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Background Intake of an edible blue-green alga Nostoc commune var. sphaeroides Ku¨tzing (N. Commune) has been shown to lower plasma total cholesterol concentration, but the mechanisms behind the hypocholesterolemic effect have not been... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsSTEROIDSLipidsTraditional Chinese Medicine
Background Adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) present in macrophages has been implicated in the integration of lipid metabolism and inflammatory response, contributing to development of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis.... more
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      GeneticsNutrition and DieteticsNutritionInflammation
High density lipoprotein (HDL) is an atheroprotective element which is critical in the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) pathway to eliminate excess cholesterol from the periphery of the body. A low plasma HDL cholesterol levels... more
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      BiochemistryCell lineChromatinClinical Sciences
Background Adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) present in macrophages has been implicated in the integration of lipid metabolism and inflammatory response, contributing to development of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis.... more
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      GeneticsNutrition and DieteticsNutritionInflammation
Objectives We determined if multivitamin supplementation (MV) affected serum folate levels in women during a 12-week intervention, and if genotypes affected these outcomes. Methods Women (21–40 years old) were recruited from the local... more
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Dietary protein and fiber have been shown to independently improve subjective measures of appetite control. The aim of this study was to determine the acute effects of a high-protein, high-fiber (HP/HFb) beverage taken as a preload... more
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The purpose of this study was to validate the efficacy of a customized vitamin-mineral supplement on blood biomarkers in pre-menopausal females. Women (21–40 years old) who were apparently healthy were recruited from the local community... more
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Being born prematurely associates with greater cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in adulthood. Less understood are the unique and joint associations of dietary patterns and behaviors to this elevated risk among adults who are born... more
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      Health BehaviorAdolescentMedicineMultidisciplinary
Interest in nutrient-rich berry juices is growing, but their high polyphenol levels render them sensorily unappealing. Fifty adults, who were assessed for sensory phenotype and dietary behaviors, provided sensory and palatability ratings... more
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      Food SciencePrincipal Component AnalysisDietAdolescent
Objectives The ability of a novel beadlet-in-oil, gastric-resistant, vegetarian capsule containing a multiple vitamin-mineral (MVM) composition to deliver capsule contents past the stomach was tested by standard in vitro tablet... more
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This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
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Objectives In vitro dissolution tests are valuable first-step tools in the development of bioavailable delivery systems, making it possible to assess the performance of novel technologies in releasing active ingredients through the amount... more
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    • Chemistry
In a secondary analysis, we assessed the ability of dietary and physical activity surveys to explain variability in weight loss within a worksite-adapted Diabetes Prevention Program. The program involved 58 overweight/obese female... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutrients
Consumption of dark green vegetables falls short of recommendations, in part, because of unpleasant bitterness. A laboratory-based study of 37 adults was used to determine bitter and hedonic responses to vegetables (asparagus, Brussels... more
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    • Medicine
Consumption of dark green vegetables falls short of recommendations, in part, because of unpleasant bitterness. A laboratory-based study of 37 adults was used to determine bitter and hedonic responses to vegetables (asparagus, Brussels... more
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    • Medicine
Food liking-disliking patterns may strongly influence food choices and health. Here we assess: (1) whether food preference patterns are genetic/environmentally driven; and (2) the relationship between metabolomics profiles and food... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBiologyMetabolomicsMedicine
Feasible, valid, and reliable tools are needed to assess dietary quality among preschoolers. We aimed to test construct-/criterion-related validity and reliability of a dietary quality index generated from a liking survey and novel... more
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      PsychologyDietChildhood ObesityFeasibility Studies
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Objectives To test the effect of probiotic strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12; PS), a prebiotic (bacteriophage blend; BB), a postbiotic (tributyrin; TB), or a combination of all three... more
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      ChemistryFood ScienceFermentationButyrate
Objectives To test the effect of probiotic strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12), a prebiotic (bacteriophage blend), and a postbiotic (tributyrin) on the human intestinal microbiota in... more
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