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Defiance 2 Simfur post-attack.jpg

Simfur is a city on Cybertron, located nearby Metrotitan.



Live-action film series

IDW live-action film series comics

Tales of the Fallen 3 Prime Chambers afar.jpg

A long time ago on the planet Cybertron, the AllSpark created life in the form of the Dynasty of Primes and later, to assist the Primes, a race of servants. The Primes erected a city around the site of the AllSpark, from which they ruled the planet and maintained the cube. About 19000 years ago, one of the Primes, who would become known as The Fallen killed all but one of his brethren and he himself was locked inside his sarcophagus in the Chamber of the Dynasty of Primes, leaving Cybertron to the servant race. Defiance #4 With the AllSpark in need of a star to recharge it, it was of no use to the servants, who left it and the capital city of old to the elements. As the servants spread out over the planet, forming numerous tribes that fought one another for the remaining storages of energy, the city and the AllSpark vanished beneath layers of metal for several millennia.

Foundation 1 stellar arrival.jpg

Eventually, a surviving Prime named Sentinel Prime arose to save Cybertron and its natives. He gathered individuals from the various tribes that also realized they were all doomed if they kept relying on Cybertron's dwindling energy reserves. Together, the group rediscovered and dug out the AllSpark. Wheeljack created a machine that, when hooked up to the AllSpark, could conduct a star to Cybertron from which the AllSpark could derive the energy to revitalize Cybertron. One Cybertronian tribe, the Thetacons, believed that Sentinel Prime's group would sooner destroy the planet with their insane plan and so attacked them. Sentinel Prime ordered his followers to defend the site so Wheeljack could continue their work. Upon success, the Thetacons stopped their attack, acknowledged they had been wrong and asked Sentinel Prime's group what they would do now that they possessed the most valuable and powerful artifact on Cybertron. Sentinel Prime replied that the AllSpark was not just theirs, but belonged to all Cybertronians, and that they only wanted peace, not power. Impressed by this display of benevolence, the Thetacons built a temple for the AllSpark, Foundation #1 Movie Prequel #1 which instigated the construction of an entire city, Simfur, in the following years.

Defiance 1 excavation site LT34.jpg

Leadership of the united planet was split between Megatron, head of the Defense Force, and Optimus, head of the Science Division, which was mainly tasked with retrieving Cybertron's lost past. Around 10,000 BC, Optimus supervised an investigation into abnormal depth readings received near the Simfur Temple. This led to the discovery of multiple broken artifacts that were found to be somehow linked to the Dynasty of Primes Foundation #2 and the AllSpark. Megatron took an interest in the discoveries and came with Optimus to the excavation site just when the first whole artifact was unearthened. As the two argued about what to do with it, Cybertron came under attack by aliens from the Eshems Nebula. Megatron ordered the artifact to be brought to his quarters in Trypticon and took off to lead the Defense Force into battle.

Defiance 1 Simfur temple.jpg

Simfur particularly came under siege, and Megatron was forced to help out Cliffjumper and Bumblebee, who were put on guard duty at the Simfur Temple. Defiance #1 In the end, the Defense Force drove off the aliens and the members of the Science Division got to the cleanup work. While they recovered the corpses of the aliens left behind in battle and tended to the victims, Prowl and Jazz from the Security Force investigated the damage done to the temple, deducing from it that the aliens had been after the AllSpark. Megatron came to the same conclusion and, under the influence of the artifact that was in fact The Fallen's sarcophagus, ordered for Cybertron to ditch its defense-only principles and actively annihilate the threat. Optimus disapproved of this and held a speech at Simfur for the Science Division not to follow Megatron. Defiance #2 This obviously did not sit well with Megatron, but he let it pass until The Fallen tattletaled when Optimus had broken into Megatron's quarters to investigate the sarcophagus. Believing Optimus to be a threat to his power, Megatron sent the Security Force to arrest him and whichever of his associates were with him at the excavation site. Optimus and his allies escaped on the way to Trypticon Defiance #3 and quickly organized themselves to save the others who arrived at the excavation site in the morning only to be met by Decepticon gunfire.

Foundation 3 Simfur arrival.jpg

Those who escaped the Decepticons' purge of the "traitors of Cybertron" formed a counter-faction to Megatron's recently founded Decepticons. Simfur fell into the hands of the Decepticons and became even better guarded than Trypticon, the faction's headquarters. When things weren't going well for the Autobots and they obseved Decepticon activity they could not explain, Sentinel Prime proposed a plan that could end the war with the Autobots emerging as victors, but required them to get to the AllSpark in the Simfur Temple first. With no alternatives, the plan was accepted. When the Autobots arrived at the temple, it seemed to be completely unguarded, but soon, Megatron revealed himself, Foundation #3 followed closely by the appearance of his troops. This didn't faze the Autobots, who had expected a battle and had planned ahead that Elita-One, Chromia and Arcee would go for the AllSpark while the rest held the Decepticons off. Elita-One succeeded, using the AllSpark's energy to charge up a torch-like device Sentinel Prime had created, and escaped through the battlezone to bring it back to him. Sentinel Prime had prepared two ships, one for Wheeljack's crew and one for himself, the latter containing a special cargo. With the activated torch returned to him, Sentinel Prime boarded his ship to fly it to Simfur for the next phase of his plan. However, the ship was blown out of the sky above the Simfur Temple. Seeing their leader and strategy go up in smoke, the Autobots onsite retreated to their base in Tyger Pax. Foundation #4

With no means to win the war, Optimus Prime realized the only course of action they could take was to ensure the Decepticons lost their means to win the war. Three solar cycles after Sentinel Prime's death, Defiance #4 Optimus took several of his warriors to distract some of the stronger Decepticons while Wheeljack led an attack on the weakened Decepticon forces at Simfur. Their objective: Get the AllSpark out of Decepticon hands, even if it meant disconnecting it from the star capturing-machine and plunging Cybertron into the darkness of old. Their mission yielded the desired results. Foundation #4 In the time following, the Autobots apparently kept to a strategy of constantly moving the AllSpark to keep it from Decepticon hands. Movie Prequel #2

Because the war was going nowhere but the destruction of Cybertron, Optimus Prime decided to launch the AllSpark into space, where it would be out of every Cybertronian's reach. To do this with a minimal chance of the Decepticons preventing the launch, Optimus Prime leaked the rumor to both factions that the AllSpark was returned to Simfur, which had been wrested from Decepticon control earlier. To make his claim believable, he had most of the Autobots forces stationed at Simfur. In reality, the AllSpark had been moved to Tyger Pax, where only a small group of Autobots were stationed to buy a bit of extra time if needed. Defiance #4 Yet despite all precautions, Megatron sensed the AllSpark's presence in Tyger Pax and used Optimus Prime's strategy against him. Placing the necessary number of soldier under command of Starscream, he had him prevent Optimus Prime's Autobots at Simfur from helping Bumblebee's troops at Tyger Pax. Still, the AllSpark was launched as planned. Planetfall Movie Prequel #1

In 2007, after the destruction of the AllSpark and Megatron on Earth, Starscream travelled to a Decepticon base on Mars to make his claim on leadership. He had a message transmitted to the Cybertron-based Decepticons to prepare for his return and begin construction at the ruins of the Simfur Temple on a new AllSpark according to information he had gathered on Earth. The Reign of Starscream #2 Stockade oversaw the construction of the new AllSpark, which was built through the combined forces of Decepticons and captured Autobot slave labour. The Reign of Starscream #3 With Signal Flare being brought in at the last stages of construction, Starscream travelled from the city of Trypticon to oversee the next phase personally. Once Payload arrived with a generator, Starscream had the Autobot prisoners and one rude Decepticon strapped to the new AllSpark to sacrifice their sparks in order to power the new AllSpark.

A rescue squad of Autobots led by Arcee arrived in secret just as the 'ceremony' was about to take place. The Reign of Starscream #4 While Starscream held a speech to rally the Decepticon forces under his banner, the Autobot rescue team failed to come up with a plan in time to save their colleagues from electrocution. Starscream wasn't much more fortunate either: His new AllSpark turned out to worthless and Dreadwing launched an attack on Starscream's troops in a bid for leadership. Arcee tried to take them all out by sniping the generator, but most survived the subsequent explosion. The Decepticons' internal strife was the Autobots' saving grace—as the bulk of them kept fighting one another in and around the temple area, the Autobots escaped to Trypticon. The Reign of Starscream #5

Aligned continuity family

Grimlock is from the city of Simfur. Transformers Vault

Beast Wars: Uprising

During the Grand Uprising, Gran had the 113th Micromaster Battalion deployed to Simfur in anticipation of a Resistance attack. Head Games Six years into the war, Simfur was still within the dwindling borders of Builder territory. Safe Spaces



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