
class str, prediction_length: int, trainer: =, callbacks=None, clip_gradient=10.0, ctx=None, epochs=100, hybridize=True, init='xavier', learning_rate=0.001, num_batches_per_epoch=50, weight_decay=1e-08), context_length: typing.Optional[int] = None, num_layers: int = 2, num_cells: int = 40, cell_type: str = 'lstm', dropoutcell_type: str = 'ZoneoutCell', dropout_rate: float = 0.1, use_feat_dynamic_real: bool = False, use_feat_static_cat: bool = False, use_feat_static_real: bool = False, cardinality: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, embedding_dimension: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, distr_output: =, scaling: bool = True, lags_seq: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, time_features: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Callable[[pandas.core.indexes.period.PeriodIndex], numpy.ndarray]]] = None, num_parallel_samples: int = 100, imputation_method: typing.Optional[gluonts.transform.feature.MissingValueImputation] = None, train_sampler: typing.Optional[gluonts.transform.sampler.InstanceSampler] = None, validation_sampler: typing.Optional[gluonts.transform.sampler.InstanceSampler] = None, dtype: typing.Type = <class 'numpy.float32'>, alpha: float = 0.0, beta: float = 0.0, batch_size: int = 32, default_scale: typing.Optional[float] = None, minimum_scale: float = 1e-10, impute_missing_values: bool = False, num_imputation_samples: int = 1, nonnegative_pred_samples: bool = False)[source]#


Construct a DeepAR estimator.

This implements an RNN-based model, close to the one described in [SFG17].

Note: the code of this model is unrelated to the implementation behind SageMaker’s DeepAR Forecasting Algorithm.

  • freq – Frequency of the data to train on and predict

  • prediction_length (int) – Length of the prediction horizon

  • trainer – Trainer object to be used (default: Trainer())

  • context_length – Number of steps to unroll the RNN for before computing predictions (default: None, in which case context_length = prediction_length)

  • num_layers – Number of RNN layers (default: 2)

  • num_cells – Number of RNN cells for each layer (default: 40)

  • cell_type – Type of recurrent cells to use (available: ‘lstm’ or ‘gru’; default: ‘lstm’)

  • dropoutcell_type – Type of dropout cells to use (available: ‘ZoneoutCell’, ‘RNNZoneoutCell’, ‘VariationalDropoutCell’ or ‘VariationalZoneoutCell’; default: ‘ZoneoutCell’)

  • dropout_rate – Dropout regularization parameter (default: 0.1)

  • use_feat_dynamic_real – Whether to use the feat_dynamic_real field from the data (default: False)

  • use_feat_static_cat – Whether to use the feat_static_cat field from the data (default: False)

  • use_feat_static_real – Whether to use the feat_static_real field from the data (default: False)

  • cardinality – Number of values of each categorical feature. This must be set if use_feat_static_cat == True (default: None)

  • embedding_dimension – Dimension of the embeddings for categorical features (default: [min(50, (cat+1)//2) for cat in cardinality])

  • distr_output – Distribution to use to evaluate observations and sample predictions (default: StudentTOutput())

  • scaling – Whether to automatically scale the target values (default: true)

  • lags_seq – Indices of the lagged target values to use as inputs of the RNN (default: None, in which case these are automatically determined based on freq)

  • time_features – Time features to use as inputs of the RNN (default: None, in which case these are automatically determined based on freq)

  • num_parallel_samples – Number of evaluation samples per time series to increase parallelism during inference. This is a model optimization that does not affect the accuracy (default: 100)

  • imputation_method – One of the methods from ImputationStrategy

  • train_sampler – Controls the sampling of windows during training.

  • validation_sampler – Controls the sampling of windows during validation.

  • alpha – The scaling coefficient of the activation regularization

  • beta – The scaling coefficient of the temporal activation regularization

  • batch_size – The size of the batches to be used training and prediction.

  • minimum_scale – The minimum scale that is returned by the MeanScaler

  • default_scale – Default scale that is applied if the context length window is completely unobserved. If not set, the scale in this case will be the mean scale in the batch.

  • impute_missing_values – Whether to impute the missing values during training by using the current model parameters. Recommended if the dataset contains many missing values. However, this is a lot slower than the default mode.

  • num_imputation_samples – How many samples to use to impute values when impute_missing_values=True

  • nonnegative_pred_samples – Should final prediction samples be non-negative? If yes, an activation function is applied to ensure non-negative. Observe that this is applied only to the final samples and this is not applied during training.

create_predictor(transformation: gluonts.transform._base.Transformation, trained_network: mxnet.gluon.block.HybridBlock) gluonts.model.predictor.Predictor[source]#

Create and return a predictor object.

  • transformation – Transformation to be applied to data before it goes into the model.

  • module – A trained HybridBlock object.


A predictor wrapping a HybridBlock used for inference.

Return type


create_training_data_loader(data: gluonts.dataset.Dataset, **kwargs) Iterable[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Create a data loader for training purposes.


data – Dataset from which to create the data loader.


The data loader, i.e. and iterable over batches of data.

Return type



Create and return the network used for training (i.e., computing the loss).


The network that computes the loss given input data.

Return type


create_transformation() gluonts.transform._base.Transformation[source]#

Create and return the transformation needed for training and inference.


The transformation that will be applied entry-wise to datasets, at training and inference time.

Return type


create_validation_data_loader(data: gluonts.dataset.Dataset, **kwargs) Iterable[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Create a data loader for validation purposes.


data – Dataset from which to create the data loader.


The data loader, i.e. and iterable over batches of data.

Return type


classmethod derive_auto_fields(train_iter)[source]#
lead_time: int#
prediction_length: int#