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Toronto Geometry Colloquium

A series of talks on Geometry Processing inspired by the format of live music and comedy shows.

Mission Statement

The Toronto Geometry Colloquium is a live weekly hour-long webseries showcasing geometry processing research. Topics range from computer science, mathematics, and engineering including 3D deep learning, computational fabrication, and computer graphics. The unique format of the Toronto Geometry Colloquium pairs a 10-min opener speaking about a recent work with a 40-min headliner giving a keynote-style address. Part of Toronto Geometry Colloquium's mission is to promote young researchers and showcase great geometry processing research by members of traditionally underrepresented communities. Talks are broadcast live and – unless otherwise noted – recordings are available thereafter.

Upcoming Speakers (google calendar)

    Past Speakers

    Headliner: Nicholas Sharp
    Intrinsic Triangulations in Geometry Processing
    Opener: Yixin Hu
    Fast Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild
    Headliner: Rana Hanocka
    Deep Learning on Single Shapes
    Opener: Lior Yariv
    Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction
    Headliner: Olga Sorkine-Hornung
    Discrete developable surfaces: 3D shapes from 2D sheets
    Opener: Silvia Sellán
    Developability of Heightfields via Rank Minimization
    (video not available)
    Headliner: Danny Kaufman
    Reliable Responses: Simulating Elasticity with Guarantees
    Opener: Jiayi Eris Zhang
    Complementary Dynamics
    Headliner: Tiantian Liu
    Efficient Simulations of Deformable Objects and Beyond
    Opener: Zoë Marschner
    Hexahedral Quality Evaluation via SOS Relaxations
    Headliner: Oded Stein
    We’ve had Laplacian, yes. What about Bilaplacian?
    Opener: Astrid Bunge
    Polygon Laplacian Made Simple
    Headliner: Mirela Ben-Chen
    Maps and Connections: The Cheat Sheets of Geometry
    Opener: Rohan Sawhney
    Monte Carlo Geometry Processing
    Headliner: Adriana Schulz
    Programming Languages for Design and Fabrication
    Opener: Honglin Chen
    Chordal Decomposition for Spectral Coarsening
    Headliner: Vladimir G. Kim
    Neural Mesh Processing
    Opener: Thomas Davies
    Overfit Neural Networks as a Compact Shape Representation
    Headliner: Julie Digne
    Learning to encode, analyze and improve 3D shapes
    Opener: Michal Edelstein
    ENIGMA: Evolutionary Non-Isometric Geometry MAtching
    Headliner: Xiaodong Wei
    Analysis-Aware Subdivision and Trimming
    Opener: Rosa María Sánchez
    Robust Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Rods
    Headliner: Yifan Wang
    Detail-Driven 3D Content Creation
    Opener: Marie-Julie Rakotosaona
    Intrinsic Point Cloud Interpolation via Dual Latent Space Navigation
    Headliner: Yotam Gingold
    Color and Geometry
    Opener: Marek Dvorožňák
    Monster Mash: A Single-View Approach to Casual 3D Modeling and Animation
    Headliner: Mina Konaković Luković
    Transforming Design and Fabrication with Computational Discovery
    Opener: Maria Larsson
    Tsugite: Interactive Design and Fabrication of Wood Joints
    Headliner: David I.W. Levin
    A Glitch in the Matrix: The Surprising Weirdness of Physics-Based Animation
    Opener: Michal Piovarci
    Towards Spatially Varying Gloss Reproduction for 3D Printing
    Headliner: Alla Sheffer
    On Hammers and Nails: Graph Partitioning for Geometry Processing
    Opener: José Ezequiel Soto Sánchez
    An Integer Representation for Periodic Tilings of the Plane by Regular Polygons
    Headliner: Elissa Ross
    Lattice Geometry for Industrial Applications: New Methods in Prediction and Validation
    Opener: Emmanuel Larussi
    Learning to Generate Realistic 3D Bone Microstructure with Controllable Parameters
    Headliner: Alexandra Ion
    Materials = Machines
    Opener: Athina Panotopoulou
    Tactile Images for 3D Shapes
    Headliner: Theodore Kim
    Energy Eigensystems and Mandelbrot Machines
    Opener: Zahra Montazeri
    A Practical Ply-Based Apperance Model of Woven Fabrics
    Headliner: Chenfanfu Jiang
    Continuum Rupture, Discrete Particles
    Opener: Sumukh Bansal
    Affine Interpolation in a Lie Group Framework
    Headliner: Siddhartha Chaudhuri
    Assembly-Based Modeling: Past, Present and Future
    Opener: Towaki Takikawa
    Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes
    Headliner: Mélina Skouras
    Shaping Inflatables
    Opener: Sarah Kushner
    Levitating Rigid Objects with Hidden Rods and Wires
    Headliner: Jing Ren
    Non-rigid Shape Matching via Functional Maps
    Opener: Yingying Ren
    3D Weaving with Curved Ribbons
    Headliner: Kelly Stevens
    Deconstructing and Reconstructing Human Organs
    Opener: Mohammad Sina Nabizadeh
    Kelvin Transformations for Simulations on Infinite Domains
    Headliner: Stephanie Wang
    Capturing surfaces with differential forms
    Opener: Liane Makatura
    Pareto Gamuts: Exploring Optimal Designs Across Varying Contexts
    Headliner: Caitlin Mueller
    New forms of sustainable architecture: Computing for performance and delight
    Opener: Mackenzie Leake
    A Mathematical Foundation for Foundation Paper Piecable Quilts
    Headliner: Duygu Ceylan
    Neural Dynamic Characters
    Opener: Emilie Yu
    CASSIE: Curve and Surface Sketching in Immersive Environments
    Headliner: Ming C. Lin
    Dynamics-Inspired, Learning-based Reconstruction
    Opener: Ty Trusty
    The Shape Matching Element Method: Direct Animation of Curved Surface Models
    Headliner: Rahul Arora
    Human-Centered Graphics for Immersive Creative Expression
    Opener: Xue Yu
    ScaffoldSketch: Accurate Industrial Design Drawing in VR
    Headliner: Nina Miolane
    Exploring the geometries of life
    Opener: Rinat Abdrashitov
    Interactive Modelling of Volumetric Musculoskeletal Anatomy
    Headliner: Hao (Richard) Zhang
    From Pyramidality to Monotonicity: New Decomposition and Packing Problems for Fabrication and Planning
    Opener: Yong Li
    I ❤ LA️: Compilable Markdown for Linear Algebra
    Headliner: Derek Nowrouzezahrai
    Bridging Graphics and Machine Learning: Differentiable Simulators as inductive biases
    Opener: Baptiste Nicolet
    Large Steps in inverse rendering of geometry
    Headliner: Alexa F. Siu
    Advancing Access to Non-Visual Graphics: Haptic and Audio Representations of 3D Information and Data
    Opener: Josh Holinaty
    Supporting Reference Imagery for Digital Drawing
    Headliner: Justin Lewis, Lydia Jessup and Nicholas Bartzokas
    Applying Emerging Technologies In Service of Journalism at The New York Times
    Opener: Keunhong Park
    HyperNERF: A Higher-Dimensional Representation for Topologically Varying Neural Radiance Fields
    Headliner: Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu
    3D Content Creation Made Fast & Easy
    Opener: Nikan Doosti
    Neural Design Representation
    Headliner: Deepali Aneja
    Performance-based Facial Animation
    Opener: Mark Gillespie
    Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces
    Headliner: Lingjie Liu
    Neural Representation and Rendering of 3D Real-world Scenes
    Opener: Ruojin Cai
    Learning Gradient Fields for Shape Generation
    Headliner: Joshuah Wolper
    Mind the Gap: Simulating Material Fracture and Discontinuity with Particles
    Opener: Yifei Li
    DiffCloth: Differentiable Cloth Simulation with Dry Frictional Contact
    Headliner: Manuel M. Oliveira
    Spectral Remapping: Adjusting Spatial Frequencies of Structured Patterns in Images and Videos
    Opener: Šárka Sochorová
    Practical pigment mixing for digital painting
    Headliner: Levent Burak Kara
    Neural Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing and Power Plane Design in Electronic Circuits
    Opener: Isabel Scherl
    Robust Modal Decompositions of Fluid Flows
    Headliner: Katia Bertoldi
    Functionality through Multistability: from Soft Robots to Deployable Structures
    Opener: Joonho Kim
    Optimizing UI Layouts for Deformable Face-Rig Manipulation
    Headliner: Timea Tihanyi
    Making and Breaking Rules with Clay and Code: Iteration, Glitch and Math Thinking
    Opener: Mohamed Ismail
    Shaped beams: unlocking new geometry for efficient structures
    Headliner: Animashree Anandkumar
    Role of Graphs and Tensors in Deep Learning
    Opener: Yun-Chun Chen
    Neural Shape Mating: Self-Supervised Object Assembly with Adversarial Shape Priors
    Headliner: Kathryn Hess Bellwald
    Morse-theoretic signal compression and reconstruction
    Opener: Abhishek Madan
    Fast Evaluation of Smooth Distance Constraints on Co-Dimensional Geometry
    Headliner: Lachlan Kermode
    3-D in public: making geometry research practical in documentary journalism
    Opener: Congyue Deng
    Vector Neurons: A General Framework for SO(3)-Equivariant Networks
    Headliner: Sharon Gerbode
    Plants in motion: tubular petals and winding tendrils
    Opener: Mengyu Chu
    Physics Informed Neural Fields for Smoke Reconstruction with Sparse Data

    How do i find out about new talks?

    Join the mailing list to get announcements about newly added talks.

    How can i sign up to speak?

    (Self-)Nominate an opener.

    University of Toronto Organizational Team

    Current organizers
    Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu
    Otman Benchekroun
    Silvia Sellán
    Selena Ling
    Advised by Alec Jacobson

    Past organizers
    Seungbae Bang
    Jiayi Eris Zhang