Stealth Bomber
From Transformers Wiki
- Stealth Bomber is an Autobot and Predacon combiner from the Car Bot portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

With a name like mine, you'd think I'm a GoBot.
Stealth Bomber is the combined form of the Amica Endurae Stealth Saber and Victory Bomber.
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Spacewarp's Log
After converting the prison staff of Garrus-7 to the Predacon cause, Devil Gigatron dispatched his flight-capable subordinates on a mission as part of his plans to escape. Stealth Bomber and Scoutjet thus traveled to the Dark Nebula to plead the entity Devil Z for assistance. When Devil Gigatron was upgraded by Devil Z to Gigatron Z, he broke free, and the Predacons went on a rampage, eventually facing against Fire Convoy and his troops. They were apparently defeated as Armored Corps wound up in Axiom Nexus. Spacewarp's Log (1), 2015/10/27
Car Bot
- Stealth Saber (Ultra, 2003)
- ID number: D-13
- A reissue of Beast Wars Starscream and BB, this toy is nearly identical to the combined form of the canceled Generation 2 Megatron ATB with Starscream. Stealth Saber and Victory Bomber always came as a pair, and thus you always get the complete set of Stealth Bomber.
- This mold was also used to make the combined form of Generation 2 Dreadwing and Smokescreen, Robots in Disguise Dreadwing, and Robotmasters Gigant Sniper.
- Stealth Bomber went unnamed in the "Stealth Saber" release, only being referred to as "Bomber Mode" (전폭기모드 Jeonpokgi Modeu) on the back of the packaging. It did not receive a name till the Facebook edition of Ask Vector Prime gave it one years later; its name is a subversion of what you might expect from the combined form of two characters whose names include "Victory" and "Saber".
- While the Stealth Bomber release is Autobot-labeled, the components retain all of their Predacon insignia.