Books by Gerson R . Albuquerque
Uwa'kürü - Dicionário Analítico - 4, 2019
Uwa'kürü - Dicionário Analítico , 2018
Uwa'kürü - Dicionário Analítico - 2, 2017
O projeto que começa a ganhar forma com o fascículo ora apresentado é parte de nosso agir no luga... more O projeto que começa a ganhar forma com o fascículo ora apresentado é parte de nosso agir no lugar no/do mundo em que vivemos. É parte de nossa inserção e ação no mundo. Parte de nossas distintas maneiras de pensar com o mundo e de nos tornar a-gentes nesse lugar no/do mundo, intervindo, sendo a-gente e não plasmando como coisa narrada, objeto de discurso, higienizável, civilizável, medicável, descartável. Trata-se de um agir como contraponto à lógica do pensamento único e da razão de mercado ou do pensamento de sistema. Nesse sentido, acompanhamos o poeta, filósofo e ensaísta martinicano Édouard Glissant que nos convida a agir em nosso lugar, pois é aí que o mundo está; convida-nos a pensar com o mundo, pois ele vem de nosso lugar no mundo; convida-nos a compartilhar do pensamento arquipélago e transformar nossos imaginários como atitude coletiva de intercâmbios e solidariedades, em mudanças nas quais “o contrário transforme o contrário”, posto que, em nossos mundos de palavras e mercadorias devemos tomar em nossas mãos a prerrogativa de nomear e re-nomear, “nomear até o fim”, que significa “agir aqui e dizer lá”, nomeando nossos passos em compassos desconhecidos – sem medo ou receios do desconhecido –, esfregando nossas mãos com a “sublime saliva das chuvas do aqui-lá” (Glissant, O pensamento do tremor – La cohée du lamentin, 2014, p. 43). Inspirados no legado desse pensador do “todo-o-mundo” apresentamos este primeiro fascículo de Uwa’kürü – Dicionário analítico. Uwa’kürü é a grafia atribuída por colonizadores para um dos rios que perfaziam territórios dos Apurinã e outros povos de línguas ágrafas, isto é, trata-se de uma palavra grafada como tentativa de capturar os sons das vozes de mulheres e homens – sujeitos de suas próprias histórias, em seus próprios termos e espaços/tempos. Histórias, palavras e espaços/tempos esses que foram apagados, invisibilizados pela nomeação/invenção de “Amazônia”. Ao presentificarmos “Uwa’kürü” no título desta publicação, assumimos a perspectiva de re-afirmar uma postura de combate às noções essencialistas presentes em narrativas históricas, culturais e identitárias de localidades, regiões ou nações e privilegiamos uma abordagem que, ao invés da exclusão essencializante, abra espaços para as noções de encontro e relação. No caso de nosso lugar no mundo, conflituosos encontros e relações de pluriversos humanos e culturais, pluriversos de tradições orais e escritas, pluriversos de saberes e sabores. Encontros e relações que, em meio a um amplo conjunto de violências, sofrimentos e dores, produziram o novo, o inesperado, o imprevisível.
Livro com artigos de diferentes autores.
Papers by Gerson R . Albuquerque
Resumo: A partir do dialogo com autore(a)s dos Estudos Culturais e da Decolonialidade, com o pres... more Resumo: A partir do dialogo com autore(a)s dos Estudos Culturais e da Decolonialidade, com o presente artigo procura-se situar algumas dimensoes do debate acerca das relacoes etnico-raciais nas fronteiras andino-amazonicas entre o Peru, a Bolivia e o Brasil, com foco nas interfaces Cultura/Natureza e Sociedade/Cultura. Nessa parte do continente latinoamericano, a presenca do espanhol e do portugues enquanto linguas hegemonicas e seu avanco sobre as linguas indigenas servem de referencia para pensar a constituicao de toda uma trajetoria historica de silencios e apagamentos das culturas orais e das experiencias de comunidades afrodescendentes e indigenas que foram deixadas nas margens das narrativas das nacoes, impondo para os desafios do presente a necessidade de repensar as premissas epistemologicas que norteiam as nocoes cultura e identidade nacional/regional nessa fronteira trinacional e suas implicacoes no campo do ensino e das lutas pelo reconhecimento das diferencas e da iguald...
Revista de Estudos de Literatura, Cultura e Alteridade - Igarapé, 2018
In the scope of cultural studies, the purpose of this article is to develop a reflection on how c... more In the scope of cultural studies, the purpose of this article is to develop a reflection on how certain Amazonian cultures are "illustrated" through writing and images in the report of the English traveler William Chandless (1829-1896) named A visit to the indiarubber groves of the Amazon, which was published in 1870, as part of a collection of travel reports organized by the English naturalist Henry Walter Bates, Illustrated travels: a record of discovery, geography, and adventure. The report describes the passage of Chandless by the Madeira River, in the Rondonian Amazon, in 1868, in which the traveler seeks to portray, besides aspects of fauna and flora, his visit to the rubber plantations of the region - at which point he could observe the process of the extraction of the latex by the inhabitants of the places they traveled. In his "descriptions", the traveler's concern was to offer a "faithful and objective picture" of
reality as a way of "illustrate" the region not only with written records but also with images / drawings of localities, plants and indigenous populations he got in contact with which. These "illustrations", understood as a reduction of subjects and "landscapes" at the level of fiction or silence, in the words of Michel de Certeau, obliterate the very different ways of life in the Amazon region through the traveler’s
science speech.
Revista de Estudos de Literatura, Cultura e Alteridade - Igarapé, 2020
Muiraquitã - Revista de Letras e Humanidades, 2017
Revista Brasileira de História, 2019
This article aims to discuss how the French traveler Paul Walle narrates the Brazilian Amazon, it... more This article aims to discuss how the French traveler Paul Walle narrates the Brazilian Amazon, its inhabitants and its cultures. At the beginning of the 20th century, Walle’s reports were written based on Eurocentric principles anchored in assumptions of racial, moral, cultural and economic superiority. The focus of the article is on the problematization of Walle’s ‘look’ upon the Amazon region, considering the theoretical formulations of the Cultural Studies with emphasis on the Stuart Hall’s perspective in which “systems of representation are the systems of meaning by which we represent the world to ourselves and to others.” Also, the article takes into account some authors that enable to reflect on colonial/decolonial relations in ‘Latin’ American and Amazonian contexts.
Projeto História - Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História da PUC-SP, 2016
Considering as a background three unusual scenarios: a "psychological
interpretation" of the rubb... more Considering as a background three unusual scenarios: a "psychological
interpretation" of the rubber tapper from the Alto Purus region, pictured
by Euclides da Cunha, as well as the acts of "foundation" of two cities in
Acrean Amazon - Sena Madureira and Cruzeiro do Sul - and adopting
the river flows as conductive metaphor of different words/concepts to
encode and decode different Amazonian spaces/times, this article aims
to produce some reflections on the scope and on the theoretical force of
Stuart Hall propositions/interventions, in order to ask/discuss issues
related to historical and cultural processes of constitution/shaping
societies in contexts of cities/forests.
Revista Tropos - Comunicação, Sociedade e Cultura, 2015
The central focus of this text is to propose a different writing of the history of Acre Amazon, c... more The central focus of this text is to propose a different writing of the history of Acre Amazon, considering a critical perspective of the assumptions that have guided this particular field of academic research, which still spreads a colonized view about the Amazon region and even the America continent, produced by the look of the nineteenth century European travelers, and reproduced as a characteristic of the interpretations of the region found in authors like Tavares Bastos, Euclides da Cunha, Ferreira Reis and Leandro Tocantins. The methodological perspective consists on reflections of Walter Benjamin, Michel de Certeau, Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall, identifying other
writing possibilities of regional history, in a less mimetic and colonized base, especially regarding the issues that have been ignored and treated as real taboos to most historians and other scholars of this part of the Amazons.
Projeto História - Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História da PUC-SP, 1999
Muiraquitã - Revista de Letras e Humanidades, 2016
O objetivo deste ensaio é abordar algumas dimensões das significativas experiências em um curso p... more O objetivo deste ensaio é abordar algumas dimensões das significativas experiências em um curso para jovens e adultos, atentando para a dinâmica do processo ensino-aprendizagem como uma via de mão dupla na qual a produção do conhecimento se processa como parte das diferentes trajetórias dos sujeitos envolvidos.
ABEHACHE - Revista da Associação Brasileira de Hispanistas, 2017
A partir del diálogo con autore(a)s de los Estudios Culturales y de la Decolonialidad, con el pre... more A partir del diálogo con autore(a)s de los Estudios Culturales y de la Decolonialidad, con el presente artículo se busca situar algunas dimensiones del debate acerca de las relaciones étnico-raciales en las fronteras andino-amazónicas entre Perú, Bolivia y Brasil, con foco en las interfaces Cultura/Naturaleza y Sociedad/Cultura. En esa parte del continente latino-americano, la presencia del español y el portugués como lenguas hegemónicas y su avance sobre las lenguas indígenas sirven de referencia para pensar la constitución de toda una trayectoria histórica de silencios y apagamientos de las culturas orales y de las experiencias de comunidades afro-descendientes e indígenas que fueron confinadas en las márgenes de las narrativas de las naciones, imponiéndose para los desafíos del presente la necesidad de repensar las premisas epistemológicas que guían las nociones de cultura e identidad nacional/regional y sus implicaciones en el campo de la enseñanza y de las luchas por el reconocimiento de las diferencias y de la igualdad de derechos en los mundos de colonización ibérica.
Fragmentos de Cultura - Revista Interdisciplinar de Ciências Humanas, 2014
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the culture-nature relationships considering the work of ... more The purpose of this paper is to discuss the culture-nature relationships considering the work of the rubber tapper, actor and playwright from the State of Acre, in Brazilian Amazon, José Marques de Souza (Matias), dialoguing with the aesthetic-political forms from which this afro-amazonian intellectual thought the struggle for the forest and city in the context of changes occurred between the years 1970-90.
Muiraquitã - Revista de Letras e Humanidades, 2013
The main objective of this paper is to develop a reflection on the “look” that the writer Abguar ... more The main objective of this paper is to develop a reflection on the “look” that the writer Abguar Bastos Damasceno (1902-1995) builds upon the reality of the State of Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon region, depicted in the novel “Certos caminhos do mundo” (1936). In the novel, the city of Rio Branco appears divided by the Rio Acre, on two opposing sides: on one side of the river is Empresa, on the other side, Penápolis. Empresa is characterized as a place of vice and Penápolis is the place of virtue. In this idealized scenario of Rio Branco city, the State of Acre and the Amazon region, dreamed by the author, set the stories of Solon, son of Colonel João Gonçalves, and Rubina, a black prostitute. It is also between vice and virtue that Abguar Bastos narrates the stories of other characters who were marked, physically and morally, by the “chorus of failed and suffering”: the Acrean region. From a deterministic view, such characters appear in the eyes of the readers subjectivities as degraded beings and condemned to suffer in “the deep realm of solitude”.
Amazônica - Revista de Antropologia, 2012
Departing from a research conducted between 1993 and 2001, this study has as its central objectiv... more Departing from a research conducted between 1993 and 2001, this study has as its central objective the dialogue with the cultural practices of women and men of the Juruá river basin, in the Brazilian Amazon, pointing the ways these rural workers articulate and re-articulate themselves in the social production of the space in which they live, considering the complex processes of relation between them and the natural world. This study also focus on the social relations and conflicts established between writing and orality, trying to expose the historical struggle of the rural people to master the skills of reading and writing as a way to overcome manipulation and control exerted by the patrones.
Projeto Historia - Revista do Programa de Estudos Pos Graduados em Historia , 2001
Books by Gerson R . Albuquerque
Papers by Gerson R . Albuquerque
reality as a way of "illustrate" the region not only with written records but also with images / drawings of localities, plants and indigenous populations he got in contact with which. These "illustrations", understood as a reduction of subjects and "landscapes" at the level of fiction or silence, in the words of Michel de Certeau, obliterate the very different ways of life in the Amazon region through the traveler’s
science speech.
interpretation" of the rubber tapper from the Alto Purus region, pictured
by Euclides da Cunha, as well as the acts of "foundation" of two cities in
Acrean Amazon - Sena Madureira and Cruzeiro do Sul - and adopting
the river flows as conductive metaphor of different words/concepts to
encode and decode different Amazonian spaces/times, this article aims
to produce some reflections on the scope and on the theoretical force of
Stuart Hall propositions/interventions, in order to ask/discuss issues
related to historical and cultural processes of constitution/shaping
societies in contexts of cities/forests.
writing possibilities of regional history, in a less mimetic and colonized base, especially regarding the issues that have been ignored and treated as real taboos to most historians and other scholars of this part of the Amazons.
reality as a way of "illustrate" the region not only with written records but also with images / drawings of localities, plants and indigenous populations he got in contact with which. These "illustrations", understood as a reduction of subjects and "landscapes" at the level of fiction or silence, in the words of Michel de Certeau, obliterate the very different ways of life in the Amazon region through the traveler’s
science speech.
interpretation" of the rubber tapper from the Alto Purus region, pictured
by Euclides da Cunha, as well as the acts of "foundation" of two cities in
Acrean Amazon - Sena Madureira and Cruzeiro do Sul - and adopting
the river flows as conductive metaphor of different words/concepts to
encode and decode different Amazonian spaces/times, this article aims
to produce some reflections on the scope and on the theoretical force of
Stuart Hall propositions/interventions, in order to ask/discuss issues
related to historical and cultural processes of constitution/shaping
societies in contexts of cities/forests.
writing possibilities of regional history, in a less mimetic and colonized base, especially regarding the issues that have been ignored and treated as real taboos to most historians and other scholars of this part of the Amazons.