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Miko's host parents

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Miko's host parents are humans from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family.
MikoHostParents CellPhone.jpg

Miko's host parents have taken in a student from Japan named Miko Nakadai as part of a foreign exchange education program in their town of Jasper, Nevada. Miko does not seem to like them, and she believes they're scared of her.


Prime cartoon

Miko's host parents telephoned Miko, but she didn't answer. Darkness Rising, Part 1 When Miko skipped detention, Bulkhead expressed his worries about her parents both real and host finding out, but Miko stated that they were "scared" of her. Deus ex Machina When the kids were trying to stop the Project Damocles satellite, it was moved over Jasper with the intention of destroying them, and Miko pointed out that she could see her host parents' house on the satellite's monitor. The Human Factor

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