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Ripclaw is a Predacon from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Tails, you lose.

Ripclaw is both unquestionably loyal to the Predacon cause and fiercely protective of her fellows. This almost maternal side of her personality is balanced out by the way she viciously crushes her enemies and leaves their circuits burning with her mech-venom. The Decepticons find her fairly easy to manipulate provided they frame their commands in a way that makes them seem the best course for Predacon kind.



Tales of the Beast Hunters pack-in story

Upon Ripclaw's emergence from her Hyperevolution Chamber, Shockwave told her that she must aid Predaking, who lived, but would soon be under siege by the Autobots and their new weapons technology. However, once Ripclaw left Shockwave's presence, she was approached by Lazerback, who warned her that Shockwave lied and that Predaking was in fact not alive. Together, they could destroy Autobot and Decepticon alike. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 8

Heading into a desert, she encountered one of her first targets: Bulkhead. Swooping down from the sky, she crashed into the heavily armored Autobot, tearing his armor off and injecting him with deadly mech-venom before the pair even began to fight. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 9 Ripclaw was in the Canadian Rockies when she was spotted by Arcee, who sent the coordinates to the Decepticons in the hope they would deal with the Predacon. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 19

Full of Fire!

Ripclaw joined five other Predacons in an attack on the Autobots. Unfortunately the Autobots had just built themselves new weapons, which proved to be more than effective against the Predacons. Ripclaw tried to savage Ratchet, only to get the pointy end of the Dragonshredder Drill. The Predacons were beaten into a retreat, and withdrew back to the Nemesis. Full of Fire!

Commercial appearances

Ripclaw was part of a massive battle between Kreons. She was tripped up by Springer who taunted her that he would "catch her on the flip-side" as Ripclaw fell to the ground. She got her revenge later when she torched Springer's behind with her fire-breath. KRE-O Transformers Micro Changers and Combiners Construction Sets commercial


Hunt the Beasts online game

Ripclaw was one of several Predacons who broke free of Shockwave's lab, causing the Decepticon scientist to flee. Information on her could be found via the lab's numerous data terminals. Hunt the Beasts

Transformers Prime: Beast Creator

When Shockwave left his technology unattended, you could use it to custom-create your own monstrous Predacon! Ripclaw's CNA was accessible through the cloning machine, resulting in Predacons that shared component parts with her. Beast Creator



She's a lady dragon, but is she a Dragon Lady?
  • Ripclaw (Deluxe, 2013)
    • Series / Number: 2 / 006
    • Accessories: Siphon Claw
Part of the second wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Deluxe Class toys, Ripclaw transforms into a winged dragon with an opening jaw. Her tail is a series of plastic segments housed around a long rubbery cord, and can either hang loose or be latched tightly to the torso. She comes with the "Siphon Claw", a clawed stinger that snaps its spring-loaded claws shut when the stinger is depressed. It pegs via 5 mm post into her hands and onto the tip of her tail.
Part of her transformation includes bending a hinge in her spine (bent for beast, nearly straight for robot). This happens in step 4 of beast-to-robot, or step 7 of robot-to-beast, but the instructions do not highlight this move (i.e., the parts involved are not orange), so it's easy to miss. Her instructions also include the eighth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.
This mold was also redecoed and retooled into Go! Bakudora. It was also the model for the comic-only character, Ser-Ket.


KreO-Toy BH Ripclaw Strike.jpg
  • Ripclaw Strike (2013)
    • Set number: A2201
    • Pieces: 199
    • Kreons: Ripclaw, Colonel Daniel Witwicky
    • Accessories: Power staff, Energon canister
Kre-O Ripclaw comes in two forms. The first is a massive brick-built bot who can be reconstructed into a huge dragon-beast. In both of these modes, she has a long segmented tail that ends in a claw, and flapping wings activated by a special brick.
Her other form is as a Kreon, a small mini-figure using the Knock Out helmet. Her wings are attached via the unpopular flak jacket piece, which covers up her torso tampograph. Boy, the sole good-guy in the set, the human Colonel Daniel Witwicky, is boned!
As part of the Beast Hunters series of Kre-O sets, "Ripclaw Strike" was pretty much only sold at Toys"R"Us stores in the US... not because it was an intentional exclusive, but because by that point the other major retailers had stopped carrying Kre-O Transformers outside of the Micro-Changer items. It and the other large sets eventually ended up in clearance-sale chains.

KreO-Toy PredaconAttack-Box.jpg
  • Predacon Attack (2016)
    • Set number: B6192
    • Pieces: 199
    • Kreons: Ripclaw, Colonel Daniel Witwicky
    • Accessories: Power staff, Energon canister
Re-packaged and re-released through budget chains like Dollar General and Family Dollar in the US, this is a seemingly-unchanged version of the "Ripclaw Strike" set, only with the packaging and instructions omitting any mention or visuals of the kit's large robot build. The set still has all the parts for the large robot build, there's just no instructions for said build so you get to puzzle it out yourself (or look them up online).


ConstructBots Ripclaw.jpg
  • Ripclaw (Beast Hunters Scout Class, 2013)
    • Accessories: Tail-claw weapon
Ripclaw is part of the first wave of Scout class in the Beast Hunters subline of Construct-Bots. The very end of her dragon-mode tail becomes a hand-held claw/blaster for her robot mode.
Like most Beast Hunters Construct-Bots, Ripclaw never saw release in the United States.


  • According to Hasbro's Beast Hunters marketing book, Ripclaw was Predacon experiment #SW13334.
  • Ripclaw was the last Transformers toy Bill Rawley designed before moving to the Star Wars team. She was intended as a stealth homage to the also-female Renegade Monster GoBot Vamp; however, the "stealth" aspect was somewhat derailed by other members of the Transformers team acknowledging the source of her inspiration at BotCon 2013.
  • The third Predacon clone seen being grown in Shockwave's lab in Predacons Rising heavily resembles Ripclaw, albeit with a few minor changes.
  • Ripclaw's on-package bio was recycled for the Bot Shots character Buzzclaw, just with the names changed out.
  • The Transformers: Kre-O Character Encyclopedia lists Ripclaw as a "he". Just throw it on the huge pile of other mistakes in that book.
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