, Ultra Magnus and Flywheels worked on jamming the radio-signal. Once this task was accomplished and the dead were once more inert, Ultra Magnus informed the rest of the group that he had tracked the signal's origin to deep underground. City of Fear!

With a momentary lull in the fighting, Ultra Magnus reluctantly trusted Flywheels to fly off to nearly Decepticon territory and return with reinforcements. The Sparklers were not happy with this decision. Legion of the Lost!

Springer sparkabots magnus meltdown.jpg

Fizzle's group then bumped into Springer, recently escaped from the crazed scientist Flame. Through him, Fizzle learned that Flame was responsible for the incident in Kalis, the whole thing being an elaborate distraction from his attempts to re-engineer the entire planet as a giant spacecraft. But the antiquated engines Flame had fired up risked setting off a chain reaction beneath the surface, which would literally tear Cybertron apart. As the Autobots entered Flame's underground headquarters, they met up with the rest of the Wreckers, who had also escaped from Flame after Springer's departure. The two Autobot groups merged, only to find their path blocked by a massive blast door. Thankfully, Flywheels came through for them, coming back with Trypticon in tow to smash the door down. While Springer, Ultra Magnus and Xaaron dealt with Flame in his inner sanctum, the rest of the group cut through the remnants of Flame's zombie army, and headed back to the surface. There, Fizzle learned that a zombie Impactor had forfeited his (un)life in order to prevent the whole planet from blowing up. The Autobots stood in solemn silence to honor Impactor's heroic passing. Meltdown!

The Sparklers and Magnus intended to join the Wreckers in going to Earth to stop Galvatron once and for all, but when an Autobot patrol discovered the corpse of their scout Chameleon, they traveled to Tyrest to investigate. Upon snooping about the seemingly abandoned Jekka Amphitheatre, Fizzle stumbled upon Chameleon's arm among a massive pile of robotic remains. At that moment, the group was surrounded by enemy forces and taken captive by the alien Zabra and his Firecon allies; the Autobots had uncovered an illegal gladiatorial combat racket.
Fizzle's profile neglected to mention his ventriloquism abilities.
The three Sparklers were forced to wait in prison while Ultra Magnus fought a massive, multi-armed alien. Guzzle and Sizzle faked a violent argument, drawing the guard near and giving Fizzle the chance to knock him cold. One quick escape later, the Sparklers decided to stick around and help Magnus stop the death-games rather than catch the dimensional alignment that the Wreckers used to jump to Earth. This turned out to be the right course of action, as they were just in time to blast several Decepticons who were about to shoot Magnus in the back. Deadly Games!

The Sparkabots were next seen in Decepticon custody on Cybertron, but Fizzle, Sizzle and the Triggerbot Backstreet were suspiciously set free and sent to Earth by the space bridge. There, the Nebulan Zarak had set up a sham foundation to hire human bounty hunters to hunt down Autobots for him. He had Fizzle and the others released from Cybertron as bait for a controlled test of these "Roadjammers," and their mode-lock jammer technology. After his two friends were taken into Roadjammer custody, Fizzle attempted to use his gift for strategy to avoid the same fate. This earned him a shotgun blast through the windshield... and being taken into Roadjammer custody. Fizzle and the others only escaped due to the Roadjammers' overconfidence in attempting to take down three Decepticons and Scorponok himself in addition to their chosen targets. Zarak was forced to use an "anti-jammer" device to liberate his own troops, breaking the humans' control over the Autobots as well. After bringing the Roadjammers out of harm's way, Fizzle and his teammates took off, not wanting any more to do with the bounty-hunters. Ca$h and Car-nage!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Fizzle was among the Autobots monitoring the Decepticons from a distance when Megatron made peaceful gestures to Humanity in New York City. The Autobots returned to the Ark and discovered that a statue of Snaptrap that the Decepticons had gifted to New York was actually Snaptrap in disguise. Snaptrap went on a rampage and the Decepticons used this distraction to attack various other targets. Optimus Prime led the Autobots to narrowly defeat this menace. Fizzle, Scoop, Quickmix and the other Sparkabots managed to bring down Piranacon. The Troy Principle Those events were recorded on a videotape that was later found and watched by Autobots on Cybertron after a nuclear disaster in Kalis. In Memory of Earth

In 1973, Powermaster Optimus Prime - A Robot, a Hero Fizzle investigated an abandoned Decepticon base at an airfield before spotting Needlenose, Dreadwind and Darkwing who then flew off. Later the Decepticons attacked an oil tanker, and he helped in the rescue effort. A Big Day for Powermaster Optimus Prime Those events would later be observed via log recording by Autobots in the year 2008. Powermaster Optimus Prime - A Robot, a Hero

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Fleetway Generation 2 comic

Nice Laser Rod. Pity if something happened to it.

Once, he was known was Fizzle but changed his name to Blaze. Generation 2 #3 letters page At some undetermined point in time, Blaze fought Jolt. Generation 2 #1 poster

Ladybird Books continuity

After Highbrow was kidnapped, Optimus Prime was forced to submit himself to the Decepticons in exchange. Knowing the Decepticons would never release Highbrow as they promised, Prime recruited Hosehead and Fizzle to help him. Sneaking into the area in the back of Optimus's trailer, Fizzle used his knowledge of the terrain to find a covered path to the rendez-vous point where Optimus could release them without being spotted by the Decepticon eye-in-the-sky. Optimus turned himself over to the Decepticons while Hosehead and Fizzle worked to free the prisoners. Working together, Fizzle and Hosehead freed Highbrow and secured Prime's release as well. As the quartet of Autobots made their escape, Fizzle and Cindersaur got into a fire vs. fire fight that reached a stalemate. Hosehead turned it into a fire vs. water fight, once again using his water tanks this time to extinguish the Firecon's breath by spraying right down his throat. Autobot Hostage

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

So how many contradictory designs am I going to have?

Blaze served with his "brother Sparkabot" Sizzle as an engineer millions of years ago on planet Cybertron. He was more fond of acting as a saboteur and spy however, and would often target the enemy's fuel dumps in this role. Blaze's The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual profile After awakening on Earth, the Autobots and Decepticons found themselves in a prolonged stalemate.

As part of a plan devised by Prowl, Blaze and the other Autobots were stationed at Table Mountain in Africa to defend a newly discovered spaceship with the power to return them to Cybertron. But after a brief skirmish, the Autobots made themselves scarce and allowed the Decepticons to claim their prize. They then sprung their trap; the ship was a decoy, meant to imprison the Decepticons and send them hurtling blindly into space. The Autobots knew this wasn't a permanent solution, but were content with having some downtime while the Decepticons found their way back planet-side. Day of the Decepticons

Blaze accompanied Jazz and Optimus Prime to the Brazilian rain forest to investigate a Transformer energy signature. The source of the readings turned out to be two terrifying robot dinosaurs! The Decepticons took advantage of the Autobots' surprise, leaving Blaze the last Autobot standing; he tried to take Megatron down himself, but was swatted aside. Fortunately, the creatures revealed themselves to be the Autobots Grimlock and Snarl, awakened for the first time since the age of the dinosaurs. The two Dinobots quickly drove off the attacking Decepticons, saving Blaze and his helpless friends. When Grimlock decided that he and Snarl would stay behind and search for their fellow Dinobots, Blaze chastised him for not joining the fight against the Decepticons. Optimus Prime advised Blaze to relax, as he felt sure that the Autobots and Dinobots would be brothers-in-arms once Grimlock found his remaining companions. The Dinobots!

Wings Universe

I'm colored correctly? Heresy!

Fizzle was stationed at Autobot City on Earth in 2010. He joined a squad of Autobots under Jazz's leadership to back-up Pyro and Rapido in Switzerland against Clench's Decepticon Syndicate. After being exposed to forestonite, Fizzle got all glowy n'stuff. Generation 2: Redux He gained the ability to sense his environment with new clarity, making him a marksman of the highest caliber. With his new powers and need to be part of the battle, Fizzle felt his name no longer suited him, and took on the moniker Blaze. Blaze's profile in Club magazine #47

Blaze joined Pyro's team as they investigated a break in at Quantum Laboratories, though as their shuttle flew through space, he was disgusted to learn that Sizzle, who'd told them they'd need a shuttle, had opted to stay behind. A message resulted in a visit to Nebulos, where Hi-Q had been kidnapped. A Flash Forward, Part 3 Following the trail left by the kidnappers, the team reached a strangely-altered Qre, where they were set upon by a training system, then captured by Jhiaxus and his Sharkticons. A Flash Forward, Part 4 That unfortunately meant Blaze had to listen to Jhiaxus' speeches. A Flash Forward, Part 5 He got his own back by shooting Jhiaxus in the face after Sideswipe freed everyone. As the Autobots fled the exploding base, they were confronted by three of Jhiaxus' "Second Generation" clones, and Blaze told them they had a duty as Autobots to return to the war. With some more convincing, the clones returned to Earth with Blaze and the others. A Flash Forward, Part 6

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #1
Fizzle How to Say Goodbye and Mean it.jpg

After Cybertron was reborn in the wake of D-Void's attack, Fizzle joined Rodimus's mission to use the map within the Matrix of Leadership to find the Knights of Cybertron at Cyberutopia. The mission's departure in the Lost Light was interrupted by an explosion in the ship sending it into premature quantum jump. The resulting hull breach sucked Fizzle out of the ship and he fell to a nearby planet, burning up in the atmosphere. How to Say Goodbye and Mean It Fortunately, he was found alive and apparently repaired, along with most of the other Transformers who had been sucked out of the ship. Hangers On Later on, after recovering, he participated in the battle that occurred when the Lost Light ran into a group of rogue Decepticons on Temptoria. Before & After

Ping FizzleRazorbeast.jpg

Once the Lost Light made a brief return to Cybertron, Fizzle chose to leave the crew and remain on the planet. He was known to hang out at Maccadam's Old Oil House, getting drunk and spinning self-aggrandizing tales about how absolutely vital he'd been to the Lost Light's journey. A 'Bot and Her City Eventually he joined Razorbeast in piloting a cargo ship. When they were co-opted into fighting Infinitus's army of undead titans, Razorbeast was incredulous at Fizzle's sudden courage in joining the battle. Fizzle simply replied that Razorbeast hadn't known him during the war. Ping

Commercial appearances

The Sparkabots battled the Firecons in the middle of a Cybertronian city, with Fizzle taking on Flamefeather. Seacons / Sparkabots / Firecons commercial


The Transformers

Fo' shizzle!
Sold in the fifth year of the original Transformers toyline (fourth in European markets), Fizzle transforms into an off-road Baja buggy. As a Sparkabot, in this mode he has a friction-motor gimmick that not only propels his vehicle mode forward when "revved" up by pushing him forward on his rubber gear-wheel, but causes "cold" sparks to shoot from his back end.
This mold was also used to make Blaze (see below) and Wildspark.

Generation 2

One of these days, someone will draw me like this.
  • Blaze (Sparkabot, 1993)
Sold only in European/Australasian markets in the first year of said markets' version of Generation 2, Blaze is a redeco of Fizzle above. He retains Fizzle's sparking feature.
Like fellow Generation 2 Sparkabot Sizzle, the sparking mechanism is harder to trigger compared to the original thanks to the mechanism's wheel being made of a softer kind of rubber that gets less traction.
Blaze's card art shows Sizzle, while Sizzle's card depicts Blaze. It was therefore arguable which Generation 2 Sparkabot is which, though years later Fun Publications would use them in the way they appear on this wiki.


  • Fizzle and Sizzle's robot mode colors were switched throughout the original Marvel UK comics, resulting in a red-and-brown Fizzle and a shades-of-blue Sizzle... who turned into a blue buggy and a brown funny car, respectively.
  • On the Fleetway gatefold poster featuring Blaze, Blaze's colors are based on his fellow Generation 2 Sparkabot Sizzle. In The Dinobots!, Blaze has not only Sizzle's coloration but his entire robot mode. His vehicle mode is still his own, albeit in Sizzle's colors. Tradition!
  • The letters page in the third issue of Fleetway's Generation 2 comic declared that Blaze was Fizzle after adopting a new name. The Wings of Honor universe followed their lead, establishing "Blaze" as Fizzle's new loose-cannon identity after his exposure to forestonite.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Fizzle (フィズル Fizuru)
  • French: Pétille (Canada)


  1. Generation 1 Fizzle toy bio
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