Optimus Prime (RID)
From Transformers Wiki
This article is about the Autobot from the 2001 Robots in Disguise franchise. For the Autobot from the 2015 Robots in Disguise franchise, see Optimus Prime (WFC). For a list of other meanings, see Optimus Prime (disambiguation). |
- Main
- Universe
- Optimus Prime is the Autobot leader from the Robots in Disguise continuity family.

Optimus Prime (aka Fire Convoy) is a stern and serious commander, devoted to protecting freedom and innocent life. He has seen the galactic path of conquest and destruction already burned by Megatron and swears it will not include Earth. Optimus Prime often finds himself in the role of "straight man" to the more comic stylings of the other Autobots and Predacons, and tends to treat their humorous exaggerations or personality quirks as statements of straightforward fact. His subordinates view him as a great leader, if stubborn and much too prone to long speeches. Optimus Prime's greatest weakness is his sense of nobility. If an adversary claims to have had a change of heart and discovered inner goodness, Prime will fall for it every single time. But once he finds out he's been had, they'd better watch out!
Cartoon continuity
2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Neil Kaplan (English), Satoshi Hashimoto (Japanese), Jung Goo Lee (Korean), Vladimir Gerasimov (Russian), Guilherme Briggs (Portuguese), Gerardo Reyero (Latin American Spanish), Massimo Lodolo (Italian)
Optimus Prime was created, along with Ultra Magnus, by Alpha Trion during the Golden Age. The two of them were raised together, and thus, saw each other as brothers. However, this relationship was torn apart after the Cybertron Civil Wars, whereupon the Matrix chose Optimus Prime to command the Autobots in stopping the Predacon leader Megatron from ravaging the universe in his quest for energy. Ultra Magnus left Cybertron that same day, bitter and spiteful of his brother. Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!
Prime soon struck up command on Earth, where he took the form of a fire truck. Operating out of a secret base in Metro City, he and his fellow Autobots were more than ready to face Megatron and his Predacons. The conflict began when Megatron appeared in New York City, attempting to kidnap the famous scientist Doctor Kenneth Onishi. Optimus struck up a friendship with Onishi's son, Koji, and despite not being able to save the boy's father, vowed that he would help rescue him. Battle Protocol!
Optimus later took Koji to see the Autobot base, during a series of Predacon attacks on trucks around Metro City. New Predacon Sky-Byte turned out to be after a terrorist device hidden in a sports car. With the bomb on the verge of exploding, Optimus converted to his battle mode and used his power stream to blast the shark and the bomb safely into space. An Explosive Situation The launch of the Linear RFG bullet train was also a clear target for the Predacons, and Optimus ordered the Autobots to provide an escort. Sure enough, the Predacons destroyed a bridge ahead, and Optimus aided Team Bullet Train in stopping the train before disaster occurred. Bullet Train to the Rescue
Together with the Autobot Brothers, Prime prevented the Predacons from stealing the Plutonium Energy Generator stored in a Metro City warehouse. When the generator was later moved, the Predacons made a second attempt, but Prime was content to sit back and watch the Spychangers go to work in foiling the quartet. Spychangers to the Rescue
A distress call from Koji sent Optimus and the Autobot Brothers to a location in the sea near Metro City. Using the Global Space Bridge, the Autobots made the leap out to a stricken ship, which was under attack by the Predacons. Prime fought with Sky-Byte, discovering that the shark had the edge while underwater. Once the ship was righted, the Autobot Leader quickly beat the Predacon into a withdrawal with his Fist of Steel. The Hunt for Black Pyramid Prime suspected that an attack by Megatron and the Predacon trio in the middle of Metro City was a diversion, and this was confirmed by an SOS from Side Burn, who was exploring Native American ruins. After Prime had traveled to the ruins and fought off Sky-Byte, the Autobots found a microchip, hidden there by Doctor Onishi. The Secret of the Ruins
Following Side Burn's kidnapping by the Predacons, Prime responded to the ransom request... by turning up alone and promptly being captured himself. Megatron began beating on the bound Optimus, until Prowl, X-Brawn and the Spychangers mounted a stealth rescue. The prisoners freed, the Autobots turned on the Predacons and chased them off. Sideburn's Obsession When Koji reported a Predacon attack on the D-512 Stanwich Steamer, Optimus coordinated the Autobot defense from home base. After Midnight Express's last minute rescue of the train, Optimus held Koji up so that the boy could film the steam engine. Secret Weapon: D-5

Optimus was not very worried about Mirage having apparently defected, stating that he was an Autobot and a member of the elite Spychangers. Mirage's Betrayal Optimus has the Autobots all enter the International Grand Prix in order to try and find Skid-Z, a recently arrived Autobot who had scanned a racing car and become possessed by the urge to compete in races. Unfortunately the Predacons decided to enter the race too, and partway through, Optimus and the Autobot Brothers found themselves holding up a huge rock dropped onto them by Megatron. Fortunately Skid-Z himself turned up and destroyed the rock, allowing them to chase Megatron off. Skid Z's Choice
Another new recruit, Tow-Line went rogue and began towing away random Autobots to an unspecified location. Prowl and Optimus finally managed to track Tow-Line down, correcting the damage to his circuits done by the Predacons, and rescuing their fellows. A rousing battle ensued, with inevitable defeat for the Predacons. Tow-Line Goes Haywire A Predacon investigation of the Cave of the Dragon lead Optimus and Midnight Express to dress up as a huge statue to chase them off. The ruse worked, and Optimus discovered that the cave did contain something of interest—an O-Part! The Ultimate Robot Warrior Concerned at recent Predacon activity, Optimus called the Autobots back to HQ to review previous missions. Hope for the Future
Lead by Doctor Onishi's microchip to Castle Peak, Prime and the Autobot Brothers found the Predacons digging up a derelict Autobot spacecraft. The ship contained six protoforms, which Megatron promptly stole, whisking them away to nearby McKinley Army Base to be formatted into Decepticons. During the fight at the base, Kelly attempted to flee in a fuel tanker, and was saved by Optimus from plunging into a crater. The last protoform scanned Optimus and the tanker at the same time, resulting in Scourge, a Decepticon resembling a twisted clone of the Autobot leader. The Decepticons The Decepticons' first mission was to attack Sherman Dam, during which Optimus managed to stop them from detonating explosives planted on the dam, and clashed with Scourge. Commandos
More activity lead Prime and the Spychangers to Montrose Island, where they clashed with the Decepticons and Sky-Byte. With the volcano in danger of erupting, Optimus froze the crater with his Blizzard Storm attack, but was occupied fighting Scourge to do any more. He pinned Ruination, allowing the Spychanger to use their Inferno Blast to divert the erupting lava to the sea. Volcano The Decepticons had Movor fired into space to try and locate the Autobot base from orbit, by observing Autobot movements. Optimus had Side Burn go to Pier 7B, where an ambush had been arranged. Prime's battle with Scourge was largely won by the fact that Movor kept firing on the pair from space and accidentally hitting Scourge. Attack from Outer Space
Prime hoped that Scourge and his fellow Decepticons would one day be restored to their true Autobot selves, and in fact at one point Mega-Octane met with Optimus Prime, claiming that the Decepticons wanted to defect. Just as Optimus was about to show the Decepticons to the Autobot base, Sky-Byte attacked. Scourge's strike at the Predacon would have incurred a human casualty, had Optimus not deflected the sword blow with his Flying Fist, and the trick was revealed. Enraged with disappointment, Optimus glowed with power as he fought off the Decepticons. The Test
Optimus took part in countering a series of attacks on power plants, The Fish Test and arrived in Antarctica in time to help the Build Team defeat the Decepticon and Predacon forces. Wedge's Short Fuse He also helped the Build Team reach the space bridge computer after the Decepticons sabotaged it. During the subsequent battle in the Arctic, he was content to let Landfill face Megatron alone, as a matter of honor. Landfill
Sky-Byte and his Predacons attacked the CGA Tower during its opening, apparently holding the humans inside hostage and demanding that Optimus Prime bring him the O-Parts. Optimus headed for the scene, but was cut off by the Decepticons. His haste resulted in him speedily dispatching Ruination with one shot from his Blaze Blaster, before hurrying to the tower. After a further battle with Scourge, Optimus helped stabilise the tower so that Landfill could create a new foundation for it. Sky-Byte Saves the Day Optimus took time out to review footage of the Autobots' recent missions, in order to better understand his enemies. Lessons of the Past After the Decepticons began a vendetta against the Build Team, Optimus ordered the Build Team not to get involved—but they did anyway, battling Ruination underground. Prime reached the location after Landfill had defeated the Decepticons in a huge fireball, and extinguished the four Autobots. A Test of Metal
Matters escalated when Ultra Magnus appeared on Earth, making his desire to take the Matrix from Optimus Prime known to his "brother". Optimus confronted Magnus, inviting the Autobot to join his team, but Magnus refused and challenged Prime to a duel. Ultra Magnus Optimus refused to fight Magnus, and was thus mercilessly fired upon, until Side Burn, Prowl, and X-Brawn arrived to carry him away. Prime took refuge on a deserted island, but the Decepticons, Megatron, and Magnus all tracked him there. In the midst of the battle, Magnus forcibly activated their ability to combine into Omega Prime, intending to use it to drain Prime of his energy so he could take the Matrix, but Optimus managed to take control and use their combination to stop the Decepticons. Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!
After the Decepticons captured the Autobot Brothers, Optimus confronted them, but was unable to fight back under threat of the brothers being killed. Despite being pounded on by the Decepticons, Optimus was fit enough to combine with Ultra Magnus once the three brothers were freed. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus Optimus came to the Autobot Brothers' rescue himself when they experienced an odd power drain during battle. He fought Ruination and Scourge alone until Ultra Magnus arrived to lend a hand. Power to Burn!
During the search for some ruins under Metro City, Optimus Prime monitored things from base. He joined his men when they found Fortress Maximus hidden in the ruins, and helped fight the Decepticons off. Fortress Maximus While the Build Team concealed Fortress Maximus, Optimus kept Scourge busy, fighting the Decepticon beneath the city. Koji Gets His Wish He turned up in the Sahara Desert after the rest of the Autobots had collected all of the O-Parts, in time to fight off Megatron. A Friendly Contest
Combined into an orb, the O-Parts lead Optimus and the Autobot Brothers back to the Sahara, and a pyramid located in a cavern beneath the sands. There they battled with Megatron and the Decepticons over the Orb of Sigma. Once again, Omega Prime was formed in order to battle Megatron, and at the end of the battle, only the Autobot was still standing. Peril from the Past Though the Autobots gained the location of Cerebros, the key to activating Fortress Maximus, Cerebros was snatched from their grasp by the Decepticons. Optimus lead his men in attempted to protect the titan, but Scourge managed to succeed. Fortress Maximus proved impossible to control, and began rampaging across the city. The return of Megatron, in a few form as Galvatron, complicated the battle, and even Optimus and Ultra Magnus combined into Omega Prime were unable to stop the devastation, until Koji managed to command Maximus to stop. Maximus Emerges
Clashes with the Decepticons and Fortress Maximus in a desert The Human Element and a forest were largely unsuccessful, but internal ructions in the Decepticon ranks eventually resulted in the Autobots managing to gain control of Cerebros. Mistaken Identity When the Decepticons discovered the location of the Autobot base and mounted an attack, Optimus took Cerebros, leading the Decepticons through Metro City to an ambush in a more remote location. Prime and Magnus combined into Omega Prime once again, but found they were ineffective against the power of Galvatron's Megastar, and were forced to sit back and watch as Fortress Maximus dealt with the battle station. Surprise Attack!
Galvatron had survived the confrontation and began draining power from Fortress Maximus. When Omega Prime confronted him, he responded by using cyber-bats to enslave and threaten the world's children. Prime was forced to call a retreat through the space bridge, which gave Galvatron the opportunity to trap them there and flood the tunnel with lava. As Optimus was overcome by the lava, Koji's words inspired him to escape and confront Galvatron once more. Galvatron's Revenge
Though Galvatron seized the rest of the Autobots in an energy field, Optimus escaped and combined with Ultra Magnus. Omega Prime challenged Galvatron one-on-one at the Earth's core. He was seemingly no match for the Decepticon leader, until Fortress Maximus sent his power, which energized the Matrix, forming the giant weapon, the Matrix Blade. Galvatron was defeated, and with that, the Autobots' mission on Earth was finished, and Prime resolved to return to Cybertron—but not before "one last look around" with Koji and the rest of his team. The Final Battle
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Kiss Players
Shaoshao Li time-traveled the year 2000 to acquire Fire Convoy's piece of the Allspark (in reality Unicron's lifeforce) while Fire Convoy was battling Gigatron in New York City. Shortly thereafter, a golden hand snatched away the Allspark fragment. Kiss Players #47
Super Spychanger Lottery
Fire Convoy and his Autobots were still on Earth in 2003 when a new threat arose. To deal with this, the Spychangers were granted Spark Engines that gave them Super forms. The Secret of the Birth of the Super Spychangers
Unite Warriors
While grappling with Optimus Prime in 2021, Mega-Octane was disappointed in Prime's strength compared to that of Fire Convoy. Ruination Chapter, Part One
Legends comic
In the Legends World, Fire Convoy was a fictional character in a franchise of toys and media. Affected by Tankor's '80s Transformation Beam, a TV began airing adult-rated content at prime time as was acceptable in the '80s, including a scene of Fire Convoy creeping on a bathing T-AI. Bonus Edition Vol. 3 When Sky-Byte, still on Earth in the 2004 of the G1 World, was sent to the Legends World, he was perplexed to find that the Transformers were fictional. When Rattrap explained to him about characters like Optimus Prime, Sky-Byte found through research that "Optimus Prime" was the English name of his hated enemy, Fire Convoy. Thus, he sought to ruin Fire Convoy's reputation in this world... by dressing up as Age of Extinction Optimus Prime. The plan didn't work out, as Sky-Byte was unable to bring himself to crush young fans' dreams. Bonus Edition Vol. 6
Following his victory on Earth, Fire Convoy returned to his own future and continued leading the Dimensional Patrol from Neo Brave Maximus. When an escaped Scourge attacked their base to rescue Devil Gigatron, Fire Convoy tried to initiate Battle Protocol only to find that T-AI had been hacked by Dark Ai. As it turned out, however, Gigatron had lost his taste for evil and refused to come with Scourge, instead choosing rekindle his old friendship with Fire Convoy and joining the Patrol. LGEX Scourge Prologue The two of them would eventually discover a new combination technique, leading the Patrol as Devil God Fire Convoy. Epiloge
Ask Vector Prime
Vector Prime claimed Fire Convoy was a vassal of the Convoy Council and a peer of Reverse Convoy, Lio Convoy, and Galaxy Convoy. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/14 He led the Dimensional Patrol in pursuit of Gigatron's Destrongers to the year 2000 at the behest of the Convoy Council. While Fire Convoy was making preparations, he discovered the Beta BT unit of Prowl which had been in storage for centuries. Knowing that the memories it contained were invaluable, Fire Convoy had the Beta BT unit rebuilt with Spychanger technology and infused with life by Vector Sigma. Prowl 2 taught Fire Convoy and his Dimensional Patrol much about life on late 20th century Earth although Prowl 2 himself was unable to join the Dimensional Patrol on their expedition due to the risk of time paradoxes. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/10
Dreamwave Robots in Disguise comic
With the other Autobots all engaged in other fights around the world, Optimus Prime alone was available to answer T-AI's battle protocol at an experimental nuclear generator in Arizona. His opening plan was to lure the Predacons and Decepticons away from the humans to battle them at a safe distance, but his wayward brother Ultra Magnus intervened, confronting the villains head on in the middle of the generator plant. As Prime chastised Magnus for his rash action, Scourge overheard and seized on the idea to threaten the humans if the Autobots didn't stand down. Despite his anger at Optimus, Ultra Magnus remembered his Autobot training and reluctantly laid down his weapon. At the proper moment, though, the brothers managed to attack a distracted Scourge and save the humans. The Predacons and Decepticons escaped with the generator, but the humans were safe. Ultra Magnus...to the Rescue?
Ask Vector Prime
Optimus may have later been part of Omega Prime, who worked with Fortress Maximus to put an end to the universe-consumption campaign of Unicron, a warlord who had united his consciousness with Planet X. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/28
3H and Fun Publications comics
In universal stream Viron 903.0 Beta, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13 after turning in Galvatron to the proper authorities, Optimus Prime enjoyed the time following by studying various lifeforms and their environments on other planets throughout the universe. During this vacation, his weapons systems were upgraded considerably.
However, his skills were inevitably needed once again on Earth when evil threatened the planet. He formed the Dimensional Patrol from the ranks of the Autobots who had stayed behind on Earth, as well as additional experts in transwarp technology, to defend the planet from those who would do it harm via the "temporal and spatial nexus" in Earth's proximity. Unfortunately, Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and several members of the Dimensional Patrol were abducted by Unicron. Here they were to battle each other in the Cauldron, where their energy would feed and repair the shattered body of the Chaos Bringer. Optimus Prime's profile in Club magazine #1 One of Optimus's fellow abductees was Red Alert, who died at some point and had his body taken over by Inferno. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13
As Omega Prime, Prime and Magnus escaped this fate in a jailbreak set into motion by Trailbreaker and Silverbolt. They left Unicron for their home universe via a portal created by Optimus Primal and Snarl, Escape but shortly thereafter they were once again called into service by Primus. Homecoming
During the final battle with the Minions of Unicron in the Pit, Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus (as Omega Prime) were fighting alongside the Children of Primus when the corrupt pocket universe began to collapse around them. Omega Prime and the others fled through a dimensional portal, but the powerlinxed brothers were diverted by the former Mini-Con Over-Run into another reality, Revelations Part 2 just in time to stop Nemesis Prime from unleashing the Dead Matrix inside the Spark Chamber of Primus. The evil clone was defeated, Revelations Part 1 and the brothers hooked up with Sentinel Maximus and his comrades as they attempted to fortify the local Cybertron against the Unicron Singularity. Revelations Part 2
Working relatively behind the scenes while that reality's Optimus Prime and his crew searched for the Cyber Planet Keys, Optimus Prime and his brother found themselves moderating an internal dispute among the Mini-Con colonies in Cybertron's debris field, Revelations Part 4 and were engaged with a Cybertronian-sized version of Unicron himself when Primus first transformed due to an infusion of Cyber Key Power. Revelations Part 5 Some months later, after the final battle with the Cyber Key empowered Galvatron, Optimus Prime first met his local counterpart, and they exchanged information on their endeavors over the last few months. With the newly reformed Unicron on the loose after their last encounter, Optimus chose to join Ultra Magnus and Sentinel Maximus in hunting him down. Revelations Part 6
Optimus Prime was gathered in Axiom Nexus by its Optimus Prime, along with a roster of other Optimus Primes and their kin in a group known as the Convoy. A multiversal cataclysm in a universe seeded with Rarified Energon and an invasion by evil Autobots from the negative polarity universe had called them into action. Since Matrix bearers were usually never allowed into Axiom Nexus, this was a grave threat indeed! Invasion Prologue
His name was on a list of Convoy members given by Cheetor to Andromeda. The list noted that he was also known by the moniker Ignition Prime and hailed from universal stream Viron 903.0 Beta. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/05/21 Ignition Prime was present at a meeting of the Convoy after the turmoil caused by the Waruder invasion of Axiom Nexus. Cybertron's Most Wanted
Despite his great sense of duty, Prime longed for a day when he could return to his original Earth to spend time with his old pal, Koji Onishi. Optimus Prime's profile in Club magazine #8
Spacewarp's Log
In one reality, Devil Gigatron was imprisoned at Garrus-7 after his defeat by Fire Convoy. After Devil Gigatron upgraded into Gigatron Z, broke out of prison, and went on a rampage with his new Autobot-turned-Predacon crew, Fire Convoy's crew stopped them. Spacewarp's Log (1), 2015/10/27
Toy bio continuity
In Viron 102.0 Beta, Optimus Prime was a student of Scavenger at the Autobot Military Academy. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/22 Later, on early 21st century Earth, Prime led the Autobots against Galvatron's Predacon/Decepticon forces. The enemy received aid from the time-traveling Predacon criminal Cryotek, who granted Galvatron a body upgrade into Megatron Megabolt. This body could form the head of Megabolt Maximus, the Megatron-hijacked Fortress Maximus. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30 Optimus Prime was assisted by Optimus Primal, a "spirit guide" also from the future. Air Attack Optimus Primal toy bio After a long and difficult battle, Prime and Primal triumphed over Megatron and Cryotek. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30
Shell Game

In Viron 704.31 Epsilon, Optimus Prime, as part of Omega Prime, defeated Megatron, but Megatron was soon replaced by a more fearsome Decepticon/Predacon leader, Megazarak. On the eve of a critical battle with Megazarak's forces, Optimus's loyal soldiers Fireflight, Side Burn, Ironhide, Drydock, Ratchet, Swerve, Prowl were abducted by Unicron to fight in the Universe War. Despite some of Megazarak's Decepticons being abducted as well, Optimus, Sky Lynx, Hound, and X-Brawn ultimately fell to Megazarak's onslaught. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30
Optimus's corpse was thereafter visible on the surface of Cybertron, one of countless Autobots who fell at the hands of Megazarak. Shell Game
Spychanger continuity
Dreamwave Armada comic
When the Heralds of Unicron destabilized the space bridge nexus in Aurex 402.24 Gamma, causing the space bridges to become windows to other dimensions, Jetfire caught a glimpse of Optimus Prime and Prowl. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4
OTFCC Voice Actor Drama
- Voice actor: Michelle Carolus (English)
The Optimus Prime of Viron 1103.12 Gamma was forced to downsize to a Spychanger form when the Sky-Byte of her world accidentally turned all of Earth's energon toxic. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/18 She and her cohorts were later plucked from their universe and stranded on a frozen planetoid during the Universe War; they stranded Autobots were targeted for 'recruitment' by Reptilion, but rescued by the Children of Primus.Voice Actor Drama
Kre-O online comic
Fire Convoy watched T-AI bathe at Autobot City. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!
Beast Wars: Uprising
1,000 years after the Grand Uprising, Fire Convoy was a member of the Convoy Council, which unanimously voted to dispatch the Hyperborea to pursue the Terrastar. The Inexorable March
2005 IDW continuity
While Tarantulas explained the purpose of his Timemaze, a familiar-looking red robot appeared on one of the device's screens. Requiem of the Wreckers
Robots in Disguise (2001)

Sound Chip Sounds from RiD Optimus Prime. It's no "Hypergoldfish! GOLFBALL!", but at least he has a lisp... — 96 Kb
- Super Fire Convoy (2000) / Optimus Prime (Super Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number: C-001
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito and Junichi Akutsu (concept art)
- Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime transforms into a made-up turntable ladder truck resembling a three-axle first-generation Hino/Morita "Super Gyro Ladder MH" firetruck. Harkening back to early Generation 1 toys, he features rubber tires with chromed hubcaps as well as a 1/60ish control chair compatible with pre-Transformer Diaclone pilots at the base of his ladder. The forward section of his truck detaches to become his standard robot mode, which can be equipped with "Transmine" shoulder pads and "Fire Knuckle" gauntlets to become an intermediary "Mega Robot" mode. His vehicle mode "trailer" can also be reconfigured into a sort of battle station called the Transrebair (トランスリベア Toransuribea) in Car Robots, a pun on "repair bay". The station can then be disassembled and attached around the robot to form his "Ultra Robot" Battle Mode. His standard robot can combine with Ultra Magnus to form Omega Prime.
- The original Takara Car Robots release differs from the Hasbro version in that it has a darker, metallic-flake plastic, gold chrome eyes for both modes and has no Autobot symbols tampo-printed on the shoulder pads. Obviously, the voice clips used for the Japanese toy are also different, although the English clips are essentially translations of the Japanese ones (with the Hasbro toy proclaiming that Optimus Prime's transformation into super mode uses the code-phrase "maximize"). Furthermore, Fire Convoy's missiles are of a different mold on the Japanese toy. The toy’s ladder features a trigger that flips all four of his missile launchers forward into firing position when pressed. On Fire Convoy, pressing this trigger causes all four missiles to immediately launch when they flip forward, whereas the Hasbro toy removes the auto-fire feature, allowing them to be launched one-at-a-time via individual triggers. Unchanged from the Takara release, the tires feature the name "FIRE CONVOY" instead of "OPTIMUS PRIME". The Hasbro release also filled in the lowest row of holes on the sides of the ladder's lower section, which are also attached to the wrong sides. This misassembly is present on all Hasbro releases of the mold, as well as the Encore release. As well, the toy has the unfortunate tendency for its rubber tires to split down its molding connection.
- Optimus Prime's pistol can also be stored on the right side of his electronics backpack by attaching to a nub, but this was dropped from the Hasbro instructions. With some fidgeting it can be kept there in the Super and Omega Prime modes, but with the low clearance and shorter nub height it's likely to fall off if the figure is held wrong.
- Sonokong also released Super Fire Convoy in Korean markets, with the electronics and tooling changes of the Hasbro release, replacing the fire department kanji (消防庁) with a 119, and in packaging resembling the second Takara release.
- This mold was also used to make Universe OTFCC 2005 Defensor, but that toy ended up unreleased.
- Black Super Fire Convoy (Super Class, 2000/2001)
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- Also known as "Super Fire Convoy Black Version" and "Dark Super Fire Convoy", this black repaint of the Optimus Prime figure featured a golden chrome chest, and clear sirens. It was available only as a prize in several contests held by Takara: 15 units were available as prizes in a raffle held in TV Magazine in July; 400 were raffled off in a drawing that involved sending in coupons that came with the Car Robots DVDs (200 from October to December 2000, and 200 more from March to May 2001); and an undetermined amount were offered in a scratch-card contest also held by TV Magazine.
- This figure was also sold in a giftest with a black version of Ultra Magnus as "Black God Fire Convoy", noted below.
- Clear Super Fire Convoy (Super Class, 2000)
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- Clear Super Fire Convoy is constructed primarily of translucent plastic, with opalescent/glittery white parts and gold chrome hubcaps. Like the Black Version of the figure, was only available as a contest prize. An unknown number of units were raffled off as part of the "Convoy Car Robots Campaign" between June and July 2000, while 15 were available at drawings held at Tokyo's Seibu Department Store between the 15th and 28th of August.
- Black God Fire Convoy (Giftset, 2000)
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- This two-figure giftset includes the Black Super Figure Convoy figure, plus a black version of the Ultra Magnus figure (itself exceptionally rare), who together combine to form Black God Fire Convoy. It was ludicrously limited in its availability, with the only ten units known to exist being offered as prizes in a scratch-card contest that TV Magazine run until early November 2000.
- God Fire Convoy Special Clear Version (Giftset, 2000)
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles, Super God Sword
- The God Fire Convoy Special Clear Version (ゴッドファイヤーコンボイ スペシャルクリアバージョン) set includes a DIFFERENT clear Super Figure Convoy figure (with silver chrome hubcaps), plus a clear version of God Magnus. Together, they combine to form God Fire Convoy. The set also included the Super God Sword, which had previously been available only through various contests and raffles.
- The giftset was exclusive to Japanese Toys"R"Us stores. Released on November 23, 2000, it was limited to 3000 pieces; reportedly, only 100 TRUs carried the set, and limited customers to one purchase on the day of release.
- Optimus Prime (Basic Class, 2002)
- One of only four all-new molds in the Hasbro Robots in Disguise line, this is a smaller, simplified version of the large Optimus Prime made for the Basic Class. He transforms from fire truck directly to "super" robot mode. He features through-axle construction for super-fast rolling on smooth surfaces.
- Oddly, all promotional images of this figure depicted it colored in orange.
- Super Fire Convoy (Super Class)
- The original Super Class Fire Convoy/Optimus Prime was planned to be reissued in 2014, but no progress was made. The reissue also intended to include a TRU exclusive Super God Sword accessory,[1] however...
Universe (2003)
- Optimus Prime (Supreme Class, 2003)
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- A Sam's Club exclusive, the Universe release of Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime swaps out his red plastic for yellow and makes his Super Mode "bandolier" black . He came packed in robot mode in an upright display package, which featured a sticker on the front with a hilariously mistransformed Omega Prime, advertising the toy's combining ability with the simultaneously-released, slightly-redecoed Sam's Club exclusive Universe release of Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus.
- For some reason, his die-cast chest is still painted in the same red as the original release, and the Autobot symbol on his chest in Battle Mode is left unpainted.
- This toy was repurposed as both Hot Shot's upgraded "Shotimus Prime" form and as Yellow Splendid Convoy.
- Optimus Prime and Prowl (Basic Class two-pack, 2003)
- One of a half-dozen Wal-Mart exclusive Universe toys to hit in the span of a few short months in 2003, this version of Prime is a yellow redeco of the Robots in Disguise Basic class Optimus Prime (with an oddly-unpainted face), based on the Sam's Club version of the larger toy. Prime was only available in a Basic-pricepoint two-pack with Prowl.
- This toy notably features as the female Spychanger Optimus Prime.
- Ultra Magnus & Optimus Prime (Multi-pack, 2005)
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- Likely conceived as a simple repackaging of Optimus' and Magnus' Universe figures, this Costco exclusive ultimately redecoes Prime's yellow plastic back into red... which ends up making him functionally identical to his original toy, albeit with the Universe toy's black chest detailing. Unlike any other version of the mold, however, the tiny yellow detailing on his knees and waist is now painted red.
- He was sold with Cybertron Ultra Magnus, an unchanged Super Class Universe Ultra Magnus.
- The Cybertron branding left it rather up in the air whether this Optimus Prime constituted a new iteration of the character in the Cybertron franchise's fiction or what until the Facebook edition of Ask Vector Prime settled the issue in 2015 by seizing on the resemblance to his original Robots in Disguise deco to rule it the appearance of the original guy in his various convention comic adventures.
- In Australia, this set was released as a Myer exclusive.
Titanium Series
- Optimus Prime (6" Cybertron Heroes, 2006)
- Accessories: Display stand, nameplate
- Known designers: Don Figueroa (concept artist)
- Titanium Series Optimus is a six-inch tall die-cast metal and plastic version of Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime. In vehicle mode the ladder rotates at its base and the nozzles flip out of the end of the ladder, but the ladder cannot extend. As he is a heavily simplified version of the larger toy, the entire fire truck transforms into the "super" robot mode, and lacks a smaller robot form or base mode. Panels on his forearms pop up and reveal small, non-firing sculpted guns.
- This mold was also used to make Titanium Series Hot Zone.
- God Fire Convoy (Multi-pack, 2018)
- Release date: March 23, 2018
- Accessories: Pistol, 4 missiles
- In this Encore reissue giftset, Super Fire Convoy and God Magnus have slightly different plastic colors, and the chrome details are replaced by show-accurate paint applications. Fire Convoy's truck mode has the "C-001" license plate as seen in the animation. The tip of the Super God Sword is now translucent. This version of Super Fire Convoy retains the retooling done for the Hasbro Robots in Disguise version of the mold.
- Many specimens of this toy feature a design flaw in Fire Convoy's ankle joints, which makes it hard or impossible to get the truck cab to clip together properly. Quality control errors are common on this set, from poorly-aligned parts of the robots themselves, to electronics that play the wrong sounds, to even inaccurate callouts and pictures on the packaging. TakaraTomy took the unprecedented step of issuing a public apology and refunded recall of the set.[2]
- Omega Prime (2025)
- Series: Robots in Disguise 2001 / Legacy
- TakaraTomy name: God Fire Convoy (ゴッドファイヤーコンボイ)
- Accessories: Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, combinable Global Space Bridge display stands (Tier 2 Unlock)
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)[3], Hiroyuki Taiga (concept artist),[4] Dave White (product photography), Nick and Tony Colella (sculptors),[5] Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)[6]
- Revealed on the January 30, 2024, Hasbro Pulse livestream, Legacy Optimus Prime—"Super Fire Convoy" (スーパーファイヤーコンボイ) in TakaraTomy markets—was released as part of a HasLab exclusive box set with Ultra Magnus and Bluebolts themed around their collective combined form Omega Prime. Optimus is roughly Commander-sized in Super Mode and turns into his traditional fire truck form, though updated with sculpting cues that seem to be inspired by the newer Hino/Morita Super Gyro Ladder MHII Max. He retains most of the gimmicks of the original toy—the truck cab forms the small robot, the 'trailer' can form a battle station or Super Mode, the ladder extends, etc etc. The figure also features a litany of new features, including now-removable Matrix of Leadership accessory set in a chamber modeled after the original figure's molded Energon Matrix, a new version of the original's Diaclone pilot operator's chair at the base of the ladder now scaled to Titan Masters, and the end of the ladder now flips down to act as a Titan Master-compatible bucket. Last but not least he can of course combine with the included Ultra Magnus and Bluebolts to form Omega Prime.
- The project reached 50% funding in only 24 hours, beating all three previous Transformers HasLabs. It reached full funding on February 9, 2024, in only ten days—three times quicker than the previous record holder, Deathsaurus.[7] At the closing bell on March 14 2024, the set clocked in at 28,230 backers, beating the previous Transformers record by quite a fair margin (Deathsaurus again, with 27,442) and coming in second only to Marvel Legends Galactus as the most successful project in HasLab history.[8]
Transformers DX
- Fire Convoy (2000)
- Accessories: Pistol
- As part of Kabaya's Transformers DX line of candy toys, Optimus Prime was one of three pre-assembled transforming figurines packaged with lemon candy. Capable of transforming into only the cab portion of his vehicle mode, Prime's robot mode could also be upgraded into his Super Mode by attaching several additional armor pieces (two boots, two gauntlets, two arm-cannons, two shoulder guards, a head, a chest piece and a ladder), some of which came packaged with Prime himself, and the rest of which were split between the other two figures in the line, Rapid Run and Prowl.
Transformers Gum

- Fire Convoy (2000)
- Japanese ID number: 1
- Accessories: Pistol
- Part of Kabaya's Transformers Gum range of candy toys this version of Prime is a diminutive non-transforming snap-together model kit packaged with a stick of gum. Split across two plastic sprues, the kit is made of metallic silver and translucent red pieces with some painted details, which must be cut off their sprues and assembled by the buyer.
- Super Fire Convoy (2000)
- Japanese ID number: 2
- Prime's Super Mode also got representation in Transformers Gum. Just as with his standard Gum figure, this one is likewise non-transforming, silver and translucent red, and packaged with gum.
Trans Kit
- Super Fire Convoy (2000)
- Japanese ID number: 1
- Another model kit of Prime was released by Kabaya as part of their Trans Kit range of candy toys. This non-transforming figure was cast entirely in one color of plastic, but was available in either grey, blue or red. It came packaged in a two-piece box with candy-coated chocolates.
- Fire Convoy (2000)
- Japanese ID number: 2
- Accessories: Pistol
- Like his larger self, this version of Prime was also available in grey, blue and red plastic.
KT Figure Collection
- Ai-chan (2004)
- This figurine was produced by KT Figure Collection, and included in a set of four others. It is notable in that not only is this the only non-Generation 1 PVC in the entire set, but Ai-chan is portrayed bathing in a hot spring, and is thus completely nude, aside from her hat. A super deformed Super Fire Convoy is seen peeking over the side, and a miniature Gelshark bath toy is in Ai-chan's hands.
- Yes, it's creepy. And you may find her face is familiar, BECAUSE the figure is designed by Yuki Ohshima, who did the creepiest thing in the Transformers brand ever.
Robot Heroes

- Optimus Prime & Megatron (Two-pack,
- Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro), Alex Androski (deco artist), Marcelo Matere (concept artist)
- Universe Robot Heroes Optimus Prime was an adorable little robot based on his "Battle mode" look, and was going to be available with Megatron.
- This didn't happen because our god is not a loving and forgiving one.
- According to the first Car Robots toy catalog, Optimus and his Autobots are part of a "Dimensional Patrol" that followed the Predacons from another sector of spacetime. This seems to have been only vaguely alluded to in the Japanese version of the show—Fire Convoy expressed bewilderment in the 12th episode for an O-Part "to exist during this time", suggesting that he and the O-Parts come from another time—but does not seem to have played a large part of the main story, to the extent that the Robots in Disguise dub was able to omit it entirely. However, the 3H supplemental materials for the Universe series re-established the idea, presenting the "Dimensional Patrol" as a post-cartoon organization.
- The first Car Robots catalog also stated that Fire Convoy and Gigatron were once "childhood friends" that became eternal rivals. We don't really have any idea how that was supposed to work.
- Fans in Japan joke that Optimus Prime is an Autobot Emperor of Destruction rather than an Autobot Supreme Commander, due to his actions in the Car Robots anime.
- For this incarnation of Optimus, voice actor Neil Kaplan specifically impersonated the voice of the original Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen. Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime is one of the few major Optimuses (four as of 2021) whose English voice actor isn't Cullen or Garry Chalk. At conventions, Kaplan refers to himself as "the George Lazenby of Optimus Primes".[9]
- Cybertron "Multi-Pack" Optimus Prime's on-package bio seems to indicate he's Unicron Trilogy Optimus Prime. However, his (and Magnus') deco was later used in the Fun Publications Cybertron fan club magazine comic as Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime having traveled to the Unicron Trilogy universe.
- Optimus Prime's Super Mode chest resembles the chest of EnRyu from King of Braves GaoGaiGar, another Takara series. EnRyu also transforms into a fire truck with a similarly positioned "ladder cannon".
- This is the first incarnation of Optimus not to be killed off at any point during his series. Possibly due to the fact that he is not intended to be Optimus Prime in the original Car Robot series.
- However, the Optimus Prime in "Shell Game" was later retconned as an iteration of Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime, so that darkens things a bit.
- Optimus was left out of the BotCon 2010 Transformers Hall of Fame video tribute to Optimus Prime(s).
- Under the name "Super Fire Convoy", Optimus was a candidate in TakaraTomy's Masterpiece Fan's Choice poll, which asked fans to determine which Autobot/Maximal leader from the franchise's then-30 year history should receive a new toy in the prestigious Masterpiece line. He placed fifth, with 4.9% of the vote.
- Kre-O Fire Convoy wears a Kre-O Optimus Prime helmet piece painted up to resemble Super Fire Convoy.
- This incarnation of Optimus later inspired the name and design of Fire Prime in the Animated storybook "Bots of Science".
Foreign names
- Japanese: Fire Convoy (ファイヤーコンボイ Faiyā Konboi), Optimus Prime (オプティマス・プライム Oputimasu Puraimu)
- Korean: Fire Convoy (파이어콘보이 Paieo Konboi)
- Russian: Optimus (Оптимус)
- ↑ http://news.tfw2005.com/2013/08/05/super-fire-convoy-2014-reissue-178159
- ↑ TakaraTomy apology and recall notice
- ↑ January 30, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers: Legacy RID 2001 Omega Prime HasLab Fanstream | January 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae and Evan Brooks.
- ↑ Interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
- ↑ March 7, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers 40th Anniversary Fanstream | March 7, 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks and Mark Maher.
- ↑ January 10, 2025's Transformers: Legacy Robots in Disguise 2001 Omega Prime HasLab - Official Unboxing! with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks.
- ↑ "Exciting news! The #HasLab campaign for #Transformers: Legacy #RobotsInDisguise 2001 #OmegaPrime has achieved its goal with 10,000 backers! A massive thank you to all the incredible fans who made this possible – your support has truly brought Omega Prime to life!"—Hasbro Pulse, Twitter, 2024/02/09
- ↑ The Omega Prime HasLab campaign at Hasbro Pulse
- ↑ This would presumably make David Kaye the Daniel Craig of Optimus Primes.
- Unreleased toys
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- Robots in Disguise (2001) Autobots
- Robots in Disguise (2001) combiners
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- Super Spychanger Lottery Autobots
- Titanium Series
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- Universe (2008)
- Universe Autobots
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