gluonts.dataset.schema package#

class gluonts.dataset.schema.Translator(fields: typing.Dict[str, gluonts.dataset.schema.translate.Op] = <factory>, drop: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: object

Simple translation for GluonTS Datasets.

A given translator transforms an input dictionary (data-entry) into an output dictionary.

Basic usage:

>>> tl = Translator.parse(x="a[0]")
>>> data = {"a": [1, 2, 3]}
>>> assert tl(data)["x"] == 1

A translator first copies all input fields into a new dictionary, before applying the translations. Thus, an empty Translator acts like the identity function for dictionaries:

>>> identity = Translator()
>>> data = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
>>> assert identity(data) == data

Using Translator.parse(...)`, one can define expressions to be applied to the input data. For example, Translator.parse(x="y") will write the the value of y to the x column in the output.

These right-hand expressions support indexing (e.g. y[1]), attribute access (e.g. x.T) and method invocation (e.g. y.transpose(1, 0)).

drop: bool = False#
fields: Dict[str, gluonts.dataset.schema.translate.Op]#
static parse(fields: Optional[dict] = None, drop: bool = False, **kwargs_fields) gluonts.dataset.schema.translate.Translator[source]#