Rafael L Azize
Webpage: bit.ly/rafaelazize.
I am an associate professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), where I was Head of the Graduate Program in Philosophy from 2014 to 2017. I was a Visiting Researcher at Swarthmore College (USA) and at Temple University (USA), and currently at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). I lead the research group 'Aesthetics, Subjectivity, Culture, Education' (CNPq), and am a member of the Brazilian Association of Aesthetics (ABRE).
My main area of interest is aesthetics and the philosophy of art and criticism, with an emphasis on the relations between art, subjectivity, culture, and value. Additionally, I'm interested in the philosophy of language, with an emphasis on the relations between pragmatics, the experience of meaning, and the ordinary; and meta-philosophy.
In my current research, I examine a number of contemporary philosophical articulations of what I call uses of art in the life-world, between radical autonomism and reductive instrumentalism. While acknowledging a cognitivist/anti-cognitivist tension stemming from modern discussions of art, there is room for the exploration of the philosophical yield of a further step in a pluralistic, non-reductive, compatibilist direction. What happens when we resist the reductive pull either to autonomist (anti-cognitivist, formalist) or to instrumentalist (cognitivist, message-oriented) views or theories of art, in order to recognize that both form and meaning matter and are intimately related, something that purely autonomist or instrumentalist enquiries prevent us to see?
Education: Ph.D., Philosophy, Unicamp (State U. of Campinas, São Paulo), 2008. M.A., Literary Theory, UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), 2000. B.A., English and French, The University of Lisbon, 1996.
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese (active), Italian (passive).
You can reach me at rafaelazize@gmail.com
Supervisors: Arley Ramos Moreno and Richard Eldridge
I am an associate professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), where I was Head of the Graduate Program in Philosophy from 2014 to 2017. I was a Visiting Researcher at Swarthmore College (USA) and at Temple University (USA), and currently at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). I lead the research group 'Aesthetics, Subjectivity, Culture, Education' (CNPq), and am a member of the Brazilian Association of Aesthetics (ABRE).
My main area of interest is aesthetics and the philosophy of art and criticism, with an emphasis on the relations between art, subjectivity, culture, and value. Additionally, I'm interested in the philosophy of language, with an emphasis on the relations between pragmatics, the experience of meaning, and the ordinary; and meta-philosophy.
In my current research, I examine a number of contemporary philosophical articulations of what I call uses of art in the life-world, between radical autonomism and reductive instrumentalism. While acknowledging a cognitivist/anti-cognitivist tension stemming from modern discussions of art, there is room for the exploration of the philosophical yield of a further step in a pluralistic, non-reductive, compatibilist direction. What happens when we resist the reductive pull either to autonomist (anti-cognitivist, formalist) or to instrumentalist (cognitivist, message-oriented) views or theories of art, in order to recognize that both form and meaning matter and are intimately related, something that purely autonomist or instrumentalist enquiries prevent us to see?
Education: Ph.D., Philosophy, Unicamp (State U. of Campinas, São Paulo), 2008. M.A., Literary Theory, UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), 2000. B.A., English and French, The University of Lisbon, 1996.
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese (active), Italian (passive).
You can reach me at rafaelazize@gmail.com
Supervisors: Arley Ramos Moreno and Richard Eldridge
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Papers by Rafael L Azize
(Moreno, A. R. (org.). Compreensão: Adestramento, Treinamento, Definição. Col CLE, v. 68, pp. 197-218, 2014.)
Resumo: Literatura e arte, por um lado, e discurso argumentativo, por outro, soem situar-se em campos opostos, de tal maneira que maximizar um é minimizar o outro. Mais ainda se restringimos os conceitos a poesia e lógica. Quando ensaiamos contrastar esses campos do discurso, listas de atributos distintivos necessários e suficientes, ou mesmo a noção de função, parecem recursos pobres para dar conta do papel que esses conceitos desempenham. Pensamos, com isso, no que Wittgenstein gostava de chamar de rituais de uma forma de vida-os quais haveria que descrever com mais perspicuidade para fazer justiça ao contraste sugerido, se quisermos ser mais prudentes com tal oposição. O texto é um chamado a essa prudência.
Palavras-chave: Linguagem. Pragmática. Aplicação. Uso. Wittgenstein.
To Wittgenstein, Frazer's search for the expression of beliefs in ritual gestures is a case of aspect- blindness. I claim that it is also an attitude which is disruptive of the conditions for understanding the native’s trivial gestures. This is a methodological attitude that has an arresting effect on experience – in particular, the experience of speaking. This interruption is to be examined by means of a thought experiment. Then, through the interplay of the concepts of Spirit and Aspect, a philosophical tool is described to assess the problem that can also serve as practical guide back to ordinary experience. The next step is to examine this way out in a particularly sensitive kind of experience of meaning: the aesthetic experience, also seen as a ritual. I conclude by alluding to a possibly mutual illumination between aesthetic experience, translation studies and a Cavellian take on ordinary language.
(Moreno, A. R. (org.). Compreensão: Adestramento, Treinamento, Definição. Col CLE, v. 68, pp. 197-218, 2014.)
Resumo: Literatura e arte, por um lado, e discurso argumentativo, por outro, soem situar-se em campos opostos, de tal maneira que maximizar um é minimizar o outro. Mais ainda se restringimos os conceitos a poesia e lógica. Quando ensaiamos contrastar esses campos do discurso, listas de atributos distintivos necessários e suficientes, ou mesmo a noção de função, parecem recursos pobres para dar conta do papel que esses conceitos desempenham. Pensamos, com isso, no que Wittgenstein gostava de chamar de rituais de uma forma de vida-os quais haveria que descrever com mais perspicuidade para fazer justiça ao contraste sugerido, se quisermos ser mais prudentes com tal oposição. O texto é um chamado a essa prudência.
Palavras-chave: Linguagem. Pragmática. Aplicação. Uso. Wittgenstein.
To Wittgenstein, Frazer's search for the expression of beliefs in ritual gestures is a case of aspect- blindness. I claim that it is also an attitude which is disruptive of the conditions for understanding the native’s trivial gestures. This is a methodological attitude that has an arresting effect on experience – in particular, the experience of speaking. This interruption is to be examined by means of a thought experiment. Then, through the interplay of the concepts of Spirit and Aspect, a philosophical tool is described to assess the problem that can also serve as practical guide back to ordinary experience. The next step is to examine this way out in a particularly sensitive kind of experience of meaning: the aesthetic experience, also seen as a ritual. I conclude by alluding to a possibly mutual illumination between aesthetic experience, translation studies and a Cavellian take on ordinary language.
Paulo Oliveira
Alois Pichler
Arley Moreno
ISBN 978-85-86497-40-7 / 978-85-86497-42-1 (e-book), CLE/Unicamp, 1a. Edição (2019)
One of the main sources of contemporary analytic philosophy, the work of Austrian-British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein impacted neighboring fields not only in philosophy but also in areas like semiotics, linguistics, education and translation studies, even though such influence is not always clearly visible or explicitly recognized – especially where this happened indirectly. Coming from these different areas, the contributors to this volume share a large experience of reading Wittgenstein – through their own research interests – and, to a great extent, also in dealing with translational questions. The topic translation serves them here as a common theme to be addressed from their particular perspectives, with sometimes complementary, sometimes conflicting results.
The Wittgenstein in translation variant involves analyzing translations of the Wittgensteinian body of work now available in several languages, by the criteria that guided the process. It also involves taking up the texts translated or revised by the author himself, which are of a signicant number in his Nachlass, whose electronic version is available online from the Wittgenstein Archives of the University of Bergen/Norway, host of the 2017 meeting that gave rise to this volume. Also guiding the Wittgenstein on translation variant is the philosopher’s perspective(s) on what translation is and how language works. What does ‘translating’ mean? Does it depend on how we conceive language itself? What Wittgensteinian concepts can be mobilized for a better understanding of the notion and practice of translating in different fields of application? These are some of the questions tackled here.
This book is an effort not only in international cooperation, but also in intercultural communication. It is written in English, which – as lingua franca – is the mother tongue of none of the contributors. It is also a result of long-term exchanges between Brazilian researchers and their European (and Latin-American) fellows, spread over many countries, but gathered around the common interest in Wittgenstein’s philosophy. Arley Ramos Moreno, one of the guest editors, left us before the book was finished – an additional reason for us to remember the Wittgenstein Colloquia he organized for many years at Unicamp, gathering many of the leading voices in the field in both sides of the Atlantic, their results being usually published by Coleção CLE. This book, which we in a way dedicate to him, is certainly in line with that tradition.
Paulo Oliveira - CEL/Unicamp, member of the CNPq research group Philosophy of Language and Knowledge
Wittgenstein in/on translation
Ebook: <http://repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/33450>.
O lugar e o sentido da reflexão peculiar às humanidades têm sido deturpados. O aumento do alcance de discursos que promovem essa deturpação acompanha a degradação recente do debate público, promovendo atitudes obscurantistas sobre as ciências e as artes e ideias incompatíveis com uma sociedade democrática e plural. Os ensaios presentes no livro discutem aspectos da construção desses discursos. Merecem leitura atenta por quem se interessa pela defesa do pensamento crítico, da imaginação democrática e da ciência livre e rigorosa, em particular as humanidades. O livro reúne vozes de diferentes países, disciplinas e pontos de vista, dedicadas a articular uma defesa das humanidades que leve em conta a complexidade das suas funções, de críticas a epistêmicas e mesmo econômicas.
ISBN: 978-65-5630-147-1
Organizador: Rafael Lopes Azize
Ano: 2020
Formato: 16 x 23 cm
Número de páginas: 251p
Uma das contribuições da filosofia para a democracia pode ser pensada como um certo tipo de engajamento intelectual, a saber: articulações do pensamento crítico no âmbito do debate público. Parte-se, assim, do pressuposto de que há uma relação intrínseca, de um lado, entre filosofia e pensamento crítico e, de outro, entre democracia e debate público. Essa relação possibilita entender a democracia como uma conversação aberta, que tem na abertura um valor e que viabiliza esse valor através da articulação entre uma dimensão universal e dimensões particulares da vida. Outra maneira de dizer isso é que a democracia é o nome da emergência do político em termos de expressão dinâmica da pluralidade, o que vai muito além do que chamamos de representação, uma condição talvez necessária, mas não suficiente para a democracia. Entender a democracia nesses termos implica não dispormos de uma fórmula pela qual nos orientarmos na vida democrática. Encontraria aí a democracia uma inviabilidade sua, ao extraviar-se no particular? É o que buscaremos examinar, através de um olhar histórico, analítico e voltado para a nossa situação presente, em particular no Brasil. Concluímos o capítulo aplicando os resultados desse exame a um tema específico, a saber, a fala cujo acesso é marcado por uma identidade de gênero.
Este livro busca aplicações do espírito da filosofia wittgensteiniana, mas também o seu sistema, sua rede de conceitos cooperantes, a temas e aproximações a que o filósofo concedeu menor atenção. Exemplos desse tipo de aplicação que aqui se vão ler servem, ademais, de testemunho do vigor da recepção de Wittgenstein no continente americano, em particular na América Latina – onde trabalha a maioria dos autores. Parte desse vigor se mostra, finalmente, nas aproximações com outros sistemas, tradições e modos do pensamento – como, por exemplo, as pontes aqui lançadas com a hermenêutica, a fenomenologia, a psicanálise e a dialética antiga, mas também com regiões pouco visitadas pela literatura wittgensteiniana, como a filosofia da estética, da literatura, da antropologia e da educação, e mesmo a filosofia prática, por vezes desafiando posições do próprio filósofo vienense (é o caso de aspectos das suas leituras de Freud e Platão).
Apresentação do volume "Wittgenstein nas Américas: Legado e Convergências" (EDUFBA, 2018).