Ultra Magnus (RID)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ultra Magnus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ultra Magnus (disambiguation). |
- Ultra Magnus is an Autobot from the Robots in Disguise continuity family.
Usually, Ultra Magnus is a well-respected Autobot who is a great friend/mentor to Optimus Prime.
THIS Ultra Magnus, on the other hand, is not a happy camper.
Immensely powerful, he'd be one of the Autobots' greatest warriors, armed with multiple weapons which according to X-Brawn could take out an army. Except he's not especially keen on helping the Autobots out anymore. After all, they gave the Matrix to his brother, Optimus Prime, and not him. This really, really didn't sit well with Magnus, and he vanished for years... only to come back with a major chip on his shoulder and a need to wallop his brother to prove that he deserves the Matrix.
He apparently doesn't understand the real criteria for Matrix-getting.
Despite his hatred of Optimus, they combine into the colossal Omega Prime, one of the most powerful Autobots in the Multiverse, with alarming frequency when things get hairy. This is either because Magnus can't deny his (somewhat buried and tarnished) noble Autobot nature, or because if Prime gets blown to tiny bits, the Matrix could get blown to tiny bits with him.
Contents |
Cartoon continuity
2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Kim Strauss (English), Takashi Matsuyama (Japanese), Alexandr Novikov (Russian, Ultra Magnus only), Oleg Kutsenko (Russian), Yamil Atala (Latin American Spanish), Francesco Prando (Italian), Júlio Chaves (Brazilian Portuguese)
Ultra Magnus was created by Alpha Trion and brought online at exactly the same moment as his brother, Optimus Prime. They both served with distinction during the Cybertronian Civil Wars, presumably against the Predacons. Afterwards, when the time came for Vector Sigma (also referred to as the Allspark) to choose a new Matrix Bearer and Autobot leader, Magnus was passed over in favor of Optimus. Magnus was infuriated by this, and left Cybertron immediately afterwards. He became increasingly embittered, both towards his brother and mainstream Autobots in general, causing him to come off as something of a jerk when dealing with them.
Some time later, he tracked down his brother to the planet he was currently charged with protecting, Earth. There, he first encountered the Decepticons and single-handedly defeated them all, even when they combined into Ruination, becoming the first being to beat Ruination without any sort of help. Ultra Magnus He then challenged Optimus Prime for possession of the Matrix and command of the Autobots. Optimus refused to fight his brother, however, not that that stopped Ultra Magnus from blasting him with his powerful weapon, Blue Bolts. Optimus was only saved by the intervention of Side Burn, Prowl, and X-Brawn, who rescued their commander and transported him to a remote island to recuperate. It was there that Optimus revealed to Side Burn his relationship to Ultra Magnus, much to the young Autobot's shock. Unfortunately, the Predacon Sky-Byte had used a hidden tracking device to locate Optimus Prime, and he, Megatron and the Decepticons ganged up on the weakened Autobot leader. Ultra Magnus then showed up, having followed Sky-Byte, and forced Optimus Prime to merge with him, becoming Omega Prime, with the intention of absorbing the Matrix's power. However, he was shocked to discover that Optimus Prime had just as much control over Omega Prime as he did, and they were forced to cooperate to use their combined form's firepower to drive off the Decepticons. Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!
Although he remained a free agent, Ultra Magnus would come to the aid of the Autobots whenever he felt they required assistance, though he was always quick to deny that he actually cared for their safety. He also often combined with Optimus when the situation required it. These frequent combinations apparently had some unexpected side effects, as Ultra Magnus seemed to unconsciously channel the energies of the Matrix into the Autobot brothers, upgrading them to their new "supercharged" forms. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus Although this was never explicitly explained in the show, afterwards, Optimus speculated that he and Magnus were now somehow "sharing" the Matrix. Power to Burn!
Ultra Magnus once pretended to join the Decepticons in an attempt to infiltrate the group, however, this plan failed due to the interference of the Autobot brothers, who believed that Magnus had genuinely betrayed them. An all-out battle between Autobots and Predacons/Decepticons soon erupted, with Ultra Magnus proving that his true loyalties lay with the Autobots. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus After having "gifted" the Autobot Brothers with the ability to assume their supercharged modes, Magnus now needed to contend with Prowl and Side Burn pestering him. He found Side Burn especially annoying. Despite Ultra Magnus already refusing once to join Megatron's forces, he was approached once more by Scourge, who made a similar proposition. Ultra Magnus remained steadfast in his allegiance to the Autobots, voicing his disappointment that Scourge actually believe his rivalry against his brother could be used to turn him towards evil. The rest of the Decepticons then came out of hiding to attack Magnus. Though Prowl and Side Burn came to Ultra Magnus's aid, Magnus took off, leaving the other two to deal with Scourge and the Commandos. He did feel guilty over deserting them though, and kept watch at a distance. When Optimus arrived on the scene and was unable to take care of his enemies on his own, Ultra Magnus rejoined the fray and combined with his brother to turn the tide. After a swift victory, Ultra Magnus took off once more, admitting that he suddenly had a lot to think about. Power to Burn!
He would constantly appear out of nowhere whenever the Autobots were in trouble, using his strength, guns and combining power to help save the day. How he always managed this is unknown. When his power alone wasn't enough, he would also regularly combine with his brother, and mow down the Predacons and Decepticons as Omega Prime. After the job was done, Ultra Magnus would always take off on his own once more. Fortress Maximus Koji Gets His Wish A Friendly Contest Peril from the Past This victory streak wouldn't last forever, as Ultra Magnus was outmaneuvered by Sky-Byte of all 'bots. Magnus and the Autobot Brothers lost Cerebros to the Predacons, who planned to use the small robot to control Fortress Maximus. Thankfully, Ultra Magnus was back in form in a later battle, and helped fend off the newly reborn Galvatron and his troops while a conflicted Fortress Maximus ran berserk across Metro City. Unfortunately, despite combining into Omega Prime, Cerebros slipped from Optimus and Ultra Magnus's grasp once more. Maximus Emerges Later, Ultra Magnus just happened to be taking a nap in a desert where a battle between the Autobots and a Scourge-controlled Fortress Maximus too place. He was woken up by Side Burn's "whining" and flew in to help his brother, combining with Optimus to fight the gargantuan robot. Unfortunately, the two brothers’ power was not enough to stop Fortress Maximus. Thankfully, Dr. Onishi hatched a plan to overpower Scourge's human bio-signature with a thousand Earth children. After the battle, Ultra Magnus took off once more. The Human Element
Ultra Magnus stopped Sky-Byte from kidnapping Koji and his friend Carl. Mistaken Identity He later took part in the Autobots final clash with the Predacons and Decepticons but instantly combined with Optimus into Omega Prime to attack Megatron's command center. Their attack failed. Surprise Attack!
When the Autobots retreated from battle because Megatron had the children of the world hostage with his Cyber-bats, he stayed behind and attacked Galvatron head on. Again, he failed miserably. Galvatron's Revenge
As usual he popped out of nowhere to remove Optimus from battle and leave the other Autobots to be torched by Galvatron. Optimus asked Magnus to help him one last time. Magnus agreed, acting very surprised that Prime asked instead of ordering him. They merged into Omega Prime one last time to defeat Galvatron at the Earth's center, ending the conflict at last. Ultra Magnus then took custody of the prisoners aboard Fortress Maximus to return them to Cybertron. The Final Battle
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Super Spychanger Lottery
Due to God Magnus's absence on Earth in 2003, Fire Convoy and his Autobots had to give the Spychangers Spark Engines to combat a new threat. The Secret of the Birth of the Super Spychangers
Legends comic
As a member of the Dimensional Patrol, God Magnus traveled to the Legends World at the request of Skids and Sky-Byte. They helped defend the inhabitants from the Zamojin army and the rampaging Majin Zarak. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One With Devil Gigatron reformed and working with the Patrol, God Magnus and Fire Convoy eventually learned to merge with him as well, forming Devil God Fire Convoy. Epiloge
Dreamwave Robots in Disguise comic
While stalking following Optimus in Wyoming, Magnus overheard T-AI sending the Autobot leader to a Predacon/Decepticon attack in Arizona, and resolved to take care of it himself. On arriving at the energy research facility, he swiftly took care of Armorhide and Rollbar before casually slamming Scourge into the nearest building.
When Optimus expressed concern for the humans, Scourge took it as a cue to threaten the nearest fleshling to try to force the Autobots to surrender. On Optimus's urging, Magnus reluctantly agreed, however once Scourge was distracted, the pair took the opportunity to punch him in the face, and the Decepticons retreated. Before Optimus could thank his brother, Magnus was rolling off into the sunset. Ultra Magnus...to the Rescue?
Ask Vector Prime
In Viron 704.08 Gamma, Ultra Magnus, as part of Omega Prime, defeated the tyrant Unicron, who had merged his consciousness with Planet X and tried to consume the universe. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/28
3H and Fun Publications comics
In Viron 903.0 Beta, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13 some time after the defeat of Galvatron, Optimus Prime formed the Dimensional Patrol from the ranks of the Autobots who had stayed behind on Earth, as well as additional experts in transwarp technology, to defend the planet from those who would do it harm via the "temporal and spatial nexus" in Earth's proximity. Unfortunately, Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and several members of the Dimensional Patrol were abducted by Unicron. Here they were to battle each other in the Cauldron, where their energy would feed and repair the shattered body of the Chaos Bringer. Optimus Prime's profile in Club magazine #1
As Omega Prime, Prime and Magnus escaped this fate in a jailbreak set into motion by Trailbreaker and Silverbolt. They left Unicron for their home universe via a portal created by Optimus Primal and Snarl, Escape but shortly thereafter they were once again called into service by Primus to join an army in a multiversal war against Unicron. Homecoming
The final battle of the war ended abruptly when Unicron's physical form was destroyed in another universe, resulting in the Unicron Singularity, which threatened the very multiverse itself. Omega Prime escaped through a portal, expecting to end up on Optimus Primal's Cybertron, but their transit was diverted to the Cybertron of Aurex 405.0 Epsilon by Over-Run. Revelations Part 2 There, they joined forces with the Autobots Sentinel Maximus, Vector Prime, and even that universe's version of their creator, Alpha Trion. When Nemesis Prime attempted to destroy Primus himself using the Dead Matrix, they intervened as Omega Prime. Later, while his brother helped Primus recover, Ultra Magnus defeated Nemesis Prime in one-on-one combat. Revelations Part 1 As the group reconvened in the Chamber of Alpha Trion, Vector Prime's weakening temporal powers failed him, and he disappeared from the group. Overrun, a previously unseen ally now making his presence known to the others, assured them that the elder had simply resumed his proper place on Earth, and took on leadership of the group. Optimus and Magnus were tasked with securing the Dead Matrix in the Archives. Revelations Part 2
Ultra Magnus later became involved in the Mini-Con Civil War that erupted on Cybertron's moons, Revelations Part 4 and even fought against the reincarnated Unicron himself as Omega Prime Revelations Part 5 getting to see Primus himself show up, which prompted Unicron to flee. Some months after the conclusion of the black hole crisis, Ultra Magnus and his cohorts met with the local Optimus Prime and his crew. This Optimus thanked them for protecting the homeworld in their absence, and Ultra Magnus shook hands with them. In the aftermath, Magnus and his brother planned to pursue Unicron. Revelations Part 6
Spychanger continuity
Ask Vector Prime
When the Sky-Byte of Viron 1103.12 Gamma accidentally turned all of Earth's energon toxic, Optimus Prime and her troops had to downsize into new Spychanger forms to survive, much to the amusement of the Predacons... until the Autobots blew up the Predacons' pure energon and the bad guys ran out of energy. Optimus's nemesis Scourge was the only villain who made the shift to a Spychanger body, but outnumbered, she was defeated by Prime's forces. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/18
Universe comic
Ultra Magnus and his cohorts, Optimus Prime, Prowl, and Ironhide were later plucked from their universe and stranded on a frozen planetoid, a side effect of Rhinox's device that blocked Unicron's attempt to kidnap Transformers from multiple dimensions. These stranded Autobots were targeted for 'recruitment' by Reptilion but rescued by the Children of Primus.
While a group of old fogey Autobots that included Tracks, Cosmos, and Bumblebee were sent back to their timeline, Optimus and her crew appeared to stick around for the Universe War. Voice Actor Drama
Cybertron toy bio
Optimus Prime could use the Spark of Combination to merge with his brother. Cybertron Ultra Magnus bio
On a computer screen in Axiom Nexus, Rhinox observed multiple Ultra Magnuses from across the multiverse, including one Viron iteration of Ultra Magnus. Timeless
Shell Game continuity
In Viron 704.31 Epsilon, Omega Prime, who presumably included Ultra Magnus, defeated Megatron. Later, Ultra Magnus merged with his dying mentor Alpha Trion and became Ultra Trion. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30
Air Attack Optimus Primal
In Viron 102.0 Beta, Ultra Magnus was a student of Scavenger at the Autobot Military Academy. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/22
Robots in Disguise (2001)
- God Magnus (2000) / Ultra Magnus (Super Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number: C-023
- Accessories: Cannon, 2 missiles
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Robots in Disguise Magnus's alternate mode is a massive car-carrier vehicle (akin to his G1 counterpart). He is able to carry all three Autobot Brothers when in "carrier mode". In robot mode, Magnus is a rather towering figure due to his oddly long legs (made up of the carrier component from his vehicle mode). His "Blue Bolts" weapon can be configured into three different modes and, when plugged into the proper connectors, generate different sound effects. A button on his back also allows for an additional shout from Magnus (in either Japanese or English, depending on the version of the toy). The Japanese release is slightly different in that it uses different missiles, lacks tampographed Autobot symbols on the sides, and features darker, metallic-flaked plastics, and, as expected, Japanese voice clips. Magnus can combine with the large Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime toy to create Omega Prime. Unchanged from the Takara release the tires featured the name "GOD MAGNUS" instead of "ULTRA MAGNUS".
- Ultra Magnus is an example of a partformer; you are required to remove his trailer, transform it into his legs, and then reattach them at the thigh to complete his robot mode.
- Sonokong also released God Magnus in Korean markets, outwardly similar to the Takara release but using the Hasbro version's sound effects.
- Black God Magnus (2000)
- Accessories: Cannon, 2 missiles
- This black repaint of Ultra Magnus is hugely rare, to the extent that its very existence is occasionally questioned. Only ten units are known to exist, having been offered in a TV Magazine prize draw that seemed to slip under everyone's radar.
- The figure would later be included in a "Black God Fire Convoy" giftset with Black Super Fire Convoy (below).
- Black God Fire Convoy (Giftset, 2000)
- Accessories: Cannon, 2 missiles
- This two-figure giftset includes the Black God Magnus figure, plus the black version of the Optimus figure (itself only available through contests and raffles, although in significantly larger numbers than Magnus had been), who together combine to form Black God Fire Convoy. It was just as limited in its availability as the original Black God Magnus figure, with the only ten units known to exist being offered as prizes in a scratch-card contest that TV Magazine run until early November 2000.
- God Fire Convoy Special Clear Version (Giftset, 2000)
- Accessories: Cannon, 2 missiles
- The God Fire Convoy Special Clear Version (ゴッドファイヤーコンボイ スペシャルクリアバージョン) set includes a unique clear version of the Ultra Magnus figure not available anywhere else, paired with a clear Super Fire Convoy, who together combine to form Clear God Fire Convoy. The set also included the Super God Sword, which had previously been available only through various contests and raffles.
- The giftset was exclusive to Japanese Toys"R"Us stores. Released in November 2000, it was limited to 3000 pieces; reportedly, only 100 TRUs carried the set, and limited customers to one purchase on the day of release.
- Ultra Magnus (Basic Class, 2001)
- One of only four all-new molds in the Hasbro Robots in Disguise line, this is a smaller, simplified version of the large Ultra Magnus made for the Basic Class. He features through-axle construction for super-fast rolling on smooth surfaces. He has room for one Spychanger on the top of the carrier mode, but, of course, they are wildly out of scale with each other. Though the toy was designed in a similar fashion as the Spychanger toys, it retains a surprising amount of articulation, with joints for the head, shoulders and legs. He only has four moving wheels; the rest are molded in.
Universe (2003)
- Ultra Magnus (Super Class, 2003)
- Accessories: Cannon, 2 missiles
- The Universe Sam's Club-exclusive Ultra Magnus was more-or-less unchanged from its Robots in Disguise counterpart, with the only noticeable difference being that his dark blue parts had become a much darker blue.
- Exciting. On the other hand, it was way cheaper than getting the original.
- Ultra Magnus & Ironhide (Basic Class, 2004)
- A redeco of the Robots in Disguise Basic Class version of Ultra Magnus, Magnus transforms into a tractor-trailer rig of probably-made-up model with a non-removable car carrier trailer. The carrier cannot store cars inside, only carry them on the top. He was only available in a Walmart-exclusive 2-pack with Spychanger Ironhide.
- Ultra Magnus & Optimus Prime (Multi-pack, 2005)
- Accessories: Cannon, 2 missiles
- Cybertron Ultra Magnus is a repackaged version of the Universe version of 2001 Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus, and was sold in a Costco-exclusive multi-pack with a red redeco of the 2003 Universe Optimus Prime.
- The Cybertron branding left it rather up in the air whether this Ultra Magnus constituted a new iteration of the character in the Cybertron franchise's fiction or what until the Facebook edition of Ask Vector Prime settled the issue in 2015 by seizing on the resemblance to his original Robots in Disguise deco to rule it the appearance of the original guy in his various convention comic adventures.
- God Fire Convoy (Multi-pack, 2018)
- In this Encore reissue giftset, Super Fire Convoy and God Magnus have slightly different plastic colors, and the chrome details have now been mostly replaced with show-accurate paint applications, except for Magnus's large chrome insignia on his front bumper. The insignia on his forehead is now colored in. The tip of the Super God Sword is now translucent.
- Most of the production run had the cannon's voice samples swapped, so that the line "Magna Laser" plays in "Magna Vulcan" mode and vice versa. This issue, along with a printing error on the box and widespread complaints of overall poor quality control, led to the set being recalled by TakaraTomy.[1]
- Omega Prime (2025)
- Series: Robots in Disguise 2001 / Legacy
- TakaraTomy name: God Fire Convoy (ゴッドファイヤーコンボイ)
- Accessories: Matrix of Leadership, combinable Global Space Bridge display stands (Tier 2 Unlock)
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)[2], Hiroyuki Taiga (concept artist),[3] Dave White (product photography), Nick and Tony Colella (sculptors),[4] Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)[5]
- Legacy Ultra Magnus—"God Magnus" (ゴッドマグナス) in TakaraTomy markets—is bundled alongside Optimus Prime and a newly-personed version of his Blue Bolts blaster as the fourth HasLab crowdfunded figure for Transformers. The roughly Commander-class figure incorporates almost all the play patterns of the original, most notably he can still hold 3 Deluxe scale cars like the original toy (at the cost of cartoon scale). As is the norm with most modern figures, his articulation is increased, especially since he now has ankles.
- Of course, he can combine with Optimus to form Omega Prime, though like fellow power-up shroom character Victory Leo, this robs him of his waist articulation. He has a vacuum metallized grill and eyes, and the Autobot emblem on his vehicle mode bumper is hot stamped. The Weaponizer-style format of Bluebolts allows Magnus to ameliorate the hollowness problems of his original toy by storing his weapon-slash-companion in his calves and chest. The set also includes a dedicated "Matrix of Leadership" for Magnus in reference to God Magnus's Energon Matrix, previously only mentioned in the Car Robots cartoon.
- Omega Prime was revealed on January 30, 2024, with the crowdfunding campaign beginning soon after. The project reached 50% funding in only 24 hours, beating all three previous Transformers HasLabs. It reached full funding on February 9, 2024, in only ten days—three times quicker than the previous record holder, Deathsaurus.[6]
- On March 7, HasLab designer Evan Brooks revealed in a Hasbro Pulse livestream that due to widespread fan demand (and more importantly a patch of unused space he and Hisashi Yuki found in the set's white plastic sprue), the set would now include Magnus's traditional paired white missiles.[4] The non-firing missiles are essentially continuous lengths of 5mm wide pipe with a 3 mm connection point for Generations standard-issue Fire Blast effects on one end. Additional tabs along their width allow the missiles to stow on Bluebolts's back in robot mode.
- At the closing bell on March 14, the set clocked in at 28,230 backers, beating the previous Transformers record by quite a fair margin (Deathsaurus, with 27,442) and coming in second only to Marvel Legends Galactus as the most successful project in HasLab history.[7]
- Ultra Magnus bears a resemblance to Apex Bomber/Godbomber in appearance, Japanese name, and ability to combine with Optimus.
- Siege Ultra Magnus's vehicle mode was inspired by this Ultra Magnus.
Foreign names
- Japanese: God Magnus (ゴッドマグナス Goddo Magunasu), Ultra Magnus (ウルトラマグナス Urutora Magunasu)
- Korean: God Magnus (갓마그네스 Gat Mageuneseu)
- ↑ TakaraTomy apology and recall notice
- ↑ January 30, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers: Legacy RID 2001 Omega Prime HasLab Fanstream | January 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae and Evan Brooks.
- ↑ Interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 March 7, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers 40th Anniversary Fanstream | March 7, 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks and Mark Maher.
- ↑ January 10, 2025's Transformers: Legacy Robots in Disguise 2001 Omega Prime HasLab - Official Unboxing! with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks.
- ↑ "Exciting news! The #HasLab campaign for #Transformers: Legacy #RobotsInDisguise 2001 #OmegaPrime has achieved its goal with 10,000 backers! A massive thank you to all the incredible fans who made this possible – your support has truly brought Omega Prime to life!"—Hasbro Pulse, Twitter, 2024/02/09
- ↑ The Omega Prime HasLab campaign at Hasbro Pulse
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Upcoming toy releases
- Children of Primus
- Costco exclusives
- Cybertron Autobots
- Dimension hoppers
- Encore
- Hall of Fame characters
- Legacy Autobots
- Matrix bearers
- Robots in Disguise (2001) Autobots
- Robots in Disguise (2001) combiners
- Sam's Club exclusives
- Spychangers
- Super Spychanger Lottery Autobots
- Toys"R"Us Japan exclusives
- Universe Autobots
- Universe combiners
- Wal-Mart exclusives