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Moon Jet

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Moon Jet is a Decepticon from the Operation Combination portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
A butt-on collision.

Moon Jet (ムーンジェット Mūn Jetto) draws his energy from the moon's rays. He considers the stellar-powered Autobot Checker Road his rival. His favorite tactic is to hide on the dark side of the moon... then, um... fly out of there.




Operation Combination story pages

Moon Jet accompanied the Jet Corps and Battle Gaia in their campaign to plunder Earth of all its energy. They were initially opposed by their foes, the Road Corps. The Decepticons defeated the Road Corps and pressed on into Earth's orbit. The Road Army vs. the Jet Army! New Decepticons Appear!

Arriving in Earth's orbit, they were met by Guard City, who had assembled every Micromaster Combiner in the Autobot ranks. Moon Jet then went toe-to-toe with Guard City. The Decepticons' Attack on Earth!

The Autobots eventually formed the "Autobot Scrum Combination" and used their power to destroy Battle Gaia. Moon Jet and the Jet Corps quickly gathered up Battle Gaia's remains and fled back into space. Conclusion


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Who the slag invited Moon Jet?
  • Checker Road vs. Moon Jet (Versus pack, 1992)
  • ID number: TF-08
  • Accessories: "Moon Missile" launcher, 3 missiles
  • Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy)
Released in the eighth and final year of the original Takara Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line under the Operation Combination banner, Moon Jet is (almost) identical to the Hasbro European-market Predator Talon, transforming into a McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle fighter jet. He has a spring-loaded hand-held missile launcher, plus retains the Megavisor gimmick, allowing him to be connected to the larger Predator toys (only one of which, Skyquake, was released in Japan, and even that was basically in UK packaging), which lets a special image be seen through the larger toy's scope: in this case, and image of truck-mode Thunder Clash, a toy not technically part of the current line, but it was sold in Japan in slightly-modified UK packaging.
The only difference between him and his Hasbro doppelganger is one he shares with the rest of the Predator/Jet Corps members; slightly-altered missiles. The most immediately-noticeable difference is the Jet Corps missiles have a solid-circle base, while the Predators have fins that stick out slightly, but there's numerous small molding differences all over them.
Due to a combination of design and Gold Plastic Syndrome, the Jet Corps launchers are quite delicate. It's best never to load one of the launchers while it is in the hand of a Predator—the post is most likely to just snap right off. The trigger is also likely to snap off due to relying on on the plastic bending as opposed to being hinged.
He was available only in a two-pack with Checker Road.


  • Moon Jet is repeatedly colored in dark gray/black in his story page appearances, rather than the toy's aqua-greenish-blue. It's unknown if this was an intentional stylistic choice, the result of ultimately-scrapped plans to color the toy differently for its Japanese release, or simply a limitation of the printer's color palette.
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