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  • Aura Maria Comanescu (cas. Pintea) -Born in Brasov, -High School Moinesti, jud. Bacau - Liceul Teoretic "Spiru Haret... moreedit
De la construirea sediului pentru „Sfatul popular al regiunii Maramureş, Baia Mare”, cunoscut acum drept Palatul Administrativ Baia Mare s-a scurs deja o jumătate de veac, deşi clădirea este considerată şi acum ca fiind una modernă,... more
De la construirea sediului pentru „Sfatul popular al regiunii Maramureş, Baia Mare”, cunoscut acum drept Palatul Administrativ Baia Mare s-a scurs deja o jumătate de veac, deşi clădirea este considerată şi acum ca fiind una modernă,
contemporană, în comparaţie cu clădirile din Centrul Vechi al municipiului Baia Mare. Ne-am propus să relevăm aspecte noi legate de proiectarea şi realizarea acestei clădiri administrative în plin avânt al epocii comuniste, pe baza documentelor de arhivă aflate în administrarea Consiliului Judeţean Maramureş –
Direcţia Arhitect Şef şi a Direcţiei Judeţene pentru Cultură Maramureş. Am ţinut să reliefăm modul în care erau susţinute, aprobate şi încurajate astfel de proiecte în epocă pe baza documentaţiilor şi a corespondenţei dintre puterea locală şi cea centrală, să ne explicăm unele aspecte poate insesizabile, dar interesante
despre personalitatea şi atitudinile persoanelor implicate În proiect şi lămurindu-le
în oarecare măsură prin consultarea articolelor de specialitate sau mărturisirilor unor martori ai perioadei. Toate pot constitui contribuţii care să susţină valoarea memorial-simbolică care se adaugă incontestabilei valori arhitecturale, artistice şi urbanistice care a fost reliefată În articole de specialitate şi care va fi susţinută
În documentaţia de clasare care sperăm că se va realiza În viitorul apropiat.
Research Interests:
Abstract: Contributions in the Arts of the Jews from Maramureș. The present study is a segment of an oral history research based on interviews of Jews and Christians, born or having lived most of their lives in the current county of... more
Abstract:  Contributions in the Arts of the Jews from Maramureș. The present study is a segment of an oral history research based on interviews of Jews and Christians, born or having lived most of their lives in the current county of Maramureș. The research was eventually shaped in the PhD thesis called “The Image of Jews from Maramureș in the collective Memory” which I defended in front of an Academic Commission on the 29th of March 2013. I have tried to present the various ways related to art (in the large conception) that the Jews are still present in the collective memory of the people from Maramureș. Their are represented in the mural painting of the churches as outsiders and infidels, this being one of the negative traits that was underline by the natives. But the Christians also remember the contributions of the Jews as painters, musicians, actors. The Jewish artists concured to the rise of the cultural life in towns such Sighet or Baia Mare, going as far as becoming known worldwide. (The Painting School of Baia Mare, Joseph Szigeti). The negative and the positive traces are always twisting and combining and all this attributes must be considered as another dimension of the relations between Jews and Christians that come to complete the image of the Jews from Maramureș reflected in the memory of the contemporans.
Keywords: Jews, Maramureș, Sighet, wooden churches, Baia Mare Painting School, musicians, actors, The Lilliput Troupe.
Research Interests:
Articol publicat in Acta Musei Napocensis 2013
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
in Vatra Chioreana 2010
publicat in Vatra Chioreana; 2009
This volume is among the results of the project "Protecting by developing sustainable strategies for better protection of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Romania - HERO". The collection includes an introductory study on the state of world... more
This volume is among the results of the project "Protecting by developing sustainable strategies for better protection of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Romania - HERO". The collection includes an introductory study on the state of world heritage in Romania and the presentation of the project's achievements, followed by 27 articles grouped in three chapters. The first chapter, “World Cultural Heritage in Romania”, includes studies on the implementation in Romania of the World Heritage Convention and reports on the state of conservation of monuments inscribed in the World Heritage List. The second chapter, "Romania's Indicative List", contains a study on the debates in the Romanian media of the sites in this list and some articles about monuments that have the potential to be inscribed in the World Heritage List. The third chapter, “World Heritage Management: Examples of Good Practice,” contains articles on examples of effective heritage management. World Heritage List sites in various states and a study on illicit trafficking in cultural goods, which also directly targets sites of exceptional universal value.
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