Estudios históricos inter y transdisciplinarios. Complementariedad en el conocimiento de las sociedades del pasado (A. M. Medrano Enríquez y F. Montoya Mar, coord.), 2021
El objetivo de este trabajo es ahondar, desde una perspectiva arqueológica, en las característica... more El objetivo de este trabajo es ahondar, desde una perspectiva arqueológica, en las características de la guerra entre las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata con el Imperio del Brasil o Guerra Cisplatina (1825-1828) y su vínculo con lo que la historiografía argentina denomina las “fronteras internas con el indio” (en nuestro caso, específicamente entre 1823 y 1828). Esto se lleva a cabo relacionando dos proyectos de investigación vinculados a dichos procesos históricos, exponiendo los nexos o relaciones que median entre ambos procesos.
La navegación, la tecnología naval, la vida a bordo y las actividades llevadas a cabo en barcos d... more La navegación, la tecnología naval, la vida a bordo y las actividades llevadas a cabo en barcos de época moderna y contemporánea han sido temas ampliamente estudiados dentro de la arqueología marítima y náutica. Sin embargo, el devenir de los náufragos sobrevivientes de accidentes y las correspondientes evidencias materiales en la costa, no fueron abordados en grado semejante. Las investigaciones muestran un desarrollo dispar, destacando los trabajos realizados en el Pacífico occidental. En Latinoamérica, esta problemática se encuentra aún apenas esbozada. El estudio arqueológico de campamentos de náufragos puede aportar información novedosa para conocer las relaciones humanas, interpersonales e intergrupales, en situaciones de crisis. En este artículo, presentamos los primeros resultados del análisis arqueológico-histórico de la materialidad asociada al sitio Faro Segunda Barranca 4, localizado en el Partido de Patagones, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. A partir de una discusión de las diferentes líneas de evidencia, identificamos los restos como un campamento de náufragos en el marco de la Guerra del Brasil o Guerra de Cisplatina (1825-1828).
Equating maritime anthropology to the ethnography of fishing communities has driven researchers t... more Equating maritime anthropology to the ethnography of fishing communities has driven researchers to neglect certain subjects (and objects) such as traditional shipbuilding communities. It has also limited the array of sources of information. Few anthropological studies have focused on traditional boat building, while these practices are heading toward extinction, given the wide distribution, increasing reliability, and decreasing prices of synthetic materials for ship and boat construction. While fiberglass boats are replacing wooden vessels, many artisan shipbuilding traditions around the world have managed to survive, but most of them have remained in the shadows. This paper provides a seminal state of the art and points out sources of information to solve questions on traditional shipbuilding. It attempts to propose a methodology based in a set of questions that anthropologists should ask when recording traditional shipbuilding practices. We argue that the information gathered by following the set of questions is valuable for its own sake in order to maintain vanishing maritime traditions, but the surviving ethnographical record is also priceless as it is the only way to fill gaps in the archaeological and historical record. Finally, it contains a short reflection on the difficulties of building a typology of traditionally built vessels.
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso sobre os procedimentos da fotogrametria digital a... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso sobre os procedimentos da fotogrametria digital aplicada para registrar e reconstruir uma âncora afundada em um naufrágio do século XVII no Brasil. Descreve um fluxo de trabalho direto, usando quadros fixos extraídos automaticamente de vídeos, processados com software, resultando em um modelo 3D em escala 1: 1 altamente preciso. O autor avalia os resultados em termos de eficiência de tempo, precisão da técnica e suas aplicações na arqueologia subaquática.
Abstract: This paper presents a case-study of applied digital photogrammetry to record and reconstruct a sunken anchor from a 17th century shipwreck site in Brazil. It describes a straightforward workflow using still frames automatically extracted from video footage, processed with off-the-shelf software, resulting in a highly accurate 1:1 scaled 3D model. The author assess the results in terms of time efficiency, accuracy of the technique, and its applications to underwater archaeology.
This paper presents a case-study of digital photogrammetry using GoPro cameras, applied to record... more This paper presents a case-study of digital photogrammetry using GoPro cameras, applied to record and reconstruct a sunken anchor from the Utrecht shipwreck site off Baía de Todos os Santos, Brazil. It describes a straightforward workflow using still frames automatically extracted from video footage, processed with off-the-shelf software, resulting in a highly accurate, 1:1 scaled, 3D model. The author assesses the results in terms of time efficiency, accuracy of the technique, and its applications to Underwater Archaeology.
Advances in Coastal Geoarchaeology in Latin America, 2019
Shipwreck sites often occur in highly dynamic intertidal environments, posing major challenges in... more Shipwreck sites often occur in highly dynamic intertidal environments, posing major challenges in terms of preservation and coherence of the archaeological record. These sites typically consist of widely scattered materials located either in the intertidal zone or above the high waterline. Exposure to winds, waves, surges, tides, currents, and sediment transportation occurs continuously across space and over time, and within various significant spatial-temporal scales, resulting in natural cycles of flood, burial and exposure of stranded wrecks. Ultimately, however, the survival of shipwrecks in the archaeological record in these environments will depend on an array of interactions with natural and cultural post-depositional processes. The following chapter presents the current knowledge regarding the archaeology of intertidal shipwreck sites in South America, based on case studies from highly dynamic settings in Southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. It aims at highlighting regional themes and defining the gaps which need to be filled towards a more systematic macro-regional approach.
3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology, 2019
In September 1967 an important shipwreck site was discovered near the islet of Gnalić in Northern... more In September 1967 an important shipwreck site was discovered near the islet of Gnalić in Northern Dalmatia (Croatia). It immediately raised significant interest in the scientific community and the broader public. Due to logistical and financial issues, the excavation ceased after five short-term rescue research campaigns, over a total duration of 54 working days. Renewed interest in the site, particularly the hull remains, resulted in reviving the project after 45 years. The trial campaign, carried out in 2012, had a positive outcome, and the excavation has continued annually in a systematic way. The nature of the site demanded significant effort to document the excavated areas. Considering all the temporal restrictions caused by various reasons, photogrammetry proved to be an extremely helpful and efficient tool. Keywords
Revista Argentina y Latinoamericana de Arqueología Histórica, 2018
Este artigo visa apresentar e discutir o panorama geral da Arqueologia marítima histórica no Bras... more Este artigo visa apresentar e discutir o panorama geral da Arqueologia marítima histórica no Brasil, desde o ponto de vista do histórico de seu desenvolvimento, principais temas abordados, contribuições e lacunas na produção científica e acadêmica nacional. Para isso foram revisados 112 trabalhos com abordagens diversas dentro da temática, incluindo artigos, teses, dissertações, monografias, livros e capítulos de livros publicados desde o final da década de 1970 a princípio de 2017. Os resultados foram agrupados preliminarmente em seis categorias temáticas, analisados quali-quantitativamente: Naufrágios; Paisagens Marítimas; Patrimônio Subaquático e Legislação; Teoria, Métodos e Técnicas; Ensino; e Arqueologia de Contrato.
Almost three decades ago J. Richard Steffy (in: Tzalas (ed) Tropis II, pro- ceedings of the 2nd i... more Almost three decades ago J. Richard Steffy (in: Tzalas (ed) Tropis II, pro- ceedings of the 2nd international symposium on ship construction in antiquity. Athens, pp 315–320, 1990, in: Tzalas (ed) Tropis III, proceedings of the 3rd international sym- posium on ship construction in antiquity. Athens, pp 417–428, 1995) voiced the need to standardize the recording and publication of shipwrecks. Cluster analysis of construction features is difficult if archaeologists record different and non-overlapping features. This paper discusses the necessity to standardize the recording and publishing of a set of consistent and compatible basic construction features when archaeologists assess, survey, or excavate wooden shipwrecks and proposes a methodology for the recording of wooden hulls. It also emphasizes the urgency of a wide and complete sharing of archaeological information in maritime archaeology.
Este artigo aborda as experiências dos autores com a integração de ferramentas digitais à pesquis... more Este artigo aborda as experiências dos autores com a integração de ferramentas digitais à pesquisa e interpretação de sítios arqueológicos de naufrágios históricos. Para isso apresentamos um fluxo de trabalho que tem como base o uso da fotogrametria para a criação de modelos digitais tridimensionais em escala real de sítios e artefatos, que se articula nas diversas etapas metodológicas com vistas a interpretação dos sítios e a reconstrução arqueológica dos navios estudados. Os resultados são discutidos em termos do impacto da virtualização do dado arqueológico na prática acadêmica, particularmente nos aspectos de coleta, armazenamento, análise, interpretação e disseminação do conhecimento.
Possibilidades de trabalho em ambientes colaborativos e interativos, portabilidade, acessibilidad... more Possibilidades de trabalho em ambientes colaborativos e interativos, portabilidade, acessibilidade, participação, nuvens de dados, redes sociais e inteligência coletiva, que surgem no ambiente digital do século XXI, constituem formas de circulação do conhecimento que sinalizam um novo panorama sociocultural para as Humanidades. Essa integração das tecnologias digitais na prática arqueológica, entretanto, não tem ocorrido de forma homogênea, pelo contrário, suscita novos e antigos debates. Este artigo apresenta um panorama das discussões relativas ao impacto das novas tecnologias na cultura acadêmica e argumenta sobre a necessidade do engajamento ativo das universidades neste novo paradigma digital.
O litoral do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) compreende uma extensa planície arenosa com aproximadamente 6... more O litoral do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) compreende uma extensa planície arenosa com aproximadamente 640 km de extensão no extremo meridional do Brasil, onde podem ser encontradas embarcações encalhadas representativas de diversos períodos da navegação no Atlântico sudoeste. Este artigo traz o resultado de investigações realizadas em dois destes sítios, no âmbito do projeto Sítios Litorâneos de Naufrágios do Litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os resultados são discutidos em termos da metodologia adotada, da tecnologia da construção naval e das possibilidades de utilização deste registro arqueológico em problemáticas regionais de pesquisa. The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive sandy barrier shore, nearly 640km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. This paper presents a report of investigations carried out in two of these shipwreck sites, as part of the Shore Stranded Shipwrecks of Southern Brazil project. The results are discussed in terms of the fieldwork methodology, shipbuilding technology and the possibilities of exploring this archaeological record to address regional research questions.
Relatório das pesquisas realizadas entre maio de 2015 e abril de 2016, durante realização do Pós-... more Relatório das pesquisas realizadas entre maio de 2015 e abril de 2016, durante realização do Pós-Doutorado junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA.
in December 2012, an international team of archaeologists and students carried out research on th... more in December 2012, an international team of archaeologists and students carried out research on the Dutch shipwreck, The Utrecht, in Baía de Todos os Santos (All Saints Bay), Brazil. This non-intrusive on-site documentation and cultural assessment was carried out as part of the Maritime Programme in cooperation with the Shared Cultural Heritage Programme of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and the Ship Reconstruction Laboratory of the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University, United States of America (USA).
A Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) abriga um rico patrimônio cultural subaquático, composto por síti... more A Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) abriga um rico patrimônio cultural subaquático, composto por sítios de embarcações naufragadas desde o século XVII, mas que nunca foram corretamente estudadas. Este artigo apresenta os resultados parciais do Projeto Observabaía, que avaliou 18 sítios de naufrágio da região quanto aos critérios de Importância Científica, Potencial de Visitação e Vulnerabilidades. Os dados foram organizados em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas com informações coletadas a partir de revisão bibliográfica, consulta a mergulhadores locais e mergulhos não interventivos de inspeção realizados entre maio e dezembro de 2015. Ao final, um esquema de Trilhas Interpretativas Subaquáticas é proposto para o manejo sustentável dos recursos culturais subaquáticos da BTS. Palavras-chave: Patrimônio cultural subaquático, naufrágios, Baía de Todos os Santos.
This paper is designed to shed light on seafaring life during the first half of the nineteenth ce... more This paper is designed to shed light on seafaring life during the first half of the nineteenth century by examining a contemporary work, Incidents of a whaling voyage by F. A. Olmsted (1841). Olmsted recorded the shipboard routine of both an American whaler and a merchantman over the course of a sixteen month voyage, resulting in a rich description of the ships and their crews. His personal conviction regarding abstinence from alcohol also provides insights into the Temperance movement in this period. The result is a unique source for the study of seafaring life and material culture in mid-nineteenth century American seafaring communities as seen through the lens of a young educated physician from Connecticut.
(English below)
A Abertura dos Portos em 1808 forneceu as condições políticas para a inserção das... more (English below) A Abertura dos Portos em 1808 forneceu as condições políticas para a inserção das cidades portuárias brasileiras nas redes mercantis transatlânticas, iniciando um período de modernização vivenciado pelos emergentes núcleos urbano-portuários nacionais. Baseado em abordagens contemporâneas em Arqueologia histórica e da paisagem, estudei a transformação de lugares e paisagens no espaço marítimo do porto do Rio Grande, buscando conhecer alguns dos processos materiais e sócio-culturais transformativos característicos desta modernização via urbano-portuária. The Opening of the Ports in 1808 provided political conditions for the insertion of Brazilian port cities in transatlantic networks of commerce, initiating a period of modernization experienced by emerging port cities. Based on contemporary approaches in historical archeology, and supported by cartographic, photographic and historical documents, I have studied the transformation of places and landscapes in the maritime space of the port of Rio Grande, seeking to understand some of the material and socio-cultural transformative processes characteristic of this type of modernization.
Methods to record shipwreck sites have evolved considerably in the past two decades. Digital tech... more Methods to record shipwreck sites have evolved considerably in the past two decades. Digital technology and marine robotics regularly present faster and more precise ways to excavate, clean, tag, and record ship remains, while computers simplify many of the steps involved in the reconstruction of ships from their archaeological remains. At the same time, the internet is creating opportunities to share primary data in real time and on a wide scale. This paper presents a methodology used by the authors to record and reconstruct the wooden structures of a 19th-century shipwreck in southern Brazil (Lagoa do Peixe site) and of a 16th-century shipwreck in Croatia (the Gnalić shipwreck).
The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive and scarcely populated sandy sho... more The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive and scarcely populated sandy shore, nearly 620km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. Investigations suggest a greater occurrence of maritime accidents in the last 200 years, especially in the 19th century, due to the losses of merchant sailing and steam vessels engaged in newly opened trading routes between Europe, North America, Southern Brazil, and River Plate provinces.
The shipwrecks are found partially buried in the sand, in the surf, near the waterline or near the dunes. The beaches in these areas experience both cyclical (seasonal) and non-cyclical (meteorological) events of natural flooding, burial and exposure, with significant implications for the preservation of the materials studied, as well as for the distribution of artifacts and the interpretation of archaeological data. This dissertation presents our current knowledge regarding stranded shipwrecks in southern Brazil, and discusses its potential contributions to nautical archaeology and shipwreck site formation processes.
Estudios históricos inter y transdisciplinarios. Complementariedad en el conocimiento de las sociedades del pasado (A. M. Medrano Enríquez y F. Montoya Mar, coord.), 2021
El objetivo de este trabajo es ahondar, desde una perspectiva arqueológica, en las característica... more El objetivo de este trabajo es ahondar, desde una perspectiva arqueológica, en las características de la guerra entre las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata con el Imperio del Brasil o Guerra Cisplatina (1825-1828) y su vínculo con lo que la historiografía argentina denomina las “fronteras internas con el indio” (en nuestro caso, específicamente entre 1823 y 1828). Esto se lleva a cabo relacionando dos proyectos de investigación vinculados a dichos procesos históricos, exponiendo los nexos o relaciones que median entre ambos procesos.
La navegación, la tecnología naval, la vida a bordo y las actividades llevadas a cabo en barcos d... more La navegación, la tecnología naval, la vida a bordo y las actividades llevadas a cabo en barcos de época moderna y contemporánea han sido temas ampliamente estudiados dentro de la arqueología marítima y náutica. Sin embargo, el devenir de los náufragos sobrevivientes de accidentes y las correspondientes evidencias materiales en la costa, no fueron abordados en grado semejante. Las investigaciones muestran un desarrollo dispar, destacando los trabajos realizados en el Pacífico occidental. En Latinoamérica, esta problemática se encuentra aún apenas esbozada. El estudio arqueológico de campamentos de náufragos puede aportar información novedosa para conocer las relaciones humanas, interpersonales e intergrupales, en situaciones de crisis. En este artículo, presentamos los primeros resultados del análisis arqueológico-histórico de la materialidad asociada al sitio Faro Segunda Barranca 4, localizado en el Partido de Patagones, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. A partir de una discusión de las diferentes líneas de evidencia, identificamos los restos como un campamento de náufragos en el marco de la Guerra del Brasil o Guerra de Cisplatina (1825-1828).
Equating maritime anthropology to the ethnography of fishing communities has driven researchers t... more Equating maritime anthropology to the ethnography of fishing communities has driven researchers to neglect certain subjects (and objects) such as traditional shipbuilding communities. It has also limited the array of sources of information. Few anthropological studies have focused on traditional boat building, while these practices are heading toward extinction, given the wide distribution, increasing reliability, and decreasing prices of synthetic materials for ship and boat construction. While fiberglass boats are replacing wooden vessels, many artisan shipbuilding traditions around the world have managed to survive, but most of them have remained in the shadows. This paper provides a seminal state of the art and points out sources of information to solve questions on traditional shipbuilding. It attempts to propose a methodology based in a set of questions that anthropologists should ask when recording traditional shipbuilding practices. We argue that the information gathered by following the set of questions is valuable for its own sake in order to maintain vanishing maritime traditions, but the surviving ethnographical record is also priceless as it is the only way to fill gaps in the archaeological and historical record. Finally, it contains a short reflection on the difficulties of building a typology of traditionally built vessels.
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso sobre os procedimentos da fotogrametria digital a... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso sobre os procedimentos da fotogrametria digital aplicada para registrar e reconstruir uma âncora afundada em um naufrágio do século XVII no Brasil. Descreve um fluxo de trabalho direto, usando quadros fixos extraídos automaticamente de vídeos, processados com software, resultando em um modelo 3D em escala 1: 1 altamente preciso. O autor avalia os resultados em termos de eficiência de tempo, precisão da técnica e suas aplicações na arqueologia subaquática.
Abstract: This paper presents a case-study of applied digital photogrammetry to record and reconstruct a sunken anchor from a 17th century shipwreck site in Brazil. It describes a straightforward workflow using still frames automatically extracted from video footage, processed with off-the-shelf software, resulting in a highly accurate 1:1 scaled 3D model. The author assess the results in terms of time efficiency, accuracy of the technique, and its applications to underwater archaeology.
This paper presents a case-study of digital photogrammetry using GoPro cameras, applied to record... more This paper presents a case-study of digital photogrammetry using GoPro cameras, applied to record and reconstruct a sunken anchor from the Utrecht shipwreck site off Baía de Todos os Santos, Brazil. It describes a straightforward workflow using still frames automatically extracted from video footage, processed with off-the-shelf software, resulting in a highly accurate, 1:1 scaled, 3D model. The author assesses the results in terms of time efficiency, accuracy of the technique, and its applications to Underwater Archaeology.
Advances in Coastal Geoarchaeology in Latin America, 2019
Shipwreck sites often occur in highly dynamic intertidal environments, posing major challenges in... more Shipwreck sites often occur in highly dynamic intertidal environments, posing major challenges in terms of preservation and coherence of the archaeological record. These sites typically consist of widely scattered materials located either in the intertidal zone or above the high waterline. Exposure to winds, waves, surges, tides, currents, and sediment transportation occurs continuously across space and over time, and within various significant spatial-temporal scales, resulting in natural cycles of flood, burial and exposure of stranded wrecks. Ultimately, however, the survival of shipwrecks in the archaeological record in these environments will depend on an array of interactions with natural and cultural post-depositional processes. The following chapter presents the current knowledge regarding the archaeology of intertidal shipwreck sites in South America, based on case studies from highly dynamic settings in Southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. It aims at highlighting regional themes and defining the gaps which need to be filled towards a more systematic macro-regional approach.
3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology, 2019
In September 1967 an important shipwreck site was discovered near the islet of Gnalić in Northern... more In September 1967 an important shipwreck site was discovered near the islet of Gnalić in Northern Dalmatia (Croatia). It immediately raised significant interest in the scientific community and the broader public. Due to logistical and financial issues, the excavation ceased after five short-term rescue research campaigns, over a total duration of 54 working days. Renewed interest in the site, particularly the hull remains, resulted in reviving the project after 45 years. The trial campaign, carried out in 2012, had a positive outcome, and the excavation has continued annually in a systematic way. The nature of the site demanded significant effort to document the excavated areas. Considering all the temporal restrictions caused by various reasons, photogrammetry proved to be an extremely helpful and efficient tool. Keywords
Revista Argentina y Latinoamericana de Arqueología Histórica, 2018
Este artigo visa apresentar e discutir o panorama geral da Arqueologia marítima histórica no Bras... more Este artigo visa apresentar e discutir o panorama geral da Arqueologia marítima histórica no Brasil, desde o ponto de vista do histórico de seu desenvolvimento, principais temas abordados, contribuições e lacunas na produção científica e acadêmica nacional. Para isso foram revisados 112 trabalhos com abordagens diversas dentro da temática, incluindo artigos, teses, dissertações, monografias, livros e capítulos de livros publicados desde o final da década de 1970 a princípio de 2017. Os resultados foram agrupados preliminarmente em seis categorias temáticas, analisados quali-quantitativamente: Naufrágios; Paisagens Marítimas; Patrimônio Subaquático e Legislação; Teoria, Métodos e Técnicas; Ensino; e Arqueologia de Contrato.
Almost three decades ago J. Richard Steffy (in: Tzalas (ed) Tropis II, pro- ceedings of the 2nd i... more Almost three decades ago J. Richard Steffy (in: Tzalas (ed) Tropis II, pro- ceedings of the 2nd international symposium on ship construction in antiquity. Athens, pp 315–320, 1990, in: Tzalas (ed) Tropis III, proceedings of the 3rd international sym- posium on ship construction in antiquity. Athens, pp 417–428, 1995) voiced the need to standardize the recording and publication of shipwrecks. Cluster analysis of construction features is difficult if archaeologists record different and non-overlapping features. This paper discusses the necessity to standardize the recording and publishing of a set of consistent and compatible basic construction features when archaeologists assess, survey, or excavate wooden shipwrecks and proposes a methodology for the recording of wooden hulls. It also emphasizes the urgency of a wide and complete sharing of archaeological information in maritime archaeology.
Este artigo aborda as experiências dos autores com a integração de ferramentas digitais à pesquis... more Este artigo aborda as experiências dos autores com a integração de ferramentas digitais à pesquisa e interpretação de sítios arqueológicos de naufrágios históricos. Para isso apresentamos um fluxo de trabalho que tem como base o uso da fotogrametria para a criação de modelos digitais tridimensionais em escala real de sítios e artefatos, que se articula nas diversas etapas metodológicas com vistas a interpretação dos sítios e a reconstrução arqueológica dos navios estudados. Os resultados são discutidos em termos do impacto da virtualização do dado arqueológico na prática acadêmica, particularmente nos aspectos de coleta, armazenamento, análise, interpretação e disseminação do conhecimento.
Possibilidades de trabalho em ambientes colaborativos e interativos, portabilidade, acessibilidad... more Possibilidades de trabalho em ambientes colaborativos e interativos, portabilidade, acessibilidade, participação, nuvens de dados, redes sociais e inteligência coletiva, que surgem no ambiente digital do século XXI, constituem formas de circulação do conhecimento que sinalizam um novo panorama sociocultural para as Humanidades. Essa integração das tecnologias digitais na prática arqueológica, entretanto, não tem ocorrido de forma homogênea, pelo contrário, suscita novos e antigos debates. Este artigo apresenta um panorama das discussões relativas ao impacto das novas tecnologias na cultura acadêmica e argumenta sobre a necessidade do engajamento ativo das universidades neste novo paradigma digital.
O litoral do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) compreende uma extensa planície arenosa com aproximadamente 6... more O litoral do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) compreende uma extensa planície arenosa com aproximadamente 640 km de extensão no extremo meridional do Brasil, onde podem ser encontradas embarcações encalhadas representativas de diversos períodos da navegação no Atlântico sudoeste. Este artigo traz o resultado de investigações realizadas em dois destes sítios, no âmbito do projeto Sítios Litorâneos de Naufrágios do Litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os resultados são discutidos em termos da metodologia adotada, da tecnologia da construção naval e das possibilidades de utilização deste registro arqueológico em problemáticas regionais de pesquisa. The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive sandy barrier shore, nearly 640km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. This paper presents a report of investigations carried out in two of these shipwreck sites, as part of the Shore Stranded Shipwrecks of Southern Brazil project. The results are discussed in terms of the fieldwork methodology, shipbuilding technology and the possibilities of exploring this archaeological record to address regional research questions.
Relatório das pesquisas realizadas entre maio de 2015 e abril de 2016, durante realização do Pós-... more Relatório das pesquisas realizadas entre maio de 2015 e abril de 2016, durante realização do Pós-Doutorado junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA.
in December 2012, an international team of archaeologists and students carried out research on th... more in December 2012, an international team of archaeologists and students carried out research on the Dutch shipwreck, The Utrecht, in Baía de Todos os Santos (All Saints Bay), Brazil. This non-intrusive on-site documentation and cultural assessment was carried out as part of the Maritime Programme in cooperation with the Shared Cultural Heritage Programme of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and the Ship Reconstruction Laboratory of the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University, United States of America (USA).
A Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) abriga um rico patrimônio cultural subaquático, composto por síti... more A Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) abriga um rico patrimônio cultural subaquático, composto por sítios de embarcações naufragadas desde o século XVII, mas que nunca foram corretamente estudadas. Este artigo apresenta os resultados parciais do Projeto Observabaía, que avaliou 18 sítios de naufrágio da região quanto aos critérios de Importância Científica, Potencial de Visitação e Vulnerabilidades. Os dados foram organizados em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas com informações coletadas a partir de revisão bibliográfica, consulta a mergulhadores locais e mergulhos não interventivos de inspeção realizados entre maio e dezembro de 2015. Ao final, um esquema de Trilhas Interpretativas Subaquáticas é proposto para o manejo sustentável dos recursos culturais subaquáticos da BTS. Palavras-chave: Patrimônio cultural subaquático, naufrágios, Baía de Todos os Santos.
This paper is designed to shed light on seafaring life during the first half of the nineteenth ce... more This paper is designed to shed light on seafaring life during the first half of the nineteenth century by examining a contemporary work, Incidents of a whaling voyage by F. A. Olmsted (1841). Olmsted recorded the shipboard routine of both an American whaler and a merchantman over the course of a sixteen month voyage, resulting in a rich description of the ships and their crews. His personal conviction regarding abstinence from alcohol also provides insights into the Temperance movement in this period. The result is a unique source for the study of seafaring life and material culture in mid-nineteenth century American seafaring communities as seen through the lens of a young educated physician from Connecticut.
(English below)
A Abertura dos Portos em 1808 forneceu as condições políticas para a inserção das... more (English below) A Abertura dos Portos em 1808 forneceu as condições políticas para a inserção das cidades portuárias brasileiras nas redes mercantis transatlânticas, iniciando um período de modernização vivenciado pelos emergentes núcleos urbano-portuários nacionais. Baseado em abordagens contemporâneas em Arqueologia histórica e da paisagem, estudei a transformação de lugares e paisagens no espaço marítimo do porto do Rio Grande, buscando conhecer alguns dos processos materiais e sócio-culturais transformativos característicos desta modernização via urbano-portuária. The Opening of the Ports in 1808 provided political conditions for the insertion of Brazilian port cities in transatlantic networks of commerce, initiating a period of modernization experienced by emerging port cities. Based on contemporary approaches in historical archeology, and supported by cartographic, photographic and historical documents, I have studied the transformation of places and landscapes in the maritime space of the port of Rio Grande, seeking to understand some of the material and socio-cultural transformative processes characteristic of this type of modernization.
Methods to record shipwreck sites have evolved considerably in the past two decades. Digital tech... more Methods to record shipwreck sites have evolved considerably in the past two decades. Digital technology and marine robotics regularly present faster and more precise ways to excavate, clean, tag, and record ship remains, while computers simplify many of the steps involved in the reconstruction of ships from their archaeological remains. At the same time, the internet is creating opportunities to share primary data in real time and on a wide scale. This paper presents a methodology used by the authors to record and reconstruct the wooden structures of a 19th-century shipwreck in southern Brazil (Lagoa do Peixe site) and of a 16th-century shipwreck in Croatia (the Gnalić shipwreck).
The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive and scarcely populated sandy sho... more The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive and scarcely populated sandy shore, nearly 620km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. Investigations suggest a greater occurrence of maritime accidents in the last 200 years, especially in the 19th century, due to the losses of merchant sailing and steam vessels engaged in newly opened trading routes between Europe, North America, Southern Brazil, and River Plate provinces.
The shipwrecks are found partially buried in the sand, in the surf, near the waterline or near the dunes. The beaches in these areas experience both cyclical (seasonal) and non-cyclical (meteorological) events of natural flooding, burial and exposure, with significant implications for the preservation of the materials studied, as well as for the distribution of artifacts and the interpretation of archaeological data. This dissertation presents our current knowledge regarding stranded shipwrecks in southern Brazil, and discusses its potential contributions to nautical archaeology and shipwreck site formation processes.
This research paper aims at studying the relations between masters, mates, seamen and owners of s... more This research paper aims at studying the relations between masters, mates, seamen and owners of ships in the nineteenth century merchant marine, through the examination of the chapters on rights and duties of seafarers in ‘The Shipmaster’s Assistant and Commercial Digest’ (1848), by Joseph Blunt, American counselor at maritime law. The study has shown that the relations therein established between professional seamen were tied in the wider historical and material conditions of the society which they belonged to, as well as in the specific needs of handling the ship and enduring the hardships of sailing.
Presentation at 2018 SHA Conference for Historical and Underwater Archaeology. Highbourne Cay Shi... more Presentation at 2018 SHA Conference for Historical and Underwater Archaeology. Highbourne Cay Shipwreck Symposium. The integration of digital tools into the research, interpretation, and public outreach of historical shipwreck sites is rapidly becoming a requirement for any archaeology project. A workflow focused on utilizing photogrammetry point cloud data is presented here, developed from multiple underwater research field seasons, as well as work conducted in 2017 at the Highbourne Cay shipwreck site in the Exumas, Bahamas. The workflow uses photogrammetry for the creation of real-scale, three-dimensional digital models of sites and artifacts. This data is then incorporated into a theoretically controlled framework for both modelling and data-capture purposes, as well as applied approaches suitable for specialists and local heritage managers alike. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of the virtualization of the archaeological data on the discipline, particularly in the collection, storage, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of knowledge.
Experiencias de buceo científico en el marco del Programa de Arqueología Subacuática y el Centro ... more Experiencias de buceo científico en el marco del Programa de Arqueología Subacuática y el Centro de Investigaciones del Patrimonio Costero de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay.
Charla presentada en la Muestra Historica-arqueologica sobre el naufragio del HMS Agamemnon (1809... more Charla presentada en la Muestra Historica-arqueologica sobre el naufragio del HMS Agamemnon (1809). Este documento presenta algunas de las estrategias planeadas para el futuro del patrimonio sumergido en la Bahia de Maldonado, Uruguay.
Apresentação do projeto de trilhas interpretativas do Patrimônio Cultural Subaquático da Baía de ... more Apresentação do projeto de trilhas interpretativas do Patrimônio Cultural Subaquático da Baía de Todos os Santos.
In recent years, applications of Computer-Vision (multi-image) photogrammetry became popular in m... more In recent years, applications of Computer-Vision (multi-image) photogrammetry became popular in maritime archaeology. This technology has been repeatedly tested in archaeological surveys and excavations in dry and submerged environments. Yet, there are still active discussions about the efficiency and accuracy of Computer-Vision (multi-image) photogrammetry models.
A team from the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University developed a methodology to record and analyze underwater shipwreck sites with off-the-shelf software, including Computer-Vision (multi-image) photogrammetry. This methodology produced reliable archaeological data, based on 1:1 scale-constrained photogrammetry models, such as 2D site plans, hull lines, and timber catalogues. This paper details a user-friendly methodology for underwater archaeological recording and explains step by step the tasks required to produce accurate 3D models, geo-referenced high-resolution photo mosaics, section profiles, and high-quality visual tour animations.
The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive and scarcely populated sandy sho... more The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive and scarcely populated sandy shore, nearly 620km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. Investigations suggest a greater occurrence of maritime accidents in the last 200 years, especially in the 19th century, due to the losses of merchant sailing and steam vessels engaged in newly opened trading routes between Europe, North America, Southern Brazil, and River Plate provinces.The shipwrecks are found partially buried in the sand, in the surf, near the waterline or near the dunes. The beaches in these areas experience both cyclical (seasonal) and non-cyclical (meteorological) events of natural flooding, burial and exposure, with significant implications for the preservation of the materials studied, as well as for the distribution of artifacts and the interpretation of archaeological data. This dissertation presents our current knowledge regarding stranded shipwrecks in southern Brazil, and discusses its potential contributions to nautical archaeology and shipwreck site formation processes.
On December 2012, a joint team composed of students from the Netherlands (Dutch Cultural Heritage... more On December 2012, a joint team composed of students from the Netherlands (Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency), the United States (Texas A&M University), and Brazil (the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at University of Bahia) carried out an expedition on a 17th century Dutch and Portuguese shipwreck site off the coast of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The short 2012 field season entailed the recording of current conditions of the site and the creation of a 3D siteplan based on archaeological data. Workflow integrated traditional trilateration techniques, G.I.S. and cutting-edge virtual modeling using shelf computer software, such as Site Recorder, ArcGIS, and Autodesk Maya. This paper will discuss preliminary results and the potential for future research in the site.
Este apresentação trata das relações entre arqueologia e os ambientes da conservação: termodinâmi... more Este apresentação trata das relações entre arqueologia e os ambientes da conservação: termodinâmico, ético e institucional.
Introdução aos principais temas, questões teóricas e metodológicas da arqueologia em ambientes aq... more Introdução aos principais temas, questões teóricas e metodológicas da arqueologia em ambientes aquáticos, com exemplos de importantes escavações subaquáticas que marcaram o início da disciplina nas décadas de 1960, 70 e 80.
Tutorial about creating masks in Photoshop to import in Agisoft Photoscan and converting videos i... more Tutorial about creating masks in Photoshop to import in Agisoft Photoscan and converting videos in pictures frames in Adobe Photoshop.
Passo a passo do processo de exportar nuvem de pontos do programa Photoscan para o programa Cloud... more Passo a passo do processo de exportar nuvem de pontos do programa Photoscan para o programa Cloud Compare cujo propósito é monitorar o processo de degradação ou conservação dos recursos culturais através da análise da perda de volume.
Passo a passo do programa de processamento 3D Agisoft Photoscan para pequenos objetos aplicados à... more Passo a passo do programa de processamento 3D Agisoft Photoscan para pequenos objetos aplicados à Conservação digital do Patrimônio Cultural.
Passo a passo para a criação de máscaras no programa Photoshop para serem importadas no programa ... more Passo a passo para a criação de máscaras no programa Photoshop para serem importadas no programa Photoscan.
Tile wall from Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, painted by Candido Portinari in 1943. Pampulha M... more Tile wall from Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, painted by Candido Portinari in 1943. Pampulha Modernist Complex. Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Fachada traseira de azulejos da Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, pintado sobre por Cândido Portinari em 1943. Complexo modernista da Pampulha. Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Photogrammetric digital model produced by the Ship Reconstruction Laboratory team during archaeol... more Photogrammetric digital model produced by the Ship Reconstruction Laboratory team during archaeological excavations on the island of Gnalic, Croatia in 2014. This is the remaining material of a Venetian merchant ship sailing to Constantinople, wrecked in 1583. Excavations were conducted by an international team coordinated by Dr. Irena Radic (University of Zadar) and Dr. Filipe Castro (Texas A & M University).
This little report is intended for young nautical archaeologists and follows a number of other re... more This little report is intended for young nautical archaeologists and follows a number of other reports and presentations made by the ShipLAB team for the UNITWIN network. We strongly believe that archaeologists should adopt a common methodology to record ship’s hull remains, so that they can be easily compared and shared among the growing community of nautical archaeologists.
Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana de Arqueologia Histórica, 2017
Este artigo aborda as experiências dos autores com a integração de ferramentas digitais à pesquis... more Este artigo aborda as experiências dos autores com a integração de ferramentas digitais à pesquisa e interpretação de sítios arqueológicos de naufrágios históricos. Para isso apresentamos um fluxo de trabalho que tem como base o uso da fotogrametria para a criação de modelos digitais tridimensionais em escala real de sítios e artefatos, que se articula nas diversas etapas metodológicas com vistas a interpretação dos sítios e a reconstrução arqueológica dos navios estudados. Os resultados são discutidos em termos do impacto da virtualização do dado arqueológico na prática acadêmica, particularmente nos aspectos de coleta, armazenamento, análise, interpretação e disseminação do conhecimento.
Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana de Arqueologia Histórica, 2017
Possibilidades de trabalho em ambientes colaborativos e interativos, portabilidade, acessibilidad... more Possibilidades de trabalho em ambientes colaborativos e interativos, portabilidade, acessibilidade, participação, nuvens de dados, redes sociais e inteligência coletiva, que surgem no ambiente digital do século XXI, constituem formas de circulação do conhecimento que sinalizam um novo panorama sociocultural para as Humanidades. Essa integração das tecnologias digitais na prática arqueológica, entretanto, não tem ocorrido de forma homogênea, pelo contrário, suscita novos e antigos debates. Este artigo apresenta um panorama das discussões relativas ao impacto das novas tecnologias na cultura acadêmica e argumenta sobre a necessidade do engajamento ativo das universidades neste novo paradigma digital.
Informe sobre los impactos de la tormenta de 24 a 29 de marzo de 2019 sobre la Batería de Jesús o... more Informe sobre los impactos de la tormenta de 24 a 29 de marzo de 2019 sobre la Batería de Jesús o del Medio (s. XVIII), bahía de Maldonado, Uruguay. Drones, fotogrametría, morfodinámica de playas, patrimonio costero.
Book Chapters by Rodrigo Torres
Papers by Rodrigo Torres
Abstract: This paper presents a case-study of applied digital photogrammetry to record and reconstruct a sunken anchor from a 17th century shipwreck site in Brazil. It describes a straightforward workflow using still frames automatically extracted from video footage, processed with off-the-shelf software, resulting in a highly accurate 1:1 scaled 3D model. The author assess the results in terms of time efficiency, accuracy of the technique, and its applications to underwater archaeology.
XXI, constituem formas de circulação do conhecimento que sinalizam um novo panorama sociocultural para as Humanidades. Essa integração das tecnologias digitais na prática arqueológica, entretanto, não tem
ocorrido de forma homogênea, pelo contrário, suscita novos e antigos debates. Este artigo apresenta um panorama das discussões relativas ao impacto das novas tecnologias na cultura acadêmica e argumenta sobre a necessidade do engajamento ativo das universidades neste novo paradigma digital.
The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive sandy barrier shore, nearly 640km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. This paper presents a report of investigations carried out in two of these shipwreck sites, as part of the Shore Stranded Shipwrecks of Southern Brazil project. The results are discussed in terms of the fieldwork methodology, shipbuilding technology and the possibilities of exploring this archaeological record to address regional research questions.
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and the Ship Reconstruction Laboratory of the Nautical
Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University, United States of America (USA).
mergulhadores locais e mergulhos não interventivos de inspeção realizados entre maio e dezembro de 2015. Ao final, um esquema de Trilhas Interpretativas Subaquáticas é proposto para o manejo sustentável dos recursos culturais subaquáticos da BTS.
Palavras-chave: Patrimônio cultural subaquático, naufrágios, Baía de Todos os Santos.
A Abertura dos Portos em 1808 forneceu as condições políticas para a inserção das cidades portuárias brasileiras nas redes mercantis transatlânticas, iniciando um período de modernização vivenciado pelos emergentes núcleos urbano-portuários nacionais. Baseado em abordagens contemporâneas em Arqueologia histórica e da paisagem, estudei a transformação de lugares e paisagens no espaço marítimo do porto do Rio Grande, buscando conhecer alguns dos processos materiais e sócio-culturais transformativos característicos desta modernização via urbano-portuária.
The Opening of the Ports in 1808 provided political conditions for the insertion of Brazilian port cities in transatlantic networks of commerce, initiating a period of modernization experienced by emerging port cities. Based on contemporary approaches in historical archeology, and supported by cartographic, photographic and historical documents, I have studied the transformation of places and landscapes in the maritime space of the port of Rio Grande, seeking to understand some of the material and socio-cultural transformative processes characteristic of this type of modernization.
The shipwrecks are found partially buried in the sand, in the surf, near the waterline or near the dunes. The beaches in these areas experience both cyclical (seasonal) and non-cyclical (meteorological) events of natural flooding, burial and exposure, with significant implications for the preservation of the materials studied, as well as for the distribution of artifacts and the interpretation of archaeological data. This dissertation presents our current knowledge regarding stranded shipwrecks in southern Brazil, and discusses its potential contributions to nautical archaeology and shipwreck site formation processes.
Abstract: This paper presents a case-study of applied digital photogrammetry to record and reconstruct a sunken anchor from a 17th century shipwreck site in Brazil. It describes a straightforward workflow using still frames automatically extracted from video footage, processed with off-the-shelf software, resulting in a highly accurate 1:1 scaled 3D model. The author assess the results in terms of time efficiency, accuracy of the technique, and its applications to underwater archaeology.
XXI, constituem formas de circulação do conhecimento que sinalizam um novo panorama sociocultural para as Humanidades. Essa integração das tecnologias digitais na prática arqueológica, entretanto, não tem
ocorrido de forma homogênea, pelo contrário, suscita novos e antigos debates. Este artigo apresenta um panorama das discussões relativas ao impacto das novas tecnologias na cultura acadêmica e argumenta sobre a necessidade do engajamento ativo das universidades neste novo paradigma digital.
The Rio Grande do Sul coast, in southern Brazil, is an extensive sandy barrier shore, nearly 640km long, home of stranded ships representing various periods of navigation in the southwestern Atlantic. This paper presents a report of investigations carried out in two of these shipwreck sites, as part of the Shore Stranded Shipwrecks of Southern Brazil project. The results are discussed in terms of the fieldwork methodology, shipbuilding technology and the possibilities of exploring this archaeological record to address regional research questions.
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and the Ship Reconstruction Laboratory of the Nautical
Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University, United States of America (USA).
mergulhadores locais e mergulhos não interventivos de inspeção realizados entre maio e dezembro de 2015. Ao final, um esquema de Trilhas Interpretativas Subaquáticas é proposto para o manejo sustentável dos recursos culturais subaquáticos da BTS.
Palavras-chave: Patrimônio cultural subaquático, naufrágios, Baía de Todos os Santos.
A Abertura dos Portos em 1808 forneceu as condições políticas para a inserção das cidades portuárias brasileiras nas redes mercantis transatlânticas, iniciando um período de modernização vivenciado pelos emergentes núcleos urbano-portuários nacionais. Baseado em abordagens contemporâneas em Arqueologia histórica e da paisagem, estudei a transformação de lugares e paisagens no espaço marítimo do porto do Rio Grande, buscando conhecer alguns dos processos materiais e sócio-culturais transformativos característicos desta modernização via urbano-portuária.
The Opening of the Ports in 1808 provided political conditions for the insertion of Brazilian port cities in transatlantic networks of commerce, initiating a period of modernization experienced by emerging port cities. Based on contemporary approaches in historical archeology, and supported by cartographic, photographic and historical documents, I have studied the transformation of places and landscapes in the maritime space of the port of Rio Grande, seeking to understand some of the material and socio-cultural transformative processes characteristic of this type of modernization.
The shipwrecks are found partially buried in the sand, in the surf, near the waterline or near the dunes. The beaches in these areas experience both cyclical (seasonal) and non-cyclical (meteorological) events of natural flooding, burial and exposure, with significant implications for the preservation of the materials studied, as well as for the distribution of artifacts and the interpretation of archaeological data. This dissertation presents our current knowledge regarding stranded shipwrecks in southern Brazil, and discusses its potential contributions to nautical archaeology and shipwreck site formation processes.
The integration of digital tools into the research, interpretation, and public outreach of historical shipwreck sites is rapidly becoming a requirement for any archaeology project. A workflow focused on utilizing photogrammetry point cloud data is presented here, developed from multiple underwater research field seasons, as well as work conducted in 2017 at the Highbourne Cay shipwreck site in the Exumas, Bahamas. The workflow uses photogrammetry for the creation of real-scale, three-dimensional digital models of sites and artifacts. This data is then incorporated into a theoretically controlled framework for both modelling and data-capture purposes, as well as applied approaches suitable for specialists and local heritage managers alike. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of the virtualization of the archaeological data on the discipline, particularly in the collection, storage, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of knowledge.
A team from the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University developed a methodology to record and analyze underwater shipwreck sites with off-the-shelf software, including Computer-Vision (multi-image) photogrammetry. This methodology produced reliable archaeological data, based on 1:1 scale-constrained photogrammetry models, such as 2D site plans, hull lines, and timber catalogues.
This paper details a user-friendly methodology for underwater archaeological recording and explains step by step the tasks required to produce accurate 3D models, geo-referenced high-resolution photo mosaics, section profiles, and high-quality visual tour animations.
Fachada traseira de azulejos da Igreja de São Francisco de Assis, pintado sobre por Cândido Portinari em 1943. Complexo modernista da Pampulha. Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
We strongly believe that archaeologists should adopt a common methodology to record ship’s hull remains, so that they can be easily compared and shared among the growing community of nautical archaeologists.
de sítios e artefatos, que se articula nas diversas etapas metodológicas com vistas a interpretação dos sítios e a reconstrução arqueológica dos navios estudados. Os resultados são discutidos em termos do impacto da virtualização do dado arqueológico na prática acadêmica, particularmente nos aspectos de coleta, armazenamento, análise, interpretação e disseminação do conhecimento.
Drones, fotogrametría, morfodinámica de playas, patrimonio costero.