Civil Engineer (University of Ouro Preto, 1978). Master of Engineering (University of Rio Grande do Sul, 1983). Doctor of Science in Civil Engineering (University of Rio de Janeiro-Coppe, 1991). Post-Doctoral fellowship (University of Sheffield, 1999). Post-Doctoral fellowship (Lund University, 2011). Lawyer (University of Ouro Preto, 2005). Full Professor (University of Ouro Preto). Supervisors: Roger Plank and Ian Burgess at University of Sheffield, UK. and Patrick van Hees at Lund University, Sweden.
The results of a fire load density survey carried out in Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais,... more The results of a fire load density survey carried out in Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil are presented. The inventory method is used and details of the survey methodology and processing are given. Forty-three buildings are surveyed and the determination of fire load density is made for 39 occupancies, each occupancy comprising one or more rooms, or even an entire building. The average fire load density is 2989 MJ/m 2 and the standard deviation is 2833 MJ/m 2. Commercial stores are found to be the most heavily loaded but a single maximum fire load density of 14,560 MJ/m 2 is found in a drugstore. Because of new extensions of old buildings, some rooms have relatively low fire loads. It is observed that wood contributes a substantial portion of fire load, being 35% of movable fire load and 37% of fixed fire load. Comparison of the results, with those established by Brazilian standard NBR 14432, indicate that measured values could exceed standard values by up to a factor of 10.
Fires are frequent in urban slums. In general, a fire beginning in a slum community gets out of c... more Fires are frequent in urban slums. In general, a fire beginning in a slum community gets out of control and the resultant fire propagation affects large areas. Lack of reliable data on slum fires is an obstacle for immediate application of quantitative methods for fire risk assessment. This article proposes an evolutionary approach to risk assessment in slums. The concepts of structured and unstructured systems for risk assessment are introduced. A sequence of methods is proposed going from qualitative to fully quantitative. In addition, a critical analysis of the index method is provided; such a method might avoid subjectivity in adopting a power rule for risk and safety factors.
O artigo trata de pontos de contato entre a Bioética e a Ética Hipocrática. Problemas conceituais... more O artigo trata de pontos de contato entre a Bioética e a Ética Hipocrática. Problemas conceituais relativos à interação do Homem com o Meio Ambiente e a Biodiversidade são abordados do ponto de vista do Hipocratismo. A evidência da interdependência entre a diversidade de espécies nos ecossistemas como mecanismo mantenedor da vida permite concluir que a violação das leis naturais desta dinâmica vital ocasiona modificações na estrutura ambiental com consequências negativas para a biodiversidade como um todo. A observação e o respeito pela Natureza foram instrumentos que o médico hipocrático utilizou para erigir preceitos técnicos e éticos da prática médica, ainda hoje atuais. A aproximação destes valores arcaicos da tradição hipocrática com a dinâmica comportamental humana projeta no mundo atual a necessidade de que o Homem busque compreender a Natureza e seus fenômenos vitais sob pena de comprometer pela violência a sua sobrevivência no planeta.
Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position ... more Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position as a principle still extrajudicial until the delineation of a procedural routine that effectively includes it in the quarrels in which the precautionary nature is evidenced. The context is the duty of care towards the environment, introduced in the main section of Article 225 of the 1988 Constitution. Methods: descriptive, applying hermeneutic principles to analyze laws and literature; the notion of risk, associated with human affairs, is used in order to establish the basis for suggestion of a procedural routine for cases of precautionary nature. The concepts of civil liability without damage
Brazil is increasingly impacted by natural disasters, forcing the Federal Government to improve t... more Brazil is increasingly impacted by natural disasters, forcing the Federal Government to improve the current disaster risk management (DRM) system. After the two big disastrous events of Nova Friburgo, RJ and of Vale do Itajaí, SC, during 2011, Brazilian Congress approved a new Emergency Law which is supposed to be the cornerstone of a Brazilian DRM system. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how much this law is able to produce effective results in this direction. The methodology adopted is the hermeneutics analysis of the law text itself and of its reference texts but focus is on its engineering concepts and on the disaster management method proposed. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction priorities for action in the period 2005-2015 are taken as a reference. Conclusions suggest that a revision of the current Brazilian Emergency Law is needed and key aspects for this revision are described.
No Brasil, a proteção passiva de estruturas metálicas (Costa, 2001) pode custar entre 15% e 30% d... more No Brasil, a proteção passiva de estruturas metálicas (Costa, 2001) pode custar entre 15% e 30% do custo total da estrutura, o que tem um significativo impacto sobre a competitividade desse produto (Claret, 2000). A técnica de proteção parcial da estrutura oferece uma alternativa para a elevação da competitividade do aço na construção civil. Nesse trabalho, apresenta-se uma formulação analítica para a determinação da distribuição de temperatura em perfis metálicos parcialmente protegidos em situação de incêndio. A formulação se baseia na transferência de calor por radiação, convecção e condução em uma seção não homogeneamente aquecida em incêndio. Análises comparativas com métodos de transferência de calor baseados em elementos finitos são apresentadas. As conclusões indicam que a formulação apresentada é representativa da distribuição de temperatura em perfis parcialmente protegidos, quando comparada ao método de elementos finitos, viabilizando seu emprego no âmbito dos métodos sim...
O presente artigo analisa a cobrança das estruturas de telecomunicação erigidas no interior de Un... more O presente artigo analisa a cobrança das estruturas de telecomunicação erigidas no interior de Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral (UCPIs), tendo como fundamento o Princípio do Poluidor-Pagador. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Analisaram-se os instrumentos normativos destinados à implementação da cobrança. Demonstrou-se que o valor obtido com a implementação da cobrança é instrumento econômico promissor para resolver alguns problemas relacionados à sustentabilidade e à conservação das UC's.
Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estuf... more Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa geradas pela substituição parcial de cimento Portland por cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (CBCA) em habitações de interesse social. Para isso, foi analisado o uso da CBCA nas construções do Programa “Minha Casa Minha Vida” em Minas Gerais e foram mensuradas as reduções pelo Método QE-CO2. As emissões de CO2 de dois cenários hipotéticos foram avaliadas com base na metodologia QE-CO2, nível básico. Os resultados demonstram que a substituição do cimento Portland pela CBCA pode gerar reduções de custos e, sobretudo, dos patamares de emissões de CO2, em ambos os cenários, evidenciando, dessa forma, a possibilidade de utilização da cinza de bagaço da cana-de-açúcar em habitações de interesse social.Palavras-chave: Pozolana. Pegada de carbono. Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo. Sustentabilidade.
Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estuf... more Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa geradas pela substituição parcial de cimento Portland por cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (CBCA) em habitações de interesse social. Para isso, foi analisado o uso da CBCA nas construções do Programa “Minha Casa Minha Vida” em Minas Gerais e foram mensuradas as reduções pelo Método QE-CO2. As emissões de CO2 de dois cenários hipotéticos foram avaliadas com base na metodologia QE-CO2, nível básico. Os resultados demonstram que a substituição do cimento Portland pela CBCA pode gerar reduções de custos e, sobretudo, dos patamares de emissões de CO2, em ambos os cenários, evidenciando, dessa forma, a possibilidade de utilização da cinza de bagaço da cana-de-açúcar em habitações de interesse social.Palavras-chave: Pozolana. Pegada de carbono. Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo. Sustentabilidade.
In this work, a steel-column-design fire resistance curve concept is presented and proposed as an... more In this work, a steel-column-design fire resistance curve concept is presented and proposed as an important data to design steel structures in fire using Finite Element Method. The method used to establish a design fire resistance curve for a given profile is described. A complete example of the determination of this project fire resistance curve is given.
Revista Portuguesa De Cardiologia Orgao Oficial Da Sociedade Portuguesa De Cardiologia Portuguese Journal of Cardiology an Official Journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology, Sep 1, 2002
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is classically defined as a diastolic disease with normal systolic fu... more Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is classically defined as a diastolic disease with normal systolic function. Long axis left ventricular function is an important and sensitive determinant of global ventricular function but its assessment is often difficult and complex. Tissue Doppler imaging of the mitral annulus allows the study of long axis left ventricular function. 47 patients with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 45 healthy volunteers, matched by age and sex, were studied with pulsed tissue Doppler imaging of the 4 sides of the mitral annulus (septal, lateral, inferior, anterior) in 4 and 2 chamber views. In each wave (systolic-s, rapid filling-e, atrial contraction-a) we analyzed velocities, time intervals and velocity-time integrals, as well as heterogeneity and asynchrony. Data were compared among the different sides in each group, between groups and with conventional Doppler data. In contrast to normal subjects, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients showed: 1--Systolic function: lower velocities, longer systolic time intervals (isovolumic relaxation time, time to peak s, ejection time), higher systolic asynchrony (time to peak s, ejection time, systolic time) and lower s/shortening fraction ratio. These changes occurred despite normal indices of global systolic function. 2--Diastolic function: lower velocities (much lower rapid filling velocity, lower atrial contraction velocity, lower septal e/a), higher e/a heterogeneity index, longer protodiastolic times (isovolumic relaxation time and time to peak e), higher diastolic asynchrony (time to peak e) and lower e wave integral. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients also showed higher average number of annular sides with e/a < 1 per patient and higher percentage of e/a < 1, mainly on the septal side. This study shows that: 1--Tissue Doppler imaging allows the detailed analysis of long axis left ventricular function in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients. 2--Long axis systolic function is abnormal in this disease, even in the presence of normal indices of global systolic function. 3--Long axis diastolic function is deeply disturbed in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, at ventricular and atrial levels. 4--Long axis dysfunction occurs in annular sides contiguous to hypertrophied and non-hypertrophied walls, highlighting the role of other factors in its pathophysiology.
The Alto Paranaiba and Triângulo Mineiro mesoregion in the state of Minas Gerais and the State of... more The Alto Paranaiba and Triângulo Mineiro mesoregion in the state of Minas Gerais and the State of São Paulo have a number of industries with eucalyptus chip fired boilers that produce great amounts of ash. Since thermoelectric ashes generally have good pozzolanic activity, this paper studied the mechanical behavior of cementitious composites made with raw eucalyptus chip ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement and processed under two different conditions. The mechanical behavior of the composites was measured from tests on specimens for their compressive strength, tensile strength to diametral stress and to bending. Results show ashes could be used as mineral additives.
Background; In non-olistructive hypertraph cardiomyopathy, tissue Dopplet imaging of the mitral a... more Background; In non-olistructive hypertraph cardiomyopathy, tissue Dopplet imaging of the mitral annulus shows severe syslotic and diastolic dysfunction, with naurker heterogeneity and asynehrony. In obstructive forms. Thecomplexity of pathophysiological interactions ...
... Keywords Leaf plasticity 4 Carbon isotope discrimination 4 Evergreen tree 4 Rainfall gradient... more ... Keywords Leaf plasticity 4 Carbon isotope discrimination 4 Evergreen tree 4 Rainfall gradient ... In the Mediterranean, climate change is one of the major challenges for forestry in the ... isotope composition is frequently reported as carbon isotope discrimination (D), relating the 13C ...
diagnosed in 64 (22.9%) patients. Patients with pancreatitis were divided into 2 groups. Patients... more diagnosed in 64 (22.9%) patients. Patients with pancreatitis were divided into 2 groups. Patients of the main group (28) received conventional therapy of pancreatitis in combination with the preparation on the basis on bee products (first d on the basis of royal jelly, and then d on the basis of pollen). Patients of a comparison group (36) received only traditional treatment. 30 healthy persons were also examined.
... Gomes Texeira, 4000 Porto, Portugal bInstituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, 4000 Porto, Portugal D... more ... Gomes Texeira, 4000 Porto, Portugal bInstituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, 4000 Porto, Portugal Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade de Vila Real, 5000 Vila Real, Portugal Abstract A 12-week feeding trial was conducted with 38 g rainbow trout to evaluate the effect of 20 ...
The results of a fire load density survey carried out in Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais,... more The results of a fire load density survey carried out in Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil are presented. The inventory method is used and details of the survey methodology and processing are given. Forty-three buildings are surveyed and the determination of fire load density is made for 39 occupancies, each occupancy comprising one or more rooms, or even an entire building. The average fire load density is 2989 MJ/m 2 and the standard deviation is 2833 MJ/m 2. Commercial stores are found to be the most heavily loaded but a single maximum fire load density of 14,560 MJ/m 2 is found in a drugstore. Because of new extensions of old buildings, some rooms have relatively low fire loads. It is observed that wood contributes a substantial portion of fire load, being 35% of movable fire load and 37% of fixed fire load. Comparison of the results, with those established by Brazilian standard NBR 14432, indicate that measured values could exceed standard values by up to a factor of 10.
Fires are frequent in urban slums. In general, a fire beginning in a slum community gets out of c... more Fires are frequent in urban slums. In general, a fire beginning in a slum community gets out of control and the resultant fire propagation affects large areas. Lack of reliable data on slum fires is an obstacle for immediate application of quantitative methods for fire risk assessment. This article proposes an evolutionary approach to risk assessment in slums. The concepts of structured and unstructured systems for risk assessment are introduced. A sequence of methods is proposed going from qualitative to fully quantitative. In addition, a critical analysis of the index method is provided; such a method might avoid subjectivity in adopting a power rule for risk and safety factors.
O artigo trata de pontos de contato entre a Bioética e a Ética Hipocrática. Problemas conceituais... more O artigo trata de pontos de contato entre a Bioética e a Ética Hipocrática. Problemas conceituais relativos à interação do Homem com o Meio Ambiente e a Biodiversidade são abordados do ponto de vista do Hipocratismo. A evidência da interdependência entre a diversidade de espécies nos ecossistemas como mecanismo mantenedor da vida permite concluir que a violação das leis naturais desta dinâmica vital ocasiona modificações na estrutura ambiental com consequências negativas para a biodiversidade como um todo. A observação e o respeito pela Natureza foram instrumentos que o médico hipocrático utilizou para erigir preceitos técnicos e éticos da prática médica, ainda hoje atuais. A aproximação destes valores arcaicos da tradição hipocrática com a dinâmica comportamental humana projeta no mundo atual a necessidade de que o Homem busque compreender a Natureza e seus fenômenos vitais sob pena de comprometer pela violência a sua sobrevivência no planeta.
Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position ... more Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position as a principle still extrajudicial until the delineation of a procedural routine that effectively includes it in the quarrels in which the precautionary nature is evidenced. The context is the duty of care towards the environment, introduced in the main section of Article 225 of the 1988 Constitution. Methods: descriptive, applying hermeneutic principles to analyze laws and literature; the notion of risk, associated with human affairs, is used in order to establish the basis for suggestion of a procedural routine for cases of precautionary nature. The concepts of civil liability without damage
Brazil is increasingly impacted by natural disasters, forcing the Federal Government to improve t... more Brazil is increasingly impacted by natural disasters, forcing the Federal Government to improve the current disaster risk management (DRM) system. After the two big disastrous events of Nova Friburgo, RJ and of Vale do Itajaí, SC, during 2011, Brazilian Congress approved a new Emergency Law which is supposed to be the cornerstone of a Brazilian DRM system. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how much this law is able to produce effective results in this direction. The methodology adopted is the hermeneutics analysis of the law text itself and of its reference texts but focus is on its engineering concepts and on the disaster management method proposed. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction priorities for action in the period 2005-2015 are taken as a reference. Conclusions suggest that a revision of the current Brazilian Emergency Law is needed and key aspects for this revision are described.
No Brasil, a proteção passiva de estruturas metálicas (Costa, 2001) pode custar entre 15% e 30% d... more No Brasil, a proteção passiva de estruturas metálicas (Costa, 2001) pode custar entre 15% e 30% do custo total da estrutura, o que tem um significativo impacto sobre a competitividade desse produto (Claret, 2000). A técnica de proteção parcial da estrutura oferece uma alternativa para a elevação da competitividade do aço na construção civil. Nesse trabalho, apresenta-se uma formulação analítica para a determinação da distribuição de temperatura em perfis metálicos parcialmente protegidos em situação de incêndio. A formulação se baseia na transferência de calor por radiação, convecção e condução em uma seção não homogeneamente aquecida em incêndio. Análises comparativas com métodos de transferência de calor baseados em elementos finitos são apresentadas. As conclusões indicam que a formulação apresentada é representativa da distribuição de temperatura em perfis parcialmente protegidos, quando comparada ao método de elementos finitos, viabilizando seu emprego no âmbito dos métodos sim...
O presente artigo analisa a cobrança das estruturas de telecomunicação erigidas no interior de Un... more O presente artigo analisa a cobrança das estruturas de telecomunicação erigidas no interior de Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral (UCPIs), tendo como fundamento o Princípio do Poluidor-Pagador. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Analisaram-se os instrumentos normativos destinados à implementação da cobrança. Demonstrou-se que o valor obtido com a implementação da cobrança é instrumento econômico promissor para resolver alguns problemas relacionados à sustentabilidade e à conservação das UC's.
Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estuf... more Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa geradas pela substituição parcial de cimento Portland por cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (CBCA) em habitações de interesse social. Para isso, foi analisado o uso da CBCA nas construções do Programa “Minha Casa Minha Vida” em Minas Gerais e foram mensuradas as reduções pelo Método QE-CO2. As emissões de CO2 de dois cenários hipotéticos foram avaliadas com base na metodologia QE-CO2, nível básico. Os resultados demonstram que a substituição do cimento Portland pela CBCA pode gerar reduções de custos e, sobretudo, dos patamares de emissões de CO2, em ambos os cenários, evidenciando, dessa forma, a possibilidade de utilização da cinza de bagaço da cana-de-açúcar em habitações de interesse social.Palavras-chave: Pozolana. Pegada de carbono. Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo. Sustentabilidade.
Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estuf... more Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação das possíveis reduções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa geradas pela substituição parcial de cimento Portland por cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (CBCA) em habitações de interesse social. Para isso, foi analisado o uso da CBCA nas construções do Programa “Minha Casa Minha Vida” em Minas Gerais e foram mensuradas as reduções pelo Método QE-CO2. As emissões de CO2 de dois cenários hipotéticos foram avaliadas com base na metodologia QE-CO2, nível básico. Os resultados demonstram que a substituição do cimento Portland pela CBCA pode gerar reduções de custos e, sobretudo, dos patamares de emissões de CO2, em ambos os cenários, evidenciando, dessa forma, a possibilidade de utilização da cinza de bagaço da cana-de-açúcar em habitações de interesse social.Palavras-chave: Pozolana. Pegada de carbono. Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo. Sustentabilidade.
In this work, a steel-column-design fire resistance curve concept is presented and proposed as an... more In this work, a steel-column-design fire resistance curve concept is presented and proposed as an important data to design steel structures in fire using Finite Element Method. The method used to establish a design fire resistance curve for a given profile is described. A complete example of the determination of this project fire resistance curve is given.
Revista Portuguesa De Cardiologia Orgao Oficial Da Sociedade Portuguesa De Cardiologia Portuguese Journal of Cardiology an Official Journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology, Sep 1, 2002
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is classically defined as a diastolic disease with normal systolic fu... more Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is classically defined as a diastolic disease with normal systolic function. Long axis left ventricular function is an important and sensitive determinant of global ventricular function but its assessment is often difficult and complex. Tissue Doppler imaging of the mitral annulus allows the study of long axis left ventricular function. 47 patients with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 45 healthy volunteers, matched by age and sex, were studied with pulsed tissue Doppler imaging of the 4 sides of the mitral annulus (septal, lateral, inferior, anterior) in 4 and 2 chamber views. In each wave (systolic-s, rapid filling-e, atrial contraction-a) we analyzed velocities, time intervals and velocity-time integrals, as well as heterogeneity and asynchrony. Data were compared among the different sides in each group, between groups and with conventional Doppler data. In contrast to normal subjects, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients showed: 1--Systolic function: lower velocities, longer systolic time intervals (isovolumic relaxation time, time to peak s, ejection time), higher systolic asynchrony (time to peak s, ejection time, systolic time) and lower s/shortening fraction ratio. These changes occurred despite normal indices of global systolic function. 2--Diastolic function: lower velocities (much lower rapid filling velocity, lower atrial contraction velocity, lower septal e/a), higher e/a heterogeneity index, longer protodiastolic times (isovolumic relaxation time and time to peak e), higher diastolic asynchrony (time to peak e) and lower e wave integral. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients also showed higher average number of annular sides with e/a < 1 per patient and higher percentage of e/a < 1, mainly on the septal side. This study shows that: 1--Tissue Doppler imaging allows the detailed analysis of long axis left ventricular function in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients. 2--Long axis systolic function is abnormal in this disease, even in the presence of normal indices of global systolic function. 3--Long axis diastolic function is deeply disturbed in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, at ventricular and atrial levels. 4--Long axis dysfunction occurs in annular sides contiguous to hypertrophied and non-hypertrophied walls, highlighting the role of other factors in its pathophysiology.
The Alto Paranaiba and Triângulo Mineiro mesoregion in the state of Minas Gerais and the State of... more The Alto Paranaiba and Triângulo Mineiro mesoregion in the state of Minas Gerais and the State of São Paulo have a number of industries with eucalyptus chip fired boilers that produce great amounts of ash. Since thermoelectric ashes generally have good pozzolanic activity, this paper studied the mechanical behavior of cementitious composites made with raw eucalyptus chip ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement and processed under two different conditions. The mechanical behavior of the composites was measured from tests on specimens for their compressive strength, tensile strength to diametral stress and to bending. Results show ashes could be used as mineral additives.
Background; In non-olistructive hypertraph cardiomyopathy, tissue Dopplet imaging of the mitral a... more Background; In non-olistructive hypertraph cardiomyopathy, tissue Dopplet imaging of the mitral annulus shows severe syslotic and diastolic dysfunction, with naurker heterogeneity and asynehrony. In obstructive forms. Thecomplexity of pathophysiological interactions ...
... Keywords Leaf plasticity 4 Carbon isotope discrimination 4 Evergreen tree 4 Rainfall gradient... more ... Keywords Leaf plasticity 4 Carbon isotope discrimination 4 Evergreen tree 4 Rainfall gradient ... In the Mediterranean, climate change is one of the major challenges for forestry in the ... isotope composition is frequently reported as carbon isotope discrimination (D), relating the 13C ...
diagnosed in 64 (22.9%) patients. Patients with pancreatitis were divided into 2 groups. Patients... more diagnosed in 64 (22.9%) patients. Patients with pancreatitis were divided into 2 groups. Patients of the main group (28) received conventional therapy of pancreatitis in combination with the preparation on the basis on bee products (first d on the basis of royal jelly, and then d on the basis of pollen). Patients of a comparison group (36) received only traditional treatment. 30 healthy persons were also examined.
... Gomes Texeira, 4000 Porto, Portugal bInstituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, 4000 Porto, Portugal D... more ... Gomes Texeira, 4000 Porto, Portugal bInstituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, 4000 Porto, Portugal Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade de Vila Real, 5000 Vila Real, Portugal Abstract A 12-week feeding trial was conducted with 38 g rainbow trout to evaluate the effect of 20 ...
Papers by Antonio Maria Claret Gouveia