ABSTRACTThis paper aims to descriptively analyze activities and/orconcepts related to Computation... more ABSTRACTThis paper aims to descriptively analyze activities and/orconcepts related to Computational Thinking in SET Brasiltextbooks (the material used in 2021 by schools in the state ofMato Grosso) for all curricular subjects of the second half ofElementary School. We herein address ComputationalThinking as a skill to be developed in different subjects of theschool curriculum according to the Brazilian National CommonCurricular Base (BNCC). We analyzed 8 activities and 1 table inthe Mathematics textbooks, and 1 news report in thePortuguese Language textbook. Our findings weresystematized, indicating the skills to be developed in thoseactivities, both in relation to Computational Thinking and tocontents of Mathematics and Portuguese. We also noticed thatconcepts and skills of Computational Thinking, as well as otherthemes related to digital technologies, are little integrated tothe other school subjects in SET Brasil textbooks, contrary tothe guidelines presented by the BNCC.
Digital memorials are currently addressed in several studies on the design this type of system re... more Digital memorials are currently addressed in several studies on the design this type of system requires. However, as different types of memorials have different needs, this research analyzes characteristics of this type of software in terms of design, structural elements, cultural relevance etc. This paper presents an overview of recommendations for digital memories from several published articles and sums them up.
This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a fu... more This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a full-time elementary and high school in the state of Mato Grosso in English classes, with a view to describe the teacher’s view on the use of unplugged computer activities in her classes. Two activities (Happy Maps and Move It, Move It) available on Code.org were carried out, adopting Unplugged Computer Science as a methodology. The results show a great engagement of students and the acceptance of unplugged activities by the teacher and the students. Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência de ensino de conceitos sobre resolução de problemas e algoritmos para alunos de uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental e médio de Mato Grosso, realizada em aulas da disciplina de Língua Inglesa, com objetivo descrever a percepção da professora de Língua Estrangeira – Inglês quanto ao uso de atividades desplugadas em suas aulas. Foram realizadas duas atividades (Happy Maps e Move It, Mov...
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2016v36n2p254O presente artigo interroga sobre a pertinência ... more http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2016v36n2p254O presente artigo interroga sobre a pertinência de uma compreensão da interculturalidade em termos de tradução entre as culturas. Esta hipótese é estudada em duas direções: 1) o horizonte cosmopolita cuja ideia de tradução implica; 2) a crítica das premissas de origem única e homogeneidade das culturas que tal hipótese torna possível.
Interacting on the Social Web, people, feelings and properties are connected, and generate digita... more Interacting on the Social Web, people, feelings and properties are connected, and generate digital legacy beyond life. Digital life goes further than the bodily one, and software limits make it difficult to model these aspects, especially concerning taboos and beliefs connected to death, which can condition the proposal of solutions to the digital legacy. Besides, there is a great difference between the criteria for identifying citizens in the real and in the virtual world, including notions of life, death and posthumous data. The design of interactive systems concerning these issues is discussed in this chapter, based on bibliographic research, observations of the Web and field research on software engineers’ opinions. Herein, we also discuss the volitional element, namely, software planning considering the user’s decision on the destination of his digital legacy. Such technical feature is connected, in this paper, to the influences that come from software engineers’ taboos and beliefs on death, which may limit their capacity or wish to think of post-mortem legacy.
The internet generation massively uses social networks and interacts in these communities with da... more The internet generation massively uses social networks and interacts in these communities with data from dead people. However, how do the death representations of this generation influence its conceptions and practices on posthumous interaction? By means of a quanti-qualitative research, with surveys and data analysis, we aim to understand how the internet generation deals with posthumous interaction in social networks, so as to guide the design of this kind of interaction, considering its specificities. As a contribution to the Human-Computer Interaction area, we expect this concept—posthumous interaction—to be better interpreted by researchers and software developers, in order to design solutions that meet the particular needs of this kind of interaction, as well as the socio-cultural framework behind it.
Background In this paper, we report the results of an action research conducted to design a commu... more Background In this paper, we report the results of an action research conducted to design a communication device to help a non-verbal child develop language skills. Participatory design (PD) is frequently regarded as a convenient approach for designing high assistive technology (HAT) for people with serious speech impairments. However, our literature survey has shown that PD is used in an ad hoc fashion, and so a methodological framework for the inception, construction, and evaluation of HATs is still missing. Methods PD4CAT, a participatory design method for customized assistive technology, was used to direct this research. Results This method led to the engagement of an impaired child (besides other participants) as a co-designer of a customized assistive technology for his own use. The system resulting from actions performed during this research has helped the child in his rehabilitation process by means of the customized assistive computational technology developed within PD4CAT...
Proceedings of the 31st ACM international conference on Design of communication - SIGDOC '13, 2013
Mobile web has created several opportunities for the development of assistive technologies that c... more Mobile web has created several opportunities for the development of assistive technologies that can support disabled people in the performance of daily life activities. Mobile applications can be developed using participatory design methods which result in customized assistive solutions. In this paper, we describe the development of a mobile application to support M, a man with cerebral palsy in his communication and professional activities, highlighting the use of a participatory design method. We discuss the changes that mobile web can bring to disabled people's lives, in the light of this experience. We conclude that mobile web applications can be configured as interesting solutions for assistive technologies.
O presente artigo discute como a secao “cartoes postais” do livro de poesia n. d. a (2010), de Ar... more O presente artigo discute como a secao “cartoes postais” do livro de poesia n. d. a (2010), de Arnaldo Antunes, pode ser conjugada com a nocao de descolecao, de Canclini (1997). Para isso, serao analisados tres poemas dessa secao, tomando como ponto de partida as questoes sobre os signos verbais e nao verbais nos espacos da cidade fotografados pelo poeta, bem como o efeito estetico operado pelos processos de escolha e enquadramento do poeta-fotografo. Tais poemas subvertem o genero cartao postal, seja pelas insuspeitas relacoes entre palavra e imagem na cidade flagradas pela lente da câmera, seja pela falta de nitidez ou de enquadramento dos objetos fotografados, ou mesmo pela publicacao no suporte livro. A proposicao de uma poesia no limite da fotografia e do cartao postal postula uma arte hibrida, sugerindo questionamentos sobre o cruzamento interartistico.
This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a fu... more This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a full-time elementary and high school in the state of Mato Grosso in English classes, with a view to describe the teacher’s view on the use of unplugged computer activities in her classes. Two activities (Happy Maps and Move It, Move It) available on Code.org were carried out, adopting Unplugged Computer Science as a methodology. The results show a great engagement of students and the acceptance of unplugged activities by the teacher and the students. Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência de ensino de conceitos sobre resolução de problemas e algoritmos para alunos de uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental e médio de Mato Grosso, realizada em aulas da disciplina de Língua Inglesa, com objetivo descrever a percepção da professora de Língua Estrangeira – Inglês quanto ao uso de atividades desplugadas em suas aulas. Foram realizadas duas atividades (Happy Maps e Move It, Mov...
Neste artigo investigamos como o poema “Poética Rural”, de Marilza Ribeiro, problematiza o proces... more Neste artigo investigamos como o poema “Poética Rural”, de Marilza Ribeiro, problematiza o processo da escritura de poesia. O poema constitui-se como um exercício metalinguístico, no qual o labor da criação poética é apresentado por meio da metáfora do trabalho rural. Por meio da análise dos aspectos formais que conferem sentidos ao texto e com o suporte da semiologia literária, demonstramos como o poema reflete os conceitos de morte do autor, polissemia da linguagem poética e literatura como trapaça na língua, caros ao pós-estruturalismo francês. Nos versos analisados, verifica-se como o eu lírico joga com a língua e elabora a linguagem poética pela atividade agrícola.
Anais Estendidos do I Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EDUCOMP Estendido 2021)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o uso da Computação Desplugada como abordagem para o desenvo... more O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o uso da Computação Desplugada como abordagem para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional e de habilidades Matemáticas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na disciplina de Matemática no Ensino Fundamental. Link para o vídeo da apresentação: https://youtu.be/84mNTqICpQE
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2176-8552.2016n21p239A poesia vinculada a elementos imagéticos compõe ... more http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2176-8552.2016n21p239A poesia vinculada a elementos imagéticos compõe uma estética híbridacara à boa parte da produção literária contemporânea, em que a visualidade,como elemento semiótico constitutivo do poema, suscita aos leitores novoscaminhos interpretativos. Diante desse contexto, visa-se verificar na obra literáriaOLHLO2: Poesia Visual, de Luis Augusto Knop de Mendonça (de heterônimoKnorr), como a visualidade é implementada. Chamam atenção asrupturas estruturais no livro (em forma de baralho) que apontam a presençade um jogo entre o verbal e o não verbal. Para as análises aqui empreendidas,consideram-se cinco poemas visuais, nos quais se indaga como o grafemaengendra a imagem nos processos de significação. De acordo com as teoriasde Jacques Derrida e Roland Barthes, mediante a différance e os “regimes antropológicosde sentido”, buscam-se entender os jogos de múltiplos ou vaziossentidos na fulguração da letra à imagem.
ABSTRACTThis paper aims to descriptively analyze activities and/orconcepts related to Computation... more ABSTRACTThis paper aims to descriptively analyze activities and/orconcepts related to Computational Thinking in SET Brasiltextbooks (the material used in 2021 by schools in the state ofMato Grosso) for all curricular subjects of the second half ofElementary School. We herein address ComputationalThinking as a skill to be developed in different subjects of theschool curriculum according to the Brazilian National CommonCurricular Base (BNCC). We analyzed 8 activities and 1 table inthe Mathematics textbooks, and 1 news report in thePortuguese Language textbook. Our findings weresystematized, indicating the skills to be developed in thoseactivities, both in relation to Computational Thinking and tocontents of Mathematics and Portuguese. We also noticed thatconcepts and skills of Computational Thinking, as well as otherthemes related to digital technologies, are little integrated tothe other school subjects in SET Brasil textbooks, contrary tothe guidelines presented by the BNCC.
Digital memorials are currently addressed in several studies on the design this type of system re... more Digital memorials are currently addressed in several studies on the design this type of system requires. However, as different types of memorials have different needs, this research analyzes characteristics of this type of software in terms of design, structural elements, cultural relevance etc. This paper presents an overview of recommendations for digital memories from several published articles and sums them up.
This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a fu... more This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a full-time elementary and high school in the state of Mato Grosso in English classes, with a view to describe the teacher’s view on the use of unplugged computer activities in her classes. Two activities (Happy Maps and Move It, Move It) available on Code.org were carried out, adopting Unplugged Computer Science as a methodology. The results show a great engagement of students and the acceptance of unplugged activities by the teacher and the students. Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência de ensino de conceitos sobre resolução de problemas e algoritmos para alunos de uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental e médio de Mato Grosso, realizada em aulas da disciplina de Língua Inglesa, com objetivo descrever a percepção da professora de Língua Estrangeira – Inglês quanto ao uso de atividades desplugadas em suas aulas. Foram realizadas duas atividades (Happy Maps e Move It, Mov...
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2016v36n2p254O presente artigo interroga sobre a pertinência ... more http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2016v36n2p254O presente artigo interroga sobre a pertinência de uma compreensão da interculturalidade em termos de tradução entre as culturas. Esta hipótese é estudada em duas direções: 1) o horizonte cosmopolita cuja ideia de tradução implica; 2) a crítica das premissas de origem única e homogeneidade das culturas que tal hipótese torna possível.
Interacting on the Social Web, people, feelings and properties are connected, and generate digita... more Interacting on the Social Web, people, feelings and properties are connected, and generate digital legacy beyond life. Digital life goes further than the bodily one, and software limits make it difficult to model these aspects, especially concerning taboos and beliefs connected to death, which can condition the proposal of solutions to the digital legacy. Besides, there is a great difference between the criteria for identifying citizens in the real and in the virtual world, including notions of life, death and posthumous data. The design of interactive systems concerning these issues is discussed in this chapter, based on bibliographic research, observations of the Web and field research on software engineers’ opinions. Herein, we also discuss the volitional element, namely, software planning considering the user’s decision on the destination of his digital legacy. Such technical feature is connected, in this paper, to the influences that come from software engineers’ taboos and beliefs on death, which may limit their capacity or wish to think of post-mortem legacy.
The internet generation massively uses social networks and interacts in these communities with da... more The internet generation massively uses social networks and interacts in these communities with data from dead people. However, how do the death representations of this generation influence its conceptions and practices on posthumous interaction? By means of a quanti-qualitative research, with surveys and data analysis, we aim to understand how the internet generation deals with posthumous interaction in social networks, so as to guide the design of this kind of interaction, considering its specificities. As a contribution to the Human-Computer Interaction area, we expect this concept—posthumous interaction—to be better interpreted by researchers and software developers, in order to design solutions that meet the particular needs of this kind of interaction, as well as the socio-cultural framework behind it.
Background In this paper, we report the results of an action research conducted to design a commu... more Background In this paper, we report the results of an action research conducted to design a communication device to help a non-verbal child develop language skills. Participatory design (PD) is frequently regarded as a convenient approach for designing high assistive technology (HAT) for people with serious speech impairments. However, our literature survey has shown that PD is used in an ad hoc fashion, and so a methodological framework for the inception, construction, and evaluation of HATs is still missing. Methods PD4CAT, a participatory design method for customized assistive technology, was used to direct this research. Results This method led to the engagement of an impaired child (besides other participants) as a co-designer of a customized assistive technology for his own use. The system resulting from actions performed during this research has helped the child in his rehabilitation process by means of the customized assistive computational technology developed within PD4CAT...
Proceedings of the 31st ACM international conference on Design of communication - SIGDOC '13, 2013
Mobile web has created several opportunities for the development of assistive technologies that c... more Mobile web has created several opportunities for the development of assistive technologies that can support disabled people in the performance of daily life activities. Mobile applications can be developed using participatory design methods which result in customized assistive solutions. In this paper, we describe the development of a mobile application to support M, a man with cerebral palsy in his communication and professional activities, highlighting the use of a participatory design method. We discuss the changes that mobile web can bring to disabled people's lives, in the light of this experience. We conclude that mobile web applications can be configured as interesting solutions for assistive technologies.
O presente artigo discute como a secao “cartoes postais” do livro de poesia n. d. a (2010), de Ar... more O presente artigo discute como a secao “cartoes postais” do livro de poesia n. d. a (2010), de Arnaldo Antunes, pode ser conjugada com a nocao de descolecao, de Canclini (1997). Para isso, serao analisados tres poemas dessa secao, tomando como ponto de partida as questoes sobre os signos verbais e nao verbais nos espacos da cidade fotografados pelo poeta, bem como o efeito estetico operado pelos processos de escolha e enquadramento do poeta-fotografo. Tais poemas subvertem o genero cartao postal, seja pelas insuspeitas relacoes entre palavra e imagem na cidade flagradas pela lente da câmera, seja pela falta de nitidez ou de enquadramento dos objetos fotografados, ou mesmo pela publicacao no suporte livro. A proposicao de uma poesia no limite da fotografia e do cartao postal postula uma arte hibrida, sugerindo questionamentos sobre o cruzamento interartistico.
This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a fu... more This paper presents an experience report of teaching the concept of algorithm to students of a full-time elementary and high school in the state of Mato Grosso in English classes, with a view to describe the teacher’s view on the use of unplugged computer activities in her classes. Two activities (Happy Maps and Move It, Move It) available on Code.org were carried out, adopting Unplugged Computer Science as a methodology. The results show a great engagement of students and the acceptance of unplugged activities by the teacher and the students. Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência de ensino de conceitos sobre resolução de problemas e algoritmos para alunos de uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental e médio de Mato Grosso, realizada em aulas da disciplina de Língua Inglesa, com objetivo descrever a percepção da professora de Língua Estrangeira – Inglês quanto ao uso de atividades desplugadas em suas aulas. Foram realizadas duas atividades (Happy Maps e Move It, Mov...
Neste artigo investigamos como o poema “Poética Rural”, de Marilza Ribeiro, problematiza o proces... more Neste artigo investigamos como o poema “Poética Rural”, de Marilza Ribeiro, problematiza o processo da escritura de poesia. O poema constitui-se como um exercício metalinguístico, no qual o labor da criação poética é apresentado por meio da metáfora do trabalho rural. Por meio da análise dos aspectos formais que conferem sentidos ao texto e com o suporte da semiologia literária, demonstramos como o poema reflete os conceitos de morte do autor, polissemia da linguagem poética e literatura como trapaça na língua, caros ao pós-estruturalismo francês. Nos versos analisados, verifica-se como o eu lírico joga com a língua e elabora a linguagem poética pela atividade agrícola.
Anais Estendidos do I Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EDUCOMP Estendido 2021)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o uso da Computação Desplugada como abordagem para o desenvo... more O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o uso da Computação Desplugada como abordagem para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional e de habilidades Matemáticas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na disciplina de Matemática no Ensino Fundamental. Link para o vídeo da apresentação: https://youtu.be/84mNTqICpQE
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2176-8552.2016n21p239A poesia vinculada a elementos imagéticos compõe ... more http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2176-8552.2016n21p239A poesia vinculada a elementos imagéticos compõe uma estética híbridacara à boa parte da produção literária contemporânea, em que a visualidade,como elemento semiótico constitutivo do poema, suscita aos leitores novoscaminhos interpretativos. Diante desse contexto, visa-se verificar na obra literáriaOLHLO2: Poesia Visual, de Luis Augusto Knop de Mendonça (de heterônimoKnorr), como a visualidade é implementada. Chamam atenção asrupturas estruturais no livro (em forma de baralho) que apontam a presençade um jogo entre o verbal e o não verbal. Para as análises aqui empreendidas,consideram-se cinco poemas visuais, nos quais se indaga como o grafemaengendra a imagem nos processos de significação. De acordo com as teoriasde Jacques Derrida e Roland Barthes, mediante a différance e os “regimes antropológicosde sentido”, buscam-se entender os jogos de múltiplos ou vaziossentidos na fulguração da letra à imagem.
Papers by Vinicius Pereira